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Dengue Fever | A Comedy Podcast

E123 · History Defeats Itself
255 Plays1 year ago

If you need a reason to hate mosquitos, outside of the annoyance, itchiness, and intense smell of deet-infused repellent products, you can also get dengue fever. Fun! Tune in to learn more.


Introduction and Theme

weird how we say like eat ass you don't actually it'd be gross if you actually eat it you know I mean like bit it off and chewed it and swallowed it okay why do we say eight but you also but also like when you sometimes when you fall you say they ate ass or ate shit ate shit yeah man I ate ass oh no I gave somebody a rim job
History Defeats Itself is a comedy podcast. Kevin, John and Greg are not experts, historians or even all that smart. Hello and welcome to History Defeats Itself. My name is Kevin Rosenquist. Thank you for joining us. We are a comedy podcast that wonders why we as humans never learn from our history. I am joined by my two co-hosts, the two men who tore
Mark Zuckerberg's ACL while sparring, John Banks and Greg Mitchell. Also that day we both performed a peasy ottomies. Unmarker? No. On each other? On each other and people who were having babies in the audience. That'd be awesome if we were just a peasy ottomy specialist.
And we just we came around with this big Batman belt. I think and we just had different doctors. Whatever. I mean, tomato, tomato. I'm not going to be able to fucking do that. But I mean, if you had you had your belt and you just had a bunch of different sized pairs of scissors. Don't they use a scalpel? Whatever. I'm not a doctor. No, no, no. But you well, I mean, you could have been because you were a psychology major. So how are you doing,

Holiday Season Chat

Kevin? I wasn't solving.
That was insulting. I liked it. I'm good. I'm good. Happy to be with you two, gentlemen. Things are good. Can't complain. Holidays are upon us. There's that. Which holidays?
Well, this is after Halloween, I feel like it's kind of the start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving's right around the corner and then not till the end of the month. Let's not push it too fast. So so Thanksgiving doesn't count as the holidays. It is before Thanksgiving. We have Veterans Day coming up on the 11th. We do. That's another one. Yeah. There's Arbor Day coming up on. Hoof on the Arbor on my son's birthday is coming up.

Toilet Paper Antics

Oh, when's that? It's the November 21st.
Oh, that's the day before my son's birthday. It's three big three men about to be a three nager. Oh, man. That's a fun age. People just say that at any age. They totally do, don't they? Yeah, it's like that's a great age. He's a month old. There's nothing fun about it. Yeah, he just shits all the time. But is he surprised, though, every time he shits?
No, just cries. Yeah. Yeah. But when it comes down to it, that's what you realize that that's the basic bare bones life, shitting and crying. It's everything else is just added. You don't really need it. Maybe eating, eating, shitting, crying.
Why does the crying unnecessary part? People didn't even know you shit. People didn't even know what you want. Is that what you do when you shit, Greg? You just keep crying? Depends. Sometimes because it's beautiful. Oh. Other times because I need more fiber in my diet. Or you're out of toilet paper.
You just cry until someone brings you more. Do you, do you guys run out of toilet paper because I haven't run out of toilet paper since I was nine. Yes. Run out of toilet paper. You mean what? No, I always have enough. Do you think we're always responsible when it comes to toilet paper consumption? I think everyone should be. You're talking about it's the cleanest of your butthole we're talking about here.
Yeah, we're adults. We're not going to run out of toilet paper unless I don't, I don't mean to throw my wife under the bus, but she doesn't listen. I don't think she listens to the show anymore anyway. Uh, she's not the best at replacing when it's low. Neither is Courtney. Not a skill sheet. My wife likes to do.
So say we're getting down to the roll that's on the spool and it's, she's pulling it. You know what I mean? Like using some, she leaves like a little bit left on there and then she grabs the next roll and just kind of peels off some of that and leaves it on glue. And I could tell because it's not the factory seal on that roll. So I'm like, are you trying to tell me you're so fucking lazy that you, it takes, how long does it take to change that or roll a toilet paper? Three seconds.
I don't know, I don't know how- Wait, wait, wait, wait, hang on, hang on. Maybe that spring gets carried away. So she takes some off and puts it on the other one so she doesn't have to change- She just pulls it off the next roll without changing out the roll. That's right, she pulls it off the new roll. Oh, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Because she doesn't want to, oh my god, can you imagine? And then what does she do, put the new roll back? Yeah.
It's on a shelf behind her. She will push the trash down and keep pushing it down and pushing it down until eventually when I take the trash bag out. And here's the thing, I don't give a shit about taking out the trash. If she never wants to do it, she can just say, hey, would you take the trash out? I'm not taking it out. But she doesn't do that. She pushes it down until it bag weighs 97 pounds and it's going to rip in half.
So you pull it or you pull it out of the thing and it catches something and it like. Well, so now what I do is every time I just take the whole trash can out to the bin and then I just kind of like dump it out because I don't want it to rip because that's happened to me too many times and I learned my lesson. Well, history defeats itself where we complain about our wives when you 30 to 45 minutes.
Take that trash can and just dump it on her head while she's sleeping. I'm afraid of her. We're not saying that it wouldn't have repercussions. We're just saying that you should do it. I want our listeners to know the only reason I have the balls to say anything, because I know she doesn't listen to the show. I thought there was a chance she's going to listen to this. Oh, never. I would never say anything. You know what else Jennifer does in the bathroom that's weird?
Besides the typical stuff, like every once in a while, she'll like, if she goes number one, she might not send it down because, you know, we all learn that there's a water shortage, yellow, yellow, mellow, right? Right. She when she takes the toilet paper off the off the roll, she folds it into like a perfect square to to use it on her body. I don't know really where it goes because I don't understand female genitalia that well.
But all I know is I think they dab, I think they dab their forehead. That's how it goes. She just blows her nose. Yeah. After they pee, that's what they do. That's what they do. They dab their forehead and then they go to the mess because it's always a perfect square or rectangle that I see in the, like me, I just fucking wad shit up and make it like overall roll. Yeah.
yeah right i get one white parole he just he actually uses a stick he's got a poop stick but he just kind of scrapes it around and then he goes on his life and then he yeah he he basically uses his underwear as the turd catcher
Okay, well we went off the rails here a little bit. Literally. Greg's topic this week, so Greg, let's not talk about shit anymore, please. Well, John, Kevin, good news. Today we're talking about toilet paper.
Sharman versus and Jen's another brand and Jen's. What do you call that? Orgami? Jen's orgami toilet paper. How many how many? How advanced is toilet paper technology so they can get as many roles as possible on a single role, right? Because you get mega roles and you get super mega roles. Like when are they going to have 13 roles on one role? This is the equivalent of 27 roles. I love that.
How what do you think is the best animal to fold into an organ organ me style for complete butt wipe edge? Is it a crane crane crane gets it all the way in there. Yeah. Have you guys had this discussion before? Nope. How did you both come up with crane? Well, he said at first then I agreed with him. Okay. Cranes are very origami. I mean, it's a classic origami creature.
Huh, or whatever. Okay, guys. So I was reading this article as one might do in our free time, maybe doing some research for the old, uh, H G I podcast. And I happened upon something that was quite disturbing.
I don't know if you guys are aware of this or not, but there is something called climate change happening. If you talk to John Banks about it, he'll give you a negative slant on it. If you talk to Kevin Rosenquist, he's gonna ask you how it affects his banks. Talk to Greg Mitchell, he's gonna do something last minute first topic. To answer your question about the banks, it's really humidity driven. Yeah, I would say so, yeah, it's moisture. It's moisture, yeah. Good point.
Well, with with changes in our climate, and I'm not, you know, you, you deniers are kind of going crazy about this, but there really are things happening. And the who has come out and said, you know, with the World Health Organization, they've come out and said that we are going to be experiencing
a rising amounts of cases

