8 Plays1 year ago
Join us for our Saw X review along with the tv series Dark. As Brannyk is away on special assignment, Jim is left fending off a fan who may have had a ‘small’ disagreement on his review of Dark being ‘utter crapola’. As Aidan defends German pride, Jim goes deep into Saw X land. Meanwhile, Doctor Payne sleeps off some Megadeth beer and Mick McGee makes a special appearance for PeaceByChocolate.ca. All this and more on the next Streamin’ Demons. Run faster from Saw X with our SPONSOR Get 20% off when you grab your Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free […]

Introduction & Streaming Demons Excitement

Hey everyone, Jim Phoenix here. And boy, am I excited for a brand new streaming demons live version. That's right. We're doing it live as we do every time, but we've got saw X or 10 sucks. Sucks. That was bad naming for them. And dark something, dark 30, dark, something, dark board. I don't know some of that. All this more next streaming demons edit.
There's no banter today. Just that's how I got.

Special Guest Aiden: Ghostbusters & More

Hey, everyone, Jim Phoenix here. And boy, am I excited to have you all today with me as a special guest because box humans on a soul journey. Is that a word, soldier? Anyways, Aiden, pleasure to have you. Aiden, I believe you were here before, yes.
Yes, I was. I think about early, much earlier this year or last year. One of the years. It was sometimes early. Yeah. We know it's sometimes earlier. Good. Good for you. That's how time works. Sometimes after the pandemic. Sometime between here and the pandemic start, your gas. Well, I actually don't remember what movie you're talking about before. Do you remember at all?
I think it was talking about Ghostbusters. Was it Ghostbusters? It was. Oh shit. You had the fucking nanny and magician and everything like that at your birthday party. I remember now. Oh my God.

Podcast Format & Horror Focus

Okay. I remember now. So those of you who are just joining us, the format is simple. We're just talking about movies now.
That's all it is. We do a streaming one and, you know, it's a new one or whatever it is. If you're to horror, this is your spot on the Internet to get your streaming content in. Box human will be joining us next time. They're just on a special assignment called they fucking off, I guess. I don't know. It's all good. But right now we have eight and and because I am extremely lazy. Extremely easy.
No, you're not. I am. No, it's a special guest go first. And by the way, for those of you that home
I reviewed something that special guest is reviewing today. I didn't review it. I just said, I just trashed it. And they were so

Comparing 'Dark' and 'Stranger Things'

upset that they let me know that like, Oh, you just, you just trash everything. So here you go. Here's your redemption for, you don't even know what it's called. Is it darkness? Is it dark? Is it dark 30? I know what it's called. It's called dark and it's a German show. So it's not really called dark because that's not a German word.
Well, yeah, I mean I don't know what the original I'm like German listeners But you're always like no no my podcast and then and then the one time I listen to it. You're like trashing everything It's just like one really bad show and by the way it is like I want to do dark or maybe Constantine am I constantly that that's kind of random. Okay, go for that one. You know the one on Prime like
They rebooted John Costine on Prime? Oh, you know about the John Wick. I'm like, oh, even the continental. No. Well, it's very similar. Horror. Be one. No. And it's like the same letter. You're right. Same amount of syllables and same three letters. It's a very, very common word. Continental continent at all. Good. It is somewhat scary. Just like.
It's scary how much I don't care about that show. I think this is a scary part of that because I'm like, oh, it's a prequel and I know who can't die. Okay, whatever. I don't know. But it's scary because you don't know all that. He doesn't look as any limbs. He can't die. He is not getting maimed. He's not going to end up like, you know, the other guy can't die because he's in it too. So it's like, it's like watching Rogue One for me.
Maybe you discover all these relatives and close friends. That pain. Why are you paying? And, you know, who cares? At some point in the season. Oh, that's mean. You're not to laugh about him dying like that. All right. So we decided on darkness. What's it called? Dark.
Uh, yes, the show it's a, it's a series on Netflix. Um, that is originally German. Oh, good. If you watch it in German, you have to like, obviously read nonstop. There's a lot of dialogue. So I chose to watch it dubbed.
Which I think that's why some people may dislike it because then the lips is like totally do not match the words. And it almost sometimes can be a bit comical because you're like, oh, that's not the voice that I imagine that character having. It just, you know, it's off, you know? A lot of people don't know this is my

