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Crystal Lake, the Series!!

Fright Central
22 Plays2 years ago

We talk about the recent released news on the Friday the !3th franchise


Introduction to Fright Central

for real welcome to fried central where we uh talk all things horror tonight uh we're gonna be
Hey, welcome to Fright Central, where we talk all things

Friday the 13th News Anticipation

horror. I'm Keck here with Doc, and tonight we're gonna be talking some much anticipated and very positive Friday the 13th news. Yes, welcome back. I'm leaving that down our intro of you being like, yeah, I guess we're back again. Do it like a business meme. Yes, welcome to Fright Central.
Tonight, we're going to be discussing the ongoing saga and the the Friday, the 13th franchise wars. I'm here with Doc. Doc, are we in a true cinematic crisis? I mean, we could do it that way, but I'm standing currently in a tornado bringing you. But anyway,

Crystal Lake Series Announcement

You sent me a text yesterday and you mentioned Friday, the 13th news. You said, do you want to hear about it now or do you want to wait to talk about it on the cast? Obviously. Excuse me. I was upset that you would even insinuate that I would want the news immediately called you. And the news you have is pretty fucking exciting. Do you want to talk about it?
Well, yeah, I was trying to hold out as long as possible, but then I was trying. I was like, damn, I kind of really want to talk about it with you. And then I was like, I don't know if I can wait for the cast. But on Halloween, Peacock announced a straight to series order for Crystal Lake, an expanded prequel series taking place before the events of Friday the 13th. It's going to be showrunners will be Brian Fuller.
through the studio A24.
and a name you might know, Victor Miller, the original screenwriter who just won his rights back to the property, and a Rob Barisman, Marian, I don't know how to pronounce his last name, but he is actually the president and owner of Horror Inc., who is one of the people suing Victor Miller for those rights, and they're both serving as executive producer. So that means whatever beef they have, at least television-wise,
that they can use everything and anything for the Friday 13th series. I'm so interested in that particularly. I want to know because these are two guys that have been at war with one another. And now I'm not sure if it's like personal or if it's like their attorneys that have been like guiding them. But like they have pretty much like said that like we are not going to budge like we just don't give a fuck. This shit has gotten bitter.
I'm interested in why the sudden change of heart.

Resolution of Legal Disputes

The last time we talked, it didn't even seem like they were in discussions with one another. You know what I mean? It's not like they were talking and working things out. They had said, oh, well, we might be close on figuring out a friendly solution. I thought it was like they were not even in talks with anyone.
Well, I think most of the beef was not with Miller and the horror Inc president, but with Sean Cunningham. Yeah, we don't really know if there was really beef, but it was more of like Cunningham trying to just retain the rights themselves to fire 13th and Victor Miller feeling like he wasn't a work for hire.
I call that I call that I call that you know, that's yeah, but there hasn't been any new Friday the 13th content and I think we said since 2013 I thought it was 2013 was actually 2009 was the one that we did so yeah over dude if there's no fucking Friday the 13th content and like you know very briefly there are
teenagers right now that if they were to listen to this podcast they wouldn't know what friday the 13th was potentially because it's been over a decade so like an entire generation the fact that it's been more than a day it's been longer we said nearly a decade it's now been more than a decade since there's been like any like you know universally released like friday the 13th um just to me spells that uh
That's beef. Well, I can go because they could be making money. Yes, I can go

