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Fall Back in Love with Instagram with Social Media Expert Jourdan Guyton image

Fall Back in Love with Instagram with Social Media Expert Jourdan Guyton

S1 E28 · This or More
114 Plays10 months ago

Ready to level up your Instagram game? In this episode, I have the pleasure of sitting down with social media expert, Jourdan Guyton. She teaches us how to simplify social media so that you can turn your audience into paying customers. With a background in TV production (we’ll dive into her time on Maury Povich), she’s an IG live pro and the guiding light every content creator and business owner needs.

We chat:

  1. What people are tired of seeing on Instagram
  2. The 2 mistakes she sees business owners make when growing audiences online
  3. A perspective shift about going LIVE on IG that will change the game for you
  4. Tips for re-engaging a cold audience
  5. Jourdan's favorite thing on Instagram right now
  6. Easy content ideas to start posting — today
  7. Social media predictions... and more!


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Introduction to 'This or More' Podcast

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so

Meet Jordan Guyton: From TV to Entrepreneurship

much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.
Today, we have the pleasure of hosting an expert in the art of simplifying social media so that you can actually turn your audience into paying customers, something I know all of us are always wanting to do. So joining us is none other than social media guru, Jordan Guyton. With a background in TV production, we're going to dive into her time on Moripovich. She's an Instagram live pro and just a guiding light for any content creator and business owner.
who is using social media to grow their business. So welcome to the show, Jordan. Yeah, thank you so much for having me Tiffany. I'm so excited to dive in.
I know, and we were just reminiscing before I hit record that I think it's been three years since you and I were on a Zoom together, but you were, I know, life has been life-ing, let me tell you. Absolutely. But you were a guest coach inside my Up Leveler Society membership years and years ago, and you came in there back then and were teaching social media tips, and of course, you know,
We're going to dive into some more of that today, and lots of things have changed in the last three years on Instagram, especially. So I'm excited to kind of dive back in with you. Oh, yes. Ask away. I'm an open book. OK, so before we get into all the juicy Instagram, TikTok, etc, tips, I do want to do a little bit of, you know, let's go back in the history books just a minute and talk to me about you were in TV production before you were an entrepreneur. Tell me a little bit about that journey.
Yeah, so I started just content and production straight out of college.

Creating 'Two Grown' and Pandemic Pivot

My dream job, and if anyone is listening and laughs at this, was at the Maury Show. It was my dream, like I used to sneak watching Maury and watching all
the baby mama drama and the lie detector test and the teen like I literally so I interned for them right before I graduated and then I ended up getting a job working at the show so I was there for about three years I was a production assistant and then I became an associate producer.
And then after three years, I decided to leave to pursue a dream to be in front of the camera. And so as I was pursuing that dream, I was also working full time, but working from home for a marketing agency, an exponential like big wine and spirits, like
creme de la creme agency.

Inspired to Embrace Entrepreneurship

And I just got my hands wet with on-premise and off-premise marketing and just seeing how to grow brands through community in addition to attending auditions week in and week out in that world of production. So I went from
acting, to creating, to producing, to editing, to casting. In 2019, I ended up selling a show that I co-created with a friend of mine to BET. And it was a digital web series, a comedic web series called Two Grown. And honestly, we thought that there would probably be another season to come out of it. We did season one on our own. We fully funded it with whatever pennies, nickels, and dimes that we had.
we asked all of our friends to participate and season two got picked up and we were able to bring everyone along and actually pay them that second season. And as we were really getting ready to think about and reimagine what season two would look like, COVID happened. Everything shut down, production shut down. You know, I mean, everyone knows it was a down time. And I found myself collecting unemployment. And
You know, I had been listening to church online because we couldn't go into the building, but my pastor at the time had said, your purpose is not on pause. And so when I heard that, I was like, Oh, okay. So even though my external ness is showing that we're shut down, what can I do internally that feels good to me that
helps other people that is of my skill set. And I started a business and I named it after my grandma and the rest started to become history after that. Oh my gosh. I love that. What a journey. And I hear so much, you know,
I hear this a lot from other entrepreneurs, but obviously I really hear it in your story is just you were such an idea person and you were such a go-getter. So when we think about that, were you ever scared to go out and take the leap into entrepreneurship or did it just feel like a natural progression for you?

