Friday the 13th (1980) vs Friday the 13th (2009) & Banana Bread Beer image

Friday the 13th (1980) vs Friday the 13th (2009) & Banana Bread Beer

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
28 Plays2 months ago

Welcome back to this mega episode of LHOHP! You wanted it, you got it! We're checking out both the original Friday the 13th and the modern remake to see which one we liked better. The answer may surprise you. Also, we check out a highly sought after beer from the past. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to the Little Hops of Horrors podcast. I'm John, your host as always. Thank you again for tuning in yet again to another cool week of doing horror shit. ah Yeah, so today we're doing a pretty cool episode. You guys voted on this a while ago on our Instagram page. I threw up a poll ah looking for some ideas for some future episodes. Sorry it took so long to get to to get together, but we're here. We're going to do the Friday the 13th showdown episode. ah So before we we jump into our little monologue here, we're going to tell you what we're drinking tonight. ah First year we're having PB motherfucking are okay I'm not giving you the untap rating on there cuz it's really just not worth it ah but the next year we're having was kind of ah an OG in the craft beer scene for a long time it was the banana bread beer that's literally what it's fucking called it was called Wells banana bread beer because that brewery
Well, it doesn't exist anymore. It's like um outsourced by some place called Eagle Brewery over in and the UK. But anyway, that's a 3.55% untapped, and it's 5.2%. And it's it's just a banana bread beer. I mean, it's it's pretty self-explanatory. Back in 2009 or 2010, whenever the hell this thing was big, this was like a mind-blowing experience now. I mean, they have so many different cheat codes they use for beers and everything. so um it's <unk> we'll We'll get there a little bit, but I want to get on this PBR for a little bit. So now, you guys know that I gravitate towards modern horror, right? But which movie really holds up better? Friday the 13th, 1980, or Friday the 13th, 2009.
Full confession time. Now I've always liked to be different. I've always liked not liking the same stuff as everyone else. Like fitting in with the masses is easy and boring, right? So where's the story going? I'll i'll tell you. Like any other 90s kid or kid in the late 80s also, we spent Friday nights renting movies from our local video store. And something kids won't fully understand, like the thrill of today, which was awesome, was getting there and seeing the movie that you wanted was still there. Because you used to stack them up, right? And you could grab, you knew that they only had five copies or whatever it was. Or you'd get up there and ask them and be like, nah, man, we're out. You had to come back either tomorrow or what's Sunday. And obviously, you weren't doing that. So I always got bumped to the next week.
But that was a cool experience, getting there and getting exactly what you wanted, or you have to compromise. you know Like, fuck, well, I didn't get to see what I wanted, but I still wanna watch a movie, so you watch something, and you know sometimes you find a hidden gem that way or something. I mean, you weren't normally gonna watch, and you ended up you know finding something cool. I guess that's the definition of a hidden gem, and that's exactly what I just said, so I just repeated myself. Anyway, ah but this was this was this was cool, and like you know now you can just like jump on your fucking Xbox or your streaming platforms, whatever it is, and just like, you're like over, I don't know, there's just too many options now, right? So like you don't have, you can be super picky. Whereas back then you were just like, I don't know, man, I guess I'll just watch TV Guide for the next hour and hopefully something changes. Anyway, well that was obviously in the early 2000s. But the, you know, the allure of the horror section was was always like very prominent, right? And there was like, um there was a documentary that went into that. And like I can't remember what it's called right now in search of darkness, I believe. And they do touch on that.
Briefly that you know there was a lot of art that went into the cover the cover art for um like a lot of effort that went into that so to really like you know it was a marketing ploy you know they wanted this shock and awe value on these covers that like these little mini movie posters basically is what they ended up being and the days before you know. Horror was not mainstream. It's still not mainstream, but you know you had to get your product out right in in January and ah June, you know whatever other random months of the year that weren't fucking Halloween. That was a downtime for horror movies. So I started putting these awesome you know cover hearts on these VHS tapes, and it was super cool. And I was always drawn towards Jason. right I always thought that he was like he had an awesome fucking um mask
he's on the Mount Rushmore of horror icons, right? Like, like he's, he is, I guess like, he's not like modern horror, right? Cause modern horror is probably like the past 30 years, but he's just like, he is a horror icon. He's one of like the top 10 all time arguably. And we're talking, you know, if you bring like Dracula and fucking werewolf and mummy and Frankenstein, he's in that conversation. That's how iconic this motherfucker is. But I was like Freddie. Freddie was my my favorite. and And Jason had like 20 fucking movies out. you know he was He was in Manhattan. He goes to hell. He's back from hell. He's here again. He's over in fucking Japan now, whatever the fuck he's doing.
