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Retreats, Expanders, and a 7-Figure Mindset with Samantha Daily  image

Retreats, Expanders, and a 7-Figure Mindset with Samantha Daily

This or More
88 Plays9 months ago

Do you share some of the traits of the most successful business owners? In this episode I am joined by my personal coach, 7-figure business and mindset coach Samantha Daily and we’re giving you real talk about about what it takes to run a business you love.

We chat:

  1. Why Sam ditched corporate job offers to explore love & life in Europe
  2. The key mindset to have when taking risks
  3. The power of sticking with your offers long after the excitement wears off
  4. What's an expander and why do you need them?
  5. The biggest mistakes you’re probably making in your messaging
  6. The reality of hosting retreats — what we love and what we don't love about them
  7. How phone addictions are impacting your creativity
  8. How my soft CEO era inspired Sam to step into hers


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Introduction to Samantha Daly's Journey

Hi there, it's your friend Tiffany and welcome to This or More. You're in for a treat today because today I'm bringing you some real talk with a seven-figure business and mindset coach. We chat about what it really takes to grow your business, the mindset shifts that are required for more success and so much more. But on top of all of that, today's guest has been my personal business coach for the last year.

Leaving Corporate America for Self-Discovery

So we let you into some of the conversations we've been having privately around
digital consumption, boundaries, the soft CEO era, and even hosting retreats. Samantha Daly is in the house. Samantha is a spiritual business and mindset coach, certified past life regression practitioner, and top podcast host. Her journey into the world of self-development began after she graduated college and decided to take the untraditional path by turning down her corporate job offers and moving to Europe.
She packed her life into two suitcases and left everything behind to explore the world, expand her mind, and find her purpose. And now she helps women rewire their subconscious beliefs, build successful businesses, attract love and money, and manifest their dreams. Without further ado, welcome to the show, Samantha Daley.
Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six-figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More. Welcome. Hi, Sam. I'm so excited you're here on the podcast.
Thanks for having me. I know I'm excited to chat. I know. So if you're listening and you're not aware, Sam is my personal business coach. We've been working together for what? I feel like almost a year now.

Shared Values: Yoga, Mindfulness, and Risk-Taking

It's been a while. Um, and I'm just excited to have a moment to share some of your goodness with others. You are such a strong like marketing guru and just such a really nice breath of fresh air, um, and filled with good business tips as well. So we're going to jump right in.
Before we get into some of the juicy business and mindset stories, I want to give everybody some background on how you got to where you are now. So let's back it all the way up and let's go back to time where you decided to haul over to Europe at a young age and like say goodbye corporate America and go to Europe. Tell me about that part of your life.
Yeah, my story is kind of interesting because I know there's a lot of people that end up leaving corporate for entrepreneurship, but I was one of those young ones that just like didn't even get started. Like I just barely dipped my toe. I had some internships and then I was like,
I don't think this is for me." And I kind of freaked out. And so then I just did something totally different and I decided to move to Spain. So the reason that I picked Spain was because when I was in college, I did a semester abroad and I lived in Madrid with a host family. And while I was there, I was like,
I was studying but I was mainly like traveling, partying, living life and I met this guy and I fall for this guy and I'm like, oh my gosh, what a fun kind of Lizzie McGuire moment. I'm falling in love in Europe. I'm 21. This feels

From Personal Development to Business Coaching

like the best story that I'm going to get to tell my future children someday.
And then I just really believed that that fling kind of like start of a relationship was going to end when my time abroad ended. So I came back home. I had to finish my last year at college, graduated with my degree in strategic communication. I was studying all about marketing PR and I go into like a summer internship and
I'm in corporate America, I'm in Chicago, and I'm just like, I've been so expanded by life in Europe and witnessing and seeing the, you know, the different values and the different pace and how people just live more there. And I started to really question myself, my path.
what I want to do with my career and I'm sitting in this cubicle and I'm looking at these people who are, you know, a lot of people around me are kind of like miserable, you know, they're living for the weekends, they're stressed out, they're tired, they're eating like crap at their desks. And the future of that role is sitting right in front of me in, you know,
in my bosses and when you can kind of see like oh that's where this is leading to and you're like wait I don't actually know if I want to I don't know if I want to have that like it was so jarring to my system to be like I could sit in this box until I'm 65 so I just felt like yeah this crushing sense of I don't know pressure uncertainty and I was
in love. And I was realizing, oh my gosh, I actually love this man. I thought this was going to end, but we're still communicating. We're talking. There's something there. We want to see each other. I don't know. And so what I ended up doing was when I actually graduated,
I had some job offers. I went through all the motions. I applied. I did interviews. I got offers. I did all of that, and I made a really clear decision being able to see both options and kind of hold both options in my hand, go back to Europe or take this job offer. They were both available to me, and I just thought, I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life if I don't try, if I don't just leap, jump,
take this free fall and just see what happens.

