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Louisiana's Commandment, The Pros and Cons of Splitting the Atom, and Procrastination | Comedy Podcast image

Louisiana's Commandment, The Pros and Cons of Splitting the Atom, and Procrastination | Comedy Podcast

E132 ยท History Defeats Itself
456 Plays7 months ago

The boys are back! In this episode, Kevin talks about Louisiana forcing public schools to display the ten commandments in every classroom, as well as Oklahoma forcing public schools to teach the Bible as part of its curriculum. John talks about the pros and cons of splitting the atom - nuclear war is bad but medical advances are good. And Greg, who clearly didn't put any effort in, talks about procrastination.


Lighthearted Opening and Podcast Introduction

ah Kevin, you remember when you had a really small penis? You're like, still do, Ma. Yeah, but I made a baby penis and never grew, Ma. Oh, I just choked a little bit. Not on not not on Kevin's small penis. Yeah, no, but on my beer. yeah That makes more sense. Oh, it's good to be back. you know It is good to be good to be back.
History Defeats Itself is a comedy podcast. Kevin, John, and Greg are not experts, historians, or even all that smart.
Open a can of whoop-ass. I was thinking more like fruit punch. Oh yeah, that'd be better. Did they put that in cans? Well, Hawaiian Punch, did they still make Hawaiian Punch cans? Remember those? I totally remember those. You'd put the big hole in it, and then you'd go across the other one and put it right in the hole. The little guy for the air? Oh my god. That was fun. I forgot about that. Yeah. We're old, dude. Thanks, guy. Yeah, we are. Hey, should we get started? Yeah, I thought we were. What the hell? Who's going first?
All right. Well, this is history defeats itself. I'm here with my lovely co-host John and Greg. My name's Kevin and we've taken some time off lately. Uh, we've all been very busy, busy in the, the break was helpful. What what what did you guys, what'd you guys do with your time off? chases Well, found Jesus and what a

Personal Updates and New Podcast Format

facelift. I got a facelift. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Okay. i had plenty well for that It's hard to tell through the beard, but yeah. Well, that's, I just did my, this thing. So I'm just waiting for a tail and then I'm going to shave the beard off. Okay. So. Well, if you're, if you're, if you're watching this on YouTube and Dudley, you notice that we're not putting up video anymore. We're still on YouTube, but it's just going to be the audio because we've been, we started getting complaints about, ah about how handsome we are. And, um, you know, a lot of divorces caused by these three months, lots of dick pics coming our way. Didn't like it. And we're not saying stop. Yeah. Yeah.
But, uh, maybe, maybe, wait, Joe Missoula, maybe go the dermatologist. yeah We're a little worried about you. Uh, we, we kind of zoomed in on a few and it's, it's not a good spot. Frank Jacobson, you definitely have cancer. Yeah. Yeah. Frank, we're, we're pulling for you, buddy. yeah And, uh, and Stephanie, thank you. We hadn't got a vagina pick before that was, uh, refreshing. So not sure how you tattoo the inside, but okay. I don't know how you get it to prolapse like that, but good on you. ah Additionally, we're we're also going down to monthly, at least for now. We're just kind of doing a loose, loose thing here. We're we're we're just we're very busy people and ah ah we're trying to keep this going because we sent so many we got so many cards and letters, um got lots of postcards. And nobody bought our cryptocurrency.
so no one knows yeah No one bought John cone no what but yeah coin It's it's gonna it's it's gonna happen it's gonna have get it now ground floor. It's George joe coin George I bought some I guess I'm the only one But yeah, everything's good. Everything's good with us, everybody. Like, we did have somebody reach out to us and ask if we were okay. We're fine. We're fine. I think. I mean, I'm fine. I don't know. Mentally and physically, we're fine, but... Yeah, yeah. John's got something on his leg. Some sort of a... Gross. Good guy. I could kill him. I got steroid cream today, too, because I got multiple things happen in the same spot on my leg, so...
It's not good, guys. No. You're such an attention seeker. Well, it's mostly just my legs are really skinny. And when I look at them, I think, how do I stand on these things? I hope it kills you so I can go to your funeral and say, whoop, I was wrong. I should have been much nicer to him. I hope I die, too. I think so. Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen you in shorts. So I can't speak. I mean, you're always wearing pants. You don't want to see that. No. but dan I thought I wore shorts when we met for for drinks. Did I not wear shorts? Was I in pants? No, you were kicked out of the bar. You mean let you mean you mean a few weeks ago when you went out? Yeah. No, I think, well, it was last week, I think. No, no, because remember you commented on my shorts. Right, because your legs are awful skinny. Well, I've been working on them. i They're pretty so pretty good. It's not helping. No? No. They're still way closer to being normal size than yours, Jon.
We're talking about Kevin's legs right now. So I don't know why you gotta keep coming back. Let John deflect, all right? Yeah. um No, they're very, yeah, they're very skinny. so And every time I wear shorts, people always comment on how skinny they are. They're like, oh, look, hey, you got something to hang on your shorts. Oh, wait, it's just your leg. Yeah, that's a good one. It's solid. I like that. well Well, maybe do some squats and some calf raises, like Greg's granddaughter does to boost her legs. It's true. She does have big legs. She's got some big legs, big legs for that that one-year-old. Chomp. All right, just so everybody knows, too,
um We're doing things a little differently for those of you who have been with us for a while. We're just gonna we're each going to bring a topic each each ah each episode and and we're just going to chat. We're just going to talk about it and it's not going to be ah one person coming with it, but we we still keep the same idea that I don't know what John and Greg are going to talk about and they don't know what I'm going to talk about. so We're just going to kind of change it. I don't know what I'm going to talk about either. That's right. youre you are you Are you Googling right now? What does that work? Hey guys, my topic is Google. My topic just came to me. This is how to Google stuff. Topo Chico. Topo Chico is... I'm all about ranch water now. I'm all in on ranch water. I don't know what ranch water is. I don't know what you keep saying. It doesn't have as much flavor as it needs to.
Well, I'm okay with that though. it like a lot of the It's like a seltzer. Remember the the one that Sheena had when we were hanging out, John, it's like, it's kind of like in that family, but it's like, it's like 5% and they're totally crushable. And, uh, I'm a raging alcoholic and I need to somehow tone it down. I don't think you're raging. I think you're just consistent. Okay. Yeah. I like that. yeah Actually that's better. Yeah. I, you know, so in our time off, I have done a lot of, uh, self-exploration, um, and masturbation. Well, yes, that's physical self-exploration fingers and crevices and what have you just touching stuff. Let me use my words, see what does what see how this all works. What is this hole in the back of my body? Pulling and twisting and shoving and what have you.
I don't even know where I was going with that. I know, it doesn't matter at this point. All right, should I start? I believe you should. Well, I don't have a topic, so you gotta get going. Give me time to research.

