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Face-hugging Into Season 3!

S3 E1 · The Sleepy Games Podcast
25 Plays5 months ago

To kick off the new season, we're discussing the 2024 Summer Movies. We got face-huggers, we got our boy Josh Hartnett, and we even got some Nic Cage. 

Lots of exctiting stuff coming for season 3, so stay tuned and, as always, thanks for listening!


Kickoff to Season Three

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, we are back for another season of the Sleepy Games podcast.

Summer Movie Season Overview

Sleepy Johnny, there? Yeah, season three. Hard to believe, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah, we the start of season three When when we started this did you did you think did you see it through to the long haul? Did you think we would be here? Actually did because I actually I do love doing this and you and you know, I do right and I know and i know you do I feel it in the cockles of my soul to Thanks for letting me envision that. Thanks. Anyway, ah so we want to start the season just like.
pretty much going into the rest of the summer. Cause I feel like we tackled half of the summer so far. Um, especially, yeah, we did. Well, cause the twister and a furiousa furioa we from the fall guy yoa dead pool. Well, that was a glass season, man. but That wasn't even the summer.

Canadian Summer Perception

I'm talking about the summer season dog. It's called it's called the summer movie season.
The summer movie season, for those for those that don't know, it starts from the beginning of May till the end of August. oh okay so There's the summer movie season. I suppose maybe I knew that, but as a Canadian, it is hard for me to envision May being summer since we oftentimes still get snow with that time of year.
So I figured when movies started this, that'd actually be good research on my part. So I'll figure that figure that out. I'll have that answer for next week. But but i I understand what you're saying. now Yeah. that makes good Because I remember very well when ah the first Spider-Man came out. um Maybe X-Men did this too. But like it was like the first week in May. And then like I don't know if it was like a thing. It we started like an arjet with our generation.

Canadian Stereotypes in Media

but now the first week in May is supposed to be like the star of the summer movie season and that's why like all the Avengers movies came out like that that week and like Iron Man came out that week so I mean I would say more late June middle of June maybe yes sometimes late June is when actual summer starts everybody knows that Sleepy John Well, I mean, you guys might have warm weather in May. You guys you got you guys have two weeks of warm weather. but what way it's it's the first It's the last week in July and the first week in August? Yeah, those are the two weeks that we get per year. Sometimes. Sometimes it just rains.
so Oh my god. AKA the radio season. No, it's not that bad. i know he' some be decent so It's actually been pretty decent. You know I get all my Canadian knowledge of how I met your mother. You know how accurate that is. Well, it's super accurate. I don't know if you watched that other show. It was in the 90s. It's called Due South. Due South? What is that? Due South. So it's it's it's an RCMP officer from Canada and he has to he's Due South, so he goes to America. Wait, he's a what officer?
our seat So it's our federal police, the Canadian Mounted Police. Gotcha. it's Yeah, and they really, really double down on the on all the stereotypes for for Canadians. Everything from like husky dogs, like, you know, like just stupid things like, you know, basically like that there's just... 10 meters of snow. Sorry, 30 feet of snow you everywhere. Thank you. We're in our igloos and all that. But yeah, so he goes and helps out out an American detective, obviously in American land. and and And comedy ensues.
I have to call it that in the show. America land.
ah Anyways, that has nothing to do at all with what the topic of today is. No, that that's what we do best. We get sidetracked. Of course, we'll start the new season with that.

Josh Hartnett's Acting Comeback

So us. um But ah yeah, so I guess the first one, I want i guess if if we can just go in order for when they were released. And don't worry, I got your back on this on when they were released. Yeah, so the last one I guess we really talked about was Deadpool Wolverine. So that came out the last week in July. Right.
and then the movie I saw, I think it came out the week after, two weeks after, there was a movie called Trap. I think it was trapper Trap or Trapped, the new M. Night Shyamalan movie, starring Josh Hartnett. Yes.
Now, I'm someone who is on the on the bandwagon for this Josh Hartnett renaissance we're having again. I'm hoping he's going into his second prime. I love when actors go into their second prime. We're witnessing that now with Josh Hartnett. I agree. yeah he but He was most recently in Oppenheimer. and He was great in that. It's new. He was going to be in a ah leading role again uh in theaters and here we have it uh with you know I mean I wish I was a bad

M. Night Shyamalan's Filmography Insights

director because M. Night Shyamalan is very hit or miss so I'm going in expecting to I don't know what to expect because you never know we're gonna get any more with M. Night no he's yeah it's uh yeah you you hit the nail on that definitely a hit or miss type guy have you seen any of these recent movies have you seen uh Split or Glass
uh yes actually i think i saw both of those i also saw the uh the visit that came out not visit too many eight years ago i guess it's probably 10 years ago by this point and yeah i i think it's 2015 but yeah but i'd say that's pretty recent because you know his early stuff versus i guess his more recent stuff So I read up about that movie like that was like he was like on such a like a downhill like downhill spiral um before that movie and because you you watch that movie obviously there's very little budget probably like a few million dollars at most because it's just shot at like this one house in the suburbs
with no-name actors. I thought it was about The Visit? Yeah, And um I think that's what kind of brought M. Night. i guess I guess he got the confidence he needed from doing that film and then he did Split and then you know I didn't really like Glass and he's very hit or miss still from there.

