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Karma.....and trails of Traffic Court

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
126 Plays1 year ago

What is Karma? Karma is a concept of action, work or deed; and its effect or consequences; it's the sun of a person's action in this life, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. In this episode, Lisa is telling us the story of how seemingly unrelated people all have one thing in common....their actions were the karma that was waiting.

Also, a small bonus laugh - listen to Faith's ordeal with her resent traffic court debacle. 

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Lisa's Nosebleed Adventure

Well, hello and welcome to year one point. Oh, which was to tell this face is Lisa. Last last time we recorded one year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was confused for like a point five seconds. I know how to say like after the one year. So one point oh was what I had. I got nothing.
All right, well, we're here. Yeah, kind of. Yeah, it's, you know, as usual, been a day and at least my nose stopped bleeding. That's great. There's allergies in Tennessee, not because she has a substance abuse problem, but I don't

Adventures with 'Mr. Dubert'

know. I told the guys. I literally like.
I was like, I literally screamed. I blew my nose into the tissue and it's just pouring blood out of my nose. And I was like, son of a bitch. And they were like, what? Like all the guys in the engineering department. And I was like, my nose is bleeding. And of course, naturally, one of the guys has to stand up and be like, why is it bleeding, Lisa? I was like, because it's all the coke I just snorted, Sam. Like, nice. Nice. Not true. No, no, it is not true.
She wouldn't complain near as much, I'm sure. I don't know. I don't I don't know. I don't know how code works. I don't either. Honestly. My family drug of choice was crack, so that's the only addiction that I'm used to being around. Oh, well, crack. Everybody likes crack, right? Well, you know, so I have I have a story for you. True story. Should I be excited?
I don't, I was like, okay. So number one, you have to know my boss. Mr. Dubert is what we'll call him because that's not his real name, but that's what Bella calls him. And so he calls

Golf Tournament Antics

him. I have two bosses. Dubert who we love and the tall one who she hates. So he talks about something bad at work. She's like, it's the tall one's fault. Not Mr. Dubert's. We love him because he buys her things. Well, yeah. So he's like,
I don't know. You just have to know the way he talks, but he's telling us this story because he went to the masters last week. Okay. Uh, the golf tournament, whatever. So it's an Augusta and he's like, and it's me and my two employees and another girl and Dubert.
He's like, oh, let me tell you what happened this weekend. And we're like, what? And he's like, so I'm in Augusta and it's me and it's judge so-and-so who's the judge, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he has to tell you their whole backstory. Yeah. He's like, and then it's, um, the district attorney, blah, blah, blah, who's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he has to tell you their whole backstory.
So it's the insurance agents, the judge, the DA, and there's one more. I want to say it was a priest, even though it wasn't because that's what it sounds like. It should be like bad joke. Yeah. So he goes, so we're at whatever this, you know, the wild pineapple or wherever eating the swing spots. They were there for like five hours watching the masters eating all day until they were finally, uh, you got to go.
and he said so like they're sitting there eating all day and there's this huge biker gang and he goes and I'm not talking like a little he said I'm talking like Hells Angels they're scary to look at biker gang there and he said and we are drunk and he said I'm not really that drunk because he's not a big drinker and he was like but the other ones are Julio because that's what he calls shmammered
Okay, like so they're Julio and he was like in the place rats closing down and it's time to go. And so I'm like, well, doctor mismatch is flying in to meet us. And he's, and I'm like, guys, I'm going back to the hotel to go to bed, but judge so and so is like, no, we got to go to this bar because that's where everybody's going for the after party.
And I'm like, no, I want to go to bed, but they're too Julio to drive. So I'm like, well, judge mismatch or Dr. Mismatch just got there. Now, Dr. Mismatch tells us their whole life story. I'm talking. Where did you come with mismatch? I don't know. I'd already said so and so and who has, though, just giving random names. Gotcha. If I don't, I'm going to accidentally say somebody's who hollers means they're a vagina. Well, I didn't want to accidentally say their names because I'm thinking their name. Yes.
He's like, so Dr. mismatch gets there and he texts me and he's like, I'm going to the hotel. I'm going to bed. And he's like, perfect. Well, DA so-and-so was like, nah, let's go get him. So they go to the hotel and Stuart is like, I'm going to just go to bed because we're at the hotel.
So all the judge, the DA, and this other guy that I can't remember his profession, get to the hotel where the doctor just checked in and they're like bashing on his door.

Taser Chaos in Augusta

And they're like, hey, come on, we're going out somewhere to this place to go to go to this bar. And he's like, no, it's like 10 o'clock. Nope. Nope. We're going. So they drag the doctor out. They all get in the SUV. It's like an hour and a half past my bedtime. I know. Right. So they get there and stewards like me and the doctor, we're fine. Like we're sober. The other ones are the ones are Julio. So they drive up to this bar in Augusta, Georgia. So it's a nice, like it's Augusta.
So they get there and they pull up in the whole biker gangs there. OK. And so they pull up and they're doing the thing where, you know, they're getting all their stuff together. Also in a cop car comes zooming in. No, no. And parks like right there. They're another cop car comes zooming in.
So he said at this point the DA has slunk down and is like in the floorboard hiding. Right. The judge has slunk down in the floorboard hiding. We're just trying to have a good time. Whatever the other profession is and the doctor get out and go in this club. Oh no. And then Stewart said like more and more cop cars just keep zooming in.
And he's like, what the heck? The judge and the DA are both hiding in the floorboards. And all these cops keep going in there, all this stuff. Ambulance pulls up. So then the other guy just comes be bopping around, Julio, around the side of the building. And he's like, hey, and Stewart's like, man, what's going on in there? Stewart! Nah, I said Stewart, it's fine. Stewart, Stewart. It's not that hard of a code to crack, I feel like.
Anyway, so Stewart's like, what's going on? And he's like, oh, there's a body in there. And Stewart. Yeah, Stewart's like, what do you mean? There's a body in there. He's like, yeah, there's dead guy covered with sheet. There's dead guy. So apparently what happened is there was a domestic dispute in the middle of this bar.
And they called the cops. The cops came. They tased this guy. The guy fell over, bashed his head on the table and died. The kicker is the cops tased the wrong person. What? Yeah. Innocent bystander. Oh no. Yeah. That'll be on the news.

