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CURRENT EVENTS - Wars Around the World

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
113 Plays1 year ago

In this episode we are taking a break from our normal crime episode, looking at one murderer and instead looking at our current world, the wars that are raging and how true crime lovers fit in. This episode is not about races, religion, countries, or differences but instead looking at how we need to value human lives.

TRIGGER WARNING - Our PERSONAL Opinions are heavy throughout this episode - like that is all it is.

I hope you enjoyed our banter and arguing, and of course or opinions – but please let us know what you think

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Soup Season Delights

Well, hello and welcome to another episode of Twisted Tales with Faith and Lisa. And we're here. We're here kind of. I mean, yeah, it's soup season. That's it is so soup. I mean, chicken and dumplings outside. Did you? And I make chili tonight before that like this really cool bok choy soup like Vietnamese. That was really good. Of course, you would see turn your nose up at it. Does it have vegetables in it?
mushrooms and bok choy and then I did it like dumplings and I don't know what bok choy is. I'm good. You're a loser. I'm out.

Dark Tales of Jablowski

So anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed that two parter of Jablowski. My soul is still dark and tainted, but yeah, that was a great story. Yeah, it was not. But Lisa is here tonight to tell us the tale. Oh.
I'm actually not. I forgot. I'm I'm I'm going to kind of throw everybody for a loop tonight because, you know, imagine that we said not sticking to a program or plan. I know. You couldn't see my face. Yeah. It also looks a lot like your face. You would know what that looks like. I could guess. Talk to your brother.
Yeah, you're better than that, wouldn't it? And Brian left. Sorry, guys. No Brian tonight. All

U.S. Involvement in Global Conflicts

right. All right. So it is the year 2023. It is. It is the month of October is the month of October currently in the United States.
Our hand is in two different wars now. Yeah. Ukraine. Russia war. Right. And then recently, as of October 7th, Israel and Hamas. Yeah. And as I've been like listening to news reports and I know you're not super like into stuff like this, but my my twisted mind starts thinking about.

Mistrust in Mainstream Media

How. Interesting it is.
when it comes to like war stuff, like I understand why wars happen and it's a power thing or it's a land thing or it's it's what there's always a rhyme or reason that somebody has always that they feel like they need to dominate someone else. OK, that's neither here nor there.
what always trips me up about war. It's not that I'm not like, okay, number one. No, go ahead. I'm not into war. Yes, but I don't like listening to the news because I don't know how much of what we are told in the mainstream news. Right.
is actually it's it's literally like you have to listen to both sides of the story and figure out where the the grail the toad of truth as Sheldon would say how many times have they been like you know standing in the middle of this huge flooded plane blah blah blah and then someone reports it on their cell phone that they're just like in a big pile of water yeah
Like they lie about weather. Yeah, like when like when the hurricanes are and they can barely move and then some guy just waltzes past the camera. Like if you're going to lie about stuff like that, like I just don't trust you. You have an agenda. You've got what you want out. And so I'm not going to listen to the news. I mean, I get my my factual factual information off TikTok.

Personal Stories Amidst Conflict

So oh, yeah, you're doing great.
Yeah, well, it totally works, right? But, you know, my parents were supposed to be in Israel the day after the first bomb set.
they lead a trip to Israel every two years. They were supposed to be in Israel, and their trip got canceled literally the day before they left. I mean, honestly, thank God for that. Yeah, but the interpreter that they use every year, she's over there. So my mom was texting with her. They have a group of tourists that she was with, that the interpreter was with, that my parents know that are stuck there. We have several missionaries over there. We support a lot of the bunkers.
So, I mean, I know, I know like actual factual things from my parents' conversation with people that they know in Israel. Yeah. I know that side of it. I know biblically, like. Well, you do know, though, that like, I mean, between them. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, that's the longstanding. Yeah. Like there's just, I mean, so so much evidence. So like, I know all that, but no, I do not watch the news.

Wars in the Age of Social Media

So the difference between maybe like past wars and wars in twenty twenty three is how many videos people take. Oh, my gosh. So that's the thing. And so like obviously, yeah, even again, like you mentioned, TikTok, like.
I can't get on TikTok without seeing like some of the things that I've seen or heard or witnesses or this or that. OK, so it's but it's it's literally like side story. OK, go. Do you remember when I went to Illinois? Correct. Right in the middle of the Blosky. Yes. So the my coworker that I rode with. Yeah. She was it was right after Taylor Swift showed up at the Chiefs game.
And her daughter is like dating slash going to be engaged to Travis Kelsey's cousin. Oh, okay. So he was in the box. He's got pictures, like they're standing side by side, like they're media screens of him beside Taylor. Right. So we're talking about that the whole time. Cause I kept being like, so you're basically related to Taylor Swift.
And so we talked about that, like, never mind, like a bunch. But now the only thing that's up on my talk is frickin Travis Kelsey and his brother, I think his name is Jason, their podcast like that they and they put their podcast up because they video them themselves. They put that up on YouTube. Yeah, that's all that comes up. And I am borderline will watch a Chiefs game aren't Eagles fame because I love those two. They're hilarious. Hilarious. Yeah.
So that's all that comes up on my tiktok now is literally Travis. Nice. And I hate sports. I hate sports, hate sports, but, you know, anyway, sorry. Side note, tiktok back to back to the war. OK, I'm working. I'm working without notes tonight, so it's going to take me a minute to kind of remember where I'm at because you blabber. You were talking about how the interesting thing is about war in 2023 is everybody, everybody, everybody can videotape everything and all that stuff that's going on. Yeah.
And as much as times have advanced in war, some things always stay the same. Yeah. And that's pretty much what we talk about every single week. So what do we talk about every single week? Murder, maim, death, rape, and mayhem. Absolute disregard for human life. Right.
Yeah. So my question, and this is going to be,