Movie 'Trapped' Plot Analysis

But anyway. yeah so So we get the trapped. I'm excited because it's Josh Hartnett. He's a starring role and you know and people see the trailer because like every movie I saw this summer this trailer was attached to it and they they they give away in the trailer how Josh Hartnett is a serial killer who was trapped in this concert venue in the concert basically it's supposed to be like a Taylor Swift concert so you have all these screaming girls there and he's this uh
hes special he gets like the best dad award because he brings his daughter to the concert and it's just him and her um but what he doesn't know is is the the cops the fbi or just law enforcement in general just know they don't know who the serial killer is but they know that he's at this concert because i think i have a question though okay okay yeah i could answer without without giving spoilers wait wait wait when we're talking about these movies should we go should we just do like light spoilers light spoilers that's your girl i haven't seen it i don't know that i i'll probably see it eventually my own discretion okay i got it yeah so uh my question is is he a serial killer because of the very annoying fan base and that's what he's going there or is it that has nothing to do with it nothing to do with it I will tell you this is their spoiler I will tell you why he is well why this is the whole concert he's literally just there to to be the best dad and give these tickets to his daughter because it's his it's her favorite artist that artist
the actress who plays the art of the the the singer, the post be like the the biggest pop singer in the world, whatever, that is M. Night's daughter in real life. right So he has given her this role. um Huge role, by the way, because because you feel like the first the first half of the movie is at the concert, and half of the time you were at the venue, you were hearing different songs. like a lot of times like the movie you're just watching the show like you're you're kind of you you see it you see it through this perspective ah perspective of Josh Hartnett so it's like you're in the stands like seeing the show it's not like you're getting like all like the you're you're up there close and personal seeing the choreography and everything and you're like in her face and all that um so so so I thought it was cool with that but it was a lot of the concert where I'm just like
Yeah I mean there's stuff going on like you know in Josh Hartnett's he's going around the venue doing some shady shit because he's he's trying to figure out a way to get out of there because you know all the cops know he's there but but they don't know the identity of him.
They, they only know he's there because he like, he I think he left like a movie stub, like at the scene. Oh, yeah, movie stub, a concert stub. Yeah. And

Impact of Concert Venue Setting on 'Trapped'

that's how they knew. Oh, he's probably at the venue. Right. Um, but yeah, so half, half the movie's good. I gotta ask, I gotta ask. You're you're talking about M Night's daughter. She's the, uh, she's, she's. she's a good singer she's yeah just to she's good is she great like is is she going to be in the upper epsilons with people like taylor swift this is what i should be asked no uh no her stuff her stuff it's poppy but it's not like memorable
you know um it's good for the movie it's good like with the choreography and everything and and the i some I guess some of the themes of the songs I kind of correlate to the what's going on in the movie um but but you know for a lot of people just go over their heads um but her as a singer, she's good, but as an actress, o there's a, let's just say there's room for improvement, let's say. right
and and and that's what ah so So like I said, half the movies have the concert venue.

Critique of Shyamalan's Daughter's Role in 'Trapped'

And half the movies, like you're kind of like oh you're kind of going in the city and going from place to place. um Right. So I thought more of the movie was going to be in the concert venue. And I kind of wish it was. I kind of wish it was yeah like you have bottle-ass episodes or movies where you're just in one central location the whole time. I kind of hoped it was going to be that for this, because once you got out of the venue, that's when the movie kind of went downhill. Wow.
But, you know, like we said, I don't want to go into spoilers. I do recommend watching it because I think Josh Cartnett's fantastic and I'm excited for for what he does next. And he he plays the, you can tell he's unhinged. is There's a screw loose, but at the same time he still plays his great dad. You're like, oh man, he's a great, he's like ah the greatest of all time dad. He's, you know, you can tell he loves his daughter. he He's very protective of her. He looks out for her, all that.
um but then at the same time it's like oh he's this nastiest yellow killer he's gonna fuck about anybody you know he killed anybody like like without a moment's notice um but yeah so it's definitely a step in the right direction for M Night but uh you know just it's a it's a great half and just a very mediocre second half but yeah and so does it uh Yeah, i'm I'm gonna ask. I'm gonna ask. Just ask away. Does it have an M. Night Shyamalan type ending? And just kind of a yes or no?

