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Senseless Murders in America - Where is the Hope image

Senseless Murders in America - Where is the Hope

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
123 Plays1 year ago

In this episode, Lisa is looking at recent crimes in America under the scope of senseless crimes. Where is the hope? What can we do?

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Playful Banter and Self-Critique

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Twisted Tales with Faith. And Lisa. Good lord. She's as prepared to say her name as she is this episode, guys. So buckle up. I don't, I've got no excuse for- I was gonna say my name and then I was gonna be like, I wonder what it should freeze.
Guys, it's been over a year and I haven't got one freaking resume to replace her and I literally would replace her with a parakeet. I think it's because I asked for resumes on the nights you speak and people don't tune into that.
I just want to see the statistics on that Actually, maybe I don't how many people tune into your episodes compared to mine
I don't know. I listen to my episodes a lot on mute. So get those ratings up, bro. You listen to your episode on mute. You can't even handle yourself. Like when I talk right now, I hear myself a certain way. Then I listen to your own recording and I'm like, I sound like.

Light-hearted Jokes and Procrastination

You know boyfriend had to be like, uh, she's a dude
Just say it. You're an a-hole. He ran inside giggling. No, it's probably because I said deep. More than likely. Everything's a dick joke. Five bucks. Everything's a dick joke. I bet you four bucks.
We shook on it. All right, now, without further ado. All right, bye. Here we go. Yes! Really? Remember Micah? Here's Leah when he preps that time. Yeah, but he sounded like Micah. You sounded like Kermit the Frog. I don't know. Okay. You go ahead and do that. All right, so Faith, we've already talked about how my couple weeks have gone.
with not being able to pick a fracking story. Dude, guys, we haven't recorded in three weeks. Not that you've not three weeks, not three weeks. Nineteen days. Shut up. I don't math. Nineteen days. Whatever. So we haven't recorded in that amount of time because it was Lisa's term and she'd be like, I'm almost done. I'll be ready. And then that day she'd be like, I changed my story last night. And that's happened for three weeks. It has.
So and you know what I don't even know that I'm satisfied with this Really really really starting to She didn't hear me or is ignoring me I'm ignoring you completely. Okay.

Self-Esteem and Social Media Inspiration

I Don't know. Maybe I'm starting to have self-esteem problems or something, right? You know, we don't have any any visitors to our
podcast you're just you're just an off my awesomeness and it puts you on the timid only I could pronounce words and make them up the way that you do we would be on board Brian's faith we've made a bet did you do giggle when you were leaving because she said deep or because I insinuated she was a man
Told you! That was half and half. I didn't hear a deep throat. You just said deep. He giggled solely because it was a dick joke. I warned you. All boys are 12 years old. Yes, but you are a huge go-back. Yeah, alright, anyways. Back to your story we've been working on for a month.
No, it's been different stories that I've got a lot. This is gonna be the most exciting five minutes of your life. Let's go So After like my in my third store, you're on your fourth. No, it was three. Oh, I'd be the first
I wasn't ready. I was hanging out with you. Really? First of all, don't cut that out. Because there's nothing more amusing than watching you try to sing. Second of all- I don't try, just kind of talking to Melody.
But was it, though? Why are we still talking? I don't know. Stop. I thought I wanted you to tell a story. Well, we don't label this long. We won't hit 20 minutes. There's a strong possibility there's not even a story on this screen. You don't know. I swear, if you're not ready, I will throw a punch you as hard as possible. Oh, that would be the best podcast ever. Since I have to run home to get the cord I forgot and stop the Starbucks. That's a lot of ways to gas. Well, I mean, you could have just got the cord to come back, but Starbucks was calling.
Yeah, I had to put up with energy. Anyways, so I went looking for a new case and I find my inspiration from just about anything. Okay, whatever pops up on a screensaver. A screensaver. Pop up ad. I don't know. I'm just rambling. I don't know why I won't quit talking. I'm done now. Faith.
I heart you. I heart you a lot. Anyways, this time I fell into a rabbit hole on TikTok. I love TikTok. And I was trying to find a case, something that I thought would just go well, right? Well, it doesn't, because once you fall into a rabbit hole, you're a rat. Okay, so I try and be original.
Maybe it's possible to talk about cases that people may not have heard of. I like to try to be outside the box, right? I don't, I don't do stuff on like get freaked at Walmart and people you've heard about 100 million times, right? The box being murder. Well, now you're just making me sound bad.
You know, maybe people wouldn't come to these conclusions about me fame if you didn't call out you said I Don't know can you shut up for five seconds still waiting on you to talk still waiting for you to shut up So
I look pretty much everywhere. Why do you keep talking? Because it's been three weeks and I have so many words to say. So I look everywhere for. Original topics you said.
I think I was literally waiting to see how long it would take before you started word vomiting into your microphone. Well, I have to incre- I have to put words in when you just quit talking and stare at me. Well, maybe I quit talking at you and stare at you because you can't stop. That's a lot of editing I'm gonna have to do. No, you won't. No, I won't. Then you're gonna blame me for all of it. I'm cool with that. I like taking the blame. Anyway, so I look pretty much wherever I can. I find like crap on TV shows, Facebook, Murderpedia,
and the newest would be TikTok. And it didn't take long for me, again, to head down that rabbit hole of the most vicious crimes, the most talked-about serial killers,

