The Sadness (2021) & A Chinese Lager image

The Sadness (2021) & A Chinese Lager

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
153 Plays3 months ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! We're diving into a really gory and depraved film today, The Sadness. Gnarly movie with some really intense scenes, but it's also fun. Also, we have a beer from China! Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Hops of Horse Podcast. I'm John, your host as always. Thank you again for tuning in. If you have not yet, jump on any of our socials, give us a like, give us a follow, give us a subscribe, subscription, however the fuck any of that works. Throw us a rating, throw us a comment, anything like that to help ah you know keep us engaged in everything. ah Numbers are looking good. Just take a look at the analytics today. And in the past month alone, right so I used to like do this in the early days because it was like super cool. um And it's always super cool. Don't get me wrong. But in the past month alone, we've been in one, two, three, four, five.
Uh, 10 countries, 10 different countries, including like five brand new ones that I have never been in before. Uh, so thank you guys for spreading the word or, you know, help getting it out, whatever you guys are doing is working. So thank you. Uh, again, for just, you know, the continued support, um, in case you're wondering, it is little hops and whores podcast on all of those platforms, uh, Instagram, Facebook, you know, uh, YouTube, we're working on it. We're, we're, we're getting very, very close for that to be up and running. Um, hopefully in the next week or two. We'll have that figured out and you guys will get to see my ugly mug do this live. ah ah Speaking of ugly mugs, we're doing the sadness today from 2021. I guess the US release was 2022. This is sitting at 89% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 6.4 out of 10 on IMDB. Our rating is a little higher than both of those. We give it a 9 out of 10 because it just
gives you everything you want if this is what you're looking for in a movie. um The beer we're drinking today kind of coincides um with this. So this movie is ah from Taiwan, so it is subtitles and all that other stuff. ah You're going to have to suffer through it. But there's really not much to to follow along. there's you know It's not that kind of movie. It's not a deep storyline. it's you know Guy and girl get separated and they try to find their way back in the midst of some horrific fucking ah virus that's taking over their town or their country or whatever's going on. But the beer I chose today is Sing Tao. I hope I didn't fuck that up too much, but it's a Taiwanese lager. No, it's a Chinese lager, sorry. I know that that's like kind of a touchy subject. um Yeah, but it's a tiny Chinese lager. It's just a beer-flavored beer.
um Yeah, 4.7% and it's a 2.89 on untapped. I definitely disagree with that. I'm giving it, you know, probably closer to, you know, three and a half. ah it's It's not my favorite style. um A lot of these like, or, you know, Asian loggers that come over and you can find them at like any Abaji restaurant really that, that, or in the United States, they have all this kind of shit. ah They're just not for me. It's a little different. um and don't know I don't know what it is. it's just It's just not for me. It's got a different flavor. ah But this one, I mean, whatever. it's It's not a bad beer. i'm not I'm not mad that I have it. So let's take a sip.
Yeah, I mean, it's, so yeah, whatever, it's beer. You're not gonna find it in a case or anything like that around here, but you'll see it at like a local six-pack shop, and fuck it, try it. You can say you had a beer from China. um All right, so what do we like about this movie? well There's so much gore, right? This is a movie that if for some reason you just want some shock value, you want to see some vile fucking shit, you want to see so some over-the-top kills, you know, pretty much for 90 straight minutes.
ah look no further than the sadness because this fucking this it's awesome it's awesome it's a lot of fun there are great practical effects there's uh some really great visuals to go along with that right so it's not just like you know gore for gore's sake um They had some you know, there's some good tension scenes where you're not quite sure how the you know character is gonna get out of the situation There's like really good reveals on you know, like there's a good you think it's gonna be a feel-good moment and it's just not because there's something lurking behind and
They do a good job with all those reviews and everything. um The score is nice. They, you know, it's real subtle. You pick it up in places, but it really adds to the moments um as you're watching them. What we didn't like, nothing really. This is about as solid as it gets for a horror film, honestly. um I mean, they probably could have liked. you know, scale back the rape a little bit. There's a lot of that in this movie, but that's part of the movie and they talk about that. But um I'm not sure if it's in like all time great territory. So like, I usually go, you know, one to 10. But to get up over a nine, you have to be and I have to be able to put this movie against like The Shining or Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You know, I have to put you in in that realm. It has to be spoken.
