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SERIAL - Pedro Rodrigues Filho the”Real Dexter” image

SERIAL - Pedro Rodrigues Filho the”Real Dexter”

E36 · TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
103 Plays2 years ago

In this episode, Lisa is telling us a story of the Real-Life Dexter Pedro Rodrigues Filho from Brazil. While his year life was tragic, it is his actions starting in his early teens that through adulthood that just may split the listeners. Cases like this, tend to be slightly polarizing - because so many people can understand the motives.

I hope you enjoy this story that definitely has some major twists in it.

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Banter & Concerns: Sports and Disney Trip

Well, good evening and thanks for tuning in to Twisted Tales with Faith and Lisa. And tonight, Lisa's at bat. I am up to par. That's two different sports. Totally different sports. I know that and I know nothing about sports. You're great. I am. Frickin delight. The only thing I can think right now, literally having this conversation with you is if I end up puking my guts out.
I'm going to kill you. No, no, I never got sick. Exactly. Exactly. So I'm I'm just sitting here wondering whether or not you're still in that like, you know, no race period.

Thanksgiving & Dark Humor with Family

No, it's you got it. You got so back. I just got done with the flu. I just got back from Disney and my mom and my child within like 12 hours of each other were violently
Relieving themselves through their mouth and my entire family has been vomiting for days but it's only like 12 hours and I never got it because my immune system is that of a goat and She's a carrier Yeah, I could be a carrier, but I don't have it. So you disease. No, whatever. Yeah So anyway, do you have a story for us or uh, I mean I think I do because I really don't like spending time with you unless you're telling me about death and mayhem
Well, I guess Thanksgiving is going to be a real treat then. No, I'm sure we can talk about death and mayhem. Yeah, probably families there will at least be thinking about death and mayhem. OK, solid. There's got to be at least one listener besides our moms to listen to this podcast. So the third person.
that that knows what it's like to spend a whole day with your entire extended family and I'm your extended.

Family Dynamics & Dark Topics

That was loud. I know it was, but I'm your extended family. I said your whole entire extended family. All the all the. Yeah, because we're warped. Your family is normal. No, I didn't say that. Yeah. I said. Your family, like not just yours. When I'm with my whole family ended. I think about putting one of them two down. We literally.
Like the only time we're not arguing about something is when we're talking about death and mayhem. Like you literally. That's not true. We used to fall asleep watching Disney movies or musicals and we didn't argue at that point. That's true. We were definitely asleep. The moment you realize you've known somebody for a little bit too long. And that's where we're at right now. So Faith, I do have a story for you tonight. I would like to hear it. I would like to tell it.

Introducing Pedro Rodriguez Filo

All right. So Pedro Rodriguez Filo. Is that name? Is it Filo or Philo?
F.I.L.H.O. I do know that it means junior. I don't know in. That language. What language is that? The story takes place in Brazil, so I'm going to go with. Oh, I was going to say Spanish. Oh, I.
We're both so I was completely joking when I first of all, okay We can only use that excuse so many times before these people are like God, they're dumb If you haven't figured that out yet, my friends you've obviously not listened to more than one back and listen to some of it our education level outside of Tennessee we come to people in hummus we
I'm sorry now. I'm gagging on my own. I only had some really good hummus like two days after that recording and I thought about you because I'm eating the hummus and I'm like I wonder what this would feel like in my butthole.

Early Violence & Criminal Path

If you do not know about the hummus go back and listen to fairy tales and legends. Oh my gosh.
Lisa failed, like, so beyond epically. It's not even funny. I can't believe I forgot about the hummus. Oh, sweet. That's my favorite one. All right. Oh, my God. All right. You may continue now. Let's get off hummus, or I'm going to get tickled again. All right. We need to give Faith a minute to recuperate. All right. I forgot. So, OK. Pedro Rodriguez Filo.
I don't know. I don't think Philo is pH like Philo dough I'm just being honoring and contradictive for the purpose of it. You can ignore me and move on literally In the first sentence of my story and you can't shut up Freaking oh, you're right. No, I was trying to ask you if that name rung any bells with you. It does not it does not actually low or Filo
unless you're talking about the dough for baklava, then I know. That's not what we're talking about. OK, then didn't even know that was a thing with baklava. You use Philo dough. I think I know that is Philo. All right. At least that's what the people that I was listening to are pronouncing it as problem solved. We're going to be here all night, baby.
We're gonna be here all night. If it goes suddenly super quiet on the other end of the table, it's because she's unconscious. So you can get out like the first intro? Yeah. Okay, so you have never heard of him. I've never heard of him either. Yes, you have. Apparently. You're talking about him. Well. Okay. I'll shut up. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna remember all of this.
next week when you record and I'm going to just be dumb and ask stupid questions and say dumb things. I'm she's looking at me really mean guy. So if I go missing, she won't go missing. You'll find her. Oh, you'll find her. So some people actually called him the real Dexter. What a shocker. The name of the episode. I honestly never even heard of this guy. OK, nope.
And I literally like when I'm going through trying to find a podcast, I just Google like.