so My neighbor loved Jason and and he would always want to be him and everything when we'd like play outside and stuff. And I was like, well, I want to be different. And my dad had a nightmare on Elm Street on a taped VHS, right? So we used to like get the tapes from the video store. We would record the videos that we rented on a different BCR on like a nine hour fucking tape. So we'd have like four or five movies on the same tape and you have to like fast forward to get to whatever one you want to do. Anyway, so Nightmare on Elm Street and Child's Play were the two that I would always watch because that's the one that that we had available that I could watch whenever I wanted. um And I liked being different. I didn't want to be the same as everybody else. I was like, well, you're going to be Jason. I'll be Freddie. And so that's that's how he went. Where was the story going? Six minutes in. I want you to know that as of the weekend, it's the last weekend of June in the year 2024. This is the first time I have ever watched Friday, the 13th, the original.
and that's what we're leading off with today. ah Friday the 13th, 1980, 6.4 out of 10 on IMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes has it at 66%. We gave it a seven and a half out of 10. We'll talk about that. Why? Directed by Sean S. Cunningham. I don't know if the S is like necessary, but I figured I'd throw it in there, because it's online for a reason, so I guess that's how he wants to be addressed. What do we like about this movie? Pretty much the whole thing. I mean, I don't really have any any gripe about it. um I mean it's not like a 10 out of 10 for me I didn't like love the shit out of this movie but I didn't really you know I didn't hate it I thought it was it was really well done considering the time the special effects are pretty awesome it's actually like a creepy movie which I wasn't expecting to get
um in you know that i don't know i'm just jaded by modern horror and and what that brings in the different different atmosphere and all that other stuff that that comes along with that and how far we've come with technology you know tech technology technology idiot um But yeah, it's just I don't know. I thought it would be like harder to like kind of set the tone a little bit more. And I was wrong. They they did a really good job with this. I love the fucking theme. Like you have to give props. That theme is legendary. It is super cool. um But the movie's paced, you know, really well. It doesn't drag on at all. And I mean, it's got a killer fucking twist, you know, that I was totally unaware of. And we'll talk about it later.
Um, you know, in case you haven't seen it, right? I don't want to spoil anything because apparently there are people out in this world who have not seen this yet. And I am one of them, but if you're going to watch both of them, here's your like little rundown. Uh, you're going to have to skip forward like a fucking half hour to get to our review of 09. And then we'll talk about both is kind of how this is going to go. ah What didn't we like about this movie? Kevin Bacon's diving skills. And in case you're wondering, go back and watch the scene where Ned's drowning or pretending to drown or whatever, and watch how atrocious his fucking dive is. It's more of a belly flop than anything, but I'm like, dude, you're like ah like a lifeguard kind of person, at least I think you are, you know for like a summer camp that you're trying to revive and you can't even fucking dive in the water.