Dengue Fever's Relevance

of dengue virus as well as severe dengue. So gentlemen, let's talk about what's going to happen to us and what dengue virus does to people, how it's transmitted, how it was discovered, the history.
how to kind of increase the outlooks towards future of maybe avoiding illness. I think this is going to be more disturbing than the shit talk we were doing earlier. Could be. Yeah, I hope so. We can only help dengue does give you diarrhea, so. I'll just full circle. If you're lucky, that's all you get is diarrhea now.
So guys, I think we should, you know, like we've done these episodes before where we all kind of do like similar topics. So I think John, you probably need to take IBS. I'll take Crohn's disease. And yeah, you take Crohn's disease and I'd appreciate it if someone cut off, cut out a track of their small intestines just to be thorough. Can I, instead of doing the podcast or set up a topic as if I'm going to do IBS, can I just videotape my own miserable IBS?
God, John, you know, you and I would probably get along just great because I'll do like a two minute. Yeah, I'll do I'll do myself over a whole day and then I'll cut it up into a two minute video and you guys can see in real time. You know, do you guys ever associate the Del Taco with the IBS? No, we talk about. Oh, Del Taco, you're completely clean. It doesn't do that to you. Yeah, because Del Taco is 100 percent organic.
It is. So you're saying if you eat organic Mexican food, you'll never get the shits? Mm-hmm. Because it's the quality of the meat that actually gives you the diarrhea. Okay. I think it's all the fat. That's what I'm saying. So it's high fat, low. So you're saying that Del Taco only uses like 96 for kind of beef? They use 100%.
why do they use the use cheese imported from france and it's very i don't know how they manage to go at cheddar yeah and the good news is the water all local look locally grown organic vegetables
You know, wagyu beef, they actually send their Del Taco employees to go talk to the cows as a pastor and just tell them how cute they are. And they give them massages and, you know, they play with their cow clitorises and stuff.
So wait so I know they do That's how the that's how wagyu at Del Taco is so delicious and plus they get they get really good wagyu because they buy it in really good volume Yeah, yeah, well that would be they pick it up in volume
OK, you would you'd be proud because so Sheena went to she saw Queen last night, the band with Adam Lambert as Freddie Mercury. Oh, OK. He's like, Freddie Mercury died. That would be a terrible news, Kevin. But yeah, she's going to go see tomorrow Beethoven. Yeah.
Jimi Hendrix is opening. But anyway, she got home late. And when I went to throw something away this morning when I was getting caught making coffee, there was a bag of trash that was in the trash can. Oh, no, that's done.
It was there was a Del Taco bag in the trash can. Yeah. Mm hmm. That doesn't mean anything. It could have been in her car later. Maybe she helped a homeless person out and they didn't want the bag. They just wanted the contents in the bag. You don't know. Don't don't go throwing stones just yet there, buddy. I think I'm not doing stones. I think it's great if she actually ate it. I think she did. And I just thought you guys would be proud. Was she gassy at four in the morning? Have you not been able to talk to her about that since?
That's not really a topic that I you know was really anxious to talk about mm-hmm. Okay. Did you feel betrayed?
No, no, I think you know what I think is weird. I think it's right off the highway. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. So I think it's weird, Kevin, that you saw Del Taco in the trash can and immediately you didn't make the assumption that she was having an affair with either Greg or myself. It's it's it's insulting. There was Del Taco and and a 24 inch long beard hair.
And Kevin's like, oh, I can't believe that that she just didn't talk. Old man. It was really weird when John, like, got up off the couch and left, too. That was strange. I was like, oh, shit, I'm going to be late for work. I have to go to the airport. Just like, see you, John.
We're recording tonight, right? You didn't think it was weird that I was John super driver. You're his, you're his airport shuttle. Okay guys. Okay.