Debate on Religious Laws in Education

Louisiana. Oh, fuck. That's it. Really? I'm doing Louisiana. Are you really? I mean, I am now. Known for Creole food, bardi gras, humidity, and of course, religious this or you're just thinking about it. Religious imposition. What's an imposition? Louisiana has become the first state to require that the 10 commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Every classroom.
Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed a new law last month that requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in large, easily readable font in all public classrooms from kindergarten to state-funded universities. That's fucked up. And this is this is good, I like this. If you want to respect the rule of law, you've got to start the from the original law giver, which was Moses, who got the Ten Commandments from God, Landry said. Good point.
But it's funny because it's like, well, was he the original lawgiver? Because it's not totally true. So this is Deuteronomy 910, Moses wrote, and the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God. So really, it was from God. Was Moses the original lawgiver? Moses is just a narc. I'm the least popular guy. Nobody wants to go to a party with that guy. No, why would you want to go to a party with a dude who's gonna fucking like just tell you all the shit you're supposed to do? Do you know what the Ten Commandments are?
So we're going to go over that. I've got them. Oh my God. I didn't do any research at all. Well, you got to do something. Is that why all of a sudden you presented it? That is not why I'm fucking reading fucking. Well, I mean, no, you just have to know you know something about something. Oh yeah. No, I know something about something. Oh, we're talking about today. but you know we're I'm doing beard oil. That's what I'm doing. That's appropriate. What have we learned? Nothing. Okay. Let's hear about Moses. All right. Well, so, so here, here, I got, I got this one for you too. Louisiana state representative Dottie Horton, man, who definitely sounds like a Louisiana representative. What'd you do? You get over here, daddy. Come here, daddy.
Uh, the, she was the author of the bill and she said at the bill signing that it's, it's like hope is in the air everywhere. And she has dismissed concerns from democratic opponents of the measure saying that the 10 commandments are rooted in legal history and her bill would place a moral code in the classroom. So wouldn't that put their Lord and savior, Donald Trump in prison? Cause he's like, I think he's broken all 10 of the 10 commandments. I mean, it's a great point. Right? So if it's if there's like, a what does she say? There's what in the air? you ah There is hope. Hope in the air. There's not hope in the air if you're a pregnant woman who doesn't want a baby in Louisiana. That's not hope. Nope, that is not hope. That's dread. I love how John's already punching holes in all of this. I'm going for it. Fuck you, Dottie. Fuck you.
No, I mean, i'm I'm on John's side. Fuck you, Dottie. Yeah, I am, too. Shit, man. I, of course, am on my John's side. But Dottie, let's do some butt stuff later. Dottie, it's not off the table. Just so you know. Yeah, it's probably your table because this is liquid. She's fucking digging into. Listen, there well there's nothing in the tin commandments that says anything. There's not no butt is not in the tin commandments. Nowhere. It is not. I have them here and there's nothing about butt stuff. But slut is not in there. No. What about else oh come in the mail? That's the New Testament. What about the Mel Brooks movie? ah History of the world. Don't they read the 10 commandments? and No. The 15 commandments, right? He drops one of them. 15. Oh, shit. 10 commandments. 10 commandments. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, what the fuck? We've been down on this road before, too. In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a similar Kentucky law was unconstitutional and violated the the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which says Congress can make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Oh, shit. The High Court found that the law had no secular purpose, but rather served a plainly religious purpose. So that's this is what this is. But they're they try to spin it. you know They're trying to spin it into this, like, I don't know this like thing of like well we want the kids to know you know. Moral code and stuff like that it's like or be no no you're not you're not doing that was not doing that here's the thing that always has confused me when the moral codes so like in the bible it is cool like it not only cool but encouraged that you have sex with a girl after she started her menstrual cycle.
So the whether that's 12, 13, 14, it's encouraged in the Bible to bang kids. Yet somehow, it's moral. I don't understand. Please someone write in and tell me how this is moral. Listen, John, we just we pick and choose what we want from the Bible to push our own agendas. That's how we work. I think back then, people only lived to be 14, so I don't know what your beef is. That is a good point. Yeah. yeah Oh my God, she's she's she's got six months to start a new age. Both the men and the women died during childbirth usually from raids So it's murdered by Vikings All right, so let's let's I've got I've got the commandments here do you guys let's ah do you know the Ten Commandments Sean you sounded like you might well I know there's like don't covet your wife's or don't cover your neighbors don't covet your neighbor's wife and Don't covet your neighbor's wife's vagina. No, don't covet shit. well there's right but it But it specifically, I think, says don't covet your neighbor's wife, which is very fascinating. So there are different versions of it, of the Ten Commandments, and I think they even exist. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It was written by God, so there's only one version, and it's not the way I saw it.
Greg is it like, and and I'm not, I know you're not like a super like active Jew, but is it's in, I read that the content commandments. are Are you calling Greg fat? and I go the gym a lot. He's saying you're not active. so ah yeah He's like, I know you're a lazy piece of shit. I know you're a Jew who lays around and does nothing. and um Also, you're not very religious. like like Most of you guys just count your coins. um here
But, but the thing I read said that it was the 10 commandments were in Judaism too. I didn't know that. Is that, is that a thing? Oh, yeah. Welcome. i didn't know that and but juah orra What is it like 300 and they have a shit to 500 commandments. There's a ton of commandments, buddy. You gotta, you gotta stop fucking coming up with topics where you're going to do a half ass job. Next time. What I want you to do is go to Hebrew school, go to a rabbi, learn everything about Judaism, convert have a bar mitzvah. Get a bris in front of all of us. I would still go to your bar ments. Whoa, whoa, why do I need a bris? We're all gonna- I was circumcised, homie. Not Jewish to me. No, no, no. He didn't finish, he didn't finish. Get a brisket. Okay, that I like. That's only part of this that I like. Until you're willing to commit that far, don't talk about shit you don't know about. You're misinforming our audience and it's very dangerous. John probably agrees with this, which is why John and I didn't do a topic.
Don't drag me into your bullshit. I did a topic. So wait, are you said are you suggesting that that the Ten Commandments are not part of Judaism? That's not what I said at all. i said well You said I didn't know my shit. I said your question's stupid. Well, I said that I read that, but I didn't know it. I didn't know it. I leave i was told by a rabbi at ah one of Greg's children's bar mitzvah. I can't remember which one it was, but I was told by the rabbi that there's 500 commandments. There's a shit ton of commandments. That guy wasn't even a real rabbi, dude. He was working at Der Reiner Schnitzel. It was Greg's brother. It was the drive-thru at Del Taco. And you're like, I was wondering why you talked to that guy for so long. How many commandments are there in Judaism? I was like, well, sir, I'm glad you asked. I figured like a normal guy, but no, you're talking about 500 commandments.
i like I like to multitask. So I remember John was really impressed with that rabbi. It sounds like he's bringing it up now. We went to work the next Monday and he's like, man, that guy knows his shit. I'm like, yeah, buddy, he's a rabbi. Well, which is it, Greg? Is he a Del Taco employers here? Rabbi? Cause you're really fucking confusing everyone. Well, for the joke part, Oh, so also like, I don't think they make a lot of money. So they they need supplemental income, supplemental income. I'm talking about the Del Taco employees, so they also have to be rabbis, you know?
there's like a They have like a rabbi training school in the back of every Del Taco. So they hang the 10 commandments of every Del Taco out there? Well, no, 500, because apparently there's a lot more in Judaism. And each one of them has their own, like, combo. Like, I would like to get the number 401. Thou shall not shit thy pants. Have the fries. Only eat the fries. It's not Taco Bell, buddy. Oh, isn't it though? It is. It is. It's weight. No, I, I do not have diarrhea after eating Del Taco. You have diarrhea after waking up and eating lunch and going to bed. You eat bread and drink water and you have diarrhea. It's better than you guys who have diarrhea before you wake up.
That's why they go to sleep in diapers. Well, that's accurate. That's accurate. And that's why Kevin lays on his back and says, Gina, I did it again. What happened again? Clean me, please. And his kid's like, seriously, Dad, grow the fuck up. Yeah. Elwood's like, dude, I just got over the this. And now you're going to have, you're supposed to take longer than his dad. You keep pooping out your back of your diaper. Dad had another blowout. Those are terrible, John. Those are not right. I know what shit is. Like I've never had a kid, but I know what a blowout is and I know, I know what poop is. I know what feces is. So remember I shit my pants. So did I yep everyone on this podcast. did That's what we're famous for. That's true. Okay. So now we're covering my topic.
ah All right. So, so, okay. So here's the 10 commandments. All right. Let's see. So the number one is thou shalt have no other gods before me. ah blame him Trump. There's only one, there's only one true God guys. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. What are that means? um So according to chat, GPT, it means this commandment forbids the creation and worship of idols or images. What does graven mean?
I don't know.
Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord God in vain. God damn it. I've heard that one before. Yeah. But is it when you say God damn it, aren't you just giving him a suggestion of what he should do to something? Right. Right. It's God, comma, damn it. Yeah. Hey, God, this is stupid. Damn this for me. Well, yeah. Yeah. Since you're fucking all knowing. each shit Yeah. Can you pull her off? you didn't help me when i you know had those hemorrhoids but you can help me now I didn't have hemorrhoids. You have never had hemorrhoids. He to. He did not want to really. He's going to get quick. He's going with like small penis jokes all day long. Never, never throws the asterisk in there, but he's like, I don't know. I didn't have hemorrhoids. He just totally almost screwed up his chances of getting laid by all of our listeners. no man Oh man. Almost. Almost. Not quite. Not quite though. I got that one. Honor thy father and mother.
Yeah, I mean, do you have to? What if your parents are dicks? I agree. I agree. That's what these commandments are flawed. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. I mean, come on. I know some there's i know some people who go to church, they watch football too. No, no, no. I think the Sabbath day is Monday because that's the day after the Super Bowl. Isn't that the Sabbath? Oh, that's that's a good idea. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that is right. Yeah. Remember the Sabbath day, thine Superbowl after party. It's remember the Titans, dude. All right. This one's stupid. Thou shalt not kill. Yeah, that's judgy. And this one, this one's my favorite because it's like, seriously, I mean, politicians, thou shalt not commit adultery, right? I mean, come on, come on. Unless, unless.
She's really hot and you ask your wife first or he's really hot and you ask your husband first or she's really hot and you ask your husband first or if he's really hot. We don't need to go through all of these because there's a lot. There's a lot or with every and whatever. i didn't I need to mute. I need to mute Greg because this is just going to keep going. or you know you're in a throuple and your husband and your husband and your wife and you're cool so you want to tell both your husband and your wife you're very sexual figure you're already open-minded because you're in the throuple so what's a little more gonna do yeah
They also got steel. Wait, but can I can i get to the the thou shall not kill thing? So yeah when Courtney and I were in Thailand, um we hardly killed somebody. We killed someone. Yeah, it's Thailand. And Thai people are so easy to kill. and They're so small. Jesus. They're just standing in there. wait They're not going to get killed. They're going to stand in there on their street corners selling food, not expecting to get murdered. So yeah that is that is on them. Well, until now. And so they're we they're a little bit more guarded. We ever since Courtney and I got back from there So we we had we went to this like really cool national forest and we hired this driver and he met cool you killed somebody Well, it wasn't cool for that guy, but it was cool for John I guess he was I think he was Buddhist but he was talking about they don't like so they they have like these three tenants and I can't remember what they the only one I remember is that you're not supposed to kill and Courtney are like well That seems easy and he's like no he's like you're not even supposed to kill a mosquito Right. So it's like their thing is like you're not supposed to kill any living creature