Exploring 'Dark': Time-Travel Complexity

real voice. Not the one they think is coming out of me, but it, it comes out, you know what I mean? And they just put it back in. What is that?
Dark, what's about dark? So, the premise, if you know Stranger Things. Yes, I hate Stranger Things. And I think most people who know what Stranger Things is. They know how much I hate Stranger Things. I like the first season. I can't remember. The second season probably willfully can't remember it. After three, I'm like, what the fuck we're doing?
What are we doing? Are they in college yet? I think they actually are in college. The strangest thing is none of them have jobs. That's a strange thing for me. One of them works at a mall. Oh, great. Scooping ice cream. I think that was his job at the start of the show though. He's still scooping ice cream. Awesome.
upper mobility right there. He saves the fucking world. There's students. Why would they all have jobs? They're supposed to be like 12 and 15 or something. But you know what the funny thing is? You're talking more about a stranger thing than dark because that's how shitty dark is. You'd rather talk about a stranger thing and what do we do in the shadows, which I actually thought you thought you were going to say like the scary movie, like what the fuck is the scary thing? Like, you know, on Prime, like what we do in the shadows?
Like that's a scary one for you. That was actually, that was also really good, but that wasn't really scary. Exactly. And guess what? You're still not talking about dark. Okay. All right. Well, welcome to every conversation with me ever. Okay. Well, it's just cause there are a lot of comp, there's a lot of common, you know, common ground between the two shows. That's why I'm just trying to like set it up for people. But it's very complex, far more, far more complex than stranger things is. Okay. So it's a science fiction thriller.
Oh, that originally started like a few years before the pandemic. It, I believe it ended right at the end of the pandemic. This show ended the pandemic. Holy shit. 2020 the year. Yeah.
And it follows a group of, of people who live in this made up German town. Okay. And they're like about three key families. And, um, there's a, like some massive, like nuclear power plant somewhere near them. And it, there's underneath it, there's like a cave and people who traveling in time. Oh my God. You finally got the traveling in time thing. I know what, honestly,
I didn't get that fucking far. I knew they were going to travel in time for the very first episode. I watched, whatever I watched, I'm like, oh, best time travel. He's having a flashback or a flash forward time in Wyoming. Great. And that's all I need to know. Like, oh, he's going to call himself. It's all good. I don't go fuck. Oh, like the kid is missing. Probably back in time. Like he went missing probably back in time again. Why? Who knows? German shit. Final.
Hitler. Is it Hitler? Is it fucking Nazis? Please just say it's Nazis. It goes back really far. No spoilers, but it's probably Nazis. No, there's no spoilers, but there's every time- Grandma's cookies! Or is Grandma's cookies in it? Well, shit, you should have said that before, son. Every time a character goes back or forward in history, it's in a period of 33 years, exactly 33 years.
Dude, dude, dude, dude. You're always going forward in history. That makes no sense. Back in history or also called time. Okay. I meant time. Back in time or forwarded. Okay. So there are periods that go like 1986, 1953, and then 1921 and so on. Okay. Bingo.
So there's nothing really around world, you know, world war two, but I guess you're the end of those years that are world war. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you said Nazi. So I'm like, nah, not really. I did not see that coming.
But what's really messed up is that they're characters who go back in time and they're in the same, they grew up in the same town. So as they age, they then meet themselves, but they're younger selves. Like it's so like mind twisting. So, and it is.
It really is. That was the boring part for me. I'm like, oh, you didn't even get to that part. It's like you have to go the whole first season to set up that stuff. Yeah, no, but I fleshed it out in my head, honestly, the first half hour, whatever the thing I watched, first episode, first half hour, I fleshed it out in my head. That was pretty damn close, I'm guessing. Except Terry. I haven't even finished. I'm at the end of season two now, so.