Revenge and Killing Spree

Just random murders in a country or a state or whatever, and then like whatever pops up, I'm like, no, no, no. Ooh, you have to go to the third page to get like any. Yeah, get anywhere close. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something amazing, right? So. I looked into this one and it kind of took me by surprise.
And so I am now going to talk to you guys about Pedro. And that's how I will refer to him for the rest of the time. Pedro was born in 1954 in Minas, Brazil. He was the oldest of four, or is the oldest of 14 children. He, his father was a very, very abusive man who beat Pedro's mom so bad during a pregnancy with him that Pedro was born with a fractured skull.
Wow. Yeah. And so I'm sitting here. Oh, yeah. He actually, to this day, has an indented like hairline. Like where where the fracture was. Yeah. She's lucky she didn't miss Carrie and all. Oh, yeah. No joke. So how many how many crazies have we talked about that had brain trauma as children? Like maybe one or two million. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. All besides one or two. Yeah, pretty much so.
really started thinking about how I knew it I'm out of the universe they were like I need some slick I'm so sorry you should run it up okay continue I would like to hear the story sometime tonight I would too if you'd just shut up
I already know the story. It really matters nothing to me. We just sit here and ramble and our podcast people that listen to us can be like, wow, I think I'm done with this. Unfollow. Unfollow. Oh my God. Uh, so he was brought into this world with a fractured skull and an abusive piece of crap. Dad. Right. He's so crap. Peace. Oh crap. I'm sorry. You beat a pregnant woman. You are a special kind of scum.
Yeah, you beat any but any woman are women who beat men like it's uncalled for but pregnant Scum yeah Well coming like that's like one of the purest forms of vulnerability. Yeah that you could possibly yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh man so It's it's not looking good for this kid. I would say there's not a whole lot of
information about his childhood, like what it was really like. Yeah. Um, I would, I would, uh, go ahead and throw out an opinion to say that if his dad is like that, then, um, you know, probably not.

Prison Killings & Complex Morality

Yeah. I mean, like if his dad was like that, I can't imagine it was all roses and sunshines for this kid growing up. So Pedro claimed in an interview the first time that he got,
So Pedro claimed in an interview that the first time he ever got taste for violence was at age 13. Did he ever got what for violence? A taste for violence. Yeah, violence. I just didn't make out the taste board. He got into a fight with his cousin. And apparently Pedro pushed him into a cane press. So I mean, probably not a lot of people know what a cane press is, right? I do not. Press a cane.
I googled what a cane press was and they've got like the new versions, but back then in Brazil, it totally looking different, right? So it was pretty much like cylindrical tubes, steel tubes that attach to these gears. So like they were upright and then the gears like would connect like
I mean, like, you've seen the gears in a watch, right? There's one huge one, one smaller one on the side, and it was pulled by donkeys or horses or whatever. And so, according to some people,
So, according to some people, the boy was fine. And when I say some people, it was like acquaintances, right? Like what boy? The boy in the press? The cousin, yeah. The one that Pedro said got his arm stuck. I'm not gonna lie. The drama with the children. We either missed something or I missed something and I forgot it. So, you explained what the cane press was. Yes. Did he press him in the cane?
He pushed him into the huge ordeal. And according to Pedro, the cousin's arm got stuck in one of the gears. So you can imagine the watch faces connecting and the kid getting injured. But people said he was just fired after that? Yeah, they're acquaintances. And so I was in there and I'm like, OK, so just reasonably speaking,
Like, let's say these people, these acquaintances were family members. Like most family members are not going to be like, oh, yeah, my nephew or my son was a lunatic. You know what I mean? Like, I guess. But I'm not going to lie to you. You're your kid pushes my kid into a cane press. I don't care if an arm is damaged or not. He's going to feel it, too. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's going in the press. Oh, wow. That's what I meant by he's going to feel it, too.
Thank you for an eye. You got really morbid just then I was there in my head. Like I said, according to some of them, Kid was fine. Pedro said that's, you know, his his cousin's arm got stuck in the gears. And he also made a statement that.
That was where the desire to kill first crept in. How old was Pedro? Thirteen. OK. Thirteen. So at the ripe age of 13, this kid seems to enjoy video games. Yeah. I said he was born in 54. We were just talking about what game could we possibly be playing? I don't know. Pong.
Atari or whatever that is. I don't think Atari was even invented then. I don't know. But I did Google when you were yelling at your kid the first time. And Portuguese is the language of Brazil. We are not uncouth swines. We know that fact. I did not Google it. I'm uncouth. I don't like it. I said Spanish. I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground. I said they spoke Brazilian. I don't even think that's like a language that's not. It's just what they are. Yeah. When they're from.
Brazil anyways, that's our ignore. Yeah. Please find it again. Kid apparently just enjoyed like people's pain. So at age 14, Pedro's father was working as a security guard for a school in the area because he needs to be allowed around. Oh, absolutely. He was to school on his own kids. Such a great guy. Oh, I'm sorry. He doesn't beat children, just defenseless pregnant women.
Awkward silence. And here we go. So he was accused of stealing food. Spelled stealing wrong. Sorry, people. How dumb we are. I have it. I have it right the second time. Apparently I was just done the first time. Fine. He was accused of stealing food from the cafeteria and was fired by the vice mayor of the town who oversaw the school district. Well, he has 14 kids. They got to eat.
He was accused. So he so they don't know that he did it? No.