um in In with those those kinds of movies right and and I don't know if it's there. Maybe after a couple more watches um You know we can start Comparing it to stuff like that, but I'm not um I'm not ready to do that just yet, but regardless nine out of ten s You know a killer fucking score. This is a solid movie and and if you know you know what I would say that this is like intro to Like, and they're not snuff films, but they're like the really dark fucking movies of horror, like a Serbian film, trauma, uh, Salo, like all all these crazy fucking, um, you know, dark, twisted, you know, the I spit on your grave movies and Last House on the, like like just some of these like really, really dark movies in horror, um,
human centipede things things like that if you think you're ready to go down that path this would be like a good movie to watch to see if you're ready because they do some pretty grotesque things ah that's also another one um you know grotesque things in this ah movie that are that really you know you'll find out if if you're ready for stuff like that or not um I don't know. I loved it. I loved every second of it. for i' i Initially, when I watched it, there was a lot of hype behind it. And I think I just had unrealistic expectations. um And once we got through a certain point, I was just kind of like disinterested, not disinterested, just it did it. I don't know what I wanted out of the movie. um I guess they were talking about it being in the craziest movie ever fucking made, whatever it was. and
um I ended up just being a little disappointed, but not not at all this time. I fucking love it. I thought it was really good. and And that's what's cool about, you know, I've said it before, I'll say it again, just revisit a movie every every once in a while. You never know how your taste changed throughout time. um Obviously, you guys probably have your favorites. By now, things that are your go-to, you know, if you love Halloween, you can watch it whenever, you know, and you don't overanalyze it. You can just sit there and take it in for what it is. um And this, you know, um this was a movie that I mean I'm not putting this in the same room as Halloween but it's just cool to like double back and check these movies out again and just see like wow you know I enjoyed that a lot more than I did the first time or or I hated this fucking movie and I loved it the first time um it's just crazy how everything changes but we're coming up with the eight-minute mark you guys know what that means we're gonna head to spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie shut me off and come back in about eight minutes but for all you guys that want the rest of the movie fucking ruined for you here we go
That's right. It's spoiler time. ah Yes, we're gonna talk about the movie now um and this will be like kind of a scene by scene, but not necessarily um You know, I know that we kind of got away from that a little bit We'll talk, you know, we could just kind of go through the movie and we'll cover the main events and there's a lot to cover because there's so much shit ah That happens in this movie. um I think this is a really cool take on a zombie movie um It's incredibly depraved it is You know, it just takes zombies, right? and And like the most horrific zombie films with the most, you know, insane gore that ah that you've ever seen. And oh my God, here we go.
Okay, sorry about that. My wife's texting me, telling me ah that she's on her way home. So perfect timing. We got about 20 minutes to get through the rest of this. We'll go from there. um Yeah, but it just adds like you know malicious intent. They're not just mindless, right? like They know what they're doing and they're they want to hurt you. They want to rape you. They want to fucking inflict as much pain and suffering upon you as they possibly can. And then you know they get to a certain point with you and if you're I guess lucky enough I don't really know what that would be because some people do just just get killed ah they get they get eaten torn apart all kinds of you know crazy shit but there's a few that survive this torture and they love it this is the thing there's like a couple references you know that
a character will step in gym on the basketball court or whatever he steps in and he's like why did you stop them I was about to get off and like they're fucking this dude up you know they're like ram his dick against the fucking barbed wire pole and all kinds of shit and that you know they're beating them over the head with like baseball bats and you're like Jesus Christ It's so fucking everything in this movie. ah it's pretty It's pretty gnarly, but you know what's nice is that it doesn't need a big backstory. ah You don't need a deep storyline on this. You have just enough of one, and that's Jim and Kat. There's lovebirds, and they get separated early on, and it's a very just basic day, right? Nobody knows when the end of the world is gonna happen or when it's going to be that day or whatever it is, ah but today's that day.