or eat any living creature. So I've ive fucked up pretty good though. Oh man, I mean i like have killed so many mosquitoes and flies. Fuck mosquitoes, yeah. And you know, mosquitoes are good for nothing. And people. If after you die. Sounds like they were mostly immigrants though.
I'm insecure in that southern border.
fucking Joe Biden ain't gonna do it. Oh, man. All right. Uh, so thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Just say why. So yeah, it's, it's so prevent. It's like false testimony. Like, yeah. And thou shalt not covet. That's John's. um prohibits the desire for jealousy or possession, spouses, or anything. I covet both your wives, so you're welcome. And and um want you I cover i covered them for different reasons. What if I don't care if you covet? I don't even covet all you want. yeah You know, just don't get weird. Don't get creepy. Well, you know what? I feel i full lighter.
You got that off your chest. Yeah, I thought that was going to go differently.
Um, so let's, I want to also talk. so So there's another thing in relation to this from Oklahoma. So, uh, all schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the 10 commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately. This happened, uh, a week or two ago. Yeah. This is the whole state or a city, uh, the state of oklahoma i thought Oklahoma was a city. Huh? Oklahoma city is the city in Oklahoma. That's just like California city is this a city in California. This sounds like a music city. It's super tiny cities, a city in Oklahoma. That's the exactly that. That's the main song in the musical. Oklahoma. So get this at a state board of education meeting, Oklahoma state superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters said the Bible is one of the most foundational documents used for the constitution and the birth of our country. It's crystal clear to us.
that in the Oklahoma academic standards under title 70 on multiple occasions, the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization and to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system. So not so much with the separation of church and state. Yeah. Yeah. um That first amendment again, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. Well, what the founding fathers actually meant was that separation of church and steak. So there's no beef. No beef. yeah no That's the first time I've heard that one. Yeah. heard You heard it here first. so Makes more sense.
So i really I really like this. I really like that he believes the Bible could give us an understanding of the basis of our legal system. So I want to finish with this and then i'll let I'll pass the torch to one of you guys here. Here are some of the punishments from offenses that are listed in the Bible. Adultery in Leviticus 20 10 states that both the adulterer and the adulterous shall be put to death. ah the tracks That's fair. Leviticus 24 16 prescribes death for anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord, which is goddamn ridiculous. That's a little harsh. ah Jesus fucking goddamn piece of shit Christ. If I'm going to die, i'm I'd rather fuck my neighbor.
and just say, God damn it. That is actually a good point. Yeah. I want to go steal something, then fuck my neighbor. And then do they cut your hands off, then kill you or they just go straight for the killing? Um, I don't know if I got any stealing stuff. Oh yeah. So there is one theft Exodus 22 one four specifies that a thief must repay multiple times the value of what was stolen. If the, if the thief cannot make restitution, they would be sold into servitude. I'm not as bad. But I was hungry. I don't give a shit if you were hungry. You're a slave now. You're a slave now. That's way lighter sentence than saying, God damn it. Panera bread. That is true. Panera bread.
we run on slavery. Deuteronomy 2513 describes the punishment of flogging for certain offenses but limits the number of lashes to 40 to avoid dehumanizing the offender. What if you're really into vlogging and you're just like, listen, why and when you're done with the vlogging, can you choke me a little bit? right When you see the whites of my eyes, let me breathe. Let me breathe for a second and then and then flog me again. My safe word is the whites of my eyes.
But so some of those offenses are one of them was disobedience, like for a kid. And another one is this is, I had to read this a few times. A man who has sexual relations with a female slave who is promised to another man, but has not been ransomed or given her freedom.
That's wordy. Yeah. It's really wordy. Can you tell me what that means? A man who has sexual relations with a female slave who was promised to another man but has not been ransomed or given her freedom. Okay. It's super specific. They're still a slave. I think so, yeah. They're still a slave. But they're still a slave. They're promised to somebody else. To somebody else. Like as a slave or as a- If they were given their freedom or ransomed, then it's just adultery. I think so. So you die anyway? Yeah. Either way, you're fucked. Why is God so against getting laid? but God does not like sex. No, he's made up. john
ah No, that's bullshit. The Bible is a novel. It's been translated 7,000 times from its original lie. The Bible's a cookbook.
Oh my God. What if God, what if God was really, God came back and goes, guys, guys, guys literally it was all about seasonings. I don't know how this, I'm accountable. This is all this is about. You guys do not know how to translate because you know, I'm master of the universe, me and he, man, or he, he, man. So, uh, due to Ramani 22, 13, 21 details that a woman who was found not to be a Virgin on her wedding night can be stoned to death by the men of her city. Well that's good that they keep it in town. You know what people come from out of town. if Well you know what they say, keep you know, you'll keep it local. You'll keep business local. Yeah, let's yeah seriously. It's like farm to cable. Small business Saturday. All these goddamn immigrants taking our stoning jobs. Our stoning jobs. They have the best stones too. might What if you live somewhere where there's only like mushrooms and there's like stones.
My grandfather was a stoner. Or marshmallows. There's no real stones. There's only marshmallows. Takes a long time. It takes forever. That would be... Like, what if we, like, what if we, like, enact all the things of the Bible, but and we just, like, we, we, like, take it down a notch. So instead of stoning, it's like, you get, just you're like, the center of, like, a dodgeball match. Or you, will get you have to go camping with your mother-in-law.
That's Las Vegas. Oh, fuck. One-seven. Here's one for perjury, by the way. Deuteronomy 19 16 21 outlines that a false witness should receive the punishment intended for the accused if their false testimony is discovered. So if I pretend, if I, if I falsely accuse one of you of murder, I guess I get murdered. ah You know what? I'm on board with that. That's fine. I'm on board with that. If it's me. If you're accusing me of murder. Oh, gotcha. Right. Gotcha. Yeah. Well, I mean- Fuck you, Charlie Brown. So let's just be honest. Oklahoma's got the out right idea. This is very good for teaching the rule of law. Yes. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's, well, and yeah, and we know that, you know, people
Because that's the reason we have laws, so people don't do bad things. And we know, we all know from this podcast, nobody's in jail because nobody breaks the laws because people follow the things that are written. so Every time. Yeah. Wait a second. I'm detecting a note of sarcasm. What? We've been off for too long, Greg. That was serious. Yeah. God, I can't say anything. So ah just to to be clear, the Civil Liberties Group filed a lawsuit Monday to block Louisiana's new law that requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed, a measure that they contend is unconstitutional, and the plaintiffs filed a motion for a preliminary injunction asking the court to block the law from going to ah into effect while legal proceedings play out. So we'll see where that goes.
as a footnote to your topic, Kevin, I'm going to make my topic a footnote to your topic add that because you didn't actually have a topic. I do have a topic, but I i saw a, um, a clip on one of those social media things. So I think it's tech talk. And, and it was a gentleman. It was two, it was two 20 year olds jumping around and on a trampoline on a trampoline. And that's what like you don i add to what you're saying. so i've got I've got something that applies here. It started as that, but then I scrolled and I got to that. I got this after, after 270 of the same thing, I finally found something different so there's a so land or and recipes.
There was like a a city manager that came out and said, hey, I'm a Christian too, but this is complete bullshit because it's exclusionary. What if you're an atheist? What if you're a Buddhist? What if you're a Jewish? Whatever it is, is and you know you you shouldn't be forced to be indoctrinated into religious rules, and he completely like fucking undressed this person, not physically, just mentally, undressed their argument, and it was actually pretty cool. It was pretty cool to see that someone had some fucking common sense. And no, that's not my topic, but I just thought it would be cute to interject this. Yeah, I mean, honestly, yeah it's it's really kind of amazing, and I you know i almost did my topic on ah Project 225, or 2025, I'm sure you guys heard of all about that.
um Is that Andre 2000 and they get back together? twenty Yeah, I mean, I have, i like I know, I mean, it's it's a whole- I've got a bookmark in my Google machine. White nationalist agenda. Yeah, yeah yeah basically. So, um you know I think it's it's it's so it's an interesting thing because you know the the the right has been pushing their their agenda for a while now, obviously, and and now they they're bringing on the religious part of it too, which is I don't know man, that's that's crazy to me. It's crazy to me that they could that they could get as far as actually putting it into law. Will it stand? Probably not. yeah well It'll probably get knocked out. It's gonna go to the Supreme Court. And I truly believe, and I know this is a conservative Supreme Court, and you know but i but I truly believe because most of those conservatives, and I'm sure everybody's got an agenda and it's hard to be,
Not, you know, I have an agenda. Yeah, I do too. Uh, it's, uh, it's jurals on trampolines. That's the, yeah. That's my national getting this over with so I can go get high. man You know, that's my agenda. Are you going to get high tonight, Kevin? I get high every night, Greg. um Oh, that just turned sad. No, no, I love it. It's great. Yeah. Yeah. That's every addict says that, you know, nobody shoots up heroin going, this is terrible. They're like, I love it. It's great. I'm going to do ah heroin. It's a little PCP. It's called it. Just a little bit. Just a little. I was about to take the edge off. I only go crazy for 24 hours and then I take a little more and I'm crazy. I wait till my kids in bed and then, you know, and then
that I turn into a complete monster, yeah. But yeah, no, I think this i think that i think they will actually strike it down. I do too, I do too. But just the fact that it actually was was made a law is sort of, I don't know, man, that's that's crazy to me that it got as far as it did even. Because separation of church and state is something I remember learning about when I was in fucking like middle school or even earlier, you know? I remember learning about that when I was a baby. Yeah, yeah. When you actually, my mom used to tell me about it when I was in her belly. Okay. Okay. We're getting real far back. to mike Okay. i know wherere the going nutsak I know where this is going. all right Okay. I got a question. Yeah.
Is it about Craig's nut sack? Well, it's about his dad's nut sack. How did they hear? Because did his nut sack have ears? Because I feel like that's really like... I had no one with the ears, dummy. Everything just kind of sounded like... I was a baby so I can understand. Babies can hear like whales.
So babies here sonar, or ah unborn babies here sonar?
That's right. When women give birth, there's a nine pound baby and a hundred pound dolphin. And ah and that's why the dolphin population is so high. That's where dolphins come from. oh
um my god i saw all have me a day It was a crow carrying a, uh, hanger. And the little me, the little thing said, I think this is the opposite of the stork.
Oh, it's dark. It's fucking dark. Oh, buddy. I wish I wouldn't have heard that. i So it saidhow you're going to be okay, Greg. I left. No, I'm damaged. No, you're good. You're good. You have a bunch of artwork on the wall behind you. You're going to be fine. Okay. That's some pillows back there. This is not my real room. What looks to be a coaster. Is that a coaster? Where? um It looks like a coaster. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right there. yeah yeah right there Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's to to put your tea bag. To put your tea bag. There's a lot to unpack here. The tea bag goes on the face, Greg. Everyone knows that. You've been doing it wrong, man. Then youre just it just put your nuts on things. I'm going to send you guys the video. You can tell me if I'm wrong. We'll talk about your form. I'm if you're wrong. I'm tea bag in the nightstand. Yeah, you like that?
Everybody knows you don't talk to your nightstand like that. ah Be respectful, Jon. I apologize. To all the nightstands on your head. To Ikea. To the world. To the universe. I apologize. Oh, God. Okay. um That's it for me. That's all I got.
Oh, so, Jon, you're up. I am, Greg. I think you're up.
No. I actually have a... You ready? Yes. Lay it on us.

