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A J.K. Simmons Christmas! image

A J.K. Simmons Christmas!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
12 Plays1 month ago

Ho Ho Ho! A special Holiday episode featuring two movies spanning thirty years with the legendary J.K. Simmons: 'The Ref' (1994) and 'Red One' (2024).

Intro Music: 'The Christmas Song' by Nat King Cole

Merry New Year! (Kudos to you if you get the movie reference ;) ) 


Holiday Kick-off with Sleepy Joan and Jolly James

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast Chestnuts roasting on an open
Tiny tots
Ho, ho, ho, and a merry Christmas. You're listening to the Sleepy Games podcast. I am one of your hosts, Sleepy Joan. With me is the ever jolly, ever merry James Games. You there, buddy? Hey, ho, ho, ho, right back at you, buddy. I love it. I love it.
I'm excited for today's holiday episode.

Festive Decoration Dilemmas and Eggnog Adventures

Yes, I mean, as much as I really get into Halloween, I mean, Christmas, it's hard not to get into the spirit of Christmas. Yeah, I love being festive with Christmas. I assume with your house, as with mine, it's all decked out with everything. Christmas and the tree app. Wait, do you have a real tree or a fake tree? Well, yeah, we do fake tree. Yeah, same. Yeah, I mean,
I feel like if it was a real tree, the animals would not stay away from it, so that would be problematic. Oh, yeah. I haven't had enough time staying away from it as it is. That that would be an issue. yeah Yeah, no, we got to have lots of decor up. the The woman really likes, she really has the Christmas spirit. Yeah, you're about to stop. Now, now I hope, ah when I say being festive, I hope you have ah a nice succulent drink to go with today's show. like I am drinking some eggnog with sprinkled cinnamon on top.
I'm out of eggnog. You're out of eggnog? I am out of eggnog. But you had it. You had it. Oh wait, I ran out of eggnog. Yes, exactly. It's kind of the problem is like either I overbuy eggnog or I underbuy it and then that's like so sometimes I buy too much and then I'm spoiling before they expire every day like what's up with that? Wait, how long until it expires?
I don't even look at that date. Well, usually, one yeah and i we're we're we're up we're up in the the the Arctic here, man. like We got our igloos, so you'd think that it just would keep forever, but... well I always think you put more alcohol in it to you to to make it last longer.
I don't know. I mean, my sense of smell is pretty much gone. Usually, if something is looking sketchy, I give it to someone else to whiff and then based on their reaction, I'm just like, right okay. I don't know. Well, so I know some people like make like they concoct their own eggnog recipes and everything. So I mean, I take the easy way out. I'll just buy the store pointll store bought version of it. Yeah. um the The alcoholic eggnog.
um And then I'll just add more alcohol to it because it's usually not enough in the store bought Version at the store like you're you're saying that now that I don't think I've ever actually like I've had people make Homemade alcoholic eggnog. I don't know if I've ever bought like store-bought alcoholic eggnog Really? Yeah, I don't I don't think I've ever done that. I only bought it I'd never buy like the non-alcoholic in the grocery stores. I that's how I add the booze to it. so Yeah, yeah, yeah. For some reason, i kind of it's good. I mean, it's OK, like, without adding any more. But it just, because I think it's only like 15% alcohol. um Yeah, you'll you'll get, like, I think you'll get sick off the dairy before you get a buzz on, you know? Right. Yeah, exactly. Because usually I only have, I want i want to have, like, one um
uh not like like

Holiday Movie Traditions: Alan Rickman and J.K. Simmons

whiskey glass full of egg bag and i'm pretty set but you know i want to make sure that because i i'll film to the brim and so i want it to be at least like between like i think between like 25 to 30 percent is like the right amount that i want if i'm sipping for like a a good bit i got you yeah i got you but anyway we have a show to get to we do have a show to get to I wanted to tentatively call this one because I you know last year I was telling you before sure we had we had an Alan Rickman Christmas yes play the games podcast that's what that is my favorite um double feature
um i think i think of all time i mean it is one you know i think we discussed this last year i did not have the same love for love actually that i normally did i think i think the trump of it has wayne way wear off a bit okay ah but but diehard i feel like it gets better every time i watch it So, that hasn't gone anywhere. That's just it, yeah. And I mean, the more Christmases you watch it, the more it just fills you with that Christmas joy. and I think Die Hard feels more of a Christmas movie every year. every year I wholeheartedly agree, and anyone that thinks that Die Hard's not a Christmas movie can... I won't say it in in the spirit of Christmas, but you'll just have to use, ah I guess, your imagination.
ah good ah Good on you for that one. yeah Last year's episode was an Alan Rickman Christmas. This year tentatively called a J.K. Simmons Christmas. A J.K. Simmons Christmas? that we I think we're the only ones, I think we're the first ones to invent this. I would say so. I mean Alan Rickman, I mean that's it's kind of a, you know,
Yeah, it's pretty standard, I guess. A couple of good known movies, I guess this one. We got we got kind of like i guess a double feature today. ah should i Should I just dive into the first one that I saw? Yeah, but let's let's dive into the first one. yeah You got to see this in theaters. I did. You saw the new film, Red One.
I did. The new ah film with JK Simmons and Dwayne Johnson, The Rock. ah The red one. So you you said you haven't seen this one, right? No. Okay. No, the only only reason I didn't see it was because um I saw what the critic said and i and I was like, okay. I mean, I do eventually want to see this because I like the cast, even though it's, you know, it's just,
going to be a mediocre movie. you know I'm not going to go to the theaters to see it, but I do want to watch it. So I'm curious about your thoughts. oh yeah ah i'm actually so yeah Some critics you know get it wrong. Well, what was the overall, I guess, review of it that that turned you off of the movie? I'm curious. I haven't read anything. I didn't really know anything about this movie going in. I kept making the joke ah to the woman that, because she wanted to go see it, and I was just like, oh, it's like a Matthew McConaughey flick. I don't know for whatever reason. I just started thinking he was in this, even though he's not in this. I think so. I had no idea about this movie whatsoever. To be honest, I think what what turned me off a lot about it is The Rock.
like I feel like most movies with The Rock nowadays are just not good. i i mean I feel like that's kind of been his whole career. He kind of... yeah I don't know. He seems to have his ups and downs. yeah what well you know you know You know some actors that could be a hit or miss? There's a lot more misses with The Rock.
Right, but I mean, like to be honest, this episode is not called ah Dwayne Johnson Christmas. You're right. It's J.K. Simmons Christmas. And the thing is, too. I heard he's not in it that much, though. I read one. He's not. If I'm being real, he's in it in a ah criminally low amount of J.K. Simmons. and the The trailers would would ah deceive you for that. Because I've ever seen the trailers, and there was a lot of J.K. Simmons they put in there.
Well, I mean, in fairness to the trailers and everything like that, he is Santa Claus. Yes. So, I mean, you can't, like, so I, yeah, I guess it could be a bit deceptive. But, I mean, if you've ever really watched J.K. Simmons movies, for the most part, that typically is his