So I'll give you a good shot at this. You watch it, Dov, but you can watch subtitles, but it's a lot of reading and who likes to read, I agree. No one likes reading. And it is German, so something, something, something German actors who subtitled.
What are the effects like? Are they practical? Are they CGI? I'm guessing CGI just for the hell of it. Sounds like something I would do. There's really no need for special effects. There's nothing. I mean, when they go to the eighties, it's all the clothes, the costume, you know, the outfits, the makeup, the hair are very eighties. When they go back to the twenties, it's again, they have the cars and the,
Everything matches that time period, but there's a German 80s those which is basically the 70s or 60s They were behind a couple decades Is East Germany or West Germany this kind of matter town so it's not really
Yeah, but they're still affected by a wall separating. Well, it's not referred to at all in this show. Oh, so it's really fictional Germany, where apparently fucking communism didn't happen. World War Two never happened. Boy, are Germans just like that fucking allergic to talking about World War Two? They erased it from their history for sci-fi. How weird. Sorry, I still have a shit commercial about it.
Okay, so there's no real effects. There's, what's it sound like? Sound, sound. It's pretty creepy as you can imagine with the title. The theme song at the beginning. If you could find a clip of the theme song at the beginning, it's so amazing. Can you hum it? Yeah.
No, no. But there's the line in there that's like neither never nor ever.
You're determined to trash this show, but it's the show. It's 4.5. You're giving a 4.5 Cuthulus out of like 10? I'm giving it 4.5 out of 5. Out of 5. Based on the first season, 4.5 out of 5. Well, I'm almost finished the second season. And the reason I wouldn't give it a perfect score is because the character's names are
confusing like German and like I don't you know Like there's Michael and Michael like those are easy to get but then there's like other names that are like, you know And I'm not sure sometime who's who because there's a character that you think you know, and then you realize oh my god That's that character that is the same character but in a different time period who's aged and shit. Wait, wait, wait, wait Are you having a flashback to the house of fucking dragon? Oh
That's exactly the show. That's the House of Dragon. You know that, right? It's like, oh, is this the... Oh, is it... Is she 12 or is she 30 or what? Is that the same person? And who's naming these people? Drathrakis? No, I don't know, dude. So are you doing a House of Dragon? Are you saying that Dark is like the worst parts of the House of Dragon? I don't know. I haven't seen House of Dragon. You've never seen a House of Dragon? No. I've seen Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee.
Uh, all right. Have you seen, uh, the hobbits? Yes, it's the same fucking concept elf elf names, hobbit names. Actually, I have a name. It's pretty normal. The elf names are fucked up. I can't even do it. It's Justin Bieber elf. I think that's one of the old things. So we give it a 4.5 out of five. Well, fuck. Oh man. Can I follow that? Damn it. I have to follow it. Yeah. Damn it. Brannock.
I got this Jimbo. I'll follow it. Oh boy. No fuck off. All right. Now we'll, we'll make this a short one. Okay. Uh, this game's making enough beer, made up beer, Jimbo. Yeah. More of that stuff. I love it. All right. So my movie is saw X socks, socks, socks, socks. Oh, saw 10. That could be more confusing.
My movie Saw 10, it came out this year. Right now, I believe this week was the first weekend out. That means if you're still listening to it, don't listen to some German dub thing. Don't listen to dubstep. Go to Saw X.
If you were a fan of the first, apparently, nine or 10 of them, because I don't know if they counted the remake, the Spyro, is that part of this universe? I'm not really sure. Is that a brand new thing? I'm not really sure where in time this is. I wasn't paying attention that much. I had a big ass drink. I had like a fucking fishbowl drink in my hand. Tolls in the sand. So it follows the journey of John Kramer. I'll read from the IMDB.
