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Golden Bachelor in Paradise - Week 6
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7 months ago

Golden Bachelor in Paradise - Week 6

Double standards, horse girls, and new faces - this week had it all. We get a little into the Reddit muck again, but no spoilers! Sammi just keeps getting the annoying popups on her phone, and sometimes, in weak moments, she swims in the mess.

Transcript - Please Forgive Typos!

Sammi Hello I'm Sammi and you're listening to rose plate special the most dramatic almond mommingest Merry Goroundingest menschingist recap podcast     Steve Oh hello and I'm Steve.   Steve Ever.   Sammi Of the bachelor ever. Yeah, that was me not having any ideas again. Ah but I will tell you thank you? Um, first of all, we're well we're not that late I guess I don't have to apologize I was going to say but it was kind of interesting because we were both busy with different things. My battery.   Steve Um, good job.   Sammi Just decided to completely stop working on my computer and ah become very bulgy. So it's a good thing I replaced it the same day because I don't know what would have happened Otherwise yeah I It was weird because I saw.   Steve Um.   Steve Um, who yeah no I don't think I don't think like a lithium battery is supposed to do that. That's it's it.   Sammi Um, like I watched a video on how to replace my laptop battery cause I was like do I want to pay an extra $ to have someone else. Do it no because my whole goal is to like build a computer in  and I'm like if I can't replace a laptop battery. Do I have any business building a computer.   Steve Um.   Steve Right.   Sammi No, so I can do this and I watch like some videos and I bought like a little fix it kit and okay, are you familiar with the store micro center because I had never heard of it. Why why did I not know that this place existed until yesterday.   Steve Um, oh yeah, Microsoft is dove I mean there's.   Steve I don't know they're super cool I mean there's not  near me now. But when I used to live in ah Detroit there was there's  pretty close spy. So yeah, you go there all the time. It's awesome.   Sammi Yeah, like I had no clue but that place was bustling. It was like an hour before close and it was so busy and I did like an online order pickup and I got the battery and I got the toolkit and stuff and and the guy who behind the counter was like first of all before I could even say anything it was like I like your outfit. Was like thank you and then he and then he asked oh then he saw my last name and then he said it reminded him of someone from like the witcher and and he goes he goes have you read that I said no and then he said something like you strike me as an english person and I didn't know if he meant like I am english.   Steve Um, yeah.   Steve Um, oh ah.   Sammi I like the subject english or I like or I like english shows I had no I I mean yes to all  I guess but I was like so confused and he's and I was just like ah I'm not opposed to it and he said great and that was an okay answer.   Steve Um, like you Mary Poppins ah     Steve Me.   Sammi And then we continued and then he tried to he was like oh you know what? I would get is like the bigger toolkit because that thing has everything but I don't I didn't know how much I needed. But anyway it was It was very intense in a way I like and I'll definitely be back. Ah for some sweet sweet bundles.   Steve New.   Sammi When I build my computer but I was really proud of myself the video that I watched that demonstrated how to change the battery. It looked just like mine.   Steve Um, yeah.   Steve Said That's always nice too. It makes you feel