Exploring Senseless Crimes

the mob, blah, blah, blah. Right? All right. But then I turned into, like, this senseless crime thing, right? And I just kept, like, scrolling through, and I'm kind of...
in awe of what I was watching? Because I mean, first of all, what crime really makes sense? Not many. You know what I mean? So like all the crap that we talk about with all these like, douchebags, for lack of a better word.
Yeah. It doesn't make sense, so I don't know. Not to normal people, though. How do you categorize it as a... This was a senseless crime. They're all senseless. I agree. 110%. Unless it's someone robbing the place but they can't provide food for their family. I get that. I'm not saying it's right. I understand that. That is untrue. That... Did you see that TikTok? Where?
It's a picture of a courtroom and this guy is smiling ear to ear and he's the one getting sentenced to life without parole and his dad is hugging him and congratulating him on his sentence.
and he got sentenced to that after walking into like a park bathroom and finding this guy raping a little girl and he beat him to death with his bare hands. I don't feel bad. And then
turned himself in and was like, if that's my daughter, I'd want someone else to do it. I will serve this sentence with a smile on my face. And it like went viral because everyone's wanting. I'm literally going to have. I'm going to have to look at it. Everyone wants him to be. And yes, somebody needs to. I'd have done it. He walked. What are you going to do? Excuse me. Can you please desist molesting the child? Yeah. No.
Let me let me walk out real quick and pretend public service announcement I've been like it was a citizens arrest gone bad Arrested he struck the officer back
That nose is scared for my life, though. To combat your thing, there are crimes that I 100% agree with. That is one. All right, all right. Continue on. That's not senseless. Well, all right. That is making sense. See, though. Check out these crimes. So it is a senseless crime. Touche. Mm-hmm. Touche. Play on words. That works for me. I'm a word-matition. Okay. Anyways, after all the conversations that we've had, our opinions on punishment or lack of punishment,
It's not up to me. And so this is like literally- Thank God. This is like the almost epiphany that I have, right? Do you know what that word means? Because yes, faith and epiphany is an extravagant thought. I don't know. Coming to the realization that I quite possibly could be wrong. I don't know. Yes. Is it this?
in the world where'd you go what dark space because i said do you know what that word means yes maybe i don't know i do know what it means and i used it in the press the correct content sorry contents she is all right well you know what i hate me okay so

