John, let me, let me ask you something seriously though. When, when, when, when the atom was split and I don't, I honestly don't know the answer to this and i did see up allymer because they watched their father die. Well, when the atom was split, does it, was it intended at the time was the technology intended for good or was it intended for, for destruction? No, it was absolutely intended for destruction. Right. Yeah. and and' sort But I think, I think, so these are, these are, these are byproducts, positive byproducts of a, of a, of a bomb. Is what essentially what we're saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, you know, and things, but, but I, the, the, I think the biggest contribution and where, where it could be, uh, where it could make up for all the horrible things that have happened. Cause basically if we can, if we could, if our whole country ran on nuclear power plants, and I want to say, because everybody's like, oh, but meltdowns and things like that, there's only been about a thousand people die from nuclear