Gratitude, OnlyFans, and Critics image

Gratitude, OnlyFans, and Critics

E134 ยท History Defeats Itself
155 Plays2 days ago

In this episode the crew discusses gratitude, how OnlyFans is dominating the porn industry, and we debate whether there is still a place for professional critics in today's society.

Can you say double wedding? Kevin and I are going to get married. Oh, you and Courtney. I can't wait. Does that mean I have to get divorced? No, no. It's not going to count at all. You just get it. You just get it. We're for sure going to consummate it, though, no matter what happens, no matter what. i Right and the behole in the Right in the butt.
History Defeats Itself is a comedy podcast. Kevin, John, and Greg are not experts, historians, or even all that smart.
all We've all seen the space lasers. We know. You can't put a laser in space and not have money. That's it for sure. yeah yeah And you can't pay full price for it either.
Welcome to history defeats itself ah My name is Kevin. I am here with John and Craig. Thank you for being here Thank you for wasting your time with this podcast. We really like that one fucking asshole set
Wasn't that funny though? I looked at it and I'm like, oh my god, that's like the most scathing review. Who gets mad at us for not fucking being smart? Like, how dare you? At the beginning, we state we're not historians and we're not all that smart. Remember, Sheena says that.
Well, I think so. I think we got I think we got featured on Apple Podcasts, um like in a small way, but we did. oh and And so that's why I think that I've noticed a lot more downloads from Apple lately, like considerably more. And so I think that's why we got a review for sure. That it wasn't a good one. yeah I, you know, I don't care. I'm going to download it and I'm going to give us a review.
You know what I i think, guys? I would encourage every listener out there to give us a horrible review. Yes, please. The worse. It's not going to change one. fight The worse, the better. But it would be fun for us to read. Yeah. Yeah. Please make a terrible, like terrible, terrible.
Can you guys talk about my penis to you when you do the review? Yes. Talk about how weird looking it is. And and like, why does it go to the left and then the right? And then oh, it's like a zigzag. Yeah, it's it's like a stock portfolio. It's like ridiculous. It's just not a new financial advisor because apparently that's not what stock. four dollarss Well, if it's going up, it's OK, but it's about the it's about the the ridges of it. Yeah, it is.
How are you guys doing overall? Good. Good. i know we did Yeah. Well, triggers how is how is the, how is the, the, how is the wood? How's the wood business? Oh, I'm so glad you asked about the wood business. Sit on my knee, Kevin, for a moment and I'll, I'll tell you a tale as long as time. All right. But if you get an erection, it's weird for both of us. Well, standard, you know, the economy yeah with the inflation and prices are super high right now. Yes. And interest rates. They're coming down though. Supposedly I think Jay Powell's going to, going to lower them.
Who is it? Is that what you say? JP. I read I read Morning Brew and they call him Jay Powell and it makes me laugh every time I'm right, son. Hey, do you guys know that we're recording on the night of the Trump Harris debate? I did know that. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if that guy gave us a bad review. Is he going to give them a bad review? He's like, I was watching the debate and God, they didn't talk about turkeys at all. No, it's It felt like that Trump guy didn't do any research. Now that, that would be accurate. yeah even Even we do more research than he does. He just goes with his gut and I like that. Oh, do you now? He's got my vote. yeah yeah Yeah. No, he's got your best interests in mind. He's got one of my 10 votes I'm making.
What did they teach you when you got your citizenship? They said, just keep going to the line. just Just keep going to the back of the line. going Going back to line over and over again. Keep changing your name and your social security number.
Yeah. How are you doing, Kevin? Uh, I'm great. I'm great. Been a long day, but good day. I'm, I'm, I'm happy football started. You know how much I love my footballs. It has started. but So it's been, uh, yeah, it's been good. I'm tied for 11th place in my football pool and there's 130 participants. So not bad. yeah what You do a football pool. Why don't you do the football pool that I run? Because the last time I did that, I had Jack pick the players and everybody got mad at at a fucking 10 year old and nobody knew he was 10. They thought it was me.
no No, no, it's not fantasy. It's like a different, it's a confidence pool. Oh, I'll do that. Oh, was sorry. That's what you took away from my complaining. What's a confidence pool? Kevin looks super nerdy today with those glasses on. I do. I'd rather you not be able to see my lighting. My, my lighting is horrible too. Yeah. You know what? While you're at it, take off your face. Yeah. You know what? Your cheeks are looking really chubby and and they are, they are looking chubby. Yeah. And, uh, and my plants looking a little sad. It needs to be watered and, but I have been working out, so I'm huge.
You look big. I've been working out too, but you can't tell because I'm dressed in black and my guns are below the camera line. Yep, that's the issue. That's the issue. Oh, look at that. Look at John's by. He's got quite the by there. He needs to work in his tribe. but His by looks great. This is Kevin. I don't know. Why don't you fucking go rub his buys?
Well, I mean, yeah, because I'm currently having sex with a man and woman. So like right now, right now. Well, yeah, I'm by. So right now, yes, yes, yes. Well, anyway, John, do you want do you want to get us started? Oh, OK. Must be some magic happening at that desk. Must have been some magic. Hey, guys, guess what? I came preloaded. So I've been drinking because I thought the podcast started. We're going to start half hour earlier and I just drank, drank, drank, drank, drank.
Well, how's that different than any other night? I usually wait till the podcast starts. I, uh, I smoked a little bit and I don't normally do that before we podcast, but it's been a day that makes your cheeks. Elwood was, uh, it was a little crazy. let's i know Let's not use our kids as reasons for altering our mental state with alcohol wash drugs. Totally comfortable with that. Okay. Yeah. So John,
All right. Well, ah oddly enough, my topic is shitty kids. So shitty kids that make you drink. He said and didn't say shitty parents. He said shitty kids, Greg. Right. Right. It's it's not the parents fault if the kid doesn't know how to act. Right. I like it. I'm with you now. So ah you guys ever you ever you ever practice gratitude? Oh, fuck. Yeah.
Fuck yes, I do. Namaste John. not Oh wait, namaste John. yeah must stay can have a Stop practicing. Do you have a gratitude practice? do what do you how do you I have a gratitude plant. yeah that i don't I also have a gratitude snack. Is it a succulent?
the play I've talked. I've talked. Oh my God. I love succulents. I've talked to you guys that you guys know that I do other podcasts, right? Yeah. I have one strictly on gratitude. It's just such gratitude the whole time. I doesn't Kevin looks way too funny with those glasses on. I just cannot take him fucking seriously anymore. So Greg, do you realize that you're a bully?
Cause I haven't talked about your fucking face well no because one second. Cause you know, I'm too close to you. I could get ahold of you, but like Kevin's in a different state. And so you, you don't see him that often, but you just, you always hide behind his keyboard. You put, you put down his hair. you You always are commenting on his physical appearance, this' better fucking come back to gratitude. You're fucking you're not really practicing what you preach.
no but It's all Greg's got. It's physical appearance, and how good are you are you at sports? those are Those are the two things he has. I don't really even care about the sports now. And he's not an attractive man, and he's marginally good at at sports. So, you know, I mean... Touche.
John, to answer your questions, I actually enjoy meditating. I pass over the gratitude ones and I can't honestly say why. Oh, wait a second. Kevin, let me interject John. Okay. Kevin, how do you interject? I'm John or interject John. However you prefer it. Kevin, how do you think the little Venn diagram works with between meditation and gratitude?