Can Chess Replace Warfare?

you know what? We'll just like straight up open platform. So when this when this drops and you have an opinion about anything, by all means, say what you need to say. All right. I don't care if you support Russia or or Ukraine or Palestine or Israel, whatever. The general point that I want to bring up is how you can have a handful
of people running around in any country who do unspeakable things to children, unspeakable things to women, to men. I mean, and it's horrendous. And we look at these people and we're like, somebody do something about this. I don't see. OK, so here's my thought.
Words always for more land, more, you know, more something, right? Can't the two leaders just sit down and play like a rousing game of chess and the winner gets like, you know, five percent and you meet in a year and do it again? And well, I mean, war really is about who's smarter. Right. So why can't you do that? But then sometimes it's then sometimes it's more about who has like the most people. Right. I guess. So do you know the numbers as they say?

Pete Davidson and the Impact of War on Kids

Yeah. Yeah. Surprisingly, do you know who I think
summed up the situation best between Israel and Hamas. Strangely enough, it was Pete Davis. Oh my God, the comedian. Yes. Okay. Before Saturday Night Live, I believe it was this past week and I again saw it on TikTok.
But he got a black screen behind him beginning a Saturday Night Live and just said, you know, today is the state. Right now, we all see the wars going on between Israel and Hamas. And I relate to this. And he goes, you know, everyone expects me, Pete Davis, to be the forefront of knowledge and information on this war. Right.
clip track laugh. But he said, here's the deal. When I was eight years old, I lost my father in the World Trade Centers. Yep. Due to a terrorist attack. Yep.
And my mom lost her husband due to a terrorist attack. Same thing that's going on between these two countries. And he said, you know, it was, he said, no child should have to go through that. And bottom at the end of the day, that's what these two people are doing is
I don't care if you're an Israeli child or a mosque child, Pakistani child. He went through a bunch of them. He was like, you're doing this to kids like you're ripping apart their family. You're utterly destroying their lives. Yeah. And he said, you know, it took him a long time. He, you know, talked a lot about that. And he said his mom tried everything she could. He just wasn't he was eight. He couldn't process his dad not being there anymore. And he said she got a movie.
rented a movie for him. You know, blockbuster was a thing back in the day. And it was she thought she was renting a Disney movie, but she accidentally rented. It was called like Ridiculous or something like that. But it was Eddie Murphy stand up, I believe. Which was not appropriate for a child. Right. And they were playing it. He said in his vehicle driving down the road, he's watching this movie and his mom's listening to it and realizing this is not what I thought it was. Right. And goes to pull the DVD or the tape or whatever it was at that point.
But she looked in her rearview mirror and noticed for the first time in a year, Pete Davis says his belly laughing. Yeah. And he said, you know, so do all this. I'm going to do what I do best.
and try to make you laugh through the pain. But he brought an excellent point that we're fighting all these reasons, terrorist attack, religious beliefs, no matter what it is, all you're doing is destroying a family. Lots and lots of families, but you're destroying a family for what? For a piece of land that you will never have anything to do with, your government's gonna take over, they're gonna say what happens with it, they're gonna tax it, they're gonna, it doesn't affect individuals at all, yet we all join up
and we fight for our country, for what?

Longing for Post-9/11 Unity

To destroy families. Like now, I say that, but I mean, I do believe you have to stand against tyranny. And you know, I do believe when there are radical factions like the September 11th attack in the United States, you do have to make a stand. Well, it's because at that point, when something like that happens and I, you know, I can't speak for any other country because I'm not from or know of any other country, but
When stuff like that happens in America, even when it was the Boston bombing or 9-11, whatever the case may be, when it is something tyrannical like that, it's not just my family and your family anymore. It's everybody. It's like the United States as a family. I don't know who said it, but somebody said, I'm not saying I want 9-11 to ever happen again, but I wish we had another September 12th.

Handling Radical Factions Internally

Right. The day after, like where everything, everybody loved each other. Exactly. So why can't we as a world decide we're going to live a September 12th lifestyle and just if you have a radical faction within your country, sign a petition and take care of yourself. Like they attack another country. You write a letter of apology. Send a head.
Unfortunately, I don't think it works. I doesn't. But I just say it would be a lot better if it did. I just thought world peace. I just created it. You're welcome. You did great because, you know, we don't have lunatics running around or anything. I'm saying if there's a lunatic that the country's lunatic or whatever country it's in.
You kill that lunatic. You write a nice apology letter to the other country or the country they're from and, you know, send some cookies. I don't know. Yeah. Well, there's a couple of things during my thought process of all this. And I explained the first one is the things that people get away with during war. And then the second one you really shot home because you were talking about the families. And so like nine times out of 10, well, maybe even probably 10 times out of 10, the people that are affected by war are not the people causing the war. No, no.
It's innocent civilians just out having a good time, right? And there are people that are out there who are like, you know what? I'm going to kill you for no good reason. And I feel like that seems a lot like, I don't know, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or whether you call it brainwashed and we can go, we can go 100% nature versus nurture here, but
I understand fighting for your country. I understand that, okay? And there are rules and regulations to war that people should at least follow. And maybe some do, and maybe some don't, but there's always- Back tools in England, you know. Yes. You need it, Don. You brandish

