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Intuition, cliches, & building a spiritual business w/ Zoey Greco image

Intuition, cliches, & building a spiritual business w/ Zoey Greco

S1 E36 · This or More
89 Plays7 months ago

Put a finger down if you want to step into your purpose, gain clarify in your life, and find more abundance. Who doesn’t want that!? You’re in luck because intuitive empath and spiritual coach Zoey Greco joins me on the show today. We dive deep into Zoey’s story how you, too, can tune into your intuition to live in alignment. Plus, Zoey does a LIVE reading for me — stay tuned until the end.

We chat:

  1. Debunking common misunderstandings about spiritual readings and mediums
  2. Why the cliché "follow your bliss" isn't terrible advice
  3. How Zoey went from working out of her tiny apartment to having a legit business with her own healing space
  4. Why intuition is crucial if you are in a sales role
  5. What it takes to build a trusted brand to stand out from the crowd
  6. What you really need to shed in order to become your most authentic self
  7. Why intuition is good for the boardroom AND the bedroom
  8. What happens when you listen to fear
  9. Plus hear Zoey give Tiffany a live channeled reading!


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Introduction to Zoe Greco and Her Intuitive Journey

Hello, today we are joined by Zoe Greco. She's an intuitive empath and spiritual coach. She uses her gifts of clairvoyance, healing, and empowerment to help individuals step into their purpose, gain clarity on their lives, and find fulfillment and abundance in all forms. Who doesn't want that? Today, we're going to dive a little deeper into her story. When she first realized that she was an intuitive and had these skills, some common misconceptions around her work, how she started her business, and then of course, how to tune into your own intuition because she believes we all have that superpower. And then she gives me a live reading. Stay tuned because you're going to want to hear what she says. Welcome to the show fellow five foot tall powerhouse Zoe Greco.
Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you.

Tiffany Napper's Introduction and Zoe's Childhood Experiences

I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats. On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.
I'm so happy to have you, Zoe. Hi. I'm so happy to be here. We're about to have such a good conversation. Yes, we are. We are going to dive in and talk about your natural abilities, your skill sets. And I really, if you're listening, I want you to walk away feeling like you have a better understanding of what this work is all about and how you can start to cultivate this on your own in your own daily life. I think Zoe, you're such a good job at teaching in addition to doing so I'm excited to dive in a little deeper but yeah I want to go all the way back because I was reading um some of your bios and stories about you and I love that you were talking about how when you were a kid you were playing with oracle cards over Barbie dolls and you were tapping into past life experiences when you were in the bathtub
And I think that's so fascinating because clearly this was just in you from a very, very

Zoe's Unique Intuitive Journey and Supportive Upbringing

young age. So talk to me a little bit about what it was like to realize at such a young age. and And maybe when did you start to first put words around what this really was? Sure. First of all, great question. um I definitely feel like my journey is just a little bit unique in that I didn't have to necessarily discover my intuitive gifts or I didn't have like a near-death experience or like a spiritual awakening. I just kind of came here and never closed my eyes and I was like, what is this place? Like ah for me, the human experience is a little bit weirder and more difficult and more foreign than a spiritual experience.
so I definitely, as you shared, like as a kid, it was my focal point. When I was in kindergarten and they ask us like what you want to be when you grow up or what you want to do, I said I wanted to meet God. And the school called my family because they were like concerned. And they were like, she's five years old. like She's not suicidal. That's a really weird... like She's just... The whole life, I was freaking people out with just the things I would do, the things I would say. like I remember doing a school project where I wrote from the perspective of a bunch of different soldiers from like different time periods and I had had no servicemen in my family like I have no one in my family that's ever done that I have no exposure or experience to that and my teachers were like
befuddled and confused and they thought I had plagiarized like it was um like this happened to me constantly but I was just channeling I just reached the ether and said any soldiers who want to like tell their story that like want me to you know tell it for them in the form of poetry So that was really fun. And I think it's just always been like that. Like I was definitely the kid that brought Oracle cards to sleepovers. I used to play in my attic and like make potions and talk to ghosts. And it's just the way I always was. And luckily, I was just brought up in an environment where
it wasn't It wasn't necessarily like encouraged. It wasn't like my mom was like, go play witch now, but she was like, do whatever feels right for you. like Do whatever feels good for you. and um you know Even my dad who didn't necessarily understand was always like, well, she's special. She's a little and little special kid. I just feel so grateful that I had the opportunity to just be myself without interruption and i think that's really the difference between myself and others is that i was just not interrupted whereas for other people we have you know either religious upbringings which i'm also not anti-religion i'm actually i think whatever way that you feel you want to connect with the universe you should do but i do think it should should be everyone's individual choice and so when we grow up in religious environments or we grow up in environments where anything that is sort of connected to like spirituality or the occult is really demonized, we get really interrupted by that experience. So
Luckily, I had the opportunity to not um have any of those things in my way, but I did also want to like be a normal person. like I really, so badly ... It's not something ... I didn't like go to school like talking about it with my friends. I like i just wanted i was worried more about like going to Abercrombie and getting like the cutest of polos and like popping my collar and like you know all the things that you worry about as a kid.