Post-Release Life and Moral Questions

OK. Not no clue. But we can safely guess that's that's a strong possibility. It could very well be. They could very well. We don't know. But Pedro's father swore up and down. I'm innocent. I didn't do a thing. And apparently his being fired pissed off the. Ripe old age of 14 year old Pedro. Oh.
And he he decided to take matters into his own hands. Oh, goody. His sense of justice meant that Menace Urias, I believe, as I say it, needed to die. Who's that? That was the vice mayor. OK, you didn't say his name earlier. Her. Yes. Menace Urias. Nope. Yep. There you have it. So the 14 year old boy did just that.
He got a hold of a shotgun and killed the vice mayor for firing his father without proof it was him who stole the food. I want you to keep that in your mind and I want you to keep your mouth shut for two more seconds because we're going to move on.
Some time had passed and no one was arrested for this woman's murder. OK. They got away with it. The police couldn't link it to anybody. He's 14. He was not an mastermind. No, he's not. But I'm sure they they were going through like the channels here. Right. And I bet they're not looking for 14 year old. Not even a little bit. No, he was not even a little bit. No. So like I said, time passed. Nobody was arrested.
And Pedro just kind of moved on with his life, right? Okay. At least for a little while. Oh, until he decided that the real cafeteria food thief needed to be brought to justice. Who was the real cafeteria food thief? What? It sounds like a PBS special. Does it though? Does it though? What are you eating? A candy bar. Shut up.
Well, now I'm hungry. Not the murder part, but like a kid like investigating the real cafeteria food thief. I know. I think that's like my favorite part is kids like 14 years old. Like he's got his shit figured out. He's a gumshoe detective. Gumshoe detective. So he went on a hunt of his own and he tracked down a man. I don't trust his investigative skills. That he said.
Robbed to the school for the food. How does he know this? Um, I'm sure that he had some kind of overwhelming evidence that it was this other security guard that did it. Oh my gosh. Oh Lord almighty. So what do you do? Bad soap opera plot. What did he do? He killed him. He freaking shot him with the same shotgun that he shot the vice mayor with.
Wow. Yeah. So after the murder took place, he decided he was going to go on the run to a town called Sal Palo. I don't think you're pronouncing that right. Probably not. I suck at this. So now you've got this kid, kid, right? Like his balls have barely even dropped yet. Yeah. And he's like, well, what am I going to do? I need to make money. So what does he start doing?
Pickpocketing! Breaking into people's houses! Close, tomato tomatoes. Sure enough, right? Uh, so, after doing that for a little while, he decides that, um, instead of just breaking into random homes, he's gonna break into drug dealers' homes. Which, honestly, kinda smart, right? No, not really, because they're the people that are gonna kill you. Yeah, but, like, if he breaks in and he gets out successfully,
Like a drug dealer is not going to call the cops and be like, um, somebody just broke into my house. No, because they're going to find you and give you a Colombian necktie and stole my stolen TV. You are going to do it, though. Anyways, what is this kid doing? So needless to say, it didn't take long before his B and E's became B and E and M murder murder.
People hate us. So he killed, he killed one of the supposed, I threw it in their quotes just for faith, drug dealers while he was robbing them. At age 16, Pedro met this girl. I know dude, right? This is before the age of like, crime TV. Can you imagine the ideas he'd gotten if he could watch Criminal Minds? Dude. There's no telling.
Kid showed no mercy. OK, so at age 16, Pedro met a girl named Maria. Run Maria. And they fell in love. They were head over heels. They dated forever and not forever. But, you know, oh, a while. They moved in together. Now she can never fall out of the lerve with him or divorce him or break up with him because he's going to kill her. You got to stop talking. You got to stop talking. It sucks when people ruin the next plot, doesn't it? Well, you didn't.
Not even a little bit, actually. They moved in together. They had sweet harmonious dreams of marriage and all these great wonderful things. And so they were out together one night when the victims fell victim to a gang.
Those two fell victim to a gang? They did. Oh, no. The gang members separated the two. So Pedro and Maria. I have no idea. I mean, it's gangs like, you know what I mean? They I'm sure they've got a hand in everything. I wonder if Karma was at play here and it was someone that he'd broken into their house before he started the murdering portion. Well, yeah, like I said, though, he's like the real Dexter, right? So he's not going to maliciously harm an innocent human.
He only, according to him, literally unlike all of his statements, he only killed people that deserved it. In his mind. I'll keep going. So they separated the two of them. Pedro somehow managed to get away, but Maria was not so lucky. So they, the gang wound up killing her.
