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Sleepy Games' Punch Out!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
15 Plays2 months ago

Jabbing our way through boxing classics like 'Cinderella Man' (2005) & 'The Rocky' franchise.

Intro Credits: Michael Buffer / 'Gonna Fly Now' by Bill Conti, Carol Connors, & Ayn Robbins.

Next Week: Miyazaki's Movies Part 2!


Introduction and Catchphrase

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
So for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, oh let's get ready to rumble!

Return from Break and Banter

Hey, hey, hey, we are back for another episode of the Sleepy Games podcast after our long-winded two-week break. Was it two weeks? I know that two weeks flew by, huh?
Did it not? No, it was long for you? I thought it was just a week. Was it just a week? Yeah, it was two weeks, man. It wasn't two weeks. Yes. You lied. I would never lie to you, Sleepy Jones. That's wild, man. I thought it was a week.
My whole time is strange. yeah She is a fickle bitch. Sorry, I interrupted you. Finish here finish the intro, my friend. No, this is the intro.
Our intro sometimes is just winging it. That's so that's what we do best. yeah oh yeahp yeahp and and And now we're kind of back to our regular regular schedule. um ah Thinking of different themes for each episode until we ah get to see some of the new movies coming out between now and the end of the year.

'Penguin' Finale and 'Arcane' Season 2

um But before we dive into the theme of today's episode, um ah want I want to go into ah something oh I guess two things real quick that I watched this week that yeah but now I already talked to you about the penguin already and I'm guessing you haven't started yet.
Uh, no, it's on the list. Okay, cause because the finale just happened this past week. Okay. And oh boy, was it ever an emotional roller coaster. I was, it was like tugging my heartstrings. I was yelling at the TV. It was a lot of emotions. I was surprised, like, I was surprised how much it got out of me. Um,
And yeah, and because it's supposed to set up like right before the second ah the second The Batman movie. oh And I thought it was done perfectly. Chef's kiss perfectly. um So I'm dying for you to watch it. But another show that I believe we talked about on on this show in our first season,
I forget if you if if you watched it before, or if you watched it for the show, but the second season of Arcane, gain you know about this, you know about this. I do know about it, so yeah, I prefer it. Don't spoil anything for me. I want to give a rewatch to the first season, okay and then watch the second season i know nothing about the second season i am pretty jazzed about this one it's just i haven't gone around like tv shows take a bit more time and stuff so well is it crazy it's been it's been three years now since that first season
Well, I guess for me, I'm trying to think. Actually, yeah. Because like, yeah, I watched the first season before we started recording this. I must have watched it somewhat shortly after it came out too, I suppose. Yeah, like it like we just said, it's I wouldn't have thought it's been that long.
ah time man yeah Like you said, time's a fickle bitch. It really is. It's a fickle bitch. um so so So right now, they're only, so they're airing, I believe it's every week, which which I kind of like the strategy that Netflix is doing right now is they're airing three episodes at a time ah weekly. So it does release the three episodes next week, another three, and then the, okay then two weeks, the last three. And this is supposed to be the last season.
They're only doing these two seasons. It's over after this. You know what? that That sounds actually really good to me then. Yes. I do like stories that are kind of written so front to back, like front layer, start to finish, sorry I should say. A lot of TV shows especially, they tend to write themselves into a corner and then it just really takes a dive in quality.
Yeah and i'm I'm right there with you especially with um the arc they're going for for this show is the whole ah ah V versus Jinx right kind of story arc in their relationship because that's the that That's the basis of the show, is their relationship. So I think to wrap that up within two seasons, I think is the right appropriate amount of time. like Don't drag it out too long. If they have an idea of how they want to finish it and they can get to it like within that amount of time and still um do it while they well you know developing all the other characters as well. And right but in doing that, and like i I watched the first few episodes already.
And I can't get over how amazing this animation is. like yeah They've even outdone themselves from the first season already. have and we We're only three episodes in and I can't imagine like how how they're going to top this.
um Yeah, like all the time and effort, the money that that they put into the show, it shows. It really does. um So I'm very excited for you to watch it. Okay. yeah Yeah, it is ah something yeah I'm definitely excited about. I know about it. it's yeah I just want to have one at the time aside.