Transition from Journalism to Spiritual Coaching

yeah i was just very human. I was still very interested in like the human experience and it wasn't until college that my gifts sort of became undeniable that they were like my focus because I was there and I wanted to I was studying journalism and sociology and anthropology and I wanted to be a journalist and travel the world like highlighting atrocities for you know to bring awareness to things that were going on and
And nothing really like stuck. Nothing was feeling right. And then I met this girl who is a very wonderful human being. And she had gone to Costa Rica for the summer and she was like, Oh, I went to Costa Rica the summer and I was in the jungle and I met this girl who reads toes. And I was like. Come again now. what I've heard a palm reading. I've heard a lot of things. Reading toes was new to me. And she was like, yeah, she went to the school in Arizona and she studied all this, you know, spiritual healing stuff. And so after college, I was like, yeah, I guess that's what I'm doing next. Like everyone else was applying to like Fulbright scholarships and, you know, master's programs. And my parents were like, so now that we've spent a million dollars on your education, what's next? And I was like,
Yeah, you guys are not gonna like this, but um I'm gonna go be psychic. But at first, to be honest, I felt like I really had to legitimize my offerings with something else. So I thought about becoming a chiropractor. I was getting really encouraged to go to naturopathic you know so medical school, ah because I had the aptitude, but I didn't have the interest. and so i i Even when I moved to Arizona to study alternative healing, which is where I still am, ah I was studying holistic nutrition and herbalism. and um you know I was looking at becoming ordained. so i could like i don't know just I was looking at all sorts of things and I was like,
like I just want to be a psychic. I don't want to have to like feel like I have to do anything else to make me more legitimate or marketable or like mainstream, you know, ah appeasing. And so ah long story short, I decided to just pursue this as my path. And even though I at times tried to do other things. The universe just always lovingly was like, Hey, I'm so sorry. You just like don't really have a choice. Like you can do this however you want to do it. You can show up in this work, however you want to show up, like be, I was always invited to be myself, but this was like, there was no other path. There was no other way. And like, this is what I will do forever in some form and iteration. So yeah kind of a long and winding story. But the truth is like, anytime that I tried to be like,
I'm like, I want to do something different. This is what always sought me out. And so I think it's important for people to know too, that like you can be spiritual your whole life and still not know this is your calling until you're just really like kind of delivered into it by circumstance. Yeah. And when you What, well, when you, when you, when you had those experiences where it was like, you kind of felt like you were getting redirected over and over and over again. Um, I like it. What was there a point along that time and maybe give us like just an understanding of, okay, we're post college.

Challenges and Epiphanies in Starting a Spiritual Business

And then at what point was it like, Nope, this is a, this is my business. I am now turning this into, you know, this is my future basically. Totally. So I had actually been, um,
I had come to Arizona to study at a healing arts college out here and I ended up being hired before classes even started to help develop their online curriculum like from a like a quality control perspective. And then I ended up becoming like an instructional designer and like working with subject matter experts. And I enjoyed that a lot, but I also, um I haven't talked about this too much publicly, but I was being emotionally and and sexually harassed by my older, much older male married boss. And I was only 22 with my first job out of college. And I really like, I was very gaslit in that experience, like,
ah He made me feel like we were friends and nothing ever happened between us, but he really loved that there were rumors and he sort of perpetuated them and just, he would just a lot of things. It was very, and I was getting blamed for like distracting him from his job. It was just a very like toxic experience, which. Years later, I was actually, um I was vindicated because someone else brought a sexual lawsuit against him and a private investigator reached out to me to to interview me about that. So the owner of the school apologized, like the whole thing, the universe always takes care of it, right? Like karma always finds its way, um but I needed to get out of that environment and I needed to leave that job. So when I did, um I wasn't getting paid very much for that position. I didn't really have anything to my name.
but I knew because I had been in school and I had been studying these things and I had been doing this my whole life that like I knew how to do it. I just didn't necessarily know how to make it a business. And I was in, so I left that job and I was like, okay, well let me get another job and just see what I can do to like, you know, tide myself over financially, make sure I'm going to be okay. And I was, I was applying for things constantly and I was not getting, I wasn't even getting rejections. I just wasn't getting responses. Like it was this weird thing where like, it was almost like, I wasn't even applying. It was so strange. And I was in the shower one morning and I'll never forget it. Cause I was like in my shitty apartment and like, I, you know, it was like, my rent was like 500 bucks a month if you can believe it. And I like, I mean, you could believe it. It looked like a prison where I was living and like, there's mold on my ceiling and all sorts of stuff. And I was like, man, like I need a job. And I heard a voice so loud and clear as day that was like, no.
it's time to start your business. and i was like I remember looking up at my moldy ceiling and being like, Huh? Come again? Like me? i I have to do this as a business. And it was in that moment that I knew like, okay, that's the invitation. That's like the only way forward. And so i this was back in 2014. So it was very, you know it's but it's been a decade. um And so 2014 was the height of like the girl boss era. ah It was also the height of like the blogger era. And so
I just got really committed to like creating content. I wrote a blog post every single day. I posted on Instagram and socials. I went to events where I would sit and wait for people to get readings from me and nobody would even stop by and I wouldn't make a dollar the whole day. and like I did all the grunt work. like I showed up to all the festivals and hippie things and I did the best I could. um and then I decided that if I wanted people to take me seriously, I needed to take myself seriously. So, um, I had a friend at the time who was just beginning a business as a web designer. And so she did that by my first website for me, which if you looked at it today, you'd be like, well, but I, you know, like got a job done and exactly. Like I just needed something and like she put it on her portfolio and I didn't really have to pay for it. So that was amazing. I got business cards and then I remember
The first big step that I took was I rented an office because I had been seeing people in my apartment, which like, first of all, I lived in a very not good place. And so I was like embarrassed for people to come to like where I lived, but also, I mean, don't get me wrong. It was cute. I made it very cute, but, uh, but it just wasn't professional. And so I found someone that was renting a little room in a tiny, tiny little like four room healing studio that truly was like smaller than a one bedroom apartment. like It was very tiny. and She was going to charge me $275 a month. and I remember being like, how am I ever going to make $275 a month, let alone to pay her this money? but My friend that had made my website, she was like so
encouraging and she's like, look, you're not going to, you're not going to grow if you don't try. And my husband now, who at the time was just my boyfriend, everyone around me was like, also we were all in our early twenties starting businesses of our own. And so just being in that environment of entrepreneurship and like that sort of mentality and frequency also really supported me. And I totally believe in like the adage that you are who you surround yourself with. yeah And luckily I just, all my friends, truly all my friends were young people starting their own businesses. And so My husband is in marketing, so I had yeah expertise there. My friend was a web designer, and I just decided, like okay, I'm going to take the leap, and I got this little office, and we were you know co um-referring to each other. There was a naturopathic physician, an herbalist, and a Pilates studio, a one-reformer like closet-sized Pilates studio in the middle space.
And I did it. It had no windows. It was like a little, it was like a prison, but I made it cozy and homey and I started seeing