A sick and desperate John travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer. Only for his cancer, I can almost read this again, only to discover his entire operation does a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. So you have something where
They're making jigsaw more of a person versus just a spooky guy who kills everyone. That gives them a more of a character line. I think they kind of sink it in from there. It is interesting in a way. And it's also hard to see in a way. So it's interesting because they are fleshing out this guy a little bit.
But it's hard to see in a way if you ever had someone dying slowly in front of you. This movie gets kind of tough to watch. I'll give you a heads up on that one. It's kind of like, oh, there were parts of my cake. Can we just kill the kids now, please? Instead of watching an old guy die slowly in front of me. That'd be awesome. It's the.
It's a plot that we've seen before. It's the vengeance trope. It's the that, you know, they, they wrong the bet. The wrong guy, the wrong, the wrong guy, boy, English language, dumb, but they did wrong to the person they should never mess with. And you start cheering for the guy who's killing everyone in other movies. If you watched the movies before you see in carry out was, you know, he's in the first one and kind of root for the people.
A bit, this one, you're not rooting for anyone at all. What do you think, Aiden? This is one time special guests start having a conversation with me, by the way. Well, I actually would have no desire to watch Saw 10. Who cares? But I saw the first two, and I truly, truly loved the first one. You loved Baby Yoda the first one? He was very small. He was only 30. You could barely walk.
So you liked the first one, yeah? Yeah, yeah. When the same guy who played Princess Bride, I think. I just said Curio's last. Yeah, that guy. I'm so glad that people are dancing. Conversation I'm adding with him. Yeah, but a lot of people don't know that it's the same guy from Princess Bride. Because he's older and it's like a much darker type of film. So, so I- Where did you watch it at? Did you watch it here? I didn't get to see Saw.
You didn't watch it again. Did you watch it in Quebec? Yes, I watched it in Quebec, yes. Did you see Saw or Decadence? No, just Saw in 2004, almost 20 years ago. Okay, so you didn't watch it? Because the front, the democratic title is Decadence. Which makes almost no sense, but apparently Saw doesn't translate.
I was tricked by a friend who told me that it was another film because they knew I wouldn't have seen a horror film. But they tricked me, and I thought I was seeing something else. And then by the time I realized what it was, it was too late. What time did you realize you were seeing something else? Because it starts out pretty gruesome. Well, it's like 20 minutes of prelers and previews before you... Oh, that is true. It's been brutal.
And I don't know, it was still, I thought, anyway, in the end, I was glad that I saw it. The premise is great. You got your sauce off? It was so good that it made, that's the only reason I watched the second one, because I thought it might live up to that kind of expectation, but the second one was not as good, and then so I just basically figured that the third one. Somewhere around seven, you're like, ah. So I didn't really try again. I think you might like 10.
Oh, yeah. Because I'm in the same boat. I watched the first one. I thought, oh, that's interesting. I honestly. Don't think I watched. Maybe I watched the second one. Maybe, but I don't have a great impression on it because I'm like, oh, OK. It was something like there's there's another one that I watched later on that was like number six or something. I skipped a few. I was like, oh, it's on TV. I don't want to turn my TV off. Yeah. Oh, God, just leave it on, I guess, and fall asleep to it.
And that was how I watched the other one.
Well, it's obviously a good formula that works for them. It's like the Fast and the Furious, right? Oh, God. I'm talking about my Twitter feed or my X feed or how it is now. Threads, I guess. But yeah, there's a formula. Things will happen. People have tried to make the decision if they want to cut their left ear off or get their throat slit,