Music Preferences and Cultural Commentary

So did you guys watch the debate?
i I could not bring myself to watch it. Is it okay if we just skip John? I don't wanna talk about it. I got a couple of questions. So did you watch it? And it's good because I actually, I went to, I went to go see a show. I went to Akaro River that night. Oh, you love that band. Is that still you ever see other band now there's other bands out there, right? I don't like being made fun of. I don't, i i regard so that's why you don't see other bands. I don't understand. I do see other bands and you guys know, I see Woko.
like Every time I go to an Ariana Grande concert, I get made fun of, okay? And I don't want to do it anymore, so I'm just going to see Acreville River. It's not true. it It's not the only... When's the last time they put in an an album? A new album? Like... I don't know, four weeks ago? ah did Well, no one wants to hear that. For a band like that, you want to hear the old stuff, right? You kind of do. with the news it's like but i saw I saw the National once and I was just like, yeah, just move past the ah new album. Just because play play the hits. Give me the hits. Did you release the National? Yeah. Yeah. Did you enjoy it? That was great. That was great. Yeah. I love the National. They're awesome. Have you seen them live? ah Like four times.
Yeah, they're a great live band. It wasn't even Ocarina River. It was an actual... Do you do that whole snob music episode thing? I just want you to... I'm doing this topic about that. I want you to know when you've seen them four times, you came off like a real music douchebag.
You could have just said, yeah, I've seen them. Yeah, I have. Yeah. Oh, I've seen them four times. I knew what Kevin's follow up question was going to be. And I i fucking tried to meet him at the bridge. Hey, John, I have a question for you. And this is really not making fun of you. I promise. But um so you you are an admitted Dave Matthews fan. um or you were at one point in your life. I don't know. Do you have any audio recordings to prove this? have Yes, I do. Have you ever seen Dave Matthews? I have not. it's in That was one of the things, like back in the day when Dave Matthews was huge, like i would people would be like, oh, bro, I've seen Dave Matthews 15 times. Oh, bro, I've seen him 18 times. it's like there was like Everyone knew the number.
Like I thought that was always a very interesting thing because I've never heard a lot of people or it's kind of it reminded me of Grateful Dead. People were that kind of in that same thing. Like, but even like I know, ah I'm in Colorado, I know a lot of fish fans and I've never had anybody go all bad. I've seen fish 480 times, you know, but for whatever reason, the people who used to, who used to be big Dave Matthews fans always knew how many times they saw him. I just thought that was interesting. Well, they like douchey music. So they're douchey people and they keep track of how many times they've seen him. Just like I did when it came to the national. I might be wrong, it may have been more than four times. Oh geez, but now here we go. Here we go. Let's see, there was the Los Angeles sports arena. Hey Greg, shut up for a second. John, what were you talking about? Did you guys watch the debate? You said no. So I did not watch it. I did see some, obviously read plenty about it and saw some clips that were less than encouraging. I saw Aquaviro River that night.
That's right. That's how we got on Wilco for the fourth time. We didn't get on Wilco. We talked about Wilco for one second because I said I've seen them too. Yeah. how many chapters Have you seen Wilcoker? I don't know exactly. And Wilco's fantastic. They're not good. Well, so my topic is not on that. I was just curious. So fucking old man, boring. Why don't you fucking listen to more fucking Susie and the Banshees? I've seen Taylor Swift. I've seen Taylor Swift 23 times and every time it just gets better and better. You know, so have you guys ever seen Joe Biden? What? Who? I go off. Do you go off? I'll beat you in a golf match. That was how do you sound like fucking my left foot guy?
Daniel Day Lewis? Yeah, he sounds like Daniel Day Lewis. their will be blood Oh, and I drink your milkshake. she You have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and I got a really long straw and I'm going to kill you with a pool thing or a bowling pin. It makes sense. John, it'll all come together later for you. John hated that movie. I did. Did you? I saw it with John and he walked out of there going, and that was the worst piece of shit ever. And I was like, that was the most fucking awesome movie. I loved that movie, but I feel bad for you, John, because that was really long. So if you really didn't like it, that's a tough way to spend a whole day for being stupid, not like I feel bad for john because because I have sat through some long movies that I have not liked and that is not what I was really like. I really like PT Anderson. I like him. And it was great. And so I was I think I had very high expectations.
and and it was so And let me say that like um his performance was absolutely amazing. and Of course. Everybody's performance was... and like All the actors were amazing. Yeah, Paul Dano was great. I just didn't like the fucking story. The story. I just thought it was like boring as fuck. I did not. California history, bud. I just didn't give a shit when he got killed with the... I was just like, good killing. Then why have you spent the kill him? Why have you warned me for three hours? Kill him again. Why have you spent every waking moment Since you saw that movie trying to look like every character in that movie, I have a lot of self hatred. So like you, not only are you dressed like them, but you're bearded like them and you accidentally talk like them. Yeah. Well, man, I can tell you, I was just my son, H w plain view. I'm going to leave him on a train, send him back home.
So anyway, um let's get back to the debate. Continue, John. I think you get you get where we were. We need. Also, I was just curious. Like my topic is not the debate. I was just curious. You guys watched it. Oh, yeah. No, I went to the go see Akaro River. Yeah. No, we know. We know. Fuck. Good Lord. I hate that band more now. Are you in the band? I'm actually starting to hate the band.
um So now this