I'd like to know what you're talking about there. Well, I feel like when I, when I'm meditating, when I, when I, cause I have an app for meditating, I do guide it. That's the way everyone wants you to meditate. Well, it's just guided. This is all that it is. So, okay you know, you don't have to be a dick and but on he cannot help it. What was that whole speech you had about human? But, but there's a lot of them when I scroll through, like, uh, that are, that are about gratitude, their gratitude, like mantras or,
they're They're like guided meditations of practicing gratitude. So walk me through that. What's that? What's that? I don't know. I haven't listened to one of those. I just told you that. Oh, okay. But I'll do like, I'll listen to ones about, you know, stress management and focus and, and, um, you know, penis enlargement and and, and like the, you know, you just, they basically just, just, they're just guiding you through it, telling you things to consider and breathe things to breathe.
Gotcha. So at Yale University, this this is not what I'm going to talk about, but I just just listened to this podcast and they were talking about said ah Mark Brackett, I think is his name. So at Yale University, they did a study. Oh, M.B., yeah.
no M. Brackett. No. Yeah, M. Brackett. So they did a study, and this questionnaire and all these students at Yale and what they found at the end of the study is stress. The number one cause of stress. What do you think it is? Because I was surprised. I would never have guessed that. I'm meditating. Greg Mitchell, actually. It's Greg Mitchell. I would say fucking cleaning your butthole in a fish tank. That's not stressful at all. It's quite relaxing. No, the. It depends on how close you are to the filter. It's envy.
Oh, I can see that. That's not that surprising to me. That's not that surprising. Because it's kind of broad too, right? Envy. Yeah. I mean, you can envy a lot of different things. Even if it's not like outwardly being envious, you could just be like, oh my God, I wish I could afford that. Or, oh, I wish I could do this. Or I wish. I don't know that envy causes my stress level as much as, say, someone that works for me. That's not John Banks. And I'm not jealous of anything that this person does.
I just... Wow, that hit hard. I feel his pain. I do feel his pain. That's interesting. That's an interesting factoid though. Yeah, I was just like... You are red. That is very interesting actually. It's not necessarily... I mean, it's not what I was... I would have never said that, but when you said it, I was like, oh, I guess I could kind of see that. But it wasn't all stress was caused by the overwhelmingly amount of envy for those students on that campus. Right. So I don't know. So they're they're younger. So, you know, I wonder what they're envious of. If they're on a campus, they probably are constantly comparing themselves to their peers. Whereas we'd have to be our age group. We don't really. We don't see as much. Yeah, we don't care. And we don't we don't sit in a in a generally speaking, sit in a large room with a bunch of other people our age, like like like in a like in a lecture or something like that, where you're like, Holy shit, I want to get that fucking T-shirt or or, you know, I think it's probably at that age, it's probably more about like, oh, like that person has a better nose than me. That person's got, you know, that person has better legs than me. That person, you know, and then it's not really one physical stuff. I like it.
Well, I mean, because most people have better legs than me. than everybody has but You know, what's interesting, though, I think is that I'm like I see college kids, you know, i've I used to have to drive to Boulder and Fort Collins a decent amount and there's two two universities there. There's a lot more sweatpants and Crocs and slippers and stuff like that. Now, I got to say, when I went to college, like pretty much everybody was like dressed I don't want to say too impressed, but like, you know, I had my best grunge attire and you know what I mean? But I mean, but I mean, seriously, like it wasn't as mailed in as I feel like it is now. So it's almost like I wonder if the envy is something else. Well, it could be something else. I remember when I was going to school, when I was going to university university. Yeah, I remember the 60s were a great time. It was kind of a badge of honor to just not really give too much of a fuck what you were wearing because
It just showed that you just were there to work hard and like, I don't have time to fucking shower. I don't know. I know it's not under where I'm wearing flannel, but I don't care. I got to study this fucking.
Calculus. Dude, I had had a pair of a but like my freshman year in college. I mean, let's just call it my only only year in college. My college experience. Yeah, my college experience. I kept going back, but they just kept kicking me out. But I had these Marvin the Martian chucks.
um Sweet. And I loved them. And I was like, and I had a Marvin the Martian t-shirt. Well, OK, it's not a competition, but I'm winning. I'm winning. You are totally winning. It's way better. T-shirt. But I was a together. If you guys would have seen my pants. so been So I was like, I took some tests and I was in the back and I was like walking up to turn the test in and the shoes squeaked. And I didn't know that because I'd never like been in such a quiet room. And then we're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was like.
Because I was still at an age where I was like, that's horrifying. Like, this is embarrassing. So I I never wore those Marvin the Martian shoes again. Well, that's no honesty. I mean, you know, you're probably too old for him anyway. I mean, you now. Yes. Nineteen or now or both. I think both probably.
All right. Should we get back to gratitude? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's up to you guys. All right. So my topic's gratitude also. Mine too. Practicing five minutes of gratitude every morning can bring significant benefits to your mental and physical well-being. And here are some of those key advantages. Fuck, I do it at night. Well, but I also am not really grateful for anything because everybody sucks.
well yeah uh yeah that's i mean i don't yes but i am grateful for everybody sucking because that means that i am the best person on the planet Oh, see, now this is why this is why I hang out with you, John. You really put in a perspective for me. good spen I appreciate that. So it improves your mood, focusing on what you're thankful for helps to shift your mindset toward positivity. yeah Starting your day with gratitude can lead to better mood throughout the day. Also, crazy, ah it's, again, ah from a Yale study, they people who practice gratitude every day
are actually more financially successful than people who do not. Are you sure you're not talking about Bitcoin? Oh, God damn it. I can auto correct. You know, it it's it's that but all that makes sense. I mean, and honestly, all it does, I mean, I mean.
When you're when you're when you're more of a positive person, um good things tend to follow you more. And so I guess all that makes sense. And it reduces it reduces stress and anxiety. Yeah, because I do have a 16 year old now and he may or may not have gone to therapy.
and we may or may not have had a parent and meeting at therapy. And one of the things that I really emphasized is trying to get a teenager to kind of think outside their own needs, wants, desires. Outside of their bubble, yeah. And I stress to him that gratitude, in my opinion, is way more important than any fleeting emotion.
It's more important than happiness. It's more important than sadness. It's more important than, then you know, crying or anger or anything else because gratitude can lead you to a whole wide array of positive feelings.
Happiness, if you have gratitude, if you have pure gratitude, real genuine gratitude, you're going to be happy. If you have gratitude, you're going to have appreciation, you're going to have perspective, you're going to have empathy, you're going to have love. And I think gratitude is probably the easiest step to take the easiest ritual habit that you could possibly have that will lead to all those other positive feelings and not just that, eliminate the negative self-talk that we're all guilty of.
I'm not. I think you're actually my negative self-taught, Greg. When you speak to me, you talk to me in a very negative way. Very much. Well, you that's how I feel. Especially when you're not around. gratitude when i'm not Wait, who's not around when I'm talking to you? I thought I just said something really beautiful. You did. I took it on the channel. You did. And you're 100% right. You're 100% right.
well and Yeah, because it yeah it it absolutely makes you focus on the things in your life that are going well, and most everyone has things that are going well. right like I would imagine, like if you're in a place that's getting bombed, you could probably find some things that to be grateful for, but you know if half your family's died, something like that, it's hard to find it, but but most people in the world can actually think about, you know like oh, right. like It's like, yeah, I don't have... you know i mean I have debt, but I have a healthy wife or I'm healthy or, you know, I have my parents are still alive or, you know, and and so on. And it's all killer hairline. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Amazing bangs. Yeah. It's also like it's not to say that like the bad shit that could be currently going on in your life is any less bad.
