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Wealth Energetics & Becoming an Untamed Woman with Taylor Simpson image

Wealth Energetics & Becoming an Untamed Woman with Taylor Simpson

S1 E30 · This or More
103 Plays9 months ago

Get ready for a raw and honest conversation as I am joined by the bold, the shiny, the powerful Taylor Simpson. A thought leader in wealth energetics and feminine leadership, Taylor shares the key to unlocking wealth energetics and the untamed woman within. Plus, she just hosted her first big festival, so she shares the good, the bad, and the magical with us all. Let’s dive in!

We chat:

  1. What it looks like to be an untamed woman
  2. How to show up with courage & live a brave life
  3. Taylor’s tamed life before tapping into wealth energetics
  4. Developing a healthy relationship with money
  5. Are you being a good money pimp or a bad money pimp? IYKYK 😉
  6. How to embrace more feminine energy as an entrepreneur
  7. Unpacking the Untamed Experience event from Taylor’s perspective
  8. How to know if you’re ready to host your first event
  9. The key to enforcing fierce boundaries as a business owner


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Check out the Untamed Experience


Introduction and Setting the Tone

to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.

Living Untamed with Taylor Simpson

back to this or more. I'm your host Tiffany Napper and today's conversation is destined to be honest, vulnerable and really real. We're joined by a truly remarkable guest, a thought leader and wealth energetics and feminine leadership. The bold, the shiny, the powerful Taylor Simpson. Taylor is not just a feminine wealth coach. He's really a beacon of inspiration.
inspiration for all of those of us who are ready to really embrace our divine feminine essence and unlock our inner power. And today we're going to dive into the philosophy of what it really looks like to be an untamed woman, something that you have coined and what it looks like to show up with courage and just live this really brave, brave life. So without further ado, welcome back to the show, Taylor. I love it. I'm so excited for this conversation, Tiffany.
And it's like such a treat to get to drop in with you again. I'm like, yes, let's, let's go there. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Yeah. So

From Technical Glitches to Deeper Conversations

if you're wondering, no, you didn't miss an episode, but Taylor and I already had this whole interview three months ago. I was looking at the calendar. It was an early February and we had a huge tech, uh, glitch and it went into the ethers. And I just said, you know what? Whatever we, I thought it was a great conversation was like, whatever we talked about on that, on that call was not what we were supposed to talk about. So we get to, we get a do over.
a little deeper. And it's funny because since that time I've now had a chance to be in your presence and meet you in person. Which is so funny. We met. Yeah. We met at Jessica Zweig's event. I think maybe a few weeks after we had it. And so of course nothing is ever a coincidence. Everything is always divinely time. So here we go.
Yeah. So here we go. Okay. Well, let's dive in for those who aren't familiar.