Saw X: Character Development & Tropes

You know, it's like, oh, decisions, decisions. One will lead to escape, the other one will lead to your death. Or someone else's death, right? That's so often like, you know, this person. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
but there's a small swerve here for this one. So it's the same formula except that here, the first act is really a first act. It's, it's, it's the first one. The first act is like, bam, you're right in the action. You're trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Number 10, the first act is an actual act. You're, you're building up the character of John in which honestly, I'm pretty sure it's the same guy.
But he's been doing this for a bazillion years now. Tobin Bell. Let me see Tobin Bell. I want to say Tobin Bell is Jigsaw. Yeah. Holy shit. He is. I do believe the original Jigsaw. I'm pretty sure people are like, no, you're not giving me something else. Like, oh, whatever. I don't give a shit. I actually don't give a shit. I think he's original Jigsaw. I'm going with that.
And to have him still do it after all these years, like 20 years, the same character, especially like he wasn't not a young spry guy. It's kind of like the Count Dooku of it all.
But he's there, he's fleshing it out. He does a great performance. I love him in it. The other people who are in it all do really well. There's the acting's top notch. It really is. Shawnee Smith's back as a Mander. And if you ever play Dead... Dead by Daylight, you're like, oh, I get it now. Yeah, cool. It makes you want to boop the nose and try to run away.
There are obvious things when you don't know anything at all about saw. If somehow you didn't watch any of the movies in the last 20 years, like, Oh, socks. I can't wait to see a random mass sequel to a movie. I've never ever watched before. If you're that person, you just got out of the coma 20 years ago and I got, I'm going to go into movies today. Damn it. It's either this or haunting and Venice might be too scary. I don't think about this.
but you will see there might be some formula early on. You might, you're going to guess that they're going to screw them over. You're going to guess all those things are going to happen. You might not know who John is, but he's very, very intelligent in his intelligence, not just in game mastering, but in other aspects of, as a physical realm and physics and just being a psychologist, really.
coming to play, gore? Yeah, there's some gore. There's some parts where I'm like, oh man, I wish this was kind of fast forward to this one part right here. I won't tell you what it was, but it's fast forwardable. The characters are flawed. They all have their own issues. They all try to work through their issues and he is more of a mentor figure in this one because you're seeing the behind the scenes instead of just the people struggling. The people struggling are almost secondary.
So it really is a more fleshing out of the character and I liked it for that. It's about an hour, 50 something. There is a small scene towards the end credits, but nothing like Marvel does or did, I should say. You know what?
It's an hour 58. It's a good way to kick off hot October for Halloween. If you are into Gore, it is a Gore movie. If you're not into Gore, just skip this movie entirely. But if you're okay with Gore, you want to see an okay movie, you can do much worse. I'm going to give a saw. You gave a dark 4.5? Yes. I'm giving a saw 4.56.
What? That's right. Because it's got to be better than dark. Even though it is decent. Honestly, it's more of a four for me. Does it have the same formula though? Like were you like a twist ending or some kind of like surprise? I'm not spoiling shit. So I can't tell you. Is there a twist? I'm not saying anything about it. OK. I don't know. Some people might want to see it if there's a twist. Well, then they should watch a different podcast and see if it's a fucking twist on that because I don't spoil shit.
You're not saying what the twist is. Even if there's a twist, there's always the spoiling. The twist is that he speaks German. He speaks German fluently. You write or watch enough movies, you just dissect them, which is why dark was very boring for me. I've seen that shit before. I was like, oh, this is done. This is already done for me. But I honest, okay, this honest rating for maybe 4.2.
That's out of five. That's my final offer now. Oh man, you know what though? God, I have to say, I will tell you one twist. Are you ready for one single twist? I'll give you it. There's one time where the guy was running from John. This is early on the movie, maybe, maybe even midway in the movie.
maybe even midway in the movie. And this dude was just like hauling ass, but then he starts cramping up. He starts cramping up and you, you know, if you're running, it's, it's kind of bad to cramp up, especially in a killer is like chasing you and you, you have to get out before, you know, this is L happens in act one, by the way.
And damn it, I felt so bad because I was drinking the one thing that helped the killer escape John. That's not the killer, but you know, escape John liquid IV. If only they could share some liquid IV, I'm like, damn it, if he just would have stopped for liquid IV.
he would have been out running John and not have like done those horrible bloody things and get done. So if you have wrong jigsaw in some way by doing some shady cancer treatments around anyone doing a shady cancer treatment, boy, liquid IV is going to drop my ass.