You know, it's it's not you can still acknowledge that and you don't have to be in denial about, you know, the shitty things that are happening around you. You just don't. You're just not obsessed or focused. Right. Sometimes it just takes sometimes it just takes some work. Sometimes it takes work to find the silver lining. And sometimes it takes work to find the light at the end of the tunnel. And sometimes you can't find it. You know, but then, you know, eventually it comes around. But it it does take a lot of work, I think.
Well, I think it's it's it's kind of like, it's kind of like working out, right? It's like, if you haven't worked out a long time and start working out again, it fucking sucks. And it's painful. And every goddamn day you do it, it's awful. But then one day you wake up and you're like, you may not be excited to do it, but you're like, okay, it's not it's not that bad. I'm game kind of getting in shape now. It's not killing me. I'm not sore anymore. And then one day you wake up and you're like, oh shit, I want to go. Like, it's like, if you don't work out, you feel bad.
And so all of a sudden it's four three in the morning and you're up and at the gym. Yep, yep. And one day you shit your pants doing squats.
And you're so happy you went at four thirty because nobody else is there and you have time to go change today. Today, I was at the gym for like my my class, my my class started. I was telling my buddies that I was in the class with that was Zumba.
Yeah, it was, I think three oneon one it was a class and I still, my friends, I'm like, man, the only thing that, I mean, I feel like shit right now. I do not want to work out at all, but literally the only reason why I'm going to is because I know I'll feel even worse if I don't.
Yeah. Yeah. And after it was over, I was like, why did I do this? This is, I'm exhausted and tired. I didn't get, you know, sometimes he'd fucking workout. You get that bump of it yeah energy. Think happened today. I was fucking exhausted. I hate when that happens. Yeah. When you, when you work out and it's in, you're just like, all right, especially when you're not fucking in the mood to do it. And then you force yourself to do it yeah afterwards. You're like, I don't feel any fucking better. No, this was a waste of my goddamn time.
Yeah. that's i know Fuck you Obama. making so wonder the yeah You and your glorious pecs. yeah And your amazing you protein shakes that you make at the bar. Man needs work.
um So and tap it into Greg. would would just yeah You've always wanted to tap into me. I wanted to tap into you, uh, tagging onto what Greg just said. So it it is better mental health and regularly practicing gratitude can decrease symptoms of depression and boost overall physiological wellbeing. I mean, it's, it's like, I think about all the people that you've known in your life who are, who are just inherently negative.
And it's just they're just so miserable. and they're so like you just They can't find happiness in anything. and you have to you know It's the same thing. like if you're If you're an inherently positive person,
You're probably pretty fun to be around, right? If you're an inherently negative person, people don't really want to be around you. So then that just makes you even more unhappy. And it's all, you know, it just piles on top of it each other and it fuck off. You know what I'm trying to say. I wasn't trying to get lost in your eyes. The reflection of my screen and my glasses.
I don't know why we have to fuck off, though. I don't understand. Because I lost my train of thought. I blame you. that's but He's the miserable person he's talking about. yeah yeah I hate everything! Fuck off! Fuck off, kid. I'm pooping.
All right ah strong stronger resilience gratitude can help you better cope with challenges by reminding you of the good things in your life providing balance and ah During tough times and I'll say this like so I'm gonna you know you guys both know I've recently lost someone in my family um and I I sucked at first, right? So I don't want to be like, oh, look, I found out about it. And then I had gratitude, right? I found out about it and I was fucking devastated and then had days of just like feeling shit. But there was like a moment where I was just like, right, like this happened. There's nothing you can do about it. And so it's like, what are we getting out of this as a family that is good?
Right like we know what the bad thing is but like what are the good things? And you know and it was just like like we like grateful that I've never been so connected to my parents and my Mike and I and I we have a great relationship, right? Like we didn't have a bad relationship before but it just like it's just so different now but Tragedy brings people together. Yeah in a fucked up sort of way. Yeah. Well cuz it really brings it home that you're like, oh fuck like You know, like, I know I'm going to die someday, but I think that day is like way the fuck like it's like way off. You know, I mean, it's got to be next Tuesday. The worst. Probably. I don't think it's going to be September. I'll say I can hear my heart beating.
In my chest. Yeah, I've heard issues too. Yeah. so Um, but anyway, so, so definitely, you know, I do. And I think, I think that does give you resilience in that kind of stuff and anything, right? Like, you know, if you have gratitude, like if you're, if you, if you have a job, if you have a job that you don't necessarily like, and you're constantly like, Oh, I fucking hate my job and this sucks and this sucks. But if you're like, Oh man, I'm so lucky to have a job and I'm this and this, and it's just like, it's kind of crazy how I've had this personal experience where it's like, it's crazy how that shifts. It's like the job that like all the people I hated and the people were treating me shitty.
yeah Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, but you know they were definitely feeding off of what I was doing. And so it's like all of a sudden if I start coming in, we're like, all right, you know like we're here, let's get this done. And you know it's a different kind of vibe. I will say I've had jobs where I've tried to be the positive, for like, hey, everything's awesome. you know and Snappy gag. It has not worked. It has not worked a lot of times. yeah like i you know yeah so but well But I totally understand what you're saying. I totally i don't understand what you're saying. It's so hard if you're in a job and like,
I think so many, so much of our work culture is so, so so suppressing of your physical and mental mood. So it's really hard to stay positive. And after you've left that craziness, then you could have gratitude towards like what you learned and how you've evolved and grown. And you kind of promise yourself you're never going to work in that kind of environment. again right yeah yeah There's always some way to spin. I'm never going to be a fluffer again.
But I think a lot of it too, though, you know, you're right. You're sitting all day and there's not not always the best conditions, but but leadership is so important. And when you have someone at the top or or the top of your of your working world, whatever that looks like at wherever you work, who's just kind of miserable and negative and judgy or just say the Burger King.
this but I mean like if you have someone that you feel is it can bring down it can bring every it down way more than when the person who's lowest on the totem pole has those kind of feelings and I don't know why I guess maybe it's just because they're just I don't maybe more vocal I don't know I don't know well because the person on the Lowest on the totem pole can't really like they can be annoying or whatever, but they actually like they can't fire you They can't really affect your you know, that's true Lively in your life where the guy at the top or the woman at the top they can yeah, so it's like if they're super fucking negative and you feel so especially if you feel like you don't have it you're like you're stuck in a job and you're gonna do you know and
I make six million dollars a year. Yeah. You're trying to get out and you can't. and It's like you can't find something. Yeah. Yeah. It is weird when bosses have that kind of ego where they just need to be.
fucking their ass kissed and they just fucking bring their negative energy to an entire crew of people. It's just so unfuckin unfair. like I've had that a lot in my career, man. It's crazy. I think there's a just a lot of people who just aren't really cut out for for being a leader because a leader is more than just like, you know, doing payroll. You know what I mean? Like there's there's there's. Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot. Right. It's it's not just' a lot forcing people to do things. It's like encouraging them or inspiring them to do things. Right. That's like the idea of things starting at the top is not is not a cliche. I think it's real. like You know, whether it's
whether it's positivity or productiveness or or hard work or whatever, like it trickle it does trickle down. For the most part, obviously, there's always going to be exceptions. No matter how hard the owner works, there's always going to be some Yahoo, like just fuck it off in the corner. You know what I mean? Okay. I told you 10 times already, I'm sorry I fucked up that job for you. Listen, I will never forgive you for that. I mean, obviously. And he shouldn't. I've been really lucky to have... like try Trying to get that internship at the Country Music Channel forever.