Building and Launching Successful Programs

I'm young. I have nothing holding me back. I don't have a car. I don't have a house. I don't have a family. I don't have kids. I don't really have anything tying me. If I don't do it now, there's never going to be a better time. That's what helped me decide to just decline my corporate job offers and pack my life into two suitcases and
Go off to Europe and see what would happen with that relationship and just live in Spain again and travel and try to get fluent in the language and and really just like discover myself and what I wanted out of life and so that you know moving to moving back to Spain and living in Europe.
I said, I'll do it for a year and we'll see what happens. And that year turned into a little bit over six years and the relationship worked out. We're still together, still very much in love. So I'm really glad that I trusted myself with that. But that, you know, experience of living abroad was really my
Journey into personal development self-discovery Yoga as we've talked about we have similarities in our journey of like getting reconnected with yoga and having that open up a whole portal of spirituality personal development So many things and that ultimately helped me. Yeah, find my path and find my way as a coach. Yeah
Yeah, and obviously I gravitated towards you because we do have so much in common, and so much different as well, but so much in common in the fundamentals of the yoga, the mindfulness, the journaling, the affirmations, the being willing to take the big risks and make the big leaps. And being action takers, I think that's what I love the most about you as well, is just your story is filled with just this bold, brave action because you just believed and knew that
it would somehow work out. The risk felt way more exciting and didn't feel as much like a risk, obviously. And I think that's where a lot of people get stuck is that just feels too risky for them, right? What do you find to be the thing that's like a differentiator between the person who's willing to take that big risk and the person who's like, nope, I'm going to stay here. I'm not going to take that risk.
I think a lot of things come into play, especially when it comes to privilege, security, finances, all that kind of stuff. But if we're to look at it from a character level or an energetic level, I think the differentiator is really
self-doubt versus self-trust when you are a person who has consistently doubted yourself doubted your ability you are not going to be able to muster the courage to do something that you're scared of but trust that you know they'll be a landing on the other side
Or I think what sometimes people misunderstand is like trusting means that I just know that it's going to be perfect or I know that it's going to work out. And that's not really what trust is, at least in my mind. It's like, what is faith? It means can we walk blindly? It means not knowing.
and doing it anyways, but believing that you'll be okay no matter what. That's what faith and trust really is, is I actually don't know if this is going to be the right thing for me. I don't know if this is going to work out. I don't know if I'm going to love it. I don't know if I'm going to hate it. This could totally crumble and I could decide that was a bad decision. I don't like this, but the self-trust piece is, and I believe in my ability to navigate that if that were to happen.
I trust myself enough to know that I will be wise enough, resourceful enough, intelligent enough, courageous enough to do whatever I need to do to figure out the next step, even if this doesn't work out. And I think that's the thing that's helped me take so many risks, not just moving abroad, risking everything for that relationship, big business investments, starting my own business, all of these things, putting yourself out there online.
Yeah, it could not work out. Maybe no one buys. Maybe it doesn't work. Maybe I get hate. Maybe I get made fun of. Maybe whatever. Yeah, that's all a real possibility. And self-trust means that I'm able to see that and not let it stop me because I believe that I'll be able to handle it.
Yeah. So good. When you started out, um, you know, when you were like, okay, I'm gonna, cause you were teaching, I think when you were a little bit, a little bit, when you were in Spain and you started dabbling in the world of entrepreneurship, you were really more in the mindfulness side of things in the beginning, right? Yeah. Yeah. So my, my business really started in personal development mindset wellness. That's like where it all began because of my foundations.
in, you know, yoga, doing my yoga teacher training, being really rooted in spirituality, mindfulness, as you said. And so it was all about like, wow, you know, I've changed so much of my life and my perspective of

Cultivating a Millionaire Mindset

the world. And I've realized that I'm the creator of my reality.
And I can actually manipulate what's happening in the world around me and what's happening for me and the opportunities that are coming to me based on the frequency that I'm operating at and how I'm thinking and how I'm seeing things and how I'm reframing things. And oh my gosh, this is such a life-changing toolbox. I really want to share this with other people. And so I started sharing
Instagram I started blogging and then that kind of like turned into an e-book which then I was like oh I think I could really like I think people need a little more support in learning this instead of just like reading it maybe I could guide people through it as they go through my e-book and workbook and that was my first you know one-on-one coaching kind of offer was like guiding people through that experience of here are the tools here's how we shift our mindset you know subconscious reprogramming and
changing our beliefs about money, seeing the opportunities in the world, raising our vibration to operate at a frequency of that which we wish to attract. And so yeah, that was really the foundation of my work initially in coaching was like mindset, manifestation, mental wellness, all that stuff.
Yeah. And then, you know, fast forward because you had success, you know, you had these programs and you were teaching these things and it was going well and start, people started asking you, okay, how did you do that? Like, how did you build this thing? And so.
you know, eventually this evolved into what you kind of do now, which is the hybrid of the business with all of the good, you know, mindset programming around it. But what I think is so interesting and what you do so well that I think needs to be talked about is you have built up a few programs, courses, group coaching programs, et cetera, that you are just loyal to. And what I mean by that is in this day and age, it's really easy, shiny object syndrome. It's really easy to feel like
We're always, people are always throwing spaghetti at the walls reinventing. Oh, I gotta do this course. Now this course, now this program, now this offer. And you have done such a great job at just being like, nope, this thing that I built, this thing is really, really good. And we're going to sell it over and over and over again. And in particular, I'm thinking obviously about what one of your probably more known programs is abundant and ambitious, right? How many times have you launched that now and tell me about that evolution for you and that journey for you?
Yeah, I have some signature programs that we've launched quite a few times. I think From Burned Out to Badass is like 11 or 12 rounds. Abundant and ambitious, as you mentioned, will be going into the seventh round later this year. And I think it's surprising to people. I think my energy, people can guess if they're into human design, like I'm definitely a manifesting generator. But I think this part of how I operate in business is surprising to people knowing that I'm a manifesting generator.
Which, you know, we kind of have all these different interests and we're always loving change. And I'm definitely like that. So I totally get, I'm not just

The Role of Self-Trust and Risk-Taking

one of those people that where it's like easy for me to just stick to the same thing. Some people are naturally like that. They're like, oh, this is my one thing. I love it. Don't need to deviate. No, I'm constantly, you know, looking for new stimulation. I love novelty. I get bored. I want to do new things all the time. I'm multi passionate. I have a million things I want to talk and teach about. And so I get it. I understand moving through that.
But I think there's power in having loyalty to the things that you've built. And I think if you've built something that you know really freaking works and is so good, it's like, why would I not do it? Why would I not keep offering this? It's changing people's lives. Let's go. That gets me excited.
Yeah. Do you feel like in the beginning, when you first launched, let's take, um, let's take, um, abundant and ambitious as an example, um, in the beginning, the first launch versus where you are now. Tell me a little bit about the roads we've traveled. Like what's the progress been like? What was that first launch like? Was it good? Was it mediocre? Was it great? Did it surprise you?
Yeah, so the first launch, I think, you know, for a while, as you mentioned, I was in my life and mindset coaching practice, and I had built that to multiple six figures. And what was happening was a lot of my private clients at that time were, you know, they had changed their lives, their minds, their perspective, as though they were starting to kind of want to
get out of the rat race of a nine to five, or they had something they were really passionate about or a skill that they were really good at. And they wanted to turn that into a business. And so my one-on-one coaching, even though it was supposed to be like life and mindset, it was like now kind of becoming this like mini, like build a business sort of thing. And my coach at the time was like, you're already business coaching. People want to know how you did this. Like just go for it. Just do it. So there was a lot of resistance on my part because I felt like I needed to be
further along. I needed to be this like multi-millionaire, eight-figure earner in order to have the right to teach someone or tell someone like, here's a great way to start, build, grow, scale a business. There was a lot of like conquering of that. So in that first launch of a one in ambitious, because that was my first ever like business offering that I was putting out into the world, I was like,
I would love to have 10 women inside of this little mini group mastermind experience, but I will be so happy with five. I'll just be so elated if five people trust me enough to guide them in their business building journey. I was blown away because that first launch ended up being 25 women in that group.
And I was just like, wow. And normally that's not always my story. So I try to have really big goals, but also realistic expectations and know that I'm going to be okay either way and kind of holding that non-attachment to the outcome. But I think I was so non-attached to the outcome.
that it was like extra magnetic because I truly, truly, truly was not expecting it. I know sometimes we try to manufacture the non-attachment of like, I'd really love 30, but like it's okay if not, but like inside you're like, no, it's not okay.