Brian Fuller's Vision for the Series

through the timeline. There's been a bunch of projects that were announced since then that were in the works that just never. Yeah. Well, they couldn't come to fruition, right? Unless.
No, they could. I'll go into that in a second. But first, I wanted to finish off on what Brian Fuller, because Fangoria did an interview with Brian Fuller, because apparently he's on their podcast, The King's Cast a lot. So they were able to just get in contact with him and, you know, clear some things up. And he said that the quote is, we can use everything. We can go to hell. We can go to space. That's not to say we will do those things, although if we do go 10 seasons, I will be lobbying hard to go to space.
Well, I think that's great. We do do 10 seasons. Wow. That mother. Yeah, he just he came out swinging. He wants people to know like we can do it. That's kind of fucking balls because there hasn't been anything in like how long has I just said and like, yeah, he's saying like, yo, not only like I can do anything, I am God. Like, you know, I mean, like some Elon Musk stuff right now. Yeah.
And they said the question he also answered was that it had been pitched as a prequel series, but he's saying that you weren't really like he's not really allowed to say where it's taking place but he'll say it's less of a prequel series and more of a pre remake.
quill series so it sounds like a complete reboot starting from the game like i don't know why you want to just say it's a complete remake and so yeah i don't say the term prequel remake and sequel all in one you know what i mean
But yeah, you did say he also was this was this I'm sorry, was this on the podcast live? So maybe he just stumbled with his wording a little bit like they were. No, this was like a phone interview. He's all I was just saying he's on that podcast a lot, apparently. So he reached out to him to clear some things up. This wasn't OK. Yes. This is like a phone call that they transcribed. It's a weird way to put it.
It's on the website. You're more than welcome to read it for yourself listeners. I know I sent you a copy of this interview, but yeah, it sounds like he's a huge fan and they have a kind of two season commitment. It's really just a first season, but they also said
They, uh, the, the, there was a bidding war on this. They came in a peacock came in strong and gave us a full season commitment with a huge penalty. If we don't do a second season, I like that. Yeah. Uh, so we're, so we're going to roughly have, uh, five times the per episode budget that they did on Hannibal. Which scares me to be honest with you. I would rather them have had like less of a, I mean, don't get me wrong, but like.
for something that like hasn't been around this long, like that's a lot of pressure. You know what I mean? To say like, you know, we're giving you, I mean, because Hannibal, I thought had a pretty decent production value. The fact that they're giving him, I mean, I know that things are adjusted slightly for inflation, but five times the budget that kind of says like, this better work. Like, you know what I mean? Like, do you,

Expectations and Challenges for the Series

Do you get that sense too? Like I kind of wish, I wish that they had like a good budget, but like five times, like, I don't know, that's intense expectations. Yeah. He also has it planned to go. He said he hasn't, he has about three seasons planned right now.
He said he wasn't kidding. If we get to 10 seasons, I'm going to make a concerted effort to find a way to rational and dramatically and in some fashion, go to space. I can't imagine going to 10 seasons, but I will put that out there that, well, I haven't gotten past laying out the first three seasons. Honestly, so I suppose it's very easy for me to say, yeah, if we get the 10 seasons, we're going to space, wait and see.
Bro if they go 10 seasons and each season like let's say every season takes place 12 months real time after the next one 10 years from now Who's to say they won't be filming in space? I mean with the state of the earth, maybe they need to film in space and they have no other choice. Yeah
You know, so, uh, but yeah, no, that's balls. Um, yeah, I, I like, uh, I like his whole approach. I like coming out. I like him saying that I can do anything. I am God, but, um,
Yeah, at the same time, like, you know, hopefully his confidence, like, transpires from like, just, you know, being very confident and having a vision to something that really, you know, works for audiences. Because I think that with the Friday the 13th drought, that if he's able to hire or himself write a semi-competent script for a first season, this should be successful.
What do you think about that? Yeah, I hope so. I mean, I have I have high confidence in him. So like his Hannibal was amazing. He also even said that like the some of the things that he had read online were very similar to what people were saying when he was doing Hannibal. And he was pretty much just like, just wait and see. You don't know yet. Just wait and see.