Nuclear Energy: Risks and Ethics

is my topic. So that the do you think the two of you right because nobody else as a unit or individually or individually okay ah but you think that splitting the atom has made the world better or
muy not Caliente.
did you did you not Did you not like Oppenheimer either? Is that what we're going with? This is my precious movies I hate. Talk about movies Jon doesn't like i like. I liked Oppenheimer. I definitely thought it was overrated, but I but i liked it. It was good. it it was yeah I just saw it i just saw about a week ago. I thought it was really good. i I enjoyed it a lot. Yeah. I thought Ryan Gosling was fucking dreamy in that one. Um, yeah. Yeah. and margo robbie barbie yeah I don't know how Barbie at the beach tied into him making the the fusion. I don't know. Whatever. I don't know. If we're, if we're going to talk about that Oscar season though, I will say that I thought killers of the flower moon was super boring. and long We talked about that on this bi podcast. Yeah. Jesus. We haven't fucking grown at all.
I thought we evolved. It's been like three years since we last recorded. I don't know what we talked about. So what why you ask, John? Well, because I didn't answer. I didn't answer. Um, do I think the world's a better place because we, sound adam I would say probably don't answer quickly. It's a trick question, man. It's loaded. it ah It is a it is a hard question because, you know, I mean, it ended a horrible war, but it also kills a lot of people. So I'm going to go with no, because I'm a humanist. So no. All right. Oh, that's a very, very high road of view, Kevin. Wrong, but high road. Now, i like we should be dropping more bombs. yeah I'm going to take the opposing view to that pacifist, Kevin. OK. And so counterpoint, counterpoint. Scientifically speaking,
It's pretty fucking bad ass that we were able to do that as people. I mean, who really knew how many people were going to die when we made a fucking bomb? Well, according to the movie Oppenheimer, a lot of people knew. Those guys can't trust them. I think only one guy really would anyway. Everybody else kind of agreed. Oh yeah, sure. Nobody's the guy who knew Einstein or, or nobody was like, listen, we're going to make this thing that splits an atom and then it's going to cover everybody in cool whip. It's going to be awesome. And that's awesome. That does sound awesome. I don't love cool whip anymore. Have you guys ever seen that movie? Speaking of splitting Adams, have you guys ever seen that movie? Bone Tom Hawk? No, but it's, I want, it's like, I want to see it. Kurt Russell. Yeah, it looks good. No, I haven't. That sounds familiar. Is it older?
It's not that old, it's only a couple years. Last years, maybe five years ago. okay well when you I was really hoping you were going to talk more about Cool Whip, but you went a different direction than I thought you were going to go, Greg. Sorry. Cool whip.
I mean, I get nothing else to say about Splitsville. I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Maybe give us a little, I'm shutting the fuck up now. kind of look up John, how do you feel about the Adams Splits? Splitsville of the Addison wits. Well, i I'll tell you how I feel about banana splits. how How do you feel about that i'm in favor of him yeah ah you know what's what's interesting that is a waste in that though nuclear bombs don't give me the shit but ice cream does so therefore the very stuff man very stuff yeah it comes for me quick but i still love it which is very hard so sometimes it dances on your tongue and then out your sphincter. No, it dances in my tongue, and then goes... That is fast. It goes full genocide on my stomach. Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's it's like it's like when it goes in my mouth, it's the roaring 20s, and by the time it gets in my butthole, it's 1943. It's nineteen forty three so not good. um Yeah, so i think it's I think overall, it's good. um Okay. But, I mean... It's weird. Alright, is it my turn now?
oh No, I want actually shut up, Greg. I want to hear this. I'm curious to answer, Greg. Yeah, I. What did I say? You said you were going to go against whatever I said. I said, yeah, I said scientifically speaking, it's pretty fucking bad ass, but I talked about bone tomahawk. But does that mean? But do you think does being badass? Does that mean that it's been a a net positive or net negative for human? ah I mean, there's a lot of death. I don't like death. Right. Okay. So, you know, that, you know, that, uh, that, that, but John's gonna tell us how it saved more lives than cost. No, not necessarily. i'm Um, no, I'm not doing that. I know it's, it's fucking horrible, but I just like people dying in mass numbers. Yeah. yeah Um, it's population control, you know? yeah I mean, it does, it does work. Uh, I think, I think like it's, it's overall, it's been good, but I think it saved more lives than, than kill people.
How? That's what Greg just said you were going to say. And you said, no, you weren't. I know. But you were like, no, I'm not going to say that. You said the exact thing. I did. I did. Almost word for word. ah Well, OK. OK. OK. Here's how. Is it right? Because you guys are thinking about, like, you're just thinking about you split the atom and there's a nuclear bomb and that's the thing. Nope. That's not all I was thinking about. OK. Well, what else were you thinking about? I don't want to tell you now. I get what you're probably going to say, John, and that is that it's it's stopped. It's stopped wars as we knew it. No, not even that. No, yeah because because well, in that aspect, I think it's actually far danger because it it didn't because the problem is it. I don't think it stopped wars as we know them. I think it delayed another world war. It pushed it out further, but I don't think it's it's expeditious and snow removal.
It is X. Yes. Okay. Okay. Well, that's, that's a, that's a loose positive, but it's positive nonetheless. Yeah. I mean, cause you know, I mean, so the threat of additional, he's painting the ass nuclear. It's not easy. The threat of additional nuclear wars probably kept people's fingers on the let's exercise some self control around here before we, thats yeah, I would assume so half cocked because, um, Right, but also but i but I also think it raises the stakes. and In that, I think it raises the stakes. likes steaks mint and steaks all over. That sounds so good. i know Oh, like a ribeye? I had a steak for breakfast. Isn't that weird? Here in ribeye. Steak and eggs or just steak? I had steak and beans. Everybody going to be invited to your heart attack or just family? You know you don't necessarily get have a heart attack from snakes. Sometimes you walk in front of a bus if you need one. And then you have a heart attack. Right, because you know your body your bones get crushed into your heart. You're like, oh my god, that bus almost hit me. Oh god, oh god, I got a grabber. I got a grabber. Wait, is that something that exists in society? People call it a grabber.
It was from, it's from the, yeah, come on, that's from Saturday at live. It's from the old super fans, the bears fans. Oh God. Oh, that's right. Well, of course you would remember that one in particular. Yeah. Okay. well Obviously. Yeah. So Craig, shut up. John, John, john i'm I'm curious. I want to hear, I want to hear why John, other than what we said already, why John feels like it's a Did he freeze or is he just really still? Because I was thinking about it. So, okay. So let's, let's go over. over So here are like the, the, here's the bad shit, right? So here's the bad shit we get from, no, because let's talk about that. Cause here's the thing, Greg, skin falling off of. I just thought it was funny that you said, here's the bad. Again, you guys keep thinking about like podcast. You said something funny. I'm still worrying the comedy. I thought when we came back, we were not going to be hum humorous anymore. We were going to be serious. We're going to take this. We're going to be NPR. Well, and also,
Be funny, Greg. You say you like you act like you're being funny and then you get mad at me. I was complimenting you by laughing at one of your stupid jokes, and now I'm catching your stupid shit from you. Fuck you, John. Tell us why it's so good to fucking die in a nuclear holocaust. So, yo. Hey, Greg, was that so hard to say, buddy? That's all he's been wanting for ten years. yeah You had me at go fuck yourself, buddy. um All right, so yeah, so nuclear nuclear wars or using nuclear weapons. Say it just like George Bush did. George W. Bush. Nuclear. Nuclear? Was it nuclear?
Okay, so yeah, so that you have the the nuclear, you know, blow each other at thing. Not bad. That's bad. Bad, bad, bad. You have nuclear accidents, like meltdowns. Not good. Not great. Not great. Three Mile Island. Radioactive. Oh, Three Mile Island. Although, no did you hear that might be opening up again? Sorry. I don't know if you guys read about that. Well, because we're going to get into that. I haven't had to read anything since the last time we recorded the podcast yeah because I don't have topics anymore. and So you don't have to. I don't read. I've read 13 books since we stopped the podcast. And let me tell you, George is a curious monkey. really um i but explain john's yellow hat and monkey it's like tight khaki outfit How can you not address the monkey?
um Yeah, no one seems to care that that monkey's hanging out, do they? He's a real fucking dick, actually. He does. He makes a lot of messes. He does. I need a cleanup. John, continue. ah the nuclear The risk of ah proliferation into a state such as, i won't I don't want to name names because I don't want the chairs coming after for me, but you know, like North Korea. Let's just make up a country called North Korea. Yeah, or a one called Ruzia from the old you RRS. Yeah. yeah health risk if you're exposed to nuclear radiation. um that's not That's not it. ah Contrary to popular belief, does not make you a superhero. um Just gives you cancer. Yeah. So you're naming a bunch of negative shit. I thought you were- I said let me get the negative stuff out first because I want to like, I just want to like say, okay, I want to acknowledge okay that there's bad things. That there is downside. There's downsides to splitting the atom.
No, no, I'm glad that you you mentioned that because I feel like a lot of our listeners weren't aware. Right. They were downstairs to nuclear war. Yeah. Literally everybody watched Chernobyl. Well, like and also everyone watched Jimmy Neutron. Very different messages. Very different. Good point. yeah um The ah terrorism. Right. Again. And then your your your right eyebrow that has like a middle patch of just white hair. Yeah. That's related to splitting the atom. ah Yeah, it is. It is. And then the long-term consequences that impact of radiation exposure in humans and the environment is still not fully understood. On the environment. so not Hey, John. Hey, John. You you you got talking to talk into that mic. Looking down at your notes. Reminds me of a moment my dad talked to me when I was in and his nutsack.
talking Talking about nuclear waste. God, I love callbacks. I've been sitting on that one for a while. like Good. You use it at the right time. So splitting the atom has spurred education. You gotta listen to the entire episode to get that. Oh, sorry. Putting the atom. I think people understand what a callback is. And if they're at the, if they've gone in this far, they started at the beginning. So yeah, they'll get it. I listened to our podcast backwards. It makes me so happy when it when they end is the beginning. You listen to our podcast, like watching Memento.
ah yeah Like I tattoo us all over my body like that' remember um Okay, so Kevin says shut up Greg six thousand times so so it's just you so you won't shut up basically just like um Like crazy crazy advancements in this in science Um, okay. Environmental monitor monitoring. So they use, so, so, so let me, let me, what what are the crazy events in the science? Are you getting, is that what you're about to talk about? We're going to kind of go back to ok go through them. Okay. Sanko Gatorade. Yeah. To name a few. Whoa. Sanko is not a good thing. Well, Godzilla, Godzilla came out of it. That's cool. yeah And we know, we didn't know what electrolytes were and now we do.
Yeah. As of Godzilla drinking Gatorade. In fairness, that was more Mothra, but... No, no. Nuclear fusion. Nothing cools down your throat after breathing fire. they get all Like, old fucking lemon-lime Gatorade. did ju He was their original smokesperson. Did you just have an H-bomb dropped on you? Have a Fanta.