Understanding Dengue Symptoms

Dengue is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people. It's more common in tropical and subtropical climates as opposed to like, you know, we're taught like Southern California.
But I don't think that's because here's the thing, right? If people get spread everywhere, people are going to continue to have sex with mosquitoes. They're going to continue to get dengue fever. So good point. Yeah, that's really not clear. That's not climate based. That can happen anywhere. I think it is climate based because the closer you are to a tropical environment, the more likely you are to be wearing a bikini. And that turns the mosquitoes on. And then it's really hard to say no to a mosquito in here. But what you know, I live in Colorado. I mean, what if like there's mosquitoes that are kind of like, you know, into snow bunnies, you know?
Well those are, they're horny so they'll probably fuck them too. Mosquitoes will fuck anybody anywhere. Mosquitoes are a pretty equal opportunity. They'll fuck you up is what they'll do. The whole race of them is pansexual. There's the mosquito, they just have no preference. They just... Good point.
You know? They also don't use rodents. They're just all mosquito. They don't go by he, she, or they. Nope. They're just mosquito. That mosquito really fucked me last night.
Luckily his penis was the exact same size as Kevin's and nobody noticed anything. Oh, nobody will get that because they don't have the pregame. We talked about Kevin's micro penis. Yeah. Greg was drawing dicks because that's what Greg does. And he drew a large one and a teeny tiny one.
The large one represented mine. He wrote Greg under the big one, and he wrote Kevin under the teeny tiny one. Because that makes Greg feel more like a man. I was not represented. And let's be honest, he needs all the help he can get. He does. That's right. And let's just put it this way. The size of Kevin's penis was smaller than the dot I used, the dot Kevin. All right. Well, that was a nice trip down memory lane.
Those people who get dengue won't even have symptoms, so I don't even know why I'm doing this fucking episode. But for those that do, the most common symptoms are high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and rash. Okay, so can people die from dengue?
Oh, fuck yeah, you can. But here's the thing, right? Other than the rash part, the other first four symptoms you said, that's everything. If you look at any disease, bacteria, fatigue, joint pain, fever, headache, like COVID, it was like, oh, if you have these symptoms, but it's like, that could also be a cold or the flu. Yeah, that's like every illness ever. Yeah.
Yeah, but there's more, so just let me go. There are some distinguishing characteristics. Unlike what you're talking about as far as the cold goes, if you get multiple infections of dengue,
symptoms get progressively worse. So it's not like it's fun. Okay. It's not like you're diminishing people. So if you're from dengue, it fucking kills a lot of people. And since there's climate change, we're going to be dealing with hell a lot more people. Well, first of all, I don't like you, Adam. Why was it denigrating anybody? I was saying, Oh, you're a denigrator. No. Well, I guess if anything, I'm denigrating the people who come up with the symptoms, like pick some different symptoms, man. Like give us a better roadmap. He's actually denigrating God. I think like, you know, come on, God. Yeah. Why does every illness have to have the same shit?
Yahweh. Okay. Fair. I take everything back. Oh, wow. That's first.
Most, okay, so most people don't have symptoms, but for those who do, blah, blah, blah, blah, most will also get better in one to two weeks. Some people develop severe dengue and need to go to hospital. In severe cases, dengue can be fatal. That means you die from it. A little tiny fucking asshole mosquito that doesn't even have pronouns could fucking kill you just because they transmit a disease from one person. How many people die of dengue per year?
I'm getting there. So let's just leave things for me. Well, it's taking forever to get anywhere. That's because you assholes want to talk about Del Taco and your wife going to see Queen. We would have been there already, Kevin. Oh, Kevin Bird. He got you. I want to. I just wanted to share the Del Taco thing. I thought you'd be happy. Don't say it in such a fucking whiny, innocent voice. And then you turn it around and made it seem like like my wife was having an affair. You know, she's not having an affair. She just likes to enjoy food after you're sleeping.
I wasn't saying she was having an affair. I was saying it's very offensive to Greg and I that you wouldn't assume. At least let that play out in your mind a little bit. I gotta be honest, not even a little. Which is why I'm offended. I don't think we're huge threats to Kevin.
wow that's the might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me yeah especially because i have a a penis that's a a thousandth the size of yours i don't think you can measure it in those i'm not sure you can either does the scale to which those are drawn some people call it a sympathy penis
It's basically like compare it like imagine me on a planet and that would be like the planet would be Greg's dick and I would be Kevin's penis. Yeah, that would be the scale. Or just imagine Kevin's penis on a planet really, really far away from this.
Just imagine Kevin standing on Jupiter, all right? He's naked, all right? And that's how small his penis is. And even the fucking aliens that are on Jupiter are like, man, that's a really small penis, Kevin.
They were like, we were gonna study you, but there's no need. Not much to study here. They can't even communicate in English. They basically are just pointing at his crotch area and laughing. And that's the universal language of you got a small dick, Kevin. Do you know switching gears here? Wouldn't it be funny if he had a really, really, really tiny dick like that, but humongous balls.
Yeah, that actually would be funny. That'd be comical. Yes. That would be a little weird. It would be a little weird. He's actually, he's a squirter. I guess his balls are so big. With the orgasm, like, how's it gonna come out? Like, it's not good. It's a problem. I know how many, to answer your question, I do know how many people die per year from mosquitoes. Not necessarily dengue, but there's 20 million people a year who die from mosquitoes.
between like malaria and dengue. And there's like four hundred fifty something mosquito viruses now. Yeah. We still get we still get cases of West Nile here. Like we'll get I'll get alerts and stuff saying that there's been a and then they'll do like the spraying for mosquitoes. And I thought you guys were so high up that you couldn't. It's not a lot, but we do. Yeah. Because I know in Colombia that was thinking about Bogota has no mosquitoes, even though it's a tropical climate because the elevation.
Yeah. Oh, we have, we had real bad mosquitoes. We had a lot of rain this year, so we had real bad mosquitoes. So I got all sorts of dengue. I was shitting everywhere.
That was just voluntary because you don't really have to shake that much the whole day. You're like, can I have dad cake? He goes to the doctor. He's like, is this the thing where you shit all the time? They're like, no, pull up your pants. You're in a waiting room.
We'll see you soon.
How many people die a year? Did you say that already? No, he won't tell us. All right. Right. He's going to get I got to leave something for suspense. OK, let's go symptom. Bingo. So symptoms usually occur four to 10 days after infection and last from two to seven days. They may include high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, rash. Nowhere does it say diarrhea. Kevin's your foot.
Individuals who are infected for a second time are at greater risk of severe dengue. Severe dengue symptoms often come after the fever has gone away. Severe, like, and they are severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, which is way less fun than occasional vomiting, which is... Occasional vomiting is a blast. It's a party. I talk about breathing. Have we had this conversation?
Next to persistent vomiting, I think rapid breathing is not a big deal. Bleeding gums or nose, fatigue, restlessness, blood in vomit or stool, not great. Being very thirsty, which admittedly is not that big of a fucking deal compared to blood in your vomit or stool. Pale and cold skin, so you'll look at Kevin. And feeling weak, so you are Kevin.
I actually have a lot of these symptoms. I was going to say, so if you simultaneously had a hangover, stomach cancer, and a cold, or like the flu, then you may assume you have dengue fever. Why'd you say stomach cancer because of the abdominal pain? Because of the blood in the stool. Oh, okay. Yeah.
So that's, so that's what that means. I mean, well, if you have, I mean, I am not an expert, but if you have blood on your stool, go to your doctor now. Unrelated topic. I have to go now. Gonna swing that Del Taco for one last ride. God, that's weird.
Poor Kevin's doctor. He's having such a hypochondriac. He's always coming in there with dengue fever. It's true. Most cases of dengue fever can be treated at home with pain medicine. Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to avoid getting dengue. Oh, thanks. No shit asshole who wrote this article that I read four minutes ago. So now I got to cover myself with DEET. That's right. Which is really good for you, I heard. Because none of the other ones fucking work. So I mean, like.
The citronella really works well for me. Ah, it doesn't do shit for me. It doesn't work well for me either. I don't think I have the, like if I'm by myself, I'll use the DEET stuff, but if I'm with Courtney, because Courtney, like they go to her like crazy, so I just do a little citronella and she's like, she's my mosquito repella. Yeah, they just go right to her. Yeah, they love me too, so I can relate.
It's kind of like if a bear is chasing you you push her down and she catches Yeah, I did that one fucking time Greg and I am so tired of you bringing it up I'll listen it was the same bear This explains why Courtney doesn't have hands anymore. Well, she kept getting up and she's surprisingly fast Look at her eye and you're like pushed her down again because then she was after you and her and the bear were after you She's surprisingly nimble
She has a little spider monkey. She really, you guys know anybody who mosquitoes just don't don't go to. Like I have a buddy who never gets bit by mosquito ever. Like they just don't really do. I mean, I do get bit, but I rarely get bit.
Oh, like they just don't even in like climates because I mean, you're from the south. So like you've been around places that have a ton of mosquitoes. Yeah, they don't. Yeah. No, I mean, I would I mean, I would say like every year I'd get like I'd get one or two mosquito bites like the whole summer. Right. In spring. Yeah. So.
That's... I mean, I have allergies, I have bad bones, I have terrible joints. Yeah. You have poor muscle tone. You're made of glass. Yeah. Yeah. But that's why mosquitoes, they don't have blood. Yeah, that's true. They don't want to bite glass. I think I have really low platelets and really low white blood cells. I wonder if that has something to do with it. That could be. I don't know, Greg? Greg, yeah. Am I... Let me weigh in here.
as our as our resident mosquito expert. I have no fucking idea, man. Do you guys want to know something interesting about malaria? Yes. So so you know how only black people get sickle cell anemia? Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah. And the reason for that is that is it only black or they just get it in the highest numbers?
No, no, it's only like a white person would never get sickle cell anemia. No, I don't know if that's true. So I listen to this whole book about mosquitoes and I know because I'm weird.