Humor & Product Placement

Maybe if you need to outrun them, you should probably get some liquid IV. I like cherry flavor. If that's a flavor, if not, schnozzled berry, that's a flavor, right?
Right now, get 20% off when you grab your Liquid IV hydration multiplier, sugar free, or any other variant at liquidiv.com and use code haunted100 at checkout. That's 20% off anything you order. When you should have better hydration today, using promo code haunted100 at liquidiv.com. Yeah, I use it. The guys in sauce should the hell use it. They would have gotten away, but too bad they didn't.
That's it. So there you go. Liquid IV. Thanks for the spot. I know. So pay in the bills, pay in the bills. All right. So like, so I was like, they're fucking a pie. So you had more liquid IV then. And then this guy's running away after fucking over a cancer patient. Awesome. That's, that's their, that's their image right now. That's their brand. So

Promoting Peace by Chocolate & Creep Week

What do you want to plug, Aidan? Well, around this time of year, people tend to buy a lot of candy, a lot of chocolate. So I thought if someone is into getting chocolate and doing some good in the world, they might want to buy a brand called Peace Buy Chocolate, which is
a company that was set up by a Syrian family that came here after the war. A Syrian? Like a Syria? A Syrian, not necessarily. They came to Canada. They came to Canada or Canada.
Yes, one of the Canada's. One of the Canada's, the Canada's. And settled in a small town in Nova Scotia and they had no other skills apparently than to just continue making chocolate.
They make grandma's cookies? Oh my god. Hey, chocolate. It's chocolate. What kind of chocolate is it? Hey, everyone. I'm Mick McGee from Bite Size Horror. We might have a season two coming out, but I heard chocolate. I love chocolate so much. Where's chocolate? I want a piece of my wine.
Are you done? What's it called? What's it called? Peace by chocolate. Peace by chocolate. That's my favorite chocolate in the whole wide world. I hear Assyrians or Sumerians are part of it. And they have like the cutest like Halloween bars now with like those. Yeah Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. And pumpkins and and if you
If you go to peacebychocolate.ca, you can get 10% off your first order.
Sorry, he's passed his bad time because he heard the C-H-O-C-L-A, whatever, how you spell it, word, and it kind of got him ramped up. So it's peacebythatword.com, huh? You can say it. .ca, .ca. So what's website again? Peacebychocolat. Dude, you might want to say this so anyone understands you. Peacebychocolate.ca.
So is it P-I-C-E or P-E-A-C? No, it's like International Day of Peace. P-E-A-C-E-B-Y? C-H-O-L-C-A-T-E dot C-A? C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T. Don't have to have a spelling bee today.
So it's, it's peace as in peace and love. Got it. Yeah. It's a nice play on words and they want to promote peace in the world by, you know, making everyone consume their chocolate. And it was something that was given to Trudeau, which was given to Biden. So it's, it's got over like a lot of international buzz, uh, from that, uh, exchange and, um, I dig it. I like peace.
If you are in the CA land, go check them out. And for me, I am doing Teenies Creep Week. Oh boy. October 6th to the 15th. Haunted Discoveries new series, brand new series Friday, October 6th at 9 PM Eastern Pacific. And by the way, I might be having a little bit of a talker talk with these people.
Uh, coming out new and what's cracking. And of course history's most haunted season finale Friday, October 13th, 10 PM Eastern Pacific only on T and E go check them out. They have a free preview for creep week. That is October six to the 15th. Love them. T and E on TV. Check them out. And that is my plug. So.
On behalf of myself, Jim Phoenix, my special guest, Aidan and Nick McGee, who stopped in for a half minute and probably Payne, who's probably passed out with Mega Duffy right now. I bid you all. Good day. Bye, everyone. Bye. That's the outro. Got it. You know who didn't call in today? Tara Reid. When David.
Oh. Oh yeah, just hold on, hold on. All right, Tara, we're on the outro, but what's up? Yeah, I just wanna- Okay, nope, that was Bigfoot. I'm getting better at that. Screening from Bigfoot, so I can't read. I hear a cat.