Review of 'The Hitman' Rom-Com

yeah and i want to have undivided attention but yeah i definitely want to rewatch the first season because as you said even though it felt like because i was just like man it hasn't been that long like i should really remember more of it but yeah i guess if it's been two probably two and a half years for me i guess i don't think i watched this as it came out but That's quite a while. Like, I do remember some stuff, obviously. I just, uh, especially going into it. I want to remember all the characters and everything, so. Yeah. And it's, it's worth a rewatch, I'm sure. yeah Oh, I rewatched, um, cause I remember like the standout. I remember the ending very well. And I remember episode three very well. Cause that, I think episode three of the show is when it really sets up apart from like any other anime, animated show where I'm like,
Yeah. Well, this isn't only visually stunning, but you just like rip my heart out. And I was like, I was like crying. I was like, holy hell, you got this emotion out of me. That was not expecting. but Okay. Um, but when you do your rewatch, make sure, yeah, just remember episode three, that episode three man is episode three. Yes. I will, uh, I will keep that in mind. But yeah, let's say for you. getting into ba Anyway, the theme of the show.
You had a second one, you said? That was the second one. I said the penguin already. Oh, right. Yeah, the penguin and our cane. Actually, before we dive into it, I quickly... I did watch a movie from the genre I don't particularly like, but I like this movie, so... Rom-coms? I should talk about it for a couple seconds. What'd you say, Roadhouse? No, I said Rom-coms. Oh, Rom-coms. I was like, Roadhouse? Rom-coms.
ah Yes, definitely rom-com. This is definitely 100% a rom-com.

Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul Anticipation

It was pretty good. I remember not too long ago on the show, you were talking about how you wanted Glenn Powell to have, you know, some some some some decent careers, movies, or whatever. like Or is that am i am I confusing him with somebody else? or Did you really do that? No, no, no. I'm very happy with ah the career that um Well, I guess ah the road that Glenn Powell has been taking since Top Gun. So this is a Glenn Powell flick. it is the It's on Netflix, it's called The Hitman. yeah ah you know like i'm not gonna I'm not gonna dive too deep into it. It just it was enjoyable. It definitely got some laughs from me, which I find rom-coms, a lot of them, it's usually not my type of humor.
But this one like I mean it got it got some chuckles for me I guess similar to the fall guy I won't say it's as good as the fall guy because that one is really really good This one's like kind of like a step down, but definitely worth a watch. I really enjoyed it. Yeah It was good I've seen that as well. um You've seen it. Oh, you have seen it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I forget if I brought it up on the show though. um I don't know. but But I remember like it's for rom-com. It's rare that it can showcase an actor's range with a rom-com and it really does for Glen Powell. Yeah. going yeah
So but yeah, like I mean a lot of short of it is like, you know, if you're looking for a good rom-com something enjoyable And like I said, I did enjoy it washed it recently So give that one it is a strong recommendation for me and with that out of the way I guess it is time for today's theme And I know you're excited to talk talk about it, so what is the theme for today, Sleepy Gen? Okay, so I am excited. So basically, some of our listeners, I imagine most people probably know about the upcoming Mike Tyson, Jake Paul fight. When is this fight? This fight is actually this upcoming Friday.
Friday night. Yeah. you Friday night. Yeah. So if you have Netflix, uh, okay. I was wondering what it was on. If it was like pay per view or Netflix. Okay. No. Okay. So, and this is the thing is like, do not quote me on this. If like, cause I, I'm probably going to be trying to figure this out too. I've never done anything streaming on Netflix before. So it's going to be live streamed on Netflix is what I understand. Netflix is doing this. It's starting to like really take over with the live streaming stuff.
Well, and i they need to because they're losing market share, right? Yeah. they they so I know they started, they did one thing I think last year where they live streamed Chris Rock's stand up and it was kind of cool because the stand up he did was in Baltimore. Okay. And they live stream because it was like his first stand up since the slap. So it's a good night go so very it was a good idea for them to live stream and apparently I got tons of viewers and everything. Yeah.
but Okay, so how okay so i mean actually I'm going to be curious about this. Is it complicated? but like I mean, I'm pretty computer illiterate sometimes. like is it just I'm going to log in into Netflix. It's going to be right there. I just click on it and then I can watch it. Yeah, I'll probably tell you, hey, you want to watch live? Well, depending on when you turn on, i'd be like I'll tell you, like watch live or you want to watch like from the beginning.
okay okay that's good to know okay so yeah cause yeah because like i've never done the live streaming on netflix this is a new one for me yeah because with like amazon prime does it a lot um yes they have rights to the nfl um ah the football games Yeah. and ah And what they do is they'll tell you like, hey, do you want to watch live? Do you want to start from the beginning or do you want to watch the key plays? Which I love because I'll usually because if I'm behind like, I just want to watch the key plays and then get me to the live. You know, I don't want to write. I don't want to watch you all the bullshit. Like I want to see what I miss, like all the good shit and then get me back live. Right.
Well, this one, this one I plan on, I don't know exactly, I don't know the time, so I mean, feel free to look at it yourself, I guess, but I want to watch it from the start, I want to watch it live. I'm actually pretty excited for this because growing up, like, like, because I, you know, I'm a 90s kid, and Tyson was like at the height in the late 80s, early 90s, like even having stuff like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out game on the Nintendo,
Uh, I don't know if you've ever played that one, but that is a fucking classic, yeah. so uh and and and so like you know i never actually got to watch any of his fights me neither growing up which is kind of a shame i have one very vivid memory of the fights because i remember i was uh i was uh holyfield or what he took yeah the holyfield fight yeah wait when when he bit his ear yes i remember the guy who was because i was so young where i had a babysitter
Right. And the babysitter was like talking to me about it and like saying how amazing and crazy it was. like Nothing like that has ever happened before. Yeah. I was like, oh my God, that's so cool. you As a kid, I'm like, oh my like this happened? like What? A boxing match? What? Yeah.
And so for me it'll be kind of cool because it'll be the first time I get to watch a Tyson fight, I guess live. So it'll be kind of a first for me. And I guess for me it's like, I guess like I don't want to dive too much into, you know, the history of boxing or or a Mike Tyson or anything like that. I just feel like it is a bit of a shame ah that, you know, some of the stuff that happened early on in his career and that we never really got to see his prime when, when, when, when fighters really go into their prime. But it's like pretty freaking neat that here he is at 58. I mean, he's still pulling the numbers,