Sickle Cell and Malaria

That is actually really weird. Yeah. And I just typed in Ken White people and my computer filled in, say the N word.
No. The answer is no. I didn't want to know that. I didn't want to know that, Google. Why? Why are so many people searching that? That is a weird, weird, like it's like next, like, how do I know when I'm racist? Seriously.
Only one in every 333 white newborns carries a sickle cell's treat. Oh, interesting, because the book that I read, right, I'm not, I'm definitely, but the book I read- Well, you listen to it. Did you write that book? No, no, no. It's a really fascinating book, but believe it or not, but it was saying that basically because people with sickle cell cannot get malaria.
And so they believe that it was basically, it was an evolutionary jump because at the time it's, they think it goes back about 11,000 years ago. And so they think at the time, you know, people, they lived to 35, which is, that's the thing. A sickle cell doesn't actually really affect your health until you get into your thirties is when it becomes very done. Life's over by then anyway. Shit. Well, it was, it was, mine was terrible since then was a thousand years ago. Right. So.
Yeah. All right. I'm sorry. I know you got that. Actually, yeah, I honestly did not know that that white people can't get sickle cell. Well, I guess one in 350 can be something like that. It seems like it seems like more than just black people get it. So. So here's the important question. Are white people allowed to say the N word or not? No, no. What did you find out, Greg? No, I didn't. You think I'm going to click on that shit?
No, thank you. All right. Let's get into the history of dengue because how are we going to defeat history? If we don't know the history of dengue and by, you know, defeating history or whatever, you're going to try and eradicate dengue. So defeat dengue. Let's go the origins.
Although dengue has been known by several names throughout the world, the term dengue has been universally adapted. The origin of the term dengue may be traced to a Swahili word for the disease Quidingapepo. The earliest description of an illness called dengue can be found in Spanish written records from 1800.
It's been around for a minute. The term denga or dengue had also been used to designate the disease during outbreaks in East Africa and the West Indies during the early 19th century. It was only after 1828 outbreak in Cuba that the Spanish word dengue came into general use, which continues to this very day, but might not be tomorrow. We never know. Never know what tomorrow holds. It could be no tomorrow. We don't know. There could be.
The earliest historical evidence of dengue, like illnesses, were found in China in 992 AD. They described the disease as water poison and noted it to be associated with flying insects. The first account of a disease resembling symptoms of dengue was reported in Philadelphia in 1780.
First case or the first case in this country? Yeah, in this country. Sorry. I meant to say that. No, no, my bad. Yeah, you're right. You're right, Kevin. Fuck. I was just like that originated here. That's surprising to me. And there's actually there's a movie coming out about that guy and Tom Hanks is going to blame. He's going to get down to like 90 pounds. So he's got that. He's going to be called Philadelphia. Part do so. Philadelphia.
In the year 1906. Philadelphia. Philadelphia too. If AIDS doesn't get you, dengue might. It was probably more deadly in 1780, right, than AIDS is now. I would assume, yeah. Maybe.
I mean, I think it's like, we don't know. That's true. I'm sure there's a graph out there somewhere I could find. You think there's a graph that tracks 10 gay in 1780 compared to AIDS now. If there's not one that exists. I mean, it's more of a pie chart, but it should be. It's a 3D printed pie chart. It should be a Venn diagram. Should be. It actually should be. Yeah.
In the year 1906, Thomas Lane Bancroft suggested that the mosquito vector Adisio Egeptae transmitted dengue and following the year 1907, Ashburn and Craig proved that dengue was caused by virus. Japanese scientists were first to discover the D-E-N-V-1
in 1943. Subsequently, in 1944, D-E-N-V-2 was discovered by Albert Saban. The first documented cases of the severe form of dengue were seen in Thailand and the Philippines during the 1950s. This severe form of dengue subsequently spread throughout Southeast Asia and expanded globally. Okay. You guys got that?