Hollywood Ending vs. Shyamalan Twist

No. so It's it's a it's a very, ah I don't know, just... It just feels like more like a Hollywood kind of ending. It's like, oh yeah, this is how it ends. Because I feel like the twist in the movie is just like, it's told in the trailer. It's just like, oh...
Like the protagonist is the serial killer. We're following him as if he's like someone we're rooting for oh Okay, so Yeah, so does it doesn't have a twist like that, but I'm kind of glad it didn't because I Feel like he needs to go away from that Like every movie doesn't need a little twist. I mean, I know he's known for it, but like he has to know his crew He's very he's got to know he's hit or miss most importantly just make a good movie. I like some of his movies, I think that he started with the ending and worked his way backwards, which I don't think works all that well sometimes. Yeah. oh And that's, I think it's not a great way to write sometimes either, but whatever.
Yeah. um That's all I got for that. So I'm ready to move on

Nicolas Cage in 'Long Legs'

to the next one. says so is there is on Is there another summer film you got to watch after Deadpool Wolverine? Well, ah I mean, you've you've got them in order here. There was one other one. I don't want to screw up your order, I guess. I did see Alien in theaters. Oh, no, you know what? I had to back up first because I saw a film that we did I did not see before Deadpool Wolverine. I actually saw it like two weeks ago. And it came it came out, I believe, in May or or June.
And it's just a psychological thriller um called Long Legs. Have you heard of this one? I have not heard of this one. I cannot even classify as a summer blockbuster if I haven't even heard. It's not even on my radar, man.
No, I don't care. I'm just talking about the big summer movies that came out because like a blockbuster to me in the summer movies, if you make the most money, even if it felt you weren't even meant to be like you you have a big budget movie, but you made a lot of money that like the summer movie season. Yes. I think it was a bit heard of it.
Well, i was you're gonna be really shocked when I tell you who's in it. and and And I'm very upset that you don't know because you should know. Hey, Saf, who's in it? Nicolas Cage is the villain in this movie. Oh, damn. I should know that. Yeah. Shame on you. Shame on you.
Well, sometimes he does fly under the radar and then you only hear about his like stuff. You're like two years later, you're like, he made this? What the hell he made this? So I can't go too much into this because I want you to watch this so bad. Okay. i was i was cause cause um umm ah I'll say like to compare this movie to, I'm a big fan of the movie Seven.
And this maybe felt a lot like seven. Okay. Like, and i like, and I think it takes it takes place in the 90s too, I believe. Yeah. So going to think about a very similar tone.
um And two is there anyone else in it with Nick Cage? Or is it just him? um i mean You probably know the actors. Have you ever seen the movie It Follows? I haven't actually. I might have to put that on the list as far as Halloween movies go. Yeah, i mean it could be up there. like I've heard about it. I just never really got around a wash well to to let our listeners know, ah we're going to be giving each other hallowen Halloween movies to watch.
indeed we will Yes, in indeed. um But it has the the main girl from that. ah She's the main. Oh, you know what it is? It's it's like seven and sounds of the lambs put together. That's why I'd say. OK.
So especially with having the female female ah lead is very much like um Jodie Foster in Sons of the Lambs. But the one in Long Legs has more of a disability, ah let's say. That's all I'll say.
but um
But, uh, yeah, I don't want to go into it much because I kind of went into a blind and I want you to do it. Okay. Yes. I recommend to all the listeners and I feel like, I feel like, I feel like we should have a discussion on this film once you watch it and we'll go in the spoilers and we do like a Nick cage marathon or something. Yeah. Cause I forgot how much you liked the cage. I do. I do. Yeah. Um, so anyway, so, so go back to the list and you did not see this one to correct a alien Romulus.
i did I did see it, yes. You did? Yes, I saw it in theaters. that's I thought I just said that. Maybe maybe I didn't, I don't know. No, yeah it's good to remind the listeners anyway. Yes, so I did see it in theaters, yeah I think shortly after it came out, actually. so yeah I've always been a pretty big fan of the Alien franchise, watching it growing up.
so And this is I guess kind of a return to form I guess is the way I would say it after the last couple of just weird nonsense that they tried to making.
Well, remember, I think it wasn't last season, the season before our season of our show. You got me to watch the original Alien. Last Halloween, I got you to watch the original Alien. That was it, last Halloween. Yes. And exactly that, because I've always been a fan of them, right? It met the hype. It did. I had high expectations. It was that good. Yeah. So tell me more about Romulus.

