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Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Unlock the Secrets to Goal-Getting and Quantum Success with Riana Malia image

Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Unlock the Secrets to Goal-Getting and Quantum Success with Riana Malia

S2 E6 · This or More
88 Plays3 months ago

Are you ready to go from goal setter to goal getter? In this empowering episode of This or More with Tiffany Napper, Tiffany sits down with Riana Malia, an expert in Evolved Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), to explore how to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace quantum goal setting. Riana shares practical tips for making transformative shifts that lead to lasting results in both business and life.

Together, they discuss:

  • The power of evolved NLP and how it differs from traditional coaching techniques.
  • How to identify and stop being a "broken record" in your goal-setting process.
  • What quantum time release is and how it can supercharge your productivity.
  • Tangible steps to "take your power back" and make magic happen in your entrepreneurial journey.

This conversation is packed with actionable insights for female entrepreneurs who are ready to turn their dreams into reality!

🎧 Ready to get inspired? Tune in now and take the first step toward achieving This or More for yourself. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review to let us know what you think!

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Introduction and Background

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.
Welcome to this or more today. I am thrilled to introduce you to an extraordinary guest Rihanna. She is a transformation coach with over 20 years of experience empowering ambitious women like you to break free from trauma and unlock their full potential.
Rihanna is an expert in Evolved Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP. If you know that, Quantum Time released an advanced trauma-aware coaching, and she's helped countless women find true love, make powerful life pivots, and overcome emotional and psychological blocks to live a more confident and authentic life. So, welcome to the show!
oh Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so excited you're here. ah You know, my listeners know we're going to dive a little bit into the business side of things. And then of course, we're going to lean into your expertise. And I want you to share with us some, you know, tips and tricks in and just real juicy data around how we can all kind of up level and become better versions of ourselves. But I wanna take

Rihanna's Transformative Journey Begins

me back. I would love to start with you just taking me back to when you started um and maybe before you started the work that you do now. Like there was a catalyst, right? Like what was going on in your life? Take us back to that moment for just a moment. Absolutely. So there was a divorce. So I was living in Minnesota, had my baby girl. She was six at the time. She is gonna turn 21 in about a month.
wow and And I got divorced and, you know, in that moment where you kind of think it's going to be okay and then it just all blows up and it's not okay. So in those times when we have stuff like that happen,
then you're dealing with the aftermath and all the range of emotions. So, you know, you've got the fear and the sadness and the anger and the resentment and all the things. And then we do the things we're told to do, right? We talk about it in therapy. We talk about it with our girlfriends. We read the books. We give it time. We do all the things. We did all the things. There's some benefit to all of those, but you also, you know, you're just like, I'm not really healing. I'm still really consumed by all of that stuff. And you stay in the story and the drama.
yeah Fast forward three or so years later, my father, who wasn't very involved in my life, and that would be a whole other podcast, but that hey, listen, it might be a great time for you to move from Minnesota, California and take over this business because you know it's we've got all of this capital influx and Maddie can grow up in this magical little town at the base of Mount Tam, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
and you know, you can kind of have a break. So I had been in the personal development and coaching space. I was also the head of practice development for the largest independently owned oncology group in the Midwest. Okay. And, and I was also, you know,
40 degrees below zero weather Minnesota winter. Trying to water the horses and it was so cold the metal snapped off of the water thing and I had to run the hose into the window to hook it up to the washroom. I mean, I cried like going outside every day. I had to do this the whole winter. And I was like, hmm, okay, let's do it. But I said, you know, my mom and I had a surgery. So my parents divorced when I was two. So they'd been divorced many, many years. He had another family. And Again, there had been a lot of broken promises and distrust and a lot of times in my life where I was like, okay, I'm going to lean in and trust you and have a relationship. And then and it none of it was real. So that part of me that was like, listen to your gut, don't do it, don't do it. And the other part of me that said, but I want this so desperately and I want to breathe again and I want a different life.
So I did it anyway. So I moved my mom, my little girl, two horses and two cats across the country. Wow. From Minnesota to California. Minnesota to California. And it started good. Like it was, but you know, she started school. I had this beautiful, you know, candle company. I had just, I kind of dove in and I was like, okay, there can be a lot of work. There's a lot we can do. I got a Sky Mall deal with Delta. Like I was like, all right, this is good. But then there was also, there was a part of me.