I've been lucky to have some really good bosses, but I did i worked at one car dealership here in l LA, and it was actually right before I started working at Neiman Reed. Shh, don't say that word. I can't say their name. The the company that has known, or can't be, what is the Baltimore thing? when You're asking the wrong people. That's right. Hold on. Let me call up my nerds. um but i so but So I was working with this dealership and that guy was the worst fucking guy I've ever worked for. He was just a dick. And so i yeah I was like, all right, I'm i'm quitting. and he and on And just all of a sudden he was like, oh, well what can I do to get you to stay? I'm like, build a time machine and go back and not be an asshole. You do that and I'll stay. but you And I told him, i you are the worst person I've ever worked for. I bet you that would be the last thing he would do if he built a time machine. It's like his personality. I don't think so.
You'd probably go back. You'd probably want to rule the world. He would like go back and save Hitler. So. Yeah. yeah So so Hitler owed him. Yeah, exactly. Make sure Hitler had all the meth he wanted. Yeah. All right. Well, ah I'm a business owner now and, ah you know, I'm kind of a big deal, kind of a boss. And I look at everybody that I work with as 100 percent equals. Like I've never fucking thought of of ever trying to bring a bad mood to somebody or just a pretty positive person. No, I think that I don't think that's it. I don't think that a positive person is not he's not a positive. I'm not a positive person to be a pretty, pretty positive person. The one thing I do have, though, is respect for people.
I know it's not you guys. Well, ironically, one of us here is an employee, too. This is a whole other gig, though, right now. So sorry. But I do. I fucking respect what people do for their jobs and I listen to them. I'm not going to make hasty decisions and just jump shit. I don't. That's not my nature.
John, how do you feel about what Greg just said? Fuck his feelings. i'll I'll I'll tell you later when I when there's that can't be punished. No, he's good. and Like he is. It's like he's he's easy to work with. Yeah, I think john I think when you have a positive demeanor, I feel like you yeah obviously you need the chops to be able to lead and know your shit about the company and all that stuff. But starting with a positive demeanor helps a lot.
Well, and and that's why like when he was, you know, he came up to me and he was just like, when he was thinking about doing this whole move thing and and it was, you know, it was him that that started our, our, uh, ascension, I guess. So so anyway, yeah I was just like, he he said, he started giving me his pitch and like, I'm in, let's do it.
So because I knew that, you know, I well, I have those pictures you had me at orgy. Yeah. You have some incriminating evidence. Yeah. Yeah. So well, we're going to talk about something else with my topic and and it'll come full circle. So there you go. um Is it about me? God, not everything it might be now. So you get pictures. Gratitude gives you improved physical health. You actually it actually lowers but ah blood pressure.
um People who practice daily gratitude or have like a daily gratitude routine have lower like that lower cholesterol. It's like across the board. Greg, you you you seem surprised that I compared gratitude to meditation. Why why is that? Oh, I'm so glad you asked me that question and I will be happy to answer it this way. When I practice meditation, John and I learn transcend metal transcendental meditation together.
And I think that the emphasis and the focus on it wasn't so much gratitude. yeah was It was just to kind of silence your mind. Silence, well, and and even that, not doesn't if that happens, great. But if it doesn't happen, that's great too. It's more of a... um a way to sit there and live in the moment and repeat a mantra. And it's not necessarily about having positive thoughts and be grateful for all of your life. So i just I'm not saying that you can't meditate and be clear.
grateful. it's just It just really slaps in the face the way John and I learned it. yeah So you're kind of a fucking idiot. Yeah, yeah. Namaste, motherfucker. Yeah. so i Well, it's not today, motherfucker. That's a lot different than, I mean, what I what i do is, like you know, like distress ones talk about like,
you know letting go of the things you can't control and you know like it is kind of like a you know it's a guided meditation and they're not all like that some of them are just about breathing and and concentrating on your breath and letting your mind free and thinking about the sound furthest away and there' stuff like that that can kind of clear your mind. Well, I like what you're saying and I i do think it's important to, and and these guided meditations are great as far as ah perspective shifts right and yeah and positive thinking and not getting hung up on the sheet you can't control and just giving more power to yourself. but
I don't consider that meditation. I mean, it's clearly different than your type of meditation that you're pretty elitist about for someone who doesn't even fucking do it 100 percent. And I do do it. Oh, fucking bitch. Who has a fucking who has a fucking namaste tattoo on?
Who's got, who's there? Is that what that is? Who's got a, who's got a bear? Who's got a bear, Kevin? You don't have a fucking bear. there No, I have a comic book. Where's your bear, motherfucker? Get a bear. Man, I'm really liking motherfucker today. It feels good to say it. Okay. Whatever you need, John. Good word. It's like my namaste, you know?
Um, all right, I'm just gonna so it all it gives you better people who practice together gratitude get better relationships because oftentimes they see the good in their partners and not better orgasms. But yep, yep. Uh, uh, enhanced focus because starting with gratitude, uh, relaxes you and actually lowers your cortisol levels.
increased motivation for, I guess, the same fucking reason. I'm not a scientist, but I'm going to see a theme here. It says increased motivation for the same fucking reason. So I got to go with what they said. Greater self-awareness. So then you kind of what you're talking about before, Greg, with like the negative talk or the negative self-talk, it's like it gives you a greater ah It gives you a more rounded view of yourself, right? So it's like people who practice gratitude. They don't think that they're the greatest people on earth, but they they see that they have good and they have stuff that they can improve on, but they don't necessarily look at that stuff as bad things. It's just things they can work on. Well, when you think about it, you think about how the human condition is, it's so much easier to bitch. And even when you get together in groups, you could be like, oh my God, can you believe the way John was?
Wearing his fucking glasses today. What a schmuck. I think well, he's got to stop wearing them on the back of his head He does guy fury I have a condition Called head eyes back in the head eyes, but it's so it's so hindsight. It's so yeah, that's right. That's good. That's good that's a good one It's so easy to just complain and and focus on the negative. it sure It's like exercise, like what John was saying earlier too. It's like the more you practice it, the better you're going to be at it. And it's a good thing. It's like a good thing to be positive. And it's it's the cheap and easy way to so fucking complain.
Well, two you know but the reason I asked ah Greg earlier about ah the fact that you kind of said ah you you didn't see the connection is, you know John, you just mentioned that practicing gratitude can help physically, you know make you feel feel better physically. And one of the things one of the reasons I started No, meditating was for stress because stress has caused some physical problems for me. Like what? Like a pretty severe acid reflux. Hair loss. Well, probably chubby cheeks. Chubby cheeks. All right. All right. Look, I'm talking now. OK, I have the pillow. Sorry. Oh, pillow talk. But but but I mean, like the way I thought of it is I was like, all right, you know, if if stress if stress can do all these negative things in me physically, then
like i can I certainly should be able to use my mind to be better, right? To thin out your face. To thin out my face. To regrow hair. To six pack abs. To make my making my penis smaller because you know some people are complaining. Everyone and yeah yeah everyone does complain. Everyone's complaining about that penis. It's so hideous. The only thing that makes the penis better is if that hideous penis was just smaller. But seriously, like i You know, I feel like like that again, it's that positive thing. It's that letting go of the bad, like like focusing on the good. It just, it it can help you in in so many ways. So yeah, i get I get that. I don't know. Maybe I should try the gratitude stuff because i and there's not any good reason that I skip over those guided meditations. I just have leaned towards other ones. That's all. But I should give it a shot.