Dengue Fever's Global History

It's going going round around the world. Something to say. Go ahead. I just want to say hi. Oh, hi. You don't have to raise your hand to do that. Oh, OK. OK. OK. I think it was classified by the John. Do you have something to say? No, I was just I was just I don't know. Turn it off.
Okay. Please limit your interruptions. I feel like I'm kind of in the zone of the episode. You know how we all get into that. I was going to say, you do seem like you're in the zone. Yeah. We get in that sweet spot or facts that we're just reading for the first time now. Just reading the articles. Some scientist wrote time to cut and paste. He literally is. He's like, so scientists wrote, Hey, did you guys know there's a sell it target because he copied the ads onto his word doc as well as the
It's better than I used to do it. Like I used to just get silly putty, put it down on the newspaper. And that is, that is a, not a current reference. Nobody will get snow. Okay. I remember that too. How I used to do the podcast that way. No, how I remember. I remember that putting silly putty in newspapers. You guys want to hear more about dengue? Sure. I think that's why I came for the dengue. I stayed for the dengue.
Thank you was classified by the World Health Organization in 2012 as the most important mosquito born.
you think he does it he bit me what makes him so mean he's a mosquito even on my favorite table please please give us more dengue
Okay, guys. In 2012, let's see, it was the most important mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. Dengue is also the world's most rapidly spreading and geographically widespread mosquito-borne disease.
who has reported that there has been a market rise of annual dengue cases since the 1950s. Dengue epidemics are observed to be larger, more frequent, and associated with more severe disease than they were in the past.
Up to 3.6 billion people are estimated to now live in tropical and subtropical areas where the dengue viruses have the potential to be transmitted. Globally, it is estimated that approximately 50 million to 200 million dengue infections, 500,000 cases of severe dengue, and over 20,000 dengue related deaths occur each
Each. That means every person that gets dengue, 20,000 people die from it. Kevin, Kevin, I'm going to call Kevin Kevin. The guy with the bangs in the back. Something to say. Yeah. How many people die of dengue every year? 20,000. He knew that because I just said it. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were stupid. It was a sarcastic question. Right. Right. Kevin, did you have something else to add? Fuck you, John.
Again, you don't have to raise your hand to say that. Just say it. Just say it. I appreciate the hand raising. I think it makes it more civilized. Less of a sting. So 20, 20,000 per year. Die from dengue. How many die from malaria? Would you say? I'm just curious. I'll let you know when it's my turn to do the next podcast. Oh man. Sorry. Cause I'm going to do it on malaria. Are you looking it up, Kevin? Yeah.
OK, guys, while you're looking it up, I'm going to spit out some more information. The geographical distribution of dengue is linked to the area. Six hundred and nineteen thousand in twenty twenty one. God, I really should have done it on malaria. Thank you. You really like dengue is pathetic.
How many? Wow, that's insane. 4 million. Wait, what? What'd you say? 4 million. I don't know. What'd you say? 619,000. Oh, that's not a lot. It's a lot of people. 20,000 is a lot of people. Well, I'm just saying, like, if you look at things that can kill you, like tuberculosis, that kills 1.6 million people a year.
Still, you don't know that it's the biggest killer out there. What about heart disease? What is the biggest killer? Like viruses and, you know, bacteria infections. So not not of TB is the number one killer in the world of people consumption. Yes, consumption still to this day. Do you guys ever get tacos and ask for cons to me?
It's good, it just reminds me of consumption. Yeah, no, no, it's very good, it's very good. But don't get confused and order tacos and ask if you can consummate to the... Or get consumption.
Is there any TB in this taco? That's tricky. It's tricky when you are at a Taco Bell, so probably. OK, guys, the geographical distribution of dengue is linked to the areas where the mosquito species, Aedes aegypti do and Aedes albopictus can be thank you for clarifying that. You're welcome. Uncontrolled urbanization. You don't have to read the whole article. You want me to stop?
That was, that was rude. It's rude. I'm joking around. It's a copy podcast. Okay. Please continue.
I mean, the something you were saying, the urban urban areas there. So you're talking about the urban money is just urban cowboy. I can't remember what you're talking about. You guys realize that it only hurts because it's true. I call it true. What did I say to you when you said to me you didn't you didn't have a lot of time? I said, well, make fun of you, but it'd be fine. I don't care.
I don't care as much as I thought I would. Uncontrolled urbanization, expanding urban population, poverty, and effective public health infrastructure, indiscriminate disposal of waste, faster modes of transportation,
Hope this goes somewhere. Globalization of trade and increased international travel have all been implicated as factors leading to the spread of dengue around the world. But isn't it like mosquitoes are obviously much less in urban environments? You said that urbanization, right? Well, I love Chicago. There was way less mosquitoes when I lived in the suburbs of Chicago.
Right. But I guess as you're pushing into like urban areas or pushing into environments and you have a more concentrate, you have a higher concentration of people per mile than you would like, even if you have like a crazy mosquitoes out in the rural area, it just would be, I think less infection because there's less people to get in because there's just less people. Yeah. Are you trying to tell me that this article that I just read five minutes ago and didn't even know existed six minutes ago is wrong.
No, I'm agreeing with the other day. I'm asking questions. I'm asking questions. I'm trying to have a dialogue with you, Greg. That's not what we do here, Kevin. No, we just yell at each other. The assumption is that I have any more information about this than you do. I guess we could both pull up Wikipedia. Unless it's in the next fucking paragraph, I don't fucking know.
I'm just trying to have me conversation. You know what? I'll just I'll just be funny. I'll be the funny one. All right, that's fine. No, don't be the first time for that. I'm ready to laugh. Let me know, Kevin. We're going to set me up. I'm the straight man and you are not giving me the material I need to be the straight man. I think it's Stella over here. Fucking so needy.
We do a lot of work to make you people laugh out there, listeners. So maybe, I don't know. Yeah. That's why we want it as a card or something, you know, or a billion dollars. Yeah. I was going to say gift card would be nice. Any chance Elon Musk is a fan. We will work in space for one of those dorky looking trucks. They're not, they're not great.
I still want one. In Malaysia, dengue is predominantly an urban disease due to the abundance of the principal vector Aedes aegypti, which is at close proximity to high densities of susceptible hosts. So there you go. You could have answered my fucking question if you had read the article before this episode. I didn't know this was coming.
It's a surprise to me too. So maybe, maybe Kevin, keep your fucking questions to yourself until the end of the lecture. Yeah. What have you learned? Fair enough, Sean. This university paid him a lot of money to be here.
