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Best of 2023

Fright Central
29 Plays1 year ago

All of our favorite movies, television shows and video games of 2023


Welcome Back and Updates

Welcome. For real. All right. Welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc back here again, as always with Keck. How is it going? Long time, no see. Yeah, seriously. Yeah, things have been I don't know.
intense Yeah, I mean the last episode we did was like almost three months ago But uh, it's not like people have been like wondering where we are. So whatever Yeah There might be like two or three people like on the planet and
Yeah, but I mean, they weren't like sending any messages about like, when the when is the podcast coming back? So yeah, I don't know about it. And then fuck y'all.

Favorite 2023 Media

So we're gonna talk about our favorite movies, TV shows and games, I guess from 2023. And we're what are we about three weeks from the Oscars? Do I have that correct? I can't tell you when the Oscars were.
I'm pretty no, I think they're in three weeks, right? The Academy Awards all that? Sure. I don't know. I was just saying like, you know, we're doing it like just before that. I'm pretty sure like, you know, Jimmy Kimmel is hosting and stuff like that. I think it's in three weeks. But I mean, they don't put horror movies in any of their categories anyway. So they fucking should. That's something that we need to change. Yeah.
That's why we got the Fangoria chainsaw awards. That's what that's for. Yeah. Yeah.

Comedy Horror Spotlight: 'The Blackening'

Yeah. Much better award show. It's voted by the fans and not by other industry fuckheads. Yeah. True that. True that. True that. So, uh, so I'm going to start with movies, I guess. I'm going to go all the, well, I guess I got one on my list that was comedy horror that I, that that'll be my, um,
my eleventh that I'll add in there. It'll be, uh, the blackening. Wait, you're all eleventh? Well, because it's my, uh, you know, it doesn't quite make the cut because it's not, it's not horror because I do have 10 horror movies on here. It's not horror and you're going to speak its name. It's horror comedy. It's not straight horror or horror sci-fi. Although I guess I have another one on there that's more sci-fi, but whatever. But the blackening.
is my one outside the thing. Oh, that shit was tight. Shit was fucking funny as fuck. Yeah, I liked a lot. I mean, yeah, no, that's definitely fits within the purview. Yeah, I liked a lot. I thought it was like highly entertaining. I mean,
I mean, the comedy was good. I mean, the horror, not so much, but, you know. Yeah, not enough people died, but there was a few good kills, but yeah, I think it was definitely more comedy. But yeah, I mean, it wasn't really supposed to be about that,

Exploring Technology in 'Megan'

so. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was more like making fun of all the different movies where the black guy dies first. That was the tagline, we all can't die first. I like that. What was that film that was about, it was sort of like a documentary. I think it was called Film Noir. Yeah. It was about black people dying in the army.
Yeah, that was yeah, that was great. Yeah. Yeah, that kind of went through like the history of of like, you know, black people in horror movies and you know, yeah, like how it went from like a trope to like, you know, and like all these different ones. It's really good. I think it's on shutter or AMC plus if you have that. But yeah, then I have I gotta go all the way back to January of last year with with Megan or metherigan.
I couldn't remember if that came out last year or the year before. I thought that shit was solid. I think it could have been a lot better in a lot of ways, and we discuss that. If you go back in our podcast, we talk somewhat in depth about this film. I think they really could have...
Because of the technology involved and how good everything looked and like Especially like what I saw that was happening like behind the scenes. I thought that shit could have been fucking amazing Instead I thought they just present something decent, but I agree with you that should be

Scream 6: A New York Adventure

up there. Yeah. Yeah because not only that but I don't think there was a whole lot of
great like I don't I didn't have to break down my list I normally you know I normally have like 15 or 16 sometimes 20 movies that I gotta like you know be like all right these are the ones that didn't quite make the cut but yeah they should be mentioned well this year I only really had the one that didn't quite make the cut I would say although the next one on my list Scream 6 I would say like three quarters of that movie is really good I didn't like the way it ended but I still like that movie
You liked all the screams, you little fag. I do. To varying degrees, I do like all of them, yeah. But, I mean, they're a specific, you know,
satire in the way kind of the Blackening was. The first one was, I mean, the first one was, I mean, the Drew Barrymore scene, the first, I mean, that really, I mean, that sparked a lot of things. I mean, that was a really fucking dark, grim way she died.
in that movie and then I wish it kept going in that grimness and didn't like then start going into like a teen movie drama horror thing like I thought they if they had kept going with that and like I mean because that was really shocking