Legacy and Age in Boxing

man. Like, people want to watch this guy fight. Like, I really don't think most people are lining up because they want to see Jake Paul. I think it's all Mike Tyson. Maybe I'm a bit biased, I guess, but, uh... Well, I mean, you gotta expect, like, the Gen Z's are gonna love Jake Paul.
Yeah, sure. But like, I don't know. I mean, like, yes, like I know that he was a YouTuber and all that stuff. I'm sure that there's I'm sure he's got his fan base. But like the reason people are talking about this fight, I really don't think he has anything to do with Jake Paul, even though like he seems like a a pretty reasonable fighter and in his own regard. He's got a record and everything like that. but And he does professional wrestling, too.
Yeah, and like, I guess hats off to the guy, I guess for me, like, I understand, I understand why Mike's doing this fight, like... I don't, like, and I guess a a part of me sees why Jake Paul's doing it, I guess, but it's like, to me it's like that there's two ways this fight's gonna go. To advertise Prime. that' Right, right, but it's like, okay, either Jake wins and then they'll be like, okay, cool, you beat the shit out of a guy twice your age. And like, and and for most people would be like like on the verge of like like retirement from their career and stuff like that. like
Or B, he loses, and then he lost to a guy, again, that was twice his age. I don't really see how it's beneficial for him. I get the publicity and everything like that, I suppose. But anyways, like I said, I don't want to dive too much into it. I'm excited for the fight. I'm excited to see it happen. Well, you're making me excited for the fight, and I wasn't excited at all until we started talking about it. I am jazzed for this fight, man. Now I don't want to miss it.
Like, to me, and like and I'm gonna say something something, I know it was going to be very controversial, a very hot take for a lot of people that follow boxing. okay i'm ready i truly I truly do believe that in Tyson's prime, he is the best boxer of all time.
And the reason I'll say that, and my my reasoning behind that, is that he had a tendency to end fights with one punch. And it's like, it doesn't matter what your plan is, you punched down after one, you're done with your strategy. It doesn't matter.
like that's essentially like walking into a ring with a gun and like that's basically what he was doing and like early on his career he was awesome to watch because he was like a heavyweight with the power that moved like a lightweight and it was uh it was a lot of fun so i i am i i'm very intrigued by this fight and to be honest it seems like both fighters are uh i think being somewhat respectful in this day and age whereas like and i know there might be some trash talking a little here and there but it's like You know, you look at stuff that's happened in the UFC more recently. Again, not that I follow it too, too closely like I used to back in the day, but it's just, it's gone to the point and the ridiculousness of professional wrestling. And I don't really like to see that with like, what I would call more like legit, like sports, where it's like, you know, it's not, odd it's not a an exhibition, it's an actual fight. So yeah yeah, anyway, I am excited about this one. I hope that you tune in and watch it as well.
Yeah, obviously. And then on the next show, we I wanted to discuss it with you. I'm definitely going to be discussing it. We can discuss it to start it off. Right. Because, you know, when you talk about like what we watched this week, that's that's a but I'll be the thing that we watched. I'll definitely, yeah, have been watching.
so But yeah okay, so but the the parallels I want to draw between I guess what we usually talk about movies in this show and this fight and ah is and it may think about this is the 2006 flick Rocky Balboa like I'm assuming you've seen that one, right? Yes. Yeah. And I've seen the the scene for that movie probably like a hundred times. like Oh yeah. When he has that speech with his son. Yeah. Yeah. People who like to give that to like sales training and stuff like that. Right, right, right. It is good. But yeah, almost to the point of of turning into its own little motivational thing, I guess.