So you guys seem more like it. I would suggest something so so so you don't have to make it. So just every day you wake up, write down three things you're grateful for. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Like do I need a fucking journal? How do I do this? I mean, you can just do it on paper. You can write it on Sheena's arm. Why don't you just fucking tattoo it, buddy? It'll be like it'll be like momento, but it's just gratitude stuff. I just said momento. Oh, I'm sorry. Why are you both saying momento?
Memento it's Memento Mentos. It's a not an oh you Like just dead day I think you saw the wrong movie Kevin Sorry, I'll i'll go back and rewatch moment. Oh, yeah God, you guys should hang out sometimes. All right. And finally, so it gives you boosted optimism. Gratitude encourages a more optimistic outlook on life by reinforcing the belief that good things are happening and will continue to happen, which can lead to more positive experiences.
I love it. Kind of what you were talking about, Kevin. People just like hanging around people who are like happy. Absolutely, man. I mean, we've all been to that situation like, oh, God, is he bringing is he bringing his girlfriend or is she bringing her boyfriend? You know, you're like, ah, and porn stars. Yes. Happy. Oh, God. Am I going to bring my girlfriend? Yeah, d I do. All right. That's a great.
Well, I'll tell you what, you just you just said something that we can go real nice and easy into mine. Was It was more. It was porn stars. We're going to talk about porn. Oh, good. Specifically, I saw I read Morning Brew. It's a daily newsletter and I like it. It gets my news that way. And I get my porn that way. I say hey they had a a thing ah recently, I think it was yesterday that was talking about how OnlyFans is just It's doing gangbusters, right? and All the gang bangs, gang bangs, not busters. Gang bang busters. game gamebusters thats Here's some stats. Revenue rose 20% in the fiscal year ending ah November 2023 to $1.3 billion dollars and profits grew to $485.5 million, also a 20% gain. The number of OnlyFans creators... Everybody go to gregsfeet.com slash OnlyFans.
The number of OnlyFans creators jumped 29% to 4.1 million. ah Users are up 28% to 305 million and spent $6.6 billion on the platform. Wow. The owner, leon of Leonid Radvinsky, is absurdly rich. He received $472 million in dividends in the fiscal year and has earned more than $1 billion dollars over the previous three years. Fuck.
Attaboy. MindGeek, a company that operates Pornhub and Brazzers, only does about half as much business as OnlyFans does. I've never heard of those websites, so I'm sure you have not. I'm sure you have not. Compare it to... This is all news to you. This is just, I'm taking notes as feverishly as I can. So is that B-R-A-S-S? B-R-S? Is that what that is? Brazzers?
breast toat breast azare um that's only yeah so of the million people who are subscribers. That means each subscriber is only spending 20 bucks. So I would theorize that there's some people who go on there, maybe sign up on an account and then never use it, or maybe they use it once. And there's other people who are spending a lot of money on that. A lot of money. Yeah. Well, don't you sign up.
For per creator is that how it works? I honestly don't know I did look at it, but I did not say I watch porn But I don't I don't I'm not in yeah I don't do the only fancy either but if you think about it like the model is pretty big Brilliant for this day and age because like we've all you know come on. We've all looked at been on Instagram seen an attractive Woman clicked on her profile, and it says click here for my only thing you know I like it's I like only fans like I like America free free. No, I like that. But it kind of, it but it, but it is kind of a, you know, like you, you, you see these people, maybe, see maybe people get kind of obsessed with them or something on Instagram or Tik TOK. And then they can, you know, they can sign up to see him naked or.
throwing their feet in jello, or whatever it is that people watch. I don't know. Whatever. As long as baby squirrels are getting hurt. I like the way Kevin is just picking these really obscure, they're not his fetishes. No, no, no, no. I do not have a raging erection right now, I promise you. You get choked while you're being smacked in the face with pudding, like chocolate pudding, not vanilla, because that doesn't get you hard. Chocolate pudding, though, that'll get you going.
OK, that's OK. yeah so Anyway, so point point made. But what I thought of was funny about when I was reading this, I was like, oh, my God, this is perfect for for the episode tomorrow, because, you know, we talk about porn and masturbation on the show. Fair amount. We do. But because it just it just goes to show. I mean, it doesn't matter. Like we're always going to be into like the next way to consume pornography.
as a society, you know? And I think it's funny, so I was looking up some stuff about like how, you know, like the past as far as how conservatives or religious groups tried to, you know, keep pouring down or anything like that. And so I wanted to, I thought I'd share a couple things I thought was funny. and the In the 19th century, have you guys heard of the Comstock laws?
but Yes, we've talked about these before. Have we? John has. I don't remember. and I don't remember what they were, but I remember we talked about them on an episode. It prohibited the distribution of obscene materials, which included anything deemed immoral, such as pornography or even information on contraception.
the The law prohibited mailing of any obscene lewd or ah lascivious materials, including books, pamphlets, and drawings even. So Greg, your penis art would not be allowed in this. I've been working on it so hard. Well, it's so abstract though. Can you really tell it's a penis? Well, those are photos. I mean, I've got strides.
Uh, this also extended to information about contraceptives, as I said, and abortion, making it illegal to send any instrument or substance for present preventing conception or Like abortion. Yeah, it sounds like or should I'm going to eat some boy. I didn't mean to say it that. I put the wrong and fastest on the rung. So he did. Uh, the Comstock laws were especially influential in restricting access to birth control information.
Um, uh, figures like Margaret Sanger, uh, she was a, an early advocate for reproductive rights. She challenged the laws and got arrested. Um, so anyway, lots lots of stuff, uh, you know, it says, oh yeah, under, so under com stocks direction, over 160 tons of obscene materials were reportedly confiscated and destroyed 160 tons in like the 1800s. Well, they did draw everything on tablets. so They were heavy.
We're very, very heavy, but I mean, I'm just saying like, you gotta to work it out so you can masturbate. You can hold that tablet and masturbate. Yeah. Yeah. You you just, you get near, you're getting your, uh, your exercise in, but, but play boy, obviously, you know, sparked a cultural revolution. You have never.
There was a lot of resistance to to from religious conservatives who viewed it as a moral threat. and it's just To me, it just doesn't really matter. like like you The world needs needs to get off, man. Well, what do you think about like people that think porn and like ruins relationships and it more like compromises you and it just makes everyone's life worse and there's like addictions and stuff there's I mean like anything there's negatives I mean there's also you know there's there's some stuff that with OnlyFans where there's been cases of non-consensual content going up
you know, where someone puts up a video that that they shouldn't know that they didn't have consent to put up, you know, ah which is what I was kind of referring to earlier when John talked about the pictures of Greg that he has. You could totally do it. I should. But it's good. And what would I mean, it's frowned upon. Oh, I guess I would. But I would want to do it and like ah maybe put them together in some sort of 10 Burns documentary. So it's more compelling. Lots of lots of long like like zooms and wide. Greg's penis was crooked.
Ziggy Zaggy, but I don't i don't think that's what it sounds like. Greg's penis had to fight his brother's penis in the Civil War. This is Peter Coyote. This is Peter Coyote. Is that the name of my... And from viewers like you. Thank you.