Innovative Horror: 'No One Will Save You'

And, uh, yeah, anyway, I'm sorry, I could go on with that, but, well, I mean, there's a whole thing going on. I mean, I liked how they moved the setting to New York. And this one I did like that. And like, even one scene, he's like rocking a shotgun and just going through the convenience store to start playing her people. There's some great goes in that movie. There's a lot of,
controversy over like what's going on with Scream 7, what I'm not going to get into right now, but maybe some other time. But next, I would say, it's kind of tough to go where to go with this. I'm going to go with, no one will save you. This was, it came out on who- I don't think I saw it. I recommended it to you. Brief synopsis, very brief.
It is a home invasion type movie, but the invasion is like an alien invasion. And like, there's almost no dialogue in the movie for life. Oh, yeah. Well, I think you might have recommended it to me and then I like read that and I was like, nah, man, cuz aliens fuck me up. Yeah.
Well, I thought I think you would have liked it too. But, uh, yeah, if he always fucked you up, then like fuck you up to like, we wanted to talk more about fire in the sky. Cause apparently they're going to like be remaking. I'm like, we can't even watch. Yeah. I actually watched a documentary about Travis Walton recently that was like,
Actually like pretty cool, but anyway, I don't even know whether or not I believe his story of course When you have six men that all pass a polygraph exactly That means something went down. I don't know we go into moving fine. Yeah, this isn't as horrifying as as fire in the sky. Yeah
Yeah, it's a good like, it's good twist on the like the home invasion where it's not instead of like a serial killer, it's like, she comes back home and like, there's like an alien in her house and like, yeah, like

Foreign Frights: 'When Evil Lurks'

Shit was shit was good. I liked it. Yeah. Yeah, so I don't even notice like it wasn't like a like a funny games home invasion with like, you know people torturing a family like Making a white strip and stuff like that like this was very different if like, you know, it's a home like it's an alien invasion, but
Yeah. It's hard to describe it with something else, but I remember watching it and then like, you know. What's the alien hostel? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's a bad scene to come home to. Yeah. It's never a good scene. Yeah. And I remember watching it and then like, you know, reading it, like listening to some reviews or reading some reviews. And they were like, they were like,
Yeah, there was almost no dialogue for like the entire movie. And I'm like, I don't even notice that. Like, so I mean, there is some dialogue in it, but it's like, it's almost like 70, 80 minutes, like three chords in the movie, there's almost nothing. And it's like, I was like, oh, wow, they did a really good job with that. But yeah, I like that one. Next, I'm gonna have to go with this foreign film, which I'm pretty sure I recommended to you, but you also did not watch, When Evil Lurks.
I did not say it. No. Yeah, that one. It was a I believe it was a Spanish horror. It takes place in like a remote village where like two brothers find like in a demon affected man who is about to give birth to evil itself. No, it's funny because when you did recommend that movie,
I ended up instead watching a TV show that was a foreign TV show called Drops of God, but that does not fit in our purview because it was ultimately about people like test tasting wine.
It wasn't hard, but yeah Yeah, well this basically like they try to get they decide to get like rid of the body But it only like they only end up like spreading more chaos when they do that like it's I thought it was really good what like They were like trying to get rid of the body and like things went very badly wrong and
Yeah, things things kind of go sideways, you know, like instead of like, because I guess they don't do it the right way, and it kind of ends up, you know, spreading and spreading into more people and affecting more people.

Praise for 'Evil Dead Rise'

Oh, because the body was like, like carcinogenic, right? It was
No, it's like a straight up demon like it's just ends up like is that like the very name trapped like in this person.
And it just keeps like, you know, really disfiguring this fucking dude. Oh, yeah. The way they have to destroy it, otherwise it spreads and they don't do that. So it must be stabbed in the heart from a bone saber from the realm of Zuma Calis. No, you could actually poke him with a pillow and kill him.
Anyway, that was a reference from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Yeah. What do you have next, number four? I don't even know what number I'm at. Yeah, these aren't necessarily, I guess, in order. I mean, I guess I kind of am. Yeah, it's just like whatever.