And so naturally Pedro did not call the police to let them know of any of this. He's 16 still. He is 16. Oh my gosh. 16 at this point. Right. Um, but now he recently turned 17 Pedro decided he's just going to track them all down himself and take care of the business. Right. So he tracked down these guys supposedly responsible for this woman's murder.
So he started beating the crap out of other members of this supposed gang and found that the man responsible was having... Why do you keep saying supposed? Because we don't know. We don't have any idea whether any of this was real. We know the people are dead. We don't know if Maria died. We know she... Yeah, we know she died. But we don't know if he did it.
We know that she was murdered by the gang. Okay. We don't know if the people that he tracked down were actually affiliated with the gang. Like, there is no... I mean, it's his word, because there's only one there that night. Exactly. Gotcha. I'm back on... I'm sorry. That was... I probably should have been more specific. No, no, you just... I thought that maybe you knew something we didn't the way you were saying supposedly, so I was just trying to clarify.
Well, I only say supposedly because we don't know. This guy claimed throughout his entire life that he only hurt people that deserve being hurt, but in whose mind, right? His. Pretty much, yeah. All right. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back on track. All right. So he found out that the guy that killed his girlfriend of the time was about to get married himself. Oh, no. And so it's not her fault, bro.
At this point, there were some other people who basically supported Pedro's cause. Oh, OK. Because they had heard about all kinds of. Yeah. And that he was taking down these drug dealers and whatever, whatever. And so they as well were sick of like gung gung gang violence and all that kind of stuff. And so they decided that they were just going to help him. Oh. Like a really bad Avengers squad.
So it's a DC movie. Yeah. Oh, you didn't say that was like a long boss. And then you punch line that right in there. And then you picked it up. Oh, she's pretty good about that one. And that's why you stick around. That was funny. Anyway, so on the wedding day,
Pedro and his, I guess, mercenaries, right, for lack of a better word, uh, open fire. They didn't care who they killed. So that's not vigilante justice. And that's not, not even a little bit now. That's not just taking care of people that deserve it. Now you're just hurting innocent bystanders, which include women and children.
which makes you as good as you're. But again, all these people that he's killed thus far, like there's no proof of their crimes or what I like. All right. All right. I got you. So based on the court of law, there's no proof. We don't know what kind of proof he had. Right. Right. Other than that woman fired her dad, his dad. Right. That's awkward. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so they wound up killing the guy that supposedly killed
his girlfriend, right? And he fled the scene without capture. He is 17 years old. How is he? He is a criminal mastermind. I told you you're gonna like the story.
And it only gets better from here. Oh, geez. All right. So he's going to be like mass. So soon after the wedding massacre, I had to throw that in there. Pedro found out that his cousin was pregnant and the baby daddy did not want to marry her.
Buddy you best walk down that aisle quick, so he killed him too, okay? Yeah, okay, so yeah, we're really starting to just move along now because there's a lot It can you imagine this woke culture killing everyone that offended them. Oh my gosh It would it would be everyone well, what's the name of that movie purge? Yeah, that's what it would be. It would be the purge it would be the purge
In 1972, Pedro was 18 and already had a body count of at least 10 people. I say at least because we don't really know. But that's only three years worth of murder. I know. I know. So 18 and 10 body count, that's fine. He has three years worth of murdering and has a body count of 10. That's redonkulous. But Faith? There's more. There's more. That year he found out
Oh, that his father. Oh, no. Was murdered. He murdered his mother. He beat her to death by stabbing her 21 times and then dismembering her body. It's in the genes. So Pedro's father was arrested for his crime.
But did that stop Pedro? No. No, it sure did not. I would love to know how he did this one. And so he wanted to have justice, like real life justice. Oh no. For what his dad did to his mom. So after he avenged him of the cafeteria shenanigans. I know. What a tool, right? What an ungrateful person. What an ungrateful guy. So he took a knife with him to visit his father.
In prison. That takes some cajones. But here's the deal. This is not the type of prison system that you see in America. In fact, not only are there no metal detectors whatsoever, there's like almost no guards. It's a crapshoot. My knowledge base of Brazil comes from number one, the cartoon Rio with the birds.
Nice, okay, cool. Number two, Fast and the Furious. When they go to Brazil and steal a bunch of cars. And the Rock joins the crew. That I don't even think I ever got that far. I freaking love the Fast and the Furious. I don't care. Brian is back. I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Those movies hurt to watch.