Navigating Professional Identity Changes

I don't think I was scared.
I wasn't scared when it came to becoming an entrepreneur. I think the fear came when I had to tell people or explain a different extension of my identity. I think that having to show up in uncharted territory was scary for me.
I think, you know, being known as this, right? TV, film, production, Maury, two grown BT, casting, directing, commercials, knowing this, and then saying, hey guys, this is now an extension of me. I think that's what was scary for me.
Popping on camera was not new to me, talking about myself was not new to me, talking about my, I sold a show. So none of that was new, right? It was more, this is how you know me and this is what I'm a quote unquote expert in and people are, you can really pay me for this. Like I think that's where the fear kind of started to come in for me.
What was your very

Building Businesses' Online Presence

first offer? Do you remember? Yeah. So my first offer, that's such a great question. So my first offer was pre hiring a business coach on my personal Amex card, credit card. Um, I was making social media graphics for essential businesses in Harlem. I was living in New York at the time and I was just making graphics and creating them and reaching out to people.
to see if they needed help with social media. Okay. That was it. That was a lot. But it worked. It worked. Yeah, I'm sure. Very B2B and then obviously it evolved from there. At what point did you realize I'm really, really great at teaching people how to use social media? Was it just obvious, pretty obvious?
I think I knew, the moment I knew I was qualified, we could start there. Before I started teaching, I knew what I was talking about. I think when your clients start to get results, then you say, oh, wait, this doesn't just work for me. This works for other people. And it was a snowball. It was one person after the other.
And it was something, I think that's what a gift is, when it's something that is so effortless for you, something that you can just riff off of, you can not even, when you say something to someone and they're like, oh my gosh, girl, what? And you're like, huh? That was so easy. That is a gift.
And I think that when I started to tap into my gifts and leaned into things that felt of ease, not easy, but of ease. That's when I knew I was like, Oh, okay, this is this is cute. This is cute.
This is going to be bigger, bigger than maybe you even thought. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you mentioned this, uh, alluded to this in the beginning, but you are an expert at cultivating a community and really building an audience, right?

Common Mistakes in Online Community Building

So what do you, what do you see as some of the most common mistakes that people are making when trying to build this online community? Yeah, that's a great question. I mean, we work with hundreds of heart centered entrepreneurs. We've been doing so since.
2020, yeah, 2020. And I think a few things that I can just pinpoint is us as heart-centered women, we have the desire to want to help everyone. We want everyone to be in community with us. We want to make sure everyone is good. We want to make sure that everyone feels seen and heard. And I think that
When you sell to everyone, you sell to no one. When you want to build community with everyone, you have a whole bunch of people that either
aren't aligned, you might be burnt out from and just was never part of the original idea. So I think one of the biggest mistakes for sure is not identifying your who, that person who lights you up speaking directly to that person every single time because there are multiples of that one person if you believe that. The second thing I think is when it comes to community,
We get just in general business owners get so caught up in the metrics and When I think about and Tiffany I feel like this is probably the same for you when you started your community and you started your business when you have one person joined you were like
fun person, this is so exciting. Three people, oh my, and like you loved on them so much. And I think that as you start to grow or start to build a community, it's very easy to, I guess, hold that value once you have it, right? So you're like, okay, I have 10 people, now I want 20, okay, now I want 30. And it's like, what about the 10? Or what about the one? Or what about, because if you do it right, those 10 will bring you 10 more.
Those 20 will bring you 20 more. So I think we get too focused too often on moving the goalposts when it comes to building community, instead of going deeper with who's already there. That same with followers. We're always like, we want more followers. But you have 500. And if all 500 people bought your offer, could you deliver at a high level? Probably not. Right? Yeah.
Yeah. So I think those two are kind of the biggest ones when I think about building community. Yeah. So good. Okay. I'm going to circle back around to a question regarding that, but we'll come back to that in a second. Okay. So right now, okay, we're recording this in April of 2024.