The California Crisis and Personal Growth

had a knowing that something wasn't quite right I didn't want to listen to it because I had just made a promise to my daughter I was only going to disrupt her once her life once yeah and now we're in this place where we don't really know anyone and she's starting to settle in and we're a couple months in and I I thought you know it's probably just me it's just all new it's fine
Long story short, it wasn't fine. I found myself in the studio one afternoon surrounded by undercover agents with drawn guns and in handcuffs. Oh my gosh. There was a bunch of stuff going on in said business prior to my arrival. And this turned into a whole big thing. So um for me, it was another bit of evidence like, okay, you know, why, why does this keep happening? You know, what is wrong? What is inherently broken about me, right? My father, again, massive betrayal. How could you do this? ah What's going on? And clarity that, okay, this isn't a viable business. I've now moved across the country. I don't know anyone. And now I don't have ah a way to take care of my, my daughter. Yeah. so
In that moment, I said, okay, I can go back to Minnesota in a heartbeat and back into our circle of friends and family and love. And it's, you know, it would be a very easy transition or I can keep my promise to Maddie. So, uh, one of my superpowers is I'm very resourceful. And, uh, oftentimes when we're, we find ourselves in a position, whether it's a divorce or a failed business or a massive betrayal,
And we don't know how am I going to recover? How am I going to move forward? And often we think it's because of lack of resources, right? o There's not enough support, time, energy, money, but really often it's a lack of resourcefulness. And I teach my clients, one of my core values is I'm a magnet for miracles. And it really comes like tapping into that resourcefulness. So I made a choice that, um,
I was going to keep my promise. So I went back to school. I got a real estate license, dove into that. But in the meantime, back in therapy, so unbelievably shocked by the anger and the betrayal and how could he put us in this position where literally I had DA's telling me, you could lose your daughter. You could end up, you know, going to jail, even though we know this wasn't your deal, but just telling you like this is, there's a lot going on here. So back to therapy.
writing the letters that it wasn't sending, doing the work, right? Back into the story and all the stuff and all of my child and all my life, blah, blah, blah. And then it was so clear to me once again, very familiar feeling that when we stay really focused on the drama and keep telling the same story, it just keeps it very much alive and well. And it keeps reinstalling that neurology, which keeps us stuck and keeps us from accessing the ability to move forward and create the life that we're meant to live.
And it was around this time that I'd, you know, decided, you know, obviously clearly was not, you know, engaging in relationship with my father anymore at this point. But somebody introduced me to a concept of quantum healing that they had, you know, had an experience with.

Discovery of Quantum Healing and NLP

So I thought this is interesting. And rather than, um, just listening to it, I said, okay, I'm going to try it. And in a matter of weeks,
there were parts of me that I did not recognize in all the best ways. And being able to actually release and heal without having to go back into the story and the traumatic events that caused the pain in the first place was a whole different experience. yeah So it became clear to me in that moment that this was going to be my life's work.
And then I went in and did all of that advanced master training for evolved NLP, quantum time release, and then really diving into trauma conscious coaching. Because if we've been on this planet longer than 15 minutes, you have trauma, you have baggage, you have stuff, and being able to tap in to the unconscious mind and release it in such a gentle,
painless way to be able to actually get rid of all the blocks that are keeping you stuck from really living that life instead of just wishing for it was incredible, which led me to create the quantum pattern protocol, which is the framework that I use.
in for all of my clients and all of my work today. Okay, we're gonna get into that in just a minute. um I'm excited to learn a but more a little bit more. what you you you know One of the things that that I saw that you talk about is that you're really here to help women build what you call a hell yes life. Tell me a little bit more about what that phrase means to you. My hell yes life is that in three days from now, I will be celebrating my one year wedding anniversary with the greatest love that I would have never in a million years.
thought that that was going to happen for me in my lifetime. Getting to do this work that I'm called to do, which not only transforms the lives of the women that I work with, but literally everyone around them, right? Because when we elevate and we raise our vibration, our frequency, and we let go of all of that stuff that we've been carrying around, it gives you know children, future grandchildren, business partners, friends,
Possibility would exist before. I love that. Yeah, and everybody's got a different version for sure. And especially now, I think, you know, people women are kind of breaking the mold of what it, what does it really look like to be um quote unquote successful? What does success mean to you? And it can look different