It is, yeah. I mean, it is that good. but It is. and And well, I mean, like they're they're actually well-written movies. I mean, the first one won an Oscar and it was written in, from what I understand, it was written in like three or four days by by Sly himself. It's crazy the story of like of how that was made. It is. As far as like what what he was going through at the time. Yeah. He was such a nobody. Yeah, it's ah it it is. I mean, yeah like again, I mean, something to look into, I guess, if if you want.
but Anyways, the the comparisons that I want to draw. So you yeah, so the 2006 Rocky Balboa movie, one of the things is like he's basically what Tyson's age is now. and And even just to go back into because in the start of the movie, he's just looking to do like a couple of like, you know, low key amateur style fights.
and And even there the boxing commissions like we don't know if we want to let you in like you're pretty old We don't want you dying in the ring, right? And then like the whole movie everyone's just like, you know, we're calling this an exhibition fight So it won't be an execution really but everyone's talking about his age like and that's constantly coming up And I find it interesting that, like, I'm not saying it hasn't come up a bit, but, like, it's almost to the point where a lot of people are like, Tyson's gonna win this fight. Like, he, it seems to be, you know, it doesn't seem to be the same as it was in 2006, where there's like, you're too old to heighten your 50s.
Now we're at a point where it's like you just seem to have just as much of a chance as anybody else and I find that pretty interesting and it makes me wonder if like that movie even had something to do with it because Sly is still pumping out movies 20 years later. ah yeah Huh. I didn't think about like that. but Actually, I didn't know that Mike Tyson is the age of Slice alone. I don't know how old Rocky is supposed to be. I know he's supposed to be in his 50s. Well, I mean, he's in his late 70s now. And that was what? Well, almost 20 years ago. So and so that's the thing is like, I'm pretty sure he's I thought he was supposed to be 55 in that movie. I could be wrong. I could just be pulling a movie a number out of my ass. But I
I am quite confident he's in his 50s and Tyson is 58 now, I believe. Okay. Is what he's going to be coming in at. Close enough. Close enough. Yeah. And that's what I'm saying. Like they're basically the same. If anything. Way too old to be professional boxing.
ah I guess, yes. and And I know some people are making that argument too. ah but like But that's what I find is like it's interesting that like you know this is almost like you know seeing into the future i guess in a way, right? And it's funny because it's kind of the same thing in that Rocky Balboa in his own movies. I mean, he's he was all the craziness of the 80s, which is kind of the same for Mike Tyson, late 80s, early 90s. And like, here he is, you know, and he's again, he's still garnering attention. People are curious what the guy can do. And and yeah, I saw saw a video of him, it was a few years ago, and he was, ah you know, he was kind of performing for some people randomly. And I was like, holy shit, that guy still moves. so
I was like, damn, I was like, i he's still one scared motherfucker. Yeah, he is. It's not. Yeah, he he certainly hasn't lost it, but by any means so. But yeah, that that was the ah a lot of correlation between that movie and this and like even Rocky Balboa and like the fame ah that he has and Mike Tyson is like, you know, you think you think boxing, it's hard not to think of Mike Tyson right now saying there's not other ones. I know we're going to be talking about another movie with the