Exploring Potential Storylines

yeah i think that's kind of the best approach to take this because you really don't like people are like what are you going to do like uh for a prequel to probably 13th it's just kids at camp we all saw wet hot american summer like just do that again but uh we had discussed it a little bit like just some rumors last night so you know if you want we could speculate a little um i think i threw out the idea
that if they were going to do a prequel, obviously, I don't see how you do a whole first season of Friday the 13th without having Jason in it at all. But I thought maybe if they were going to try something like that approach and they knew they already had a two-season commitment, maybe the first season could be sort of like a background history.
telling the story of what happened before Jason and his mother came to that area. Was the area cursed? Was the camp built on a fucking Indian burial ground? You know, was it a place where, you know, satanic rituals took place? Like, you know what I mean? Like something that maybe explains that why when Jason died, he was able to come back as a nonstop
killing machine that really hates people having fun and having sex. Yeah, I believe that like I brought it up, I forget which Jason it is, but I believe there's a the Necronomicon is
is what Pamela Voorhe used to bring her back. And I believe it's just kind of sitting like on a shelf and like Jason goes to hell like that. Yeah, I was going to say that would be I mean, a lot of people like really don't even like to consider that like cannon that well, well, yeah, because I mean, it was just so different. But yeah, I believe that that it would be Friday the 13th, part nine. Jason goes to hell.
Where that was the one where Jason was able to, uh, I know you're familiar with the movie, um, the hidden it's where Jason, uh, is basically like a slug in someone's throat. And like, yeah, it's like a creature and other people. Yeah. Yeah. You're able to like spit this like slug like creature that looks like, um,
For anyone that's not familiar with, if you want to visualize, it kind of looks similar to, um, the baby alien from aliens. When it comes out of someone's stomach, it resembles that sort of. And like, basically, uh, Jason is a spit from one person to another. And they talk about the Necronomicon and stuff like that.
I really thought that was like a really poor way for them to try to tell the story. Yeah, I didn't really like that movie that much. I mean, there were certain things I thought were cool about it.
Um, it had one of the best kills I've ever seen on Friday, the 13th maybe it's just not Jason for me. Yeah. Well, in the earlier, um, uh, Friday, the 13th, maybe as you had so many kills that were edited out because of.
standards and practices requirements you know there's a whole documentary about how many cool kills got edited out so the one thing that had going for it was good kills but yeah the story was weak and then of course when it went to Jason X if you remember in the very beginning they're saying that they needed to preserve Jason
because his ability to regenitively regrow human tissue was an invaluable scientific discovery. That was their whole thing. So yeah, Brian Fuller doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.
To produce a competent enough script Well, the other the other thing with Necronomicon is I don't know if you remember the Freddy vs Jason was supposed to have a sequel Freddy vs Jason vs Ash which ended up being turned into a comic book and that was all about Kruger using Jason to get the Nomicon the Necronomicon to resurrect himself so and like because
Jason had like, you know, it was a physical body that crew could use and it was for he's who had used it. So it was basically like just going back to Crystal Lake to get the, to get the Necronomicon. I don't know if that's what they did in the comics. I haven't read them all, but, uh, yeah, I, I, I, I haven't read any of them at all, but I remember reading the concepts for it when it first came out that they were going to talk about doing a movie for that.
I mean, I really thought that Freddy vs. Jason would have been a great movie if they just did nothing and like pushed Freddy completely out of it because I thought that that movie had some awesome had some awesome moments with Jason Voorhees in there where he's getting the corn fields and he's killing everybody in the grave and he's on fire. I thought Freddy was really just like sort of like the buzzkill.
to the entire story. I thought he was good in it. The parts that I didn't like about it were like Jason was afraid of water.
Yeah, it was just at the end, he was done. And then like that fight at the end was kind of ridiculous, too. But like it was still a fun movie. I still enjoy that movie. But yeah, no, I enjoyed it, too. But like the whole thing that he was, I mean, fucking the guy who lives in the water, he's fucking fine with. He's always in the fucking water.