It was very funny. ah The ending was a little drawn out. ah they They could have tidied that up a little bit more, but you know, and it's the early days of special effects and and I always like to see more. That's me. I like that that's um'm ah i guess I like gore porn. I've been told that, but I just, I don't know, I always get off on like kind of liking, I don't know, I just want a little bit more. um But there was plenty there, you know, to to satisfy, you know, any level really. um Yeah, but yeah we're about nine minutes in. we We told our little story. We stepped on some beer. We tripped over our words. you know We're right on pace here for another legendary episode. If you haven't seen any of our fucking stuff lately, ah go check out our socials. We're sharing all kinds of cool stuff. We got some collaborative work going on with ah a guy on the Kings of Hell horror
i I came up with the name of this page and I can never say it right because I am a fucking mush mouth. Kings of Hell Archive of Horrors. There we go. Now we got it. Anyway, he ah he did a great job. I wrote ah a horror short story. It's been released now for about a month. um And he narrated it he did the whole thing so it's like a little creepy pasta something you can you can listen to a little audio Book form I guess kind of thing on YouTube under Dante's disciples But be sure to check out our work on Kings of Hell Archive of Horrors on Facebook still working towards everything else. You do not want to see my ugly mug on YouTube yet. That's why we're not there yet anyway um Yeah, what do you say we jump into spoiler share and talk about the 1980s? Friday 13th, let's go
That's right, it's spoiler time, and yeah, we're gonna jump right in here. Famously including the immensely talented and local to my hometown, Tom Savini, also Kevin Bacon. This was one of his earlier movies, if not his first movie, I'm not quite sure, but I know this was early on, and he went on, obviously, to have a very successful acting career. But something that jumped out to me immediately, um probably about halfway through this movie, so not immediately. ah I just watched In a Violent Nature ah like last month, and this movie, that movie feels very much like a rip-off pretty much directly of Friday the 13th it's one thing to be you know to use it as like an influence but it's it's another thing to completely rip it off and really the only difference i saw was i mean obviously you know there's it's it's mostly first person point of view from the killer yeah but the the deaths are a lot more graphic especially that yoga destin scene if you haven't go check out our episode we did in uh believe it was the first week of June um and and you'll know what we're talking about but alright let's we got all that shit out of the way let's talk about the movie welcome to camp blood which I thought was pretty pretty cool I could do without the fucking hilarious ah not hilarious what's what's the word I'm looking for here I know he's just like a super animated local guy who just like it's cursed it's cursed the over-the-top
whatever, idiot. um But the you know the first person, you know this movie does not take long to get going. It's a first person point of view immediately um killing two to camp counselors and then it takes you right to the title screen. You're not really introduced to any of the characters. The only one that I can recall that you really get a proper introduction with is Annie, which is trying to hitchhike to get to camp blood. And she dies pretty much immediately. So things, you know, you don't really know what the hell's going on. um At least not that I could pick up. ah But just some, some kids get hired to to fix up this Camp Crystal Lake that that some nasty shit happened at, however many years ago. And they're going to reopen it as another camp. So which is, you know, I dig the idea.
What comes along with that is wilderness, right? So you got bugs, you got creepy crawlies, a lot of swimming and teenage, you know, making out and all that other stuff. You know, just just debauchery. But it's actually pretty tame compared to the the one that happens in 09. This was ah not as like in your face sex. But what this but this did have, um there was a snake that got killed. Like that was 100% real. That snake, ah The handler wasn't and informed of of I guess the intentions of the filmmakers like they they didn't say and there's a lot of backlash on that because well this was before the days of PETA or any of these other organizations that really went after Hollywood holding them accountable for things like that so they just kind of got away with it.
um but a lot of people looking back on it now are like, you know, the Tom Savini, who's the godfather of fucking practical effects, they couldn't have figured out some kind of like creature mechanism to just like kill a fake snake instead of actually having to kill this guy's snake. And, you know, it just, you know, the guy was mad. I mean, I'd be pissed too if I would like brought my snake, my pet snake to a fucking ah movie and then they just killed it right in front of me. Like, what the fuck, man? Like, what do they do? 30, a $20 bill until you get the fuck out of there? Like, how does, I didn't see how they, they settled that, but, um,
I don't know. I don't know if they ever did, but it just kind of went away. So, but back to the movie itself, there, there is something to be said about like, like how creepy this would be, right? You're, you're in the middle of nowhere and you just kind of constantly, I love the shots of them, you know, focusing from, uh, from far away, like looking at, you know, like, like a voyeur kind of thing. And it's, and it's very unsettling. Just you're at this new place that you don't really know. You're trying to make it, you know, cool and, and homey and hospitable, you know, all this other stuff for whatever going forward. And there's something out there. And you don't even know it's there yet. That's the thing. It's watching you this whole time. They're watching you this whole, he's watching you this whole, whatever is watching you this whole time.