It's true. The states of Salangor, Willa Yay, this is going to be, this is going somewhere. Priscutan, Kula, Lumpur, and Johar are the areas that have been largest affected by the disease and are reporting the highest number of cases. That's my grandpa, I always said, about Johar. He does. Where is all that? Where did you say that was? You started to say? Malaysia. Malaysia, thank you.
Okay, guys, so since the notification of dengue was made mandatory Malaysia since the early 1970s, dengue epidemic activity in Malaysia has been increasing in frequency and intensity over the past 40 years, blah, blah, blah, blah. And there's a bunch of stats that just back that up. Just
Just use your brain. Back that stat up. Every five fucking years, the fucking rates went higher, okay? More people died, blah blah blah blah. Did more people die because there were more people to die? Or did more people die because there was more people dying? More people died because the disease spread like a motherfucker. Did it spread like a disease? It did. Yeah.
Did you know that dengue favors also referred to as a break bone fever due to muscle spasms and joint pain that it causes? I actually didn't know that. Did you know that, Greg? It's kind of pathetic that you had to learn that. Right? I'm being honest. You're such a plebe. Well, I asked the question. What a plebe. What's that mean?
Oh no, okay. If you don't know, then you are plebes. I don't know what a plebe is either. I don't, I just know it's a derogatory term. Don't please ask. Don't ask me to define it. You don't even know what it is. You don't know what it means and you are too. Can't be talking shit about us when you don't know what the shit talking means. I think it's like, I think how do you spell it and is it an acronym? I don't know. Well then you're fucking useless.
Greg's face just lit up, so he's clearly googling. First of all, you know I'm useless when it comes to words. So it's like you're the idiots for asking me. Greg, what'd you find? I didn't look it up. I don't care. Going to the next subject. Next part. I mean, do you guys know that there's a vaccine for dengue fever available? Oh, it's a first year student at a military or naval college in the US. So I don't think that's what you are.
God, thank God you looked it up. Once a proud and high minded group, the new class could look up to the rich, certain contempt and down at the pleaves with compassion. Oh, it was a plebeian. Plebeian was like a group of people that got a bad rap over time. How do you spell it? Uh, P L E B E.
Oh, yeah. I would have said P-L-E-E-B and I figured it was an acronym or something. Hey, at least I knew how to spell it. When I googled it wrong as the same way you would have and Google knew what I was doing. And it was just like, Oh, hey, you're an idiot. That's not the word. Here's the word you're looking for. It says, John, would you like to know if it's okay for you to say the N word?
No matter what, no matter what you Google, Google's like, do you want to know if you can say the N word or not? Just looking for a recipe for some Chinese food. Like deep state is actually Google. It's like Google AI. It's actually like the robots have taken over. We just don't know yet. We could start a conspiracy theory. Oh yes, we can. I think that would get traction. Oh yeah.
Yeah, I don't think so. The only thing that ever got traction. Are you kidding me? Do you know what the shit people believe? The only thing that ever got traction was the flat earth. I don't know. The pedophile pizza place was pretty big too. Yeah. Yeah, but we didn't cause that. Oh, you're saying something. We got traction. Oh, I got traction. What about the conspiracy that the election was stolen?
I'm beginning to think that's true. It's working on me. You're coming over. It's the repetition, man. That's what they do. They just drive it in your... You guys want to know why dengue fever is concerning? God, yes.
As I mentioned a moment ago, there's 20,000 deaths each year. Since 2000, the global rate of the disease has increased eight times over thanks in part to the dangerous overheating of the planet.
4.2 million cases of the disease reported last year and officials expect 2023 to see even fucking more. So you're saying I should not drive an SUV. That's right. And you guys, you guys, you know, remember when I mentioned that dengue fever most of the time didn't cause any symptoms with people? That means it's going under reported.
Hmm. What's that mean? So should I stop cranking up my lawnmowers and just letting them run? Yeah. You know, lawnmowers are actually one of the largest contributors to climate change. Yeah. Because the pollution is, they are not fucking believable. Is yours electric? It is lame. That doesn't feel as good when you fucking run over your foot. Um, Hey, did you guys ever see madmen?
Uh, no. Oh, John, the TV show. Yeah. Or have I ever seen mad male people? Have you ever guess you guys ever heard of toxic masculinity? All right. Well, Google, uh, Google up, uh, riding lawnmower and mad men.
prepare for your jaw to drop. It says, I just googled it. It says writing lawnmower with mad men, but you still can't say the N word if you're white. I feel like they're trying to tell you that you can say it, Kevin. So go for it. No, I, I, I'm, I'm not, uh, I'm not going to say it.
Guys, what's being done about the combat thing? Think a fever, huh? I would say a whole lot of Jack and shit. That's I don't know. I really thought you were going to go Jack Daniels or Jack. Me too. I was like, I wasn't expecting it. I thought you were going to be Jack and Coke. And I'm like, how's that work? Yeah, but no.
He got us. He did. OK, guys, you know, I haven't had a long time stoli, vanilla and Coke or a jack and shit. That's really good. I have not because I don't drink caffeine. So maybe if it's caffeine free, I'm going to have stoli, vanilla and caffeine. I don't really drink caffeine either. Well, no, no, I drink coffee. Oh, no, I drink a lot of coffee. I take it completely back.
drink alcohol I mean I have beer every night but I don't I have at least four to seven beers a night but I don't drink alcohol guys I don't really breathe that much oh fuck oh boy nope I'm wrong
Uh, did I mention what's being done about the combat dengue fever? I tried to, I think there's a vaccine available. You mentioned, you did mention that. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm going to continue with that. Okay. Coming back to who recommends children between the ages of six and 16 to receive the Takeda pharmaceutical logicals pharmaceuticals.
Cudengue vaccine in regions affected by the disease. Additionally, experts stop laughing at you. We all know I get words wrong all the time, so it just feels so good to me when you guys fuck it up. Especially with how much that man gives you shit about it. You give me shit about everything. Everything. All you do is just hurt me.
Sounds like my complex. My complex bullying is working. It is. We did we did an episode on bullying. I did the episode. Well, you you just every episode you bully me. You actually you I actually recall you bullying us a lot during the episode on bullying. Yeah. Hey, did either of you guys get the have you guys gotten the covid vaccine? The newest one. Are you going to know? No. How come?
Because, uh, I think the government is trying to chip me. No, because it just like, cause every time I do, is it the beard? The beard has made you a conspiracy. I was fine. And he'll put the hat on. And then I'm like, Oh my God. No. Cause the, I get so sick from them every time.