'Red One' Review and Santa Claus Portrayal

M.O. Like, he doesn't usually have a whole lot of screen time, but when he's there, it's not, not it's hard not to enjoy it. And, uh, uh, yeah, so I, I guess, um,
Like for me, ah personally, I mean, I did enjoy the movie. um
I think that, why okay, so the so the reviews, specifically, what what what what was the gripe about, I guess, is is my my curiosity. That was the gripe. Sorry, it was like a month ago. i remember but No, that's fine. I mean, if you can't really remember it, it's all good.
Yeah, yeah. Just fuck those reviews. oh yeah will I only want to do yours. Exactly. You're the one I care about. Okay, so what I'll start off by saying is that like, it is, it's a unique take. I can't say that like, I'm not saying it's never been done or anything. I mean, Christmas, obviously, like,
It's rare to get like a new spin on ah on a story, you know what I mean? like and like This one was cool because it's like it is a brand new take on a story. It's a brand new story. It's even, I would say, a brand new take on the character of Santa Claus.
And in it, like, I don't know if you've, I'm not usually one to, you know, get into what actors are doing behind the scenes or anything like that. But I mean, like, if you follow J.K. Simmons at all, you know that he has gotten jacked over the last few years. Like, he's been obviously hitting the gym really hard. And I don't think it really has much to do with him wanting to do different roles necessarily, but they seem to to take this into consideration for this movie because, but you know, the the argument that they're making is that Santa Claus, like, would have to be some sort of crazy gymnast in order to visit all the houses and, you know, drop into chimneys and, you know, and do everything that he does in one night. So, I mean, long and law in a short of it, like, I actually, like,
I actually I really did enjoy the movie. It it is something that I'd say is is unique. It definitely has some good laughs. It it has the has the character arc that you know yeah that that you need in a Christmas movie, right? you need you need You need the main character or a main character to redeem themselves and all that. And it's got that for two characters. Two of the main characters, one was a ah the Rock, the other one was Chris Evans there. I thought they both did a pretty good job, but it's kind of like a
A bit of a buddy cop movie with the two of them for the majority of of of the flick. So they kind of get the banter back and forth there. I guess I don't want to spoil it too much because you still do have a little bit of time this Christmas season to watch it. I guess if you feel so inclined, I suppose. ah The one thing, okay, if you do end up watching it, and this is something that's interesting for me.
And something I talked about on the show is, uh, I guess like well-written bad guys, uh, especially when, you know, the motivations are, I think a little bit less cut and dry. Oh, this is the bad guy. Cause like they're bad. They want to create evil or whatever. You know what I mean? Like, so the bad guy and this one, yeah, the bad guy and this one, um,
Basically what she wants to do is Anybody that is on the not on Santa's naughty list. She wants to trap them into a snow globe ah Essentially forever Which which one could argue it's just like well I mean it's not the worst out there and and that is that is the thing being discussed in the movie but there is one scene and this is the thing that's interesting is that at one point Chris Evans' character and his kid get trapped in a ah snow globe.
as part of the whole thing and then while he's trapped in this snow globe he ah He pretty much finishes his character arc like he he redeems himself and he becomes like a better person You know in the spirit of Christmas and in doing so he escapes the snow globe so if anything and this this was the bad guy that was it was doing all of this and it's like if anything I kind of think that as a good like that's a good thing like you're you're making people you know explore their life choices and stuff like that and and once they've redeemed themselves they've gone through the character arc and stuff like that they they escape the prison of the snow globe if anything I would say that in this movie one can make the argument that Santa was the bad guy and and the good guy was actually or the bad guy was actually the good guy but
you'll have to watch it for me and and I guess you give me your thoughts on it I guess after you've watched it but honestly like I mean all all kidding aside with what I just said ah it is I honestly I enjoyed it I enjoyed it I think more than I thought I would It's got some cool action sequences of things that you wouldn't expect kind of like this like basically crazy car chase, but not car chase scene through the North Pole, which is something that I didn't realize I needed in life, but but i bet I do need it. It was it was quite it cool it's quite fun to watch.
ah All in all, it was just it was a fun movie. there's some There's some pretty good chuckles. Obviously, you know, everything you'd want, I think, in a family friendly Santa Christmas type movie. And your man, J.K. Simmons at Santa Claus.
oh Okay, so so so at least but least with J.K., like he like, he still brought his A-game to Santa Claus, like, yeah hundred as far as Santa's you've seen in this in the cinematic world,
Is he one of the, I guess, like, more standouts or? I would say that, like, he plays Santa Claus. A different spin on it? No, it is a different spin, but, like, if you watch the movie, you'll see kind of what I'm getting at, but, like, what I'll say is, like, he's the Santa Claus that you want Santa Claus to be. If that makes any sort of sense.
Like after watching a lot of Santa, you know, there's there's obviously a different a lot of different tapes on the Santa Claus character. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's like... I wouldn't necessarily say he's like the best in cinematic history, but he's he's definitely what you want Santa to be. If that makes sense.
So I am curious, I guess, what I don't know if maybe you'll end up watching this season or possibly next Christmas season and you can give me your thoughts on Red One featuring J.K. Simmons. So if you were to give me your rating for this movie... ah Okay, I will give it a... I would probably give it... And this is the thing with with with ah with with Christmas movies is I feel like our ratings go higher if it's something than that we enjoyed as children and watched it, you know, like every every so many Christmases or every Christmas, it becomes a classic and in that regard. I think that if I was younger and I was watching this, I think it could definitely and move up
in the ratings a bit, but I'm going to give it a 4.
I'm not gonna lie to you James, I forget specifically what that stands for in the rating system. That was uh, I would buy it, I think. You would buy this!