Unique Scares in 'Talk to Me'

But sticking with the demon infestation, I'm gonna have to go with Evil Dead Rise on this one. That was definitely one of my favorites. Yeah. Oh, last year.
It was awesome. I mean, when you compare it to the previous Evil Dead movie, which was whatever it was, it was really, I mean, I think it was actually, yeah, it would have been around then. And I mean, I know you liked it, but I thought it was like really fucking bad.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, I liked it, but I definitely like this one way better. Yeah, for sure. Again, it was like the setting change really helped put it in the apartment building. We did a whole cast on it. I'm not gonna go real into it. Yeah, I mean, it's just sick as fuck. I mean, yeah, you guys say it. If you haven't, yeah, if you haven't seen that, that is a priority number one. Yeah, I believe we are getting another
Evil Dead movie as well, probably next year, I would assume. Yeah. I know. I think I had the note somewhere that they were doing it. Just great that the franchise is staying alive. Like, you know, I'm hoping for. I mean, we're also isn't Bruce.
Isn't Bruce Campbell doing something evil deadish in the form of animated series? I knew it was supposed to be a series. I didn't know it was going to be animated. He's just going to be doing the voice.
Yeah, because he said he's done with the character. So yeah, I heard him say that. But like, I mean, for the right amount of money, and the popularity of the franchise after its last movie was so successful, well received.

Clones and Mystery in 'Infinity Pool'

You can always bring somebody out. You can always bring somebody out. I think it would depend on A, money, B, script for him. Yes. I was going to, I was basically going to say the same thing. I was going to say, we already talked about the money, but the script, like if the money was good and he saw a script or he was like, huh, yeah, I feel that jam. I bet if Sam Raimi called him up and was like, yo, one more time.
Yeah, if he called them up and said hey look I'm sending you something you should have it FedEx like the next day do me a favor give it a read let me know and He read it and there was something that intrigued him and Sam also said something like by the way like the money's gonna be right Boom. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, so and then still sticking with that demon talk gonna go talk to me hard with the demons Yeah, talk to me. Did you see that one? I do not think man. I got basically Interview you on this shit. Tell me the one where they talked to the hand. I Thought we did a cast on that. I don't know Maybe I mentioned it to you
And my mind is mush right now. My medications got switched up today and I'm kind of having a thing going on right now.
Which yeah, I mean you very well could have I mean, maybe I did say I don't know But I mean the last few months for me have been like really crazy. I've been like traveling all over the fucking place So like my mind is just sort of like a blur right now anyway, but uh talk what what got it up there for you and
Was this, you said your list is in like no particular order, but they say like subconsciously, like when we do like a one to 10 scale or something like that, we generally put like in like the top three, like our, you know. Yeah, this would definitely be, this would definitely be like top five, I would say. It's like this small Australian film.
where this girl who is still grieving the death of her mother, I think? Man, it's been

Supernatural Mystery of 'Cobweb'

a while. But anyway, she goes to this friend's house who have this statue of a hand with an arm, and it's this written shit all over it. And basically, it's kind of like a Ouija board where you
would grab the hand, and then you welcome the spirit in, and you would say, talk to me, and then you would be holding hands with the spirit. Yeah, I did not see that shit. And then you say, let me in, and then the spirit takes over your body, but you have to blow out the candle or let go of it or whatever within a certain time, otherwise it stays with you. And yeah, as you can imagine, shit does not go well. Yeah.
But yeah, I thought it was really well done. It's definitely worth checking out. So I'll have to send you a list of some of these that you have not seen so you can actually watch them. Yeah. Then I guess I would say Infinity Pool. I don't know if I saw any of this shit. You didn't see Infinity Pool? That was the one with Mia Golf and one of the Scars guards.
where they go to like that, I can't remember what country it was, but they go to like this resort and then they like leave the resort and somebody accidentally gets killed and then they go to like, you know, the jail for it, but like to get out of it, they can just pay a fine on the make clones of them and the clones will get killed. And it's just like, no, you didn't see that one.
I feel like television was like my thing with like in 2023 like the return of like quality like just yeah the quality of like the uh television horror series was like 2023 for me I don't know any of these movies you're talking about I have no memory of the titles or like what happened so
2023 just wasn't there for me, movie wise. I thought 2023 was a, well, I mean, it was a returning year. It was a returning year from all the shit that went down on the pandemic.
everything that had been like, you know, held back was like released. So I mean, we just got like, we got content. So that's what made 2023 such a great year. But yeah, for me, like I think it was more about television, because I don't know any of these fucking movies. I'm totally I only got three movies left. Well, what was number three?
Cobweb, although that necessarily isn't one of my, I wouldn't say that was in my top five. I would say that would be within like five through six, five through 10. I just forgot to mention it. I just saw it on my list. When I wrote the list down, I was just kind of writing movies down as I remembered them and not necessarily putting them in order. So then I was kind of reading them randomly as I was going through that. But Cobweb was the Lizzie Chaplin, Anthony Starr one.
that I know I mentioned to you. Yeah, I definitely saw something with Lizzie Chaplin in it, but I remember not liking it. Yeah, I don't know. I thought it was decent. I'm almost certain that I saw this movie. A horror movie with Lizzie Chaplin recently. Yeah, I'm almost certain I saw it. And him and Anthony Storm, please.
Homelander and the boys and he was in Can you just give me a quick breakdown on the pot? It was the one with the these eight-year-old boy here is like knocking sounds coming from inside the wall and as like the parents have been keeping a secret from where his parents are like super strict and Shit on him and it ends up being like his like sister or whatever that like is kind of a witch or something that they locked in the walls and
Nope. I remember you telling me something, you know, I remember telling you about it, but I think it might because I love her and I would want to watch it just because of her.