Breaking Unconscious Patterns

for everyone. So um I love that you kind of touch on that. And I think it's so important that everyone listening just can self identify like, what does that hell yes, life look like for them. And it's fine for it to be different for you than for me, right?
You you also talk a lot about how people have a tendency we kind of unconsciously subconsciously Repeat the same patterns whether in relationships or business and I'm really interested in how this affects our business like what what what have you learned about that and can you expand a little bit on that for us like is there a way that we can notice and you know and then of course if we're gonna dive into some some of your protocols, but I What does it look like to be kind of unconsciously repeating a pattern, and how do you wake up to that? You think about your body, right? Everything from the neck up is your conscious mind, and that is your critical faculties, everything we know we know, everything that makes us successful. It's our goal setter, and we use it all day long, and it's 10%. Everything from the neck down, then, the other 90% is the unconscious mind.
so If the conscious is our goal setter, the unconscious is our goal getter. It's the operating system. It's the general, and it's the literal library of everything you've ever experienced in your entire life. And it's held at a cellular level in the body. So people think about memory as being in the brain. Memory is cellular. And when it's not released properly, we see cycles and patterns that never get broken. People staying stuck really literally for a lifetime, never being able to figure out why they can't achieve the things that they want to achieve, whether it's professionally, personally, both. We see anxiety, overwhelm, depression, autoimmune disorder, illness, injury disease, it all manifests in the body because all of that energetic weight is stored and not released. So that is one really critical part of it. And then when we look at patterns and behaviors, right, so the unconscious mind is constantly trying to get resolution.
And also when there's when there's needs that aren't met, it will find a way to get it met. It usually is in drama, in crisis, and repeated situations where you say, how did why does this always happen to me? How did I end up here again? Again, whether it's in business, in and relationships, in family dynamics. And so I do something with my clients. We do a little bit of an analysis, right? because as humans, we think between 65,000 and 85,000 thoughts every day. Wow. That's a lot. A lot of thoughts. And 90% of those thoughts are recycled. They're the same thoughts we thought yesterday, the day before, the week before, month before, for sure in the middle of the night when you're running through all of the scenarios and all of the things you're ruminating on and all of the lists and all the things. And 75% of those thoughts are negative. And most of my clients, because
You know, I work with ambitious, successful women. I get a lot of pushback on that because they're like, no, no, no. Like I'm, I'm positive thinker. Like I'm, I've, I've mindset work. I've done all that. But when we do an analysis, what most people realize is completely unconsciously, because it's how our brain is wired. Really. Most of the time you're focused and thinking about the things you don't want. Yeah. That's the key to why.
you end up in the same situation over and over. So I teach something called away and toured. So we think about like in the room that you're in, right? There's walls and one wall is your away wall. And on that wall is everything you don't want, right? I don't want to be in this financial position anymore. I don't want to be, you know, why isn't my business growing? Why is it my career um moving faster?
why I don't want to be in another relationship where I'm not valued or cherished, whatever the things are, everything, every area of your life, those are all the things you don't want. And your toward wall is everything you do want, all of your goals, your hopes, your wishes, your dreams, your aspirations. And if you notice either in the moment where you notice that you're like down the rabbit hole, you're spiraling, you're thinking about, you know, business isn't going the way that I want it to, why aren't my, you know,
where where Where are the clients? Where are the prospects? Where are the customers? Or, you know, driving down the road and you're like, I i wish that I wasn't alone. Or I wish that, you know, my my husband or my, you know, significant other was more attentive. When we find ourselves in those thoughts and you don't feel good in your body, I have my clients wear a rubber band for three days and snap it and like hard. So there's a pattern interrupt.
And then replacing that with a better feeling thought. And 99% of the time when you just don't feel good and you're like anxious, upset, worried, stressed, angry, if you can think about what you were thinking about, it's something from that away wall. It's, you're thinking about what we don't want. And so the unconscious mind, like the universe doesn't hear the clarifying don't, it just knows what you are focused on and what we focus on expands.
So that little, I mean, breaking it into, you know, very simplistic two minute version is the fastest way to change your physical reality. Right. And so when if we're looking, if we're using business, for instance, if you think about life, anything in our physical reality, that anything tangible, it's like a cake, right? So if you bake a cake and it doesn't really turn out very well, how do you bake a better cake?
you probably adjust the ingredients, right? yeah yeah So as as humans, right, we're all governed by four states, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. And the physical is the cake. So if something's not working in our business, in our relationships, we have to adjust the ingredients and the ingredients are the emotional, the spiritual and the mental. And so when we do that, then we, that's you know the fastest way to change our reality. And It's actually really, really easy to do. The good news is it's really, really easy to do. That's the good news. I always say, you know, you know and just because it's easy or simple, you know, doesn't mean that it doesn't require some work, right? Like there's still some consistency that has to be done. There's still some work. There's some recognition that has to you have to be willing to make. But I do find more often than not, a lot of our problems have pretty simple solutions. It's just, you know, how dedicated are we to
changing our reality, right? And also sometimes, you know, we're, we're intelligent, right? We're emotionally intelligent. We're, we own businesses. We have successful relationships. We do all of these things. And there's this dialogue sometimes that says, I can do all of these things. Why can't I figure this out? Why can't I just, you know,
be over it or move forward or move on or figure out what is this thing that's keeping me stuck? I often tell people like it's not it's not your fault. So stop with the like the blaming and I should be able to figure it out because if you could, you would, right? It's not for lack of ability or trying, but you can't you can't tap into something when you don't when you don't know that you don't know. So being able to tap into the unconscious mind and clear all of that and get rid of all of those things that are keeping you stuck and all of those underlying things that really run everything that you might not even be aware of. Yeah. We get to do it in a way that is very fast and really quite painless and getting to actually reverse engineer your life and install that on your future timeline.