Review of 'Cinderella Man'

going back into boxing history a little bit do you want to dive into i guess uh the one that you watch now or yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm lucky with her because very fresh in my mind um so i watched a boxing film for the first time um i watched cinderella man
Starring Russell Crowe. Starring Gladiator. Starring the Gladiator, yes. ah Hop the heels of Gladiator. And it's appropriate because we know we will be seeing Gladiator too later this month. Yes, we will. You know, without Russell Crowe.
ah Yeah, I guess. Just to add more confusion to my little joke. um So it was was a movie that that kind of felt like under the radar for me. um i mean I guess it came out of the time when I was in high school and I just didn't watch it when it came out and you just never cared to watch it ever since.
um And and i wasn't I wasn't ever big into boxing films. right um you like like I I think I've seen all the Rockies. like I definitely haven't seen Rocky V. Okay, I've got a confession with you. I haven't seen Rocky V. I've seen...
Okay, I know I've seen the first, third, and a fourth ah more than once. yeah I have seen the second one because I know what happens there. The fifth one, I've seen clips of it. I've never even watched it front to back. so But I have seen the sixth one, which is Rocky Balboa. I did watch Creed. I don't know if I saw Creed TV though.
i want i wanna to I want to go into... We'll get there, we'll get there. Yeah. Cinderella Man. Stop interrupting, John. Yeah, yeah. I'll just let you know, after you talk about Cinderella Man, I do want to go into rankings when it comes to the Rocky we slash Creed movies. um So, um so when when when when we discussed doing boxing for the theme, I told you straight up, and like I've always wanted to see Cinderella Man and like, oh, it was the perfect good opportunity to watch it. So...
I didn't know much about it. I don't know any of the history. I don't and don't know who even the star is. All I knew was based on a true story. That's all I knew. um And then going in, I found it it it starts in the 20s right when Jimmy the boxer is in his like his heyday. he's He's like supreme. I guess he's he's he's ah he's in his prime. um He's winning all um a bunch of fights and then boom, the Great Depression happens.
And I'm like, oh shit, this is what, oh, and I'm like, okay, now now now it's got me on lock. I'm like, I'm ready to find out like, how the hell i like do you become the star boxer, you're making all this money, you're supporting your family, life is grand. And all of a sudden the Great Depression happens and then just things fall to shit.
And it does a good job of this, like, right away, like, they don't sugarcoat, it's like, damn, you're in the slums now, you're you're you're trying to get these odd jobs at this dock, trying to make ends meet for your family, and you see the rations they have, and and basically telling their kid telling the kids, like, oh, you can't eat this, you can only have this amount of food, and sorry, we gotta wait till tomorrow to eat some more.
Um, but he's really pinching pennies. I'm like, damn, I feel so bad for this guy. And then like, and then he's still trying to box every now and then, but then, but then he's like boxing with, uh, with like a broken hand. And I'm like, Oh, well, they're showing that. Yeah. But he's obviously going to break it even worse now. And then of course he did.
um and It they kind of goes through the struggles and everything. and It does a good job of of just like putting you in his situation. um and and yeah And then, a eventual okay I to discuss who my favorite person in this movie was. And you're probably going to know who I'm going to say. best character The best character in this movie is Paul Giamatti. Paul Giamatti kills it!
he killed it might be what like i don't know it's my favorite apology of mine but it's easily top three oh yeahie roll yeah 100 and i actually i would say that was a role that got me into him really it was really respect yeah it was because uh similar to you this movie it fell under the radar for me too even though i'm kind of a fan of flight movies yeah uh but it's like it came out i i hurt i didn't know anything about it i i knew it kind of had something to do with boxing it had a weird name i guess for me back in the day like i didn't really know what to make of it so i just i
I kind of threw it by the wayside until I think I actually just ended up watching on TV one night. I was like, this is fucking good. Oh, nice. And Paul Giamatti, yeah, he really like, he steals the show in his scenes. And I think one of the ones, the most heart-wrenching is when Jimmy Braddock there, he shows up at his house and he's like, it looks like he's got lots of money. And then he opens the door and he's sold off all his furnishings, like an empty fucking bar. I know, dude, I love that scene too.
Because I was ready for, ah because it was Russell Crowe's wife, um who's played by Rosanna Zellweger, who also did a good job. Right. um Like, I'm just about to herd a storm in and just wreak havoc on all the money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was his wife. I can't believe I'm making him do this. And then like, she sees the house and like, oh, shit. Yeah. He needs this as much as Russell Crowe does.