'Romulus' in the Alien Franchise

Oh, okay. Well, I mean, I guess, like, if if I were to put it, like, if you haven't seen ah any Alien movies before that, I think it's a good way to get you into the franchise. I feel like, because of what happened with the last couple movies that came out, they were really playing it safe with this one. they Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, before you go, have you seen every Alien movie?
ah You've seen Alien 3, you've seen an Alien Resurrection with Monota Rider. I saw Resurrection in theaters actually. You saw you saw both first Predator movies. I've seen both Alien vs Predator movies. I saw the Prometheus and there was another one with it. Alien Covenant. Yeah, I watched both. that Don't ask me, Bob. I think Covenant, i I might have fallen asleep to you. I honestly don't know.
Yeah, no, I've seen it all. I've seen the Predator movies, obviously, like, I think pretty much all the Predator movies. ah Because, obviously, they share a universe to some degree, I guess. Yeah, they definitely, I believe it. And I watched these, like, as they were coming out, like, they they kind of do define my childhood a little bit, right? So, obviously, I couldn't have seen the ones before with Borne, but you know what I mean, like, as they were coming out, like, I was watching them, so... you're just a baby when aliens came out yeah so and and and that's the thing so like i've always they've always had a special place in my heart so um yeah so but with this movie like
In a nutshell, what I'll say is like it was good. it's ah it's It's like it's a good movie. Again, I just feel like they were playing a very safe like they weren't going to go and offer anything really that much different, that much and like anything really new.
There's a couple scenes that were kind of cool. I really like the face hugger scene when they're they're everywhere. So that was kind of neat. The one where they turn off the the gravity and then she shoots and all the aliens. That was like such a cool scene. Cool scene. And that's what I mean. Like in terms of the visuals and the action. Oh, it was beautiful. they Beautiful. They did some unique stuff. They did some stuff that I obviously never seen in the other alien movies. So that was cool.
But overall, it is very much very formulaic as to a lot of the other movies, like bit Small Crew, Trapped on a Spaceship. There's always a fourth act, I noticed, in all these movies. Yeah, and that one actually... There's always a fourth act. That one reminded me a lot of Resurrection's ending. That's what people said. so I haven't seen Resurrection. um Yeah, but but but but I read up on it after seeing Romulus ah Because you're watching that that scene it was very very fucked up and crazy. It was wild um I mean, I definitely preferred it over what resurrection did um i like pull ra with that Really because I I feel like the the resurrection it had a bit more
I guess like a bit more like a emotion behind it, if that makes sense. because yeah She feels sorry when she kills basically her offspring and like it wasn't trying to kill her like it realized she was her, she was his mother.
she had to kill it she did yeah even says sorry and she's like she's kind of heartbroken in a way and it does kind of help them a bit too or help her i should say like it there is because it it like helps them shut the door or whatever so that they they're not gonna get sucked out the airlock or whatever i i'm really challenging my memory again it's been a long time since i've seen that one but Yeah, like it it just there's more heart I guess to it Whereas this one was just like it's just another another another monster that they're killing basically, right?

Comparative Analysis: 'Alien: Resurrection' vs. 'Romulus'

So I think what is for me what takes me out of it in resurrection and remember I've evidence the movie I've seen I've watched the scene not the movie so I can't connect with the characters I I do know that I do know that Ripley's like half or she's like a clone in that one Yeah, she's kind of got like some alien DNA in her Yeah, alien DNA. Yeah. So I think what takes me out of it is just the design of that alien and resurrection is so bad. It's like I can't take it seriously. Oh, i'm like this is so dumb looking. And they're like, they're Romulus. I'm like, I'm fucking terrified of this thing. Fucking kill it. I'm i like, I'm like,
like get away from me like she lives in and seeing how I mean it also I watched how this was filmed how they film like this character in Romulus and like they use like a this very ah not proportionally correct tall ass man he's like like seven like seven seven tall thing yes honey man thing and and like if it and like you know so that was like that his body with that alien i'm like and it worked so well i thought um that's it but yeah but you said the connection resurrection but maybe i'll have more connection if if i understood more of what was going on and then maybe i can look past of how bad the design is
Well, the thing I was going to say is that, you know, I haven't seen that movie in quite some time. I don't remember, you know, the special effects or the graphics being bad because yeah for its time, it was like pretty much on par for the course, right? So in my memory, both scenes are probably equally as terrifying, even though I guess if I were to rewatch Resurrection,
Maybe I wouldn't feel like that's the case, but I just feel like the story the writing, you know There's a bit there's more there. Whereas like I said, this one's just it's playing it as safe as possible. That's true It was even alien resurrection like they were trying out something kind of new they have this, you know Ripley that you know, she's got the the Alien DNA in her legs. She's got she's got the acid blood inside of her that she uses too. Yes They're trying to do some like some different stuff Whereas like this one, like again, it's a great movie. ah If you've seen all the Alien movies, I think that you would 100% agree with me that it's just a safe entry into this movie. You're not gonna be disappointed, but it's not really gonna offer anything overly new. But but but do you feel like, like because I agree with you, um but I feel like it's needed. They needed to do this.
Yeah. And I think that that's a hundred