Refining Programs for Success

But since I literally was like so not expecting it and maybe it's because it was like the first time I was actually putting something out like that and people really wanted it. But yeah, it like really exploded and it was
Such a an amazing experience for me and all the women inside that group like at the time of my life Guiding that first group through up on an ambitious and I just knew like this is what I meant to do like I really found My talent in that I I was able to like
Channel on those calls i was. I don't know i felt so alive and on purpose and so i just kind of knew that that was the direction but now i feel you know launches for an ambitious to your point of like what's the comparison of where it started where it is now of course there is a lot more.
like, logical stuff in the back end, we're rinsing and repeating launches, we have the master classes on, you know, cycle, we've got the email copy, there's with it's way more in depth, there's it's way more of a machine. Nowadays, I guess I would say to back then when I was just like,
I'm going to try it. I don't know what's going to happen. Um, but there's beauty in that too, of, of knowing what you're doing and knowing how to do it and just sticking to what works. Um, and still even now, you know, I think right now there's like 48 women inside this current round of a button and ambitious, which is our largest cohort yet. And it just keeps getting more and more exciting as the years pass of watching more and more women take control of their lives and their futures and build really purpose-driven heart centered businesses. So yeah, it's amazing.
So, you know, speaking of all these women, whether it be your one-on-ones, your masterminds, your abundant, ambitious graduates, are there any specific tools that you've noticed over the years really cut through the noise and make an impact and help people start to cultivate this, you know, for lack of a better term, like this millionaire mindset, this mindset that we can be fully in control of our lives and that everything is available to us? Are there any specific tools or techniques that come to mind?
Yeah, I think expanders are huge when it comes to this. Shifting your identity or your belief around what's possible is going to happen so much faster when you have lots and lots of proof. And I think this is where people struggle because they're like, well, I don't have the proof in my own life. But you can use other people's proof as your proof. You can use what's happening for other people as the example that it's available, that it's possible, that it's not crazy, that it's more common than you think.
So finding these people that can be expanders for you and getting close to them and getting in rooms with them Maybe it's being mentored by them or just being in a mastermind with them Maybe you it's like in-person events you go and you meet these people and you're like
Wow, these are regular ordinary women that are anything but ordinary. They look ordinary, but they are extraordinary because look at what they've built, look what they've created, look at this impact, look at this income. It just reminds you like, oh, I don't need to be
a celebrity in order to have access to these things like wealth, success, recognition, financial freedom, all of that. So the expander piece has been huge for me and I've seen it happen with my clients where if you get in the right room and everybody is doing big things or making big moves or taking risks or celebrating financial wins, it
it normalizes it for you and there's an element of needing to normalize what you think is not possible because as long as you believe that it's crazy, it's wild, it's one in a million, it's a long shot, it's out there in the distance, maybe it'll happen for me in 10 years,
The further that you throw your dreams out into the future, the farther away that you are getting from actually being able to harness the magic required to create that reality for yourself now. So I think that's, yeah, that's just been one of the biggest pieces is getting around people that help you feel like, oh, this is actually normal.
Yeah, like your normal is only normal because it's what you've been exposed to but you could be exposed to a totally different normal like how do you think why do people say like the rich get richer because wealthy people run in wealthy circles and Everybody that they know and their family members and their ancestors and everyone has experienced wealth and so it's like well, of course, it's possible It's inevitable. It's all around me. It's not hard. Everybody's rich. Everybody has money. I
And because they feel that and they have that normalcy around it, it becomes easier to access. So there's a huge part of finding expanders, I think.
Yeah, proximity is everything. It's funny, I was at dinner last night with my mom and one of my good friends, and somehow the conversation came up about how my great-grandmothers are college-educated, and that's very rare for my grandmothers to have gone to college, much less my great-grandmother, so we were talking about it.
Two things that made me realize one was, well, no wonder, first of all, they were both in education and finance. So hello, business coach. Um, but also we grew up in a college town. I grew up in a college town. I grew up in a town where there's a decent size university. And I thought, Oh,
proximity, right? Like, because my mom was talking about how for us, I was saying like, it was never, are you going to college? It was which college are you going to? Because we had always just seen everyone around us went to college and there was a college down the street. And it made me wonder if there's a study out there that maybe shows the
likelihood that you go to college if you have a college within a certain radius versus not. I would be curious to know, but also just made me realize about that whole concept of what you're exposed to is what becomes normal to you. When it's normal to you, it feels within reach. When it feels within reach, you're more likely to take the action necessary to get there, right?
Yeah, totally. Yeah. So speaking of action, this is another thing I really love about you and you and I have in common is like, we love to drill down to this concept of you can think and you can want and you can, you know, say all the affirmations in the world, but at the end of the day,
You have to take action, right? So I would love to hear some you talk a little bit about this concept, what you've seen on especially in the online space around overthinking and overanalyzing versus versus like what it means to just take messy action.
I think what's holding so many people back is waiting for the circumstances to be right or to be perfect and what we can guarantee is that's like never going to happen. You know the circumstances are never going to be perfect for you to do the hard thing especially if it's a challenging thing that's sitting in front of you.
We like to wait until we feel like we have all the information or all of the answers or that we can see the end result or we know like, okay, if I do steps one through 100, then I'll be able to bring this podcast to life. Or if I do steps one to 100, then my business will take off and make sales. And again, it goes back to what we talked about initially of like having that like blind faith
That is what's required to get you to take action is to understand that you are not going to have all the clarity at the outset. People think like, oh, I need to learn more. I need to study more. I need to gather more information. But we get stuck in this information gathering phase because that is never ending. You and I both know this. You've run businesses for a long time.
You're still learning shit. There's still new things to unpack. Like you started a podcast. That was a whole new, but if you had tried to have all the clarity and have all the answers before you started, you would have never started because it's never, never ending. And there's this concept that James Clear talks about in Atomic Habits of like being in motion versus being in action. And most people are just in motion, which is the information
gathering, the learning, the studying, the preparing, which makes us feel so good. We're like, oh, I'm making progress. I'm preparing. I'm doing the outline. I'm planning. I'm organizing. I'm with my whiteboard. I'm with my little notebook. And it feels like you're doing something that's going to bring you closer to the goal. But the only thing that actually brings you closer to the goal is doing the hard thing.
It's not preparing for the thing. It's not thinking about the thing. It's not planning for the thing. It's not strategizing about the thing. It's not organizing for the thing. It's doing the thing.