Accountability for War Crimes

your pistols, you name your seconds, you shake hands, you walk 10 paces, you turn around, you shoot. Hit them or not. Your seconds go, and you're done. Gentlemen's honor. Yeah.
But it doesn't work that way. It does not, but it should. And so and then I kind of start thinking and like rehashing things. OK, well, you've got a lot of random people that make up a military or army or how ever you want to describe that that faction. OK, it's a lot of people. Yeah. So how many of those people, if we're going to look at a statistic that says one out of every 100 people is probably a pedophile or probably a rapist or probably a
Murderer right so like to the extreme point not just hey, I'm here to defend my country my country. I shot the guy in front of me I didn't have a choice No way of fans or butts right like like if somebody comes into my house, okay? He was a police and I want you to hear what I'm saying. I hear so if somebody breaks into my house. Yeah, and This is this is my property and it is my right as a human US citizen stand your ground stand my ground and defend myself
that I pull the trigger on this person and they die. Right. OK. That's the scenario of war. Right. I am defending my ground. I'm defending my land. I'm defending my people. I'm defending whatever. OK. Now let me throw that to the more. Morbid side. Somebody breaks into my house and tie them up. I cut off all their fingers, rip their nose off. Right. And then and then remove their tongue. And then I put a bullet in their head. Yeah.
I'm gonna be charged with a crime. Because at that point, it wasn't just me defending, it wasn't defending my house anymore. You were playing Dr. Frankenstein. That's correct, okay? So when I'm sitting here and I'm reading articles and listening to news and I'm hearing about these civilians that are being taken hostage. Yeah, there's an American citizen right now hostage in his song. More than one. Yeah. And these people,
even in their own like in their own world. Right. So like when I say by by their own world, by their own structure, by Israel's or Palestinian or American or English like or I'm sorry, UK, like whatever. Everybody has a set of rules they live by. Yeah. Plan is that government. Yeah. And so if you as an individual person were to do some of the things that these people do. Yeah. I would be arrested.
Like if I said, oh, this guy broke into my house and I'm a hold him hostage. I'm not going to feed him for 10 days. I'm not going to give him water for 10 days. And if he lives, he lives. And if he dies, dies. Yeah. Okay. But nobody ever gets held accountable for it. No. So meanwhile, we've got people, I understand that it's war. I'm not, I'm not negating it. I'm saying what stupid people say.
So think about this, okay? So think about your family.

War vs Family Holiday Planning

You've got like your nuclear family. I've got me, my husband, my child. Then I've got his family, which is his parents, you and your kid. Then you've got your other brother, their family. Then on my side, I've got my parents.
So just think about that, like just your immediate nuclear family. I'm not talking aunts, uncles, and everything else. I'm talking about you, your husband, and the branches off of the family for that. How difficult is it to plan a holiday when everybody's got all their shit?
So, and how difficult is it to like, especially, you know, we all have kids, we all parent different. So when everybody gets together, everybody, you know, feels like they need a parent, everybody else's kid. It's complete, it's complete chaos. Yeah. So you're telling me you have all these factions of when you go to war, you have all these factions of the army and the military and the Navy and whatever.
And you're telling me a general is going to control all those factions. You can't you can't get a Thanksgiving dinner schedule, people.

Heinous Acts in War

Yeah. And you're going to be able to just organize all these people. I don't know. You didn't grow up together. I know. I don't disagree with that at all. My my genuine my genuine statement is I honestly believe that there are way more crazy people out there than we give credit to. That was the the forefront of because when you put somebody
in an extreme situation, anyone willing to take it to that next level of beheading someone, or raping a woman, or anything to cause chaos and turmoil and destruction into somebody's life, even though that person is not correctly, directly involved in the mission that you're willing to seek out.
So then I start to think to myself, how many of these people are really out there?

Civilians: The True Victims

A lot of them. Because a lot of these guys that are going into these territories are burning people alive. But not only that. And they're civilians. It's not even like I'm attacking the Israel government. I know. I'm attacking the Palestinian government. But that's the deal. When you've got any kind of war, it's complete chaos. Yep. It is 100% chaos. But it's all the civilians that have to suffer. That's what I'm saying. But the deal is, is you've got people in the United States, again, we're
from the United States. We all know how you other countries run your countries. I'm sure you do a good job. Right. But in the United States, if you want to join the Army, Navy, whatever, whatever branch of the the infantry, if you will, you want to join, you have to pass the site test. Yeah, they we that they quote unquote weed out the crazy.
So you've got civilians like the Domers and the Jablonskis and all these people that in utter chaos, it's free range for them. They thrive in chaos and it just gives them more victims. And what are you going to do? Call 911? Everybody's at war. You're leaving a bunch of crazy people to prey on your women and children.
Because all your sane men are out fighting another place. Yeah. So again, I go back to the two heads of government play a chess match every year and the winner gets, you know, 5% more for that following year. And have you seen some of our presidents? Oh yeah. You really want to risk it on our presidents? You know what? We'll have to see some of our land. We could be freaking communists tomorrow. That's why I said you meet every year.
And, you know, you get you get it back. Yeah, but we have four year terms. Yeah, it's true. Four years. Good Lord, he'd probably just be like, here you want New York? Do you want New York? Have you ever heard of Texas? They're fiery, those guys. He probably doesn't even know all 50 of our states. Let's be honest. But anyway, the whole bulk of like of the conversation and like trying to understand
how in 2023 we could be like, I know that wars are occurring all over the place all the time because people don't know how to not fight. Right. But the United States, this is the first time in a long time that it actually makes me nervous because we have our hands in two different wars right now. And I feel like we're leaving our backs exposed. Not only to our backs been exposed. I know. I know.