Themes in Alien Franchise

percent. And I think because of the poor reception for the last couple of movies. Yes. And what they were trying to do there and I. It's too bad that anytime they've tried to expand the universe or expand the storyline, it's done so poorly because I feel like there is good stories to tell there. It's just never really been performed well. i said Well, I kind of think that it it needs new blood. Like I'm glad that um
when we talked about Ridley Scott ah so soon this season um but I'm glad that we have new blood like taking the reins as far as the writing and directing goes um I feel like it needs to be you needed a fresh face at sea I can see the world a certain way outside like who's not fully in it but sees it on the outside I feel like could be better ah So I feel like now the next film, which I'm sure we this movie did pretty well in the box office, so I know they will make another one. I feel like they could go more into new territory.
Yeah, and I hope that they do something actually new and cool and stuff. Yeah. That would be pretty neat. Because because even with this, like they they gave us an idea of what it's like on one of the planets. I'm like, damn, this sucks. like i but And that that's always been a kind of ah a running theme throughout all the movies is like it's commentary towards ah capitalism for sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty heavy and in in most of the movies, I would say.
But I did think the person who stole the show what was the cyborg guy. the the The way he was acting um when when the film started, yeah very, very coy, shy, kind of cyborgs like, oh, I'm not used to one of these. And then the switch he flips, when he gets that chip put in him like, okay, now this is a fucking actor. Like what? I did not see that coming at all. That was so cool. It was it was a cool new way new way to incorporate that.
It was, and and and again, if you've followed all the Alien movies, Cyborg is kind of something that... It's got a bit of a... It's in every movie, right?
I don't know if I want to say it's in every movie it was because basically in the first one that it goes crazy the second one it's a good guy good guy so it's like in and in this movie they kind of did both in the same movie mean and that's what I mean is like they just they really took the safest approach didn't try anything new at all but But we do recommend it. We recommend it. I'd still write i'd recommend ah yeah i'd recommend it even if you've seen all the Alien movies versus even it or if you're just trying to get into the franchise. Although, realistically, if you're getting into the franchise, watch the first one. like just Just watch them in order. ah Maybe skip the last two. you get ah You get a female badass in every one of them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're all they're all really even the even than the predator one you you get a female badass correct the firstland versus predator That's the only one you need to watch don't watch the other one people but a lot of people didn't even like that one and I Yeah, we like it because I loved it. I thought it delivered exactly what I wanted And I even, I was really into it way back in the day. There was actually, ah there was a few books written, like Alien vs. Predator books. I don't know how many. I read a couple of them and and the movie is actually loosely based on on one of the books. It's too bad they didn't actually just take the plot from the books because
It was really cool and really well done and I would have made an awesome movie because it takes place in the future versus a modern day, which is what Alien versus Predator took place in, so. who I would have liked to have seen that book made into a movie and I think it would have done a lot better, but... And Creeping Baroque, I think it was PG-13, wasn't it?
Yeah, I mean, I think you're right. Yeah, I thought that was a bad choice. That was a bad choice.
They should win 4. You can't take 2 characters that are both in R rated movies and make it PG-13. That's kind of silly. I get that, but i mean even having to watch the movie, like it didn't really need an R rating. and i mean like it's It's Alien vs Predator, it's just 2 monsters. like like what Even if their guts are spilling out, like there's not really going to necessitate an R rating in that because it's just 2 monsters fighting each other like essentially. I don't know.
Maybe that's me. i'm I'm not one to get too caught up in ratings, though, I think. And I feel like, because our ratings, I think, up here are a little bit different than any the American ratings, too, if I'm not mistaken, so...

Plot Summary of 'Blink Twice'

I don't know.
but well anyway it's still gonna be it's gonna be a recommendation for us uh it's yeah if you're into a horror space movie with uh with some crazy horrific creatures it's very happy rally in space you scream that's what it's from yes it is where it's from um So the only other movie I saw this summer um was Blink Twice. Do you know this one? is it Is it a sequel? It sounds like it should be a sequel. No, it's not a sequel. So it's ah Zoe Kravitz, director debut, starring Chan Tatum.
It's a basically a movie with with with a rich billionaire that sells his company and then takes all his friends and newcomers on an island getaway where they just do drugs, chill, and well, some things you don't know because they took certain drugs and make them like kind of black out. But ah it's one of those movies that's like, you know, not everything is all its as it seems. And
And you don't know where it's going. Because, you know, it's funny at times. It gets dark and twisted. Then also it gets very serious. And there are some scenes that are very memorable and ah and kind in like a bad funny way. if But it's like I'm like, I don't know if this is good or not. But it's it's definitely memorable.
um What was that other movie that we watched that had the bathtub scene? Oh, Saltburn. Oh, Saltburn. I mean, I guess it's like Saltburn meets Jeffrey Epstein, Island. Good lord. Oh my god. I think I just threw up my mouth a little bit there.
like but but but but it's like things that's like hinted at and then like yeah then ah it's it gets real it gets twisted i mean if like if i get i mean's definitely ah It has a message. Definitely at the end. And then where it all kind of all comes together. But there's still loose ends in the film. It's not a like but great movie. but but but but but but but but but but but but I'd say it's good. but but but but but but but It's like, I don't know, maybe like a six, five, seven out of ten. Like, Chantam's great. The whole cast is great.
um And you get some you get some actors that I know you would love. um you got you got You got your boy Christian Slater in it. oh yes ah and And you got, speaking of M. Night Shyamalan, you have Hailey Jill Osman in it as well.
right Um, so yeah, so you you get a lot of, uh, actors from back in the day that are all, all their best selves. Um, yes, I definitely recommend it, but like, but be warned, it's not for everybody. Like it's, it goes places when you don't expect it. Right. because you kind of don't know what movies trying to be. So the tones are kind of all over the place at times where where your emotions are. you don't You don't know what to feel at times. um But yeah, so.
That's all I'll say about that. Um, but I think it's all for the movie.