um And and it just kind of sneaks around camp yeah there's some really sneaky kills like the one with ah Kevin Bacon's just plowing his girl on bottom bunk doesn't even know that homeboys up on the top bunk. He's dead already throat slit um But Kevin Bacon gets his pretty much almost immediately after One of the more legendary kills in horror ah this was you know where Tom Savini really You know kind of showed off a little bit here and In that hole coming through the the back of the you know through the mattress through the back of Kevin Bacon ah Through his neck like how the fuck did they do that? That was such a cool and I did watch how they did that it was neat but I like the dripping reveal right before his death or he's laying in bed and You know, he feels something kind of dripping on him and as that realization, you know dawning on him That's something something is wrong and there's something going on, ah you know above him. He gets the the Arrow through the neck, which is pretty cool
ah But there's there's some cold deaths in here. there's you know The axe to the face is pretty neat. You don't exactly see it, but you see the aftermath, and it's done up really fucking well. um Side note, I do feel like if people played strip monopoly, like a little more, like they were playing, there'd be like less rage quitting. um Unless you're like, I don't know, like the undesirable one of the group. Like the one that's not in shape and not hot, and you're like, oh darn, I keep losing. And then you're naked, like maybe that'll get You know, everybody else will quit in the meantime. I don't know. Let me get some more beer. This movie More Than 09 gives me like more of a creepy factor. um Oh boy, here we go. I just got a text from my wife saying that he's having a meltdown. um I'm going to have to pause this for one second. I'll be right back in me one moment.
Sorry about that, as we await the thrilling conclusion of when my wife will be home. In the meantime, we're going to keep plowing through this episode, so if I do have to step away for a second, I apologize, but that's podcast, podcast, podcast, podcasting, baby. I don't even know what the hell I tried to say there. ah Fuck, man, here we go. She took me out of my rhythm. I was having such a good time. um All right, but yeah, like I said, so so this movie gives me a lot more of a creepy factor than 0909. You know, I like that you don't see the movie, or you don't see the killer in this one. You just, you you know, you know what's happening. um You don't see the killer. I like that. In 09 he's revealed very early and then just like rips through these fucking people. He's more of like a juggernaut. But you could definitely see where they took a page out of the old Carpenter playbook from Halloween where there's a lot of the first person point of view through the windows and whatnot.
and the creeping around with like the the camera work and stuff I wonder how often uh the camera guy like tripped when he was like trying to follow these girls like running through the woods or whatever and screaming like because they don't they're not like on like a clear path like I'm pretty sure Annie's death like she's kind of like right off the road somewhere like they're like okay go up and follow her like there's like roots and shit and like leaves flying you know falling and shit he could slip and slip and fall easily but um back to the creepy factor i do like the so In in comparison to halloween directly um you know's it's scary enough to have somebody like kind of fucking around your house and everything and trying to break in and whatever ah like michael myers did but and an unfamiliar setting, right? like You feel like if you're at home, you at least have home field advantage. You know your property, you know everything, you know where stuff's at, how to get there, your neighbors, blah, blah, blah, whatever your situation is, you kind of feel like you have home field advantage. Whereas if you're at this new camp that you don't know, it's all run down, um you're on Jason's turf, essentially, or the killer's turf, whatever.
um And so like, I don't know, it's just, it adds like an extra creepy factor into it. You're already kind of like on edge because you're uncomfortable in a new place and all that stuff. And now you got somebody trying to kill you for no reason, but there's, there's great, you know, more great deaths. I like, uh, Bill's death reveal. That was, that was pretty gnarly. Just like, I mean, they fucked them up pretty good, but, um, Things are kind of up and running now. Obviously, Alice knows that there's a bunch of shit going on. ah Watching her feebly attempt, I know feebly isn't exactly a word, but in a feeble manner, attempt to blockade the door with a few logs and some bitch-ass coffee table while she's crying and panicking is absolutely hilarious. I mean, realistically, I would probably act the same way when i if I was pushed. In my head, I like to think i'd have I'd keep my coolant, but i i don't I don't know if if I would or not. but
she knows those windows are like paper thin you ever have like seen those old cabin windows you ever like go hiking in the woods or something or just like an old house like i swear to god that stuff's like like saran wrap it's just so light you can like throw a stick at it and it'll fucking go through and that's that's exactly what happens old uh brenda's body gets thrown through the fucking window and alice just cries and stares at it she doesn't you know move and That's kind of what this movie's great at. It's just putting off that like fucking move, like that whole like urge to get the fuck out. That doesn't happen fast enough. Or when she does finally get you know decide to to move and and try to run away and all that stuff, she runs into Jason's mom. ah And props to her for being like an absolute fucking unit for throwing bodies through windows and stringing them up outside the cabin and and all this stuff. um
But that was that was such a great fucking twist that that she she was the killer this whole time. That it wasn't Jason. that That she was here to avenge what happened to her her baby boy at this camp however long ago. And she never wanted it to open up again. And I thought that was that was pretty awesome. um Ice Nine Kills actually does like a really great version of of it. So it's like a cover, a play on a cover of Stacy's mom, but they do Jason's mom instead. And if you don't know the song Stacy's mom, you're, you know, if you're too young for that reference.