Rating 'Red One': A New Christmas Classic?

uh yes this is this is a movie i think that i would rewatch around christmas time like it's one that i would throw into the rotation of of christmas movies if uh so it is uh i i would say and if you ask me again for a rating after i watched it a few times i' over a few christmas is like maybe maybe my rating would change but it's like i've only seen a once
uh and so far yeah like i would rewatch it again at another christmas i did enjoy it it was a fun watch so all right i'm glad to give you gave me this your review of it first we because now it makes me want to watch it more now because i was probably gonna maybe just leave it on the back burner and i even maybe watch it this christmas Honestly, there was a couple scenes in there where I think it was actually pretty cool to watch on the big screen. like that the The chase through the North Pole was pretty cool. like It's hard not to enjoy that, and I can't even describe it because it it has whimsical and magic involved in it, right? It's not just a fuck it's not just a a straightforward type ah car chase, it's very like yeah it's it's but it's a nice chase sequence, it's pretty cool. like
I don't know man, it was it just it was an enjoyable movie. Do you think ah did like a lot of the jokes land for you? or like Were some of the jokes just like, oh yeah, pretty look pretty no that there' low fruit type of jokes? Well there's there's the jokes for for kids and stuff like that for sure. and Yeah, I'd say that i wouldn't for the most part i'd say it's a movie that is i think trying to be a little bit a little bit heavier on the heart rather than just the laughs but i thought the laughs were pretty good like i mean it's it's a cute movie like it's a movie honestly that like you know you you can just whoever you want to bring
I think whether it's, ah you know, grandma and grandpa, you want to bring very young kids with you, I think you're going to enjoy it. And ah it's not, you know, it's it's not going to be something that might be enjoyable, but maybe not for every audience, kind of like Bad Santa or something like that. Right. Like so it's a it is a very family friendly, fun movie.