Building a Brand and Business Strategy

clients. And before I knew it just by building reputation and word of mouth and like really focusing on Yelp at the time, my Yelp reviews were like my life blood. I was, I eventually like within a couple of months was seeing 12 clients a day, like back to back to back. It just started to happen and it started to flow and then that school that I had previously worked for invited me back to teach entrepreneurship and like help them develop their entrepreneurship program, which was crazy as I was a 24 year old college professor, which is like insane.
um And from there, it really it really was born. But the thing that I like to talk about on that journey, there's a couple things. A, I do feel a responsibility as a spiritual practitioner to stand in the energy of like success and abundance so that other people know that it is possible because I think A lot of people resist this work because they don't think that they can create an abundant life from spiritual work. And that's just not the case. yeah um The other thing that I think is really important too is understanding that when I started my business, the idea of just having a one room little office where I could like put crystals on people and like read cards for them was the biggest dream that I had.
like That was the biggest I had allowed myself to dream. I never knew I would publish my own Oracle decks or that I would have a you know ah top 13 US podcast. I never knew the things that were possible no until I was willing to take the step into them, but it all started with my smaller dream. and like All we have to do with our dreams is give them room to evolve into their more full iterations and expressions. but like like my little dream I remember I would say to people I just want an office where I can like put crystals on people and do me and like pull cards for them and just like live out with people and I had no clue what it would become and to see like if I could tell Zoe ten years ago what my life is like today she would be
She'd be like, what's a podcast? Like honestly, she'd be like, what are you doing? um But that's basically the long story of what has brought me here today. I love it. And it's such a good, you know, so many good little nuggets tucked in that whole entire story. But I love the, the two things that you're kind of highlighting, which is really surround yourself with people who not just believe in you, but also are kind of walking the walk. I had the similar story when I started my business in my 30s. I was surrounded by other creative entrepreneurs. I was down in New Orleans, Louisiana. All my friends were self-employed. So it didn't, people always ask me when I'm interviewed, like, what was it like? And were you scared? And I'm like, I don't remember being scared. I don't remember feeling anything other than
Let's go. you know like um But I also did what you did and I invested in it and I treated it like a business from the very beginning. I paid for the website. I had a logo made. I had business cards made. I had posters made that I put around town. I was just like, we're doing this. you know So I think that's so, so important and and then allow it to to evolve. Because yes, same. I don't think I would have ever imagined I would end up where I am now. But I'm so grateful for every twist and turn in that journey. So I love that you shared all that. Thank you. Of course, you know, you're sharing something else. You're bringing something else up that reminds me. I think one of the things that I learned, and I don't know how necessarily true this is today because the way that we have access to each other has just changed so much than it was 10 years ago, which like also side note is hard for me to be like,
Am I old? Are my ideas like a little outdated? But I also, I feel like for me, especially in this industry, one of the things I was super, super clear about from the beginning was, and thank goodness I have naturally like a ah strong sense of aesthetic. Having a brand that felt like high level and interesting, like the vibration that I was putting out there through my visual brand was super important. And I would hear all the time, like people were scrolling on Yelp and you know, my business looked like something they were interested in and trusted. Whereas the next business looked like someone, you know, reading cards in the back of a spiritual metaphysical bookstore, you know, like they were just a very different level of energy in the way that we show up. And the truth is like.
I wasn't any better off than someone doing readings in the back of a metaphysical bookshop. I was doing them out of my shitty, scary apartment like in the bad part of town. you know like I wasn't necessarily... and And that's not to say that I was misleading anybody, but what I was doing was saying, this is this is the energy that I bring forward in my work. So no matter where I'm doing this work, This is the quality of work that you will experience. And people felt that from the beginning yeah and it stayed true to this day. And i'm I'm a person who constantly evolves my brand. My team is like, okay, like they struggled to keep up because I'm just always changing the vibe. I'm actually currently in the middle of a rebrand. So depending on when this episode comes out, like it's either done or it's not done, which is fine with me.
um But, you know, it's this, this process to have like as your dream evolves, like giving yourself room to evolve as well. But there are certain tenants that I felt like I always had to, to sort of stand with or like match which when one of those being like having a strong visual brand creating a vibration and a frequency that could be felt through the phone or the computer so that you know, like, Oh, if I work with this person, like there's a certain type and level of work that I'm going to receive. And another part of that, since we're on this entrepreneurship conversation is also pricing. I think there's something really, really, really important to pricing. Like when I started and I was seeing 12 clients a day back to back, I was charging like.
I think like $30 for a 15 minute reading, like maybe even less than that. To be honest, like I think every first, every person's first session was 50% off. Like it was like, okay, whatever my real price is. And I think that was like $50 for an hour, which is still a lot of money, um but not compared to what I'm currently charging. And I did find that. Not only did I rise to the occasion each time that I would increase my rates, but also my clients shifted with each iteration of that. and you know When I was charging like $15 or whatever, ah I was getting clients that were like, how do I voodoo this guy into loving me? and I was like, oh, this is just not where I want to be in this work. This is not feeling good for me, not feeling authentic to me.
yeah um And as I raised my rates, I was getting like a caliber of client as well that was like really there to learn how to live an intuitively led life, learn how to step into their authenticity, learn how to discover and find their purpose, how to activate abundance in their life, how to how to unlock soulmate level love, but without attachment to the outcome or like specifying that it has to be this specific person. like right It was people who were there to really do the work. And when you show up in willingness to also really meet them there in doing the work, it's just like the soul match that happens where every, every single client I have, I feel like is a divine appointment. And I'm like, I've been waiting for you. Welcome. Like we've been meant to do this forever. Like I'm so glad you're here. So all of those things along the way, I think.
are the things that helped sort of set my work apart and my brand apart from other people in the space. Um, cause I do find, especially in like the spiritual realm, like there's certain types of brands that people love where it's like, Oh, you're wearing all white and you're like outside and like some amazing place where you like have your, you know, prayer hands at your third eye and whatever. And like, I tried that on for a while and I was like, no, thanks. like it's no amazing like So I also try to convey them through my brand. Like I'm a real regular person. Uh, you're also a real regular person and like we can relate in that. I'm not trying to like put myself on a pedestal as a guru. I'm just like working beside you as your friend, also having a human experience, also figuring this out myself. But I also have this ability to.
Channel information on your behalf and teach you how to do the same thing So that's really like I think where I've tried to differentiate myself and my work from other people in the industry Yeah, and I think all of those little components you just mentioned and and you know, being such a ah good steward of the branding and making sure that it matched the level of the output that you were going to be providing and, um, and, you know, pricing, learning how to kind of price accordingly ah based on what feels good to you and what the value there, all of those things are, you know, what.
Help the business become more successful faster not to say that there's any like easy button or fast button However, you know, it is important and the moment that you and I first met on Instagram I was like your branding is beautiful and your website is beautiful and I don't know if it's the new or the old yet But right now it's all I love it. It's gorgeous and it is a vibe and it immediately translates to trustworthiness or like, you know, a want to be part of that world. And I think that's so, so important. So thank you so much for saying that. Yeah, absolutely. It's beautiful. I'm like jealous of all the video components you have going on. I'm like, Oh, it's good. let me tell you something We spend a lot of time capturing video. I always have a photographer and my photographer out here also does video content. yeah And then usually my social media manager or like an assistant will be on set getting behind the scenes footage. And you'll be shocked at how, I would say the majority that we use is the BTS, like behind the scenes. And it's, it's always just so vibey. So I can't recommend BTS enough when you're doing branding. Yeah. Oh, same. And I always tell people just put your phone on a tripod and hit record and you can always speed it up or slow it down and you will have exactly roll for days. I love it.
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Understanding and Misconceptions of Intuition