Vaccine Reactions Discussion

And that's because it's giving you fucking problems.
Duh. But you get I mean, if you get really like like it's like it's it just feel like I like one time I couldn't like dehydrated me and I couldn't fucking move for four hours and then conjugated a verb. I couldn't get farm a lot. But hey, John, you've had covid twice now, right? Yeah.
And it absolutely kicked your ass at all times. I think it had it three times. No, no. So the first time it kicked my ass. The second time it was that and then the third time it was like my stomach sucked for like three or four days. But honestly, I would rather like I would rather be sick for three or four days than feel the way the vaccines have made me feel all three times or four times or whatever. Like whatever number like I took it up until this one and this one I'm not I'm not going to do because it doesn't it doesn't
It doesn't prevent you, and it's supposed to shorten your symptoms, but so far my experience is the vaccine sucks more for me than being sick. I'm getting it. I'm getting it this week. You haven't been the right amount of sick yet, John. Yeah. Well, the first one fucked me up, man. Well, then you should get the fucking vaccine. But then the second or third time, it didn't.
I was pretty fucked up when I got it. Not as bad as you guys, but I was pretty. It was the worst. It was the sickest I've ever been. Yeah. Yeah. That's not good. No. So I'm I'm actually because we're traveling. This is going to be really boring for the listeners. We're traveling in December. And so I'm getting I am going to get it. I'm going to get that and the flu vaccine. We're going to get covered.
I'm definitely doing this. Well, yeah, they're giving me the vaccine. So that gives me COVID, right? Yeah. I thought we want COVID. Do we not want COVID? I'm so confused. It does go a lot of different directions at once. Why are we still calling it COVID-19? Because it's 2023 and it's a new variant. So the variant should, it should change every year. I'm not calling it COVID-19.
Why? I have a question. How come? Why do we keep having to have more chips put in us through the vaccine? How many chips do I need? I've got I've had three vaccines. No, two or three vaccines. How many chips need to be about the size of a can of Pringles?
The first the first three times they made a mistake and they put Doritos into the vaccine and misunderstanding that we're supposed to be micro trip so that they can track us. So that was actually explain why every time I burped, I taste cool ranch drinks no matter what, no matter what I've eaten and I bleed blue and green blood now. So it doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem normal. And my truth is I can no longer get dengue fever and my immune groups come out in triangles.
Thanks, vaccine. There's no good way to pass a triangle. I'm telekinetic. I can move things with my mind.
You got me with there's no good way to pass the triangle. Because I started to think about it and I'm like, that's very true.