Exploring 'The Ref': Family Chaos and Comedy

So. Yeah, this is is PG or PG-13.
I couldn't tell you, James. I think our rating system is a bit different. Oh, I was about to say, I'm like asking them like, wait a minute, you can't even have that, do you? I'm trying to think like it's like the last time I looked at ratings is a long time. We have, okay, I'm gonna see if I get this right. And someone's probably gonna correct me because I'm probably wrong. We have G for general, which is like kids movies and stuff. Yeah, we have that. I believe next from there is what we call ah ah Yeah, it's probably the PG or PG-13 like you said then you have I think we have mature m company called m a Yeah, which is basically like ah and Which is yeah, it's basically like PG but just I guess a little bit more mature I don't really think that there's that I don't think they really care if you go into it and then we have 18a which is
Adults, ah but you can if you with ah If you're with an adult you can go and watch the movie If not, you need to be 18 if you're under than 18 and won't let you in or won't let you in and then we have our Which is like if you're under 18, you can't go in. Yeah, I think that that is our rating systems. I'm honestly not even but It's interesting like for our in the US s like you can be 17 to see an R rated movie. I yeah no if it's if it's an R here it's effectively they they consider it like porn it's like you can't go in you can't go in with an adult there aren't many movies that are released as R here though like because i i think if i'm if i'm if i'm correct like even for instance like deadpool and wolverine would have gotten like ah an eighteen a 18a rating i think that it won't get a hard r a hard r is like
It has to the the gore has to be like next level. ah I think jackass back in the day when they made the first movie that was a rated R movie. I think mainly because they were worried about copycats because yeah that didn't happen right. gotcha I don't know though. on This is the thing is like I always find it interesting.
Uh, how it seems to be important to people, with the rating systems, and they're just like, oh, like, for instance, like Deadpool Wolverine is like, oh, this is the highest growing grossing our our movie, and it's like, I feel like you should just make your movie, and then they'll give it a rating, and like, that's it. But it seems like some studios are like, oh, we have to do it, and it's gotta have this rating, and it's like, why? Who cares? Just make the fucking movie, and- Whatever right like Anyways, because I think sometimes you end up trying to make something that's rated R where it's like was it necessary? And and vice versa you got some people trying to tone things down. You're like, maybe you should leave it So but anyways, that that is a rat for a different day We're talking about Christmas here James You know, we'll go on the rate. I just wait for you to finish um Christmas JK Simmons
No, no, no. I had a good segue. So let me, I got it. So speaking of R rated movies, our next movie is rated R. See, it's that simple. That's all you gotta do. I like that. That's how you segue, dog. I queued you up in there. You keep spiraling. That was a crash and burn situation. yeah Rudolph was not there to light up that sleigh. So, so, oh my God. Uh,
are are part two of the double feature with JK Simmons. um Fun fact, I guarantee you didn't hear this. This is actually JK Simmons' movie debut. Really? Yes. Yeah, I had a feeling it was... Well, I mean, that might explain why it's not really a crazy JK Simmons type performance. Like, I'm still going to say he does a good job, but yeah.
yeah not on He's not on for very long at all. Yeah, but we'll go into him when... you know when we talk more about the story, in the film. I guess. So you're saying, so but you're saying this is a rated R movie in the States. Yes. In the States, this is, this is a high R. This is very, very much an R movie. So and um the bag this is like, this is either going to get it. Honestly, like I think even back in the day, it would either get a PG 13 or mature rating at most. So the funny thing is this movie is produced by Disney.
It's produced by Disney. Yes. Isn't it? What? It's from Yes, it is. Yeah. Yeah. yeah So this is the Disney Renaissance of like their best animated films. Right. Right. um And some of the beloved childhood classics at that time. yeah In the thick of the muddy ducks, you know. but Forget all hockey in Canada on you.
ah They they put out this film called The Ref starring Dennis Leary, Kevin Spacey and Judi Davis. Yeah. It's my first thing. We're not there yet. Stop skipping ahead.
Anyways. So they're the three stars of the film. ah And this is my first time watching. You've seen this before, Sleepy Jed. Yeah. this This is a bit of ah a classic for me is that like it was one that I won't say I watched it every Christmas But definitely many Christmases because it was on ah it was a ah movie that was oftentimes on TV so Really?
Yeah, obviously they they do edit some stuff out, but yeah, like it it's it's it's it was a very commonly played movie on TV up here because that's why I didn't own it. So and I've seen it a few times. It's always been on TV. So I can understand why this movie kind of fell by the wayside, I guess, maybe a bit like maybe I didn't get around to watching it. Right. Because when it comes to Christmas films, you know,
I think this film is for people who don't like Christmas. I agree. yeah and So if you don't like Christmas, this is the Christmas movie for you.
um but yes I mean, I have been called a Grinch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. so So I can see why you know you recommended this and you watched this a few times. um But as a film, ah I very much enjoyed this, because not knowing what was going to happen and trying to put together what I think is going to happen and knowing what characters are going to clash with who at certain times. yeah But it would just just to give a basic synopsis of it. um you we We're we' struck.
in this Christmas or the Christmas season, it was Christmas Eve, I believe. um and were We're in Connecticut, in the Northeast of the States, the small town. And you we we go to this very couple, Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis. but The funny thing is, and I love how they go see their therapist on Christmas Eve. I think right i think that's a very hilarious setup for the rest of the film.
It kind of just like, all right, this is the type of film you're in. It's going to be like this, every step of the way. no i love I love the actor who actually played the therapist. that That's actually actor BD Wong. He was in Jurassic Park as well. That's right. Yes. So mean he he's only in that scene, but but but you know, it's like what what happens in the scene lingers throughout the rest of the film.
um there's some great one-liners. There is. There is one line, I think I read this. ah
Oh, no. It was it was after their meeting. where It was after... There was there was some it was some line.
man, I'm not sure about that, wrote it down, but like, yeah, there's a great, there's a great back and forth between Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis. but is Like you could, you could show like just the cowboy of actors they are like, um, but after their session, they go to, uh, the convenience store where, oh, where, um, you know, they they they go pick up, uh, whatever they need for, uh, their, the family coming over for dinner. And,
You know, they're going through it. You you feel like they're on the brink of divorce, is how bad things are going. And then before this, you show Dennis Leary, who's the who's the the robber. um is keith's kind it's kind of like the The funny thing is, like I can't help but think that this movie we took a little bit of inspiration of like Home Alone, um since Home Alone came out like a couple years before this.
So they took a little inspiration from that and be like, all right, let's make this more adult, you know, like to appeal to the adults um and have like ever more of a relatability to them. um And he he just finished wrapping the house. It doesn't go the way you know he expects. he but He steals the jewels and everything, but, you know, he gets the the security is The security system was insane. I had to let the trap door and everything and then like the rabid dog in the basement just waiting and like, wow, what a security system. getting The most important part of all, the cat piss. The cat piss. And that that that was a that was a great a joke to spread out for the rest of the film.
And I said, like, what's that smell? like I go, well, why do you smell like piss and all that? And Dennis Layley's face, like ah he, like he, was a perfect casting a for this. And when, so Dennis Layley, he kind of confronts the wife in the convenience store and basically gets in the car with Kevin Spacey and her and kind of holds them hostage.
And then and then the the the bickering continues between them and the car. denis larry i I know the one night he said, he's just like shaking his hands. He's like, I hijacked my fucking parents. but yeah And like there I'm like, I'm loving where this is going. Because it's sprinkling other things ah that are setting up for the rest of the movie ah that are eventually going to collide.
Yeah, like you how you you show you show um you show you some of the cops. You can tell like some of them, you know, aren't like just don't want to be there because it's Christmas and it's a sleepy town. So nothing like this really like nothing crazy really happens. ah And that is then you get to see what the the the aunts or the brothers The brothers, the sisters of the family, they were planning to be over there later. So you're like, all right, so that's the back of your mind. OK, so this will eventually happen. And then you hear all this talk about Kevin Spacey's mom, how she's not the worst person in the world. So I'm like, all right, well, that's going to eventually come so to see how bad she really is. So all this stuff is in the back of your mind. And then you're thrusted in the situation with them. Like, all right, so it's bad now, but it's only going to get worse.