Oh, wanted to grow on. Why, 22 times? Because his mom got stabbed 21 times. Exactly correct, because his father stabbed his mom 21 times, so he wanted to stab him 22. But he wasn't done yet. He, you mean to tell me he is in a pod, pod. So, homeboy is a, he's not a minor, he's 18, walks into a police station, our prison, with a knife. Sure, no metal textures, it's the 70s, whatevs.
I smell skank.
And he is able to stab this man 22 times, and I don't care if there's only one guard on patrol. No one came and stopped him before the twenty second stab. The only thing I can think is, like, out of sight, out of mind, I saw nothing. Yeah, I think they're like, eh, he deserved it. I don't like my job anyways, so... Oh my gosh. Are they just new? He's a piece of crap white beater, and they're like, eh, he deserved it.
But wowza so 22 times, but he wasn't done there. No, he was not okay because what? What did what did his dad do to his mom beat him while he was pregnant? Don't know after he's older. Oh, no, there's no way he did what him in the prison He did not dismember him, but he did carve his heart out and take a bite. What? Oh my god, he Took a bite of his dad's heart. This is a soap opera
It's gross. This is like a B-rated sci-fi, which I love, horror movie. So after he, uh, you know, murdered him and ate some of his heart. Like an apple. He left the prison. There's no blood dripping down his face for people to stare at. The same way he came in. He's got a half blood on him. And no one was the wiser. And everyone's okay with this? Apparently.
Are you fracking kidding me right now? That was a Lion King reference. I'm sorry that just hit my face. Okay. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, yeah, I'm I still got some more to go. You know he had like blood dripping down his chin where he ate the beating heart He's got to have blood all over him 22 I was just gonna say dude like you're sitting over someone when you're stabbing him that many times And he just walked out What was that? Oh Yeah, he sure did He's like them. He's got the golden touch of murder. Oh
His dad was the first murder he ever used a knife and he liked it. He continued to kill people who quote, quote, deserved it with guns and knives and whatever really made him happy. All right. But they were always men who had been accused of being criminals or bad guys or whatever. Not marrying his cousin.
Yeah. Well, I guess that's like literally just falls under the whole I'm a bad guy thing. Maybe. So I'm a bad guy in 1974. Sorry, guys. He had claimed the lives of at least 24 people. How old is he now? At one point, the police. How does he at one point? The police arrested Pedro for murder.
for murder. Well, they put him in the back of the cop car and he got out with another man and he killed him who was accused of rape. So he killed him to shade a picture on that one for whatever reason, ended up leaving the two alone briefly because they were like Pedro. You know what to do, bro, in the car. And when they got back, the man accused of rape was dead.
Pedro had beaten him with his bare hands. To death. I can't even speak right now, I'm so shocked. And then did Pedro escape? Or is he just sitting there, bloodied and happy?
Pedro was thrown in jail. You have to think though, like in all reality, for Pedro's, you know, mission and vendetta, prison's the best place for him to be. Because that's just like shooting fish in a barrel. No good. Like, oh look, there's a bad guy, there's a bad guy, there's a bad guy.
Hey, you know it people quit committing crimes cuz you know that should be the police's motto you go to jail You're in there with Pedro. You're gonna die. He's the only inmate left right now. Oh lost another one Guys can we just can somebody turn on the furnace? All right, so Pedro was thrown in jail
With all the bad guys And now he had access To all the bad guys To kill Whatever criminal Or So called criminals That he desired How many people did he kill in prison? Well I'm gonna actually do I wasn't gonna involve this one in And I can't even read from my notes from this Because I was going to involve it But then I decided not to But now I'm kinda like This is funny Not funny That was a terrible way of saying that But There was an actual serial killer Who was out there like raping and murdering women
Uh-huh. And, um, literally he outspokenly said, I can't wait for him to get in here because I'm going to kill him. Okay. Before Pedro could even get to him, five other inmates beat the crap out of this guy for doing what he had done. He was, I'll have to go back and figure out what, cause they had like a nickname for the guy and everything. Okay.
But Pedro never got access to him. And he yeah, he was not happy about it, but he definitely made that claim like I'm going to kill this kid. Yeah. Oh, my. So in Brazil.
When I said they so-called criminals, right? It means that people had been thrown in jail. They hadn't even hadn't stood trial yet So like it's it could be innocent. It could be not innocent like nobody knows but like realistically Nobody nobody ever really does know how many freaking criminals that get like literally you're covered in blood with a knife in your hand and And they walk and they're like I didn't do it like you know what I mean? All right. So anyway