Comedic Distractions and Road Rage Cautionary Tale

the punishment all that it's not up to me
Sure, I can have opinions, but my opinion is clouded with disdain and anger and outrage most of the time, right? You're an angry person. Well, it just depends on what the person did. It like incites anger in more than just me. Faith? What are we talking about? What incites anger? This is a really long intro. Oh, just crimes in general? Murder. The murders we talk about.
You know what I'm saying? So I have, I have very harsh opinions on, on some things we got into that last week, but why in most cases we'll never be right. Like.
You find yourself shaking your head, and you're like, really? That's your reason. Well, it's just like making sense out of a racist person. Like someone who's like a narcissist. Yeah. You can't make logical, like someone who doesn't think logically, you can't logically explain their thought. Correct. And I think that is what incites so much fury and so many people is because that answer, that why, it's never coming. No, because even if they tell you why, you're not going to make any sense to you. Yeah.
As I thought through it more, I realized that I'm just not the type of person that should ever sit on a jury. Not just that, but I probably shouldn't even be doing a podcast. You shouldn't be allowed to talk to the general public. It was questions that I was asking myself, and I even wrote in my notes here, it said, the answer from faith is likely no. I shouldn't be involved in either. I said you shouldn't be involved in the general public. Brian's probably needs to be medicated. He chooses.
I married into it. I can't help but be around you. First of all, we were friends before you married him. Okay. The guy. Your brother. I gave her Ross sock puppet hands. Okay. Anyways, so for me, I'm a very black and white person. Hang them, hang them high. We all know. Yeah.
Maybe, probably not, who knows, right? So, bringing things back around, I wanted to start the podcast with a quote. I might also- Start the podcast, we're 20 minutes in. Hey guys, I want you to just start this podcast over. And I want you to record how much rambling faith has done to this point for me to read two freaking paragraphs, okay? And I want you to tell me who spoke longer.
Oh yeah, see, now she's stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned,
So whatever it is, it's a lie. It depends on how you take it, Faith, I guess. Literally, I have no words anymore. This could be like a three hour podcast, guys. I'm just going to throw that out there. So if you want to cut this off, I would. Or at least skip forward to the next 20 minutes when I can actually read what I'm trying to read.
As much as you continue on your rambles about how much I ramble, I think it's even Steven who talks the most random BS. I'm really going to jump into it here. I'm still waiting on you to get to the point. So Chuck Colton, who was a politician, and he said- Democrat or Republican? It matters to some people.
Faith, I'm gonna give you something that matters right in the face in about eight seconds if you don't... I'm gonna remember this for next week. I'm just saying. So, Chuck Colton said, where's the hope? The hope that is in each of us is not who governs us or what laws are passed or what great things we can do as a nation.
Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people. And that's where our hope is in this country. And that's where hope is. What year was that quote stated?
I honestly didn't do all that. I heard it on a Steven Curtis Chapman song. I was just wondering because for any politician to bring God into it, it has to be before... I don't even know that he was still a politician when he said this. I know that at one point he was in fact a politician. This wasn't like the basics of everything. Steven Curtis Chapman was awesome. E.T. Dubs. But, alright. I can't go over all the senseless crimes that I saw because we've been here for like literally years. The rest of our lives.
I picked a few just to talk about and ask you while you're listening to these stories, just ask yourself one question. Where is the hope? Okay. So the hope in my mind at this point, in my opinion, is not in the law anymore because it's clear to me, people are not afraid of the law. They are not afraid of consequences. So what is going to bring fear? Not consequences. So David McKenzie,
year 2023, it was 54 years old. In Baldwin, New York, was beaten to death after a fender bender that wasn't even his fault. Patrick DeSteen was a drunk jerk-off who hit him in his new infinity that he had just bought. It wasn't registered, it wasn't insured. Patrick is the one that blew the stoplight. He didn't have his headlights on, he didn't have blinkers, nothing.
Chase the guy down. Patrick told him, like, you know, leave me alone. I'll call the cops, this, that, and the other thing. David wasn't even far from his house when he caught up to him and stomped his head on the concrete saying, I should kill you. After David, David laid motionless. Patrick rummaged through his pockets and his car and basically took all of his stuff.
And then he was arrested later on. This is why you can't have road rage. You don't know what that psycho behind you is doing. It's like every little thing anymore. I don't do anything. I can't stop honking. People that are texting. People that are texting. And pull a gun on you. Yeah. Like no, I don't honk a jet. Like it has to be bad for me to honk.
I'm not gonna sit through a light. Bro, I- Because you're texting somebody. You, you flipped me off because I pretended to cut you off in the car line because you thought I was a soccer mom cutting you off at the last second. You are the biggest road rage person I've ever met. Okay, fine. You hawk, you yell, you flip off, you break check. You do not drive carefully. I do not break check, people. I quit doing that a long time ago. I don't know. I try not to drive with you.
from the girl who clips every mailbox that's with- 20 years ago! Yeah, you're over here talking about 20 years ago. No, I'm not. I'm talking about the morning phone calls where you're screaming out the side of your window flipping people off. Listen, guys, if you've ever been in a car line at a school, you know damn well
Then if somebody tries to cut in, you will cut them off, and you will sit there till you're both dead. Okay? It is infuriating. It's like someone's getting in like the one lane that's gonna like... You know it's gonna be the purge lane that you take it all the way to the end? I would rather total my core than let you get in front of me. Yeah. I'm almost wrecked because I refuse to let you get in front of me. Continue on. Sorry. Grant over.