CEO Club Quiz Introduction

And so much of what we spend our time on is not actually true action. We'll call it action because it makes us feel better, but it's not actually the real action that we need to be taking. And everybody listening will have something in their life that they can relate this to if they know.
That's a big thing that I've been working on it for so long, but it's like, why has it taken you so long? Because you've been in motion. You haven't actually been doing the actions. And action is ultimately what's going to give you the clarity. We never are going to know what step two is until we take step one.
If I had tried to plan my whole journey of what was the purpose of moving to Spain and what is the outcome going to be and how is this going to serve me and how is this going to be great for my career? I didn't have any of those answers. To my knowledge, it was going to be shit for my career because I was declining job offers right out of the gate, right after graduation. But if I take step one, which is let me just get there.
and let me trust that some of these answers are going to come to me, well, look at me now. Running a seven-figure business, that would have never happened if I had just tried to follow the rules and only do what I could see ahead of me and needing all the clarity for things. Yeah.
Yeah, I think one of the biggest mistakes is this concept that like they want the map and they want to know, you know, they want every destination, every point along the journey plotted out in advance before they'll take that first step. And I'm like, the map kind of like starts to, it's like a disappearing ink and it kind of starts to come into, uh,
you know, clarity and you get to see it as you take the steps. And sometimes you might take a left and realize, oh, that was wrong. And I got to, you know, skirt back and go right. But like you won't know it until you take the steps. And it seems so obvious, but I think it's a, I think it's a definite like shift in mindset, right? That requires you to once again, like you said, walk in faith for sure. Now is the perfect time to hydrate or take a quick sip of your latte while I tell you about a tool that can help you on your journey.
Is this your season of slowing down or is this your time to double down on making bank? Let's find out. My secret for knowing how to thrive as a business owner right now is simpler than you think. First, take a quick quiz to find out what CEO club you're in based on your personality and your current business status. Then I'll show you what you can do today to thrive in that club. Go to forward slash quiz to take the quiz today. Welcome back. It's your host and coach Tiffany. Let's continue.
We know, so I want to talk a little bit about what you find something, I've seen you talk about this on Instagram some and I think it's so fun to dive into. What do you find to be some of those common traits, speaking of mindset and traits, what are some of those common traits that you notice over and over again with either your successful clients or just people around you who are really successful?
What do they have in common? I think we've talked about several of them already. Self-belief is definitely one of them, having self-belief and confidence. I think trust is one and that comes not just from trusting yourself, but it's really about believing in something outside of yourself.
My style of business coaching is really where strategy meets spirituality, and I think having some sort of belief system, some sort of compass, some sort of guidance is so imperative. It doesn't matter what you believe, but it matters that you believe.
And having something like that in your life is going to help you trust. It's going to help you believe that there's some sort of divine order, that things are working for you rather than against you. So that trust element is huge. Being able to take risks and like exactly what we said, like take the action, throw caution to the wind, believe in yourself enough to know that you'll be able to figure it out. So having a higher risk tolerance than the average person
Is definitely required for levels of success whether it's financial or otherwise