you know um so so yeah it's a great hook uh for a movie i thought and yeah let me actually get to the house and uh but but but but i want to hear more from you as far as uh i guess watching it for what like the fourth or fifth time is that how many times you've seen this like maybe more yeah i i mean if i had to guess this is probably like my Yeah, like somewhere around there, like five, six times, I've probably seen it, like, but it's been many, many years. Like, I probably haven't watched this movie in like, I'd say a good 15 years. Okay, so it's been a while, so you definitely forgot a few things, remembered others. Oh yeah, yeah, I mean, I still remember some lines, like, from back in the day, it was like, whoa, we have bungee cord! Yeah, but the bungee cord! And a couple of cards. Yeah, the way you remember Carole, your first...
yeah there's there's definitely some lines that like are for me like are kind of unforgettable it it has a great script and and actors that really deliver on the script yes so yeah i mean it's like and it I mean, and i and I know I'm just gonna say like in terms of like it it does tick all the boxes I mean for the Christmas movie though. I mean, yeah, it's a bit more of a Bit more adult and it's also a bit more I guess Less jolly I suppose you could say it but I mean again like there is some ah great Redemption and everything like that as the movie goes on ah So it's still a Christmassy movie
And it does have, they play my favorite Christmas song of all time. If you're trying to make ah a movie, a Christmas movie, you and you play my favorite Christmas song of all time, I'm gonna lean towards this being more of a Christmas movie, you know? Right. And that song is Nat King Cole's, the Christmas song, Chestnuts Roasting on Open Fire. And they literally even bring up, they're like, can we play some Christmas music? You're like, yeah, how about some Nat King Cole? I'm like, what? That's music to my ears. Play it, let's go.
Um, but man, talk about dysfunctional family. Oh my God. Um, so skip, I guess moving along cause you know, at first the hostages are just, um, Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis, the married couple. Uh, and then, then we, we learned that the son's coming home. So we, we, we go to where the son is. He's a military school. And then that's where,
We find out, that's where our boy is. Mr. JK Simmons, Mr. Double Feature of this episode. We found out he's like the, mill he's like the captain or the, earth the he he's some higher up of the school, yeah the principal or something of the school. And the son is blackmailing him for him cheating on his wife. I haven't, I think he was having a threesome. I looked that way. we I mean, let's be real here. It's J.K. Simmons. I'm not sure if they had that they should on cable TV when you were watching this. To be honest, they might have because it's like it's not very big on the pictures and stuff. Right, right. Yeah, true. I don't honestly remember, but it it wouldn't really matter. But I mean, let's be real. It is J.K. Simmons. I'm sure that that three way picture, it was probably there was probably a whole room ah of women.
it's So ah so ah like like I know they showed the photos before Jakey Simmons appeared. So I didn't notice that was him in the photos. So so when when he's in the red room, ah you know, like developing the photo of the photos, everything.
And then he gets knocked on the door. um just i not and I don't know what to expect. So he opens the door, and then once the door opens, I'm like, holy fuck, there's JK Simmons. He's in this. What? And and then that's that's why I did the research, and I found out that this is actually his first film role he's ever done. I had no idea. Yeah. yeah um Yeah, a late he must have had a bit of a late start then. So so he was mostly ah um a theater actor. Right. Before then. Well, I guess theater is a commercial but because because i think I think it was either around this time he got the he got the role for the Yellow M&M. Oh. And the M&M commercials? Yeah, yeah, I remember those. Yeah, but he's he's still the M&M guy.
He still does them after all these years. Fascinating. He says, yeah, it's good money. Can't argue that. Yeah. ah So yeah, so so so but that we learned that. so So I like how they threw that in here with how the son is still, you know, he's he's not that he's at the best of character either, um which which ties into Dennis Leary's character later. Right.
Which I liked. So now we're back at the house annette and we're expecting the sun to be back soon. We're expecting the other part of the family to be there. And I'm trying to make sure I don't miss anything before they get there. i chat Was there anything pretty memorable before that? I mean, I'll be tied up.
I don't feel like in this is like it's it's a shorter movie. It's just over just over an hour and a half Yeah, and I won't say there's a drunk Santa a drunk Santa plays a big part There was a drunk Santa and like there's not I don't feel like it's a movie that has any wasted dialogue So it's like are you missing anything? It's like no, I guess not but it's like it like are missing there's definitely some one-liners in there because like the Yeah, there's a constant back and forth. so Yeah. And they throw like, you see the side of the cops because you want to feel like, okay, there's a sense of urgency here because there's this curfew going on and they can be caught any time because they're going to be going to house to house to try to find him and see if he's hiding out somewhere. Um, so I, I, I, I, I did, I did like that. How like you're it's still like home, man, how they gonna get out of this? I don't know. I don't know. Um, and,
when ah I did like how I felt like they didn't have to do this but I like how they did where you had the police captain and then I guess the commissioner guy yeah how they were at odds with each other yeah and then he basically you what you want to say No, no. I mean, I think the one thing that I thought was like well done is that there's there's the scene where that the cops are all um at at the shop, right? And they're watching this movie on TV and then they end up basically recording over the evidence. and I think in Traditionally written movies that's something where it's like yeah You might see that because this is like this is still pretty much the first act or maybe the second act was happening And then it would be like they'll fast-forward to the end of the movie to let you know They recorded over it and that Dennis later is gonna go free, but they don't like they wait like a minute And you see the captain walk back and he's like what the fuck I? I like how they set that up to make it seem like it wasn't just like out of nowhere because it showed it showed the cops trying to fiddle with the remote and none of them knew how to use it. no He's like, give me that thing. And he did it right away. And then when they tried to put it back on, they thought they were like, oh, we got the movie back on. But before they recorded it, I'm like, that was a good little sound they did, you know?
ah And then, but I like how him and the commissioner read odds with each other. And he's like, oh, you're not going to have a job after this, you know, after Christmas, you're out of here. Yeah. then like they And he's like.
He's like, hey, before you go. He's like, I fucked your life. and And then Morris held the injury. He's just like, yeah, we we were went three rounds. She said you were never able to do that. I'm like, oh my God. His delivery was so flat with it too, which is added to it. And I feel like I've seen that guy and other things. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it was. But but but but like that faced his voice. like I've seen it heard that before.
Yeah, no, i was it was really well done. Because if you're if you're doing scenes taking away from the you know the the a the A storyline, you have to make it memorable in some way. that Yeah. you know And they did. They did. so It is, yes. so So I think this film did a great job with supporting cast, not just the the like characters generally with the story, but like the ones that are only there for a few scenes or two. Yeah.
ah so ah where so Okay, so getting back to the house. The whole family's there now. Well, well actually, the son gets there first. And, you know, of course, the the son's not as keen as to go along with all this. he he He finds a way to break free, and he's trying to take control of the situation. But, you know, den Dennis, Larry being the,
I like to call him, I know his name's Gus, but I like to say he's Dennis Leary. For the sake of this. We tend to do that a lot on this show. It's easy to explain. And yeah, the son of Chad takes control, but Dennis Leary, he's the established professional criminal.
um You know, he takes back control. He takes the gun away, whatever, then ties him up. and And then they got set up the whole dinner once the family gets there. And man, what a weird fucking dinner this was. Oh, yeah. ah Like where everyone's wearing like these like these these these crowns of candles going on. Yeah. Yeah. And like, I know she was explaining, but I was kind of just like, I was still just being like, what the fuck is happening? let me Like, if you want to go weird, you're going weird. Yeah. Like.
If there's something the movie didn't have to do, I guess it was this, if I had a nitpick. It's already a weird enough situation, I'm like, did you really have to do all this? like
Yeah, I mean... That's just me, Doug. Well, cause I feel like, yeah you know, I guess it kind of goes in line with her character because like the thing she gets called out on is like, she's in place of she's got like nothing that's hers, nothing to identify, you know, her as like ah as an individual and stuff like that. So I think that that's why she's acting out to that degree. And I understand that, but is that I think it's a little too out there.
Like it's like too much. It might be for you, for me, I'd say it was it was pretty much on the nose. I think because I've never seen something like that before. I think like ah not so much like in real life, but even in like TV and film.
Yeah, I mean able to do that unique and like and I have no idea if like because supposedly there's some ah some backstory and some reason as to why they were doing all that as to whether or not there is some Legitimate I guess Christmas or even historical traditions or anything there and I'm not really sure but yeah I don't know. I mean, I thought it worked. I liked it. But yeah, it is. It is definitely a little over the top. But the characters even are are just as I think in agreement with that and in the movie, like there's someone that was like, what the fuck are we doing