Candace's Courtroom Comedy

Well, the weirder thing is, as Dubert says, so the next morning,
I'm up at five o'clock typing and looking up stuff on my phone and doing my brain work. He starts googling because we call him Stugel because he googles everything. He starts googling. And this is like the fifth death in that area for more cops of Taze people just from the Tasers. No way. Not shootings. They've tasted.
in a way like this guy, this guy fell hit his head and died, but it wasn't even the guy that they were supposed to be tasing. They tased the wrong person. I don't know how to respond to that. I was like, what? Well, I mean, if you think about it logically, the taser has to be strong enough to take a person down. Yeah. But what is that voltage exactly? I don't know. Who knows?
Wow, Faith would have ruined everything. How do you taste the wrong person? I mean, I don't I don't feel like the criminals wearing a sign that says, hey, guys, it was me. Oh, yeah, but I don't. And if he was being rowdy in any kind of way, then a rowdy rowdy rowdy rowdy. I have no idea, Faith. I don't either. I thought it was a good story. I think it's crazy.
Anyway, I got a story. I just thought it was crazy that I taste the wrong person. Yeah, I killed the wrong person. I feel like that's just going to be a huge lawsuit. Oh, yeah. So second story of the day is let me tell you what happened to me yesterday morning. All right. So it all started. Well, it all started like a month ago when I got a speeding ticket. But let's fast forward to last week when I had court for my speeding ticket, which was last Friday.
And coincidentally, you know, us moms are stretched pretty thin. I also had field trip chaperone to my daughter at the zoo and I'm a crazy person. So I'm sorry. I'm not letting my kid go to the zoo without chaperoning it. Like there's just no way. I don't know those other parents and my kids are running. My, my kid's a flight risk. She's a runner.
So I've got to go. So I called like five times a day trying to change my court case because the back of the ticket says if you don't show up to court, they'll put you in jail.
for being in contempt of court. So I'm calling. I could totally not see you in jail. I wouldn't survive. I don't have you to threaten people with. I got nothing. I told D that story the other day too about when we were downtown. I was like, yeah, keep talking. My friend's going to come out of this car and kick your butt. Anyways. Great day. I did not want to die. Yeah. So I play phone tag all week trying to change my court case. Finally, the day before my court case last Thursday,
I get someone on the phone and they changed my court case to Monday yesterday and I write out everything. Like what time I've got to be there. I've got to go downtown, which is a whole nother ordeal for me because it's one way roads freaks me out. Hate going downtown by myself.
Um, anyway, so I, I show up to go to the field trip chaperoning. I had the day wrong. There was no field trip that Friday could have gone then, but you know, we're starting off stellar. So already. Yeah. Yeah. Packed my kid up in her field trip gear with her field trip lunch. And the teacher's like, um, she sends me an email and she's like, I hope I catch you in time. But Bella said, you're under the impression that field trip is today. It is not all capital letters. I was like, Oh, okay.
Yep. So there's strike one of my story. So then yesterday comes along. I gotta be, I gotta be at court yesterday morning. First thing it's already tell work. I'm gonna be late. I gotta go to court. So I get to court, which is again, whole ordeal of going downtown. Hey, going downtown.
I don't either. I'm going to be honest with you. I don't like one way. I don't know why everything has to be one way. And there's no parking, never anywhere any. And then you have to pay for it. And that's just. And then there's sketchy people all around, which freaked me out. So I just don't like the whole situation. So I'm already like a bucket of yuck.
Very high anxiety. I get there. I don't even know if I'm at the place. It doesn't look like a courthouse. It looks like just a regular shmegular building. So I'm like, ah, I'm there stupidly early. So I'm in my car trying to get some, you know, work done on my laptop. Then I sat out there too long answering emails and then I'm like running kind of late at this point. Nice. So I'm running in, I run into the line and I like, I don't see my pockets through the, through the metal detector. I blow that thing up like five times.
Finally get everything out of my pocket. And I'm like, I don't even know where to go. And the guy just looks at me and point to the gigantic signs that's like bigger than my head that says court traffic court. Yeah. Oh, the sign. Gotcha. Thanks, bro. So then I'm trying to like.
Busted in the courtroom rattling the locked doors and I hear uh ma'am and I turn and there's a sign that says traffic court check in here I passed that walked right past it tried to bust in the court. Oh my I didn't tell you all these details. No you didn't I go up to the line and I'm like hi I've got traffic court today, so I need in that door and he's like yeah, but you got to check in I've got a I've got to put you on the roster right right yeah like great I
So I pull out my little green summons paper and I slide it to him under the door. Under the door. Oh, well, you know, the window. I know, I know. Slide it to him. And he looks at it and he's like, all right, Candace. Zulu. He's like, um, you're not supposed to be here till next week.
Oh my God. Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you? Next week is the field trip day, apparently. I'm like, no. Okay. See, here's the thing. I called multiple times and got, I was supposed to be last week. We rescheduled it today. And he was like, no, ma'am. You were supposed to be last week. We rescheduled it to next week. Like talking slower is going to make me understand. And I'm like, here's the deal.
I'm already late to work. I'm having to use my PTO time. I've already braved the streets of downtown. I can't do this again. Like, is there any way that I can just go before the judge today? Because I really, I'm sorry. I hate driving down here. I don't know how you do on a daily basis, but I just can't do this again. Like it is very, very, very, very stressful for me. And he goes, ma'am, if you would just take a breath, I was going to say, I can get you on today. And I'm like, Oh my God. Perfect. Hey, hey.