He wound up killing 47 inmates during his stay in prison. He confessed in an interview that he enjoyed killing fellow inmates. One of his victims was because he snored really loud. I would love to know if the crime in Brazil, like if it went down while he was in prison, if this was publicized.
I feel like not while he was in prison, but like if you if you thought for a second that there was a vigilante out there like going out and killing people that did stupid things. If you knew that if you got caught, you were going to go to jail where someone who's killing the bad guys go. I would be like, you know what? I'm going to do my crime over in Spain. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Or wherever is closest to Brazil, because I don't know geography. I'm going to need you to study a map. Yeah, I'm good. Oh, gosh.
47 inmates. And that's on top of the 25 he's already killed that we know about. So in 2003. Sweet Mary. 30 years after his arrest, 49 year old Pedro. Is he still in prison? Was convicted of murdering 71 people. While he's in prison? That's combined total. Okay. Of the outside murders and the inside murders. How many people 71? Yes. So he literally killed like two people a year.
Minimum. But Pedro claimed that his count was over 100. I believe Pedro. I kind of throw that out there. Yeah. He was sentenced to 128 years in prison. I'd be scared. And later it increased to 400 years. Because how many more people did he kill? So he did like 34 years and then was released because apparently in Brazil, they will not give a life sentence for any crime.
Oh, yeah. Silence. No, I was trying to figure out who's talking to your dad. I figured it out. I would let him go just because he is. Hold on. He's just going to keep killing people in there. Hang on. So 54 year old Pedro. Rodriguez Filo or Filo or Filo was released in 2007.
Really? He ended up getting a job as a housekeeper. Oh no. His co-workers, and his neighbors, and his boss. Were on their best behavior forever? No, his boss, all of them. He is a fun-loving, good guy.
Like, she's just a good guy. Just don't be a bad guy and he likes you. So, 2011 rolls around and 57-year-old Pedro was arrested again over riots and false imprisonment that happened when he was in jail. So, they're just trying to put him back behind bars, basically. Just take a bad guy on his path. He'll kill him right in front of you. Well, these people went to his defense.
Like his neighbors, his boss, everybody was like, he's a good guy. Like he does a great job. He's my housekeeper. He does, you know, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. What did they say in false imprisonment for? I'm assuming the people that he held captive and murdered while he was in jail, I don't know. What was he holding them captive or was Brazil holding them captive as prisoners? Yeah, you're kind of asking for it at this point, I think.
You're like, you know what he is. Which guy? Which guy do we want to see dead? Hey, here's your new roommate. Like, don't don't don't find out he's pedophile. Bye. Bye. Oh, my God. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So he was arrested again over those charges or whatever, and he ended up being released again in 2016.
Still alive he was hired back as a housekeeper by the boss that defended him and To this day for all we all know he still walks free. I Bet they are on their best Fracking behavior. I loved this story for like a couple of reasons only because I
They put him in jail. He's like my job I can kill everyone So young that's what ain't that what's crazy though, but then like I mean I'm sitting here and I'm thinking like Like mentally, I mean this kid started out rough Rough right fractured skull brain damage is no joke. No, right. I
But but here's my thing about it like he operated by some kind of a weird coat And he did it very like I get that they you know There's certain types of brain damage that makes you more violent blah blah blah He didn't just go out and like hurt whoever like he was methodical Yeah, and he planned it and so but here's a funny thing too is like the other podcast that I was listening to you and Like the research that I did they were so
meticulous in stating that so-called criminal, so-called whatever. Well, no, it's not that because they don't want to attribute
Pedro as a local hero. Right. And so when they mentioned when they mentioned the wedding, he killed whoever. Right. So he killed some innocent people. But I kind of wonder and of Mary Mary murderers. That I don't know, because I don't I don't feel like in his mind, it had to be a justified killing for him to kill you.
He was selective, no women, no children. And it was bad guys. Yeah. So I don't think like, I think he, he let his little Mary band of murderers come with him to the wedding, but he went to take out the guy that killed his Maria, his girlfriend. And I think if they got trigger happy, it was no sweat off his back because he'd add them to the bad guy list because they killed innocence. Yeah.
But I don't think he probably like he didn't shoot wild. But there's literally like no. But there's like I mean, OK, there's no. Evidence for some of the people that I killed. OK, it's all speculation. But from all of the accounts that I read. This guy.