Creating New Realities and Limitations of Talk Therapy

and to ignite the reticular activating system in the brain, all of those pieces together so that you actually create a blueprint. So on times when you're feeling like, I don't know, I don't i can't trust my own decision making process, I'm a little bit spiraling or overwhelmed, you literally have a blueprint I'm guessing this is why you know you were talking about it from your own journey, and I know I've read about this on your website as well. like The concept of like traditional talk therapy wasn't necessarily having that tremendous impact on you, so to speak. right And I'm guessing it's because, and you tell me if I'm if i'm jumping to a wrong conclusion here, but what I'm what i'm kind of
realizing is in talk therapy, we spend a lot of time talking about what's wrong, like probably what's on that away wall, right? Versus, you know, what we're going to talk about in just a second, which is your quantum pattern protocol. Is that, am I on, am I on to something there? Yes, absolutely. So again, and I want to be really clear, I, therapy's fantastic. Sure.
Right. they Like this is not about like anti-therapy in any way. Therapy is wonderful. Talking to our girlfriends is wonderful. Reading books and, you know, diving into learning in those ways is wonderful, but it doesn't heal you. And to your point, when people come to me and they say, you know, I'm, I'm successful. I am, I have a great life, but I know that I meant for more and I know that I want to get there. I just, sometimes they don't know what that is or they might know what it is. They have no idea, you know, what's keeping them stuck. And so we talk about like, if you want that, right? You want a different story. You have to stop telling the old one. If you want a different story, you have to stop saying the old one. That's good. you' going to Stop telling the old one, right? Because that's all that can exist, right? That's so in relationship, if we're talking about an ex or a situation or a conflict and
You know, there's some payoff there, right? There's some, there's some secondary gain when we stay in that drama because there's attention, there's support, right? We get to be right. We get buy-in that the other person or the situation like, well, can you believe what they did to me? And they're so awful. Yeah. I have to say that they're not, but that negative energy and that low frequency energy keeps you there.
and And so when you think about like going at it the same way, right? So we keep talking about it and we, we go to therapy or we, you know, we go and we talk to somebody and we keep talking about, we're trying to figure it out and we keep going at it that same way, trying to solve it from the our conscious mind way in which we've been taught. It's kind of like if you garden and you pluck a weed and you know, it's going to grow right back, right? And you keep doing the same thing.
And instead we got to get underneath there, right? That's why we tap into the unconscious mind because the truth is, is that while all of those things provide some temporary resolution and some peace and some relief, you really just find yourself in two weeks or two months or whatever back, having that emotional and mental relapse, which costs you more time, more energy energy money, more energy, really costs you faith. Like, am I ever going to have what I want? Am I ever going to feel,
good when I wake up in the morning, am I ever going to get there? And the point is, is you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it. So that's why we had to tap in and go deeper. And that's why we tap into that other 90%. So we can get rid of what isn't serving you, clear all of those blocks, replace that, right? If you're going to blow out all that old programming and stuff that's keeping you stuck, you have to replace it with something else, which I think A lot of work falls short there. They go to like the awareness i like and the clarity piece, but then they you don't get the skills to go with the knowledge. So it's almost worse in my opinion because it's maddening of more of the same. Like, okay, now I know. Now I've taken the invisible, moved it to visible. I get it, but what do I do with it? and And that's where then we install new behavior, new strategy, new neurology to actually create the life that you are meant to live.