Authenticity Trends on Social Media

There's a trend on IG right now of this little like, social media is fake. Here's what you don't see about me. And it's this whole authentic, let's try to be more transparent, be more authentic.
which I think is a beautiful thing. I'm so, so glad we are where we are now versus where we were even 2017, right? But what's your take on authenticity online and, you know, some of these trends, just kind of what's your take on it? Yeah, I want to hear yours too, actually. I am always in the school of thought, especially when it comes to coaching or just talking about strategy in general.
take what you need, leave what you don't. So if it applies to you, if you feel called to create that type of content, if it feels aligned with your authenticity, I say, go for it. If there's any tinge of performance in that, leave it alone. Don't touch it. Don't post it. Don't create it. Don't cry in the camera. Don't find moments that you were at your lowest and you really don't want to share it, but you want the views, the likes,
Like I'm good. So that's one take on it. Me personally, when it comes to authenticity and showing up unapologetically, I have a podcast called Building Unapologetically. I am on social media because I run a business. I am on social media to call in the women I am called to serve.
Me personally, I'm not on social media as a content creator to show my life. When I have a baby, you probably won't even know till the baby's out. Like that's how I feel about social. And I think I've always felt that way. Um, that's how I intentionally curated the experience for my audience. And I don't think there's a wrong way to do it. Right. Again, if it's that performance.
piece, let's remove it. And I do share tougher moments on social. But again, it's not, it's not surface, but it's not you get every layer. For example, I lost my mom in 2021, unexpectedly about eight months into building my business. Thank you.
And I shared that news with my community. And, you know, when Mother's Day comes around or my mom's birthday comes around, um, if I feel into it and feel like, uh, sharing, then I will. Right. Sure. But.
Again, I don't think I could see myself doing a social media speak post and saying, I still go to therapy because I'm still grieving my mom. It just doesn't feel aligned with me. But again, I know those types of posts help so many people. I'm curious to know your take as well. Yeah. I mean, it's funny. I have a very similar take on it and I woke up this morning thinking about it and I forgot that you and I were having this interview today, so it's perfect timing.
I've been thinking about it a lot for just a lot of different reasons, but I'm like you. I'm a business coach. My social media account is to serve other business owners. And while I love, and part of this podcast is about showing the entire journey behind things.
so that we're not just seeing, you know, surface level things. At the same time, my content is like yours. Like my feed is really targeted towards the woman who's trying to grow and scale her business. And so in my Instagram stories, you'll find the more just kind of off the cuff
Stuff and that's because it's just fun and it's 24 hours and that's where you can kind of see a little bit more of my day-to-day But even there, you know, I lost my father right about a year and a half ago and so I shared that on my stories because it was a very real thing that I was going through and and I felt you know, like I needed to share that with people but I don't
It doesn't take up space in my feed. It's not something that I'm gonna keep calling back. And now and again, I will share if I'm having a tough day thinking about him, because like you said, when I do it on my stories, people always say, oh my gosh, I needed to hear that day, or oh my gosh, I'm so inspired by your ability to sit with your feelings, which is something I've worked really hard on. But I'm with you. And I'm also an Enneagram Four, and I hate trends.
It's like my gut always goes whenever I see a trend, I'm like, nope, I don't want to get on that. I'm good. Just because I'm an integrand four and I'm a manifestor. So like my whole thing is like I want to do. I love it. So yeah, we're trailblazers, right? Like we, so I tend to kind of avoid trends for a multitude of reasons, I guess. But yeah, I don't think there's anything like you said, there's no right or wrong way. As long as everyone is really like,
checking in with their gut and making sure they're not doing it for performative reasons. Agreed. And I think that's what authenticity is, right? It's that gut check of like before you post it, what is your attention?
Is it the likes? Is it the views? Is it the, I hope it goes viral? If it's that, let's not, right? If I hope it's for that one person that I want to join my program or the 50 women or the 10 women I'm calling it, or the woman who lost her mom 10 years ago
and is still trying to fight to get her business together. Okay, that's who that post is for, right? There has to be something tied to it. Otherwise, let's chill out. You don't have to post it every day anyway, so there's that. Right, right.
Right. I love that. Okay. You are the queen of Instagram lives.