Let's segue a little bit because I would love to chat a little bit more in detail about what you do. And maybe let's start by um talking about some common misconceptions regarding or common misunderstandings regarding like your line of work, what people expect and what you hope, you know, maybe we can we can clear some air around today. Sure. I love this question. And I also think I'm so immersed in this work. I sometimes forget that there are people that are like, huh? Like, what do you do? It really, cause I think sometimes it on the inside of the industry, it can feel so saturated, yeah but in a world of billions of people, like a lot of people don't know what this is about. So, um, that was actually one of the reasons I decided to start my podcast was because I was doing these client sessions with people. And this amazing, like medicine was coming through. And I kept thinking like, you know, ah we we all have such similar experiences, like different shades of the same underlying like experience of not feeling worthy or healing from trauma or just navigating the human experience. And so to to hear someone else like be a fly on the wall in someone else's session with their consent, obviously, ah to be able to receive that medicine for yourself as well.
is so powerful and I love the DMs and the emails I get where people are like, I literally thought you were talking to me. like That was so crazy. So basically um what I do is I act as a conduit so that you can receive messages from your guardians, guides, angels, ancestors, that the energies that are here to support you on your path and your journey. And um i There's a couple different types of intuition. I personally um feel that I possess the most strongly the ability of claircognizance, which is just like automatic knowing, and also clairmpathy or clairsentience, which is like clear feeling. So I typically
feel people's emotions and those emotions sort of are translated into color. And I sort of see that in your aura. And then I also like to use some different modalities like numerology. So I'll use your name and your birth date to like calculate different things about you and like what's going on in your world. or You can even break it down day by day to sort of like themes, which is really cool. And I like do whole reports on that because that gets really in done. But um I just love to be able to Sit with people and rather than people who sit across from me and be like am I gonna win the lottery? um Because like look we all would love to win the lottery, but it's like there's more to life
then these like quick fixes that I think people want. And what I've discovered from this work is that people just want to know that they're going to be okay. They just want to know that they can like reach out and pursue their dreams or their aspirations or like a specific person or like a direction in life and not have to feel so afraid that they're going to like fall on their face in failure. And like that's the thing that I think people really want from the work. and For a long time, especially as a young person like and a people pleaser, I was never lying to people for sure, but I was like giving them what what I knew they wanted and that's not really necessarily the work that I wanted to be doing. The work that I really love to do is to sit down with someone and sort of hear where they are in their life and then receive guidance to support them in walking toward the
Path of reality that brings them the most fulfillment the most abundance the most joy so my job is to sort of hear about So so someone will come to session and they'll be like I'm not happy in my career and I want to make a change But I don't exactly know how or what and I'll say okay Do you have any inkling of the direction that you want to move in or any sort of like vision of what where you can see yourself? And either they do or they don't and either way is fine with me. And what I then do is I sort of like enter into their energetic field um remotely.
I work completely remotely and I'll sort of look into every direction of time and space and sort of look down every path of possibility and be like, Oh, this path brings you to your dream the most directly. Um, and spirit supports you walking this path. So like, here's the steps that they would have you take or like, here's the things they would have you do. And sometimes I talk to people once a year, like people treat it like their birthday treat to themselves. Other people I speak to weekly where I like so support them and kind of do almost like spiritual advising or coaching to support them in like
actually implementing those steps and growing through the things that are keeping them from accessing their authentic self. Because the truth is, your authentic self is not someone that you have to become, it's someone that you have to like, unobstruct.