Marketing Messaging Mistakes

I think grit is a character trait that I'm obsessed with and I love when I meet people that you can just tell all they have grit it means that you know, you have this perseverance of of when you've got a vision or
Like you are tunnel vision towards it and it doesn't matter what life throws you or what challenges are in your way, but you are going to make it to that goal post come hell or high water grit. You absolutely need, I think to be successful as an entrepreneur, especially. Um, it's really like this idea of, you know, there's some people, I use this analogy of like, you're on a hike and like a boulder like rolls down the hill and like,
blocks the path and there's no way around it. It's like the entrepreneurial thinker is like, there's got to be a way. Even though it looks completely impossible and the average person will be like, oh shit, there's literally no way. I guess we have to wait for help, call for help. The entrepreneur is like, there must be a way.
Ingenuity that creativity like looking for the loopholes being the person that sees what other people don't I think that is so relevant when it comes to being successful and I also think like personality has you know some sort of element and it depends on what you're doing what your zone of genius is and
But I think personality can play a role into a lot of people's success. Being a good communicator, having a good speaking voice, being able to distill ideas down so that they're digestible and understandable to other people, being open, being a storyteller, wanting to share your life and your experiences. At least in our line of work, I think that really heavily contributes to people's success. So those are a few off the top of my head.
Yeah. So many good ones in there. And I couldn't, I mean, I agree with all of those for sure. And I was thinking about, you know, that word grit keeps coming up and anytime something comes up over and over again, you know, it's always just a sign like, um, but it's been coming up a lot, especially on podcast interviews, which is hilarious. Um, but it is, I think, you know, sometimes in the beginning, I think I heard that word and it triggered me because it was like, I felt like a hustle word, but I've really come to terms with it from the sense of like, no,
it's not a hustle word because I think when you have grit and tenacity it's like you said it's more about like I know my destination I'm not giving up until I get there doesn't mean I won't rest along the way but I'm a laser focused on where I'm headed and yeah come hell or high water we're getting there right so I love that
You are definitely a marketing guru. So speaking of showing up online and being a good storyteller and all of that jazz. And one of the things I think I lean on you the heaviest for is helping me really jazz up some of those sales copy on a sales page or just really kind of dialing in and getting to the essence of what I have to offer. And I'm sure you do this with all of your clients as well. So what would you say
in today's landscape, and I know it could change in three months or six months, but in today's landscape, what do you notice to be some of the biggest mistakes from your clients when it comes to the the copywriting and the sales pages and that just basically that marketing messaging? What mistakes do you see happen a lot?
Yeah, I think one of the mistakes is being too vague, too broad, too general. We have this fear that if I say it in a really hyper specific way, I'm going to eliminate so many potential customers or clients because that's not going to totally land with them. But what is actually really working to get people to resonate on a deep, deep level is the hyper specificity.
So whether this is like content, sales copy, emails, whatever it is, I think the more specific, the better. Because a lot of times we think, oh, these experiences, they're so niche, it's so specific to me. But that's actually the magic. That's what makes it universal because, and that's kind of what makes things go viral, is if you look at memes and the memes that people send to you or that spread like wildfire, it's like a super,
niche situation that seems so private or so random that it's like nobody else thinks that way, nobody else does that, but actually it's so common and it's so universal and it unites us. It immediately hits you so deep where you're like, I can't believe that someone else says this exact thing that I say or does this exact thing that I say or feels this exact way that I feel like I feel so seen. It creates that deep resonance.
So I would challenge people to get way, way, way, way more specific. One random example that I always give, cause I'll never forget it, is I saw this meme, it was like a realer video or something, but it was like, there's two types of people in the world. People that, people that say, oh, big stretch when their dog does like that, you know, down dog stretch.
And the second type of person is a sociopath. And it's like I, until I saw that detailed in someone's content, I had no idea that other people were saying that in their homes and that it was actually millions of people doing that, that we are all, it's just like this weird human nature thing that we're all being like, oh, big stretch. When they do their stretch, like it's that stuff where it's like,
You think that that's going to be so niche that no one's going to relate, but actually everyone relates because they're shocked that you feel that way too. So in whatever your area of expertise is, whatever your business is about, try to get super, super dialed in and specific with the examples. Go as narrow as possible and that is what's really going to land for people.
I also think another mistake is people not really recognizing or having the strategic thought process of understanding. No one is going to read through this whole thing and wait till the third paragraph to really understand what you're talking about or get excited. We have to understand what's happening in today's day and age in the short attention span.
and be putting all of that stuff at the top, at the front. How do we make it really short, digestible, so they know what's happening, so they know what we're saying, so we hook them in, so we get them excited, so we get them addicted to read the next line. There's this saying that any line of copy, the only purpose that it serves is to get you to read the next line. If you think about when you're writing things like that, it's like,
is the first line of this post intriguing enough to make someone click Seymour to read the next line and to read the next line. And there's so much elimination that we can do. I think we can challenge ourselves to be more concise. I have to do this myself because I'm a long-winded gal. But when it comes to written copy, especially, it's like I'll go back through and be like, all right, this feels perfect to me right now in my heart.
But from the copywriter in me, what doesn't need to be here? What can we get rid of? What can we eliminate? And always kind of looking at things from that strategic lens of like, is this going to hook them? Does this line of copy serve to get someone to read the next line? I think those are the top two things I would say.
Yeah, so good. I think, yeah, I mean, I'm also guilty of being long-winded sometimes, blame my journalism degree, but I do try my best to say, okay, what can I cut, even if it's just a phrase here or an adjective there, especially because I feel like with chatgbt people using chatgbt, and it's so adjective and adverb friendly, I'm like, okay, I do not want this to look like chatgbt wrote it, so make sure I didn't put in too many adjectives or adverbs, right? Because it's kind of a bit of a telltale sign these days.
I love those tips. You also host retreats like me and we've talked a lot about it because obviously when I came back from my retreat and I was really tired, I was like, I don't know if I want to do this again. Talk to me a little bit about what you, let's start with just like what do you love about hosting retreats and what made you want to host a retreat to begin with?
yeah i think retreats was another one of those things in my business where i thought i'll definitely do that someday but that someday is probably really far away and i resisted it and resisted it and people you know clients and people would say to me oh my gosh if you hosted retreat like i would come it would be so amazing
But I just felt like I didn't have the permission. I felt like I wasn't ready. I also was living in Spain, so it felt a little bit more complicated just kind of figuring out like where my clientele was coming from versus me and finding a spot. And so there were all these excuses, right? So I was in the motion phase with retreats for a while until I actually had a, I was on a retreat.
And that's where I met Suzy actually who, you know, because she's in top tier mastermind with us as well.