The Quantum Pattern Protocol

So talk me through that a little bit more, because I'm sure if if you're listening, you're like, you're on the edge of the seat right now, like, okay, tell me more. When she says we're going to work on that other 90%, talk to us a little bit about your quantum pattern protocol, this this you know process that you use, and just kind of walk us through it a little bit so that we understand, okay, we have become aware of the negative, and then what happens.
Yes, so but the protocol is three kind of three stages and each stage has three steps. So it's a nice framework that is very flowy. So we start on that stage of awareness and the first piece of that is we need to assess. So that is really the only part of the process that feels a little therapy-ish because using quantum linguistics, it's a Q and A. So I'm asking you a ton of questions and getting underneath so that we really know what's driving All of this and a lot of it is not new information, but for a lot of people to figure out what's underneath that is an old limiting belief or limiting decision that you made when you were five.
typically, because most of who we are is between zero and seven. yeah And a lot of those decisions that have been running our whole life are that of a child or an adolescent. And so we get really clear on that so that we can excavate all those core patterns and stories that you're really, really committed to, whether you're aware of them or not, that are keeping you stuck, keeping you from achieving this life. And then it's a different level of awareness and we're kind of now we're awake in a different way.
And we can start doing the real work. So we move into the second stage, which is all about access. And we do a full dysfunction detox. And so we have a strategy for everything. We have a strategy for work, for play, for sex, for illness, for wellness, for wealth. We have a strategy for everything. It's how we do stuff. Some of it's really, really amazing. Some of it's really dysfunctional. So we we do a detox.
of all the stuff that is not serving you all the things that are keeping you in that low frequency keeping you stuck keeping you from achieving what you want and then you get to kind of discover like who are you really especially if there's a transition whether that's a divorce or becoming an empty nester or having a professional pivot whether it's you know as an entrepreneur or in a corporate situation and we have roles and we have titles and we have things that we are so ingrained. And then when there's a transition, there's that sense of like, well, who am I now? Like who am I really? Yeah. So we get really clear about that. And then we get to play around with quantum time release. And this is such a magical, incredible process. And it's a long, it's a three hour session and it's a completely unconscious process, meaning you're not unconscious, but we're tapping into the unconscious mind to find root cause of
anger, sadness, fear, guilt, and shame so that we can release it gently. And so if you think about a ribbon, for instance, and every single time in your life you've had a significant emotional experience of anger, there's a marble that goes on that ribbon. Same thing for all of the other negative emotions, right? They have their own ribbon. So today something happens and that makes you angry. It's not just the today thing. It's the, so I'm 48 years old today. So it'd be 48 years of the marbles that are built up, create that gestalt, right? And it's that energetic weight that's attached to negative emotion, pain, trauma, childhood trauma, betrayal, loss, divorce, failed businesses. All of that stuff is stored in the unconscious, which is your body at a cellular level.
So we get to release that without going back into any memory of anything traumatic or painful.