Wait, that that can't have electrolytes in it. um So they use isotopes, nuclear isotopes, in tracking environmental changes in pollution. That was the name of the baseball team on The Simpsons. Yes, it was. as it's Oh, very good. Very good, Greg. Good reference. um Food safety. So they actually irradiate all of our food now, and they do it at very low levels, but it's enough to kill off any bacteria and parasites, which makes it healthier to eat and extends the shelf life of the food. We still get we still get E. coli things, though. Warnings. It's not a perfect system, OK, Kevin? Well, fuck, man. Imagine how many E. coli's you would be getting if we didn't have radiation. So many E. coli's. You'd never be able to get out and get a hot.
Oh baby I got another E. coli. I'll be back in 20 minutes. I wanna go put these E. coli's in there. Feels like Godzilla's going in. Feels like Godzilla just ate a bunch of ice cream.
but ah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ah but banks but What happened to Greg? Greg, you sound like a robot. What did you do? Oh god. Fix it. Fix it. You did something. plug something or hit a button You hit a button or something. You sound awful. Punch this. There it is. Punch it again. okay Are you good? Am I back? Yeah, you're back. Yeah, you're back. Oh, my printer just moved too. Do you guys have printers? Uh, yeah, I thought I know of.
Do we have what? god Printer. A way to print out paper. I have a printer. Do you want a printer? Yeah, I do. Do you need something to print it? You're like all of a sudden, you're like, oh, I was supposed to print it out. like my punch my my punch my god I've got an assignment due tomorrow. I punched my desk, and my printer turned on, and I don't know what's coming out. Not really screwed up. You think I'm getting a fax from John. Sorry.
I don't even know. So all this stuff, John, you're saying couldn't have happened if we had. so so there's ah And then you have us. So basically it's it's really expanded and and increased our ability to explore space. We've used like, like that, you know, so basically the spice, the science has spun off, but the biggest thing that it, so it has medical stuff, the medical advances, nuclear technology is using medical imaging, like PET scans and cancer treatments, radiation therapy, as well as x-rays. Don't you think there could have been a way to maybe... When there'd be a way to do and create all of these things without maybe creating a death machine, like a nuclear warhead. I'm not saying there isn't. You could go to the dentist and get x-rays without having also had... Listen, I'm not a scientist, nor am I a plumber.
John, let me, let me ask you something seriously though. When, when, when, when the atom was split and I don't, I honestly don't know the answer to this and i did see up allymer because they watched their father die. Well, when the atom was split, does it, was it intended at the time was the technology intended for good or was it intended for, for destruction? No, it was absolutely intended for destruction. Right. Yeah. and and' sort But I think, I think, so these are, these are, these are byproducts, positive byproducts of a, of a, of a bomb. Is what essentially what we're saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, you know, and things, but, but I, the, the, I think the biggest contribution and where, where it could be, uh, where it could make up for all the horrible things that have happened. Cause basically if we can, if we could, if our whole country ran on nuclear power plants, and I want to say, because everybody's like, oh, but meltdowns and things like that, there's only been about a thousand people die from nuclear
exposure, not the people who got blown up with bombs. You're talking about, you're talking about melt. I'm talking about like like Chernobyl and, you know, three mile island and Fukushima and three mile island. What about the three eyed fish on the Simpsons? Well, that's a cartoon, Greg. Yeah, that's not real. Greg, you have the second Simpsons reference, but we got to make sure that you understand that that is a fictional television show and it's animated. He's probably comes in threes. You get one more. ah so Use it. So use it. I can't wait. He's like, no, no, no. I think the problem, John, that I have is that I think it all comes back. There's there's there's other examples of this kind of stuff. It's like how many deaths
How many deaths are okay for the positive you know what i mean like how how many how many how much awfulness how many terrible things. Is it does are we ah comfortable with to get to a positive place right so so it's seven. yeah it but Okay. Well, well, okay. So a hundred now your vote is no, it's not good. yeah Well, so so if, so, and this is where like right now I don't think the things, well, if you, so if you're somebody who gets because like chemo, right? So if you're somebody who gets cured of your cancer from che chemo, you're probably very grateful for all the things you're probably very grateful for the people that died and you've got to that point and now you're alive. Right. So I don't know the actual, you know, how many people have been say like, how many people are survived cancer that witnessed about cancer? I don't know.
But I think that where it would be a huge benefit is if we use it as an energy source because basically anything we do right now, because there's just so many fucking people and anything we do eats up you know even like like the Teslas, which you know were supposed to be these huge environmental things, but they're actually not because of all the shit that goes into the battery and where you get the batteries and all that stuff. and so Where you put the batteries when they done yeah, and so but so if we had nuclear energy plants And you would only need 10 to run this country so if you had 10 nuclear power plants or we're running this country um the you would have clean it because it's zero emissions so you have clean energy and Now because the technology is so great the chances of having a meltdown You'd need a water supply and you'd have to store the water like the radioactive water but even doing that is Even if even if you had to give up a 300 square mile space of ah America to store that material right it would be worth it because you would completely the amount of emissions that you would drop the smog air pollutants all these things that cause all sorts of asthma.
and lung cancers and all this shit would go away. So in a long enough timeline, I believe, if we did that, then that would get rid of, and and you wouldn't need, oh, and so you wouldn't need battery powered cars, because you could actually make enough, you could split water and hydro, or HTO, you could split it up and make enough hydrogen gas, which is zero emission, to run every vehicle in America. Well, we would have to get to a place where you could do everything safely because at this point it's still, I mean, shit goes sideways and but everyone's panicking. And I know you don't think the numbers are are that high, which they're kind of not, but I mean, well, because more people have died from dams breaking than people who have died from nuclear.
Yeah. a thousand A thousand. I mean, and I'm not, you know, we're not trivializing death here, but, but, but, but yes, you're right, John. but I mean, a thousand is is probably a lot lower than pretty much anybody would have thought. How many people have died from dams? How many beavers? it's So it's, the number it's, it's total is like in the 60,000. I don't remember the exact number, but it's very high. that no it's Why you that? You totally made that. No, I didn't. I did not make it up. No, he fucking made it up. No, it's, it's in. So I read, um, I read a book called a never and in that book he like talks he was he was like a he's like a I forget his name Michael Schoenberger or something like that he sounds a lot like that there's like a comedian how many people have Michael show water in Walter am accidents and history of the world a lot of goddamn accidents um there's a lot of
So the Banquo Dam in China in 1975, 171,000 people died. oh Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm way low Greg. I apologize. The San Francis Dam in the USA in 1928 killed 431 people. The Morby Dam in India killed five, somewhere between five and 10,000 people. Uh, they, they dam in Italy, 1963, 2000 South Fork Dam in the US in 1889, 2,200. as John Banks is feverishly working at calculator. So, no, I mean, it's it's it's more than 60. I mean, yeah, lot I was thinking it was like four hundred and seventy one thousand and one of those. So, yeah. And that was there was because of that journey. one way word and so with So so I guess I could have stopped there. But but um yeah, I agree with that. I mean, like the the thousands very low, lower than I would have thought.
but but you're not yeah when you start thinking about hiroshima and nagasaki then things change all well and also like yeah well but but the so hiroshima was yeah i mean you know that's again it terrible like i'm not i'm not like but i think they're here now We can't get rid of them. And so if we're going to have this threat hangover, shouldn't we also use the good aspects of it to like, try to absolutely. No, no, no. But that wasn't the question. It wasn't the question. You know, like, so, I mean, I think it's hard. It's hard to say the good outweighs the bad when the bad doesn't directly affect you at all. Well, but okay, but could you say, so in other words, let's, let's say, let's, let's just say, but let's pick a low number. Let's, let's say that using nuclear energy and like clearing up the air and and dropping our emissions and stopping, like revert, you know, we could also start working on reversing global warming. There's all these things, right? So, you know, how many people die from extreme heat now? How many people die from hurricane? I mean, it's very true. you know and yeah but Like if we could just say 50,000 people a year, right? Um,
It wouldn't take that long to equal the number of people that died. And and ah and again, like it's horrible. I'm not like, oh, it's great. But I think... No, I know. Yeah, yeah you're not saying like... I had no idea that John was sponsored by Big Nuclear. Big, big energy. That would have been a really, really good chance to use your third Simpson joke. so I was trying. I really was going for it, but I couldn't put it together. yeah that would have been What was the Mr. Smithers? Springfield Nuclear Power Play. Yeah, that would have been a good time. I do play on the isotopes. so That's stupid. that when he already everyone knows see isotops joke Well, I use it differently. Yeah, you use it a dumb way. One of my favorite ever Simpsons episode was the softball one though. So great. I don't know. Can you give me more information? Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. You don't remember the softball one? Is it the one where they had the bunch of professional? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was so good. It's so good. That was early. Yeah, it was very early. Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, anyway, so yeah, I think Daryl strawberry was in that episode. Yep. Uh, pre or post coke addiction. During. Yes. Sorry. Yeah. Even better. Uh, yeah. So that's, so that's what I think that ah that did it. it's ah It's definitely an interesting discussion. I do see what you're saying and and it does, you know, becomes a philosophical debate where you, where you talk about like what, you know, is, is one person too many. You know what I mean? If that one person is your, is your love of your life for your child. You know what I mean? like it's like yeah It's hard to, it's hard to, it's hard to really sort of quantify that. so and right would you know Would you kill one person to say five? Exactly. right And then would you kill your daughter to say five strangers?
Would you kill your daughter to save a thousand strangers or 10,000 strangers or whatever? It's a question that hopefully no one ever has to make that choice. Well, it depends. Is that child in utero or out in the world? Yes. Man, you guys are fucking taking this to a dark place. I like it. Dark place. Greg's face just lit up, so it looks like he's doing research. Does that mean he wants to go next? Do I have a choice? That was so but but kind of what we got on what what got me on this topic, and because you had like talked like you had done an episode on AI, um and Kevin and I was, I can't think of the guy's name, but he he basically he's like the guy who's been kind of the godfather of AI since the 60s, and he was talking about, and I was like, right. like this really He was talking about how he's like, if we can do if if we can make good choices as human beings, and basically
can teach AI like the narrow AI we have now if we can teach it like morality and like not the way we live on morality but actually the concept of morality so it would actually be better than us right and so he was like he was like if we can do that and then just all the things you can do with technology like he actually said he believes that 2029 is when we'll have the first sentient AI the ah The