that's on you uh you got spotify and youtube and god knows what else now uh go go look it up it's it's pretty good listen to him back to back so you can see which one you like more but definitely like that twist at the end thought it was um thought it was great um eventually it's showdown time right so like eventually uh alice has to get cornered by pam mrs voorhees um and and they have a couple little a little you know a couple little fights nothing crazy i this is where this like this uh this trope kind of i guess i don't know if this is when it was born but this is this era is obviously famous for shit like this that i'll just throw whatever's in my reach at my killer like what exactly are you hoping for in this like they've come this far they've killed 12 people but this roll of toilet paper that i have and i've thrown at you two feet away is going to stop them in their tracks like you know what sorry for the trouble i'm just gonna leave but
It's gonna take a lot more than a toilet paper roll to stop Jason's mom. She's a tough old broad She gets beaten with a fire poker. She takes a fucking cast iron skillet to the head and Eventually, you know, you gotta you gotta you gotta take you gotta take the head off and that's that's what Alice does Alice takes takes the old machete chops her head off and that's our
has to kill of the week. um and And I like the ending after this where she she takes the canoe and she kind of sends it out into the into the lake and everything. and And it's just this nice music. You think like Final Girl, she survives the horrors of the weekend, her friends getting slaughtered and all that stuff. um And then Jason comes up from from the fucking, you know, the lake. and and polls are under. And I wish that's how it ended, you know, because she saw the cops kind of coming in everything and everything at the end. um I wish they had just killed her ah instead of her waking up in the hospital and like saying, that was Jason, the boy in the lake. And they're like, there was nobody there. But I mean, how honestly, they're like, how cool of a way to to kick off like, what became one of the most legendary franchises in all of horror?
ah like he's Like I said earlier, he's he's a Mount Rushmore of horror. ah He's on there. He's one of the icons. And you know he, as you know him, the hockey mask, the big, burly, wet, jumpsuit fucking mechanics, whatever, not mechanics, offfa but you know what do whatever whatever that shirt is that he has on, he's not even in the fucking movie. That's not even in the movie. And and it went on to become one of the most successful you know franchises in, I mean, history, honestly, because Jason Voorhees is very marketable. um And now it's time to move on to to the 09. Like I said, I really liked 1980. I thought it was a lot of fun. I liked it a lot more than I thought it would. I liked it more than I liked um Halloween ah the first time I saw that one. so And you guys know how much of a fan I am of Rob Zombie's Halloween. but
anyway we cracked this other beer we have the banana bread beer out it does taste exactly like banana bread um it's got like cinnamon and clove it's it's a pretty cool beer if you guys haven't tried it i mean it's dirt cheap you can get it for like less than three bucks a can you know probably like 250 a can or something if you get finding a local bottle shop which we did We went to Vintage Estates over in Portman, Ohio. jeff We loaded up our beer fridge, by the way. ah So we're going to have some real cool stuff coming to you guys in the next couple of weeks. um Yeah, a bunch of different styles, neat you like unique shit, neat stuff, cool stuff just that I want to drink and and I don't really care. ah but We try to shake it up and make it a little interesting for you. so um But yeah, let's let's let's check out 09 and I need the beer first.
So I didn't get the, I guess I i didn't, I guess I can right now. But cool, so my wife's gonna be home in 15 minutes. um Let me pause this again and I'll get i'll get some stats for you real quick.