Techniques for Emotional Release

So we're not reinstalling that neurology, transmute it, get the learnings, get clear about like, again, bringing us back to the truth of who we really are. And then future pacing and creating a new relationship with those emotions going forward. And at the end of each one of those processes, and there's alchemical forgiveness, starting with yourself,
where it's it's a multidimensional process. So it's a mix of timeline work and energy clearing. And the most powerful thing that happens in in real time is that at the end of each of those emotions, we do a check. We do a check. And so we have you go back to an event in the past where that emotion was a problem and check and see if there's still a charge.
And what's so incredible to watch this happen and watch just the transformation of people's like physical being is two hours ago, if I would have asked you about the situation, it's like that visceral reaction. It all comes back, the anger or the sadness or the shame or the guilt or whatever it is. And it's just, you're right back in it. And when they test it and the charge is gone, it's it's just this huge weight.
And then to future pace and, you know, going forward into an unspecified time in the future, had it happened in the past, there would have been, you know, an irrational or inappropriate amount of shame, for instance. Tell me what happens instead. So we create new neurology around those emotions. So we're human. We're going to continue to feel and experience the emotions, but going forward with a clean slate, it is so incredible. And then.
we move into activation and that piece is the first piece is this level of clarity that you've never had. So I've had clients reach out to me with ideas, like creative things, business ideas, like solutions they've been trying to figure out for years, just is coming to them because now that all of that is gone,
and you're open to what's meant for you and what's next and what your what's what's next really is, you get to start receiving it. And then we move into um habits and behavior and actually creating new behavior and new ways of being so that again, we're filling that gap because when you take away and you don't fill it in, the brain has to go back to the old behavior. It's why a lot of people start something, right? They'll start some work and they'll have some growth or some progress.
And then life comes at you, and because there wasn't anything to replace it, you just revert back to all the old stuff. And we repeat, repeat, repeat. And then lastly, we get to goals and execution. So we reverse engineer your goals, whether they're professional, personal, whatever they are, we reverse engineer them from the moment of completion. And then the next thing, and we do it in a very specific way. So everyone's heard of smart goals, right? In my world,
we use smarter goals. So the E and the R, we add energy and emotion and we add reverse engineering and igniting of the reticular activating system in the brain. So we reverse engineer the goals and we microstep backwards. So the reason that that's so powerful is if we're setting a goal for today for six months from now or three months from now, and we're going forward, we skip most of the steps because our brain can't fill in what we don't know, what we don't know, but we do it in a way in which we say what has to happen just before that,
We actually have all the steps and then we go install that on your future