I'm not embarrassed. Thanks. Yeah. And he's like, all right. So he slides the green paper back under the window and he's like, just going to unlock the court doors, go in, sit on row three. And I'm like, okay, thanks. Did you at least get the row right? Like I did. I did. I got the right. So only because, you know, the first row where people sit. So I'm sitting there. There's like one guy way over to my right. Cause they space us out. Like it's like height of COVID times here. Right. And so again, I'm early. I'm playing on my phone, you know, just de de de de de.
And so the little, the little court secretary comes in, as soon as I see the doors open, I stand up. I'm like, ah, no, sit back down. Just some random, random broad. Right. So I'm back to play and you know, um, my, my, my little game on my phone and then the court was opening it. So I like pop up my head, just the bailiff. So I'm sitting there playing my phone and he's like, all right.
Usually I'd give a whole bitch bill, but I'm not going to do that today because there's just not a lot of us. So basically six and a read your name. I need you to tell me how you're going to plead guilty, not guilty or no contest. Is this the, this is the bailiff for the judge. And he's like, if you're going to plead not guilty or no contest, it's fine. You can go. If you're going to plead guilty, I'm going to have to leave you to the end because we're going to have to call the officer that was involved with your citation. Perfect.
one lady and she stands up and she says that he calls me and I'm like, I did it. Oh my God. So you're going to plead guilty. Yes, sir. I'm going to plead guilty. He's like, okay, thank you. So I'm like, okay. So he goes around the room and you know, so we're waiting. He's like, all right, now we're just going to wait for the judge. I have no timeframe on the judge. He shows up when he shows up. I'm like, great. So I go back to my phone.
This is taking an exorbitant amount of my time and I'm still highly stressed. I've never been in a courtroom. It's never been me. So I am like, at this point, like I'm getting like, you know, the, the, the nervous itch on your, like your face itches and arm itches and I'm like, hi, hi stress. So I'm sitting there and I'm waiting and I'm getting more like looking around to see, you know, is anybody in here is going to judge me because, you know, I sped.
And so I'm all kinds of upset. The judge walks in like the judge full black robes. Nice. So as soon as I see him, I am like all the way stand to my feet. Your honor. Yeah. I'm the only one standing. No one around me is standing. But that's not going to deter me. Never know. I am going to stand like a good soldier. So I'm literally just standing there. The bailiff looks at me because apparently I was loud about like knock the pew in front of me, drop my phone.
I'm standing like straight as I can just staring at the judge and I look in the bailiff is just shaking his head like Laughing like his shoulders are shaking at me. He's like uh You can all rise for the judge except Candace So this just flusters me more like
I, you know, I don't care to get up and give speeches, like give me a topic. I can BS my way through any speech. I can do it. So I'm a bucket of yuck. Like at this point, I, cause it's not like, I don't care to be center of attention. If it's like a, if it's a thing, I do not want to be the center of attention because I'm an idiot. I don't care for that. Nobody does. And that is exactly the situation I'm in because I can hear people snickering behind me.
And I'm like, you know what, whatever, whatever, whatever. You made somebody's day. So he calls me up there, the judge, and they say that I'm like the first person. So I walk up to the bailiff because he's the guy that's been talking the whole time, right? Right. And I'm like, yes, sir. And he said, he leans over and he said,
You're not talking to me. You need to go before the judge. The one, you know, you stood up like a moron in front. Right. Ten four. Gotcha. So I shuffle on over there and I'm in front of him and I put my hand over my heart like he's about to swear me in for testimony. You're about to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Because I thought it was hand on a Bible. Oh, it was. Oh, my God. I've got my hand over my heart because I'm going to pledge allegiance.
And he's like, Ms. Pizzulo, how do you plead? Well, I already know, we've already been over this. So I look at him and I say, no guilty. Sir, your honor, sir. And he said, no, you're not guilty. I said, no, sir, I'm guilty. No, I'm not not guilty. I'm guilty. I spent, I'm a speeder, guilty. And he said, what?
Okay, I got no contest and not guilty. And guilty, all mixed up. So, no guilty. So then I said, I'm guilty, I'm a speeder. And he said, well, do you have anything you want to say? He said, no, sir. No, sir. He said, you don't want to say anything?
Well, this point I'm confused. Right. Why is he like, why does he nice as well, sir. Your honor, sir. Um, I don't know what you want me to say. I'm confused. I mean, I could, I could tell you, I could tell you that I never speak. I don't ever speak. I'm a non speeder, sir.
So I don't even go five over, like I am strictly a non-speeder. I'm a coaster. My husband gets mad at me all the time because he always says, you need to go. And I'm like, no, this is the speed limit. I'm not gonna get in a wreck. We left him plenty of time, except you made us late, but I'm still not gonna speed. I'm a non-speeder, sir. And on this day particular, I could tell you all about what happened. I have to leave at 2.30 every day for my job to go pick up my child from school. And everyone knows this. And my boss, the tall one,
Head decides to come in and he needed to talk to me. So he's talking. I've got all my bags which are heavy bags, sir All of them like a Sherpa on my shoulders. I've got my phone. I've got both drinks coffee Red Bull in my hands and he decides to have a war on silence and talk and talk
We've hit 230, sir. He's still, we're on silence raging. And he even says like 10 times. I know you gotta go pick up the kid butt. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I know you gotta go pick up the kid butt. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Mind you,