Slasher Simplicity in 'Thanksgiving'

I do remember you telling me about it. Yeah, I did say you should watch it just for her and Anthony Starr performance alone.
Yeah, you know what I think might have happened? I think you might have told me about it. I think I might have looked it up and I saw it rather than just watching it for myself. I think I might have looked on like IMDB saw that had like really poor ratings. Six out of 10. Like that. Oh, then I would have watched it. Huh? That's weird. I do remember you telling me about Lizzie Chaplin.
It was something else involving her, but yeah. Yeah, I don't know what else she was in last year. But anyway, then Eli Ross Thanksgiving.
Yeah, that I mean, yeah, everybody saw that. Yeah, that was awesome. That's on Netflix. Now, in case you haven't seen it, it's on Netflix. Now, I thought that was a lot of fun. I was kicking myself as I was watching it because I was like, fuck, why and I think of this like it's such an easy fucking simple plot.
like Black Friday somebody gets killed and then somebody takes revenge and I was like fuck. But I see like I kind of like I kind of discovered that early on too but I was just kind of like trying like I try like I try not to solve plots in my head like I enjoy a movie more when I just let the movie tell me the story
Everybody does inevitable you always try you can't help yourself. Yeah Securious animal and it's always going to be trying to at the micro level problem solve at all I try to clear myself and just you know, I enjoy the story more when I do it like I just meant like
the basic idea of Black Friday, you always hear those stories about people getting trampled and shit like that. And then somebody takes revenge because somebody gets killed. I was like, man, that's such a simple idea. I can't believe it's taken this long for somebody to do that.
So but yeah, I thought that was a like nice 80s homage to like slasher films and like I enjoy I think I actually watched it

Critical Acclaim for 'Godzilla Minus One'

twice Yeah, I've only seen it once over but now that's on Netflix again. I might have to watch it again But uh, the final film I have on my list is Godzilla minus one I didn't say it I mean, it's very new I think that
Yeah, it came out like December, I believe, and then I released it. It really stolen theaters at first. Yeah. Yeah. Still theaters. I think there's going to get it, but there, there was a service I use and there has been some.
drop off in AMC viewing like financially like things were a little shaky for them and so well basically we're not allowing anything to be
Download it and shared. They've been cracking down on our sharing community. No, it's the people that have these sites. We've decided that nothing can be shared while it's in theaters. We did this once before when AMC was in trouble.
We basically set a standard saying that movies that have been in theaters should not be able to be streamed until they've gone through their due course in a P2P sharing community.
Because we perceive that there may be a loss in revenue to AMC and we want AMC to do well. Well this film when it came out it got such good reviews that they just slowly kept putting it out in more and more theaters and then eventually they even put it out like a black and white version of it as well.
No shit. And then I believe it got a some award for best special effects as well recently. So there's two versions of it right now. You could see it in theaters in color or black and white or.
Yeah, you have like the option to do that. Yeah, I mean, I don't know if it's still both of them are still playing in theaters because I haven't been paying that much attention. But they yeah, they did eventually end up releasing a it's called Godzilla minus one minus color. No, and they're airing at the same time in theaters. So you could choose which one they were. But I don't know if they still are. But
Yeah, that's really interesting.