Goal Achievement and Positive Focus

timeline. And so we make it, you experience all the senses, right? We hear what you hear, see what you see. We experience the emotion and the feeling of it. And then we install it so that your.
brain and the reticular activating system in your brain is now laser focused on looking for all of those things that we need to align to make sure that we actually achieve these goals. I have a client. She came to me because of divorce situation and a career change. So it was all happening at once. And, you know, four weeks in to this work, the people in her life were like, are you, are you medicating? Are you taking drugs? What's going on with you? Like,
you're so much more relaxed and clear and kind and happy and you could be around your ex-husband for graduation and it wasn't a thing and you know all of these pieces which were amazing but then she was also really suffering and struggling because she had gone back to school and got another degree and she's like you know I don't know what to do I don't even know where to start and what I really want to do doesn't exist So we reverse engineered her dream job on a Monday and installed it on her timeline. She called me on Thursday and she's like, I couldn't even text you. I had to call you. You're never going to believe this. I just got an offer for the job that didn't exist on Monday. Wow. In four days. Now that is not a guarantee, people. like yeah I'm not guaranteeing your dream job ends up in four days. But as she you know has shared you know with regards to her healing, her relationship, her mastery in communication, her new job,
how it changed her relationship with her kids, you know, I mean all of it because really this work affects every area of your life. So it doesn't matter in what, you know, what way you're coming to me. If you're coming to me because you want to heal your heart so you can actually call in the love that's worthy of you or you're coming to me because you know that you're meant for more and there's more that you wanna do and you're just stuck in this place, the framework is the same. And no matter which way you come in, it it it seeps into every area of your life because we're we're letting go of all of of all of it that isn't serving you. So it's just really profound, powerful and fast, right? It's age 10 times faster than any other healing modality. So it does not take years, so it takes weeks. That's amazing.
what i mean Obviously, like you went through this journey on your own and that's what made you decide to start this business. But what was that process like for you? like How long did it take you to start your business and how long did it take you to maybe get to the point where you were like dialed in on exactly how you were going to support people, exactly who you wanted to support? like Was that kind of automatic for you or did that take some trial and error for you?
It did take some trial and error. And I'll tell you what my whole life it's been about. I want to help everybody I meet and to live your very best life. And I want to love on you and I want to hold space for you. And I want to serve you in the highest level. A couple of things became clear to me. So, um, my.
my brand voice right is i'm is ruler lover. So ruler is my dominant and that clarity and that expert and that guiding and lover is my next one. I often though speak from lover because that's my heart. right And so when I started my business, I was speaking to everyone.
which is wonderful and inspiring, but you got to speak to someone specific, right? So it took me a minute to get really clear about who she was. And it took some looking at, you know, who am I and who was I and what was what was I going through and what were the things and the parts of my life that I so desperately wished that I would have had this back then. And that's where kind of those two women just kind of became crystal clear to me. yeah The successful woman in the prime of her life post divorce or at the end of a significant relationship who wants to heal what needs to be healed and and find that love and really get clear. And the successful woman who's ambitious and driven and isn't necessarily around love or heartbreak, but is stuck.
If someone is listening right now and they're like, okay, I feel pretty stuck. I would love for you to share some very practical tips. Like what would, what could be, you know, they're, they're, they're going about their day for the rest of the day. Like what is something practical that you would say, Hey, stop wherever you are. And this is the first thing I would, I would recommend that you do as you start on this journey, now that you have a little bit more awareness about some potential opportunity ahead of you. But if you're feeling stuck today, here's a practical tip I would give you.
So if you're feeling stuck in the cycle and and like that whole thing where you keep finding yourself in the same situation, yeah here's what I want you to do. I want you to take 30 seconds and open the notes app on your phone. And I want you to make a list of five things that you don't want in your life. Five things you know pertaining to whatever you're feeling stuck in, let's say. And then five things that you really, really want in relationship to that.
And for the rest of the day, I want you to just commit to yourself that you're going to play it a thousand percent. And when you feel anything that doesn't feel good and high vibe and empowered in your body or in your mind, if you have a rubber band, I want you to snap it. And then I want you to replace it with a better feeling thought by one level. And there's three super, super easy ways to do that. Number one, just look at something of those five things that you really want.
And just focus on that, you know, with some emotion and some thought about like what it feels like to actually have that. Number two, something could be the smallest thing, but that you are genuinely grateful for. And number three, ask yourself in this moment, like, who can I serve? And it doesn't have to be a grand gesture. It can literally be a thought, a prayer and intention. It can be a text to a girlfriend who is going through something. It could be,
bringing the trash can up from the neighbor's end of the driveway to their front door. When we are in that stuck and we're in our head and it's, we're in that like shadow, yucky space of this isn't working and I'm frustrated. The fastest way to like elevate that is to be in service of someone else. Get out of our own head and do something for someone else. So it's like those three little things. Think about something that you really, really want on that toward list.
What are you grateful for? And what can you do for someone else in that moment? And and just starts start there, right? It doesn't have to be this big overwhelming thing. But what you'll start to realize is you'll start to pull yourself out of it faster and being able to recognize it faster. And flipping that focus, watch what happens.
when you start changing that energetic currency. I love that. Thank you for sharing. Those were so good. um So if you're listening, i hope you're I hope you'll do that first one where you'll just just whip out the notes section on your phone and and write down some notes and and just tune in and become kind of but become more aware of what's really running on autopilot. we i you know I have a program for helping women with making more money in their business. And one of the things that we always do, and I'm like,
We can't avoid it. We have to look at what your current money script is and what's being, you know, what's kind of running in the background. So I love that because awareness is always going to be step one. And once we're aware, we can't become unaware. We're really faced with, okay, now what? So such good tips. Thank you for sharing. Absolutely. Okay. Will you tell our listeners where they can go to learn learn more about you? Of course. So R I A N A M A. l i a We'll put that in the show notes. It was so lovely to get to meet you and learn a little bit more about your story and hear about this fabulous work that you're doing. So thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much for having me.