Challenges and Rewards of Hosting Retreats

So I met Suzy and she was facilitating on that retreat. And in that hypno-breathwork session, I got the clearest download that was like, you must be doing in-person events now. And the voice was so clear.
And I just, yeah, I remember Susie saying like the power of hypno-breathwork is receiving those next action steps, accessing that higher level of intelligence, whether you believe it comes from spirit or your higher self or somewhere else, but like that's the power of it, but that power falls flat when you don't do anything with it.
when you get all the answers but then you don't take the action as we're talking about. So because I am one of those people that's like so committed to taking the action, I went home from that retreat and I immediately started looking at villas, finding my location, talking to my graphic designer, like it was immediately in the making.
And so I was really excited about the ability to have deeper connections with people, because I knew the power of retreats from myself. I had been on several at that point, and they're just so life-changing. You know this. I've done a podcast about this before. This one thing consistently speeds up my manifestation. It's retreats. If I want to create the next level of my life, if I want to manifest anything, if I have a big, crazy, wild fucking dream,
If I go on a retreat and I marinate in it and I think about it and I journal on it and I get into the frequency of it and I put it out there, I know that I can bring that thing to life in six months, nine months, 12 months, but faster than it would ever be possible otherwise. So I knew that there was magic in it and the selfish side was like, I can't wait to create that magic for people and kind of be on the giving end of
knowing how amazing it feels to receive that. And yeah, just create more because I had been in the online space for a while and that's the only way I'd ever run my business. I'd never done anything in person and I was just really craving that. And I think a lot of people are, you know, even now today, especially after the pandemic and everything, like in-person stuff, sign me up. I think we all love it. So it's a beautiful opportunity.
Yeah. Yeah. So tell me about what do you feel like is the most, we've talked about this a lot, um, privately, but what, what do you feel like is the most underestimated component of putting on a retreat for someone listening who's like, I want to host a retreat. That sounds magical.
Yeah, I think if you're used to digital business, it's a wake-up call because it's a whole different ballgame. One of my mentors who's very, very experienced in retreats, I think she's run 40 or 50 retreats. I remember her telling me, as a digital business owner, retreats are never going to be the most profitable thing that you do, but that's not why we do them.
So I think you have to go in with the mindset of like, this is not about making money. Yes, there's a way to make retreats profitable. Absolutely. I don't agree with the mindset of like, oh, let's just break even or maybe I'm expecting a loss. I don't go into anything expecting a loss. We'll just start there.
But you also have to have the values and the mission and the idea very clear of what is the purpose of this thing that I'm doing. And so I think what people underestimate is the cost, the logistical side of getting a whole bunch of people to travel to sometimes a foreign country somewhere and
All the questions are gonna have for you and how much organization is really required and you know for thought and I think in digital business you know we can get used to doing things like on the fly where it's like oh this thing is happening this weekend like let's whip it up or get prepared.
And like with a retreat, you need to be prepared like at least six months ahead of time. And so it's sometimes we're not used to operating in that way in our businesses of having so much, um, yeah, like thinking ahead so far into the future and being really strategic and really well organized. And the overhead piece is huge. I think people underestimate that, especially if you're used to digital products and things that, you know, the cost is very low.
Yeah, exactly. There are hard expenses that have to be paid usually well in advance. I mean, every retreat, resort, location is different, but a lot of times, especially for mine, I have to pay as soon as I confirm the dates, I have to make a big payment. Then halfway through, I got to make another big payment, and then a couple of weeks before the event, I have to make my third and final payment, and it doesn't really matter how many spots I sell or what I sell them at, I'm on the hook for all those payments.
I think that's a really important part. That element of risk too. Again, if you're used to digital business, it's a new level of risk because if you're creating a digital product or a course and nobody buys it, it's like, okay, yes, you technically lost money because you lost all the time that could have been spent elsewhere that you invested into building something.
But it's not the same as having a $5,000 a night villa booked that you have to pay for even if no one signs up for it. So it's a whole new level of risk. Yeah, for sure. And I know you and I both chatted about when TBD on when I'm having my next retreat, have you decided when your next one will be?
Well, next weekend I'm hosting the top tier immersion. So it's not like a full blown retreat. It's more like a mini kind of experience, but for the women in the mastermind, um, they'll come here for the weekend and you know, we'll spend a Friday, Saturday and Sunday together. And that's kind of my retreat for this year. I'm not doing one of my big retreats this year. Um, so similar to you. I know you had so many conversations about this. It's such a,
Yeah, it's a love-hate relationship because of how it's a labor of love, I guess. I don't want to say love-hate. It's a labor of love and it's very energetically intensive to put on something like that. And so sometimes there's seasons in your business where you're like,
I need to take a step back from that so that I can prioritize some other things. So that's definitely been 2024 for me. So that's my only retreat is this next upcoming weekend for top tier. Beyond that, I still don't know. I don't have anything planned or on the calendar. It hasn't hit me yet. I'm waiting and trusting that the inspiration or the download for the next retreat will come to me when the time is right.
Yeah, I don't know. Have you landed on your name? Yeah, exact same. I had this conversation with someone yesterday because and even this morning someone was like, Hey, I want to come on to your next retreat. And I was like, so about that, you know, yeah,

Managing Energy and Soft CEO Approach

I'll keep you posted. But I'm just trusting that when it feels right.
you know i'll know and you know don't even know if i want to go back to the same location or change it up and don't know if it'll be 2025 or 2026 i don't i don't know but i'm like you i just trust and it was like that's how i was with the podcast you know that i was like i want to do this podcast and then and i think i think i'm finally ready that i finally feel that ping and i i'm acknowledging that
but I also don't want to force it and I don't know what I want to call it yet. So I'm just going to put a date on the calendar in the future. And by that date, I will have a name and I will know, you know, and it was like days before the date where I finally messaged you. And I was like, this are more the, the name is this or more. And so just giving that I'm doing the same thing with this retreat. I'm like, it'll, it'll hit me when it's supposed to hit me and then we'll be off to the races and that'll be great. Yep. Totally. Not, not forcing things as important in business to us.
Yes. And I know you just came back from an epic adventure to a pilgrimage really to Egypt, which is different from a retreat, but you just came back from this epic trip to Egypt. And I want to talk a little bit about what it looks like. What do we do when you're tired? Like what do you do when you're tired? And, you know, we've acknowledged that you're, you know,
You have this very successful business and you launch these same programs and over and over again because they continue to thrive. But what do we do when we're tired and we're realizing that maybe we just don't have it in us right now to do whatever it is. Maybe we thought we were going to do. What's your best practice there?
Yeah, it's tough because there's always like you're consistently kind of like meeting the two sides of yourself. The one side that is really ambitious, that is a go-getter, that's committed to the vision and the dreams and always wants to be challenging yourself and, you know, growing and doing that next thing and making progress in your business, whatever that looks like. But then there's also the side of you that knows like I have to nurture my
energetic body, my spiritual body, my sanity, I need to rest. And so I think a lot of us fight between those two voices of like, which one do I listen to? And burnout happens when you are outweighed in that you always listen to that more ambitious side of yourself and you don't honor the side of yourself that is more nurturing and wants to take care of you.
After Egypt, I was really tired. Truthfully, I think I would have set it up better in my calendar had I known how energetically intense that pilgrimage was going to be and that we were not going to be sleeping very much. I was getting three to four hours of sleep every night.
because we had these like obscenely early wake-ups at like 3 30 in the morning to go in the dark to the temples that we could have these private ceremonies and it was all so so worth it but you know you're walking a lot you're in the desert you're having deep you know emotional spiritual experiences you're crying you're purging you're uh having like
mind-blowing conversations, realizations, you're in this like spiritual portal like so much is happening where you get to the end and you're just kind of like stunned almost like stunned into like silence. And so I think I would have set my calendar up better if I had known that. And then a week after that, I like went to New York and it was this trip that I had planned with my partner like way ahead of time for our anniversary. And that was like super like overstimulating coming off the back of like Egypt and
I went to Turkey after Egypt also to visit Suzy. And so there was just like a lot. So I'm in that right now, which I know you know, which is why you're asking me this question. What do we do? So, yeah, I think, you know, I love honoring my word and sticking to all of my commitments.
And I also know that it's really important if I want to show up the best that I can for my clients and the people that have paid really great money to receive my best that I'm actually in capacity to do that for them. And so this has looked like asking people if we can move or postpone calls.
It's shifting things around in my schedule. I had some podcast interviews scheduled and some of those had to get moved and rescheduled for later in the year. Maybe it's a month later. Yeah, that's an inconvenience and I hate to be that person. But also, if you want me to be at my best and I want to be at my best for you, then that's what I have to do.
We've talked a lot about soft CEO, that whole word, you so inspired me with that. I decided for 2024 in general, this was going to be my soft CEO era. I'm in the soft CEO club. That's what's happening this year. I'm slowing down. I think it's not being afraid of what's going to happen when you choose to do that.
And being realistic about the ripple effect of that. And so there's going to be pros and cons to it. And I know that it's very highly likely that my revenue is not going to be the same as it was last year.
I also know that my vitality is probably going to be a lot higher. We're always in this economic exchange with the decisions that we make and the priorities that we set and what we're choosing to pour our energy into and focus on and the boundaries that we're setting and what we're saying, hey, that's not for me this year or not in this season or not this month or I can't actually do that.
And so understanding like when you say no to something, you're saying yes to something else.