Intuition as a Tool for Authentic Living

So basically, it's like helping people take off all the things that we've picked up in our life, like the trauma, the misconceptions, the confusions, like, what we're not here to be so that you can just be revealed in your inner truth. and I think that's the thing that people don't understand. They feel like they have to reach to become somebody when in reality it's like, what can we actually take off to help you see yourself more clearly when you look in the mirror?
so All of that to say, that's really what the work looks like. But when we think about like the misconceptions about this work, I think the first thing that I would love to dissuade people from thinking or believing is that you yourself cannot do this. And I think that's really important. We are all born with equal access to the gifts of intuition. Intuition is a compass that we are given when we're created to find our way to our truth. And the needle on that compass is joy, like the things that make us happy and bring us fulfillment. And it sounds so absolutely cliche. It's like, follow your bliss. But the truth is, like that is what we're here to do. The things that you want, want you more. The things that you i'm going children talk about it yeah the things that you desire,
desire you. And when we neglect that voice of desire and that needle of joy, what we end up doing is walking down a path that is leading us further from who we are. And then we pause and we go, what am I doing? Like the majority of my clients are people who are in their thirties, forties and fifties who are like, I've been in a career I hate for 30 years. what am what What am I doing? yeah And how do I get out of here now? Because I'm so deep in it. For people who are like, you know all I've known is abusive relationships. And I just want to figure out how to align myself with the vibration of and of a relationship that will honor me. So just kind of helping people understand that like it's not about
It's not about sort of like me sitting on some pedestal like channeling omnipotent wisdom that you don't have access to. like You could do this for yourself. You just don't know how because you've never been taught. A big part of my work is also teaching people how to do that for themselves or for others if they want to make this a career as well so that you can live an intuitively led life of authenticity. and I always tell people, all the blessings in my life. I'm in the most happy marriage of anybody I know. I'm obsessed with my husband to the point that like it's kind of gross and weird. I'm so in love with him. Y'all are so cute, by the way, but he's so tall. he's Yeah, so he's six two and I'm five feet, so like we have a 14-inch height difference. so like yeah but Honestly, like the moment I met him, i knew i like I saw him and I had this moment where I was like,
There you are. he is I've been looking for you. And the night I met him, I knew we were going to get married, which is like, which you as a psychic, like sometimes you have to keep things to yourself. Cause like, otherwise you're going to freak people out. Like i and on our first date. And I was like, guess what? We're getting married. He's like, we're not having a second date. We're not getting married. Like that's not happening. know I definitely like you have to sign kind of things to the chest but all the things that I have in my life that bring me joy and make my my business ah our beautiful home like our little family like all the healing I have I have undone so much
up that I went through like all the stuff that I was carrying all the pain I've healed from that and like I'm still navigating the human experience but like all the things that were once like the shadow I was once living inside of I'm now on the other side of and it's all because I listened to my intuition my intuition has guided me every single step of the way And so I want to teach people how to listen to that inner authority and know that they have a voice within them that is talking to them all the time. yeah It's just A, how do we learn to listen to it over the loud booming of our ego? Because our voice of knowing is kind of, she's kind of soft and she's delicate and she's very like demure. And the voice of ego is like, three, five, four, five. Like it's like a giant, you know, like stomping through our mental space.
And we have to learn how to sort of tame the beast of ego, like sit with the voice of inner authority. And then more than anything, we have to really befriend fear and like, you know, doubt, like we have to befriend fear because fear is always going to be there whenever you're trying something new. And I love that you were like, I don't remember feeling afraid. And I was like, I know you were because like, i was i just yeah, I don't remember it. Which is the same thing that happens with childbirth, right? Like you do birth and it's the worst, most painful thing you've ever been through, but you can't remember the pain because otherwise you would you would never procreate. The same is true with fear. Like we feel fear and it it when we're going through it, it feels like the scariest and most horrible thing we can imagine. But once we've befriended fear, like my fear shows up all the time. Every single day of my life, I'm like, should I do that? And I always have to just remind myself, hey,
When you listen to fear, things don't go well. You stay stuck. You stay stagnant. You stay uncomfortable. When you listen to the voice of truth, you're moving. You're in flow. You're in authenticity. You're happy. like Your life blossoms. So why would I even give time, energy, or credit over to that voice of ego? Yeah. And then I would say maybe the second most common misconception is that intuition is only useful to you if you want to be a professional intuitive or like you want to be a professional psychic.