Taylor's Journey to Authenticity

I want to start with a little bit of a backstory because obviously when someone hears that, you know, your title and what you do, they're like, Oh man, that's so cool. I wonder how she got into that. Right. So tell me a little bit about your background because you weren't always, you know, you can come out, you didn't come out of the womb as this energetic feminine wealth embodiment person, right? Like a lot of this takes, as we know, it takes work to get here. So tell me a little bit about your background and what you were doing before, before this.
Yeah, I like to say my previous life will go a full plot twist here. My very rock bottom of my tamed life was spending a night in jail and landing an over eaters anonymous and anger management all within like a 48 hour window to the outside during that time in my
early mid 20s, I look like I had it all. I had the job on Capitol Hill. I then worked for the UN. I had the marriage, the apartment in Washington, DC, all the things. But on the inside, I was an absolute mess because I was
didn't realize living a very tamed life, meaning a life that I'm sure a lot of people can resonate with that just wasn't true to me. A life that I got these degrees to make my dad happy or these degrees to make the outside world look like I am successful or someone and got married the person that I thought I was supposed to marry because that's just what you do in your early 20s is you marry the first person that gives you love and attention and
And so I was living this life that was just not true to me. And when I hit that rock bottom of anger management and asking for help, I remember sitting on my couch with my then spoiler alert ex-husband and never felt so alone in my life.
And I thought, how in the world did I get here? How did this happen? Because little Taylor was always happy, covered in glitter, singing, dancing, carried around a suitcase in her own home with outfit changes. Like where did she go? Like where in my timeline did she get lost? And so I began to really go deep in Dr. Joseph Benza work into different types of mindset work and
went through spiritual awakening and went down that rabbit hole and then quickly took control of my life and started to burn down what was complete and end-soul contracts that had also been complete. And so as I dove into my own self-realignment, my own journey, I began to share that online. And over the years, continuously share that online, Human Design 62, so I'm the role model. I meant to learn and teach, learn and teach, learn and teach.
And so now here we are as a manifestation of me unraveling and becoming an untamed woman, which is now, as you said, a thing, a word that I very much use a lot.
Yeah, the two things came up for me when you were chatting. Number one is I always find it fascinating, those of us who have kind of gone through the fire, come out on the other side, and the similarities behind some of the words that we use. So I have a keynote presentation called Hustle to Harmony. I talk about my story of going through severe burnout and becoming unrecognizable to myself and having a bit of a short temper, which is very outside of my character.
And I say on stage because now I've done it so many times that it's like a little bit of like a lyric to me. I'm like, I remember I was like, how did I get here? And then I say, well, I got here because I let the outside world dictate what would bring me happiness. And that wasn't that wasn't aligned with who I was anymore. So that resonated so much with me when you were talking about, you know,
You wake up one day and you're like, how did I get here? And I think we have to have those moments sometimes in order to step across that really big hurdle and say, OK, I'm going to change. Yeah, that bridge I like to refer to it as, that in-between bridge of our past self that we can clearly see is no longer aligned, even though it might be scary to leave that past self. And this bridge that we see is leading us to a life
It's a little bit scary and kind of nervous and excited. And that bridge, we kind of have to walk across it. Otherwise we're choosing to stay in the life that no longer is aligned. And that leads to burnout and let exhaustion and overwhelm and underwhelm. And usually health issues and all these other things that start to kind of unravel when we ignore our inner knowing, right? When we ignore what we really know to be true.
And, and sometimes, you know, it seems like, but I'm doing what everyone tells me to do. How is that wrong? And that can be conflicting, you know, can feel conflicting. Um, but, uh, but it's, you know, it just requires you to go deeper, ask the questions to yourself, like what do you really need? Yeah. Yeah. And then it gets easier. Well, it's a muscle.
It is a muscle. I know. I know. If you're listening and that scared you, yes, it does get easier. The first time is always going to be the hardest. We're like jump. Taylor, you may know this about me. Yeah. When you land on your feet, you're like, oh, that wasn't so bad. After all, I can do that again. But yeah, I used to be a yoga teacher and I always said, you did the hardest part. You got here. You rolled out your mat because truly, you know, the hardest part is that first step that we take. Yeah. I love it.
Well, I'm curious what you say to this. So I, um, and we're going to come to this in a second. You just had a huge experience that you hosted. I am a few months out of hosting my retreat, but at my retreat, I had this question. I asked all of the women to journal on, on day one, actually. And it resonated with a lot of them. I see, I'm seeing it spring even now being sprinkled about in emails and on social media posts. Like it was one of those that just, you know, sometimes you hear something and you're like, Oh, that just landed.
So I want to propose it to you and I'm curious what comes up for you. So the question was what if your joy could save the world? What does that make you think of? If my joy could save the world, I would continue to live the way I've currently been living. Yeah.
It definitely shows that you're in your element, like you're exactly where you're supposed to be. What would you say to someone who's listening and maybe is thinking, ooh, maybe I'm living a little bit of a tamed life and I'd like to be a little more untamed.
What, what would you say are some maybe, you know, maybe some signs or, or maybe obviously if they're thinking that they know it. And so then what, what would be some baby steps? Hmm. I love this. And I, I'll piggyback it off of that beautiful question of, of the word joy. And it's funny that word joy was my word for 2023.
So that's why I'm like, joy is like my, my like DNA at this point. And so for women who might be thinking, what is a tamed life? And the example I like to give, sting a little bit, or you might find it really funny, either one doesn't matter.
is attained life is living a muggle life. So if you've ever watched Harry Potter, Red Harry Potter, the muggles are like the humans. In Raising My Hand, we like to joke and untamed, and it became a thing at the untamed experience last week of
Don't be a muggle, like this fun little play on words, but it really is this moment of humanness, but asleep humanness. So muggles and Harry Potter are the humans that aren't like the wizards. They're very much in the matrix. They very much don't believe, and we can create a reality. And we've all been muggles at some point. None of us were born spiritually aware and awoken. Like we had to remember.
Truth. And so the tame woman is wanting to no longer be a muggle and she wants to live a life that is a little lighter, a little more herself. And it's just like an in-between stage of, you know, if you're listening to this and thinking, oh, I kind of live a muggle life, like, or, oh, I remember when I lived a muggle life. And it's that, that in between.
a nerve sighted space of, I know I meant to be my fullest self. But it's a little scary because what if I get abandoned? What if people don't understand me? What if they misunderstand me? So the tame woman continues to live in a box while watching other people from the sideline.
And so the first step to untaming yourself isn't going, uh, going unhinged. There was actually that trend. That's like my unhinged era. And I'm like, I don't want to be unhinged because the definition of unhinged.
mentally unstable. I did a whole reel on it. I'm like, okay, on the unhinged trend, do not get the word untamed and unhinged ever mixed up because untamed is actually remembering who you are, not going batshit crazy and like
blowing everything through the wind, it's actually truly stepping into who you are. So the first step is making the conscious choice that you're ready to make a change. Making the conscious choice of no longer being a victim, no longer pointing the finger, the conscious choice of taking radical responsibility for every fucking decision you've made up until this point.
Every one of them is choosing to forgive other people who put you in the box and the version of you who also put yourself in the box. So these are the first few steps that once you start to unravel this by taking radical responsibility and choosing to become untamed, immediately you're going to feel a lightness off your shoulders.
Your chest, your heart space is going to open up because you're going to start remembering and unlocking truth, right? Not my truth, not your truth, but truth, which is love, right? The ultimate truth is love, capital T, love. And we're living tamed in a box that's fear and shame and ickiness, everything but love. But when we choose to untame ourselves, we're choosing to come back to love. So that's where I would say the first few steps just to get the juices flowing.