Disconnected American Protests

But again, that's political opinion, Faith.
Okay. You can't say anything about me giving a political opinion when you decided to take our true crime podcast and turn it into a political podcast for the night. That's true. Political opinion is going to come out. It's not even just political opinion though. It's literally what happens during war.
that is deemed almost normal. Do you know what bothers me? Not the most, but do you know what is right at this moment, a pet peeve of mine? Go for it. And war, again, all war is, is you quote unquote defending your country by ruining a lot of families' lives. Correct. That's all you're getting out of it. You'll never see any anything unless it's like an oppressed country fighting for their own rights. Right.
Okay. But you know, when one country invades another country, those people that are fighting aren't going to see a benefit from that. So let's use Israel and Hassan right now. Right. What really cooks my oats, if you will.
is the morons in the United States who are protesting against Israel and or against Hassan, mainly against Israel. We're attacking our Israeli citizens that are Americans. We are holding rallies and we're doing all this stuff against Israel for Hassan. Number one, these people are all
I mean, I'm talking flat white, generic brand bread that doesn't have an ounce of color in them. They don't even have a crust. Oh, yeah. They couldn't be wider. They have no dog in this hunt. Hey, they're not. They don't have a coach that rip off the coke. You know what I'm talking about? Like the tab. No diet. All right. See, Cole. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But here's my thing so these people are number one. They're white. They're not they're not they're not they're not from the other side of here They don't have family members. You might have a nickel's worth in your blood somewhere. They are white white a B they do not have a religious affiliation With Hassan most of them are furries
I said it and I don't feel bad. I don't either. So here's my deal. You're sitting here and you're why not just protest the war? Yeah. And not for nothing. Not for nothing. But you're going to protest Israel who instead of just firing missiles back at Hassan sent their planes over that region. Yeah.
Exposed yep and dropped millions of paper over the residential areas that said get out get out get out now we're going but They said Lee if you're a civilian leave we're gonna we're gonna bomb some crap and we don't want you hurt get out now. Yeah
They didn't do that with bomber planes. They did that with, I guess, regular planes. I don't know that much about it, but I do know that they dumped that because that was at my grandmother's house and all she has is Fox News. So that's an hour of nats. Oh, you just triggered some people, Faith. I'm kidding. But my thing is, number one, you're sitting here, you don't have a single dog

A Father's Grim Relief

in the race. So shut up.
If you want to stand against something, stand against the war against the two. Make love, not peace. I don't care. Or love, not war. You know what they're saying. But stand against the war itself. Stand against the destruction of families, the destruction of land, destruction of property. The fact that their entire worlds are now blown apart. Kids can't go to school. They're in bunkers because they're afraid they're going to die. I'm going to interrupt for two seconds. I actually watched an interview of a guy who was originally from Ireland.
And he was living in Israel when everything happened. And his daughter at the time was at a sleepover when the madness broke out. He wasn't even with her. And I remember watching this interview, I almost wanted to cry. And you know me, I don't really cry much about like anything, but he had to wait like, I think it was two or three days to find out where his daughter was.
And when they finally came to him, they were like, sir, I'm sorry, but your daughter is dead. And he was like, yes. He was excited. Because he was so scared to death that he that she was taken eight years old, taken by a captain or captor.
And I was just sitting here thinking like I could not imagine as a mom in that chaos. You have people, child predators and or that is a breeding ground for sex trafficking to go. Absolutely. Look at what happened in Hawaii. Yep. All those kids they found sedated in shipping containers. Yeah.
But let's not talk about that. Let's talk about Oprah's fake relief fund. Right. Right. Like that's that's my that's what that's my pet peeve in it all. Number one, you have in all these situations, we get so tied up in what the celebrities are doing or what the public figures are doing or this one's in the God what they have to say. Right. Like we have to hang on every word.
They have nothing to do with it. So what? Your fifth vacation home was there? Sorry for you, ma'am. It doesn't have anything to do with the cost of tea in China. Let's talk about the people that their only home was just gone. Let's talk about that. Are all the people who can't find their children because they were snatched in
Focus on those things. Don't focus on Israel's in the wrong or Hassan's in the wrong. Guess what? They're both in the wrong at some point. They both did good things. They both did bad things. Both of them have children that are going to bed in tents tonight with no family left or with missing limbs or being raped or being tortured.
you've got the parents that are being raped and tortured watching it like let's why don't we focus on that and just protest that like just the sanctity of human life for once but no no that's not as catchy so let's let's just see that's literally Faye thank you because that's the point that I was trying to drive home when we talk about an individual doing these things
We explain every gory detail of what that one person did to that other person. Yeah. But when it comes to war, we hush all of these details up because honestly, there's so much of it. You can't get it all. It's not even that we don't know. I don't even think it is. I honestly think that war as a developing country in any any facet. Right. Right. But he likes war because it means money. Yeah.
was good for business, not even for government, not even just that. But you don't want your people. Right. This is the fright, if you will. We know that other things could happen anywhere in the country at any point in time. Right. Ever. What we don't want for people to think is this could be happening to you and your family.
So we want to keep all of this hush hush because we don't want you freaking out wondering why we're not doing a better job protecting you.
I think a lot of it, they keep it quiet because it is bad publicity for war. A, B, it lends sympathy to whatever side it's going on on both sides, News Flash. Yeah, no kidding. Quite frankly, there's so much going on, you can't catch it all and they don't know about it all either. It's a whole gamut of things.
But but if they're recording stuff, never mind. But I mean, none of that sees the light of day at first. On the sycophants doing it, but. Quite frankly, they don't care.
It's just like, I mean... Like I said, they care when it's an individual person. We don't care if it's happening en masse. But it's not even they don't care about that. How many people wrote Jeffrey Dahmer in prison? How many fan club members did he have? How many people bought whatever it is he produced? Jablonski was making art in prison with his own pubic cares into it, and people bought it. You can still buy it. That's disgusting.
You've got all this stuff like that that people are obsessed with and stop and love and worship these serial killers. It's not like it would be any different if you put it out there. You're always going to have two sides of society. I just think as the world, we need to value the sanctity of life more than endangered species.