Favorite Movies of the Year Discussion

So I was trying to think of yeah like, you think you could come up with what you thought was like the best movie you saw this year but but or like, like maybe not. So maybe not even the summer, like maybe like just in 2024 so far.
That's tough. I'm like, I'm trying to think.
I uh... I feel like there should be an obvious answer to this. Well, there's no obvious, you know, but but I won one for me that I still really thoroughly enjoyed was it was Dune 2 and I actually rewatched it again. I liked it even more. um So I thought I know we talked about that on the show, but that one is still stuck with me. um and Another one that I saw, I don't know if I talked about this one, the show. I think I did. It was the movie called Challengers. OK.
It was the tennis movie with the tennis movie with ah Zendaya. alba yeah Yes. yeah And you know what's so great about that movie too is the soundtrack. The soundtrack from who's the composer is Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Snails fame. I think you mentioned that as well. we fucking i still I still listen to that soundtrack to this day. okay It's that good.
um I guess now now that we're talking about it, like, for me this year so far, it would probably be Furiosa. Ooh, yeah, yes. um I mean, of of all the ones I've seen, but I mean, like, maybe another one will will come to mind. That's definitely top five for me, I agree. Yeah.
I was still trying to get friends to see it cause like, I mean he took my flying under the radar, like the movie really came in wind for people. Like I had to tell people it's like, yeah, it's on max right now. Like go watch it. It's good. Like if you like Fury Road, you'll like this. It's a great companion to it. Yeah. It makes it better. And that's why I had to tell him like, go watch it seriously. Like, come on. Yeah.
i'm i'm trying to I'm trying to give that movie the the success it deserves, but sadly I don't think we'll get another one, at least for like 10 years. It needs to cool off a bit, I guess. But I love that choice, man. Is there any other ones that come to mind? ah I mean, i'm I'm trying to think of something that's like...
Yeah, there's stuff like I would find myself wanting to rewatch it. I mean, that's definitely one I want to rewatch. ah Whereas like other movies, I'd be like, yeah, they were good. It's like, would I rewatch it? Nah, I don't know. Well, well another rewatch we talked about on the show what was the was The Fall Guy.
Yes, that that one was good, especially for the genre that, you know, again, I don't typically care much for. i So yes, like I'd say that that is one of the best movies that came out of that that genre. it's I think it's like the perfect date movie. yeah it's that That's what I call it, the perfect date movie. um And then... Well done, for sure.
But no, I brought that movie up because I watched it again. And it they had a different version of the movie on streaming. It was the extended cut. And it's like 30 more minutes of the movie. Well, like there's like scenes, they're like 10 minute scenes that go on. I'm like, I don't watch them. It's like, why do they cut this? like I'm like, this is like one of the best scenes in the movie, like I could have like. So, you know, you know how they have the unicorn in the ah in the movie?
where Where he's like seeing a unicorn like he's a he's a He's tripping off of whatever that that that drug was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, see so you you almost forgot that it was even you to play the movie i said yeah Yeah, and I'll tell you why because like he he's only used like it's like a comic relief like like a one line where like like with the guys like oh you still see easy you if you see an unicorn just on the jacket and you see that you know that's it like he pops up another scene and then he's gone right there's an actual full-blown scene where he rides a unicorn he rides this unicorn like through yeah yeah this whole scene's cut where he's running through the city he's running through the the streets of sydney he's chasing this guy who he meets at the club
um And it's like they goes out to this is like full blown parkour scene while he's still chasing them He gets back on the unicorn they get on the on the bus together um I was like this is like an incredibly like like tense and fun-filled action scene like we're really showcase like how how how good of a job like certain stunt actors are and that's why I couldn't believe they cut it either because I'm like it's like this is like it really showcases how good stunt men and how like underappreciate this are like and and this is why they're gonna have have a stunt uh best stunt person category ocars at the Oscars yeah because I feel like this scene could be deserved for it um
But yeah, so... Sorry, I got a spin in my wheels, I feel like, for that. ah But yeah, i was even that move, I feel like, even with the extended version of it, it still holds up. Yeah.
But yeah, so those are movies that that also stuck with me. That, you know, I want to make a top a top 10 of the year list for us. but I know we do that before, but I feel like we we have seen a lot more movies this year and I think we'll continue that trend as we get to the ah the rest of the we finish off the year. And that's why I want to go into like the most anticipated movies for the rest of the year. Oh, OK.
So, do i mean you know what movie that's coming out in a few weeks?

Anticipation for 'Joker 2'