Joy and Self-Love as Transformative Forces

Yeah, and for a lot of people it can feel, if you've spent your whole life, I was just at an event with my good friend Mary Hyatt, she speaks a lot about what it looks like to kind of live a lot of your life not loving yourself and then all of the sudden
realize, oh, it's me, I'm the problem, and I have to figure out how to love myself. That feels foreign for a lot of people, especially if you've been living a tamed life begrudgingly for a long time and adopted some habits that you don't like about yourselves. Let's be honest, we've all been there at some point in time.
Yeah, I wonder, I always say to people, and I'm curious what your insight would be on this, but I always say it sounds so counterintuitive, but when you're feeling that friction of like, I know I need to love myself, but it feels really hard to love myself right now. I always say, go love someone else a little harder then. Go love a stranger. Go give to someone. Just project your love out, because what will inevitably happen is you'll receive some love back. And as you receive a little bit of love back, it fills up your tank a little, and you start to realize you're lovable again.
But I'm curious what you would say about that. Yeah, one of our mantras and the foundation of everything that we do in untamed is in love for love. And so my answer
is very similar to yours of how can you not make it about you? How can you allow yourself to reach out to someone, say, hey, thank you. Hope you're doing amazing. What can I do to support you? Write a handwritten letter. I mean, hello. Can we like start doing that again? Can we make handwritten letters like trendy again? I am all about that life.
write a letter to a friend, to a family member, and start to pour into other people, not from a place of, this is going to get me more love because I know that our ever flowing, given reciprocal creatures, especially women, we are tapped into that 24 seven, that just by doing that is going to increase your vibration. It's going to get you out of shame, the lower frequencies and the Hertz chart.
And it's going to get you into a place of, oh, my life is actually really good and I'm exactly where I need to be. And I love knowing that I have people in my life that I can reach out to and let them know that I'm thinking about them. And I trust that the right people that also think of me and love me will reach out to me. And what if we all lived our life of just giving and receiving without
taking note without tit for tat and actually allowing that love to flow unconditionally. I mean, that's the untamed way is unconditional self-love and giving of love. So beautiful. Hold that thought. Let's continue after a quick word from our sponsor.
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Welcome back. I'm so glad you're still here with us. It's your coach and host, Tiffany. Let's continue. Okay. This is a good segue because it reminds me of, I use this exact same philosophy. It's not complicated people. I use the exact same philosophy with money. So I want to talk a little bit about, you know, your feminine role as a coach.
side of you but with money i do the same thing i always say to someone like if you're feeling lack if you're feeling like money is hard money struggle i would say the first thing to do is go out there and just give a little money to someone doesn't be a lot you know and i live in natural tennessee here will have people you know a different intersections with signs and
you know, in times out of 10, you know, I don't really think about it, but then there's those moments where I'm like, oh, I'm feeling, I'm noticing a little sense of lack in my life right now. I'm going to give to someone, not again, not because I'm expecting anything back, but I do notice the shift every single time. I'm like, all of a sudden, all, you know, some, something beautiful will happen for me when I give just for the sake of, you know, giving to someone. So it's a similar concept, right? But, um, but I want to talk a little bit about
your world of what you call being a feminine wealth coach and what was your relationship with money like before?