Theater vs. Streaming: A Generational Shift?

I've never fucking heard of that. Like the same movie airing at the same time and like one being in color and one being in black and white. Yeah, I think it depends on which. I've never heard of that ever happened.
Yeah, yeah, before. But that's how to be a first. That's how well received this movie is. It's why I want it like it's not only a good Godzilla movie, but it's just like a good movie in itself where like if it didn't have Godzilla in it, it'd still be fucking amazing. And like, you know me most of these times I'm like, yeah, I just want to like watch monsters fight and shit. But this one made me go like, holy shit, like this is a fucking good movie. It's basically take place, you know,
right at the towards the end of, you know, World War Two. So it's kind of like a rebooted Godzilla and follows this Kamikaze pilot who lands on this island, you know, because he's having like engine trouble or whatever. And then fucking Godzilla attacks that island.
And then he manages to escape with his life. And then he manages to go back to his main home, which has been devastated by war. And he's trying to pick up the pieces again and shit. And then Godzilla just comes in and starts wrecking everything again. It's so good. It's such a good movie. I'm so sorry I haven't seen this one. I did not realize.
that it was that well received. It's still, maybe I will- I don't think it's in theaters anymore. I can look it up real quick, but I believe- No, it's not a big deal, but by the next cast we do, I'll definitely have seen that. Okay.
Regardless, if it's still in theaters, I'll go and see it. I've been wanting to do a date night in theaters. I haven't been to the theaters in so long. It's definitely time to do a date night.
I'm not seeing any show times on the IMDB. It doesn't really matter. But would you say of 2023, would that be your number one movie? I think absolutely.
Alright, so yeah, that's the winner of that. And yeah, I mean, if it's that if it's been that well received, I'm sure I'll enjoy it as well. So I mean, yeah, there's definitely some things I want to talk to you about. But I don't want to say anything right now because it will. Yeah.
I'm assuming anybody would hear this as a horror fan probably has gone there. A lot of people I know right now, though, they just will not go to theaters. I know a lot of people that just
Like believe that like movie theaters just don't exist anymore. They only Will do like the streaming movies and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, we talked about how sad like Psychologically like there's like a jet and these and this is a lot of like the younger generation like

TV Highlights of 2023

My, uh, young cousin, like... That's good, because those people don't like a fucking actor. She will be theater. She will not... Well, I don't know... I think my cousin is pretty goddamn mature. I mean, she's not a teen, but I think she's pretty fucking mature. I don't know about the asshole friend she hangs out with, but, like, she just, like, with her and her friend, she... They just don't go to movies anymore. And that's really fucking sad to me. Like, the theaters must arrive.
Did you have any, uh, did you have any movies before we move on to TV shows? TV shows though, my number one of, uh, 2023 was fall house. Uh, sure. Absolutely. Any other TV shows you remember? I do. I know it wasn't the best received, but you know, fuck y'all if you didn't like this.
I thought season three of The Witcher was excellent. Lawrence Fishburne, big cast for season four. I mean, what's that? I said Lawrence Fishburne was cast for season four. I did not know that, but I mean, we're not talking about that right now. The Witcher season three was well received with the
a lot of critics, but a lot of user reviews were poor of The Witcher 3, Season 3. I still think overall it got, I think there's more people that liked it than disliked it, and I just don't know where some of the critics were coming from with that season, but I thought it was awesome.
If for nothing else, just that one episode where they did the ball, the big ball, like it was the meat. I mean, it was, I thought season three was great. And I've already talked about my anxieties towards season four. And you mentioning, uh, Larry being in this, that just gave me like a boost. Yeah, that's good. Uh, I know a couple other ones that you did see, uh, coordinated curiosities.
we did a cabinet cast where we I mean we kind of skim over like the ones that were you know we just do like a brief synopsis on the ones we didn't like that much and got a little bit more in depth to the ones we did but I can say that the worst episode of cabinet of curiosities was still something that I rewatched because I enjoyed it enough
Yeah, I thought it was my love.
Yeah, I actually rewatched it. So I mean, yeah, I would say my I would say the Witcher fall house usher and cabinet of curiosities even though it's
Every episode was different. So I mean, going to TV show, it's a little bit different. Well, I don't have any other, uh, I don't have any other anthologies on my list because I didn't think that last VHS, uh, was very good at all. I think it was like 90 or 96 or 84. I don't remember which one it was, but it wasn't