Racial and Legal Issues in Violent Confrontations

For now.
AJ Owens, 2023, 35 years old, shot and killed in Ocala, California, attempting to confront her neighbor over the way her neighbor treated her kids. So let me just stop for a second. According to what happened, right? This woman screamed profanities at these kids.
through like roller skates at these kids. And as a mom myself,
I'm not gonna knock on the door of that neighbor's house all like, check, check, check. Hey. Hey. Those little skates are going through a window. I was really hoping that maybe we could have a conversation about what happened earlier today. But if you don't have time, that's fine. No. No, dude. No. Frickin' horns out. Oh. Angry screaming, red like thumbs up. Have you seen the TikTok thing that's going on right now?
No, they asked all like the northern moms like would you kill for your kid? No, I'd have a stern talking to every southern mom is like
Who do I need up without question? I don't even care if they're right or wrong. I kill for you. I wouldn't say a word. No, I would never do that. Because all the men are like, this is why we're scared of our wives. Northern guys, wives are like, no, our wives have already dug a hole. You gotta be smart about it. You gotta be smart about it. You're like, no.
Dude, if there's a murder within five miles of you, the police are questioning you if they've heard one time you've talked on the podcast. So might as well. All right, so I'm just saying.
For AJ, when she walked up to this house, she was fuming, I'm sure. And there's like, I don't have a ton of details on this. I'm literally just giving you, this was 2023, this did not happen long ago. This is a very recent case. So if you look it up, you know, and it's become very controversial because the women's shot was black and the woman that shot her was white.
And I'm seeing two white women. I don't care. You should shoot someone because they came because you were wrong. I would be bringing that freaking door down screaming profanities at you. Probably telling you that I'm coming in with they want me to or not. Okay? Yeah. And I'm kicking your ass.
I wouldn't even do that. I would verbally assault you so much that you cried. And if your mom is dead, you wouldn't call your mom. You'd go sit at a grave. That's not true. I would not do any of that, but I would send you.
I would not confront them. I mean, I can sit here and say I would go. I would not, but I would send you. Oh, yeah. Like a splash country that day when that lady was mean to Bella and I got upset about it. I told you, so you know, you're older. Mm hmm. But what I'm saying is like you people are going to have emotions. Yeah. You messed with a woman. You messed with Obama. Bear.
You should be able to have a confrontation without being shot in the face. Freaking A-Rights! Thank you! Can you imagine if we shot each other every time we didn't agree? Agree! Why are we f- I don't know, alright. Anyway. He said I had to be your friend. You chose me. I chose him. He said I didn't have a choice on you. I'm sitting here, aren't I?
anyway so like I said mom walks up
And, like, I probably lost her temper. Like, let's be realistic here. Telling this old battle axe to get out front. Because I would say the same frackin' thing. Come out here and we're gonna frickin' talk about this. Because if you ever even look at my kid again like that, you know what I'm saying? And people threaten. That's what we do. There are words!
My words can all hurt you, Faith. I can call you an ugly prostitute. You do regularly. I do. Because it doesn't do anything to you. It's a word. Whatever. Words can hurt. Could be an anansi. Just say my king. Pull your pants up. Velcro your shoes and get over it. They tie. They slip on. Tomato, tomato. They have laces.
Just like in our day and age, you have a confrontation with somebody. You yell and you scream back and forth. Every once in a while, it'll come to blows. Somebody will throw, punch, whatever. You move on. You know what I mean? You don't need to be involved in that. No, not at all. Except when you were in the wrong, by yelling at a child.
So Susan Lewis, uh, Lauren, she, I don't know how to say her last name, that's what I got. 58 years old. This is the woman that was throwing crap, yelling like racial profanity crap. What was her name again? I'm not doing it again. I don't know how to say her last name. I got Susan Lewis. I'm good. I'd have left it at that and not tried though.
Yeah, but it was a good time. So, she's the one that did all of this when AJ confronted her. And literally, Faith, she didn't even open the door. There was no threatening. AJ didn't posture. AJ didn't do crap. She shot her through the door. Through the door. Shot this woman.
balls up buddy you made a mistake you did something stupid you were screaming and yelling at children you pissed off a mom okay mom who's going to come to their child's defense regardless of whether or not they're lying okay like be real it's your kid you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna shoot somebody through the door
wooden door it wasn't even a glass door she didn't even know if this woman was like you know posturing like I'm gonna just kill you right now below and again when somebody is enraged by something do you really think they're gonna sit there and be like wait could you please just not ever do that to my kid again like no this chick was pissed yeah pissed I don't care if she was black
Pokey dotted we all would have reacted the same way as the age most moms Okay, Chuck Chuck shot her through the door Over defending her kids. I she died on the front porch Do you know that the crappy part is some of the stuff that I read like the nine-year-old boy? Oh
The one that was, like, whatever, like, had all this stuff happen. He feels guilty that he even told his mom. Oh yeah, he'll live with that forever. He'll blame himself. Yep. A part of him will always blame himself when it's not his fault at all. It's senseless. It's senseless. Like, and first of all, AJ wasn't in the wrong at all for trying to confront the one. No. The woman is the one that started. Yeah.
Yeah, you don't sit there. Now, like, if my kids act in a pool and litter on your yard or something like that. It's not up to a stranger to discipline my kids. It's fine. My thing is, is if the kid is, like, loitering in your yard, littering in your yard, doing something they shouldn't do, for you to be like, hey, can you please pick that up? Or hey, can you not? Can you get out of my yard? Yes, that's right there. I'm fine with that.