Reframing Financial Relationships

Yeah. Yeah. I love this question because it's easy to see people with their bio feminine wealth coach and wealth expert and all these things and think, oh, that must be nice for them. They don't understand where I'm at. So I just want to just preface while they might understand where someone else is at, I've been
in my own situation as well and it really does start with choice to get out of it. And so for me, I was modeled to very different relationships around money growing up. My dad was an overspender and my mom was the one who was more conservative with the money. And I look back in hindsight and she was the more respectful one with her money. And as a child though, I only saw her shopping
and buying things that were on sale. She never would, we'd go shopping for her clothes for work or something and she'd go right back to the sale rack. So I always thought, okay, we had to save money, we might run out of money and therefore the only thing that we can ever get and are worthy of is things on sale.
So then I watched my dad overspend, buy stuff he didn't need, like just all the time getting boxes in and he fulfilled empty holes with buying things. And yeah, it would make him happy for five seconds, but then it would be on the next thing. So then as a young adult, I got stuck in the in-between. The moment I made money, I would get rid of it. But I wouldn't buy, invest in something like a program or a quality piece of clothing. No.
I would go right to the sale rack by the one shirt that I loved in every color they made and just spend all of my money on things on sale that were just fast fashion, a waste of money, not conscious whatsoever. Or I would go the opposite direction and hoard my money. And then once I felt like, okay, I have enough, I'd get rid of it.
So there was no ebb and flow. It was either gripping or throwing away. Zero respect for money. And eventually as I continued to hit negative zero, negative zero on my bank account and would have to call my mom in college crying to help get me out, she's like, all right, you got to figure this out because I can no longer enable you anymore. Well, that turned into thousands of dollars in credit card debt because I still did not learn
how to work with money and it really wasn't until I would say with my rock bottom and I started taking radical responsibility of my own life and not letting my ex-husband take care of me or my parents take care of me and jump in and save me, that's where I got really deep into okay.
Let me learn the masculine of money. Let me learn the feminine of money, the basics. Like I entered into basics and basics of money. And then I got more into the esoteric and to the energy of money into what I teach now. But it started off with probably a book of what is money 101 and then going from there.
Yeah, yeah. It's so fascinating. And I think I think I think a lot of the world probably would do. I'm curious how much would change if everybody in America, let's just start there, just sat down today and actually journaled on
their history with money, how, what, you know, how it was perceived growing up in their household. And, and just took a minute to become tuned into that, because I had to do that as well. I had the reverse situation, my dad was very balanced, the checkbook to the penny, like, very conservative. My mom was not, did not spend freely, but she because of my dad's kind of tight rain, you know, we shopped the sale racks, and I'm not, you know, just loved a good bargain, like that was our, you know,
Yeah. Yeah. And, um, and so I realized mid thirties, like, you know, many, many years into my entrepreneurial journey that I had an unhealthy relationship with money is what I like to call it. Um, and I was severely kind of like
felt like it was hard to get like it was hard to keep like i couldn't charge my worth all of these kind of lack mentalities around it and went on a pretty deep dive for about a year i was mentally trying to rewire my subconscious around.
how money responds to me and how I feel about money, right? So I'm curious, you mentioned feminine and masculine, the masculine and feminine energies of money. Tell me more. Yes. I'll give you the funniest way. I've been teaching wealth energetics for a long time and as I teach, I'm sure you're the same way of finding those perfect stories and analogies on how to explain a very basic concept.