Protecting Animals Over Humans?

Because if there was a group of poachers right now going to get the white rhino or whatever, everybody in the world would be up in arms. That poor guy that owned Jimmy John's subs or whatever that went big game hunting in Africa, his business somewhat went out because everybody threw a fit because he killed a tiger or a lion or whatever it is.
But we can go over to another country. Same thing as a big game hunter. We can shoot up their civilians. We can rape their women and children and men. We can torture them and kill them. Nobody says the word. We're going to we're going to sit there and play games for the other side, because, you know, that's what it's going to get us our five minutes. I'll turn into douchebag Lisa again for a minute. But guys, huh? You say I was never not douchebag Lisa? That's exactly OK. That's fine. If you're in America,
You're here for a reason. The moment you signed your paperwork and you came here, you became an American. Yeah, not a Chinese-American, African-American. No, you're just American. You're American heritage. Absolutely. We all have a heritage. I will cook Italian food till the day I die. Will I go to Italy and move? No. Do you call yourself an Italian-American? I do not. I'm a third generation. I am. Doesn't matter to me, though. I'm an American. Does it make you less Italian? Nope.
But here's the deal. What I'm saying is all these people that are doing these, I'm sorry, protests slash riots. If you really want to root for your team so bad, go back there. It's not their team, though. That's my that's what I'm saying. Like, if you think if you think it's so great.
Go there. They don't. They don't think it's so great. They're ignorant of everything and just baying the loudest like a freaking mule. I don't, I don't even know Faith.

Veterans: Life After Service

I don't know. That's just what that's my like, I hate, I don't like war. Nope. I don't like anything I've seen. And these are after we like, hold it, go to the guy that one of my really good friends growing up. Well, I had the biggest crush on him growing up. One of those, you know, childhood, whatever freshman year in college. I remember it was like yesterday. I'm laying on my bed. One of my friends from Louisiana called me.
And I was like, Oh, Hey, so and so I'm not going to say her name, but it was a guy and he was like, Hey, Hey Faith. And I was like, I don't, who is this? And he was like, you don't know who this is. And I was like, no. And he was like, it's your future husband. And I was like, Oh my gosh. So we talked for an hour. He called me because he was going to join the army the next week to go fight against Afghanistan at that point. It was after 9 11. And it was when we were over there and you know, he went there for a couple of years. He came back and he was not the same person.
and it took years for him to get to a point of normalcy after that.
And he's great now, but how many people that go fight in these wars that mean nothing to them? Again, I'm not saying if you're an oppressed civilization that is fighting just for basic human rights, this is not for you. This is people blowing up other people to get a five mile stretch of land. Yeah. This is what I'm talking about. You're going to go join to fight for quote unquote your country to go into another country to destroy lives.
And if you're a normal person, that is never going to leave your mind. Nope. And that's never going to be the same. So now you're coming back. Such a valid point. Now you're coming back home and you've destroyed all these families over there and you're going to come back home and destroy your family. Yep. Because they have to live with PTSD and everything that you have to try to live with that you did in the name of the good old U.S. of A. Yeah. Or whatever country you're from. Yeah.
Ten bucks says this podcast is taking down by hosting sites. You know what? I don't even like I don't even care at this point, like, because we're not even talking about sides of this. We're literally talking about how war affects civilization, but not government. I'm talking about how Thumper's Mama said, if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. And that applies to country, state, cities and everything else at all. So shut your traps, stay in your lane.
and go play chess once a year. Yeah. Yeah. Enjoy yourself. Yeah. Like enjoy life. Like go out. What other people, what gods other people have in other countries? It doesn't affect you unless you Google it. You'll never know. The Internet destroyed the world. I'm telling you. Social media and all that crap. There were wars all before that. Come on, girl. But.
You know what I mean? Like it's all this instant access that we can get offended about that other people do. It doesn't affect you. Yeah. OK, so what they eat dogs over that little, you know, whatever country. It's not your dog. Yeah, it's not your dog. You love dogs, but maybe they worship cows and we eat them. We cannot eat grass. So shut it and mind your business. So.
This is all said by Lisa tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So civilian casualties from the Ukraine war from 2020 to 2023 current nine thousand six hundred and fourteen people meant civilians. OK, not.
like army men, right? Not people that are males or is that civilians? That's civilians all over the board. Civilians all over the board. So we're almost we're almost at twenty twenty four. Right. So this is going on. Let's do a year. Yeah. And almost 10,000 people gone. Yep. 10,000 families affected for what? So just from the seventh. Of this month, October 7th.