and then walk over and hey I just asked your kid to pick up their trash or do whatever get out of my yard because it's a habit can you please back me up on this appropriate way to handle it swearing at a kid that's not yours not ever appropriate swearing at your own kid nine times out of ten not needed there's a better way to communicate
Again, based on what you were just saying. There's a kid in my front yard. Being a nuisance. I'm just gonna open the door! Yeah, I opened the door and I was like, hey guys, go somewhere else. We just stood there in front of the stop sign. Yeah. She's a 90 year old lady. Yeah. Quick! Picking up the stop sign. Quit throwing her yard. Quit trespassing in her yard. She's a 90 year old woman. She can't pick up her arm! Nobody was mean. We were like, guys, find somewhere else to go. Your brother wasn't the nicest when he sat there, but it was more.
But it's a guy who didn't know aura than words. True, yeah. But men and women need to handle things totally differently, whatever. But he didn't swear at any kids? No. It was more or less just a very man-firm leaf. Just leaf. I don't know. Poor kid. I feel bad for him. Um, I just man-
It doesn't make any sense. No. For starters, Susan had no right to throw anything at a kid. No. She had no right to scream profanity at a kid. No. I don't know if they're racial slurs. It hasn't been in, you know, whatever. I don't care.
No. You have a problem with somebody else's kid, take it up with the parent and be an adult. Yeah. Okay. Because I've done it before myself at a park where a kid is being a little crap bag. Okay. And I go up to the parent and I'm like, dude, your kid is not acting great. My son's going to wind up hitting it. Take care of it. Or my son's going to do that when my daughter punches your son in the face. Yeah. I asked you to handle it.
people suck like it literally this is the rabbit hole i went down and it doesn't get like no cases worse than the other no they're awesome because it's all it's all stupid really did the lady say anything why she just shot through the door because that one really bothers me
I don't know. I'm sure she was intimidated. Right? You sissy Nancy Pan's bully grandpa? Maybe after a joke you shouldn't have bullied a child. Exactly, my boy. And their mom would. Yes, ma'am. And had words that you shouldn't even throw down. You're 58 years old. You probably had kids at this point. I'm not 58. No, I'm saying like this woman. She's probably already had kids. 50-50, yeah.
What would you do as a parent? Your... your skanky white a probably would have gone to that person's house too. Me? Or her? Her. You're obviously confrontational. I don't know. She's like a bully and is only gonna pick on people smaller and helpless.
Anybody that's gonna sit there and do that to a kid isn't gonna do it to a adult. No, you're a piece of shit. Like, you're... And they're not even... Don't even, like... Crap at the kids. You're not gonna sit there and talk to an adult because you're a bully. You're trying to find someone weaker than yourself to prove that you're the man. And I'm sorry, but, like, you're sitting behind a locked door.
What were you afraid of? Just don't open the door! Call the cops! Hey, this chick is beating my door down. She's pissed off right now.
Because I was a douche and threw things at her child. But again, that's what I'm trying to say. It wasn't breaking and entering. Even if she was beating the door down, this woman is not going to get into your house. No. Fine. She steps foot into your house. She's attacking you. Fine. Shoot her. You can't just shoot someone through a locked door. That's absolutely ridiculous. You don't get your intentions. That's ludicrous.
That's their that somebody breaks my window. I feel like that add to my house. Yeah, I'm sure I feel like this is a fear thy neighbor where things were happening between the two beforehand that we don't know about it could have been but it's irrelevant No, a hundred percent irrelevant, but I'm just saying that is a huge escalation this woman had no fear no her consequences Whatsoever that she was willing to pull the trigger behind a wooden locked door
on a woman upset about the way that she treated her kids. Is she getting jail time? It's pending. What? The trial dates, whatever. Right now, her family is pushing for them to upgrade from manslaughter.
Who's family? The deceased woman? The deceased. Okay. It just depends on the laws. If it's like a stand your ground where you feel threatened and she can say she felt threatened in her own home, someone coming, blah, blah, blah. Like say to Florida, stand your ground's a thing. You're allowed to stand your ground. But I don't think California is. It's too liberal. Well, this was Florida. And stand your ground.
means that you can protect your home at all costs. If you feel threatened, I'd have to look at the laws. They're all a little bit different, but Florida's is the most lie all encompassing. If you're sitting behind a locked door. Still say you felt threatened, they were coming into your house. She was trying, quote unquote, trying to get to your house. Feeling threatened would mean somebody is physically at that point. But she can say that I knew you. Threatening you. Devil's advocate.
She can say the lady is trying to beat down her door and she was terrified for her life because she seems like a worthless scumbag. So you're telling me right now if the Stand Your Ground law was in place here in Tennessee and you and me got into an argument and you said I'll hit you bitch and I shot you in the face.
I'm saying nothing you do is justified ever. I'm just saying this 50 year old battle axe is a coward. I don't agree with it. It's a coward. She is. I agree with that. I'm just saying a good lawyer could probably get her off. Well, I'm sure she could get off. Nevermind. I love you. Anyway.
Moving on, we'll go to the next... Mine just gets you a nice little maids uniform for Christmas. That way she orders you around. Are you kidding me? I'm sitting here trying to be like quiet and ask for something. And you are a bitch. Hey, those are f**king words. I was supposed to stop your foot, but you hit them this time. I hate you. Every sense of the word. Yeah.
Bella Fontanelli, 2023. Of course, you got that pronunciation, correct? Shut up. Louisiana. The six year old was found in a 12 gallon chlorine bucket at her mother's home.