Yeah. And I'm like, oh, it has a whole new layer to it. Yeah, it did a good job of showcasing that. Yeah. But yeah, wait, are you finished? Gosh, my apology money because, you know, I got gush about him. Yeah, yeah. I'm good. He's good. He's getting this movie is all I'm going to say. Well, especially being used to Russell Crowe always steal the spotlight from any, like when I see him on screen, especially seeing Gladiator, Beautiful Mind, several others. But seeing Paul G. Money steal the spotlight from Russell Crowe, that was so cool to see. I'm like, man, you're owning every scene that you're in with Russell Crowe right now. I mean, granted, his character is a little more like, I gotta lay back nature. I mean, he lets it all loose on the,
in the ring and everything and and does all that but with but ah when it when it comes to showcasing the characters and I think Paul G minus has more of a show your role um which I love because like the the scenes of him um It seems apology money on the boxing ring and him just like, you know, just getting pissed off against the other boxers. Him kind of storming the ring and like, I'm thinking apology money. He's ready to lay some bows out. Throw his own punches. I'm like, go apology money, go. Isn't there that one scene where he's like, he's like, don't sit down, don't sit down. Yes, he is, don't sit down. The boxing is like, why is he sitting down? That was so good.
He's like, yeah, you got to get in his head. You got to get in his head.
ah yeah So yeah, I was certainly enjoying the film. I will say it was a little long. It definitely dragged a bit between um once Russell Crowe got back. ah So his his license was um revoked.
Oh, for some stupid reason, too. There's some things I'm like, I'm sure we're kind of dramatized that weren't true. You know, it's a movie, what whatever. and yeah yeah You have to have you had to have ah so some things where you have to suspend disbelief. Well, it's funny you mentioned that because i have I have some commentary when you're when you're done. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. And then, uh, so ah the the point of when he first, when you guys licensed back, he's he's he's in the swing of boxing again. And then like between when he's on the up until like that last fight, I thought kind of dragged a bit.
um Because then you're kind of thrown into I found out it was a fictional character um With one of the guys who was like a friend that he worked on the docks with on the docks with yeah He got in trouble with the cops. They end up getting killed. I'm like, okay I guess you had to put something in here to ah to send a message about what was going on during the depression and how people were were desperate and all that right but Okay, I see I understand but still, you know ah It it kind of kind of just took away from from the movie I thought um but where when when he had like the main opponent at the end you know it kind of like he was like like throwing shots at his wife and I was making Russell Crowe from Philson type of way and just make the
just raise the stakes of that final fight and all. But but but still, like the spectacle of that last fight was great. and like the the The way it was shot, it was directed very well. It was Ron Howard whos who was the director, so I gotta give him kudos because I felt like I was in the ring with both those guys and I felt every blow that was happening, it felt very real.
Um, yeah, and then once it ended, it really wrapped up just like that. So, but yeah, I feel like they probably cut like, that they could have made it like a queen ah clean two hours. It ended up being like probably just and under ah two and a half hours.
right but but still yeah i thoroughly enjoyed the film that's good i mean i'm glad to hear it and like you said it especially uh to you know to anyone listening like if you're not a fan of boxing movies which i get like they're not for everybody that this movie is definitely a good recommendation yeah i think it's it's a good film for people that that don't yeah don't really watch boxing Yeah, and and yeah you'll still you'll get into it's got a very compelling story and everything. So yeah, it's it's it's really well done. So wait, so you say we're gonna bring up so some facts and fiction here? Yes. Okay, so and it is the thing is like, and I don't think it's that much of an unknown thing about this movie.
Uh, I didn't know it after like, cause I watched it a few times. Like I said, I watched it on TV and at the time, uh, I will say it was like, was like my favorite boxing movie because like, I thought everything was like legit.
ah ah and because it because it it is a movie that says it's based on true events and it is based on true story like it is but like as we know with Hollywood they like to take some liberties sometimes yes they do they do that best we can always rely on them for that but the thing that gets me Is that a lot of times what they end up changing to make it more Hollywood, to make it kind of a little bit more of the story you used to. I feel like a lot of times they end up making a worser movie for it. where Were you thinking it wasn't necessary to do that?