um Cat gets dropped off on the train to go to work, and Jim goes to get some breakfast, and some creepy fucking lady fella person. I don't know ah i don't know what what that is that comes in here. ah But it you know it doesn't take long to get moving. He goes to get some breakfast at this cafe. Granny wanders in. I'm pretty sure that's what they address this person as. But man, I don't know. That's about as confusing ah of of a, you know I guess, gender assignment that I've ever seen. And I'm not one to do that one way or the other. But i this person, that's how I'm going to address them. But yeah they kick it all off. and And you're thrown in quite literally to the most, you know a pretty graphic death right off the bat. you know They grab the hot grease.
ah from the deep fryer and crack it over some dude's head and then rip his face off like peel it off. This is like 11 minutes into the movie, I think you know in it just from there until the last scene, it does not stop and it's like an hour and 34 minutes. So you do the math you have about like 83 minutes of non-stop fucking badass gore you know crazy you know kind of cringy at times one-liners and all that stuff but you know once that happens and pretty much everybody starts getting infected you know they they s spit in someone's face to kind of help kick things kick things off a little bit their patient zero they don't say how they got it or where you know where this came from um they might have but i was you know i again i
It's a foreign film. You're trying to take notes. you know And I have to watch this like on my phone at work, so I have a three-inch screen that I'm trying to like you know pull notes off of and everything with subtitles. But I can't remember if they said where this came from or anything like that, but it does not like again It doesn't take long things go fucking absolutely full throttle from there ah You know there were two guys that were hanging out having breakfast or lunch or whatever They're having and once you start stabbing the ever-living fuck out of his friend just ferociously like again like it's the intent it's like it's not just mindless violence where they're just grabbing it and eating somebody and
They want to hurt them. They want to inflict as much pain as possible. Jim, for you know for what it's worth, decides this this is probably a good time to get the fuck out of here, and that's what he does. um But all hell is breaking loose. This is all happening right now. It's absolute fucking chaos. There's people getting hit by cars. There's people jumping out of the window. He's being chased down this alley by like 30 fucking people. uh he barely gets away and uh you know ends up getting back to his i guess it's his apartment building yeah it is um get but just like imagine getting home like all this is happening and you're like in survival mode and then maybe you just take like one second to let everything kind of you know just collect your thoughts
and you know shout out to Jim for fucking the first thing he does is grab a beer and chugs that fucking beer the second he gets home like I imagine I would do the same thing to help cope through this situation but you know your home is your safe space you know and and and once that's infiltrated and and you I was watching this movie and you know I was looking like oh man he's got a lot of windows and I'm thinking to myself like fuck if I got home and something like this happened my home is not a safe space you know like if somebody really wanted to come through a window they would I mean I have stuff to defend myself with but like I've only for so long um so just little things like that kind of creep into my head when I'm watching these things um but you know he's not safe his neighbor's there and attacks him with pruning shears and this whole time you're just there's like this foreshadowing and he's just holding these shears like apart from his head and everything and you're like why don't you just close the shears and it it's like you and the
Like the audience and and the guy with the shears it kind of realizes that at the same time and that's what he does and he cuts off Jim's fucking fingers and then takes a toaster to the face and then Jim runs off. um But like I said this movie just goes from zero to a thousand and you you barely have time to process like what's happening. ah But the whole being you know not being safe in your own home turning on the TV and just seeing the equivalent of you're fucked. would be awful but you know there's there's some good tension in the in the you know in the movie at times when you know they're trying to navigate staying out of sight from these things whatever they are i don't know if they're zombies or or what the fuck they are they don't really ever say they just call them the infected so um but just yeah the anxiety of trying to like stay alive is is is is a lot but
Then they flip over to Kat's exposure to this virus and after she gets sexually harassed on the train by one of the better villains I've seen in in a while. He's just called the businessman. That's what he is. He's just like an uncomfortable dude. You can tell he doesn't have like the greatest intentions, ah but for some reason, you know, he's here and and Kat's just trying to like get away from him, but somebody's on the train and they're infected. And he just starts stabbing people. That's it. That's just what happens. And this scene's very intense because it's just, once people start getting stabbed,
uh everybody starts stabbing each other so there's just like nowhere to go you're it's a very like real fear of being trapped um and there's just gallons and gallons and gallons of blood right like there's just like