Exploring Karma

while I'm having this verbal diarrhea, I still have my hand over my heart, pledging allegiance to the judge. And I'm like, so when he finally quit, says we're on silence, it's 20 minutes late. Yeah, yeah. And I have to go. And now I am, and your honorable sir,
While my kid is going to be upset, I'm not like concerned because the resource officer, who you may know because she's part of your profession, sir, in this institution, she goes to my church. So I know her and she's not going to leave my child. So I'm fine. I can get you her full name and her number if you'd like, but all I know is officer, blah, blah, blah. But that's not the point. So I'm not speeding. I might be driving like overly, you know, like.
getting out of the way of flow people but I'm not speeding because I know she's fine and I'm coasting down the hill and the cop when she pulled me over she said you know I pulled you over and I even told her no I already got my tags renewed because your honor sir those were nine months expired just a few days ago and I didn't realize that so my tags were renewed so I don't know why she pulled me over and she told me I was speeding and I told her I wasn't but she told me I was and I didn't see the gun
But people of your profession do not lie and I trust you people implicitly. So I'm assuming I was speedy and I am guilty of being a speeder. So I have nothing to say. Except all of that with my hand over my heart still.
And he's like, all right. I pledge allegiance to the flag. And the little court secretary are both giggling at me. I know the people behind me are giggling at me because I just went on like a full 10 minute tirade about how I'm not a speeder, but I was a speeder. Yeah. And I don't need to defend myself because I was speeding, but I'm going to tell you my whole life story.
Right, right, right. So he said, well, let me look at your record. And I said, you don't have to do that, sir. I'm a non speeder. Except for that one time I was a speeder. I'm a non speeder. So I'm still going to look at it. Yes, sir. I'm still leaning over like a crazy person with a hand over my heart. Straight eye to eye contact. Yes. So he looks at his court reporter lady and they pull up my record and he looks at it and he turns back and he's like, OK.
You've got a clean record." And I wanted to say, told ya! But I felt like that was disrespectful to the honorable Sir Honorable Judge. The honorable Sir! Which I stated at one point. So he's like, alright, Ms. Pazula. And I'm like, yes, sir. Your honor, sir. He said, I'm gonna let you off with probation. And I said, but why?
And he looks at me, kind of saw, like puts his head to the side. And he said, what do you mean? Why? And I said, well, do I have to like meet with someone once a week for a month? Like, what is this going to tell? Or is there going to be a drug test? Am I going to have to like talk to somebody? He said, miss, do you happen to watch like true crime television shows? And I said, I highly enjoy them, your honor, sir.
He said, well, I said probation, not parole. And I'm like, oh, okay. What does that mean then? And he said, all you have to do is go sit down in the back, probably thinking away from me. Someone's gonna come get you. We're gonna take you and you're gonna pay your court costs. And then for 30 days, 30 days of probation, you're not gonna get caught
rolling through a stoplight, rolling through a stop signer, speeding, and this will go away like it never happened. I said, your honor, sir, that's generous of you. I didn't expect that. Well, that's what we're gonna do. And he laughed when he said it. I said, your honor, that's very gracious and very generous. And I really appreciate that because I didn't expect that because I was a speeder and I sped.
but I thank you sir thank you and I'm still I still got my hand over my heart I'm still leaning forward like a crazy person he's like alright go sit down now off you go so I go sit in the back
taken an exorbitant amount of the court's time three other people go on my turn mom meat just walk in the back of the courtroom because it doesn't take anyone else that long to say guilty
Not me, no guilty! So I pay my court cost, I get to my car, and I'm, I'm feeling pretty good, like, I did good. He liked me and was so impressed with me that he let me off with probation, not even parole.