Practical Applications and Misconceptions of Intuition

Wrong. I cannot say that enough. ah
Intuition, whether you want to use it in the boardroom or the bedroom, like anywhere you want to use it, it supports you. It just helps you tap into the vibration of what's happening around you. like I always tell people, if you're in a sales business, you need to like really work on your intuition because you can read into the energy. You know like you can just sort of predict what rebuttals are going to be presented to you, all sorts of things. like There's so much magic that comes from being able to just intuitively feel into whatever is happening in your world and navigate it's like it's like having a cheat code basically where like you enter into a room and you're like oh I already know I already know that person's got that going on that person's got that going on.
And I'm a person that believes in spiritual consent. like I will never just be the person that walks up to you in the grocery store that's like, great aunt Bertha is trying to talk to you. like That's not the way that I function. It's so funny because I just got my hair done. And my hairdresser was telling me about a woman who just started doing that and telling him that he wasn't his partner's name was going to start with a J. Meanwhile, he's married to a man whose name starts with a C. And he was like, well, this is awkward. As he was telling the story, I was like, Wow, I feel like she might have overstepped there. Yes, it's because here's the thing too. First of all, I also have boundaries and I don't want just anybody's great Aunt Bertha like coming through into my experience while I'm trying to shop for broccolini at Whole Foods. You know what I mean? like I'm just trying to like get my broccolini and I'm very specific about my broccolini. The other thing is I really care to
meet people where they are on their spiritual journey and not tell them where they are on their spiritual journey. So I'm never the person that's just going to approach you. Like I really believe in consent and I will never read for someone if they don't ask me to, but I do feel like I have the autonomy and permission to feel into my experiences in my humanity, whether that means kind of feeling into the vibe or what's showing up in people, but I'm never just going to like read them. And I actually, who I remember I made a big mistake when I was in college. i Someone asked me because I was like kind of just feeling into it and doing it. And this girl asked me, like can you read anything on me? And I was like, well, your mom's a lesbian and she's having an affair with her best friend. And she was like,
And it turned out to be correct. And I remember it was moments like that where I told Spirit, I was like, that's a little too much. like that's like That's like the dials on a 10. Let's keep it at a cool seven. like Maybe not shocking people. Maybe like I don't need to know everything about people. um But like anything that's useful or pertinent or supportive, let's go with that. And that's the other thing too is people think that if they tap into their their gifts that they're going to just like end up on like Mr. Toad's Wild Red and they're like they can't control what happens. But the truth is you have every right in the world to set parameters and boundaries on the way that you want to engage with spirit.
And I think the biggest, um like my biggest enemy in this world is like media, like improper media that like inaccurately portrays this work. First of all, I've never, ever, ever, to the best of my knowledge, seen any mainstream media that is like honoring or accurate of this work in any way. It's either making fun of it or even like the shows, like, um, you know, like the long Island medium or whatever, there's always something to it and respect, respect on her name. Like she's out here doing the damn thing. And also it's still like Kitchified, you know, like we can never just take this work seriously. We can never just like experience it. So it, it really lies in the hands of practitioners to like,
make this work feel approachable and realistic and also like not scary and or stupid. yeah Really. yeah um And so I think there's a lot of misconceptions about like, A, if I do activate my intuition... Well, first of all, I can't activate intuition. It's something you have to be born with. Wrong. You totally can. You were born with it. ah So you're right in that way, but we're all born with it. So anything that you have, you can it's a muscle. You just have to train it. You just have to like go to the gym, like do the things that required that are required to like build that muscle. Yeah. Intuition is useless if I don't want to be a professional psychic. ah Wrong. And then third, um that it's going to be scary or like you're going to open up a portal to hell if you decide to you know become a spiritual practitioner or just access your own spiritual knowing.
wrong again. um I actually don't even believe in hell. I don't even believe in like, I don't believe in dark energy personally. um I believe that like energy can collect in a shadow space, like energy can like collect in shadow or like, or like pain. But I'm never Like I'm never scared to use a Ouija board or anything. Like I'm, i'm you know what I mean? Like I don't think that's going to personally happen. And there's people that would disagree with me, but I would also ask them like, well, why do you disagree with me? Like because it's a good tactic for you. Cause that's another thing is this work, you have to be so discerning about who you work with because there are a lot of people just like.
just like there are a lot of people in any industry that are not operating in authenticity. like I think you can probably relate to this just yeah in the coaching space. right like How many people do you see out here who are like, I'll make you seven figures and it's like they're like yeah based on what? You know what I mean? And and I say that with respect. like Fake it till you make it is ah is a real thing. And also, like There are boundaries and there are people who have come to me and been like, I saw this person, you know, she was like in the store I went to and she told me that I had bad energy attached to me and it was going to cost me $3,000 to get it off of me and all this stuff. And I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's even people out here the past couple of years, I've had over 50 fake accounts made of money.
I was going to say, I've definitely had people slide into my DMs that are not real pretending to have be able to see like bad energy attached to me from a previous relationship and they want to take it away, which is such a good slash. I mean, using good in like air quotes, like not good, but ah a good approach for any woman because obviously most women have had a bad relationship. Like we're not, you know, 100%. I see that all the time.