The Power of Instagram Lives

I feel like when I first started following you, it was probably from seeing you do these lives and do them with such confidence and ease. And for a lot of people, IG live is like deer in a headlight moment and they're terrified of it. Um, and it's even, I'm really comfortable in front of the camera. I don't do IG lives nearly as frequently as I should, because I also kind of struggle with it. So what would be some.
First of all, let's talk about why you love it, and then I'd love for you to share some tips. Just first off, what do you love about Instagram Lives? Everything. I love it. I love Lives. If I could literally go live and still reach as many people as my reels do, I literally would go live every single day. I would be on QVC. It is just fun to me, but you also have to think about, and I have to be very mindful too when I'm teaching my students that I came from 15 years in TV and entertainment.
Like I've been put on everybody's tape. I've done commercials for everyone. I've self taped myself. Like all of that has been ingrained in me for years. Those are the reps that I've already put in, right? Live video is a different beast and was a different beast for me when I started
with my business because again it was that fear of like this little business okay girl like sure like it was very like i was i wanted to i used to sweat so bad going live when i was oh i still do see so it's fine it's it's a thing um so i love
I love the connection. I get excited. I'm like, I'm going to go talk to my friends. I just love connecting with my audience and it's the only way to have real live connection with them. I can literally give a question about my program, drop it in the chat. You want to come up, let's talk.
It's such a beautiful experience when you, again, have that intention behind it. I also think if we want to take it off of me and more so onto the women that I work with, there's a confidence piece that also builds the more that you do it. The more that you do it, you get more confident talking about your offers. You get more confident just showing up, which then leads into you creating more content, which allows you to be top of mind for your audience.
I also think even just coming from just a clean slate of not going live, I see some of my women where they come in and they're like, okay, I'm never going live, but I joined. And I'm like, okay, girl. Okay. All right. And then by the time they're done, it's literally they have a weekly live. And I always say,
Oftentimes, people don't go live as much as they should. I don't know if it should, but as much as they could because they haven't felt the ROI of going live. The moment you get a sale, the moment you hop off and someone is in your DM saying, Hey, I want to talk more about your 14 day cleanse. The moment you have someone say, Hey, I had one quick question. Like, thank you so much for your live. I'm ready to buy.
Like once you start to get that, you don't even think about it. You're like, I'm going live because I want a hundred more people in this freebie or if I want 500 more signups in my workshop and I know this is the instant way that I can do that.
I could talk about live all day. I have not been going live nearly as much as I should either lately, but we're about to go into a little launch period. So I will be definitely going live a bit more. Yeah. And nowadays you can invite people in to kind of be live with you, which I will say makes it a lot easier. Like if I'm doing a live, I'll get like a couple of people, either clients or friends. I'd be like, hey, will you join me for 10 minutes? And then it doesn't feel like I'm just talking, you know,
to avoid. So let's talk a little bit about, I love your reframe. I love your perspective of, I'm going live to talk to my friends because that's an easy, I think any of us can talk to our friends, right? So I love that. What would you say to someone who says, okay, great, I've been doing this and I'm going live, but like there's no one watching me in real time?
Great question. I mean, there could be a lot of factors with that, but I would definitely, I mean, there was no one watching me for a long time. My boyfriend at the time, I'd ask him to come over and go into my room and just hop on live and don't comment because I just need one person. I promoted my husband after that. So
It's crunchy at the very beginning. I would, there's a few things. So I would definitely say get into community. I think that's one of the best perks of my program is that we have a community of women where you just drop in him going live at 12 PM if you're around, like come through, right? So if you're in any type of like business community, share it, like share that you're going live. It just, maybe it doesn't even have to be a business community. Maybe you're in a community that is aligned with your niche. Can you share it in that group, right?
So I would do that and I have something called like a pre-live schedule so that your audience is ready for you actually going live and there's just so many different ways you can share in your email newsletter to let people know you're going live tomorrow.
you can schedule your live ahead of time, you can use your stories, you can do a post a day before with a notification. So there's no excuse why we can't or you can call you I used to text my Tiffany, I used to text my friends and just be like, Hey, girl, like literally. Oh, yeah.
just come through like you don't even have to stay the whole time. And again, that builds that confidence piece, right? Some people are like, please girl, I don't want nobody on my life. So there's that. But you have to have that muscle. And then if nobody shows up, give yourself grace and also trust and believe that people are going to watch the replay. So that's another reason why I live video because it's not just this,
it's your live and then a blog post and then an email and then a replay and then a snippet of content. And then for your story, like it's the gift that keeps on giving. It is the gift that keeps on, I was thinking that as you were talking. Yeah. And I think that's the biggest takeaway is like, if you don't have anyone showing up at first, yeah, invite all your friends, all your family members, invite anyone you can. And then like you said, just prep a little bit in advance with maybe even some questions that you wish someone would ask you and then answer them. And then like you said, like,
publish it to your feed and trust that someone will watch the replay. I love that. They always do. They always do. They always do. Yeah. Oh, 100%. Yeah. Okay. I love that.