Money as Energy Metaphor

so over the years, I think for the past four years, I've been teaching this concept and I can promise you it's going to land. I can promise you you're going to remember it because you've never heard it shared this way before and it's edgy. Therefore, your brain will wire it accordingly. So I like to teach money as she is a slut. She is a money slut.
She loves to sleep around, but she's like a conscious slut. Don't get me wrong. She's a conscious slut. She's not just some, you know, like unpaid sex worker, like she takes care of herself. So he's going to be really clear. She's bougie. And so money is a sacred slut. When we are the
holder of the money when we are the pimp of this sacred slut and we hold onto her. We try to control her wild essence, her liberated essence. The moment that this sacred slutty money squeezes out of your not sacred, not conscious pimp hand,
Money is energy. She's going to go tell all the other sacred slut money that you're a bad pimp and not to come back to you. Because if you do, she's never going to let you go and she's going to not treat you nicely and she's going to not respect you.
And so then eventually the other, the word gets out and money starts to get hard coming into your life. And now the flip side, if you're a good money pimp and you respect your money and you say, go free, slutty money, like
Go do your thing. Enjoy. Be liberated. Take care of yourself. Go into the hands of other people that will also respect you because you're worthy of that. And let the word be spread that I take care of you and that I respect you. And whenever other slutty monies come into my life, I'll take care of them and I'll give them a daiquiri, a margarita, a good book to read. I'll give them something to do. Go into a savings account. Go into a program. I'll delegate accordingly.
Money is energy. Money communicates. Energy communicates. So the question for you, are you being a good money pimp or a bad money pimp? And what word on the street about your pimp skills is being spread about with money? Oh my God. That's so good. That's so good. So yeah, be a better money pimp. Yeah. Never forget it.
I will never forget it. Well, you know, the one I share is about Cheetos and people always remember it as well, but I use Cheetos as my money and I was healing my money mindset and it's like, you can't forget, you can't forget it. I love it. And I think this, I think what I would take away from both, you know, the money slut pimp situation and even my Cheetos situation is we both come up with ways to kind of take away the seriousness
adding play into it, having fun with it, right? Money, creating money gets to be fun. It gets to be playful. We don't have to be so like, yeah, serious and adult. We can be like, and be respectful of our money, but we could also be playful with it because it is energy and it wants to, it wants to flow in and out of our lives. And so yeah, if we're getting wrapped up in the seriousness of it, it's constricting the flow of money. Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Yeah. I think everything in life these days could, but we could benefit from, um, taking ourselves a little less seriously. Yep. I like to say, take yourself sacredly, not seriously. And when you take yourself sacredly and not seriously, you attract other people in situations that are also living a sacred life, which is a serious decision.
Sure. Yeah, that's beautiful. I love that. I love that. So you're obviously really knowledgeable and share a lot about what it looks like. We'll segue a little bit into, you know, you're a boss, you're a business owner, right? Entrepreneurs who listens to this podcast.
You talk a lot about the feminine and the masculine energy and especially I'm really embracing the feminine energy. We're going to talk about your festival in just a second. It was looks like it was incredible and incredibly activating for the attendees. But tell me, you know, if someone is not, you know, they're like, how do I get how do I embrace more feminine energy when I am the boss? And there's so much of my day to day that kind of requires me to be in my masculine energy. What are some things that you share with people?
I've been there so I can resonate so deeply with this. The first, I would say half of my entrepreneurial journey, I was in the hyper masculine push, hustle, do goals, like crush it, hashtag boss, all the things and it worked, but it left me uninspired.
And I remember when I'd hear people, when I was in that masculine and I could feel myself getting close to burnt out and I'd hear people talking about feminine leadership. But I'm like, what the fuck is this? Like, what are you going to wear? Like a dress? And like, I had this whole picture painted of, you don't do anything, nothing gets done. You're just in your feminine and you make money? Like bullshit.
I hated hearing conversations like this. So if anyone's like cringe, I get it. I get it. I hear you. I see you. And, and let's like, let's move forward a little bit.

Balancing Creativity and Structure in Business