Okay, hopefully that worked. I tried to buy myself another 15 minutes or so. ah We're already 25 minutes, so ah yeah, let's go. Okay, so Friday the 13th, 2009, 10 to 25% on Rotten Tomatoes. That was not a... I i partially agree. um And five out of five on ah IMDb. So yeah, I mean, this is not as loved um as O80, as 1980, not O80, idiot. ah We gave it a six and a half out of ten ah Directed by a Marcus this will who I believe also did he had his hands on a couple of these? These like revivals these legendary I think he did Texas Chainsaw Massacre And I haven't watched that one in a long time, but I do remember really enjoying that one
ah So what do we like about 09? The updated JSON theme is fucking awesome. ah it's It's so great. It's very terrifying. um They just add like a level of depth to it. I just thought it was really... Really awesome. um As a teenage boy, we we loved these movies because we were almost guaranteed to see boobs every time. ah We never really outgrow that face, just ask my wife. ah And the kills were top-notch, right? these These were fun. There's a lot of gore. There's a lot ah lot of good deaths.
What I didn't like about this movie, the insufferable characters that typically pollute most slasher films, they're obnoxious obnoxious caricatures of real people. And by adding these characters to the movie, they create an anti-hero, essentially, in Jason Voorhees. So it's it's one big trope. This movie is just one big trope. All right, so we're gonna jump into spoilers for O9. Like I said, I'm moving right along here, and then that'll be that. So without further ado,
second spoiler time of the episode. That's a first. Anyway, but these movies are filled with bad decisions, right? that You know, we already talked about that a little bit in the beginning, but they're just supposed to be mindless violence with just cool kills and boobs. ah Speaking of, there's there's not a lot of ah equality in that realm, right? You don't see nearly as much dick as you do boob. That ratio is heavily in favor of the boob and And I'm sorry if you like if you like seeing Dick in your your horror movies, you guys are definitely not getting you know your fair share, so to speak. I'm good, personally. I don't need, I have ah my own to look at whenever I like, and I don't even like doing that. so
But anyway, back to 09. This one's not nearly as engaging as the first one in my opinion. um i had seen ah I know I just saw 1980 for the first time this past weekend, but I saw 09 back in Well, oh, not in fact, you know, in theaters. And I wasn't overly impressed then and still not impressed now, even trying to be generous and and enjoy it and all that stuff. But, you know, it's just not a and not a deep storyline. It's just you watching Jason slaughtering these annoying ass kids. It's the pretentious, stuck up, trust fund kids that you hated in high school. But you get to watch him get killed. That's all. um All while some outsider won't stop bugging everybody about trying to find his sister, that being Clay.
ah But it just it just felt kind of forced. like This movie didn't need that. right It's just a slasher. Just let Jason kill some people. Let him get some you know cool cool slashes, cool fucking ways to to slaughter somebody and everything. Let me let me see some boobs and then you know well we'll be out of here. that's that's all That's all you need from this movie. That's it. Um, but like I said, this movie does have some pretty cool kills. Um, Mike getting stabbed through the floor a bunch of times and then pulled through, uh, was pretty gnarly. And like I said, this happens really early on. So you see Jason pretty early on and you also see that he's very intimidating and and he makes that known almost immediately. He's very much like a, like a juggernaut, but.
and And there's really not much to cover on the story. um You know, it's just that the these trust fund kids go to rich dudes, you know, fucking families cabin and they party and they're supposed to just like do drinking games and have sex and do all this other stuff. And I mean, that's pretty much all that happens. And you just know, Jason is like stalking them and and hunting them. And he doesn't waste much time. um That scene where Chelsea swimming and he, you know, she's she's hiding under the dock and you just see the fucking machete go down through the dock and pull her whole body up through her fuck like the machetes wedged into her head and it pulls her up and he like uses the fucking dock to like pry the machete out of her head that is fucking badass and honestly that's uh yeah that's gotta be our