Prison Justice Chronicles

And I slayed it. Slayed it. About halfway to work, I realized he probably has someone following me to make sure I get to a sitter, okay? Because I shouldn't be in polite society by myself. Your honorable Sir Judge Honor, what? It was like I was on drugs. I'm surprised I didn't try to sit in his lap. With my hand over my heart,
the entire effing time when I turned around to walk to the back. Judge Santa. Oh my, I can never ever, you know, you know.
You better pray to God you never get another speeding ticket with that judge ever again. You know he's gonna be like, just go. Just go and leave. There's probably something on my license when you run it that says, for the love of God, just give her a warning and go. Give her a warning. Don't, don't, don't send her back to court. Oh, I felt like it was literally halfway to work. I'm listening to a podcast just beep bopping and I'm like, Sir Honorable Judge Your Honor, what was,
He has to, they're making fun of me right now in the coffee break room, right now. I mean, cuz I- I'm making fun of you in my head right now. I even texted your brother when I got out and I'm like, killed it in court, just got probation. No, he's thinking whoever her poor life handler is can't handle anything else. Let's just give her a warning and go. My gosh.
So, that's been my week. I love you. Oh, you're welcome. Do you want a pet on the head? You know, at this point, I feel like... I accept. Oh, you're honorable, Sir Judge Honor. I cannot... What a jackay. Ah!
So enough about me, it's your week to talk. It is my week to talk, yes, but that was enjoyable. You did say, tell you the story. Any time you make an ass of yourself, it makes me happy, so I'm totally good with it. And you got to listen to the story twice, because guys, I told this whole story without pressing the record button. Yeah. Actually, I gave you part of the story. It was better the second time around, honestly. Pause it to yell at the children and the stupid dog next door that won't shut up, and then
press resume told the whole story and looked after Lisa spit a drink at her iPad yes and said hey guess what I didn't record any of that we gotta start over yeah so when you think your week's going bad just you know keep this little tidbit and know that you didn't go to a judge with your hands over your heart saying your honorable sir honor judge yes sir
Yes, sir. And you may go. I do, in fact, have a story to tell. It's interesting. All right. So I'm going to. Oh, good. We've we've got gummies that we're playing with tonight. Wow. That hasn't happened in a minute. Actually, it happened the last time you talked. You just never looked up. No, I didn't. I was I was pretty plastered to my my iPad there. Yeah. Anywho, that smells good anyways.
So I titled this one Karma. OK. So I'm going to I have my little paragraph of B.S. that I'm going to read. Right. Like I always do. Yes. This is what it is. How can I make this podcast just a little longer anyway? All right. So we've all heard it. Right. That that word karma. Right. Yeah.
You know, it's what goes around, comes around, you reap what you sow. Karma's a bee. Yeah, karma's gonna bite you in the booty, right? Best dish served cold. Revenge is a b- is a different part. Is a bitch. Revenge is a bitch. Can we just cancel this podcast? I'm done. You're like, I was there. I was so there, I was on point. And I'm like, ah, yeah, revenge is a bitch.
Oh my god. I did better in court than I'm doing right now. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. Oh my god. All right. So like I said, Karma, we've all heard the phrase whether you say it in a different hundred ways or not. Doesn't matter. All right. But does does everybody really believe in Karma? Like is it fate? Is it just it is what it is? Like I think that
the quote unquote vibes if you will. Like the attitude that you put forward into the world is nine times out 10 what you're gonna get back.
Like, well, not all the time. Because sometimes good things happen to bad people. But I think a lot of times if you're like a negative Nilly, Nilly, Nilly, negative Nilly, they both start with N, shut it. If you're, if you're a dick, the world, you know, usually you get dicked. But if you are a happy person. No.
Can I help you? I quit this podcast. Lisa's now taking applications at If you're a dick, you're gonna get dicked. What? But you know what I mean? Like, if you're a nice person and you're nice to people... It took me in a bad direction. Faith is what I'm trying to tell you. I know where it took you to... My face went into the gut.
This is not gonna be a great podcast Hey guys, we've already got that we've already got the social media setups if you just want to take over We'll give you the bad swords You can send reviews and comments to
I feel like like if you're a good person typically People are nicer to you and get things kind of come around if you're everybody gets like shat on Yeah, once in a while right just a bad person. Nobody wants to help you I mean just this you know the statement like what goes around comes around right yeah And I feel like it's something that everybody kind of holds in their heart You know what I mean like when you have you when you've been done dirty and
Like, and you decide, you know what, it's not worth my time to even fight back on this. No, Karma's gonna get him. I feel like Karma's gonna get you. Karma's gonna get you. There's a certain degree of it. So, before I jump into everything I said in my head, oh, it's court all over again. Ben, Ben. Look at me, look at me. From sister to sister, right now.
You're doing great. You're doing great. Just do me a favor. Get more of those and just stick it in your mouth. So I can't talk anymore. Or at least pause for a second. Think about what you're about to say. But then I will unpause it. I can't pause it anymore. You'll just be spitting it out of your mouth. So before we get into like why I'm even talking about karma right now, I'm going to list off a few names. All right.
I'm going to tell you a little bit about the ones that I can. OK. Because it's sadly very unfortunately. There are quite a few names on this list that I could not get any any kind of background on whatsoever. And, you know, it's just not as. What's the word I'm looking for?
protruding is the wrong word, but we'll go with it. I don't think that's the hummus is a lubricant all over again. It could be. Okay. Let's see what you mean. What do you mean by protruding? Okay. Not protruding. Obvious. There's not obvious. I see something protruding. Do you know what the meaning is? Listen Faith, you shut up. Dicks get dicked.
I hate you. We're gonna have to rerecord this. Oh my god. Just go with it. People, everybody's had a bad day. Oh my god. When you have a bad day, just listen to the first 36 minutes of this podcast. Alright, anyways, I'm gonna list off these names. I'm gonna do the best that I can to maybe like shine a little bit of light and hopefully maybe at some point you can tell where I'm going with this, okay? You already said this. So good, bad, or indifferent, all of the men that I'm about to talk about,
have one thing in common. They were karma. OK. Christopher Scarver. I don't know him was born on July 6th, 1969 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. OK. Christopher had a really hard time growing up. There's not a whole lot about his history, but we know that he dropped out of high school.