And what that looks like is actually learning how to create harmony with your inner masculine
and feminine, meaning taking a look. Is your business built on quicksand or a solid foundation? It's your backend. So in order to get your feminine, your masculine has to actually be healed. Not the wounded masculine of hustle, grind, launch. That's the wounded masculine.
It's actually sitting down and looking at all of your structures, all of your systems, your email systems, your launch plan, like all of the doing things, are they clean? Are they organized? Is there a plan? Are there systems in your backend for money to come into or are you just sending out PayPal links and random shit? Are things being tracked? So step one is to actually, it's kind of sounds backwards, is to make sure the masculine is healthy.
in your back end, because what happens when women who want to shift more to the feminine, they get scared because, well, if I shifted into my feminine, everything I've built will fall apart. If I shift into my feminine and I soften, that means I'll make less money. It's actually the opposite, but you have to make sure that you learn to trust your inner masculine, therefore trust the systems that you have in place. And the moment you can look at your whole business and think,
Oh yeah, this back end is solid. I have the support that I need. I've delegated. Every pillar is cleaned up. Oh, now I can actually trust the things are working. So my feminine isn't gripping and trying to control.
And then you can shift into the feminine, which is creation, which has ideas, birthing new ideas. And you can stay in this creative state anytime you want to shift into creative mode because you have a healthy masculine in place where people I see get it, you know, it's kind of turns into a shit show when they jump into the feminine and create and all these ideas, which are great ideas. But then they don't ever execute.
they don't ever build the sales page. They just come up with all these ideas and wonder why they're not making money, wonder why no one's signing up. And so it's easy to do a pendulum swing. So the invitation is to find harmony between the two
And then naturally, your feminine is going to lead. It's how we're wired to energetically feminine leads. Physically, the masculine leads. It's an infinity loop. Feminine leads energetically, the masculine leads physically. When you can get that down within yourself and in your business, you're going to attract more ideal clients, more people who are ready to invest, not in victim state because you've healed
your inner feminine and masculine. So it's a really quick shift, but it's a little scary in the beginning, but it's worth it. Yeah. And I love, love, love how detailed you just went because this is also a conversation I have. Last year I coined my soft CEO era and it became this whole thing. And there were some people that had the wrong impression of what that meant. And I've tried really hard to explain.
Not everyone can jump right into your soft CEO era. If you're brand new in your business and you haven't sold anything yet, you're not in your soft CEO area. You've still got to do some work, but once you've proven to yourself you can do this and you've got a six plus figure revenue business every year,
I invite you to come with me into your soft CEO era, because that does mean that we are trusting the masculine. It does mean we're trusting the systems. It does mean we're going to become a better leader, because we're going to stop being so controlling. And it does mean we're trusting our intuition. And that's where we get, you know, all of these amazing epiphanies that end up allowing us to, again, be thought leaders and all of the things. So I love how detailed you just went. Thank you on that.
I love a good detail because nothing's more for me annoying than I listened to a podcast episode. And they're like, just being your feminine, just thinks later and manifest. I'm like, give me the fucking details. It's not that easy, folks. If it was that easy, we would all just do that and be millionaires. Yeah. No.
Okay. Let's talk about your festival because I've been dying to catch up. I was like, I don't want to talk about it until we hit record. So you just hosted your very first untamed festival. And for those listening, this was a large, um, think about like what you would envision for a music festival, like a retreat meets a music festival. Did I get that right? Yep. Yep. And that's why we actually changed the name to the untamed experience because
It wasn't the word festival didn't even encompass it. And now that we've had it, we're like, yep, it's an experience. Okay. So you just hosted it. What was your location? Costa Rica.
Costa Rica, okay, first of all, that kudos. Like I know how hard it is to put on an event. I came from the music industry and you did this beautiful, and you know, speaking of feminine, like just such a unique concept that I've never seen anyone bring to light. So that was really cool.
So talk to us, tell us about what it was like to pull off an event of that magnitude.

