So, deliver whatever it is that you said you promised. Was it a discount? Make it clear and bold and easy for them to find in the email. Was it a guide, a tip, a tool? Again, make it really, really, really easy for them to find it. Don't bury it in bodies of text, bold, underline, button, whatever you've got to do. If you didn't promise anything, like meaning maybe they just clicked a link that said they wanted to sign up to your list and there was no promise of any lead magnet or freebie, it was more generic, give them a reason to stick around, give them a bonus unexpected wow and delight moment, a valuable resource, an actionable tip they can implement right away related to what you do. Let's say you're a social media manager, and they opted in for your email list with no, no, no gimmicks, no lead magnet, no nothing. They just said, Yep, I want your emails. And in that first email, you gave them one thing