Complex Rights Ownership Issues

He walks back into the lake at the end of the movie. He enjoys it. That's how he relaxes. What do you mean?
like if anything like uh when he touched his head it should have shared like um a pornographic video if anything Jason's afraid of people fucking he cannot stand well he's afraid of his mother which they used in in the movie as well but then they just went from like him being afraid of his mother to being that would have been one thing him afraid of his mother and him afraid of like you know the uh act of coitus in general
You wouldn't be afraid of that. He would just murder it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what he's the most angry of. Yeah. Like groans of pleasure. But yeah, I got the the list of all the projects that were, you know, because because this is like the TV series, I think is also, you know, the reason they're able to do this with everything is because it's separate from the movie rights.
Yeah, no, because like the Miller was allowed to use stuff from the original script and Cunningham is allowed to use adult Jason, but not but he still has to get permission from Victor Miller to use it because Miller owns like the US domestic rights or whatever. It's it's fucking complicated as fuck. Yeah, it's basically perfectly designed so that neither of them would be able to put out an enjoyable move.
Yeah. Like each of them owns just enough of the rights to try to make it a little less complicated. But it seems to me it's structured in a way that each of them owns just enough to make it so that the other one would not be able to put out a very good film. Yeah. Well, that's not the only I'm not talking about just the them two I'm talking about. It's also Paramount and New Line. Yeah. The studios themselves. Yeah. That's the New Line zone by W.B.
But Paramount had original rights to the first movie. They had some rights, whatever. So the 2009 reboot was a combination of Paramount and New Line working together. And there was even talks of a sequel that was supposed to come out in 2010. And then they killed that off and they ended up going their separate ways and declaring that one dead.
And then like financial problems, both studios were limiting to, uh, more. And then that goes down to like, they had talked about the sequel is going to be in like 3d, uh, but it would never be green lit for those studios. And then, uh, Warner brothers, uh, so new line cinema sold off their portion of the rights to Paramount. Or, uh, so that they could do a joint, uh, co-producer of a interstellar. So when that came out.
Then, so then Derek Mears, who was the Jason and Jason versus Freddie, he revealed that Paramount was working with Platinum Dunes to make a new installment. Then David Bruckner was set to direct. It was supposed to be like a found footage movie. This was like back in like 2016 for release.
So wait, where are we on number of ideas here? This is around number three or four. This is number two, I believe. Okay. Number two. Between 2010 and 2013.
2013 is when they gave the rights to Paramount. 2015 is about when they announced it with the script. Then it was supposed to be released in 2016. Then it got pushed back to 2017. Then they wrote a new script. Then Bruckner left the project. Then by the end of 2016, they said it was going to be a full reboot of the origin story.
Then, August, the Breck Eisner was in talks to the reboot, and then Paramount pushed back that release date again till 2017.
Eventually, we're going to say that there was at least between 2009 to present day, there was at least half a dozen very serious pitches, like very viable, like at least half a dozen, like serious suggestions to restart this franchise that got completely scrapped.
Yeah, well then February Paramount finally, February of 2017, they finally canned it. And then October they released a proposed sequel for Friday 13th, Camp Blood, The Death of Jason Voorhees. Then the franchise in 2018 was supposed to be reverted back to New Line Warner Brothers.
so that they had to wait again more since they didn't produce anything. It went back to Warner Bros. And that's when Victor Miller's, you know, asserted that Haar Inc. derived its current copyright from the screenplay from them. That's when the whole lawsuit happened. And that didn't get cleared up until 2021, so recently. But in 2018, there was talks for co-production for,
a prequel to Friday 13th, I call Friday 13th the beginning. 2019, they announced the Tom McLaughlin, the writer and director from Friday 13th, Jason Lives.