Character Arcs and Endings in 'The Ref'

kind of deal? Like the mother was one that was was was was even saying that as well to you. So.
at all yeah so so so now that so denis larry has to pretend that he's the therapist right dr long he is dr wong which i thought was hilarious because his mother was irish yeah i know ah yeah Yeah, I remember that scene too because good he said, yeah, but my mother was Irish and then like, he's like, your father wasn't. he was I like, yes, that's such a good answer.
of Yeah. So, okay. So with, with, with how weird and crazy the dinner scene got, I appreciate the scene when they're opening up gifts more. um And also, I love the thing about, I think this is a stupid ah stupid thing, but I never even heard of them, but if you the this gift feels like something I would have heard of, but I'm like, is that a thing? Is Slipper socks?
i I'm sure that's a thing, James, isn't it? Slipper socks. as a I mean, it sounds like it's, it is a real thing, but I'm just like, have I had those? Do I know what those look like?
I mean, I'm like, I can't, I just imagine it's like slippers, but like they go up to your knees, you know, like with the socks. but i'm I feel like really big about what they're talking about. I'm like, cause, cause the, uh, was it the, um, the sister law? I guess it was, she was like obsessed with it. Yeah. yeah's like Slipper socks, medium, like medium. Okay. you like a slipp resign oh But yeah, I love how the kids were really into it too, as far as, uh,
Like when when all the crazy shit was happening, like where it be certain arguments between um the parents. yeah um Or even when Dennis Leary, like here he already called him, called out that he's know he's not who he is and they're still going along with it. Like when when he's tied up his parent or when the son is tied up the parents and then, man, we got to talk about, I want to talk about the mother though. The mother, she's got to be one of the worst mothers in like movie history.
She's horrible. She's definitely horrible. Pretty out there. she see's they They make a very good job of you, and they're like not liking her for sure. so Yes. and yeah There's not like a good bone in her body. yeah I think she's just all evil, all around.
ah so So controlling, I think, is is what it is, right? And then, yeah, and so the two sons kind of reacted or responded to that differently. Like, the the psychology that went into the writing is actually pretty interesting, too, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. But, man, I was so i was so glad when when Kevin Spacey put her in her place of saying what what he plans to get her next year for Christmas. You remember what she said? Oh, yeah. I was like, I'm going to get you across.
Like stick yourself to it they would like what you can so every time you're sacrificing yourself to it that's a down something um like I was floored. I was like i can't she deserved that so much that was like cheering for him For him for him to say that it was like it meant so much. Oh my god Yeah, it's pretty pretty good lines. He's like, he's like, I've met loan sharks that are more for So it was cool to see how like you have, you know, like if I'm explaining the title of the movie, the ref, you know, desk Larry is the refuse, right? He's the one he's putting, you know, put everyone in their place. But it's interesting as far as someone who's the criminal,
And you know, but you can still see worse, worse people. Right. um Yeah. And I, well, and I think that, I think you kind of alluded to this earlier in that, like, you're kind of watching his life story arc almost because it seems like there's a lot of parallels between him and the, and, and the son. Yes. I want to go over that next year. Yeah. So.
Yeah. Cause I like to have that whole dynamic, how, how the son really looked up to Densler as this criminal and how he wants that life that he has. yeah And Densler is the one convincing him, no, you don't want this life. Like I kind of had no choice. You have, you have this life, like there's such a good life granted to you and you're throwing it away. Um, and It's amazing how someone like him could speak to him so well that his parents couldn't do.
um And they all learned, this and because I want to get into the ending next, because I heard, like after watching the movie, I won ah had to find out research and be like, there's no way this could have been the original ending, you know? Okay.
I couldn't see a studio being... but I would think the creators would fight for this ending, because I feel like especially knowing this was Disney, because you know what Disney would would would do, right? Like, if you had to guess what Disney would do for this ending, what do you think it would be?
i I mean, that one's ah like that's tough. like yeah I guess you're specifically you must be talking about Dennis Leary's character though, yes right? Yes. I want to explain what the original ending is and then tell the theatrical. I feel like Disney... ah it being I think that they would want him to get caught by the police and not get away. Yes. So so Disney's ending was for him to for for him for for the son to understand that the life is not for is the life shouldn't be for him right dennis larry turns himself in ah okay yep
but how How much would you like the movie less? I don't think that it's one. i Honestly, had had that been the case, I don't think I would have watched it again. I think the ending is the cherry on top. I think it ends incredibly well. And the very last line in the movie is one that has always stuck with me. And I even alluded to it last episode. ah Just because of how like it's just like because you're not you're you should be expecting it and you're not. And then you get that last chuckle in.
like as the credits are rolling yep yep yep that's what it needed so apparently uh test audience they screened that for test audiences and test audiences hated it he hated they hated how he turned himself in because that didn't feel like what the character would do no shit yeah so because of that they changed it i'm so glad they did um yeah no that that yeah that wouldn't be any good with with because i feel like it worked in two two levels because not only does he get away, but I liked how the it helped the family. Well, I also, I got to bring up the scene how when the cops actually came to the house and then how Kevin Spacey and and Judy Davis where were were being you know very much themselves explaining the situation and how much of a hassle they would be if they brought the cops, I brought them over to the station.
Because it was like, Bickering, Bickering, Bickering. It was like, oh my god. The cops came to get a word in. It was like, oh, if you guys want us to come to the station and give other statements, we'd totally be happy to do it. No, no, no. You're good. You stay here. You're fine. That was so good. But getting back to it, I like how the son helped him get away. The son knew how he could get away. Then helped him along. And then the junk Santa came back, and that's how he got involved. They took his suit and all that.
yeah and And I like how there was that last moment between the two and saying, yeah, you I appreciate you doing it doing this for me, Cib. And I think he did understand that this life's not for you, you know do better things. Yeah, maybe the Christmas arc that is required of a Christmas movie. Yes. and and and that And that's why it was a nice little bow on it to wrap it up and with all these Christmas puns are using cheese. okay ah
But yeah so um yeah, it surprised me how much I liked this. I did not think I was gonna like it as much as I did. so it's i'm glad you it's It's a strong recommendation for me. Obviously, like and on my part, i mean like ah you know especially it being something like I grew up with, ah you know it is a fond fa movie for myself. so it's like you know Obviously, when you recommend something like that, you're really hoping that you'll love it just as much as I do.
And maybe you regret a little bit that it wasn't a part of your childhood. Yeah, I'm okay with washing it down. Yeah, slightly traumatizing type movie.
I don't think I would've enjoyed it as much as i if I was a kid. Especially because I didn't watch those type of type of movies when I was a kid. I think that, and this is the thing, is that like, if if you're a kid that has grown up in households, and and don't get me wrong, like obviously, you know, they Hollywoodized it, it's like, it's I guess next level crazy to some degree, but it's like, if you grew up in households like that, I think you'd have a much more fond appreciation ah for a movie like that at Christmas time, especially because it's like,
If you're watching like ah like a typical Hallmark kind of Christmas movie, like it's so kind of hokey and over the top, especially if you've like, you know, if you depending on the environment you grew up in and it's just like, it's okay, it's hard to get into this type deal, right? But like this movie, I just felt like it was, ah you know, for for people of of certain backgrounds, I think that it might speak to them a bit more, right? so Yeah.
If you're a bit more of a Grinch, there's usually a reason why you're a bit of a Grinch. Yeah, so and I think like you know growing up, like it it was it had a special place in my heart for exactly that reason, because I think it was ah a Christmas movie that was like a bit more real, but it was still Christmasy. It still filled me up with Christmas joy. joy Yeah, um so I probably wouldn't watch this like every Christmas, but I definitely wouldn't recommend this to other people who haven't seen it.
and definitely watch it again in the future. you know ah And to give our ratings, I would give this a four. I would definitely buy this