Re-engaging Followers for Better Conversion

Okay. What are some other, so we've chatted a little bit about IG Live and we've talked about building an audience, but what would be a few other tips for someone who wants to just kind of like
What I was going to get, when I was going to ask you earlier, when we were talking about community, as I was going to say, okay, you mentioned an example of like, you've got 500 followers. If all 500 bought, like would you be able to serve them? And I wanted to kind of dive into this concept of what happens if, okay, we've got 500 people. They're clearly not all buying, like to have a hundred percent sales rate, success rate would be a freaking miracle. Like I don't think that exists.
you know, I think the average is like what one 2% of your followers are going to purchase. So if we've got these 500 followers, just to use that number as an example, what would be some tips you would use to say, Hey, how do I re engage? Or how do I get the attention of these 500 so that my conversion rates can kind of naturally boost? Yeah, that's a great question. I mean, I am a sucker for a reintroduction post. So if you haven't,
introduce yourself or reintroduce yourself to your community. It doesn't matter if it's a new month, it's a new quarter. It's my birthday. I've got a few friendly faces. Do a re-introduction post and let your page know
Like, set the tone, what they can expect, what you're passionate about, who you serve, qualify them right through that reintroduction post. So, whomever does see it, because not all 500 are going to see it, can say, oh, she's talking to me, or they're talking to me, or he's talking to me, right? I love a reintroduction post. Something that I used to do when I first started my business
And I've done it a little bit here and there actually recently and I've been enjoying it is that whenever I, when I first, I did every single one and then I was like, okay, wait dial that back. Whenever someone would follow me, I would send them a voice note. I would just say, Hey Tiffany, like thank you so much for joining my community. As you see, I love all things content.
I just checked out your page. I see that you're in Tennessee and I love, love the music out there. I'm here if you have any questions. And again, just thank you for being part of my community. Literally, I would send that to every single person. I recently did that a few weeks ago and someone was like, oh my gosh, this is the best welcome I've ever gotten.
And it's like, yeah, that's rare these days, a personal touch. It's no skin off your back. If they buy the buy, if they don't, they don't, but they can send somebody along like it's just, yeah. I love that. And how you treat one person is how you treat every person, right? So I love that. Absolutely. So that's good. I think that's a good one. And then if there are people in that 500 that
Well, I want to go back to that last point. I used to do it for everyone, but then I started doing it only for people that are qualified. My heart center, female entrepreneur running a service-based business, go through the page if that's you, we'll talk.
You're a guy. Keep it moving. No offense. I do the same thing, so I get it. No offense. No offense, guys. No offense. We love you. You're not who we're looking for. Not at all. Unless you want to pay for your wife to level up and do all the things she wants to do. Oh, yeah. That's true. OK. Come, girl.
And then I also think stories are a great place to reengage, reignite. So asking questions in the stories, knowing that no one's going to say stuff for a very long time. So you have to answer your own questions, your own polls. You have to put those things in there and take the ego out of it. Like literally zero people are going to vote. So are you ready to vote? Are you ready to go first? Right?
And then spending time with the people that you do see paying attention to your stories. I know you've got two or three of those same watchers that are the first people in the door.
engage with them, engage with them. Yeah. Yeah. That's so good. Yeah. Like I know so many people who are constantly looking at who's watching their stories, but when was the last time you clicked the little three dots and sent them a message? Yep. So easy. Yep. Or what I like to do every now and again, I'm curious your thoughts on this, but what I like to do every now and again, as I'll look at who's watching my stories, I'll scroll all the way to the bottom kind of just to mix it up a little, and then I'll just watch what's in their stories. Cause you know, you can tell if they have stories. Yeah. And then I'm like,
Oh, and just send an emoji response or something. It doesn't have to be this novel of a response, right? I do it all the time. It's, again, it's making people feel seen and heard. I think we've gotten the boom of 2020 and 2021 of mega, you know, so you already know. It's fizzled.
We are tired as buyers. We are tired. People are tired of being talked at, sold to, the run around, the fake stuff. I just got chills. We're just tired. So just be a good person. If you really think you can help someone, if you really think that they're your ideal client, be for real. Just be for real. Don't buddy, buddy. Don't be fake.
Yeah. Don't mess it up for the rest of us. Please don't mess it up. Yeah. And yeah. Oh gosh. We could, this could be a whole episode, Jordan. But I feel you on that. And yes, I mean, what I'm noticing more than ever is on social media, especially is, you know, there was about two years where everyone was just hot, hot, hot. Here's my offer. Here's my offer on the online space, especially service-based business owners, especially. And a lot of people got burned. And so now a lot of people are very skeptical.
Rightly so, you know, and it's required to do, you know, now we just don't do your research, like do your research. I'm like, I'm, you know, I've bought a program that didn't turn out to be what I bought. I bought many. Still, I still be buying somewhere. Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. It's true. Sometimes I do buy things for research purposes. And then when I, and I'm, and I'm like, really, you're selling people this at this price point. And people are buying, like,
I know. But I love all of this is just like, if you're listening, just be a human. Just be a good human. And I find this helps even if you're, especially when you're using social media for sales, which if you're a business owner and you're listening to this, you are, right? It's a marketing tool. And the whole reason why we market is to have more sales. So also reminding you to just go back to this concept of the person in your DMs is a person.
You know, yes, they might be a qualified lead, but they're also still a person. And so whenever I get in my head about it or I see a client getting in their head about how to respond, I'm like, you know, that's just a person, right? So just say hi and ask them, you know, just literally say hi. Like if our whole purpose as in sales is just to serve and only to serve when we feel qualified to serve, then those conversations should be much easier than we're making them. I agree. I love that.
Yeah. And if you truly believe in your offer, the way that you say you do or the way that you market it, move it to the person that needs it.
Yeah, and don't be afraid to ask more questions. Like, don't think you've got to go from, oh, they responded to this DM, now I've got to get them to, you know, that whole selling in the DM thing that, oh, I'm like, okay, it's not an immediate thing. They said they're interested, now let it be a conversation. I'm always like, if they're asking questions, amazing. Because I will answer questions all day long. I want it to feel good.
for you. I want it to be your choice. I want you working with me to be your choice. I never want you to feel like you didn't have control of this decision ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.
Yeah. So good. And I think that's how you know, if someone is like probably real, I'm going to say something kind of like generic here, generally speaking, but I think that's how you know, if someone is offering something that's really legit, like if they're trying to like rush you to the sale, that's a red flag to me. Agreed. I mean, I've had women in my DMS for over a year before buying like, yeah, same. Like.
But I was the same way too. I think about my really high ticket investments. I'm going to watch you. I'm going to watch you and see how you move. I'm going to see how you live your life. I'm going to see how you talk to your team. I'm going to see how you show up on social media. And then, okay, let's go ahead and make this move. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I think everyone should just be more discerning. Ask more questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions. And if someone gets annoyed with you asking questions, in my opinion, that's a red flag. Agreed. Okay, let's talk about, since we're talking about sales and converting followers into customers, what are some tips that listeners can do today to kind of start, if they're like, you know what, I haven't really successfully converted any of my followers into customers, what would you say
would be something you would say to them, okay, well, are you doing this or have you done this recently?