Yeah, I mean that's that's awesome and now I know we had one for 1980 but like, you know, this is, this is a little different. um We got to do two because we're we're covering two different movies he got to, you know, let me have it. um But things start to unravel pretty quickly the group realizes there's a killer out there Trent's banging breed his room there's just like a lot of fucking focus on the sex there that went on for a long time I'm like, is this what this actress like what's the casting for for something like that like do you just like hey write this pillow and show your boobs like we got to see if you're the right fit i mean she doesn't do much else to the rest of the movie she panics ah downstairs and then she gets thrown on a coat hanger later on in the movie and that's it that's her whole role in this entire movie um
but ah also equally uncomfortable is Travis trying to rub one out to like a swimsuit magazine like right in the living room he already knows that like Chewie's trying to go fix a chair down in the fucking shed and he's like fuck it I'll just rub one off right here while they're upstairs having sex like What is, I've, look man, I've been down, but I don't think I've ever been that down, okay? Like, I've never been like, I need to masturbate right now in my friend's parents' living room ah right now to this swimsuit thing. Jesus Christ. But it, it doesn't take much, you know, longer for other things to, you know, here's the rest of the storyline coming to the rescue. ah Clay links up with Jenna, who I think, if I remember correctly, is actually a trans girlfriend, but I don't,
Really, I can't remember if she is or not or she's just the weird side girl. Anyway, they try to warn everybody No one wants to take him seriously Trent's just like get the fuck out of here. I'm banging breathe and um They're they're going to town doing their thing Filming it for some reason why that was a thing. I don't know um But chewy tries fixing a chair. He actually has a good time out there. I was hoping I like chewy He was like probably my favorite character. He had a pretty good one line. um I can't remember what it was there's something about like masturbating in a wood wizard or something like that They don't call me the wood wizard because I masturbate so much. It was something along those lines, ah but I thought that was pretty funny um He gets an untimely death ah Right before that he gets to swing some nice whiskey from ah from daddy's fucking or Trent's daddy's, you know secret stash out in the shed ah So at least he didn't go out like totally sober, but I you know, they they
they kind of teased that there because there's there's like a saw in in the frame and you see him in the background and you're just assuming that like Jason's gonna bring him over and fucking you know cut him with the saw that's what I wanted that's what I was hoping ah that didn't happen he just got stabbed with a screwdriver and then Travis comes down to try to find his friend and help him. He actually puts up a pretty decent fight against the against old Jason, kind of gives them gives him a little run for his money for a minute, but then Jason, you know ah he was way ahead of his time with this axe axe throwing fad um and takes him out you know on the path pretty easily and then turns him over and shoves it through his chest, which was pretty cool.
But again, that's another death taken pretty much right from this movie and used in A Violent Nature. I know there's only so many different ways you can kill people in in movies like this. I understand, but it was just like, eh. But we move on after I get another sip of beer.
Now he's already mowing through these kids. He's stalking him around the house. Trent tries fucking getting a gun and he's hanging out. Bree's already dead. She's like stuck behind a door and you know, it's this whole traumatic thing. It's not, it's really not worth talking about. It's it's really not. So it's just Trent, Clay and Jenna and they're all just trying to run away from fucking whatever. They decide to split up and cool. I just got my message from my wife that she is here. So we're going to plow through. We only got a couple more fucking minutes here and we will be done. I promise. um They split up, of course, the the the trope of of the the guy. You think he's got a good chance, right? Trent's got a good chance. He's got the gun. um He's running. I don't know why you would just run mindlessly into the woods with a flashlight and and a gun as fast as you possibly can. What's the worst that could happen? Oh, I trip and I lose my gun and I can't find it right into a swamp. Awesome. But you know his death was also pretty gnarly.
Yeah, I don't even remember how it happened exactly. like ah He just gets mounted to the back of this fucking tow truck and just drug away. And that's it. As he's like still kind of dying in the tow truck drivers, none the wiser. It just drags his fucking carcass behind it. um Fuck it, we're gonna do it. Yeah, we're gonna do another one.