New 'Goosebumps' Series

very good. What else did you have in television for 2023?
Yellow jackets season two. Yeah Yeah, I mean I Don't know if that was in my top three. What do you have a side of that? from season two for
Wait, I didn't realize that from season two was in 2023. I thought from season two was in 2022. No, it came out like a couple weeks before I remember finding out because that's how I found out about the show pretty much was because I was seeing advertisements for season two.
I'm ignorant of the fact because when I start watching from
the first two seasons were already fully completed. Yeah, season one season two was available. So I didn't realize that I thought the season I thought from season one was in 2021. And from season two was in 2020. So I was I was off the year. Otherwise, that would have been something that I mentioned right before fall the house and
I would say then my top three would probably be Fall the House from season two and Witcher season three. That would be my top three. I know you have more on your list. What else do you have? Yellowjack is great. We did a very in-depth cast about that.
I was going to put Chucky season three on there, but I didn't realize that that was only part one that they released because of the writer's strike. There's part two coming out this year. Chucky's been great, man. I like that show. I haven't watched it. What I saw was a little. Yeah. What we do in the shadow season five.
Yes, phenomenal. Very, very, very well received. And, you know, I'm really glad that they're still doing it. It's just not for me.
But I respect the content enough to know that it's good and I'm glad they're doing it. And I like all the people that are involved in it. So I think it's awesome. It's just like, yeah, not for me. Yeah. Unfortunately, I heard it's only getting one more season, but that show has been great.
Yeah. Well, I'm, I'm sure like with the success that it's had, I'm sure that they're going to move on to something else. Oh yeah. That would probably be really awesome. I mean, for all I know, they have something else in the works and you know, yeah, don't be talking about that either. That new Goosebumps series with Justin Long. I didn't see it, but I heard all that. That's like a priority.
Yeah, Justin Long's great in it. But yeah, I like the rest of the kids. See, unfortunately, Justin Long's so great that like a lot of my friends like him and the, whatchamacall, there was a particular thing that happened in it that was like
you know, uh, talked about a

Notable 2023 Video Games

lot. Unfortunately, I heard about it before I saw it. And so it's got like somewhat spoiled for me, but like, yeah, I'm really looking forward to, uh, getting into that. So yeah, that's, that, that, that's going to be maybe something that we will discuss a little bit more in depth down the line. Maybe we'll see. Perhaps. Yeah. Uh, I also have, uh,
a few zombie shows on here, Last of Us. I also put, you know, The Walking Dead, Dead City. The one with Negan. Last of Us was 2023? Yeah, that was last year. I thought it was 2022. Yeah, I'm off. Sorry. Yeah. Walking Dead, Dead City. The one with Negan and Maggie in New York. And The Walking Dead, Daryl Dixon.
Fucked you. Fucked you. Fucked you. Fucked you. And then that's all I got. But those were more towards the bottom. All right. Thank you for joining us, Finn. Well, before we leave, I want the, I mean, there's probably some games that came out last year. I mean, I didn't play any. Yeah, if we're going to talk about best 2023,
I guess last year was Resident Evil 4. The remake. Not to be convinced we're remastered. It was brilliant. The biggest criticism that I heard of the game
Was that the merchant that you meet where you buy and sell, you know, barter equipment, buy new guns, upgrade your weapon, stuff like that? The biggest criticism I heard was that the merchant did not sound as creepy when you went to talk to him.
He used to say, what you need. Like, and apparently in this one, he's more, I, I didn't know this much, but in this one, he's more like, hi, what you need? Like, apparently that was the biggest criticism of the game. It was totally brilliant. I am not sure if it was 2023 or not, but
There is a series of games called Amnesia, and I know one of them was released in 2023.
Yeah, I remember hearing that too. Bonker is the one that I was playing, which has been like the most critically acclaimed. And I don't know if it was 2022 or 2023, but dude, that game is scary as all fucking hell. And I should also note that Resident Evil 4, I believe in December,
got a VR mode for it too. So that was also really fucking awesome. I only unfortunately got to play about 10 minutes in VR mode because my VR doesn't properly connect to the PlayStation, which is the platform I'm on. But that was really cool. There were
I could tell you a couple other ones that came out. There was a Dead Space remake as well. There was something else I was thinking of. Alan Wake 2, which I heard was really good. I just ran benchmarks on it. I just built a new system and I just ran some benchmarks on it. I'm only about like 25 minutes into it. Although I am really consider Alan Wake to be like, oh, it's sci-fi.
Yeah, so yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the only other game that I know that came out last year was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, which I've heard was pretty good. But I didn't the I don't it's on Xbox and on Oh, I think it's on all three. But the multiplayer Evil Dead game didn't that come out in 2023?
I don't know. I don't know. Was that last year? Or was that 2022? I thought that was 2022. Well, maybe it was. I'm not sure, but I thought it was 2020. Maybe it was. I don't know, but that's true. Man, I'm still playing games that came out five years ago. Dude, I mean, because I mainly play like Epic RPGs and like
I'll also play Resident Evil games because Resident Evil games are awesome because they have all of them. Such great replay value.
Until like new game plus where you know you go to online like a lot of Resident Evil games like you have to play them twice in order to Get everything that they offer because some of them have like more content in the second playthrough And there's more things you can do so they're epic and I play a lot of like epic RPGs or you know stuff like that so