They take everything to the next level, right? There's there's there's a lot of excessive violence and blood. And that's the point of the movie, I guess, is just taking it to the next level. And this is where you really start to see that because, you know, not only are they killing everybody and thinking, you know, well, we got some flesh tearing, we're ripping their fucking ankles off or biting it and they're ripping their necks out and stabbing the shit out of them. And the fucking businessman stabs a girl in the eye with an umbrella and they show all that. and You know, but that's not enough. No, no, no. Now they have to start raping the fucking victims. Like, what the fuck? I've never seen a ah ah zombie movie where they start raping people. Oh my God. It's rough, but the kills are fucking great. um there's That's what you have plenty of. there's There's a lot of good kills and a lot of good gore. and And it's very fun to watch if that's your thing because you, you know,
It's just fun, it's just fun. That's that's all there is to it. But Kat gets out of all that with the girl that got stabbed in the face, I think her name's Molly, um and she tries helping her. you know, kind of, let's get out of here together, by blah blah blah, which is kind of dumb. I don't know how far I, if something like this is happening, I don't know how far out of my way I would go to try to help somebody. um I mean, if it's going to be me or you, it's going to be be me every time, except for like my very close friends and family. Other than that, you're kind of on your own, man. I don't really know what to tell you.
but ah Yeah, like the businessman, once he gets infected, he just, he really, he gets very, very dark and very dement and demented and like sinister. He's just, you know, any of those adjectives you can apply to him because he's just, he's a sick motherfucker. And you wonder, you know, like, does that play in, because his character is kind of cringy from the beginning and you wonder if this virus just like amplified it, right? Just, and that's the point of this virus is it just attacks, you know, these primal urges to, you know, invoke violence and and
you know whatever other word ah whatever raping is whatever that is ah yeah it's just it's it's a dark movie but I just wonder where you know if if that triggered something in him also and and maybe that's why he he became just kind of like the a poster boy so to speak of this virus and what what it can do and what it's about and everything but He ends up chasing him down the tunnel. they're Another great kill of him ripping some dude's nose off. He's biting it and shredding it, you know, and and kills him off screen. But again, just so much blood. So much blood. And then that's it.
Molly and Kat escape, barely. They get to the hospital where everything's seemingly normal. And you know they have a couple scenes where like you don't you know the stuff that doesn't get talked about in these movies is the horrific sound of the end of the world. right The cries, the screams, the guttural growls from the infected, massacring their neighbors, their friends, their family. babies fucking kids just like all this stuff and and it's just like it's truly horrific uh just seeing the the aftermath and and trying to live through this like i don't know like there's there's like a scene where there's just like a like bloody strollers and it's just not like a bloody stroller it's a very bloody stroller and your imagination just goes like that was probably a horrific death just an absolutely horrific death especially after you see what they're doing to like
just regular people, like what are they doing to the kids? What are they doing to the babies? Now thank God they don't show anything like that. And the doctor later, you know, at the end of the movie brings that up, like, that's why I killed them. You know, so they wouldn't have to suffer through what, you know, would have happened to them anyway. Like, I put them out of their misery, you know, and that was like kind of a fucked up way to look at it, but, ah you know, instead of just saving them. But I guess he wasn't wrong. But all right, anyway, so like I said, this movie really leans into the depravity and and it just gets more and more as as the, ah
you know, as the movie goes on, but um this was, this was a really cool scene. Finally, you know, it seems like things kind of calmed down a little bit. They're hospital, people are getting help, they're getting treated, whatever. It's like a safe, but you can breathe for a second, right? You can try to reach out to a loved one, all this other stuff. the fucking whatever it's called i guess like the state of the union fucking address whatever the hell that is you know and they they start talking about what is happening and their plan of attack and and and how they're going to get through this and we have to stick together they throw out some statistics of the virus and blah blah blah whatever it is but in real time you watch this virus overtake the general and it causes him to
jam a live grenade into the president's mouth on live tv turns him around and it explodes and it fucking it explodes it is awesome they show the whole thing start to finish it is ah very graphic and then it cuts to like technical difficulties or whatever scene uh but that was my favorite so it's going to be our um
Yeah, man, that's the kill of the week. That was that was fucking great. ah But moments after that, you know before they even have time to process what the fuck is going on, businessman is back, right? Breaks through the glass, brings on the chaos, and all these people are just overrunning the fucking lobby. And you know he he he lets them do their thing, right? He has one target in mind. He wants cat. He can't find Cat. So he settles, right, for Molly, who has the eye wound. It's the one he stabbed earlier. ah But it's just, I, okay. So who, this movie is so brutal, right? We've already covered some pretty nasty things. But this is like another just level. This is like cherry on the cake, sprinkles on the fucking ice cream cake, cupcake, whatever, whatever bullshit analogy you want to like liken this to.
