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A Sneak Peek of Just 4 Moms

Just 4 Moms
477 Plays1 month ago

In this pilot episode, we tease the Just 4 Moms Podcast, a show dedicated to women, friendship, motherhood and more. Join Kallie Branciforte, Caitlin Houston, Megan Schinella and Charlotte Smith as they chat about astrology, Christmas Tree cakes, and pits and peaks of the holidays.


Introduction to 'Just For Moms'

I hit record before and you all came back in, which is weird. Can you all still hear me? Maybe you still have yeah maybe you stop to like officially kick it off? Maybe. Welcome to Just For Moms. I'm Charlotte. I'm Caitlin. I'm Megan. and i'm caie we are regular moms talking about regular stuff like aging parenthood worklife balance and figuring out what's for dinner again a no judgment zone to talk laugh and maybe cry about all the things women think about on a daily basis things i' plan

Transitioning to Remote Podcasting

all right everyone welcome to just for moms this is a brand new podcast but we've actually been here doing this for a while right i mean this is not our this is not our first rodeo no people say we're usually together on a and a green couch that charlotte put together in ten minutes i don't know how she did it so right but then we were like wait hold on we're just four moms get it and we can't we we got to be able to do this from our i'm in an attic and so we need to be able to do it from from wherever we're trying to work what does it work harder not work smart or not

Tarot Card Skepticism and Experiences

yes no harder somebody want and my dms was like let me do your what do they call it like your warcope yeah its rising in your fall yeah yeah whatever and she told me that i forget with i have it all somewhere but she said one of my signs is ah is a virgo and she said that makes sense she said i've always she must be really into it and she's followed me for a while she's like i never thought you were pices it didn't make any sense she's like now everything makes sense wait i have a question for you guys on the scale of like i am all in with crystals tarot cards signs rising falling where do you guys fall because i am painfully on the opposite end of that i am i am new
to this to this world my sisters are like really into all that crop a year ago i contacted a lady and you can get tarot card readings by asking one question you text her no you fill out a thing and then you fill out ah text form with the question that is and herma is her name s cleo wait just kidding know are you you're gettingdding you know remember that know me now mle like now no from ah everyone's tv when we were

Horoscopes and Personal Beliefs

eight oh yeah yeah infomercial he's written it turned out she wasn't even jamaican or whatever she ok to be you're right with too yeah caitlyn was too you young then she probably wasn't watching television no it's called old- fashionshed enchantment you ask a question and she reads your tarot and then she sends you a voice text explaining all the cards the first time i ever did it i was like okay this kind of applies to me the second time i did it i was like wow that's that makes a lot of sense and then the third time i did it i kid you not my card said
that she basically said whatever happened in your life that sucks right now is very chaotic you need to grieve whatever' is making you sad and you well rise above it and do whatever happened better i didn't tell her anything she doesn't know who i am she doesn't know what i do and it was crazy if it's like a what is one charlotte and then like ten is caitlyn no i'm not a ten like i'm not putting crystals out in my yard and streaking at a full moon yeah a five
i' like half so i used to have this horoscope where i would like read every morning what it predicted for the day and sometimes it was valid sometimes it wasn't and i did have my cards read three times and i do have to say once it was to see if i was going to get engaged or married and the woman was right that was in the city when i used to work in the city another time was in college and that was like a breakup situation so i wanted to go have my cards read and that was right and i feel like there was another time oh and then i was at like a holiday party you know when you go to parties and they have that

Nostalgic Holiday Snacks

part of the the party they have like a never person out there now okay so i yeah so i'm like a five i feel like i'm like a i'm probably like where caitly is um like ah i was the same where i like didn't believe any of it for the longest time but i've had stuff happen where i'm like i believe this about a lot of things some of it is just how much you believe it you know what i mean like some of it it takes your read into it yeah some of it and that's not a bad thing like i think there's benefits to it but it's like the placebo effect and there's benefits to the placebo effect so right well that's a good sidebar you know at christmas time they come out
so you know there's like zebra cakes and like little debbies and at christmas they come out to christmas trees yeah one couldn't find them this year two somebody last year told me to put them in the freezer it might have been me it might have been you idea yeah i have people still messaging when i i like went on this whole thing when i was pregnant i guess three years ago now still messaging me like the same sweater that they sell on the instagram store like look what i found wait little debbie sells sweaters what are you talking about oh the sweater with the
with the christmas tree on it instagram shows it to me like all the time i don't know what little debbie's so i'm i'm not connecting dot you've never had the christmas tree cake do you know what a zebra cake guys i'll be right back hold on hold on i got one i'm going she has them i was goingnna pull up the picture on google what do they taste like chemicals they are so good not selling these in canada there's dairy in them no definitely not and probably not in twenty twenty five you won't be this is the last year you can get a wait i'm going to show it don't you ah gas station sometimes too that seems like it would be so i
i've seen him at gas station guys look i took a nibble out of this one and then put it back because i realized i didn't want to have dairy that day michael was here but it's so good they're delicious little vanilla cakes with vanilla and then it's like that you're giving that credit for having dairy that doesn't seem like an authentically milk-based product is it good though yeah okay so okay a minute wait ok so now i know what the thing there's a ah sweater with that cake on it what else do we want to talk about guys we're supposed to talk about what our goals are