Israel's Civilian Protection Measures

Yeah. Fourteen hundred people have died.
in the Israeli Hamas war. So if they stay on track for the next 12 months doing that, how many civilians are going to be dead for a war that they don't even want to partake in?
And here's the thing. Israel is more prepared for this than most countries. Yeah. Because they've got like my dad has paid for two of the they've got those the bomb alarms that go off. Yeah, there were actually the bomb shelters everywhere where if you're if you hear that alarm, you go to the nearest shelter and you get in there. So organization we support that we've built two of those, I believe so far, maybe more. I know two for a fact.
We've built two of those. So Israel is has these things for their general populace to try to protect them. And there's still that casualty. Yeah. So I don't have that. The reports and stuff and the videos and all the stuff that I watched in the last week or so were just kind of how Hamas initiated. Right. And so there were rockets going off. There was a music festival where the majority of it really just kind of
Right. Everybody there said we're, you know, we're used to rockets like kind of like how do you live like that? We're used to rockets just flying over our head. They sound the alarm. We go to our bomb shelter. Life is good. Right. Yeah.
It's wow. That's their daily life. Yeah, I couldn't pick at them. Yeah, I couldn't even like fathom. Can you imagine raising a kid in that environment? Like you send them to school knowing that if you hear those sirens, they're going to go to a bomb shelter. You're going to a bomb shelter and you're not going to know if they lived or died until you get out. Yeah, I want to be honest. I don't know that I would just run to a bomb shelter. I probably go straight to school. Doesn't matter. You wouldn't be able to get into the bombshell. Don't even they walk it down. Don't care. Lads sit out front. I don't I don't know. I'm just whatever.
But, you know, this music festival is going on. Right. Siren Sound. Strong majority of the people go into the bomb shelter. Some just fled. And the people that were attacking them, they they came in like on a paraglider.
And they were literally, they surrounded like this whole music festival. Yeah. Like just a music festival. Like these people just run around, dance in action. Right. Yeah. Let's talk. They were throwing grenades.
into the bomb shelters because the bomb shelters aren't they're not locked doors. There's not a way to trap you in. It's literally getting. Yeah, exactly. It's protecting you from aerial attack. Yeah. They're just chucking grenades into all of these bomb shelters. But they're chucking those at civilians and people. That's not. People that have nothing to do with anything. Yeah. And let's sit here and support that you stupid Americans.
And not only that, you know what else bothers me more than like anything 100 times. And I'm not saying hold on Americans just because you supported Hassan over Israel.

Naïve Support for Foreign Conflicts

You're supporting the destruction of people's lives and families that have absolute like they're living their life day to day.
It'd be the same thing as if you were going to one of your little Comic Con conventions or furry conventions or just your job and someone came up and slit your throat. And you're saying that person is in the right. That is what you're saying. It doesn't matter what side of the coin you're on. It doesn't matter what religion you are. That's war. That's the bottom line. And you're saying that that's OK. And then and then like the people that are around here that try to justify one side or another like Putin right now is just out traveling.
making friends, doing his thing while his soldiers or whatever, doing what they're doing in Ukraine. Yeah. Right.

Leaders Detached from War Realities

I sit back and I'm like.
These are the people that are in charge of my well-being and yours. They're sending you to risk your life and take other people's lives while they're having high tea. Yeah, they're shaking hands with like and going to have lobster dinners and fundraisers and black tie events. Meanwhile, you're watching your friends bleed out in a foxhole and watching people get raped, plunged and murdered. But yeah, then the leaders out, you know, they don't they don't give a crap. And once it affects them.
There's a lot that bothers me about what's going on. A lot of it, too, is like how many helicopters and army stuff I've seen going on around here lately. No. And it just gets on my nerves because it's like I shouldn't have to feel this way. Well, that's the deal. Like it's not.
That was a selfish statement, but like. But we're not fighting. We're not saying that we agree with either side. Like, I think that's the point I want to drive home. I I don't agree with Israel. I don't agree with Hassan. I don't agree with Ukraine. I don't agree with, you know, OK, fine. When the whole world decided Hitler was a bad guy. Yeah.
Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. But I was watching, you know, a stand not a stand up a late night thing, a clip. And they had this DJ on that was on like Pitch Perfect on the Pitch Perfect. He's from Russia. And they were interviewing him. And he said, does it bother you that in a lot of our movies?
in a lot of our movies, we make the bad guy Russian. And he goes, no. He goes, it doesn't bother. And he goes, have you read our history books and what we've done? Yeah, we're the bad guys. We be the bad guys. So yeah, you got Hitler and the whole world says, hey bro, you can't exterminate an entire race. Which again, we're the Jews in Israel. But, side note, gone. Okay, yeah, sure. If the whole world agrees you're a piece of crap and what you're doing is wrong, fine.
And so, sorry, good. All these little skirmishes between two countries. We're not saying we agree with one side or the other. We're saying the whole thing is stupid. Yeah. And everybody picketing for one side or the other is stupid. And look at the bigger picture of.
everyone that's being destroyed every week over someone else's personal game. That's what that's what there's literally verbatim.