Triangle Objects Humor

I don't know what the ideal exit path for that would be. There's no good way. There's no relief whatsoever.
I guess point first. It either starts painfully or ends painfully. It'd be better if the vaccines were like those, those, what are those scoop chips? What are those things going on? No, not those. The ones that look like little ice cream cones.
I'm going to tell you what they're called. Hold on a second. You know, they're made of metal and they got like a ball on the end and they've got a motor in them and you cut grass with it. What is that? Why am I the only one who knows what this is?
I can't believe he's googling this. I love how you guessed something. And then the way he responds is like, are those two? No. No. Why would it be a tooty tooty tooty scoop? Oh, bugles. Oh, bugles. All right. I guess I have one shaped like bugles because I couldn't remember the word bugle.
And also, also it's disgusting. Also, it's still not OK to use the N word. It's pretty thorough. All right, guys. So let's see, where were we? Oh, let's look towards the future and then we're going to wrap this shit up. OK.
Okay, so there's potential for a vaccine with climate change. It's going to increase numbers of some people with fucking the disease.
Turns out it's not, I mean, I guess if you die from it, it's terrible, but if you don't, most people don't even have stuff done. Here's the thing. 20,000 people, and I'm not saying that's not a lot of people, but 20,000 people a year, more people die in car wrecks. More people die in car wrecks in this country. You're talking about globally, 20,000 people die. I don't want to die. I want to live to 122 as long as they're able to replace my body. No, no, no. If they can give me a 25-year-old body at 70,
Yeah. Which I think they're going to be able to. That's a believe in go science. Um, you are going to just masturbate so much. We have a 25 year old body at that age. John, it's not your body. You need to worry about some mind because I don't think you know where the sentence is going. I don't even know where. Yeah. I don't anymore. Like I'm so distracted. I don't know what I was talking about. I've forgotten the topic.
Who the fuck are you people? Why am I wearing diapers? Oh, that explains it. Oh, yeah. So 20,000 people, it's not a lot of people, you know, when you have like 44,000 people die in a year or something like that, like in car wrecks here. And then, I mean, who knows how many people died in mass shootings. I don't even know that number. Yeah, but in fairness, I needed a topic.
Why can't we there we go we take mass shooters and we move them down south and then they just go out and they hunt mosquitoes Look, oh my god, please birds one stone

Dengue Prevention Humor

I hate mosquitoes. So you're welcome. Florida, Florida, they actually breed, they have these mosquitoes that breed, they go out and they can't get pregnant. And so the mosquitoes actually die off. So they make a lot of the females sterile somehow. And then they go out and they don't get pregnant. And then mosquitoes to one of those, they're not, they're, they're not really necessary. Yeah, we don't need them. Right. They're, they're like, there's not like, there's animals that eat them, but they could eat something else. Like they're not necessarily a, a vital part to the food chain.
No, but and they but they believe they go back like in the time of the dinosaurs. They believe they've been here for like, you know, they can either eat. Did they kill the dinosaurs with the dinghy thing? Yeah, that what that animal could eat is either mosquitoes or pandas and pandas are super cute. So we've been keeping mosquitoes around.
Do dinosaurs eat pandas? Is that what you said? No, I didn't say dinosaurs. That's going to freak my son out. Because he loves both of those. Not as much as passing a cool ranch to Rio. What kind of triangle is it? Is it a saucer? If it was a pyramid, that'd be bad.
No, I think it's got to be like the Dorito. The Dorito is the what's the one that's even on all sides? Think about this and we're thinking about this in two dimensions, but if it was a like a triangle that was like a tube, like a pyramid shape, right? Yeah, like there was just like a giant.
I'm thinking about it in, well, it's obviously three-dimensional. I'm thinking of a Dorito. Just picturing a Dorito. It is three-dimensional, but it's super thin. But if it was shaped like a pyramid, you definitely want to poop it point first. I think either way you want to go poop point first because it's got to open things up slowly.
Painfully you can't go right in you know like I mean with that wait wait wait would that change? Just jam a dildo in your ass You know you got to go in slowly if you poop triangles does that change sex toys arts are sex toys now triangles Yes, you mean you mean because because you've widened yourself out Those penis shaped Sex toys are not gonna. They're not gonna. Do the trick anymore
We're gonna be too tame. Yeah, I gotta hit your kink. You've ruined it. Your G-spot. Okay, can we wrap it

Episode Conclusion

up? Yes, please. Because I can't unthink what we've been doing. Okay, guys, last call. The only way to solve this dengue thing is to not get bit by mosquito or for the climate to be not changed.
But even with before climate change was known to happen, fucking people still got dang gay. So I think we're stuck with it until John, John, John figures away, man. So just be vigilant. Give me a second to let this marinate because this is this is big. Keep an eye out, man. Listen, I'm just saying keep an eye out. Don't.
Don't hang out with speedo bars. You don't want it. You don't want it. Even if it's like low probability of you suffering ill effects, why take the risk? Put on a seatbelt, man.
Work on them. Stay indoors. If you see mosquito, get some of those. Get some of them lights to just cover yourself in deep. You'll be fine. Yeah, I've been using deep woods off for a long time and I don't have any weird side effects. Shit, shit works, though. It doesn't work. Oh, my God. It's that's the best. I mean, it totally works. You get the stuff that's deep free and no, it doesn't work.
It works sometimes. All right, guys. So that's it. Cheers and two. All right. Cheers. Here's all the mosquitoes that. What? Gonna cheers mosquitoes and the ones that don't transmit fucking dengue. All right. Well, we should just choose the ones that are benign. Just bite in. Make you scratch. Make you itch for a little while. Like those either, though. It's better than yay. Fuck mosquitoes. Good night, everybody.