lives amongst the people and hasn't he hasn't done anything since. So he hasn't run into a single bad guy or he hasn't done anything that we know about like literally that or just stop. Like like we always talk about serial killers that have like the cooling off period or whatever. Like I wonder if he just sat down and was like, my job is done or if we could possibly.
Could possibly be revived yet again. You know what I mean? I Think it's a powder keg like number one. He's older. So he's not as agile and strong as he used to be Number two and I would like to point out he was never a big guy Never a big guy but My other thing is he was already an Incredibly intelligent criminal to get away with it starting at 14
Now part of that was probably luck because when they're looking for their murder They're looking more than likely for like an adult man Not a child so he had that going for him But he knew what he was doing at that point if he is that 15 and 16 taking out drug dealers in Brazil and to have the frame of mind to flee at 14 years old like
to me that's also weird because I feel like at that point he didn't have anyone he could rely on because anybody any child at that age let me would be like mom I screwed up dude like well I mean I mean this is completely an assumption on my part
Just based off the history that we do know, but more than likely he comes from a lower economic standpoint. More than likely grew up in the slums. I guarantee his mother didn't work. And if she did, it was like very minimal. You have 14 children. Your dad is just a security guard, which is a great job, but he got fired. We don't know if he went to Oregon, guarantee he was a drinker.
So that's a typical runaway anyway. Yeah. You're one of many children. Your parents are too busy and too tired and too beaten and too drunk to pay attention to you. I was going to say, too, like you're you're the oldest of 14. Oh, he was the oldest. 14. I didn't catch that. And so he's probably like being mandated at that point to help.
Oh, yeah, to work and to so which is all he did. He did actually drop out of school at 13, I think. But nobody knows why he dropped out like it. I don't know if it was a high because he had to work to help support the family. That's what I was thinking. That was standard in that time. And that's an assumption. Again, guys, there's no proof. Proof. We're just we're just, you know, we're balling here.
But he was methodical about who he killed. Like he did not go on a killing spree besides when he went to prison and, you know, shooting fish in a barrel for him. Yeah. But so all prison is is a place for prisoners to go to get smarter about their crimes and to network, if you will. Yeah.
So he can get that out of like ed camper if you've ever listened to his story. Oh god sake But my thing is is just because he got out and he's happy and he's nice and everybody loves him Doesn't mean he doesn't have a side hustle of you know Yeah, find him bad guys and kill him. He just knows how to do it better and not leave any evidence Yeah, and not get caught. Yeah, like I don't think
When you I just don't think like his psyche would allow him to stop if he saw or heard of. Well, especially because of the things that we talked about earlier on when he was like, oh, that was the taste of blood that I desire. That was took a bite. I really like. Yeah, I really like killing people with knives like.
Yeah, I don't think that just goes away. I mean, you know, you think of somebody like a random addiction like cigarettes, right? Like you you don't just put cigarettes down and say, I'm done. Like, yeah, there are very, very few people that can do it without help. Right. But he I mean. He went to prison and he just got to murder more. Yeah. So it's not like he rehabbed in prison to get away from his quote unquote addiction. Yeah.
He just got like unlimited access to bad guys. So I don't, in my mind, it is purely speculative. I don't think, I think that he probably is a great guy. I think he probably takes care of the people around him. I think he's probably very kind to people around him. Women, elderly, children, guys who are good guys. But I think if he sees or knows of like a pedophile, a wife beater, a rapist,
I don't see him just going home and rolling over and going to bed that night. I feel like he's plotting. Yeah. And he's going to take care of him. And just you're not going to find out about it unless he wants you to at this point.
Like, I mean, you just, like, think if the- He walked into a- If the Ed Bundy is and killed his own dad. Yes, he did. He killed a guy in the back of a cop car. Yeah. Like- Beat him to death with his bear. That's how strong his conviction is. But I'm just sitting here and I'm like, man, why can't the Ted Bundies and the Ed Campers and the Jeffrey Dolmers of the world be more like him? Right? Like, if you really have to kill somebody, can you just kill, like, the people we don't like?
Because it's a long list for us. Oh, that was a really I told you is a really good story. And it's like it's so weird because like a part of me is like, I don't like that he's free because I feel like anybody that can take the life of another human without remorse. Is it on the other hand? Exactly. But there's the other hand on the devil's advocate. Yep.
He found out the guy was a rapist and beat him to death. Yeah. Again, now the guy that refused to marry his cousin after getting her pregnant, I feel like that was a step too far. Like you were killing the vice mayor because dad got fired for a crime he could have maybe possibly committed. But probably not good. But again, that was when he still had a childlike mind of justice. That's true.