Dear Father, I am on the battlefield and I have watched so many penises die. I've run out of ink. Now I'm using my semen. It ran out of ink, but but I'm doing OK with this. I've figured out ways to do it. So at any rate, Anne Wagner is a conservative, is a Republican, fucking Anne Wagner. And she's a ah prominent figure in the fight. She's demanded federal law enforcement to do more to regulate sites like OnlyFans, accusing them of enabling sexual exploitation.
So and I'm not saying that it's not I'm sure there's there's there's issues just like with everything, you know There's there's there's always gonna be those those negatives and and things like that. But I I mean, it's it's ah yeah, I think at the end of the day Because you know anything that that releases dopamine and all your pleasure chemicals Which sex does and masturbation does so if you're watching, you know, which is so it makes it definitely easier to get addicted to that kind of stuff but also I don't mind being addicted. So there's worse things to be addicted to. Sure. Are all my relationships ended and am I alone in this world? Yeah. But man, can I masturbate? Yeah. ah You're very strong risks. Why are you trying to take away the one thing I'm good at?
I've been practicing since I was 13. Well you know Greg you mentioned ah the moral part of it and I've always I always have a problem with that with people push that because I don't I don't know what what our what is morality when you really think about it like it's it's not it's very specific to whatever your belief system is okay devil's advocate yeah okay so yeah well I think I think morality is did you want to step in John well cuz he did say John No, I was talking to Greg. I know, I just. Go ahead, Greg. Well, it's a good thing I remembered what I was going to say. And the topic is porn, so it's hard to forget. I have a lot to say. It's my favorite topic. It's going to be the longest episode ever. Some people do consider it maybe stepping out on a relationship by pleasuring yourself to
Maybe some people that you're not necessarily in a relationship with. OK, so I could see how that might compromise people's morals. Obviously, not mine. Well, I think, though, that it has to be then then maybe there has to be more honest conversation early on as to what your every more every time, Kevin, there sure does. I am a polygamist. So all I'm doing is consummating on my marriages. So.
Atta boy. That's what I'm doing. It's not cheating when you win your Mormon, right? Isn't that kind of the. Yeah. But old school Mormon, not new school, new school. No, no, no, no, no, no. They don't do that. They don't do that anymore. But they're like back in the day. No, they're all boring now. No, but they used to be cool. What was John Smith? Was it was that the guy? Yeah, yeah. John John elsewhere on this man. Yeah. Fucking plates and shit.
Yeah. God was in the United States. Remember? Yeah, I do remember that actually. like was go I believe he was right around Missouri, right? He was. i think I think that was it. Wasn't it right around Missouri? Yep. Or Missouri. Same place. He's from the Midwest. I'm going to give him Missouri. Not in God's eyes.
um I think morality, since yeah, I didn't ask. um I think it's, I think people, right. It's like a personal thing, but I think really at the end of the day, it's like if... What about the beginning of the day when you're writing down your gratitude list? Well, that's all about gratitude. So I'm not thinking about morality. ah but But if you're thinking about gratitude, obviously you're thinking about porn. Yeah.
Well, that's most of my list. So it's just I just name off porn stars. That's my gratitude list. So I can't. Could you name five? I don't think I can name five porn stars. I stormy Daniels because not because I. Jenna Jamison. OK. Oh, nice. OK. Uh, it shows my. h and i like i as She is now.
Um, Betty, Betty Boop, who was the guy who was the, uh, Ron Jeremy, Ron Jeremy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, didn't he, he got like, it's some trouble, didn't he? He was, he he did. Yeah, he did. I think this is embarrassing for us to try to name so when nobody reads credits.
no gets So anyway, John, you up so i think more you didn't get to finish. No pun intended. I don't think this is what it is for people, but what it should be is that if it is, if as long as you are not harming anyone else and everything is with consenting adults, whatever it is, drinking, like or you know or like I think if you're self-harming, that's your right. like if you you know like If you're an alcoholic, I don't think we should make alcohol legal if you're a drug addict. i don't think we should I don't think drugs should be illegal because I just i just feel like at the end of the day, it's You know, I don't think we should be like, I don't think, I think they should be regulated. I don't think we should, you know, and I don't, I think like having an agent. You mean you shouldn't be able to buy heroin at a Cabela?
Yeah. and a time you should be able And you shouldn't be able to buy it when you're 13. Right. But like, in fact, I do think I don't even think you should be able to buy alcohol until you're 25. Because that's where you now know that's when your brain is fully developed. Right. Well, yours hasn't quite yet. Because I drink so much alcohol. So I started when I was j young. It was stunted early. And I fucked it up. So anyway. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, I and that's I think the part the part that Greg was talking about is if if who and and correct me if I'm wrong, Greg, but if you, you were you know, John was saying as long as you're consenting and everybody's but I think if your point, Greg, was that if somebody is watching porn behind their spouses back and getting sexual pleasure, then it can be considered morally wrong, right?
That was my point. um However, I don't experience that. well No, no, no, I know. I know you were. I know you were saying that. I just want everyone to know that I am not afraid to masturbate the porn. It's important that that our audience knows that who we are and yes that we are that we are are honest, especially that fucking asshole that wrote that fucking review.
I really want to meet that guy. I hope he listens to this one. Yeah. Maybe he'll like it better. I feel like I did some research. I get zero research. um I know. I know. Okay. Um, I feel better. I feel like he was just talking to me. So I'm not going to let him down. He was mostly talking to you. That's rude. Yeah.
So anyway, that I just thought that was interesting. I think, you know, porn is is, you know, there's always going to be the people that the morality police and it's usually it's usually religion that spearheads it because certain certain religions, obviously more so than others, but didn't a lot of porn stars in the 60s get get arrested due to the Comstock law. And that was like it was like a big Supreme Court thing like they they they took it all the way to the Supreme Court.
John I don't do any research remember what the guy said in the review right right I watched a documentary about documentary meaning a porn we're talking about this it was a documentary about porn but there was a lot of sex in it like just straight up so i already watched the beginning I watched the first two minutes and then yeah I'm here for the voiceover role of. Listen. Oh, oh, oh. Well, that's good, John. Thank you. You got me got me riled up. Not me. So anyway, only fans. Greg, you're up. OK, guys. So so are we like a month away? We're going to meet again in a month. Yes. Yeah. sure Oh.
Okay. ah so Yeah. We're really, we're really, I like this new Kevin who's like, Hey, we're not on a schedule. We're just on a fucking, whatever. Okay. Guys. so Hey, I only knew that that's what it would have taken to get you guys to, well, no, actually you're not any different than you used to be. No, we just, you're just as mean. You didn't bring us up. We brought you down,
but we did it all. Touche. All right guys. So let's, let's, let's transition over to my topic because I think it's really important and Unlike you assholes, I didn't have to do a bunch of research. Read a bunch of facts. Well, hold on. I want to make sure statistics and percentages and shit to fucking figure out don't only what you're accusing me of. I don't want you to accuse me. I did not do. I literally went to chat GPT and he tell me 10 things about gratitude and it said, did and she's like, would you like him to shut up? That's all I wanted from you. Be quiet. Stop talking. There's an angle for your episode, John. Fuck off.