Fraud in the Intuitive Industry and Authenticity

Yeah. It's sad that it's happened to you so much. ah I actually had someone leave a review on my Yelp page where she was like, this girl's a phony. And I was like, Ooh, I'm so sorry. I've never spoken to you and I'm pretty sure I know what happened to you. And I was really, really sorry that happened to you. Um, I don't think she believed me, but I was like, that was back when I had like 22,000 followers and I was like, it's just getting worse. And now like the more I grow, the worse it's.
forgotten And like the truth is there's nothing we can, like as practitioners, there's nothing we can do to prevent it. Like Instagram doesn't really care. Like tech doesn't really care. So I'm verified as like the best I can do. And just like, if I'm not, if that's you, if you don't get a message from a verified account, like it's not right. Yeah. i yeah So anyway, a long, long answer to your very good question. No, I love it. Those were some really good little nuggets. So thank you for sharing. um I know we talked about saving saving some time today to do a little bit of a live

Live Intuitive Reading and Career Guidance

channel reading. So totally dive in. Absolutely. okay So I would love to start by like tuning into your aura, but I do want to ask you, and I don't know how comfortable you are in sharing this on your show, but do you have any intentions or questions that you want to ask for our time together?
Intentions or questions? Let's see. I would say, and anyone who's listening to my podcast, if you've listened to previous episodes, you know this journey, but I've definitely been on a journey, what I've called my soft CEO era of really trying to find the sweet spot of not overly giving myself away. It's a tendency that I have. and kind of settling in a little bit more to finding the best way for me to make my impact without sacrificing myself and my mental you know health and all of that jazz. So if I were to just sum that up, I would say maybe something along the lines of the career and the way that that's kind of going to unfold for me in the next couple of years.
Totally. Okay. It's so funny that your question was career centric because the first color that shows up in your aura is red, like red, red, red. And honestly, I love a woman with a red aura because it is, it's actually the color of like the material manifestor, like the CEO. It's like the, it's a very human number as well. So like. Anyone who really enjoys their human experience, who's like really here to like do the human thing and like you think a lot about um like the things that would be related to the root chakra like home, financial stability, like security, like you love a nice investment, like an account, like a 401k, you know, like those things are just like, yum, yum, yum, like those are your favorite things.
And red is also the color of ambition. And the fact that there's so much of it in your field lets me know that like your work is far from done. um But also at the center, you have so much green and like soft pink in your field, which lets us know that the work and that's why we like each other so much because the work that you do, you do from a heart centered place. Like you're here to be of service, which is why you're having this like, imbalanced experience with reciprocity. We're like giving. Oh, this is, I can feel you. I feel this is touching you. Oh, yeah. I'm there with you. we're We're together. I'm with you. Um, I see you. You're perfect. yeah okay Um, yeah.
Thank you. Thank you for letting emotion come through actually. Thank you. Like that's how the work takes place. And my, my crown chakra is like tingling, which sounds like such joke like a psychic thing to say. My crown chakra is tingling, but it actually is. So you, everything you do is because you genuinely care. You genuinely, genuinely care about how you can change people's lives. I have goosebumps and you do it from a place of not just humanitarianism, but like heart centeredness. Like you really. You care about your clients. You fall in love with them. like you really You really are there for them, which I think is where you're like this little teapot just pouring out, pouring out, pouring out. and The business is pouring back in. and like I feel that. like you've You've unlocked success and you're just going to continue to unlock more of it. like That's just innate to who you are. You're a magnet. like You're very gold. Actually, there is a ring of gold around your energy, which is like very ah magnetic. yeah
There's also um a lot, and I feel it in my throat. There's a lot showing up for you in um like next steps which we're going to talk about very soon but I also see that There's some parts of you that have had to like take a back seat outside of the work. And you're realizing like, Oh, actually, I think the more that I bring that in, the better this will feel for everybody. Like the better this will be for everyone. And I'm really interested in you because
you You are very unique in that your wound is not like a common wound, which doesn't surprise me because like you're not a common person, but like youre you don't struggle with like worth. like You know what you're worth, but you also see other people so clearly and you see them through the lens of love that you're like, well, I know what you're worth. like I know what you deserve. I know what you should have. And because you know you are a channel for that and you can give it to them, you're like, well, it has to come from me. So all of that being said, we're also seeing like quite a bit of blue showing up in your field and blue is the color of the communicator. It's the color of the throat chakra. it's
speaker so like the fact that you have a podcast like not surprising um but I definitely see that like sort of the next phase and stage of your work is really about working with large groups like really showing up in big spaces like I see you on stage I see you writing I see you teaching like it's about the megaphone because the truth is like you can pour all you want into people but like the more one-on-one an individual your work is or like the more intimate your work is you are a giver and that's not going to change. so It's about protecting because you you don't need to change. like You're perfect exactly the way you are. You don't need to change, but you just need to support yourself with different circumstances, which I think you already are tapped into.
so getting into bigger spaces like leading conferences conventions workshops like showing up at other people's like being a speaker and a keynote speaker at those events like leading events where you can guide people through like larger things and also working in like creating masterminds and like groups where you can really like take people through these programs and doing it in a way that is um like self-paced and also bringing in more support, like delegating is going to be a big thing for you. Blue is also leadership um we and blue and red together, chills, like leadership. So continuing to expand your team, um whether that comes from people who have moved through your programs that you like trust to be a stewards of of your programs, whether that involves like hiring on new people who just really know what the heck they're doing and like making them part of what you're putting out into the world.
um All of that is really where spirit is saying like, it's time to get better at using your voice to delegate. And that's also hard when you're so good at everything, which I think is like one of your curses is like, well, I could just do it myself or like, I should just do it myself. And the truth is that same sense of empowerment. Okay, here we go that same sense of empowerment is what you're supposed to be giving to other people. So teaching them like you can do it yourself like you can trust that you can do it yourself so like giving them those tools and those power that power and being able to do that on a large scale is really important. And in order for you.
to do that, you have to move into the next phase because you've mastered do it yourself, mastered it more than mastered it, but you are still mastering like delegation and leadership. And so you're moving into an era where All of your opportunities are going to support you in learning those skills. and You may even find that some of your other work like might dry up a little bit because the universe knows you and they know you're a little bit stubborn. like You like things and like you get ... I mean stubborn in a good way. like You're committed. You're very committed. You're very devoted. and so Until something gives up on you, you're not going to give up on it. so Anything that needs to go is going to quit you.
um And anything that needs to stay or needs to come in you have to make room for it because what you're teaching people is Amazing and what you want to teach them is amazing But in order for you to take them to the next step you two have to go there and so that's where you're headed right now and I think Like the great thing that's working in your favor is that you do see yourself clearly, um, in terms of like, you know, that you're the person who can hold it. Like, you know, you have the capacity. I think your biggest challenge is learning to trust other people and like trust that they can hold your things for you and that they can support you in what you're trying to create and where you're trying to go. So I know that is so much information. How is that resonating for you? And is there any part of it that's not resonating that I can clarify?
It all sounded very, very, very spot on. And it's so funny because I had an Akashic Records reading last week for my birthday and um the gold color came up, the blue color came up quite a bit. a lot ah for Pretty much everything you've said was but also said in that reading. So that all made a lot of sense to me. Yeah. And I feel you. i mean it's so It's interesting because literally on Tuesday, which would have been yesterday as of this recording. So one day ago, I was chatting with someone on my team and she had written some emails for some a project. And she was like, I'd really like to get your you know your eyes on that before I send that out. And I sat there in that moment and I was like, why? Why do you need my eyes on it? And she was like, well, just because you're a better writer than me. And I said, you know
But are you a great writer? And she's like, yeah. And I was like, okay, then it's done. And so when you said that, I was like, that's, I felt really proud of myself when I did that yesterday, because normally I'd be like, okay, I'll take a peek. And I was like, Nope, this is when we start to empower. And, and so when you said that, I was like, okay, I hear you. I can do that. I can do more of that. Um, I actually did it yesterday and it felt amazing. And so, and that's what I'm talking about is like your inner voice already knew that that was something that you needed. yeah And I, in session, I never want to tell people something that like completely surprises them. I want to tell them something that they already know and feel is true. That's the work, right? Like I'm not here to tell you something you don't know. I'm here to validate something you do know, whether you've told it to me or not.
Yeah. And sometimes I have sessions where people are like, here's my whole life story. And other times people are like, prove yourself to me, which, and I'm like, okay, well, the first way just doesn't give us a lot of time for me to talk to you. The second way, like there's, there's walls and obstacles energetically that I have to climb before I can even get to the good stuff. So like, if you're going to make me prove myself, which I don't know, that always surprises me. Like, why would someone pay so much money to talk to me when they like don't think Yeah, you know what I mean? but we're like bush Which I also understand because it's like they want to, right? like They want to believe it. They want to trust. They just need a reason. yeah And I'm happy to give that to them, but they also need to make it not impossible for me. You know what I mean? playing You also have to make it so that I don't have to climb up like the Empire State Building to like find you. you know like you know Maybe a hurdle or two. know I haven't done track and field before.
oh That was so so good so thank you so much for you also said a few things that I've been ah like you said I've been feeling I've been thinking and I just sometimes need to hear again so that I know that this is my path forward and this is what I need to be.