He was kicked out of his house after he dropped out of high school. OK. And he turned to alcohol and weed basically to sustain himself. Right. Yeah. Yeah. To just deal with the pain that was going on in his life. Later on in his life, his drinking was excessive and apparently began having delusions stating that while he was in a drunken state, he heard voices telling him he was the chosen one.
That's not true, sir. I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that's not true. Yeah, probably not. They never usually are. So he was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and was said to have been suffering from messianic delusions, which is pretty much because I looked it up just to make sure what it was. It's like the Messiah. Yeah. You basically think you're the Christ. I think he butchered the way that is pronounced. Yeah. So we'll tell me because I, is it messianic?
I don't I'm not going to try because I know my limitations and linguists. Linguistic skills are not on a messianic. We'll go with that. We'll go with that. That's fine. But again, he thought he was Jesus. So in 1990, Christopher murdered a man named Steve Lowem in a robbery attempt. And he landed himself in the Columbia Correctional Institute in Wisconsin with a life sentence. OK.
Joseph Drus, born April 15th, 1965. Okay. Did not have the best childhood. Common thread, we usually see. It was said that he was severely beaten by his father as a child, which I know we always get off like topic with stuff like this, but like we have the first guy, right? Obviously had mental issues. Yeah. Okay.
undiagnosed in childhood. And then diagnosed later on in life to be. Well, schizophrenia usually doesn't appear to later in life anyway. Or, well, yeah, I mean, I guess that's possibility, but like, at the same time it's like, how do you really know? Like boys will be boys, right? You've heard that saying. Yeah. Kids will be kids. You know what I mean? Like they do stupid stuff.
Anyway, so this kid was beaten by his dad and with all like murderers, we've always seen that every kind of like negative impact in your childhood has a negative impact in your adulthood, right? Most people's schizophrenia symptoms, schizophrenic symptoms generally start mid to late 20s or mid 30s. So childhood schizophrenia, the earliest onset that's ever been diagnosed is 17. Wow. Okay.
I did not know that. I said in a long order episode once. Well done. It's again, that's how I get my information. Yeah. Parole your judges probation judge. Your honorable judge, sir. Judge. I did what I could anyway. Apparently, Joseph Drew's was also sexually abused around the age of eight by three adult men. Sweet. It's claimed that one was a neighbor.
that had a religious background in his later life, he killed a hitchhiker who allegedly made a pass at him and wound up serving a life sentence in Massachusetts. I don't understand what these people have in common besides killing random people.
So far. Maybe that's what they have in common. And crappy childhoods with that needed better parenting. Kenneth Marshall Rumsey. We're just going to bypass face comments altogether. Sweet. All right. Well, do you have an idea where I'm going with this? No, obviously I do. All right. Well, I've told two stories right now. What do they have in common? Men. Killing other men. Men are killing other men. And mental and bad childhoods. And where are they all right now? In jail. Where? Prison.
You don't pay attention anyways. Kenneth Marshall Rumsey. OK. Couldn't find crap about his early life. Nothing that stinks like absolutely nothing. But based on. Previous.
people. Right. One could really only assume he had a crappy childhood. More than likely, more than likely. Something happened to him that was traumatic. Yep. And by a parent or a close family. He landed himself in jail for a really long time. Right. Do we know why he was in jail? No, OK, enough. No, because if I could have found that, I'd have added it. Right.
So about to slew my ear. That's awesome. No, it's not. Yeah. Shut up, Josh. I'm talking. Norman Champagne. Norman. Couldn't find crap about him either.
That's not a damn thing had a bad childhood Strong possibility I think who knows though right maybe maybe he was That was cute I like that I hate you all right Jason Boudre Boudreaux self-proclaimed Satan worshipper
Murdered a woman in which serving a life sentence couldn't find any information at all about his early life. Wasn't good. Probably not so much, right? Now that being said, we make jokes about that. You can be like the top notch best parent you can be and your kid step into stupid and make bad life choices. Here's the deal. It's something that I like buried into my parents' head 100,000 times sooner.
Do something stupid and they're like I taught you better than this and like yeah, but I still have a mind of my own Yeah, so that's like there's no like you can bury whatever you want and do a kid's head and hammer it down 100,000 times everybody can step into stupid at any time Yeah, I just we keep saying but they had a bad childhood and you know, you've got one poor listener That's like well my kids in jail. They did this and I I don't think they had a bad
They probably didn't. Sometimes people make bad decisions. So I just wanted to throw that out there. They get manipulated by somebody else whose influence was a little stronger. Are they just a little bit psychotic? They just got a screw loose. Yeah, that's their strong possibility. Your Honorable Sir, Judge Honors Sir. Vincent Fastino Rivera serving a life sentence when he murdered a fellow inmate
But he was already in jail. Slitting his throat. Yes. Oh, geez. And stabbing him 42 times. Wowza. What was he in jail for originally? Murder. Of who? He was already, I couldn't find it. Okay. He was already serving a life sentence for murder. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When this incident had occurred. Okay. So now at the very beginning, I told you that this was karma. You said all these men were karma. And I told, they were karma. That's what you said. Yes.
Against who? All right Faith, I got a puzzle for you. What do all these men have in common? I don't know if you didn't listen to the first bit of the podcast. Yeah, but you're missing something. I am not highly intelligent and puzzles aren't gonna be my forte. No, you said. They're all men. They're all men. Which is irrelevant. They're all in jail. They all had that childhood tour assuming. Okay.
And they all killed someone. They all killed someone. So they're all in jail. Yeah. And they all killed someone. Yeah. So none of them are really. What you would say, like. Great people, right? But. I feel like karma can be served in any.
Any situation. Any vessel can be used as a karmetic perk thing. Right. And I don't think karmetics or it either. It is no. All right, so the first person I talked to or talked about was Christopher Scarber. Yep. Who murdered a man, landed himself in jail in Milwaukee. Yeah, it wasn't the same jail because you said Milwaukee and you said Massachusetts. Mm-hmm. Those are two different, those are two different places. I know that much. That's right.
The first guy, Christopher Scarber, was in jail in Milwaukee. When you think about Milwaukee and murderers, who's the first person you think about?