Consistent Promotion of Offers

Post your offer.
I, I, I, that's it. Like I, nine times out of 10, when women come into our program, the courageous content Academy and the number one biggest challenges, I'm not making sales and I start to audit their page. I see so much value. I see so much help, so many resources, so many tips, um, so many pretty pictures, so many great graphics, so many client results.
And I'm like, where? What's your offer? Where is it? Where is it? Don't make me go searching. Don't. Do not. Where? Not in your call to actions, not in your feed, not in your highlights, not in your LinkedIn bio. There are just so many ways.
And if you don't have an offer, are they on your email list? Like, are you leading them into your email list? I think that we get too caught up in the value hamster wheel of like, I got to give, give, give, give, give, give, give. And you do, right? You deposit, you deposit, deposit, then you withdraw. Yes, I get that. But if you were just depositing, you're going to be broke.
of going to be literally like literally if you just keep spending and exporting energy out of you, you're not going to have any clients. And so oftentimes your audience wants to work with you. They just don't know how.
Yeah. Post your post your offer. I'm a big, big, big fan. Um, well, I just think clarity is king. So I'm a big fan of like one of your pin top three pens being maybe a carousel, maybe just a graphic, whatever about like how I can actually work with you. Yeah. I love that. I love that. I just think make it used to be IO that still works, but I just, I'm a visual learner. Yeah. Make it easy. So you have, like, you, you have to.
It literally grinds my bones. I'm like, when, when I didn't get any sales, when was the last time you talked about your offer? Oh, 2020. I'm like, wait, what? Yeah, totally. Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Okay. Speaking of making it easy. Sure. I love a song recently you posted about, okay. Um, if you're, if you're someone who's saying, I don't have time to create content, you were like,
Look, this ain't your grandma's kitchen. We don't have to make everything from scratch, right? So you were giving them some tips on content they could make that didn't require them to like film or create anything. Do you have any that you could like riff off the top of your head would just be like easy.
Yeah, I mean, I shared a post recently about, you know, just going through your camera roll and seeing what's already there. So old photos of the beginning of your journey, baby photos of you if you feel comfortable sharing that and maybe a letter to yourself.
If you have any screenshots in your phone of client wins, which I think all of us do at some point, when you get that email from someone and they're like, oh my gosh, this is so amazing. I think there are moments that we record in our everyday life, whether we're taking a walk or scenery. So that B-roll content is really great and simple to just add value text over it or even motivational audio over it. I think that's always great.
I mean, I think you can also use some of that old content. Like let's say we're talking a photo of when you first started your business. Maybe you're holding your paper for your LLC or your trademark or whatever. And it's from a couple of years ago. Can you talk about why you started the business and the offer that was birthed in the caption?
and ask someone to take action to book a discovery call with you or book a sales call. Like we just make it so hard. We just make it. I mean, I have, and I think you do too, Tiffany, have a camera or phones running right now, recording a little snippet of B-roll so that then later down the line, I can repurpose that into another piece of content.
So we just have to stop making that barrier so high. You have, if you don't take away anything from this, this episode, just take away the fact that you already have everything you need, everything you need. You don't need to buy another light. You don't need to buy another tripod. You don't need to buy another phone. You don't need to buy another microphone. Like literally. You don't need to buy more templates. Nothing. You don't need to buy anything. You literally have everything that you need.
to call on the clients that you want. So good. And oftentimes what I see, and I'm sure you see this too, is when they're getting caught up in that hole, like, I need this, I need this, I need this. It's like, it's just, you're just delaying what you know you need to do, which is just sit down and write a damn caption. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. Yeah. I mean, you owe it to yourself to get consistent.
Right. We are the problem and we're the only ones that can, can change that. Don't be a bottleneck in your business. Yeah.
Yeah. And that, you know, if you go back into like, I think the second or third episode of this podcast, I talk about eating the frog, which is really just doing the hard thing first. So if you're struggling with social media and you're finding yourself delaying and you know, putting it off and it keeps falling to the bottom of your to-do list, I'm sure Jordan would agree to just like eat the frog and do it first thing in the morning and carve out that morning, you know, eight to nine or seven to eight or whatever you've got in the calendar where you can say, okay,
this is the hour, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, this is the hour where I throw up some content. And if it takes more than an hour, it took me too long. Right? Like, get it done. But again, Tiffany, that goes back to what we're talking about the live. Oftentimes, we're letting content creation fall to the wayside because we haven't gotten the ROI yet. We're used to low view. We're used to no likes. We're used to no one responding to our polls. We're used to
So it's like you do, we post about our offer and no one sends out a bat signal to sign up for discovery call. So once that happens, there is a bit of confidence rocking and I've experienced it. I've gone through it. I'm sure you have too. Um, but it has to be bigger than you. Like it has to be bigger than the metrics. It has to be bigger than the, like, again, if you believe in your offer, as much as you say you do.
Stop focusing on the metrics and focus on the mission of why you started your business Whoo We're gonna have to say that one again. Stop focusing on the metrics and focus on the mission. Yeah. Yeah That's it folks. We're done here. I'm just kidding. We're not But that's so good and then you know jump into Jordan's program because if there was anyone that I think could teach you how to Get out of your own way with socials. It would definitely be you. Thank you
Okay. The landscape has changed quite a bit in the last couple of years. I mean, when you and I, you know, probably last we're on a zoom, there was no IG reels. There was no. Gosh, what else? I'm sure there were just a lot of tools that we don't have now, even some of the poll tools and interaction tools we have now highlights probably didn't exist back then. Yeah. You couldn't swipe up without 10 K. I remember those days. I was so thrilled when I hit 10 K. Same.
Like, oh my God, new level unlocked. Okay, so lots has changed. What do you see or what are you finding currently to be your favorite new tool trick thing that Instagram has? We'll start with Instagram.
Um, I wouldn't say this is new but it is has become a favorite for me. I mean reels are new but creating b-roll content has been really fun and easy for me we just dropped a
free digital download with a hundred B roll ideas, because literally you can just breathe and record 10 to 15 seconds of content.