Tragic Cases of Child Harm

Luckily, the mom is not the one that found it. Praise God. I thought the mom was responsible for it. Not going to lie to you. She had been beaten, but the cause of death was strangulation and blunt force trauma.
A video came to light of a woman walking with the bucket in a red wagon. The woman was playing the bucket on a freaking red wagon. OK. Yes, I'll be quiet. It was one of the neighbors cameras, like the home camera. Yeah, like the ring. Yeah. The ring, the ring door, the door. Oh, oh, yeah, no. Just like a regular.
Like a high camera. I thought you're talking like the ring, like the movie. Anyways, no, I didn't know where you're going with that. Thank you, 1990. So the one was Hannah Landon. She was the girlfriend of Bella's father. OK, so the motive completely unknown. Allegedly, there had been confrontation between Bella's mom and him.
And that is a six-year-old's fault. Why? It isn't. OK. It isn't at all. OK. It was pretty much proven at this point that mom and dad, bio mom and dad had absolutely nothing to do with this. This woman murdered a six-year-old, put her in a 12-gallon chlorine bucket.
Like something you wash like used to wash your car like those and just left her on her mom's doorstep Really gotta be careful who you date That wasn't I was just trying to get the point across he should really do a background check on you I
Why are you still sitting here? If I, if I was a real and true lunatic, you'd have been the first one that I crossed off my list. That's not true. I'm not on the put-up with you this long. You're crazy likes my crazy. Hey, my parents like me. Ah, crap. That's not true. Nah. Anyway.
So what does she say for herself? Nothing. She literally said nothing. All right, and this is not, I am not victim shaming the family. There's no excuse for that. But if you've got kids, you've got to be careful who you date. Yeah, but here's the thing with that. And I'm trying very carefully not to look at Brian this time. But like, seriously, like,
How many people have married serial killers that didn't know? Lots! How many relationships have people gotten into where the person's been cheating on you for years and you don't know? Lots!
How many people got into relationships and married them? They turned out to be attracted to the same sex. Fine. Lots. But I just feel like if you are evil enough to kill a six-year-old just because you're mad at their biological mother, there's got to be some kind of crazy look in the eye that you can see. I don't think so. But I just feel like there should be. How many times have we watched interviews with people, serial killers, especially? I'm just saying there should be. Like, you know. I'm saying there should be.
There should be some kind of, you know, red flags, some kind of cue. Yeah. And there isn't. And that sucks. It does. If you didn't continue, I'll be quiet. I mean, there's your opinions are valid. I mean, it's not his fault. I mean, how many people have we listed? How do you find John Wayne Gacy, who is, you know, a church figure?
right? And manipulated all of these people into thinking he was great. And he was a just elite. But there's always like even Ted Bundy, but even all those circles, there's always a couple people that are like, I told ya. Well, it's easier to say crap after the fact. These people didn't come to light beforehand. I'm just saying if you're that evil inside, cause you're evil to your core if you can do that to a kid. I don't care. I don't care.
I don't care. There's a special place in hell for you if you hurt yourself. Yup. There should be, you should be as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside. Oh, agreed 110%. All inside. 110%. Evil shouldn't be masked in beauty, that's not fair. She wasn't very pretty.
You lost your spot now, don't you? No, so I'm just sitting here like I'm just- I'm trying to understand, like- You can't! A six-year-old- There's nothing I love! For nothing! If your mind can understand that, we legitimately can't be friends even in the joking manner. And no, not even a little bit. Like, because I'm sitting here thinking, like, if I was pissed off at the mom that bad, like, I'd have to go beat her ass. Yeah! What does the kid have to- You piece of shit! You really- You're gonna take advantage of a six-year-old who can't even defend themselves? That's a six-year-old! That's a kindergarten!
You just gave that nice element that people should be back if you didn't and you're like, and she was a tropical night.
It's almost like shooting somebody through a locked door. Touche. You are a vetch. If crimes against children have a special place. Agreed. She did throw things at that child so she fits that category. Yeah. Ronnie Carter.
2022 these are awful and there's no background to let me know because there's not They're just people I don't like it Freakin people that just means whatever Joe schmoe you see If they're not afraid of laws
What are we afraid of? Well, unless you've got an ounce of weed on you, the laws 50-50 doesn't apply to you. That's funny. True. Ryan Carter, 2023, Louisiana.
Ah, back to Louisiana. Do you know, off the subject, I got a collect call today from a Louisiana jail. An inmate called me from a Louisiana jail. Did you answer? No, because I was at work. What is wrong with you? I was at work. It said Shreveport County Jail. And I was like, I don't know about Shreveport. Fake diarrhea and gump. And then I was like, that's Louisiana. I do know people there because I grew up
Now listen to the voicemail, it didn't give me the name so now I'll never be collected from jail today. If you called me, call me back because I'd like to have a conversation with you just to see who you are. Are you serious right now? You couldn't fake bowel distress for 10 seconds? I legitimately didn't. There it is. Shreveport LA. It's County Jail. These charges call blah blah blah blah.
And when you call back, you can't get a real person, cuz I need to know who called me from jail. Sorry, you salusia and I struck a whole thing. I forgot to tell you about that earlier.
was probably a wrong number. And it's probably for their benefit that you didn't answer. I went through like- What are you in jail for? Would you like to make a collect call tonight at seven? No, I went through the whole like Shreveport County lockup because that's like 10 minutes away. The Shreveport parish is very close to where I grew up. And I have friends in Shreveport now. So I was like, maybe one of them went to jail. I don't know. Then they'd be calling you 9000 years later for absolutely no reason.
With a cell phone number that you may or may not have had. I've had the same number since I had a cell phone. Lies. No. Lies. Mm-mm. Lies. Not since you lived in Louisiana. There weren't cell phones then, Jackie. Then how would they have your number, Jackie? Because they got my cell phone when I got a cell phone. Instead of a landline. Ugh. Ugh!
You just let me know when you're ready for me to continue The moment I'm like he's not gonna side with you Most people barely like me everybody. It's more of a tolerable thing. I
It is what it is. Anyways, so Roddy Carter, 2022, Louisiana, the 64 year old was shot. Different pairs. Didn't go into depth in that because you don't know what pairs they're from. No, I actually did say, but I didn't feel like I did.
Now my screens going black because you won't shut up. Anyways, he was shot and killed by his son Adam Carter 21 years old after becoming enraged when Ronnie blew his Are you fracking kidding me they got into the first five minutes I knew all day long
Oh damn, it came out! You know what, friend? We all talk about that! I'm gonna stomp your foot in about five seconds. So they got into an argument.
And, oh, okay, it started with Ronnie, Ronnie blowing his nose. Yeah. They got into an argument. Ronnie was like, are you gonna shoot me? Shoot me here! And so, he did. Wow. Yeah. Adam called the law, turned himself in, and upon arrest said he felt remorse for what he did. Cause you just killed your dad because he blew his nose. Yeah.
Better never come to Tennessee. Yeah. Don't ever freakin' blow your nose again! That's insane. Senses. Yeah. It makes no sense. Like... That's what senseless means. Are you... Could you not have just gone outside? Or, I don't know, upstairs? They have earbuds? They have those now. They do have those now. You don't even have to go to a Walkman. Like, just earbuds.
Headphones. Another room. Blue's nose, man. Start an argument that led to murder because I am very tolerable now. You should thank your lucky stars or friends with your friends with me. Oh, is that right? Let people to shock you now according to research. Research has proven that 75% of people