Not that it wasn't necessary to do that, but the original story is actually more compelling than what they end up showing, even though they've changed things. and yeah And I think that they changed things in this case in kind of a, I guess a slightly offensive manner. Because, so you got James, James J. Braddock. yeah So he's that Russell Crowe's character. I don't know the actor, and correct me, the name pronunciation, I might be wrong. It's it's either Max Baer or Baer. Yeah, I think it was like Max max Bear, but but yeah. we'll say it ba but But he was a guy he fights at the end. He's the last match. And he's essentially, ah he's being, in this in this story, whatever, he's he's the bad guy. yeah Like you say, he's making, he's taking shots at his wife. He killed a guy in a ring, like and he looks like- It was like two guys! Right, so he killed two guys, and and it's almost like it's almost like, oh, watch out, he's gonna kill you too, right?
so As per this guy's family, because this is a real guy, he's a real boxer, he only ever killed one guy in the ring and he never got over it. It it fucked with him for life. Like, and oh he killed a guy in the fucking ring. like he's And again, he's like he's not like this guy is like going out of his way to kill people. that you right I don't think any professional boxer wants to kill the other fighter. And to me, it would have made a much more compelling story.
to to see that side his side of the story and that like that that little thing where you're talking about it James ah James Braddock's friend at the docks like and how you're just like that didn't really need to be in the movie it to me it would have made like a really great movie had they shown Max Bares story what had happened and Yeah! His issues going into this final fight right and then like and like how he's dealing with it and like that would have made it just so much better in my eyes right and it would have made it just that much less of a typical boxing movie where there's trash talk and each other and everything like that and it would have just given it just that extra little pizzazz and I think it would have made it that much better.
Yeah, um so so I think about like the the the time this movie came out. ah yeah i got I'm sure they wanted things more black and white, you know, like coming on the 2000s. I think maybe if they made this film today, they would have considered that much more of getting into the other guy's psyche and make it seem like where you kind of feel for both fighters. Right, and it but it is and it is a shitty move to turn around and like kind of make it like ah almost like Demonize this guy. Yeah, you know and I'm not saying maybe he had his own issues, too I don't really know the history but again like you double the amount of people he killed mm-hmm and then and then you turn around you're saying oh You know like he you know when he when he clearly I guess had a lot of remorse about it It's like and then you're saying oh, this is a true story, and then you're just like okay This guy's an asshole and then meanwhile this guy's got relatives that are still alive. They're like wow Yeah
yeah that that's wow but That's interesting, huh? So, and that's the thing, like it's still a great movie. It's just, but to me, it's like, it's, it's it like, why I should say it's like, it's a good movie that could have been great had they actually told what I understand is the true story. So yeah, but that's my little two cents and like, and that's the thing is like, the more you look into whatever's based on true story in Hollywood, like they always take a lot of liberties and it always kind of breaks my heart when I watch this movie, you read the real story and you're like, the real story sounds so much cooler.
and then because Hollywood wants to stick to their formula because they're worried about those dollar bills, which I get, but still.
ah So, yeah, I agree with that. But yeah, at the same time, I i get why they did it. Yeah, look because I Because maybe even with Ron har Howard, I'm sure he knew that that's yeah the the true story, the true nature of of Max Bear and everything. Yeah, probably.
I'm sure maybe he might have fought for it, but the the studio's probably like, no. We gotta make this simple. We gotta make sure Russell Crowe's the hero. I can see that. I mean, yeah it's again, there's a lot of... There's a lot riding on movies, especially ones that are marketed. I know this one was marketed a fair bit back in the day too, so... Yeah. And Russell Crowe, I'm sure, it wasn't cheap at that time. So... No! No, no, no. No, he's not.
yeah sure Between like 2000, probably that movie. Yeah, he was trying to top dollar. So again, you got Leo money. And that's the thing, right? The studios, I mean, I get it. Like it is a business that they're running. And that's, I guess that's kind of the problem at the end of the day is like, it's art form, but it's a heavily, I guess, business influenced art form, which is sometimes to his detriment, I guess, from the artfulness of it.
yeah but But anyway, if i'm putting anyways if if I'm putting this into the Sleepy Games, ah the the rating meter, ah yes I would put this at the four. I would buy it. I would buy Cinderella Man, maybe. I would also give it a four. Nice. Because like I said, it is it's a it's a movie that It boxes its way out of its own genre, so to speak, in that even if you don't like boxing movies, you'll still enjoy it. I almost guarantee it. Because I want to say because i i remember my like i for some reason I have this memory of like my parents seeing this movie. And I remember ah my mom coming out and saying how much she loved it.