Cancelled Projects and New Opportunities

He had a script for a sequel for Jason Never Dies, and it was gonna be a direct sequel to Jason Lives and Ignore All the Other Films. And then there was another prequel that was gonna be called Diary of Pamela Voorhees.
And then nothing obviously happened to any of those. And then, uh, uh, end of 2021, Victor Miller won the domestic rights. And then now this new project was announced. I believe there was also a TV series that was announced at one point as well. Back in 2014, uh, CW was, uh, gonna do, uh, uh, they developed a pilot and everything. And, uh, they said it was too, it was darker than they want it to be.
We didn't like it. I like it. I like it being dark. Yeah. And they said they didn't believe it had a sustainability. It's dark, dark and I want to be you motherfuckers. I fucking first CW show. Yeah, it's darker than they wanted to be. Yeah. What? Well, I'm glad they didn't fucking do it. Yeah, it should be dark. But yeah, I'm glad they didn't do it. But yeah.
My question to you would be after everything you just read off and all these projects, what makes this different than all the other attempts that seem to almost come to fruition but failed? Explain why this is going to happen when all those fail. Is there a chance that this too?
could completely cave in or is this different? I think it, because it has, you know, the backing of NBC and Peacock and A24 and those big massive allocated budget. Yeah.

Optimism for Series Success

Yeah. I think announcing like, wait, I think that, you know, when we were joking back a couple of months ago,
When they were like, oh, by the end of the year, we'll have Friday 13th news. And I was like, that's not really news at all to say that you're going to have news. Yeah. That, that was them getting the news at some point. Yeah.
Yeah, I think that was them getting everything together. So I guess they had written everything for the pitch anyway to get it going. And I guess the studio liked it enough. And yeah, I guess the fact that he has at least three seasons ready to go and they've already ordered two seasons with a penalty. So that means they're guaranteed one season.
You know, saying so. Yeah. I mean, I obviously, you know, my feelings, I hope this is wildly successful. I hope it goes 10 seasons and he goes to space. Yeah. And I'd like to see hell, man. In a few years, I would be honored to see Jason on ice and you have the president and the first lady in the audience, Jason on Broadway, whatever. I just, I need something.
Like, you know what I mean? You got to give me something. And, you know, if I think we would both agree that if this project is successful, then that will pave the way because I mean, money talks. So if this project is successful, it makes everyone a lot of money and brings, you know, a lot of attraction back to the the franchise. You know, we could see, you know, the zombie effect where this just spreads out
And then we start seeing new movies and, you know, more content in, you know, whether it be more spinoffs and television or more films, whether they be reboots. I wanted, I still would like to see the sequel to Jason X.
even though like it's just not really that realistic. Like I'd like to see a sequel but then like fuck with it because we had said like Jason X took place like what 200 years into the future so you would have to then film at a planet earth that's like 200 years into the future so I guess there's no way you could really

Jason X Sequel Possibilities

I can't at least in my mind think of any way that they could pull that off and like make that actually a viable idea. But hey, man, I'd like to see him try. I just want to see if you wildly successful. I want to make a lot of money and I want shit. I want Jason to become like the new zombie thing like the Walking Dead or just just
tons of spin-off shows, tons of movies. For Halloween next year, I want everyone going as Jason. Maybe the beginning of Jason-11 is him in the future and he ends up in a time machine and he goes back in time.
That's how they started off like, oh, like they have scientists that go and investigate the crater, right? That's left by Jason. And they like take him to a laboratory where they had just finished the time machine. They take him like to area 51 or something like that.
where they just got done the time machine prototype. And, you know, Jason comes and kills everyone that goes back in time. Yeah. All into a time machine ends up like right back at Camp Crystal Lake in 1980. And, uh, yeah, then they just start from there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just, you know, start from the very beginning and just act like none of that ever happened. That'd be fucked at all.
So, you know, they could be listening to this right now and be like, that's exactly.
what we were looking for. You know what I mean? So, you know, he's immediately crumbling up his three, the three seasons of scripts and throwing them out. And he's like, God damn it. That was a better idea than I had. Yeah. I don't know. This just makes me so happy.