Unique Christmas Movies and New Dexter Prequel

for sure. All right. I'm glad to hear that that's what it was for me, especially having been in the rotation for a while. Again, it's not a movie I watch every year, kind of like what you said, but it is in the rotation of Christmas movies that I watch. I love introducing it to other people. I'm going to give it the five, the sleepy games.
yeah man we even have one of those and like a while i don't I think that's the first one. A four Christmas. It's a miracle. It's a miracle.
And to be honest, until we rewatched it for this episode, I had no idea J.K. Simmons was in it. It's not to say that. I was going to ask that because if it this but it was 15 years ago. I can see why you would forget that. And then I saw him and I was like, shit. I was like, and he's got hair. Yeah, and kind of. Yeah, some more hair. Yeah.
yeah So, yeah, and I mean, like, yes was it was kind of cool to see that, too, even though, like, I mean, I did remember the character, just, I had never obviously made made the connection between the two, because by the time he became J. Jonah, it's like... Yeah, I don't think it was it was that obvious, and yeah, so... But, uh, yeah, that's definitely a strong recommendation for me. If you haven't seen it, you at least have to watch it one time, and and hopefully, you'll find it becomes part of your Christmas rotation.
Yeah, if Christmas hits you differently from somebody else and you don't like it is as much as other people do, I think you would like it more. Well, I mean, there's that. But the other thing is too, and I mean, if we're being fair, like Christmas movies, especially if you end up watching a lot of them, like they tend to get kind of a like almost a little redundant, you know what I mean? holy Like a little formulaic. Well, ah well i do think I do think unconventional Christmas movies are very but very much in now.
Yes, right. Well, yeah, I'd say that this movie was probably a little ahead of its time in 1994. Like, like, but like, I know we skipped, we skipped this in the beginning because we had a big, big eggnog talk. um but But I watched the, I watched the movie on Netflix ah called Carry On. Okay. um which Which was the, ah the one with Terry Eggerton and Jason Bateman. Yeah, which is I haven't, I haven't seen this Also takes place on Christmas Eve at the LAX Airport, Los Angeles Airport. I was it very much trying to be like a new kind of die-hard type of movie, you know? oh Right, right, right, right, right. Yes, yes, I have heard. Yeah, yeah someone tries to stick like a certain kind of bomb onto a plane, getting through it as a carry-on, basic premise.
And what what, overall, what what would you say? I really liked it. Yeah. we It hooked me throughout the entire time. know I'm a big fan of Tarrant Eggerton. I think he's okay ah he's an underrated actor, to be honest. um he's he's not He's not getting there like the respect and he deserves it. I don't know why. um and And Jason Bateman is the villain. I thought he'd he played that very well. Interesting. um like Like a lot, what he was doing was more um more with his voice. they think because I mean, he has a screen time, you know, he has a screen time, but like for the first half of the film, is it's mostly just him on the phone. He can be pretty menacing on there. I didn't think he had that in him, but I thought he he rocked this pretty well. But I mean, I enjoyed the ref more, but I think, I think carry on is a good, it's a good Netflix movie. Yeah. okay
So if you need another Christmas movie to watch, if you want some more of the unconventional type of Christmas movie, I definitely recommend this. Two. So I might have to give that one a watch. I mean, especially being. It falls into some silly tropes towards the end. It's like you got to suspend your disbelief a little bit. You're like, OK, I mean, but, you know, if you can get by overalls, that is the whole film is still pretty good.
Okay, so if I have the choice of watching carry-on for the first time or watching diehard for what I am sure is probably at least the 20th time What would you recommend that I do? Has your woman seen diehard? Yes, she has Okay, but nearly so I mean if you want something different I'd say to watch carry-on to just so you can um because I think sometimes we're watching something new together is is more fun than just especially it being a being a ah movie, you know, since it's so close to Christmas now, you probably want to watch this to get more of the spirit and kind of not know like what's coming. Okay, sorry, I think I lost you there. Wait, can you hear me now?
Yeah, no, no, you said, yeah, you you were saying that, have I watched Die Hard, or sorry, has my woman watched Die Hard, and I was like, yeah, she's seen it, and then you were talking about, to oh, like, you're watching something new. Yeah, so I would say watch this and watch something new, because I feel like the, I feel like it's a well-rounded cast, and they play off well against each other. You have some laughs, and when to gets ah it gets intense, it gets intense.
Okay, and Jason Bateman as a bad guy. that That's kind of something interesting to watch, I'm sure. so Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd be kind of curious to see that. Yeah, I think you'll like it. Yeah, I might might have to give it a watch. Maybe? Yeah. Yeah, then maybe after the holidays, when we start up the next ah episode, we can hear you review on it. but no Now you put me on the spot, James. Of course I am. We give the people what they want.
But then like Christmas will be over and they'll be like, wow, this is like January Christmas still. OK, I got I got some enough for you there. OK, were you ever, were you ever were you ever a fan of the show Dexter?
uh... you know what's funny is uh... and i i so i i watched the first two seasons of that show way back in the day uh... i was uh... behind on the bandwagon and after some people were telling me that i guess it didn't end so good uh... i kinda stopped after the second season uh... but the kid recently for no reason has started watching it uh... and i think she's in the third season right now so
Which is a random thing, it's not like I recommended the show or anything. Dude, the best season of that show, and I'll bring up why I brought it why bring it up later, but the best season is when Jon Lefkal is the bad guy. Right, I've heard that and I was looking forward to seeing him because i he's a phenomenal actor, I love him in anything that he does. I think i think this is probably the best I've ever seen him was it was when he was in when he was the villain in Dexter.
Yeah. Because like he had a range about him that I did not know he had in him. wait You probably see ah snippets of of that in the ah Hollywood classic, a Cliffhanger. I've seen bits and pieces of Cliffhanger, but I've seen the scenes of him that you're talking about. and no ah so so So I bring up Dexter because they they originally they just released a prequel series called Dexter original sin okay where you it's like Dexter in the takes place in like oh dude and this is why I didn't bring this up to you because this is why I know you'll love it um so it takes place I think when he's like in his lower 20s like he's like just out of college and he like he just starts working for Miami metro the the police sink or precinct
So you have a new, so so it's all new actors playing a lot of characters that we know. And guess who plays Dexter's dad? And I'm gonna tell you, it's your boy. Oh, you know what's funny is like, I think that, yes, I think I do know this. Do you know this? He's a heartthrob, he's a bit of a heartthrob.
ah But I'm, uh, I'm drawing a blank at the name. But, uh... Yeah.
no no the os are you Yeah, tell me, please. christian slater
It's not. Yes, it is. He plays Dexter's dad. He plays Dexter's dad. Yes, he does. And he's fantastic. He's so good. He's so good at it. Oh my God. Okay.
and okay i had heard I didn't actually know that it was him. like that's yeah like that so That blows me away, actually. Yeah, man. He's so good at it. Especially with my commentary about him in ah season one.
For those that don't know, he was a pretty big heartthrob in the late 90s. Yeah, so that that that that was kind of like a running gag, but I think that he kind of went a little bit by the wayside in that, like, I don't think a lot of people these days... Dude, he's in his second prime now though, man. He's in his second prime. I'd say so. Yeah, he he's really been taking good roles lately. I think this is one of his better ones again.
I'd say one of the best seasons of the animated series, Archer, is the one where he's in it. Yeah. And he plays Slater. Of course he does.
So, okay, so so so i I think i think it's ah it's meant to be if... um ah you You said ah but you're...
You said she's watching season two, Dexter? Season three? She's currently on season three. Yeah. So I think it'd be cool if you guys could watch the... Watch the prequel. The prequel show together. Yeah, okay. I will mention that and I'll see. You know kids there isn't. Sometimes she'll just go and... She's got more free time so she'll binge something. You're like, oh cool, like where are we at? Oh, it's two seasons later, awesome. Yeah, the good news is that they only have three episodes out so far. Okay, that's good news. So it literally just came out. Alrighty. And you'll recognize a lot of, I kind of want to tell you the other ones. I just want to hook you at Christian's site and be like, you know what, that's all you need. You're recognizing the other people in it, but that's all you need for now. That is all you need. Yeah.
kind of I guess like I could see why they would do that, but it definitely... yeah It's a good casting choice. I wouldn't say that he looks a thing like the dad in the original show. I didn't even talk about it, yeah. But anyways... But there are other people in the show that look exactly...
Right. Like the people from the original show. Exactly like them. Well, and I'm kind of. And this is the thing about the show is like, I mean, I heard that it it ended very poorly and I'm hoping that yeah guess if they're doing a prequel now that they have an ending in mind and they're not going to like shit the bed. so but Dude, i was I was right there with you. Like like I looked, I stopped after the John Lithgow season because everyone said like, dude, just so you know, there was a huge drop off of quality after that season. I'm like, it's like I think because they realized they reached their peak.
Yeah. You're like, oh, shoot, where do we go from here? Yeah. And and that's that's my problem with TV shows. And it's like, it's. Yeah, like.
I find that is like if you don't, I'm not necessarily saying you have to have that the ending written, but you should at least have an idea of the story you intend to tell. And I think some of those, they're just like, hey, here's a cool idea. And they're like, that's an awesome idea. And then they're like, and that's it. All you all you're ever watching is the pitch.
And it's just like, what about a serial killer that kills other serial killers? That's a great idea. Let's not flush this out anymore. yeah ah but And that is Hollywood 101. That's true. Yeah. That's a lesson for y'all. Yeah.