I just need it. I just need enough enough ah facts to appease Kevin and and move on my life. Ten seems to be the magic number. You give him ten facts and he's good. He seems pretty happy. So here's I have a question for you guys. Oh boy. In twenty twenty four. Considering, you know, we have the social medias, we have all kinds of websites. Do you think that we as a society need critics?
music, art, food, movie, TV shows. You mean, you mean like the Roger Ebert's, the Peter Travers, the pitchforks reviews, like that kind of stuff? Oh, yeah. Do you think, do you think Gary Sinise's?
and ni I do. and okay okay um i do not okay okay but to be fair i never thought we needed them do you okay okay i like this because i have i mean i did my episode on music snobbery and another well-researched one. That was pretty good. He was a like, Hey, it's a bunch of shows. No, I think that I, my attitude towards critics.
has changed quite a bit because you've got this, what comes with that kind of job description is this kind of, a lot of negative thoughts too, like sure, the the snobbery, the um elitism, the fucking,
um the biggest criticism of critics is the fact that they can't create art, but they can critique it. So that's obnoxious for sure. But I've kind of come full circle where I think, you know what, if someone has more information about something and a higher degree of appreciation, if they can share their knowledge through a review and it's not condescending and it's not coming from up on high, then I think it's kind of a valid eye opening kind of opinion informing. It could be a good fucking thing.
Do you guys ah use Rotten Tomatoes when looking at movies? Yes, and ah and I find it to be pretty accurate. That's what I was just going to say. It is like when I'm like, I'm going to give this movie a shot. I'm like, should have listened, should have listened. If it's below 60 percent.
don't watch it oh man i'm i'm higher than that even i feel like if it's below like it so it it depends of course on the movie and like any review it's like ah i don't know if you guys ever look at pitchfork for music i do but i read i read pitchfork for music reviews and a lot talk about music snabs that is the most music snob website you'll ever come across. But they but at least gives me some context. I might not read the whole thing same with with like a a movie review because I don't necessarily want too much ruined for me. So just kind of get the the gist, the score and all that kind of stuff. It at least gives me an idea of like, OK,
maybe maybe this is something that I will like based on you know some limited information from someone who's doing this professionally, I guess. Like I don't give a shit about the user reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. I only care about the critic reviews. right And not even, the I usually even only just do the top critics too.
and And you know, the thing that's funny is I tend to use reviews after I've taken in some form of art, like after I've seen a movie or TV show or or um I don't know, gone to an art show where John drove a nail through his fucking nutsack and called the performance art. It was weird, but I gave it five stars. I mean, I don't know how I feel about it until after it's over. So then I'll read the review. I did sell my nutsack for one point seven million now.
but now you don't have a nut stack. Yeah, I know. It was 3 million to get it replaced. The point is it was all JJ went for eight, seven, seven. yeah So i I think that, um, kind of dovetailing on what Kevin said is I like an informed opinion ah about something because I have learned a lot from reading reviews.
like um It's amazing to me the amount of knowledge that a fucking reviewer has about like movies and shit. I just never even knew or took for granted. and um And sometimes I really kind of get surprised by by reading one. But here's the thing too, since it is 2024,
And there are stand broke. Give it. I don't know. This is your last. Yes. Little plastic thing just broke on me as I was sitting and fucked up. But I mean, like I fucking love reading Yelp reviews, but you can't trust them. No. Like when you're going to go go to a restaurant. i But I think I don't. Man, you still use Yelp, really?
well i Have you tried to either bring that it up as an example? I was just curious I just didn't I wasn't even sure that I didn't realize ah Yelp was still a thing and it's not that's not calling you old or anything like that But I mean I just I think it's obsolete. You're not old. You're obsolete. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah exactly. So I I think that's a great example though because first of all, those are just people who consider them so I love the ones that start out with like some sort of like I've been to a lot of Mediterranean restaurants and I've even visited Greece, you know, like you're just like, oh, go fuck yourself immediately. I don't care about your man. And I like a Chevy's Mediterranean better than any other. You're like, what? I want to go there. but
But, but I think like you can, you get to a point, at least at this point in our lives where we can tell when someone's just being a, being a bitch, you know, or when they're just like, you know, some guys just like, this service is terrible. you It's like, okay, well maybe there was a bad night, maybe and we've talked about in this podcast before. So you kind of like just go through and just sort of can tell who's who's real and who's not and and kind of get a feel for the restaurant, right? Yeah. Well, it's got like two point five stars and it's got three thousand reviews. You're probably not going there. Right. But I will say I do like on. on So on.
on movies i just think i think movies and music are so subjective right and so so then it's just like if somebody i mean i i'll do the same thing i'll look at a review but if somebody it really depends on what people are saying right but you know when when they're just like oh my god this this movie was so like artful i'm like nope that's not for me Because i cause i just like when I was younger, I really appreciate that stuff. i really But I'm just older now. And I'm like, you know what, man? like I don't have time for this bullshit. No, it's awesome. And and like go for it. But it's just not my thing anymore. but then It's like when I read a review and they're like, oh, it's a bunch of kids. And they play some game on flying around on brooms. And I'm like, yeah, not for me. And John's like, sign me up.
Everybody has their own likes. Everyone has their things. Vintage is an amazing game. so um oh jesus but then but But when I do food stuff, I like like i'll look when i'll i'll go i immediately go to the one-star reviews and because I want to see what the people are doing. And most of the time, what I see in the one-star is sometimes they're like the food star. And if there's a lot of that, then'm like but sometimes people are just like, I went in there and you know the food was okay, but like it was really expensive.
And you're just like, well, yeah, the prices are on the menu. You knew that. Yeah. Like when you sit down, you found out when you got the check. right you're You go like, Oh shit. Like I, I can't afford a 50 or a hundred or 150, whatever the price is. Like I can't afford this. So just get up and leave, but don't.
bash the restaurant because you don't have the money. like and i'm not Because you can't afford it. right and if you can't i'm not it's ah There's nothing else anybody can afford things. yeah I can't afford a jet. God bless the people who can. but you know but it's like but i don't and don't I'm not like, well, it flew on Delta and it sucked because it wasn't a private jet.
so i've so I think I've said this before on this podcast. I you know that i used to ah work manage a hockey rink in Chicago and we got a one-star review one time on Google because we we were a hockey rink and we got a one-star review because we didn't have public skating.
And it's like, but we're not a public so skating rink. We're a hockey rink. And it's like, it's like, oh, man, I hate this. This restaurant was terrible. They didn't even have pizza. It was Thai. It was a Thai restaurant. Yeah. Like you can't knock somebody for not.
catering to your perspective, by the way, there's a there's a restaurant ah that's kind of five miles from here that makes the best fucking chicken Thai pizza you've ever had in your life. i thought I was going to say, I bet he's going to say Thai pizza, isn't he? It's it's fucking good. Thai pizza is good.
I would be more than willing to give it a shot. Not generally a fan of of chicken on pizza, but I'd be willing to give that a shot based on your recommendation. right i I think you would enjoy it. and And so if you've got like a bunch of reviews that are like on on Yelp or Google reviews or fucking even Amazon, it's should it should be regarded as purely entertainment because people are motivated by some weird shit. But when you get a there's such a difference. And I think that's why professional reviews and critics still exist and play a very important role in our society. Even now, even though you can get opinions from any fucking idiot with access to ah the internet. and Like a podcast. You could listen to three guys on a podcast. and that we yeah They might not even be experts or do research. And yeah and that's why there's opinions about people giving their opinions.