Who looked at this movie and was like, nah, it's just missing something. What what what does it need? You know what? Skull fucking. That's what this movie needs and then that's exactly what happens. The businessman grabs Molly, rapes her fucking eye socket. um yeah that's about it so you have a skullfuck scene uh... which you don't see every day thank god because and you don't you don't see it you just you hear it and you you get the gist of it i don't want to see it i've seen it in a movie before and it's pretty fucking graphic and i don't want to really see that again but anyway um again it doesn't stop though like you it's pretty much full throttle the entire time um it's a it's a pretty intense movie and and you don't really have time to
kind of walk away or go to the bathroom or anything like that because something is always happening and you know right after that there's there's one of the guys from the the lobby he trips over something after he watches a little you know zombie sex, which I know there's like a foursome in the hallway and they're like finger banging and banging each other and all covered in blood and guts and it's really weird. And I guess they're all infected. They all just wanna bang each other. I thought they wanted to like bang other people and rape other people, but I guess they wanna rape each other. I don't know. It's just, that was a kind kind of a weird scene. um But he runs into Molly and Molly's in the middle of eating somebody. um And before he can get away,
the The fearsome foursome that was banging in the hallway grabs him, holds him down, and Molly chops him up with ah with like a bone saw, you know, the one that they use to like cut open skulls. um And it it doesn't look like it was a pleasant death. It just looked very fucking, it's it's very bloody and there's a lot of chunks and just, it's it's rough. There's a lot of gore in this movie and it's wonderful, but it is dark, it is depraved. um I mean fuck that the dialogue is as violent as the fucking movie like they say some truly vile things in this and I should have wrote some of them down and just done like my favorite quotes for the for this maybe you know ah I'll take that into account like next time I watch something like this but man.
um i Mean we're almost to the end here though. ah It's pretty it's pretty intense Can't finally gets her revenge on the businessman beat some of the death of the fire extinguisher and then almost immediately you know ends up as like a potential science fair project with the fucking doctor and That's the same one from earlier with the you know talking about killing the babies and all this other shit And he talks about like the virus being like maybe possessed by like an evil spirit And maybe that's what's causing people to do you know, why they're doing this stuff when and why they they know that they're doing it, and but they they just have this urge to do it. They can't, you know, they have to succumb to the urges is kind of what he's saying. But um Cat notices the the the baby in the trash can and before she can react, she gets injected with infected blood and
Handcuff to the fucking wall and he says we're gonna wait a few minutes. I think you're immune to this and if you are this is cool We'll get to you know, we'll get your blood and your antibodies and all this other stuff. We'll get the safety I got a helicopter coming blah blah blah and then he goes and kills the baby ah but like what it seriously though like what box has an hasn't this movie checked in like like a horror movie bingo right there's there's blood there's guts there's there's there's gunshot kills there's you know damn near beheadings you got hit by a car jumping off a fucking building there's nudity there's flesh tearing there's you know
brutal kills brutal language fucking there's rape there's baby killing there's skull fucking like what doesn't this movie have right like somebody would have had to yell bingo a long time ago but um I mean he kind of shows back to the doctor he kind of shows that there's no real room for morality here because he does say like I mean if I didn't kill them god only knows what what they would have done to the babies in the maternity world maternity ward had i not intervened and and killed him so i mean he's i guess he's got a point but also why wouldn't he just try to save the babies he just said fuck it i'm gonna hide in here and run some tests uh but she kind of he set up pretty quickly because this all kind of unfolds in like a few hours uh seemingly but it's time to leave uh there's a helicopter coming