Gaming Innovations in VR

in terms of games I'll get like years and years backed up like I still haven't in the sci-fi realm I still have not played or even started Fallout 4 yet which you know I mean obviously there's a lot of mods and stuff for that game but like I have not
even started that yet so yeah I'm way back on video games and stuff but I mean there's a lot of great horror content out right now in video games and a lot of them have VR modes which if you have the means my goodness gracious Resident Evil 8 in virtual reality was so amazing
Well that's so fucking amazing. 8 or 4? Resident Evil 8, Resident Evil Village.
Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's, I think you put, didn't you play some of that? Yeah. I mean, it was amazing. Yeah. I didn't get that far. I kind of got trapped in the town. Yeah. You get out. It starts off very challenging, but then kind of levels out. But in the beginning, like a lot of people are just like, you know what? Fuck this game. Not to know that it like settles down like a little bit later, but
Yeah, I remember walking through town and being like, oh, cool. How's it going, people? Yeah, you were telling me and my father and son like shit just fucking got- I'm just trying to walk through town.

2023 Reflections and 2024 Predictions

I didn't shoot nobody in the face. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Things get out of hand very quickly. Yeah.
But, uh, yeah, that's all, uh, that's all we got for today. Uh, next cast will, uh, you know, uh, bring you up to date on the news you missed in the past like month and a half. And we'll talk about some of the things we'll talk about the stuff that, uh, is currently out in the year 2024 and what we're currently watching, of course, and some, uh, predictions and stuff like, uh, that, that we have for, uh, the,
the year 2024 and at least some things we're looking forward to anyway, what we're looking forward to. And like, I kind of meant like, predictions in terms of what content I believe is going to be successful in this year, based on the content that we know is upcoming. Yeah, I think that's a good year.
Well, I have a prediction of one thing that's gonna massively suck. And I don't want to get into it now because if I start mentioning it, I'll like go on a total rant. But yeah, I mean, that's pretty much it for 2023. And yeah, next time we're gonna be talking about 2024. And I think overall, it's gonna be a fucking amazing year. Yeah, I really I think it's gonna be 2023.
handily. So I hope everybody had, I know this is massively late, but I hope everybody had a great New Year. I hope 2024 treats you much better than 2023. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I hope you had a Happy New Year. I hope you had a Happy Valentine's, a Happy President's Day. Oh, Happy President's Day and Motherfuck President's Day.
Was, was, Predator Day. AMC, what was it, 2002? We're still gonna talk about that. I'm gonna figure that out one day. Why AMC chose the fucking 1987 classic, Predator?
as their fucking breakthrough movie to set their new platform of fucking activity. And we never really did crack that case for a while. I actually got a reaction from like some AMC intern. He told me to like,
apply for press credentials, and then I could speak to somebody about that. You would think they could look that up on fucking computer. I don't know. I never found out the information. Yeah, maybe next presidents. I will figure that out anyway. Thanks for joining me. Thanks for joining us. I should say and follow us on the Facebook group. You know, slash right central and uh,
Yeah, we'll catch you next time. Peace.