And that's why there's so many better podcasts in this one. Well, i do you think let me ask you this. Do you think that there is a more or less or maybe the same weight put on reviews now as there were like in the 80s or 90s when you didn't have the reviews all over the place? I think it's probably less. I think it's less. OK. Yeah. I mean, like the names that you mentioned before, the Peter Travers, that I mean, there's like a o Scott from the New York Times, he fucking changed to just being like an art critic. He was like the number one movie critic. And I just think that.
the job has probably lost the the big leaders. Well, think about this, like how impactful was Two Thumbs Up from Siskel and Ebert? You saw Two Thumbs Up, you're like, oh, this this might be a good movie. Yeah. Fucking red-hose. And now I don't... Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That was definitely Two Thumbs Up.
um And now I don't even know. Way up. Way up. Yeah, that's true. They had way up even. I don't know even know what, like, I mentioned Peter Travers. I think he still does it, but I'm not 100% sure. I don't really know who still does movie.
you know, movie critic, critics, or critictis critics, movies anywhere, critiques, movies, because i I'll see sometimes you see a movie preview and it'll just be like, this is the best movie I've ever seen. And it'll say like some dude's name and some random website underneath it. And I'm like, well, I don't i don't know what that means. yeah But I did put weight into Roger Ebert and I did put weight into the Dallas star. This movie was long.
The Chicago Tribune says. The New York Times, they had popcorn. Yeah, so it probably has, like, it probably has diminished a little bit, like the yeah the weight of a professional reviewer. But I think but it's a saturated market. That's good and an expert. I'll review now our saturated market.
Yeah, that's right. ah Any form of entertainment it is too. But I think that if you are an educated expert in something and you're good at communicating the thoughts and feelings and you've done research and you you actually know what directors were going for or what a chef was going for and how they blended it together. Like I think there could be a lot of really cool things that come out of reviews. I agree with you. And I think sadly, like we we so many people get their news from from Facebook or or even even tick tock. And you're not you know, I think that there's maybe less.
there's not quite the same integrity, at least in my view, ah in people, whereas if someone's like a professional movie reviewer, I'm like, okay, these people are going to do their best to, I mean, you can only be so subjective, right? Because at some point, it's got to be like, if it hits you or not. And, you know, I've seen movies, I still remember the first time I saw Anchorman, I thought it was the dumbest movie I've ever seen in my life. And the second time I saw it, I laughed my ass off. So it's just whatever my mood was,
I didn't like it once and I really liked it another time. so to some But you you hope that those people can be, maybe because it's their job, that maybe they can be a little more subjective? I don't know. I guess that's just subconsciously. That's true. and it And it is art, so you know there is...
I think there is some merit to experiencing it without any kind of influence at all. Yeah. yeah And any opinion about art is valid as long as it's honest and you're not just fucking bashing ah just to bash. i I have certain friends that I listen to like ah for whatever reason our tastes are similar whatever so like ah i you know I have friends when they're just like oh my god this movie's really good then I know Chances are I'm gonna like it, right? I don't even know anything about it and the same thing like my my buddy John McNally like I know like he Like when it comes to music like he literally every year at the end of the year, he'll shoot out an email Whether he's just like or he'll be like, hey, these are like these are songs I was really into this year and like he really like loves music and I like you get statistical
Do what? He's kind of egotistical. Yeah, no, he's he's an arrogant son of a bitch, but he's really good at the music stuff. No, he's not. He's a great guy. But, um you know, and then I've i've got other friends who, ah you know, who are like really foodies. And so it's like when they tell me about this. rush Like Kevin. like Like Kevin. Well, no, Kevin, he's really been disappointing me, like, you know.
Like when he lived in Chicago, I think there were just so many good restaurants. You just couldn't fuck it up. But now now where he is, he's like, oh, we should go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the Applebee's recommendation. I didn't know. ah You know, I agree. I agree with you, John. And it could it can go the other way, too. I feel like there's certain people that I'm like, they'll be like, oh, dude, you got to see this movie. And I'll be like, um yeah, I'll check that out. I don't like that movie, I know it for sure. I'm not spending $30 for a fucking ticket to see yeah to see that pile of garbage. like i even waited I waited for ah like a Deadpool and Wolverine because I'm just so just again just just of so much of the Marvel shit. and I know it's like it's a different thing. and The first two were funny, but I was just like at the the second one,
I was like, okay, it's like, it's basically, it's just, you know, Ryan Reynolds 2.0, Ryan, you know, it's just, it's the same thing. It was pretty, that's the same as the first one. And so I waited and my brother went and saw it and he was just like, oh my God, man. He's like, it's really funny because it's just stupid. You know, it's like, it's stupid, but it's like, it's like, because we were really into Wolverine when we were kids. And so like, he was like, it's like for the nostalgia is that you got to go watch it. And I did because I trust my brother. Like he and I usually like the same kind of stuff.
Right. but Yeah. other but Like you said, other people, they'd be like, oh, man, like, i like so you know, I was like, oh, I just saw yeah like Civil War. Man, the movie was so. And then I had another person tell me that it was absolute dog shit. And I trust that person. So I've never seen that movie. And it may be. I haven't either, but I do want to. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to.
because I heard it was dog shit because you don't like the lab. Some podcaster told me. Yeah. some but Anyway, but I also think I think everything has become so monetized that ah yeah so, for example, like eater eaters, like, ah do do you guys know what that is?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and so even that now, because I feel like as they get more ads and stuff like that, it's like they're, they're the incentive, like in the beginning, the incentive is we're all people who love good food. So we're going to talk about these things, right? And then they start making money and then the incentive becomes, well, we need more ads. Well, didn't they get bought out by Vox or something like that, too? Oh, maybe, maybe. I think they're Vox. It's just like our podcast. We lost integrity because we wanted to get money. Yeah. So.
god it The problem is that we never got the money. Yeah, that is the problem. We sold out. We so we did lose integrity. We sold our souls for zero dollars. Actually, we paid to do this. Fuck. Yeah, we paid somebody to take our soul. So I feel and i feel like that is is kind of everything now where it's like you know so like maybe you'll have some kid or something who's like a big movie buff. And in the beginning, it's like the reviews are like, oh, well that really makes sense. right But then over time, they're just like,
It's like I gotta just pump out content as fast as it can be part of that always coming Yeah, so then so then your incentive which was something of love becomes money So damn it and especially when something gets bought out I think that's that's a big part of it too because then you gotta you gotta kind of tow that company line You know, why haven't we gotten bought out yet?
God, we will please buy us. Yeah, we are. We can be had for very, very, very small roast beef sandwich. We'll go full fucking Fox News. Just pay us. Yeah. We're like, well, whatever you want us to say, we'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. We don't even need to be in. You know, we don't have to have integrity. Now we already gave that up zero. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. All right, guys. That's that's our critics.
Well, it was more critics than art critics, but well.
You're criticizing me right now. so He does so little research. He doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about. So what how would how would you, Greg, how would you critique this episode? No more questions. How would you how would you critique this episode? No, I never said I was an art critic.
This is an art. I actually I really like this episode. I think it was something we needed. um Yeah, definitely. You know, we needed to see each other and laugh and be human beings to each other. And show each other tattoos. Yeah. And there's a lot of gratitude that I have for the two of you and myself. I really like me right now. Well, while we're on the subject of our subjects,
I would totally watch a porn if you guys were in it. Well, I would totally make a porn about you guys if you just and then john johnning and I would review it. Then I'd give it one star. One one penis.
Let's just say one. One. Yes. Siskel and Beibert. I give it two boobs. I give it a semi chub. I give it two boobs out of three. So we thought I give up a total recall. I give it a huge areola.
All right. Well, on that note, good night, everybody. Thanks for being here.