AI Morality and Global Challenges

AGI. Yeah. Yeah. and so When do we get here? Sex robots. Around the same time. Yeah. but But my problem with that idea though is that morality is not the same across the board. Like what I find morally acceptable is does is not the same as what some you know somebody who is super, super, super uber Christian thinks of morality. Right. or i know i think So how do you teach something morality that has like a... Morals are not law. you know, they're not like something that you can really pinpoint, but you know, most humans, right? No matter what the religion and whatever there's, but most humans think it's wrong to kill people, but we have war and we have, you know, I mean, we have executions and we have like all sorts of other things that that like, so ah is that, yeah, you're right. I mean, it is wrong to kill people, but we don't have a problem with it when, when countries at war,
Well, so some people do. yes and That's true. right That's true. yeah But it's not across the board, again. So, like, there you don't have, like, it's there's not a... Well, right. And there's not it's a thing i guess I guess it is who's teaching that AI, right? Who's teaching the AI, exactly. so If you're teaching that AI that all murder is wrong. Right. But it goes it goes beyond who's teaching the AI goes into what the AI evolves. Yeah. too Right. Well, then and that's what people are are nervous about when it starts teaching itself. Yeah. And what is it teaching itself? Is it teaching itself good things or is it teaching itself how to take down the human race? You know, and that's that's I guess that's good. It's the plot of every fucking sci fi story ever. Yep. And it's coming true. And it's scary.
I'm not that scared. I'm not scared of of the of that of that aspect of it, honestly. But the flip side of it is, right, it literally could, you know, because it I think we talked, I've talked about this before, it it figured out the every human protein, it figured it out in four months and it would have taken human beings over 100 years working yeah very hard. now the the medical The medical stuff is unbelievable. And then maybe, you know, like because i I remember when greg Greg and I were sitting in a car one day, And we're having a kind of, this is years ago and we were, were you guys parking? We were, we were doing a little, were you on the bluffs, a little over the pants stuff after prom. Let John get to it. im He took somebody else and I've been pissed ever since.
um But it's we were talking, and and I was just like, oh, like you know like we're just so fucked because of like global warming, climate change, like we're killing ourselves. And Greg, and he was just like you know he's like i actually it's like, we have managed to, ah human beings have managed over the last 150 years, so kind of stay ahead of disaster after disaster with technology. right And even though we have created like we are creating this with our technology, Greg was like, you know you know I think we'll stay ahead of it. And at that time, I thought, well, that's a stupid fucking thing to say. yeah yeah but But now,
Because of AI, I actually agree with him. I remember ah Greg, you saying that on this podcast about climate change too, that you're you're confident that technology will stay ahead of of the bad. I don't know if you still feel that way, but you said that at one time, that you felt like technology was going to... I did, and it's a good excuse to do nothing. Oh, yeah. um And hope that AI takes care of us. Well that's it, but but and i'm I'm pretty optimistic about the planet surviving long after we kill our so each other. Yeah, no, the planet will be fine. It's going to back. Yesterday Jennifer and I were watching this s thing about all the like the fish being overcaught in the ocean. They're coming back. As soon as we're gone, there'll be plenty of fish. Doesn't help us now. yeah Doesn't matter. yeah Hey, the the planet is not here to help us.
It's here to disagree. I think it's here to serve man to serve man. That's the name of that. And if it doesn't, that's Twilight Zone episode. And you can't. Here's the thing. yeah You can't fuck your planet if you promise your planet to someone else. That's true. That's in the 10 command. It is. All right. That's it anyway. So, you know, I got nothing. and That's that's all I got. So you think that was a good topic. That was great. I really. Yeah, that's tough. It's tough one. It's a real tough one. I hope I killed Greg first.
Me too. I hope, I hope it turns me into an AI zombie. And then I go directly to John's house. so Wait. And just, we just hang out open up here. and and she Just tell me everything I've ever wanted to know about everything. Cause you're so smart. You have access to. I'm not going to be a smart AI zombie. I'm going to give you, I'm going to pretend I know everything. I'm going to be just like John Banks. I'm going to pretend I know everything and say it with authority, but I'm going to be completely wrong. That only happens like half like it half the time. I'm right. It's your own personal health. I'm going to. So you guys wait. talk Wait. Talk amongst yourself for a second. ah I'm going to go grab what's called a get out again. I got us. That's not how you say it. He's going to go make a ganache. Yeah, I'm going to need. I'm going to need a couple of you to make some gnocchi gnocchi. My my ah my sourdough is ready to to whatever. i You're making your own sourdough.
Oh, what are we going to do during this break? Are we going to play the break? I don't know. I'm not going to edit this out. So don't say anything too controversial. Gotta i hate John. No, that's not controversial. Everybody knows that. You say that on air. Shit. You say that all the time on air. He didn't even get a beer. What happened? What happened? to Okay. Got it. got my it was It was pretty close. It was. Yeah. Yeah. yeah So Greg laid on us. Okay, guys, let's make this the longest episode ever history defeats itself. Whatever. My topic today.