Podcast Goals and Audience Engagement

oh yeah goal quick goal rapid fire goals what do we want i mean this is not the first time that we've podcasted but we're doing it different we're doing it new we're doing it better what are our goals more of the same i was actually thinking about how the format might lend itself to being a little bit more casual like sitting in a studio was great but it definitely is a little more formal so i was wondering if naturally this would begin to feel more i don't know cano yeah yeah i agree yeah less staged not that we were we were literally staged in a room together and we did have a
a loose script that we went off of i think a structure is good but maybe it doesn't need to be the exact same shirt and ri yeah for a single time what about we like pits and pee right because we're recording it from home we're goingnna be able to do it slightly more timely so i' think it wouldll be easier to like chat about something that we did last week or you know like some funny story we heard in the nose or something like the drones are their drones going over everyone's house right now my god last night michael made me or two nights ago stay outside for like twenty minutes

Drones, UFOs, and Anecdotes

looking at i'm quite certain it was a star but he was convinced it was a drone that wait did you hear about the man that said he saw one in new jersey that came out of the ocean and it was the size of a bus they say some are is supposed to be as big as six feet across which is like the size of a small car right i means has anyone fact checkcked to know what it is actually they don't know or they're not telling us most people say like there's no way that they don't know what it is it won't just go on for weeks but they're just not telling us i thought it was confirmed like navy ops and stuff no that has not been confirmed
no do we want to try to do pits and pes yes i feel like both of you already named a couple you hear rosie yes yeah

Christmas Preparations and Pet Antics

but that's the first time i heard her i didn't hear her before no she's a hound it's like having a newborn you are with rosie where caitly and i are with our three year old yes okay i'mnna do a peek i am in disbelief we're recording this like what six days i should know this before christmas i haven'trapped a single thing and i need to mail my last gift so that wait i thought you just said you were doing ah p no pit did i say peek ah think you might have are you going to wrap tonight ahll probably whole up um no maybe i don't know i love rapping if i lived by you i'd come do it for you
hate it and it does give me an excuse to be like don't come in it just takes time and eleanor gets home and timeuming we have to get our tree like this is the first year where it's like i don't know that i actually have a day to just like tag out ah i hear her up there that she just found her way down um she broke out of the kitchen my god oh wow well i'll bring her in want to see here we're going to mute one thing regarding the christmas trees did you see i saw this hack all these christmas tree hacks were you're supposed to take like a hose and hose down the christmas tree outside and then let it drive for twenty four hours and then bring it in because of this bug situation

Holiday Wrap-up and Future Plans

oh my gosh she got so big look at you oh how could you be mad oh wow charlotte she really likes you going to go on the story ah charlotte she wrote oh no ka like snorting again does not she could do whatever she wants she's so perfect does she think she's a lapog maybe this is our sign to end the i think it might be the debut did we get to any other pits and peaks i think megan you need one okay i have a peek a few peeks i rapped last night and i sent out my christmas cards yesterday
so oh look at you yeah i mean they're a little late they're not like calliess like thanksgiving weekend goals and callie just things because we moved i felt like because we moved i had to send it early i know well you did a great job with that you know i don't do um i love doing them but i'm tip to grant it's so expensive that's my issue is it a stamp stamps so look i'm just herh twenty time of year and then it's like oh let's get five hundred dollars and like another thing for me to do no yeah ma'am i can't wait to do like dance moves like freeba
bret i'm here for it i mean it is an audio podcast but i'm here for it yeah too right i'm out okay so hi guys i do this sure and they have to hit