The Untamed Experience Festival

Let's start there. Um, depending on the day, some days I can be real honest. I'm sure I'll get asked this question many times now here moving forward.
You're actually the first podcast I've done since, since the experience. So I love that you asked this cause I'm like, I'm going to always be honest as fuck whenever I do something new and yeah, this didn't exist. So I just be really clear. So the untuned experience, I love festivals, like why I created it because I love the idea of festivals. I, the idea of going to a festival though, where everyone's most people, I won't make an umbrella assumption. Most people are on drugs or something.
And I'm like all about plant medicine life, but in a proper setting. So I'm like, I don't want to, I want to get dressed up. I want to go listen to music, but I don't want to have to protect myself energetically with creepers and people on drugs. Like don't sign me up for that. And then I'm like, I love posting retreats. I love the depth, but I want more. I want, I want more play. I want more celebration, less, less heaviness, less crunchiness. And I want to
I want to get dressed up and I want to make friendship bracelets and I want to have summer camp again. Like remember summer camp was so fun as a kid, you would braid hair and have bracelets and do arts and crafts and have delicious food and be outside. And I thought, well, this literally doesn't exist. So as the Ente woman does, she goes first. It's part of who we be. She is a chain breaker, new paradigm creator as part of our mantra.
And so I birthed the untamed experience, which is the first ever all women's substance free festival experience in Costa Rica, which just blows my mind. And so with that, creating something with zero, like
precedents of before it where I had no one to be like, Hey, how did you do this? Hey, what about this? Just alchemy from literally a vision that I was gifted in Bufo. Um, so some days I was in tears. Like what the fuck am I doing? Like, like how in the world are we even going to like not be in the negative financially for this is, are we going to fill it? I mean, everything, every doubt would come just
barreling in, smack me on the face, knock me down on my ass. My husband, thank God, is the most masculine, empowering, just lets me be in my feminine chaos man. He served in seven different combat tours in Iraq. So when I say he's the divine masculine for the feminine to lose her fucking shit in, it's him. I thank God every day. I'm like, I see what you did there, God. I see what you did. You found me a man that could hold all of my chaos.
And so those days were like, you know, you know, far and few between, but they were there and they're very real. And I want to always just be honest with that, like, um, doing something new is scary and terrifying. And then also my God, 99% of the time was the
This is going to be incredible. This is going to change the world. This is going to change the game for what substance free events get to look like. This is going to transform lives. It's going to be incredible to see all of my pockets of different retreat women who have become friends through the untamed program. They get to meet in flesh for the first time, which is so surreal for me. And so that always was the
the reminder that got out of any of my human muggle moments. And I'm so grateful that I had a massive support team around me of people who would take my visions and execute them. And it was just a blast. The community in Untamed got involved and gave ideas and
and showed up there and we had people be hype women and ambassadors. And it was just truly became a we event, not just a me event, which I think attest to it fully selling out. And we're already now for next year, just at 50% full already. And we just ended the event like four days ago, five days ago. So that just goes to show that all of my tears were worth it.
Whenever you can do something and it's like on the other side of it, everyone's like more and more and more. It was worth it. It was worth it. The moment I hit the stage for opening ceremony and saw everyone, I'm like, and I held that vision the whole time, eight months of working on this, I held the vision of
opening ceremony, walking on the stage and seeing everyone for the first time. And to see that was just the most beautiful gift, like the most beautiful gift I could ever have been given. So anyone who wants to host retreats events, like hold the vision that you have for opening ceremony. That I can promise you will get you through all of the lies and the stories and the fear.
Yeah. Yes. 100%. 100%. Yeah. So I'm so glad we're talking about this because I did a whole podcast episode when I came back from my retreat. This is my third year for the retreat. I take a group of women to Sayui to Mexico. This is my third year. And even though I had more support on my team this year than I've ever had in the past, you know, because we learn a little bit every time we do these things, right?
Even though I had more support, I came home from that trip and I was just wiped. I was just energetically. Now, I'm a manifestor on the human design. I'm a four-winged three. I'm not really like an energizer bunny. I'm not meant to just kind of pour, pour, pour, pour. And I know that about myself. And this is a five-day retreat. So on the tail end of it, on my way home, I was like, I've got nothing left to give.
I, you know, when you, you know, when you get so tired that even the idea of rest feels exhausting. That's where I was. So I did a whole podcast episode, because I was like, I'm gonna be honest, I look this morning, I googled how to take a sabbatical, like, that's how tired I was. So thank you for also sharing, you know, see so much of the highlight reels these days. And I think it's really, really important that
Um, we, we let people see like the good, the bad, the ugly, like all of it. And yes, the good outweighs the bad, but it doesn't mean that we have to pretend like the bad doesn't exist. Yeah. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. So doing it again next year. Tell us the details. Next year for sure. And you know, it's, it's, I know it was just so activating and divinely alive for me.
For me, it was kind of the opposite of coming off the back end because my team, they're like, we're going to take Monday, Tuesday off. I'm like, do your thing, like take a break. And I was like full and our jars of money. I'm an MG. And so I was like, we're selling space for next year. We got people sign up for our grease retreat in October. Like I'm just, I'm in the creative flow of untamed. I was mapping out a bunch of the rest of the year's workshops and my team was just cracking and laughing because
Did I sleep until 12 o'clock every day for like four days, absolutely absolutely. Yes. Like I got my rest, but my creative energy was through the roof and still is to this day. And we're just, you know, just I think a beautiful reflection of just, I mean, it was a big energy there, big, big energy and activation. So just a different flavor. Yeah. I think the festival energy gives that life to it.
Yeah, for sure. What do you do, or what would you say to someone else who's listening? Because I have a lot of people who listen who are also coaches of some capacity, right? Like when we're talking about, and I use that term, holding energetic space for people, and that just means I'm giving my mental energy to you, I'm giving my emotional energy to you, right?
And when I say that, for me, that's really sacred. And that's something that I know I have a little bit of a limit on. It's just not infinite, right? What would you say to someone listening who is thinking, okay, I want to do an event, but how do I know what my limits are going to be? How do I put in the right team to support me? What did you, you were planning this experience?
What were you thinking as far as like, Oh, I know I need to have these people around me to make sure I can show up as my full self.