May or may not like me. And that's fine. You will go higher. You will go higher. No, I'm just saying your story is like a sneeze, a cough, yelling and soaring profanities at children. You're dead. I do not yell and scream profanities at children. Just mine. Sometimes yours. No, I'm kidding. That is not real life. Alright, Faith.
This is the last one I got. Okay. This one pisses me off to know it. Grayson Hearst, 2023, Texas. Harrison, the six-year-old? The four-year-old was stabbed against by his mother, Monica Figueroa. Figueroa. Figueroa. Uh-huh. That sounds right.
Apparently, the child's grandmother walked in on the assault and left, stating, I'm sorry, she later- My mom would've kicked my arse if she even saw me spank my daughter. She'd spank me. Cause her precious little granddaughter can do no wrong. Well, she was standing for it and you were just like, alright, I'll come back later. She was afraid.
She was so terrified that She didn't call the authorities till the next morning I Literally would have put myself in front of the four-year-old
choosing her late, later sixties. Still nimble enough to get around. All right. First of all, even if you are a freaking Nancy pants like that, walk off. Okay. Call 911. Get a neighbor. Get anyone. It's a four year old. Get a stray dog. I would like to reiterate. Get a frying pan. Number one, that's your grandchild.
Number two, how do you stab your- what did your four-year-old do that was so annoying? Quit playing footsie, I'm right frickin' here. I dropped ashes all over his shoe. Number three. What? Number three, are you sure? Yeah, well, in this point, in this rendition, yes. If I saw anyone remotely attacking a four-year-old, like, I'm- it'd be the one time I became confrontational.
that wasn't you. And I'd call you to come help me. Okay, let's go back to your story for a moment. Did this mother say why? Okay. This is again, a really, really recent case. So everything is
up in the air still i don't i didn't i couldn't even find a court date for either of them hopefully it's because she won't make it to court the inmates will do their job it's lee you said louisiana i know this was texas um they know how to do it in texas too go hard to go home buddy wow that is grizzled what is happening he thought i'm just gonna call
Yeah, you're over here and you're like, oh the grandma should have done something. How about the lunatic mother who thought, huh? Well, maybe I'll just stab him to death with a sharp- I don't like that one.
I didn't like it as soon as it came out of my mouth. That's alright. Abusing, piercing the child with a knife. Abusing the child with a knife. Stabbing is a whole different thing. What they said though too in the autopsy was a pointed object. So it was a knife, it was scissors, it could have been friggin' anything. You stabbed it into their skin, I don't care what it was.
I think those suck. I don't like this, this, this, this story. This whole thing was no good. You should have gone with number five. I don't like this whole thing. The whole thing makes me mad. Well, it makes me mad too. So you just thought, oh, let's get everyone frustrated for the night? Yeah. Sucks so bad. I hate you so much. I love you. There was like two more stories, but that cut myself off.
I'm sitting here and I jump back in. That's two adults and neither one thought this is a child. We should protect the child. No, I'm done. Well, we jump back into the quote that Chuck Colton had said. Where's the hope? There is none in America. It's not in our law system anymore. Nobody cares. The president can't even walk up a flight of stairs.
are across the platform. You should probably edit that out. I do not care, no. I don't feel bad. I don't care if it's Donald Trump, I don't care if it's Obama, I don't care if it's Joe Biden. If you are too old to walk across the platform without falling and pointing to blank air like something tripped you, you need to go ahead and be put in a home. Possibly have a coherent conversation with such a- If you sound like Jim Carrey and Bruce Almighty,
You should not know. No, no, no, no. Unless, if English is your first language, and you're up now. You're totally gonna pass if English is not your first language. There's a lot of things in the English language that I still don't understand. And I don't care what party you are, independent, Democrat, Republican. No. Go. Yeah. Move on. I would like somebody with a brain in their head. I would like someone that could speak
from the binding of a sense to the period in English like coherently. Back to the truth. The whole comment that I had made at the beginning with that quote is, okay, our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people. So that's like really what it brings me back. None of these people have a heart. And there's no, like they don't, they don't have a heart.
Like how do you fix that? If you're not gonna be afraid of the law and you're not gonna be afraid of other people, what is going to scare you in this life? If you're afraid of the law or not, if you are willing to stab a four-year-old, you have nothing good inside to you.
If you're willing to chase a man down because you bought a car that you didn't have insured, that you blew the stop sign and stomp his head into the ground and kill him, you don't have a heart. If you're killing a freaking six-year-old and put her in a bucket and put her in a mumps, you don't have a heart. Like you are worthless to society.
every breath you take is embarrassment. Somebody else could use literally anyone else. Anyone. And they talk about overpopulation. These are the people that should be that should have to first put them all wherever. Not the island. Hey, swim your way out. We'll put him there to remove all the warning labels. Let's see what happens. That was messed up.
Sorry, podcasters. I love you. No, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm highly agitated. Yeah. Do you just look for things like, what, what can I talk about that's going to upset them? Well, I mean, yeah, for starters. And then two, it's like, I don't know, man. It's just, they just fall onto my lap and I'm like, how can I get me something with a happy ending? Faith.
Is there ever a happy ending? Yes, one of these people could have gotten the electric chair that malfunctioned. Well, this is 2022 and 2023. Chances of that happening slim to none. Then, then, President of Justice could have incurred. So what was your epiphany?
My epiphany. I thought I talked about that earlier. I thought you just said you had an epiphany. I did. That my opinions are irrelevant because it doesn't matter what we say should be the consequence for the things that people do. I don't care. They don't. There is nothing in this world more intimidating to them that is going to stop them from doing what they do. No. No. Agreed.
That was my epiphany. So it doesn't matter if I sit here and say so-and-so should die, so-and-so should do whatever. We could rid humanity of all the D bags. They don't care. No. They literally don't care. I do not. That was my epiphany. Most normal people will be like, oh, I can't steal this back to God. I was implying you were a D bag is why I was staring at you.
You did not pick up that implication. I didn't want to, I don't think. But I also think that it's time for you to go home and this podcast to end. That's not nice. You're not nice. I never claimed to be nice. I whispered. Hopefully the mic did not pick it up. You're not going to edit. I'm not. I never do.
If you don't like what I have to say, then join the crowd. I've got the clock. I'm the only one I have to say tune in the following week. You can you can you can join my Lisa sucks dot com club. Hey, hey, you can be taken a lot of ways. It's meant all the way.
This is Lisa on face, Mike. We're cutting this off now. Goodbye. All right, well, I think we're done. I don't know what that's gonna sound like, but okay. I'm very upset with this whole thing. Well, just keep in mind, guys. Is there any hope for humanity unless somebody does something themselves? Unless you change something in you,
Nothing is going to change. That is for every individual on the face of this planet. I don't care where you're from, how you're brought up, whatever. Yeah. The only change that is ever going to be made is by your own heart. And we could all stand together for harsher.
appease the people that it happened to. You still make me feel better, but I don't know.