Cultural Impact of Jason

You know, I mean, this is just the best news news that I've had in like a really long time. I had forgotten how long it was when you said
I'm really surprised it was 2009. It seems like, I don't know, it seems like it's been a really long time, but I didn't realize it had been more than 10 years. So when I say that there were trick-or-treaters and there were teenagers going out, this Halloween, who had never seen a Jason movie, who would not know Jason Voorhees,
you know, between, you know, that hole in the wall, that really fucking pisses me off. But he's so iconic that you would know who he was. You would know that.
He would never have actually seen one of the movies. That's, that's what I'm saying, because I can remember being young and I'm not like too ashamed to admit this, even in like my twenties, I can remember, you know, all the parties we used to always have in the woods, all the bonfires and stuff like that. I can be, I remember like walking away from a bonfire one night with, um,
a girlfriend of mine and like starting to hook up in the woods and being like, yeah, uh, let's just wait until we get home later. And like, you know what I mean? And like making a joke, like I've seen these movies before, like just thinking about like honest to God, like I was in like a situation where I was like, yeah, nah, like I could just see me getting ripped by Jason. Like, I don't know. Like it was just,
so stuck in my head that you're not supposed to ever do anything in the woods at the risk of having Jason creep up on you or just having some kind of psychotic slasher creep up on you. I want that fear to be in the hearts of others.
Yeah, the the other thing is about having TV series and movies going at the same time. It's it's definitely possible because I mean, if you think about it, you have that alien TV series coming up and I believe they're they're still working on another movie as well, or they're working on two TV series, I think I only remember now.
But you also have like the Hellraiser that just came out on Hulu and then there's supposed to be a Hellraiser TV series going to HBO as well. So you do all these multiple projects coming in TV. Oh yeah, definitely. I can see at least the first season coming out of Crystal Lake and then them announcing a movie probably.
or maybe even before that, who knows? I mean, I could see a whole bunch of stuff happening. I mean, it all really depends on, I think, whether or not it's successful now. I mean, I think the success, this, you know, no pressure, Brian, for, but like, if you fuck this up, motherfucker, you could be sinking this franchise forever.
I don't know about that. I think it's kind of like Michael Myers where we'll never truly end. It'll always come back. With five times the budget, if it makes no money and it's sunk so bad that Peacock decides that they don't even want to honor that second season that they said they'd find them for if they can't produce, it's possible. I don't know. Like I said, I just hope that this happens.
because you know there's always a chance something could get fucked up but i think the penalty is not the information you had um it's going to happen yeah i don't think the penalty is that if they don't do a second season they find them it's if they don't do a second season they have to pay brian for them more money that's that's the penalty

Commitment to the New Series

Yeah. Yeah. It's, uh, so they're willing to be like, we want to do the second season with the tanks so bad that they end up just selling the whole company to Disney. I was, I was saying like, if further not to be a second season, like it would have to really, really, really tank, like the ratings would have to be like, you know, there was like eight people watching, you know what I mean? Like,
You know, so, um, I got high hopes. I think it'll do well. I have, Hey, I have high hopes for anything. I kind of wish they, uh, continued the, uh, Hannibal series though. That's the, you know, finished cause I was like, Oh, so Lambs and Hannibal left on those first three seasons are so good. I wish they continued that, but I know you didn't like how it ended. That's why I wanted more seasons. Yeah.
Well, hey, I'm just saying like, you know, this is just fucking overall great news. And this came out like right after Halloween. So I mean, they announced it on Halloween on Halloween. So the timing was intentional. Yeah. They intentionally wanted to break this news on Halloween to get people pumped up about this stuff. So all indicators here are that like
this is going to happen, unlike all the other near misses, like this is going to actually be something that we see produced. Yeah, I mean, unless something happens to me now and then, it seems like it's all go. All right. Well, hey, fucking awesome news,

Closing Remarks and Excitement

man. Thank you for sharing this with me and
to anybody who may be listening. I hope you're as excited as we are and we will be talking to you again very soon. Yes, thanks for listening and peace.