Friendship Reflections and Holiday Wishes

But yeah, no that's pretty cool. Do you have anything else, I guess? We're talking about Dexter on a Christmas episode of James. So do you have anything else to jolly this episode up a bit? Get some more ho, ho, ho in here. I mean, I definitely, ah I mean, so if you're watching carry on, I'll probably watch Die Hard.
Because, so you know, is it's not left out entirely and out ah out of the ever-duo. Every Christmas is now and recommend Christmas. I know. Whether he is there or not, he is there. I can't go one Christmas without... I mean, like, I'm okay with not watching Love Actually this year, but I can't go without watching Die Hard. Right. I can't. So, I'll probably put that on... it's a So, I'll probably put that on... I mean, we'll have this release on Christmas Day, but...
but I want to make sure I watch at least Christmas Eve. Right. Yeah, I think that'd be good. Well, because like, so so being from Baltimore, our our our football team yeah is actually playing on Christmas Day. And so, OK, so we we have the Baltimore Ravens playing at 430 and then the half the halftime show, we have Beyonce for our game, which is so, so funny. OK.
So, I'll be watching that on Christmas day. I'll be cheering on to my Ravens. and Makes sense. And cheering for Beyonce with her with with her cowboy Carter getup, I guess, because, you know, it's in Texas, so I guess that's very appropriate. Yeah, yeah. I mean, she's yeah she's kind of gone country, I think. with her Yeah. Little bit country. Yeah. Little bit rock and roll. oh Well, on my end,
to get back into the Christmas spirit. Yeah. You know, this is the time for, I guess, reflecting on your relationships and and stuff like that. I mean, romantically, I just relationships in general and and all that and family and friends and all that. And James, I want to say from the bottom of my heart, I love you, man. God.
yeah You hit me when I don't expect it. Stop it. Jesus Christ. And when i when I visited in Baltimore, like and I do have to say, is like you know you everyone's very welcoming there. And in your family you know makes me feel like I'm family too. And it's like it does and i sincerely mean that it warms my heart, man. Dude, that means so much. I'm right back at you. Thanks, buddy.
And I want to make sure that we we we that I get a nice photo and with the fans. I don't want to do a photo. I'll do a nice little video. Right. Because I know my mom would have would love to say a few words for you.
Oh, that's that. do You know what she loves you so much. She really does. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. We we we definitely got another trip to Baltimore. They're never a bad time in Baltimore. You always have a free place to stay, man. That's that's it's good to hear, buddy. I mean, i mean yeah you always stay at my place. But you know if if my parents would probably want to take you when even more than us.
This is so funny.
Uh, but I have, I have you have the best, the best, uh, holiday band and two buddy the happy, the happiest of new year. and And like, like I said, you know, same to you. I hope, I hope you have a drink, lots of eggnog, have a good time, get Mary, you know, have, have fun with friends and family and yeah and all that good stuff.
You as well, man. You as well. ah And to our listeners out there, we we we wish you the Merry Christmas. Whenever you celebrate Kwanzaa. Happy Hanukkah. But I really just hope you just a lot of joy and happiness in your life. 100% man. Like, I mean, if you're listening to this, I guess on Christmas or close to Christmas, that means that your family too.
I like that. Let's get those value it was a bit too much. those your bit I'm trying not to get teary on. I mean, I'm just glad it's it's audio. so but So we're not seeing this, but you know, right? Yeah, we, we, we will have a video episode. Maybe next kiss ah our episode will be on video. Yeah. yeah we Everyone to see, but that does it for us. This is us closing out the year 2024. Um,
We love you all. Thank you for being, thank you for helping the show and we can't wait to see you all next year. Absolutely buddy. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Cheers. Cheers.