Justice and Morality Debate

I do not know. Really? I'm not good with geographical locations. He's a cannibal. Metheny? Jeffrey Dahmer. Ah, Dahmer. Christopher Scarber is the man that murdered Jeffrey Dahmer in prison. Yes.
How did he kill him? I didn't go that 42 times. We'll get there. We'll get there. Joseph Drews was actually from what I had gathered. White supremacist. But again.
and it is what it is right correct who did he kill John G.O. again all I thought of who was John Jacob G.O. Harmer Smith hey hey sorry I thought you were gonna say that that would have been the best not podcast ever oh my gosh okay sorry John who who did he kill John
Jogan. We'll go with that. Jogan. You're mispronouncing that. Oh, absolutely. What? What? I don't know. Joseph Drews was the man that murdered him. But he, John, was a Catholic priest convicted of molesting 130 boys and who was to serve a nine to 10 year sentence in prison. Oh, so sad. He got killed. But then, but here's the deal. When we look back into this guy's story, what happened to him as a kid?
He was molested as a kid by a religious leader. Right. So you just said by 30 people, one of them a neighbor. Yeah, one was. Oh, I forgot that one had no. Yeah. And one had the religious background. I'm dumb. You might have said that. I don't know. I don't have. No, I probably didn't. Not even a little.
Well that guy, I'm sorry, but you know how I feel on anybody that harms a child, they deserve it. So I hope it was a painful death. Stand firm. Hell yeah. All right, so Kenneth Marshall Rumsey. Couldn't find crap about him, right? Right. We know he was in jail. He also killed Leroy Morton.
Uh, the Gaffney Strangler, who murdered two women and two young girls. So four victims total. Yeah. And yeah, he, uh, I think he strangled him. He deserved it. So, uh, Norman Champagne. That's the guy that did the 42 stabbings, isn't it? Nope, not him. Dang it! I want to know the 42 so bad. He murdered, uh, Napoleon Dion, who was a child murderer. Deserved it.
I think these guys deserve a medal. I'm just gonna. Jason Boudreaux, self-proclaimed Satan worshipper, murdered women. He murdered women? No, he murdered a woman and was serving a life sentence. That is correct. He was the guy that killed Roger Keeb, who was a serial killer, also known as the I-5 Strangler. Oh, I've heard of him.
So then last one was Vincent Faustino Rivera. That's the forty two serving a life sentence. Yeah. When he he was already serving a life sentence. Mm hmm. Then murdered Gerald Shafer, who was a former deputy chief sheriff. Charged with abducting two teen girls. What? And killed both of them. And was suspected of also being a serial killer.
And he stabbed him 42 times? He stabbed him, slit his throat, and stabbed him 42 times. Dang. So when you think about karma, especially like when you, okay, here's the deal. I think the reason that I couldn't find any kind of information on these dudes that murdered these dudes is because it wasn't relevant in the time. Because they were, oh yeah, I smoked some weed and I got some pot, maybe snorted a little bit of meat.
And then I'm in jail and then there's this dude, right? Right. And it's Jeffrey Dahmer. Who knows? Who knows? But the first guy actually killed more than just Jeffrey Dahmer. He killed two guys at that point and he literally beat them to death.
Like it wasn't a slow death. He beat them with something that he tore off of like a bed or some crap. I don't even remember. OK, it would just beat him to death with it. OK, so all I can think in my mind is like Pachner. Right. Yeah. Was that the crap out of Frank? No. Yeah, Frank. Not Frank. The Ripper.
Yeah, but that was Frank. No, Frank was, Frank had the, Frank was in the RV. The ripper was the guy that had the mask. You're right. Thank you. Yep. Don't you test my criminal mind. I will never do it again. No, you might not stand up in front of a judge, but you definitely know your criminal mind. I should have never told you that story. I couldn't like, I had a story that was prepared and then I just had this weird thought and I was like, man, I want to go with this.
And I was like, damn, there is nothing about these people. But it's not, it's not, it's not a big time. Like I individually searched these people's names. Yeah. And nothing came up. The only thing that came up was Wikipedia and that they killed like a serial killer. That takes some intestinal fortitude though.
But here's the deal. Yeah. These guys may not have done it based solely on the fact of who that person was. So Carmel was just initiated based solely on the fact.
that those buttholes, pissed off another butthole, who decided, I'm stronger than you. I would like to reiterate, if you're a dick, you get dicked. If you're a dick, you get dicked. I would like to reiterate.
These crap bags, serial killer morons may not have gotten the pair of despair. OK, but they definitely got. Wacked for lack of a better. There were a lot more other people. OK, but I couldn't.
There was like a mob boss that got whacked in prison. Well, they all everybody. He was like in his 80s, bro. That's not that's not in a wheelchair. No, he was a murderer and a piece of absolutes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm telling you right now. Karma knows no age doesn't. It doesn't care. It does not care.
Actually, I feel like that's kind of like, at that point, that he almost got away too easy. Cause let, let your old wrinkly self rot in prison. Was it yet? Uh, Alberto, hold on. Let's see. There was another one. Oh, Albert DeSalvo, who was accused of being the Boston Strangler was also murdered in prison.
but there was no name, there was no nothing, so there were no mentions there, right? Just randomly.
And, you know, there were a couple of people like that that just got slaughtered in jail. But they didn't like it's still a mystery as to who actually. Oh, yeah, because because snitches get stitches. Right. But yes, I think it is ironic that we know everything, every nitty gritty little thing about Jeffrey Dahmer's childhood, his murders. But I couldn't have told you that he got murdered by an inmate in jail. Yeah, talk about that.
and I'm gonna tell you when I tell you the information about Christopher is minimal the information about hold on let me see was the next guy down Joseph Drews yeah minimal okay so like they're like oh he was a white supremacist he had a bad childhood you know but it wasn't like
Like they went into depth with Jeffrey Delmer. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like we knew he was a twisted S.O.B. Yeah. There's there's there's a new retelling of his life every other year. But here's the thing. Yeah. You have these inmates who are also convicted of murder. Yeah. Or convicted of some other like atrocity crime. Right. Yeah. So you really don't want to shine the limelight on that guy to make him a hero.
No, true. You know what I mean? Like, he's not a hero. No, he's a- But- He's a garbage bag.