Procrastination and Personal Habits

Okay. I know it's going to sound funny, but I actually thought about it while John and I were talking about 10 hours ago. I thought you were going to say what we're talking about. I didn't do anything, but I thought of the topic. The topic is all we can ask. The topic is procrastination. Noice. And that's all I got. yeah um He's like, he's like, you know what? We'll talk about this later.
yeah i'm going to do more tomorrow everybody knows about procrastination So let's fucking let's let's jump into it. It's definitely keep putting off things that we don't enjoy like recording this podcast Wait, you're serious. It really is procrastination. Yeah I'm not getting noise and Even though we know it will lead to stress later on it's common to avoid starting or finishing things we don't really want to do like Restarting this podcast
How long has it been? Do you know? I didn't even look. I don't think it's been that long. Well, we quit right after my birthday. Your hernia. No, I don't know. It's a couple of months, two months, three months. Way longer than that. Has it been way longer than that? Four months? Your birthday was in January. Three months. It was three months ago. Oh, it was? We didn't really quit. I mean, technically we quit after my birthday because we quit after January, but I don't know what it could have been. July's after my birthday, so. Touchรฉ. That's called time. You know, John, everything's after your birthday. I know. All right. For those of you who don't know, procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute or past their deadline. For example, we started recording this podcast an hour and a half ago. I just pulled up this article. I know you did. We all know that. We all know that.
This is a real time fucking reason. Now, John and I are forced to take this seriously. I'm not forced to take anything seriously. I don't stand by that. Yeah. Don't throw me into that. Assholes wanted to do the fucking podcast again. And this is what you get. So wait, I have a question for you. Do you, do you pro-crastinate? I do. pro not not are yeah Are you pro-crastination?
i'm pro I'm pro-castigation. I don't know what that word means. I am pretty well organized and I do not in my work life nor in my home life when it comes to duties around the home.
duties, especially when I have to go poo poo, I do not put it off. Don't do that. I jump right in. I derive a tremendous amount of satisfaction for tasks completed and checking off boxes. And I hate the stress that a company is not doing something, and not being prepared for something. with the mild exception of this very podcast episode. Okay, let me ask you this though. Okay, so the there's also there's there's procrastination and then there's, I guess it's kind of the same thing, but the the old adage of like kicking the can down the road, you know? That's a real thing, it's not an adage. People kick cans down roads, man. Obviously, you never played kick the can. i I don't think I ever did play kick the can. I don't even know how it works. You grew up with money and your parents could buy balls. John and I were dirt poor.
We had to go to the back of your house and use all your cans. We didn't have, it oh yeah we did throw all our cans out back for you guys. oh yeah had a hol care That was what we we we actually deducted that as charity. And then we would kick those cans all the way to the recycling place and get a nickel. And then john and i like ah ben and John and I would bring Kevin our receipts.
We started a little corporation. We started a nest park. And that's how we got off the ground. Trailer boys recycling. But I mean, like I feel like we all in cans. You probably should not molest us just because we're apart. Even if you. That was a slogan. It's a solid slogan. Even even if you're not like proc, a true procrastinator, you still like push things out. I think everyone kind of does that, right? Well, according to my research, no, I don't care about your research. Let's just talk. Fuck your research. I am not it off yeah like i am a huge procrastinator and my life is just, I am just one stress ball. and And yeah, I don't, I think it's, I think it's very closely tied in with people that are,
people You're either the kind of person that's always on time, or you're always late. But I'm always on time, and I procrastinate. Like, it's weird. Like, I procrastinate with certain things. That is weird, honestly. But I don't, like, when it... like i So when I'm getting... You're not always on time. I've met you for lunch at that Thai food restaurant. You're five, six minutes late. Pretty consistently. I'm always there before you. You ever notice that? Yeah, but that, so here's the thing. I don't care about you. So I'm just saying you're always, you just said you're always on time. it's like um'm We're not doing caveats here. I mean, like you have to, but I'm working. so So it's like, but if I'm going outside, like a dinner, I'm not late to the dinner now, like lately, because since I met my partner, she is always late and it drives me fucking insane. But I, like, if I'm going to meet somebody at a bar and it's, we're meeting at seven, I'm there at six 55.
I'm there at 640 and I wait in my car. But you don't know what the topic is. I'm there at 3 PM. I'm really hammered by the time everyone else gets there. Yeah, and like going to the airport. And so it's like I definitely like there's certain times when I'm just like. What's your airport time? How early you got to be there? This is international. I'm three hours early. No, no, no. Just a regular domestic flight. I'm two hours early. two hours. That's so my, but John and I typically fly out of LAX and you cannot, I mean, you have to fucking, you can't fuck around cause there could be an early. I have flown out of there too. That is, that is rough. You have to get to the airport
probably 45 minutes. Like you have to pull in the airport 45 minutes before two hours. yeah Yeah. Yeah. You really need to get there three days before you actually got to go to, you got to go to Burbank catch a flight to fly into LA. You do. LAX is a fucking nightmare. It sucks. it's like so so birming The Birmingham airport, um when things go smoothly, it's like the security, it literally took it every time I go to the airport, it takes two minutes to walk through the door, go through the TSA, and get to my gate. It is crazy. That airport is so fast.
you know that they have like six planes and yeah they're very yeah yeah that's how the airport was in medford but i heard you have to get there early too because the same person that's going to check you in is going to be the one that brings the bags onto the plane so if you get there too late you're fucked because that guy's gone and he's already loading the other passengers but baggage Makes sense. So i think I think procrastination is related to like um so kind of being late and being okay with being late. It's this weird thing. I think we're we constantly do a little rationalization slash negotiation with ourselves, and that helps to justify putting things off. We either are in denial about the fact that it's not really important to be prepared for our podcast,
Or you're like, yeah, I did as much research as I always did, even though I sent an email out to send a supercalibular. It seemed like we didn't have to really do shit. Let me just say I did way less research than I normally would have done. And all I was really doing was just making sure that I could talk about my topic intelligently, which John also did. And you came up with your topic while we were doing our topic. No, I came up with my topic literally 10 hours ago. He did. I did didn't do anything about it, but I did come up. John was on the phone with me and he was trying to get it out of me. I was because I was like, I want to use your topic and go second. but but he wouldn't get it to me he I didn't give it to him because I know that fucking guy. Listen.
i'm I'm with you, Greg. I get my shit done around the house at work. I don't like to procrastinate and all that, but we all do it to some degree, right? Are you legitimately saying that you just don't procrastinate? No, no, no, i for sure. I think every all kind of everybody procrastinates certain things. yeah it's it's a fucking It's just like being in denial about things. If you if you did not have a veil of being denial like being in denial, you wouldn't be able to function. because you would be worried about all the problems that are constantly happening, procrastinating us going on a date for 15 years. so You guys have been on a lot of dates. Nothing with pants stuff. Wait, are you talking about me and you? You talking about me and you, John? Yeah.
There's, there was one time we got the second base. That's true. None of us. Either one of us was awkward. It was very, it wasn't as funny as I thought it got really serious. Do you guys consider yourselves a hundred percent heterosexual? I don't think anyone's a hundred percent. but i would say i'm i'm I'm definitely like, I have no problem whatsoever, but but i I know because I have tried some stuff and I'm just like like, I'm like mechanically, that's really good. Like what you're doing is cool, but I'm like, there's just not moving the needle here. There's zero like excitement. Yeah. Right? So yeah. I was just curious if you guys ever thought you could be together.
We want to be together, and unfortunately, the part of us that's heterosexual is not allowing us to be together. Yeah, it's really stopping our relationship. So Greg, if you and John were to date. No, I have follow ups. If you and John were to date. He'd have to shave that beard off. I was going to ask if you'd make him shave the beard. Yeah, and you know what, buddy? You got to cover up that bald spot because I don't want to be looking at that. You could do it with the beard hair. Yeah, I don't want that shit on my head. We're like a little Yamaka. I would have a really, really, really hard time being with a dude.
Physically? and i'm and Yeah, I'm going to procrastinate that as much as I can. I just can't do it, man. and i love like I'm also a very affectionate person. like I love to hug my friends and grab their asses. You have grabbed my ass quite a bit. Yeah, he's not. that's I don't think he understands what affection is. ah it's It's weird too because he always tries to like push up the hole and that's that's awkward. you know yeah like Greg, I'm wearing jeans. This isn't going to work. and He will not stop pulling your dick out. now
funny no like ah yeah Look at my friend's dicks with my mouth. So I almost said something really bad about what I do with my finger after. But I make you smell it. I don't like doing that kind of stuff. i I mean, I just like I'm I'm just like a buddy. I like to hug. and yeah yeah Yeah, there is the part of me, though, that wishes there's part of me that wishes I could be like by because gay dudes have a lot of sex. Like every day, they do have a lot of because they're guys. I know. And you're just like, hey, you like you want a blowjob? Of course I want a blowjob. Is it a day of the week? Of course I do. I literally so i have this friend of mine. him as They have sex four to five times a week and they do it's like they go for like two hours every time they do it.
Well, that sounds exhausting. I don't know. if i get a board but They go to work and they have sex. There's not much time for anything else. And they might be on like a trivia team. so
got Hey, we got to wrap this trivia thing up real quick. We got to go have sex. This could take a while. They probably get linked. They probably have to take a lot of creatine too. Yeah, yeah yeah they do they do a lot of... Does creatine give you more stamina in bed? Is that what you're saying? Must. I don't know. Maybe two maybe testosterone replacement therapy. Some of that. Yeah, but I, I don't, I'm one of those people that stresses out if I'm late or if I procrastinate. So I, but I will, I mean, I will procrastinate, but it's usually about something that's not, doesn't have a ton of importance. Right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's a, that's an important distinction too. If you're procrastinating, like, you know, that test you need to get, that was me. Don't, don't, don't, I was the guy that literally was studying for the test. I was going to not that kind of test. No, I know. I know. But I was studying for that test. I don't think that was necessary. I want to make sure I've got what I think I got. But I would literally I would be studying in the morning. Like I'd be like on the like.
the driver, I'd wake up like two hours early and I would like study and I never pass, but that was me and I knew and I hated it. I was like, why do I do this to myself? But I also love to not study. You love to not study? Yeah, I think i well I think that at that age when you're like a student, most if you think about it, most adolescents and even young adults, are known to procrastinate. yeah I mean it's just it's just way more common. well and i i think it's i think it's because ah big moment yes oh and it really I think it's because your prefrontal cortex isn't completely developed. It doesn't develop until you're 25, so you have a really hard time seeing consequences or ah of your actions.
coming through this maybe, but the other thing could be that you just don't really want to do that and you'd rather do what you want to do. That's part of being a young person too. It's as much easier to do that. So give me an example. Like what do you put like doing your taxes? Like, you know, I mean, like there, there could be situations where I'm like, well, I probably should be doing this, but I don't know. I just kind of want to watch his hockey game right now. You know? Yeah. I've done that before. Is it like feeding your kid? You're like, yeah, I probably should go pick my son up from school, but he's their problem now. I do pay them. Yeah, a lot. Yeah. They'll figure it out. There's a phone number they can call. Yeah, it's not mine. I don't have my phone number on those things, but they're a child welfare or whatever. Yeah, fine.
Yeah. So it it is kind of, it's kind of an interesting thing because I think while you're procrastinating, if it is something that I think has some weight, you're constantly like it's weighing on you the whole time. You're not doing it anyway, unless you're just a shitty person and you just like, Oh, I totally forgot to call my mom on her birthday. I'm a shithead.
you you can't Yeah, you can't procrastinate that. you got That kind of thing, you got you just got to do it when you think about it, because otherwise you're you're fucked. And isn't there a tremendous sense of satisfaction when you take care of a task that you didn't want to do and it's completed? are like Yeah, but it's in the rear of your mirror. Absolutely. i so thats You know, that thing where it's like it you, cause I am a person I procrastinate all the time. And so what I have to do is i I literally every night or if it is like, I have to be like, okay, so I need to do these things for work. And if I do these things for work now tomorrow, it made my day better. And basically what that means is it will make it easier on me. So if I.
take care of myself now, if I do this 20 minutes of shit, right? It's going to make my whole day better and it's going to take care of me. And if I do, if I think of it that way, I'll do it. But if I don't, I'm like, I don't want to do that. And then it's it's like, and then it, and then the more, the longer I don't do it, the harder and harder and harder it becomes for me to do. Absolutely. That's the, that's the rub too. And the craziest thing about your brain is your, kind your brain is not looking out for your best answers. ever. no like Why do you give yourself fucking anxiety? yeah like Especially in the middle of the night. You know that's a word no you need to sleep. yeah And your brain's like, hey, asshole, what if a everybody dies in a fucking Holocaust? And you're like, great. Thanks, to stupid brain. Give yourself nightmares. yeah Why would your brain do that to you? and know Oh, here's everyone you love, dad.
Yeah. Or how about um ah like you you're sitting there you're sitting her trying to sleep and and your brain just wants to remember all like the shitty moments of your life from like high school. like you are like It's like, oh, remember when you did that in high school? That was bad. You look like a real asshole to everybody. Yeah, you were a real asshole and that really traumatized you. But ah but anyway, good night. Yeah. Yeah. God, I had a really hard time getting that swastika removed, but it was I guess we all learn. You know, it was summer camp, so they got to do summer camp. We all had to get them. Yeah, they may just beat the shit out of those guys. was Weird.
gee We all did it, but it might be that might be a really, really good stopping point.
Unless you've got more on procrastination, but I feel like i feel like that that we cover everything. we can Yeah, so don't defeat yourself and don't put off until tomorrow what you can do right now. Yeah? Like ending this episode, there's no reason to prolong it. And remember, when everyone goes nuclear war, those Ten Commandments are going to burn up, so don't procrastinate. I love it. Well done, guys.