Conclusion and Acknowledgments

These are the polls that I no longer need to ignore, right? a Absolutely. Well, it's my honor. It's my honor to be here. It's my honor to share this with you. And I have a very strong feeling aside from you coming on my show, this is not our last conversation. No, absolutely not. Yeah.
I'm very, very grateful to know you. and i'm i'm I'll speak for myself, obviously, now that I can say I've had firsthand experience working with you. I'm so, so glad um that you went on the journey that you went on and that you you followed the calling um to make this your career because you're clearly really good at it. Thank you so much. Thank you. I'm just honored to be with you today and honored to see where our journey takes us forward and just so excited to connect with your community and serve them in whatever way they let me. I love it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. thank you Will you tell everybody where they can find you on the internet? Yes.
So, uh, I've recently rebranded and they'll, it might be still be in the works. Um, now everything is under my name. I used to operate under a pseudonym and now it's like the real me, baby. I'm not, there's nothing that I'm hiding behind. So you can find me at Zoe Z-O-E-Y-G-R-E-C-O And then you can find me on Instagram and Tik TOK at the Zoe Greco. Cause I'm not just Zoe Greco, Zoe Greco. The one and only. Believe it or not, there's so many of us actually. like Even some that have my same middle name, which like isn't even that good. So I'm like, that's really surprising. What's your, Zugreco is, where does that come from? That's my dad's name. So that's my maiden name. I i never changed my name because I don't believe in the patriarchy, but also like i do use I do use my married name socially. And I kind of like having that little bit of like,
anonymity, you know, like everyone knows my husband's last name, but like, I still like, you know, socially having my own identity as yeah that. I love that. I always people always I've been Tiffany Napper for so long. I'm always like, if I get married, I think I would stay Tiffany Napper. But unofficially, I would introduce myself as Tiffany, whatever my husband's last name is, because I like what you're going with that. It's like, it's like a little bit of a separation between work and personal. Perhaps I don't know. My only issue is when I go to like, you know, get a massage or something and they're like, what's your account under? I'm like, I don't, can you use my phone number? Like, I don't know which name it's going to be. So like, sorry about that. But anyway, that's where everyone can find me and I can't wait to connect with your audience. I just can't wait to serve them. yeah And thank you again for having me. Oh my God. Thank you for being here. It was so fun. Talk to you soon. Of course. Yes ma'am.
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