Using B-roll for Engaging Content

And then you have a post like, I think that I'm so happy we're in that era a bit more now, um, of like just typing on your computer and doing a meeting and then you're recording a piece of content. So I am loving B roll content and I'm loving trying to come up with different ways.
that are innovative, meaning not just pairing, you know, motivational audio over it, but can I break down a concept or can I go a little bit deeper because no one's really watching me write in my journal in the back. Anyway, they just want what I'm writing down in text. And majority of people watch video with the sound off anyway. So how can you just give them value or offer testimony? Like I love B-roll. Like if I could say,
It's so good. And I also like that, at least for me.
I don't put pressure on myself to create B-roll when it doesn't feel aligned. Meaning I'm, I know I'm going to the beach. Do I feel called to shoot B-roll at the beach? I'm not, I'm not doing, I'm not, I'm not creating moments. Again, like we're talking about authenticity. I'm not creating moments to get content. I'm being the content. And if it feels good in that moment, I'll pull out my tripod, I'll pull out my phone and call it a day. So I love, I love that stuff.
I love it. Yeah. And I'm the same way. I batch it, you know, like I don't want to be record. I don't want to have to be thinking about recording my day. So, um, I'll reserve like a photo studio up the road and just take a bunch of outfits and literally just do a bunch of stuff and hit record, hit record, hit record. And then I just upload it to my Google drive folder. And now I've got B roll for.
months, not days, like months. Yeah. Like a century. So I love it. That's a good tip. Yeah. Cool. Would you say, do you have any predictions? Where do you think? I have one more. Yeah. I have one. Sorry. Many chat. Have you been using many chat?
Yeah. Okay. So that's definitely, that's new, right? I feel like it's new and it's amazing. Yeah. So I think chatbot automation has been really fun. I was a skeptic at first, only because I'm so like hands on and I want to talk to you and I don't want to miss a DM, even though it takes me weeks to get back to people sometimes. So I was worried like, Oh, well it sounded like me or Oh, well it feel like a bot or Oh, will they not answer?
I know it'd be awesome. Yeah. And I think we have like 300 comments on that post, which is 300 new people on our email list, which is 300 people that we'll get to talk about our live training to. Like it's really like it. And it is again, one of those things where you have to have patience.
because I hear from my students sometimes, which they're not trying out ManyChat yet. But I remember before ManyChat, when I'd say comment the word ready, and we'd get two readies, right? We wouldn't get 200, right? And it would be me clicking ready and saying, Hey, Tiffany, I saw you commented the word ready.
Which was fine. I think that's how you start it before going into automation. I want you to train your audience per se. Get them into the moods of raising their hand for what they want and taking action before spending money on automation and you taking the lead to do that engagement there. So I love ManyChat.
Yeah, me too. I used it. I had a keynote a couple of days ago and at the end of the keynote, I just was like, let me just experiment with using mini chat instead of, you know, I've tried lots of different things at the end of different presentations. So in this one in particular, I had my QR code up on the screen that took them to my Instagram account.
And I said, DM me the word harmony, and you're going to get this thing. And I said, full transparency, it's a robot. And she's going to write you back, and she's going to give you the link. I said, but then after that, it's me. Like after that, after you get it, it's me. And so if you're listening and you've used mini chat, I thought this was kind of clever of me. And I'm sure you've done something similar, Jordan. Where?
In the mini chat, like process, I see, you know, you get to write what you want her to say and all that. So I did all that. And then my final message was, you know, okay, great bot bot's job is done here. This is Tiffany. Do you have anything else you want to chat with me about? And so I left that with this like transition back to me and then people responded and they were like, Oh, hey Tiffany. And I'm like, Hey, it was so good to have an audience.
Yeah. So I think there's ways to personalize the robot and also just be really transparent about it. You know, don't pretend like it's a person, if it's not a person and you don't, you know, you don't want them to think it's a person. Sometimes people don't know, right? So then I'm very quick to like send a voice, no, and be like, girl, the bot is just botting today. Let me make sure I go grab the one for you. Like, you know, that touch that humanized, cause the bots can't do everything. They can't.
No, and we don't want them to do everything. That would be dangerous for society. Throw it all away. I don't want it. Yeah. Okay. Amazing. Okay. We're going to end with if someone has to do one thing today, they were leaving here today and they were like, okay, I got a lot of ideas buzzing and I'm going to get on Instagram and I'm going to make that post. I'm not going to put it at the bottom of my do list would be one tip you'd give them that you would say, Hey, make sure you do this. I would say make sure.
that you ground yourself in the fact to know that the algorithm does not determine your worth. That before you post this post, you're already worthy. Your offer is already worthy. You are already worthy. Your business is already worthy. And if you stand in that before this post goes out,
No matter how it performs, no matter who takes action, no matter who doesn't, it's all icing on the cake. It's all a cherry on top. I think when you get into that mindset of like, I'm unbothered. If it does well, it does well. I'm popping anyway. And if you see it, if you don't, you don't. I think that's what I would definitely say.
I love that. Yeah. And I have a client who's a bookkeeper.