I feel like I should know that. I probably do know this, but just just tell me what it is, because I'm not going to guess it. It's Joker 2. right yes joker yes um yeah dude yeah i'm glad you said because i felt yeah i thought you would pronounce a lot better than me yeah probably not it's probably a french listener out there i was saying it's french you know french brother than me Well, I technically speak at gene and now it, I know! Technically... well Not well. um Technically, it's actually my first language. Just don't tell anybody. yeah You hide that about yourself.
um so So... I don't know if you heard the news about this film, but it's quite polarizing from what I hear. I'm here to very much love it or hate it type of film. And I'm scared to read up anything else. I feel like that's enough for me to know about. I don't want to go in blind. Don't talk any further. I get tired of having spoilers given away. And I feel like these days it's always too much.
oo I like trailers from back in the day where it would want to make you want to go see the movie but you really didn't know what was going to be happening in the movie whereas these days it's like oh here's the entire movie in 30 seconds now do you want to see the same thing but you know two hours it's very true like no no I don't Yeah, so so so I'll spare you, that's all I'll say. we We will be talking about it in a few weeks on the show, so don't worry. We'll be here before you know it. Sounds good. So I have a lot of a lot of sequels on this list that we have to look forward to for the rest of the year. um so so next So next we have Gladiator 2. Right. And I actually just watched the new trailer for that today.
And that's why it was quite timing the way you said how it gives away the whole movie in the trailer. Because I feel like that's what this new trailer just did for Gladiator 2. I mean, I am hyped as hell after that trailer, but I do feel like it gave so much. We're like, no, I'm going to be thinking about the trailer. just it like for gladiator to all you gotta do is like just show a fucking Coliseum or something like that they showed several back baby and you're like cool I'll be there yeah so
Unfortunately, I'll be going in knowing what to expect from the trailer. you know and like I hate with that when I'm watching a film where in the back of my head, I'm just like, well, they didn't show this yet from the trailer. They didn't show this. im It still needs to happen. It's funny because we were talking about, obviously we're talking about Alien, but we were talking about Alien last ah season for the Halloween. And I was talking about you should watch the Alien trailer first because it gives you nothing, but it makes you want to watch the movie.
yes i know exactly i know exactly what you're talking about yeah and like that is a very well done trailer and that is something that i think holy wood needs to go back to not just fucking nonsense that they're making these days yo i i didn't i did notice with this new trailer though that they dig they did take some constructive criticism from the first trailer because the first trailer used a ah hip-hop song with gladiator 2 Granted I do love the song and they do say Colosseum in the song in the lyrics. So I thought okay, this is kind of fitting. I do like the vibe they're going for, but like I'm not a hip-hop fan. I can understand why they'd be angry and upset. They're trying to pull a night's tale out of their ass like yes, really. But to me, I feel like it fits. If they're going night's tale, I'm like that works, but like gladiator, the tone is not night's tale.
ah so So But so they actually went with like the original score from gladiator right with this new trailer Yeah, and I thought it's gonna appeal to a lot more um fans of the original and you know people who were into this for the first time um I feel like I hate to say this like I feel like this isn't gonna be good. I I know. I got worried. And that's just the second sequel. is it So it's Joker 2, Gladier 2. And then this might be on your list. And I believe we actually saw this movie together when you came to visit. Do you remember what movie we saw together when you visited here? That they're making a sequel for? it
Wait, like, oh, oh, Moana. Yes, you know. Let's go. Moana 2 is coming. i believe I believe also in November, the same month as Gladiator 2. I want to see it's coming around Thanksgiving. I may be wrong. um American Thanksgiving. yeah cause ah I'll be honest, I don't think I would have watched that movie had you like not throwing it on for me. And it was surprisingly great, right? It was, yes. and Have you watched it again since?
i Actually, I think I did. I think it was on TV. I think I did actually catch the three movies of it or something. And I think it's very deserving of a sequel. um i was I'm someone who's in the camp that likes Moana more than Frozen. um Never seen Frozen. There we go. Wait. I'm writing these down of movies you haven't seen. Sure, sure. So guys, it was Frozen.
I think for me with Frozen, I was trying to balance out the universe because I know a lot of people that had young children around that time. And it's not has anything to do with the movie, but they hate the movie because the amount of times they've had to watch it and listen to the songs. Yes, so you can net you can escape let it go. i I won't watch it and then it'll balance out the universe. Even though I'm sure it's probably good.
Yeah, it's not, it's good, but it's not as good as Moana. I think Moana is fucking great. So this is the sequel. So now we we we both have a, we we have a connection to this film, you and I. So I feel like we had to see this in theaters too. What do you think?
Well, I can't say no now. Yeah, exactly yeah come on. like that You can't let the listeners down. Come on. um And I kind of want to because I didn't see the first one in theaters. And I think it's one of the most gorgeous animated films it is ever. Visually. It's visually striking for sure. yeah Yes. um There's one thing I'm nervous about.
So I heard, I don't know how true this is, I think it's true, is that the this was originally supposed to be straight to Disney Plus. Okay. And now they decided to release it in theaters. So the worry is, are they desperate because they don't have many, they't they haven't had many hits as they thought they were, and they're trying to make some money off the name of Moana, even though the they know the quality is not going to be that ah that good. that's what that's why That's what concerns me.

Concerns Over 'Moana 2'

Because I do know some of the films that Disney's come out with, and a lot of them were box office bombs. like I'd even give it a chance to even watch. um but So I feel like they want to get another hit. The biggest hit they've had recently is Deadpool Wolverine.
i think I think, so you think it's gonna go straight to Disney Plus? Possibly. No, it was supposed to. oh and and and And the studio heads, the studio heads flipped it like, no, no, no. That's what people were saying. Like, you know, like I taste with a grain of salt. It's in the studio heads could have been like, guys, we need to make money. Like, we need to put us in theaters. Like, we're not gonna make much money against Disney Plus.
If Disney does have a long history of doing that though, they'd have a terrific movie that was well received, everything like that, and then for whatever reason a sequel straight to fucking VHS back in the day. Yeah. It was very rare where you would get a Disney sequel, like even stuff like Aladdin, like Aladdin 1 came out and it was like a cat's ass, everyone talked about it. Sequel boom, straight to VHS.
And it's like they they did that with like all of their fucking movies. It was like their thing for whatever reason. Yeah, but that's what I'm surprised at for Moana 2 because Frozen 2 came out in theaters and that did admit a killing in the box office. I mean great, i I mean I didn't think it was as good as the first one, but it still made so much money.
and Moana made um like buku bucks as well so ah like I don't know why they they wouldn't just follow suit with this unless they think that this movie story-wise is like a big like downgrade from the first one It's hard to say what they're doing with anything these days and like like sometimes like they'll release a movie and then it's like they won't even let they won't even give it a chance and then all of a sudden they just leave release on streaming because they're they're worried about the money that's gonna be making so it's a weird time. It's a weird time we time for the ah movie theater experience for sure. so
Oh, okay. that's like That's a good