That was how he saw right and wrong as a child. Yeah, but an innocent woman lost her life because he got mad. Who? The Vice Mayor. Oh, I forgot she was a woman. So he did kill one woman. And I'm not condoning murder.
I'm saying in his mind, it was right and wrong, but as he grew and understood right and wrong, he changed his victim pool. Yeah. To truly bad guys. Supposedly. It's not 110% that every guy that he killed was in fact guilty.
And I don't think even if they knew 110% they'd never admit it. Because he already has a following and people supporting him. Yeah. Even when he wasn't a quote unquote good guy. Yeah. Back when he's just killing bad guys, people are like, I don't like colors. I want to join. What do I pledge? Do you have a secretary? Vice president. 1 800. Gang member death dot com.
You liked that, didn't you? I went from a 1-800 number to a website. I didn't even catch that. I was just thinking about His would be like Oh yeah, oh yeah. Wow, that was a really good story. It wasn't my Oh my gosh.
Yeah, I still don't know why people listen, but we're a good time. We are. We have time. I like that story a lot. Do you like that story? Yeah, I would be really interested to know. I know. And I tried to look like 2022 wise, you know, I'd like to know where is he at? What's he doing? Statistic, statistic wise. The different places he lived or worked, how many people went missing?
That would be interesting. I don't know that Brazil, though, has that kind of resource space. Yeah, I don't think I just would be interested to know. Yeah. Because I guarantee if someone is missing and it is a male and you look into the possibly committed some kind of a crime, I bet I bet I bet I know what happened to them. Yeah. I might not know where their body is.
But I know what happened to them. I'm torn because on the one hand, he's a bad guy. He is a bad guy. But on the other hand, it's like he's literally making true what we all think about bad guys, right? He's just like a bad version. I mean, they may not get like the pair of despair, but. There's no hummus in their high knee.
People listening to those first times like what about hummus and what is it? Previous episodes we have inside things with our our two listeners. We're just weird We do this podcast for ourselves if you happen to like it kudos join the club I know it's literally like conversations that we would have with each other There's just a microphone now
Oh, all right. I'm done. So I'm done. So I liked that story. I'm glad. Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed the story. Let us know what you think is. I mean, I'm kind of interested to see what people's opinions are on this. Me too. Just because I'm very torn on this. This is like a boondock saints. Right. Yeah. Where like some people think they're great. And then other people are like, oh, my God, they're murderers. Yes. Yeah. I listened to a podcast.
I'm a true crime podcast and I really liked them except they said GD a lot and I don't like that. Yeah and They bad-mouthed boondock Saints and they were talking about how ridiculous the movie was and they were talking about how like it's way too far to save a bar and I haven't listened to them since the One guy off boondock Saints who is now on the Walking Dead Yes, and his name is Daryl on the Walking Dead and I freaking love Daryl
Um, so I can't, I can't support that podcast anymore because you can't bad mouth. You can't bad mouth food. I haven't seen a movie in years. It's such a good movie. A lot of language in that movie too. It was funny though. It was. It made me laugh a lot.
Wasn't that the one where the guy put on the mask and he's like, why are you wearing a mask? He's like, because I look scary. Yes. We're going to watch that movie now. All right. Well, if you like to give us your opinions, I'm going to post pictures on our Instagram and Facebook. I will put up this pain press situation just so we can see photos of it.
And, um, you know, let's, let's just talk. Do you think, what do you think about major? Do you think he's still active? Do you think he's dormant? Do you think his, his mission, do you think maybe he has an apprentice? What if he possibly died and nobody said anything like, I don't know. I mean, you'd be really old at this point, would you? Hmm. I have a lot of thoughts. What was it? 57 in 2016 or.
I don't know. I don't remember. I don't do math or no geography or any pretty dumb. All right. Well, guys, I hope you have a lovely, lovely week. This is how that very happy Thanksgiving. We're recording this, you know, the two days before Thanksgiving. So enjoy Thanksgiving with family, friends, yourself. Enjoy Black Friday shopping. If you do that, I will be.
Lisa will not, but she never Black Friday shops ever. Me and my mom go out at like the insane hours, but every time I go home and take a nap and who's calling me, do you see any good deals? You want to go back out? Lisa every year for like, that's because Lisa is freaking is smart enough to sleep it. I'm not, I'm not that smart. So, but we will talk to you next week. I've already got my story lined up. It's a May theme. And we will talk to you soon.
Bye bye.