Aligning with Authentic Goals

And by me saying no to, you know, like last year we did like 10 launches. I won't be doing that many this year. I'm saying no to all these launches, but I'm saying yes to life. I'm saying yes to more romance, more adventure, more trips.
Um, and even just like more time to like feel at my best truly in my body and prioritize my health. That's been a huge thing. So yeah, making the hard decisions, knowing what the consequences are and being okay with it. Yeah, totally. And I think, you know, so many good nuggets on what you just said, but to expand even on this concept that when we pull back and, you know, I'll use myself as an example, right? Like if I'm going to do less launches this year, it means I get to have.
Maybe I can put more effort into those fewer launches, right? Like maybe they can be better than they would have been if I was just in this rush, rush, rush mode. But I also think it's so important, and I have a lot of clients who are at this stage. They've been with me for a couple of years now. We've gotten to a really nice annual revenue.
And now they're like, I don't know that I want to get any bigger. And they kind of grapple with that because they feel like, am I doing it wrong? Is this a bad thing? Is that bad for me to say? And I'm like, that's where I've been for the last 10 years. I know what feels good energetically for me and I'm not pushing towards something that would require me to have to give up.
what I value so much, which is my bit of quality of life. I was talking again to my mom last night about this. She's in town visiting. And I was remarking on someone we know really well who works a lot, like 5 a.m. till 9 p.m. And I was like, I want to be honest, I can't remember the last time I worked that many hours in a day. And I'm not one of those out there saying, I'm working three hours a day and I make multi-six figures. I don't believe in that malarkey either, but I do feel really comfortable with the balance I've found in my life.
And in this soft CEO era, that balance feels really juicy to me. It feels really good. And it does just require a little bit of a shift in. We go from being in this grind mode of like, I'm going to get this business and I'm going to make all these big revenue goals. And that's what's kind of going to prove my value and to, oh, wait, I can prove my value. And I'm valuable in other ways without having to.
always be stretching for the next big goal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so much of what we want is, well, I know, so much of what we want in life, let alone business, is programmed. So there's an element, too, of unpacking and figuring out, is that actually my desire? Or have I been convinced that that's the cool thing to do, that's the best thing to do, that's the right way, and so I need to be doing that?
And I think a lot of people that have, I guess, if it's authentic to you, then it is. But for the woman who's listening to this, that feels that pressure to always be doing more, bigger, better. But there's a part of her that there's a whisper that's like, I don't know if that's actually right for me or I don't know if I actually want that. But she feels obligated to perform in that way or chase those big goals because it's what everybody else is doing. That's who I'm really speaking to.
I think sometimes the big crazy, like more and more and more revenue goals constantly moving of the goalpost is, you know, you think that you want the eight figure business, but what you actually want is peace. It's adventure. It's a fun life. It's vitality. It's a financial safety. It's feeling comfortable. And we think like, if I can get there,
then I will have that and that's not always the case for everybody. I would even argue a lot of the wealthiest people are really unhappy because they haven't figured out how to get off of that hamster wheel of being convinced that the next thing is going to be a big enough dopamine hit.
that it's gonna last them forever and they're gonna be able to ride that wave. So when you can actually, I think it's empowering to actually get to a place where you are not needing more, it's okay to like have fun and play with goals and desire more sometimes, but like to be really like just grounded in knowing like what you want and have your desires truly come from your heart rather than from social media or the outside of like what everyone else is doing or trying to keep up or,
Yeah, compete.