Undervaluing Human Life

It's verbatim. We say the value of human life should be held at a higher standard than what it is. All we're saying is human life does not matter. Yeah. And that's basically in a nutshell, I'm choking the way that we feel about like serial killers.
and people that do the crimes and commit the crimes they commit. Yeah. People shouldn't have to live in fear. You shouldn't have to spend your life knowing where the closest bomb shelter is to run into. You shouldn't have to go to bed at night not knowing where your husband and wife is on the other side of the world fighting an award that has nothing to do with you.
The only thing it has to do with you is that, A, you can lose the person you love, your kids could lose their mother or father, or B, when you get them back, you don't know that person anymore, and they're gonna have to go through months of mental hell to try to reprogram the things they saw and had to do. So tell me what side is worse than worse that? 10, 20 years later, we'll finally call somebody a dictator.
Yeah, like what side is worth that? Like when you boil it down to it, what side is worth that? It never was. It no. Let people worship what they want to worship as long as it doesn't affect others. Let them eat what they want to eat as long as it doesn't affect others. Now I'll tell you if you go after kids, fine. The whole world says you suck like Hitler and we're coming after you. I agree with that. 100%.
But besides that, I just don't. There's not gonna be anything that I'm gonna say, yeah, war's worth it. It's gonna be very few and far between. Hitler? Yeah, sure. Wendell. Again, if every major head of government in the entire world says, you're a douche, you're wrong, stop or we're gonna kill you, if you get that many people to agree,
You've made a life-choice error. Yeah so You know besides that it's just no for a piece of land or higher tax or whatever.

Demand for War Accountability

I just don't I Don't I'm just I'm stickler for these people that need to be held accountable for the things that they do during war When you know and I'm sorry, I know you say you can't control everybody, but you know damn well who's doing it not only that
But you have pods of people. It's not just one person that goes out and does it. Everybody travels in a pack. Yeah. Everybody keeps their mouth shut. Yeah. But they find like minded people. Yeah. And they all go do it. You know, you don't get to pick your partner's face. They tell you where you're going, what you're doing, what you're eating, what time you're eating, Italian or whatnot. Yeah. You know, everybody goes to sleep. Well, they can't all be one out of the hundred.
Right. I don't know. I just, I think we just need to do better. And yeah, if I don't care if it's war or not, if you're sitting there raping people, shoot them like a rabbit dog. Yep. So I said it. If the dog bites, we put it down. Yep. So if a person quote unquote bites, put them down, move on with your life. Yeah. Give yourself a little gold star on your lapel. You did a good deed. Yep. I don't feel bad. I'm just kind of wondering in general.
which is what we talk about, like the darkness inside of a human. And we talk about it all the time, like how your head could possibly go to that space. Because I do very much. Put the two together.
when it comes to people that will pillage, rape and murder in war. No, but it's not murder, not torture. Better word. Yeah. Torture in war. But you have people that take advantage of the chaos of war and start looting businesses, civilians that do that. Why? You're just hurting again, families who depend on that. Yeah. Like it's all it boils down to is you're hurting another family when you do that crap. So stop, cut it out.
Cut it out. Cut it out. Faith says so, guys. Cut it out. Told you. World peace. Board game once a year. You should have been missing Miss America with that idea. I did. You said monopoly. A game of money. That might actually.

Aging Political Leaders and War Decisions

Life. I'm just kidding. You should play the game of life where you got to get married and have kids, little blue and pink kids.
Connect for there's lots of games, guys. We could do it lots of ways. Nothing physical because, you know, America's got an 800 year old president, so that doesn't have anything to do with. Yeah, no. Yeah, that's you just had to throw that in there. That's pretty. I'm sorry. He makes the best memes and TikToks. I find it incredibly embarrassing. Incredibly worrisome. And I just.
Like it's almost like my mind goes as dumb as he does every single time he speaks Like I can feel my mouth like open because I'm not like a normal human anymore. I And again has nothing to do with the political affiliation it has to do with the fact that he says
Every single time. Did you see I only saw on TikTok because again, I don't watch the news that I saw where Donald Trump was doing like a rally or whatnot because we're gearing up for another presidential election. Buckle up world. We're about to provide a bunch of entertainment because we're going to sit there and bash each other.
and air all of our dirty laundry. Absolutely. What else do we do in the United States? But as we get we can't hold anything to the cuff, right? No, no, no, no. We're going to tell you exactly what it dealt with this situation. You know what every election is in the United States? It's a bad redneck white trash divorce where they're fighting in front of like a trailer park and throwing clothes and like calling out everything the other one did. That's what every election is. It is a white trash brawl. Oh, yeah.

US Elections: A Reality TV Show?