That is the first three Kill of the Week episode in Little Hops of Horror's history. um Yeah, so awesome. So yeah, okay, we you know there's there's some redeeming qualities to this movie. But we're getting towards the end here pretty quickly. Again, not much more to cover. I didn't see Jenna getting killed. I did think for sure that she was Final Girl material. And I was wondering if there was gonna be two Final Girls or how that was gonna work out. but um And you know, she did everything right the entire movie. She wasn't one that you like wanted to die She was like the nice understanding one or whatever um It didn't matter. She just fucking you know, she gets stabbed while she's trying to get away in that little pipe or whatever and Clay and Whitney get away and they they finally face Jason one on two and it's very anti climactic it's
You know, they could have had him ah getting chewed up in whatever piece of like farm equipment that was where they like, cause they threw the chain around his neck and you know, they had this whole like tag team wrestling thing going on and they like kicked them towards it and he's fighting this fucking motor. And you know, I thought it was just going to pull them through, right? That's what I was hoping for. They were just going to pull them through and you see blood and guts fucking everywhere, at least like half of his torso, like it sucked in before it like jams up and and then he just, you know he's just half in there and you're like ah cool he's dead no he just gets like choked out and and and that's it and there's some dumbass like lame one-liner that Whitney says right as she stabs him and then he quote-unquote dies and for whatever reason they throw him back into the lake
um and he comes up through the dock almost immediately and yeah goes after Whitney and then that's how the movie ends yeah so that this one was not nearly as good as the original um there wasn't a lot to it this is just mindless fun um i did like this Jason i thought he was he was pretty intimidating he was he was pretty fast i didn't hate the idea of his lair that he had like that little kind of underground tunnel system where he was like keeping people cap captive like he was like kind of leather facey i don't know but like like i don't know it i didn't i don't know i'm kind of i i don't know maybe i keep saying how many more times can i fucking say i don't know uh it's just like my nervous fucking reaction i don't know uh
it's not that bad then I guess it's just I'm really trying not to say I don't know again but it's it's fucking killing me let's just move on it could have been more gory but again like we said I've been told that I like gore porn apparently it's just when you get to something like I'm not saying I want all slashers to be like Terrifier right and if you guys haven't seen Terrifier please go see Terrifier just be ready that it is very graphic uh but unfortunately that's kind of where the metric is now you know art the clown is is the next modern uh like slasher icon and he's fucking brutal and and most others pale in comparison to him because he has just taken that to the next level and now he's mainstream like a lot of these characters like that they're not mainstream art the clown is uh and and we talked with uh you know one of the one of the actresses that's connected to the Terrifier franchise you know recently and
uh she was saying this franchise isn't going anywhere it's not it's it's here to stay it's mainstream it's going to be in all the movie theaters later this year and um it doesn't sound like damien's gonna back down any anytime soon either he's gonna do what he wants to do and what the fans want he's gonna try to gross us out and honestly i'm not sure that's possible but every time you watch one of these movies you know like a terrifier or something like that and you go back to watch one of these more tame movies you know you're just kind of like oh well that could have been better But anyway, anyway, it's not a bad watch by any means. If you want something kind of dumb and mindless and you know, see some boobs, see some gore, you know, throw on O9. If you love Jason, you know, I can see why you would definitely enjoy this movie. ah I do want to point out that I really like the reimagined theme that ah Steve Yablonsky, he hit this out of the park. it just
It's just, it's, it's really, really good. I can just listen to it by itself. You know, like without, it doesn't have to be spooky season. I'll just throw in a theme. All right. So, kill count for each movie. 1980 had 10 kills. 2009 had 13 kills. So you know there's a three-kill difference there. I don't know if that does anything for you. um I'm going to lead towards the OG. That was my favorite. I liked the twist at the end with Mom being the killer. I thought that was really cool. Savini's effects were great. They were ahead of their time. The creep factor was was more impactful, I thought, in this one than than the 2009 one. But i felt I felt bad for the characters and in 1980. I hated the characters in 09.
So I was rooting for Jason like please just fucking kill these kids like, you know sooner if you can just more brutal, but like The the ones in 1980 they didn't have anything to do with Jason's Not that the ones and oh nine did but you know, it just felt more personal in 1980 Um, they just didn't know what the fuck happened and why they were getting slaughtered so I don't know maybe that was I don't know, maybe that's a weird way to look at it. ah There's my fucking 45th, I don't know of the episode. And with that, I'm going to get out of here. I hope you guys enjoyed our double episode here that we did. Crammed it all into 39 minutes. It'll be just shy of 40 by the time we're all said and done. I'm not sure what we're doing next week. i m I just don't want you guys to see me on camera. That's probably what it's gonna come down to. We're gonna get some stuff up on YouTube. I'm gonna try it next time.
I promise. Anyway, ah yeah, that's about it. We will catch you guys next week. Hope you enjoyed. If you haven't, go check out our socials. Go give us a like, a follow, Little Hops of Horse podcast on fucking every platform. ah We're going to throw a bonus episode voting here soon so you can pick out what we're doing next episode or next month, and then that'll be it. Not sure where movie's coming out next. um So stay tuned and and check us out anyway, but thanks again for tuning in, and we'll catch you next week. Cheers.