Friendly Teasing and Relationship Dynamics

Exactly, but it's you. It's your heart. Death penalty can be on the table there. It would make me feel better if I could cut you up inch by inch. If I could completely disembowel you, you'd just shark bait, okay? No, it wasn't because I'm your only friend, then you'd have no one. You did something to a kid. I wouldn't do anything to a kid. I don't know how we got a... I'm telling you why I thought you were talking about me. No, I was not talking about you. You're...
punishment on child crimes.
Bye guys! Have a great night! You were looking at me in the eye! I was talking to you like a human! You act like you don't threaten me all the time. Faith, first of all, I threaten you with things like... Violence? Because you're violent in the Philippines. No, lies. I don't threaten you, I just call you names. Like, horror. Bitchy.
You have no feelings. None. You have a half a feeling. And it's for your child, not me. Oh wow, I'll let Michelle know. Yeah, but you only have two feelings for Bella. Yeah, nope, that would be three. You said your dad.
All right, well, Jill, stop hitting me. You hit first. I have to edit all this out. Which of you have a great week? I don't care anymore. And I will record next week because I'm not a lazy piece of crap. And if I don't come back next week. See you Saturday, guys. See you Saturday. And tell them it was Lisa. Yeah, I'll freaking see you Saturday. It's not Saturday. Tuesday, a week from today. Yeah. The following Saturday. Stop hitting me.