Nostalgia and Future Plans for 'Sonic the Hedgehog 3'

segue. Speaking of movie theater experience, um I have on the list, and I have it on this list because i want I want my nephew to have his first movie theater experience. And I think this movie coming out will be the perfect one for him. And that is Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
Oh, is that this year? Yes, it is. Oh, I didn't realize that. Uh-huh. And our boy Jim Carrey is back, baby. I thought he wasn't doing anymore. I thought so too, but but but we mean you know what they say, money talks.
Alright, he's turning into uh... he's gonna turn into like what is it like the Tom Brady of of Hollywood where it's like oh this is this is it this is it no no oh this is it that's so funny oh wait how much money you gave me? Nah okay you got me you got me I but i was fucking around yeah alright yeah so so so this one um follows uh goes in the shadow of the hedgehog I don't know how much you know about shadow um I kind of got out of the Sonic games when Shadow came along. yeah So I don't really know him that well. So I'm excited to go into it, like really not knowing much of the history. So because the first two movies I did enjoy, um especially as far as far as I did as well. yeah Yeah, I probably like the first one more. The second one, even the second one probably was more um ah true to the game. I ah guess. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah.
yeah i don't know either you know it is i mean i i played loosely very loosely yeah don' I just think the characters are fun. and ah oh the they seem like a lot ah They seem a lot like the characters from the games. And that's most important to me. And you throw Jim Carrey in there and just act like classic Jim Carrey. I'm all in. I'm all in every time. So I think that would be a good first movie for Brooks. he' was turning he's turning oh he's He's five years old now.
pick five he's not he's not been the movie theaters yet and i think most is because we but like we're nervous we can't get to sit still for that long
but we think now he's five maybe ah we can we can get him to listen that's very And we want him to like remember it, like because I remember my first movie theater experience, I remember seeing the Lion, I think I talked about it on the show, it was Lion King, it was also animated, well I guess it's like half animated, half not, I don't know if everyone's saying it, but I guess that's most it's most movies, a lot of movies nowadays.
um We're gonna need his review. Yes! After he sees the movie. I'll have to record his review and put it on the show. And then play the recording on air. That'll be cool. I like that. I'm down with that. I'll probably have to get his parents to sign something for it though. So I have the rights. Well, I don't like to go with it, I guess. Yeah, I know they would go, but you know, just in case. I'll sign the rights. I don't know. If you're one of our millionaires, you ain't gettin' a damn sin.
You'll be glad that I did this to be John, you used to come. All right, so is there anything else or are we wrapped up for today's episode? um The only ones I had on here looking forward to are The Wild Robot, because it it reminds me of the Iron Giant. That one looks good. It's a new animated film. So I'm going to have to talk about that one when that movie releases. And then also, also i'm I'm mixed on this one. I'm anticipated because if it's good, i'm I'm excited for it. If it's not, then I don't know. like I'm not into the the Venom movies that much, so I don't have it on the list. But I'm very curious about Craven the Hunter. OK. Yeah.
Because, and I'll tell you why, because I'm playing the Spider-Man 2 video game on PS5, and Craven the Hunter is like the big bad in the game. right um and um And I like his character a lot in the game, so it makes me more intrigued to see how he but portrayed in the movie. And what makes it more exciting is the film is rated R.
So they can go all out balls to the wall with the with the gore and the violence. And I feel like that's something that Sony needed needs to do, because I feel like they are desperate. And this is this is a good way to to get them out of that rut. So we'll see. Sounds good. Yeah, that that was the last one I got. did did Did you have anything else? I got nothing. I guess should we just talk about next week? Yes.
You excited for next week? i am yeah cause like this is a movie got some nostalgia for the first one it is definitely something hall being themed for the month of october and that will be beealjus of And I'm someone who has no nostalgia for

Upcoming 'Beetlejuice' Discussion Tease

the first one. I literally just saw the first one for the first time last year. yes so what we yeah Yeah, we'll have very different takes about about this.
I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it as well. And it's it's great to to have the show back again. I'm looking forward to to the rest of season three. For sure. Yeah, I think it's going to be a good one. And we've got we've got some things in store, we'll just say, that I'm looking forward to. We're looking forward to sharing with all of you. Yeah, and we'll leave it at that. Hey, hey, hey. All right, so we' we'll catch you all next week.
next week. cheers yes