But besides the point, so Trump was on there and he said, here's the deal, guys. I don't get lost going on to a stage. You know what? There's one way to get off the stage that set of stairs or that set of stairs. You don't see me walk around and he started doing like Biden did, like hitting the back wall and turn in circles. And I was like, oh, my God, it's funny. It's not funny. But it's true. This is what the world sees this at. We are the court gestures. You're welcome.
Get ready to get some Get some popcorn get yourself a cold bevy and get ready for some trash TV Jersey Shore stuff. That's what America I'm going home. No, that's the election elections are white trash TV junk TV Kardashians whatever you want to call it where it is just all out Ridiculous like you look at it and think no one actually lives like that the heck we do. That's what we're getting ready for
Get ready, guys. I'll tell you. And oh, man, people are going to hate us after this. It's totally fine. But you know what? I hate to break it to people. But every once in a while you have to get to the nitty gritty. OK. And we always hear war from a news standpoint. Well, tonight you heard it from a civilian standpoint. None of us want anything to do with it. We all think that you suck. And I think that we want you to just shut up. Yeah.
I got opinions. Play nice. I have a lot of opinions. If I bring my kid to the park and she steals someone else's toys or she goes up the slide instead of down or knocks the kid over or whatever, she gets a spankin' in a timeout and she's not allowed to play with others because she's not playing nice. So that's what the world needs to do. If you can't play nice with another country, you're getting a timeout, you're getting a stern talking to and you might get a spankin' on the tush in front of everybody so you're also embarrassed and shamed. There you go.
So he's going to call DHS on you tonight. Well, luckily I have a good kid and usually I just have to scream her name and glare and she's best. Best thing I ever heard my entire life was on a house episode. And he said straight up.
You don't have to actually hit your kid. You just have to make him think you're going to. I told my I told my boss that last night because I was yelling at him because he's gotten in this headspace where it is hard to find good people. I get that to work in America.
is very hard to find good people. And we've had some internal staff rumblings and bad attitudes and a bad attitude in a job space if it's not a large company's cancerous to small businesses. Absolutely. So we're a smaller business and bad attitudes are cancerous. And I said, the biggest problem is my boss has been very generous and he's very kind to us. And he doesn't like to fire people. He doesn't like to give quote unquote consequences.
Right. And so now he's got this management team of three women who are moms. Nice. And we're like dishing out. We want it. We want to dish out spankings basically. And he's like, well, well, and I'm like, here's the deal. Number one, you have to believe in, if you believe in spanking, you'll really have to spank. Correct. But we're going to have to give a consequence to an employee for anyone else to believe it's ever going to happen. Yeah.
because they all know that you can write them up a hundred times. You're never going to fire them. You're never going to do anything. You're not everybody's best friend. All you need is that one example. So I said, you're going to have to pick whoever you want. Yep. Just not me. And we're just not me. So I told him, I said, everything I said applies to everybody else. Not me. Gotcha. And he was laughing. But I was like, you, you have to believe in spanking for them to know that you'll spank them. Everyone knows you don't believe in it right now. Yeah. They have to know you believe in it. We're having a big great ready for a big office wide thing. But
You have to.
I just, you know, I just am sick of people hurting people. Agreed. Like I'm talking about the consequences, but I'm talking about bombs and all this crap. Like we want to sit here and judge serial killers for what they do when they, you know, we're not even stock and track down and may murder, rape and destroy a life. And we don't even countries do it. We let countries do it in mass and we support it. Why?
Not even that, but guys, all of us from every well, OK, maybe not all of us, but a pretty good majority of us from the countries that we're in, you get to vote for that. All right. You're you're choosing the death and destruction of people when you choose wrong. And, you know, but in and in and it's not like they go up there and say I'm a warmonger. No.
But it's the people, I'm specifically talking about the people like picketing and making all these rallies for one side or the other. Bro, you're supporting Jeffrey Dahmer. It doesn't matter what side it is, you're supporting people that want to destroy other people.
Like bottom, bottom line. So why don't we just say protect the kids, save the families? Human life is valuable. Stop. And you know, like I cut it out. I couldn't even imagine what some of these people would think if that was the rallies that they were seeing.
Well, that's what there was. Stop killing our family. Stop. Put yourself on the front line. Dude, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, it ain't about me and my family. We didn't do crap. We didn't ask for this. You did. This is what you want. But what if you got, you know, if you've got people to countries warring and instead of worrying about the bet, who's looking the best. In the media, our guys didn't rape a woman today. We beheaded two children, but it's fine. But.
What if none of that mattered to the rest of us? And we were just saying, stop destroying life. Yeah. All life matters. Yeah. And not, I'm not talking about black life, power, white life. I'm not talking about all that. I'm talking about all human life. Yeah. But we don't value human life. No. We value me and my four no more. We value a lot more than that. But do you know, I know what you mean, but I mean,
I'm not saying we do. I think all life besides, you know, the Hitler. No, I'm saying it's not it's not just me and my four. It's financial gain, power struggles. Yeah. Either way, it's just talking about real things in real time. This is not a political show. And it was never meant to be. But with everything that's going on right now, it was worth a mention, at least to say that everything is. Yeah. No, it's just devastating.
Yeah. Knowing what people on both sides are having to go through. So as my soapbox, I've said many times, do better people. Get it out. Carry a little squirt, but all in people. Yeah. Just do better. It's not that hard. Be nice.
But, yeah, that is the end of Twisted Tales Political 2020. And I'm so sorry, it's 2023. It is. But, you know, the show 2020, dumb, dumb, like the new show and I was supposed to just catch on.
OK, you know, this is it. Yeah, I'm just saying it's not like you don't have mishaps. I do have mishaps. I'm just saying like that. I was saying to us, you know, what was it tells you? You know what? I'm just done with this podcast as I am with you. I'm just saying next week, we'll be back to one person raping and pillaging instead of. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's great. It sounds so much better. Yeah, he said garbage. Let's judge one person at a time. But yeah, so if you hang on this long.
Thanks. Do you have an opinion? Feel free to give it out. Everybody wants everybody has opinions. We're never all going to agree. Everybody's got a new everybody's got opinions like everybody has buttholes and they all stink. That's correct. That's that with twisted tells. Have a nice night. Bye. Bye.