So I was like, oh, Gianna, you're early. You have 15 minutes just to play on your phone and go hang out. And she looks at me like thank like, really, mom, you were just so like crazy getting me here. And I'm like, well, at least we're early, right? That's a mom win, I think. That's a win. But then I felt bad because I was like a psycho like you know rushing her to get there, so we weren't late. But it all worked out, whatever. And then, of course, like my husband picked her up, and he's like so You dropped her off a little early. I'm like, I don't want to talk about it. So I guess a better mom fail would have been like when I packed my kids' backpacks and their lunches and I sent them to school all the way to school but for the teacher to come out and be like, no, no, no, school's not today. Yeah. that's yeah Just train her to relearn it. I know. It happens, right? All you got to do is laugh. I just feel like whatever. That's my motto, whatever.