Digital Detox for Creativity

That's actually peace. Yeah, 1,000%. I mean, I couldn't agree more. And I feel like this day and age, we're so inundated. That's the only word. I mean, inundated with other people's input. And we start to idolize some of it. And as we know, we don't see the full picture on a lot of it.
And when you and I first, I think when we probably back, when we first started working together, you introduced me to this concept of the iPhone jail. If you're listening and you're like, what's an iPhone jail? I'll put it, I'll put it in the show notes for you if you want. But for me, I just needed the pattern interrupter of like not waking up and picking up my phone. And I needed to kind of like hear my own thoughts again. And really, really proud of myself because now I've been in a season recently where I decided I didn't want to pick my phone up for the first hour upon waking up. Cause I read this atrocious
It's a horrifying study that said how much it kills our dopamine and just all these things. You can Google it. But anyway, so now I'm really proud of myself because I don't pick my phone up for the first hour upon waking and I don't need the iPhone jail anymore. Like it created that enough of a pattern interrupter for me. But I digress. What I was getting to was just this concept of, you know,
Talk to me about what do we do if we're feeling like we maybe don't have the clarity and the creative ideas that we used to have? Like how much do we think this consumption model that we now live in is affecting the really good coaches and the really great creatives from being able to kind of be their best selves?
Yeah, massively, it's impacting it. I actually just interviewed a neuroscientist earlier this morning for my podcast and we talked a lot about the phone addiction and the overconsumption and the mental fatigue and all of this. I'm not a scientist, but I've spoken with one and I can report back.
Yeah, it's fucking with you. If you're wondering, is my phone messing with me? 100%, it is. And when you are a creative of any kind, like all of us as entrepreneurs, we have to be creative. We talked about, we have to have that ingenuity, finding solutions, writing copies, social media, all those things.
There has to be spaciousness in your life in order for creative inspiration to drop in. And what's happening now is there is no space because we're filling all of the space with entertainment and education or a mix of those two things. Like raise your hand if you can relate that now when you are walking, cooking, cleaning, showering,
you're consuming something, whether it's music, a podcast, an audio book. We have filled every single gap of silence in our life with some sort of education or entertainment. So we are wildly overstimulated. Even you could go out to dinner with someone or go out to drinks with friends and in the gaps in the conversation, people are looking at their phones. We are so addicted to any single moment of nonstimulation.
We can't stand it. We need to be constantly stimulated with something and that is totally blocking Creativity it's blocking our connection with the divine it's blocking the ability for you to even have your own thoughts Like of course, we're all having thoughts our brains are functioning but a lot of times it's like we're having thoughts about somebody else's thoughts because we're constantly listening to and consuming other people's thoughts and their ideas and their videos and their lives and whatever so it's like
whoa like how i was just showering this morning and i was intentionally like i'm not gonna play any podcast i'm not gonna listen to any music and i'm gonna get ready in my bathroom in silence which feels like a death sentence when you're so used to like the over consumption but it's like remember when i used to do this do you remember when
my life like I used to actually have to do things like without being uh you know my hand being held by like a book or like having the company of like someone talking to me on a podcast like there's also an element of like feeling uncomfortable being alone and wanting to fill that with all this stuff but you know this like we talk about this in top tier all the time like part of that in that mastermind there's a whole section about creative vortex and you know being able to get back in tune with your inspiration and creative ideas and
thoughts and that has to do with a lot of, you know, we do a challenge and a lot of the things that we do is, you know, the phone jail or implementing those time periods at the start and end of the day where we're not looking at the phone. I love non-stimulation walks. We do that as part of the challenge, like actually going outside and going for a walk with nothing.
No phone, no music, no podcast, no phone call, no texting, no scrolling, no nothing. Just you and sweet old silence and you actually realize, oh my God, I have thoughts. I'm thinking about my life. I'm thinking about my business. That's actually a creative idea. What's happening? Things really do start to flow when you create the space.
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. And I mean, I've been such a fan of silent walks for such a long time before I even knew that was a thing. I've just, it's, it's always been my opportunity to step away from the device. And, um, but lately just like really, the more I will tell you this, when you start to step away from your device, you'll start to notice how
plugged in everyone else is around you and I was driving home from dinner last night and there was a man at his mailbox with his cute little golden doodle that's how I noticed it and um and he you know his golden doodle standing there he's checking the mailbox and he's on his phone like looking at his phone like multi I'm like you can't check the mail and walk your dog without the phone in your hand and like looking at the phone and it makes my heart break because I'm just like we are so disconnected so the only
downside, I would say is that now I'm the person at dinner with my friends being like, put your phone down because I don't have my phone in my hand, you know, leaving it in my purse and not putting it on the table gas. Oh my gosh, who am I? We have a we have a thing that we always use, which is a phone off friends on.
and you can use it with family like I use it with my partner all the time when we go to dinner if we notice that we've been checking our phone or sending a last message or whatever we'll just say phone off friends on and we'll both like put our phones like stacked on top of each other like off to like the side of the table or something like that so it's like
You have to reach across the table and they'll see your hand going forward if you have that because it is, it becomes an automated response. It's like sometimes we're doing it without even, it's not like we're wanting to create disconnection. We're not wanting to be so obsessed, but it is an addiction. So yeah, you can use that with people in your life. It's like phones off, friends on, here

Playful 'This or That' Segment

we go. Oh, I'm going to try that tonight. I have a happy hour with a bunch of girlfriends tonight. I'm going to give it a go.
I love it. Okay. Quick little fun roundup at the end. I've never done this before, but I thought let's just, let's just do a little this or that. Okay. Pick one kind of a little quick, um, quick rapid fire questions. So I'm going to start off easy Instagram or email marketing. Instagram. Okay. Um, guided journaling or hypno-breath work. Ooh. Hypno-breath work.
Yeah, I would agree. It's so powerful if you've never done it. Improve your sales skills or get more certifications. Improve your sales skills. Okay. Retreats or masterminds. Oh, shoot. I'll go masterminds.
Okay. Cause sometimes they include a retreat. So hopefully we get a win. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. I love it. Well, thank you. Thank you. Um, thank you for joining me, Sam. Thank you for all of your guidance over the last, however long it's been. I really appreciate you and I'm so glad to be in your universe.
Oh, I love you so much. I've been so grateful for our time together. And you've taught me things and inspired me. And yeah, I'm in my soft CEO era because of my connection and relationship with you. So I'm so, so grateful to you as well. It's been such a joy to work together. Thank you.
All right. Tell everybody where they can find you on the internet. Yeah. So I said Instagram in that first one because that's just where I am more often. So if you guys want to find me, that's like my main platform. You can come follow me at underscore Samantha daily. My podcast is called makeshift happen. You can find it on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, all the places. And my website is Samantha
I love it. Thank you. Thank you. We'll put all that in the show notes, including the iPhone jail because you need it. If you need to pattern interrupt or highly recommend. All right. Well, thank you so much. And I'll see you soon. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Thank you for joining us on today's episode of this or more. Make sure to subscribe rate and leave a review and then share this episode with a fellow entrepreneur who is ready to expand their current reality and take out more space.
Until next time, remember, no matter what level of success you've achieved to date, you're wildly capable of this or more.