Karmic Reflections

Although- But he also dealt out some justice that the system didn't. Yeah, I don't want to say the guy that killed the child diddling priest as a hero. I do commend him, but he did also murder a woman. Yes, he did. Satanist. So he's a bad guy. Yeah. But he did a very good deed. Right.
That's crap. He only got eight years. How many kids did you say he raped? He was accused of raping 130. That was what was on on the docket. So there's no telling. No. And then I think. I don't know what he was actually charged. It may have been like indecent exposure or some kind of inappropriate like whatever was all they could prove. Right. After 130 people stood forth and said he molested my kid.
Actually, I'm surprised even got gel time to be honest with you and they didn't just move them like they do. Yeah. Yeah. That was interesting. Isn't it though? I told you to be confused. Well, you did tell me that. So I was trying to put it all together, but I could not. Yeah. And that's why I said these guys may not have been lovely. No. And you might not believe in karma. You know what? Sometimes it takes the monster to take out a monster. They were karma. They were.
Karma. Yeah. They they were going to get what was coming to them anyway. Yes. All of these guys are now serving a life sentence, but they took out a monster or the monsters that were socialized that kept us awake at night. The truth. Anyways, that is my story, dude. I like where does it might be, right? It was a short one, and I really wish I could have found a little bit more
information about any of the the guys that I was talking about but There just there's wasn't much out there at all. So That's it's so random that there is you can't find anything there Well, I tried to but I don't have like ample amounts of time so you just kind of get what you get so I
Get what you get and you don't throw fit. Ezra, you're fixing to knock everything over. Ezra. No, no, no. Back. Pulling back. Grab a scholar. We are surrounded by dogs. Childs and dogs. Anyways, that was that's what I got, man. That's right. It's very rare. I told you it was random. Just that they don't like you don't know about any of that stuff. Well, it's funny, too, because like you can't tell me that in some of these cases where it said
Nobody's been convicted of this crime. Yeah, you know I mean It's like Jeffrey Epstein all over. Don't you think anyways? Oh Lord Well, that was a pregnant pause Just did you say was pregnant? Oh
Have you never heard the term a pregnant pause? It's a term, Google it. I didn't make that up. No, I've never heard it, but we'll go with it. That's fine. I don't know. It's just like a long, like we were both just like, huh. Yeah. And then silence.
That story did not upset me at all. No. It won't. Your past few stories really upset me. I know. This one kind of brought me a little bit of glee. It did. It did. I wish I knew those guys were absolute garbage bags. Guys, I'm not saying that anything they did was correct in any way, shit, fashion or board. But they did. I'm just saying. There was actually one of the cases where the people, I don't even remember which one it was.
The community actually said they did us a service. We would like time taken away from his original sentence. Hey man, take away our tax dollars right now while we try to fill up the syringe like screw you dude did it with done. Yeah. That is crazy.
Prisons not a safe place. And I feel like every prison should have one of those Brazilian guys in it to just, you know, take him out, clean up the riffraff, the Brazilian Dexter. Yeah, I can't think of his name for the life of me. Julio, who glow? I don't know. That's racist.
Guys we're gonna give up tonight
We gotta give up. We have to give up because we're not mentally stable anymore. We are not. We never have been. It's possibility that life's really crushed to stone, guys. And we've lost it. Your honorable sir, judge, honor, sir. No guilty.
Well, oh my God, you're such a douche canoe. Well, guys, I hope this week's episode made you last. Everybody needs a break from the morbid, but don't worry. Oh, I don't come back. Of course. Next week, that's going to sour your stomachs. Listen, I had a case that I wanted to do. Yeah.
And then I don't know where because I started writing this one. I was like, I don't feel like talking about this. I do that all the time. I don't know. I'm not in the mood. Like you write the whole podcast and you're like, that was a good one. I don't want to tell anybody. I don't want to talk about it. Yeah, I'm going to talk about it. I'm really sorry, sir. I'm not. I refuse to talk about you anymore. Good day, sir. You are dismissed. Good day. Good day.
Anyways, that's what came of it, and I just felt like it was a little you know maybe a little classic, right? Like we always hear about all the BS the people that that do stuff to all of us Right, but but then how often do you actually hear about the people that did something to those douchebags? I like there's a few to like there's um the grunge
And there's a couple other sites that I use that I got my information from, but they have lists like the top 10, the top 15. You can even go on YouTube and look it up of like, you know, the top 10 serial killers that were murdered in prison or whatever. Yeah. You know, just to bring some light to your life. That's sad. That's why. Good night, guys. Bye. Have a great night. We're done. No guilty. No guilty.