Social Media Metrics and Self-Worth

So Diana, shout out. Um, she always says, you know, your net worth isn't, shouldn't determine your self-worth. And I think, you know, we can have a similar one for IG, right? Like your social media following doesn't determine your self-worth.
And the engagement you get on a post doesn't mean anything about your ability to do what you do. And, and also, I mean, I know you're a big fan of like, try it again, repurpose it, try it again. You know, don't, don't just like quit just because something didn't do well today. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I'm also, I'm a God girl. So I also feel in those instances that God is only going to give you what you can handle anyway. So.
You want a hundred thousand likes. Again, going back to the, could you serve 500 of them? Could you serve them? Yeah. Yeah. You only get what you need at that time. And if you can rest in that and be still in that, social is just going to be a game, which is going to be fun. I don't feel like this year. I feel like when someone up today, girl, this flap girl, this did great. Like it changes your everything when you are centered on something.
Yeah. And obviously like your energy behind it changes. And so then I, you know, you attract differently, I think when you're in a better state of mind around it. Okay. We, I skipped over, I had asked you, but so I'll give you a chance to answer. Is there anything you're, any predictions you feel like may be coming with, with social media as we look at the future?
I mean, this has been kind of shifting for a little bit now that people are paying a bit more attention to like things other than social like podcasts, YouTube channels, email lists. So I think it's always great to continue to have some sort of long form content in your back pocket. Because if social went away tomorrow, like what would you do?
So I think that's one. I think we're also going to just see the survival of the fittest when it comes to this industry. Again, we had talked about we're just tired and there are people who really do genuinely want help and they want to build their businesses.
They're also in a different space in life and in their business. And so the sales cycles I think are going to be a bit different. And so you have to make sure that you are committed and in it for the long haul. And if this is your only means of, of revenue, like just diversifying your revenue streams as well. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. So good. I think that we're in a very, this is going to be a very interesting year for a lot of people. And I do think, yeah, I do think it's going to be, like you said it well, survival of the fittest. And, and it's just going to require us being smarter and smarter business owners. So don't get swept up in things that don't matter. Don't spend your wheels doing things that don't move the needle. Right. Like.
Find your focus, find people who can help you, you know, which speaking of, I'd love for you to tell everybody how they can find you, how they can learn from you. Yeah. So Instagram is definitely my playground. So, um, it's my first and last name, Jordan Guyton. Um, we actually do have a live training coming up on April 24th, 25th and 26th. It's a free training called social media that sells.
Um, and if you're listening to this after that date, the replay will still be up to, so you can go back and watch that. Um, so super excited. Uh, and we'll be opening our doors to our group coaching program, the courageous content Academy, uh, for heart-centered female entrepreneurs running a service based business who want to show up unapologetically to call on their dream clients with, without doing the most, like without posting every single day without doing the most, without doing the most. Cause you don't have to.
I love it. Okay. We'll put all those links in the show notes. I'm so, so thrilled that we were able to reconnect. I've been watching your journey. I've been watching you shine. I've been watching, you know, when you moved across country and just all the things that have gone on in the launch of your podcast, obviously. And it's just really an honor to know you. And I'm excited for our listeners to be able to get a few nuggets from what you said today. So thank you for being here. Thank you so, so, so much for having me, Tiffany.
You don't have to. Just make it our language.
Thank you so much for tuning in today. I hope you really enjoyed this episode. If you took away a little nugget from our conversation with Jordan, please share on Instagram, tag me at Tiffany Napper. We would love to see that and give you a little repost. And of course, if you're loving this or more, please share this podcast episode with a friend and tell them to tune in as well. Every time we get more listeners to this podcast, it lets us know we're reaching the right audience and we're continuing to help you.
grow and go. Until next time, remember this or more is in your future. See you soon.