Yeah, it's making sure that everyone was doing everything. So the only job that I had was to show up on stage. That was it. Like I don't get myself water. I don't do my hair. I don't do my makeup. Like I had someone live in my house. My hairstylist did my makeup and my hair and followed me around for the day and was there present with me. So I made sure that I had a full squad on the ground with me.
And for me, when I do any in-person work, I'm opting from the 5D. So I'm tapping into infinite, infinite flow of energy and alignment and love. And when I'm holding space and for anyone who wants to get into space holding, I have really big boundaries energetically.
So, I am fully present with people and that's the transformations that happen at the event because I'm so fully present and holding infinite space because I'm working in the 5D on the 3D. I don't let people take my energy. I don't give people my energy. I have just a really thick bubble and so people respect that.
And it doesn't get drained. And so that's why I just, I firmly believe I'm never drained after events emotionally because I have such big boundaries there. And so yeah, just making my recommendation is making sure you have a team where your only job is to get on stage or to host, whatever it is.
and to have really fierce, not physical boundaries, like I am on the ground hugging people, interacting, crying, dancing, twerking, like, but my energetic bubble, no one's taking and no one's, yeah, no one's taking my energy.
Yeah. Yeah. So good. So good. Do you, I just have to ask because this was a downfall I made. Do you check your email while you're here? I actually don't check my email ever. I haven't ever been in my email and for the past, I'd say probably three years, unless I have to go in there to like get a receipt to return something at Amazon, but I'm just never, ever, ever, ever, ever in my email.
I love that. I'm a master delegator. I am a master, I am a, the most non-micromanaging master delegator that there could be. I love it. It's so good and it truly becomes a superpower, right? Like it really does. It's why, it's why you're able to probably be so shiny. Fully present. Yeah. Like, you know, and I, it took work to get here. So I just be clear of that. I wasn't born learning how to delegate. It took a lot of lessons, a lot of, a lot of,
Why am I doing this? Why am I checking emails? Why am I making Zoom links and just using my throat chakra to ask for what I need to delegate accordingly? Because I know my mission here and everyone listening, you have a big mission too. I believe it is our responsibility as healers, as light workers, as leaders to make sure that we are fully supported and that the only thing we're doing is to be a full divine service to those who need us. Anything that is blocking that, it is our job and our responsibility
to do what needs to be done to get it off our plate for the sake of your clients.
So good. So good. Okay. We're going to end on this concept because I was going to ask you about this and we just walked right through into this conversation about boundaries and about this concept of, you know, fierce boundaries, fierce delegation, fierce understanding that this is what I have to do because this is how I can show up best. For a lot of people, and if you're listening and this is you, that can feel really scary. I'm from the South.
I still fight, you know, fight this like good girl syndrome, I call it, right? So what would you say to someone if they're like, oh, that sounds great, but I'm scared if I put this boundary up, I'm going to, you know, lose this relationship or something in my life is going to fall apart or, you know, XYZ, something bad is going to happen. What would you say to that person listening?
love this question because it's I think a really important question now more than ever, you know, as energy is becoming more and more palpable to tap into and boundaries are more and more important to be set. So my question would be to ask yourself,
where are these abandonment wounds coming from? Because anytime we're not delegating, anytime we're fearful of giving something or being a burden or asking for help or being rejected, if we do ask for help, it's rooted in abandonment. So it's really like getting raw and honest with yourself of, do you have abandonment wounds with a parent? Do you have abandonment wounds with a friend? Have you been rejected before? Have you been left before? Have you been shamed for voicing your needs? Have you been shamed
due to sexual trauma, like how we do one thing is how we do everything. So if you're not having healthy boundaries in your business, you're not most likely having healthy boundaries money with your other relationships. And so as an untamed woman, we make sure that all pillars of our lives are clean.
That's our responsibility, that our side of the street is clean. And if it gets dirty, we take responsibility to clean it up. And so it really is getting to the icky, gritty, crunchy abandonment stuff and the throat chakra. And whenever someone has a fear of voicing their needs, voicing their truth, asking for help, setting a boundary, and they don't, the throat chakra is directly correlated with the sacral, which is the womb.
And so a lot of women hold a lot of shame, a lot of guilt, a lot of not enoughness, a lot of unworthiness. And so if you want to start speaking your truth, you got to get to the root of why your throat chakra is blocked, which is the womb, which is shame.
Yeah, yeah, which goes right back to I think how we started this conversation. Interestingly enough, we just had like a nice full circle. We talked about shame at the very start of this. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all your little nuggets of wisdom and for, you know, being here just a few days.
outside of your biggest experience to date. Again, congrats. It's really inspiring. Tell everybody where they can go to get the ticket for 2025 and then where they can find you. Oh, yes. So go to and all the information is there for 2025. Early access spots are currently open and we're just
So excited because it was already beyond my wildest dreams, this one. So I can, I could only imagine how, I don't know how it's going to get better, but we're going to make it better. Like that's it. Like we're going to, we're going to level it up somehow.
Um, so yeah, if you feel the call to be somewhere really cool next year, uh, invitation is there. And then always feel free to reach out over on Instagram at, I am Taylor Simpson. Ask any questions there. And then we have a beautiful community Instagram account become untamed where you'll see the faces of women that are in untamed, which is really important to me because untamed brand, the untamed program and the untamed now event isn't a me, it's a we.
Um, and so that's also just a really big pillar of untamed is the community aspect of it. Yeah. The sisterhood for sure. Yep. Yep. That's why I love you.
Again, just everybody go follow her on Instagram. She is a beam of light and I promise you will walk away feeling like you've got a little bit more of a pep in your step. Thank you so much for having me on. It was such a delight like round two. I love love it. I'm so glad we got to do this. All right. Thank you. I'll see you soon.
Thank you so much for tuning in today. I hope you really enjoyed this episode. If you took away a little nugget from our conversation, please share on Instagram, tag me at Tiffany Napper. We would love to see that and give you a little repost. And of course, if you're loving this or more, please share this podcast episode with a friend and tell them to tune in as well. Every time we get more listeners to this podcast, it lets us know we're reaching the right audience and we're continuing to help you grow and go.
Until next time, remember this or more is in your future. See you soon.