And she tells Jim, she had she has a phone, we didn't cover that, but I'm sure you guys know, because we're in the spoiler section, you should fucking know that, right? You should fucking know that if we're in the spoiler section, and I say something that I didn't mention before, because you should be like, hey John, guess what? ah You didn't tell us about the part where she gets a phone. And then I say, this is the part where I tell you she has a phone, and you should have known that. Anyway, so she she tells Jim. And this was a cool reveal. I liked that um you didn't know ah that he was infected. um And and you know it kind of leads to an unhappy ending. But before we get to that, we're almost done. ah There was one scene in particular that really fucking grossed me out. and
you know on their way to the helicopter ah they're ambushed and yeah the dude takes an axe to the foot he gets like the tip of his foot chopped off he shoots one of the guys and before he can shoot the other one he picks up the the infected picks up his his foot and just vomits into the open wound it's so gross like i don't know what it just looks like it's probably just like wet applesauce or something i don't know it's just this nasty fucking like consistency and there's a lot of it uh and it's going right into the wound and it's just you
All hope is gone at that point. Like, the doctor has to know, like, I'm fucking dead. Like, i'm now I'm dead. And he's pissed that that happens, right? And that's why he, like, shoots the shit out of the guy. um And he wants, you know, Kat to help him get there. ah Things aren't really going their way. You know, he's down to one leg, Jim shows up, and you find out he's infected. And he says all these awful, awful, awful things to his girlfriend. um Ends up killing the doctor. and she gets away just in time and they have this like little heart to heart and you're you're wondering like maybe maybe maybe Jim's like okay and then he he follows it up by saying again the most awful fucking things that you know you could say to another human being talking about like wanting to cut her boobs off and like fuck her to death and just like all these like awful like just Jesus Christ
So she cuts her losses and she heads towards, she hears the helicopter, she heads to the door and gets shot immediately. Yep, she gets gunned down by a fucking machine gun. All of that. She survived everything. You know, she had to get insulted by her boyfriend. She got attacked by some weird creepy businessman. You know, for the past however many hours. Barely escaped. Watched a baby get murdered. You know, just like all this awful shit. And you finally think you're there. And just to get mowed down by a fucking... Yep. And, you know, the movie just ends with with Jim dying with a big smile on his face. And, uh, that's it.
Well, I mean, this movie's a fucking ride. It's a lot of fun. There is no feel-good shit here. This was awesome. ah This is contender for ah maybe one of our our favorite movies of the year, like like not new movie, but like best movies of the year because... This was good, man. This was a lot of fun. It's different than some of the other ones we've covered recently. um and And we needed like a little bit of touch of gore to you know kind of amp it up a little bit because we haven't done anything like this in a while. So ah yeah, this was a nice treat. Really, really enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it and you let me tell you basically the entire fucking movie with all the cool scenes, that's your fault. But either way, if you have seen it, man, go fucking revisit it. This was a lot of fun. I definitely enjoyed it.
Yeah, that's about it for this week. Not sure exactly what's going on next week. but I think we're going to do the purge. um But you never know. and um I'm recording this like a month in advance. That's how far ahead I am right now, which is cool. um And it's nice that I have the the ability to do that. But Movies like the coffee table that we we covered a few weeks ago, you know that literally popped up out of nowhere and then everybody started talking about it. So I don't want to overcommit and say that's that's what we're going to do. That's what I'm going to try to do. We'll see what's going on. but
Yeah, that's about it. So again, thank you again for all the all the fucking support. It's badass. I hope you guys enjoyed the episode. Feel free to jump on any of our socials, comment, interact, anything like that. I love hearing from you guys. I love feedback. Tell me if I'm doing great. Tell me if I'm doing shitty that you're never gonna listen to me again or you want to listen to me more. You know, just just feedback is cool. You know, people like that. We like that stuff. And the more you tell me things and and rate my stuff and and give me good reviews and things like that, I'm one step closer to a beer sponsorship. This hinges on you, right? Spread the word. um Most of all, I hope you guys have a good weekend, heading into the weekend here. And well, yeah, we'll see you next week. So yeah, cheers.