Review of 'Real Steel'

Yes. But and you know she she probably hasn't seen a boxing movie since Rocky.
a And yeah, she she she loved the shes she's she's big into love stories. she I remember her loving in the story with Russell Crowe and Rosรฉ Zellweger and everything and it was so feel good for her and and for them to to to get out of that hole they were in during the Depression. So yeah, so because yeah, highly recommended for anyone who's not even a boxing fan.
ah Yes, 100%. Okay, so I actually did watch something on my own, which I feel still fills that thing too, is like, if you're not a fan of boxing movies, you might still enjoy this movie. Do you want to hear it, buddy? Yeah, I do. It is the Hugh Jackman flick.
with the Rock'em Sock'em robots. Real Steel. Real Steel, yeah. Real Steel, baby. I have not seen this one. You haven't seen it? I haven't. Okay, so, okay, love well that that'll make it interesting. It's like, I i mean, it obviously it's a more, I'd say it's definitely a more family-orientated movie, but it it has a lot of heart.
Uh, Hugh Jackman, I think of all of his roles, he plays the biggest asshole I've ever seen him in any movie. And I mean, like, I don't even say he, I wouldn't even say he's a lovable asshole. He's just full asshole. And, uh, and, and as they, and obviously these characters got a bit of an arc throughout the movie. Uh, but I thought it's actually, it's one of those movies where it's just like,
When it came out, I really didn't think it was gonna be any good. Mm. Cuz like, it just, you're just like, what? Like, just these robots or something, these boxing robots. It's just like, it's just like that handheld game back in the day where, you know, you know, the plastic ones where you, the rock n' sock and robots here are playing. Oh, I remember. Oh, I played that as a game. Yeah, okay. So it- I knew it was based on that. I knew that. Well, and that's just it. I think it was based on that. So sometimes you're just like, oh, this won't be any frickin' good, right? Mm-hmm. And then actually,
It's a really good movie. it's It's very heartwarming. It has very good Realistically, it's got very very good box boxing scenes too. Even though they are robots. It has a lot of heart. It's got a true underdog story and uh I I highly recommend it like again. It is a PG family friendly movie. and I can see any blood because it's robots, you know pounding each other uh, but it's pretty good in that regard and it also It presents this weird idea with like, you know, the the idea of like the ghost in the machine, like, ah you know, a robot having a soul sub. Yeah, of course. And it does it. It's very subtle in this movie, but it's also kind of jarring in a way because like the robot
it is not able to do anything of its own volition like it it needs to be controlled whether through voice commands or through uh like joystick commands and stuff like that or it's got this other thing called like the shadow boxing so it'll just it'll mimic your movements uh but it's not able to really move under its own power but they're giving you this impression that this thing has sentience and it's kind of weird because you're just like that's kind of fucked up but ah but But that's, that's, I guess, a kind of a philosophical take on the movie if you're watching it. You know, you can kind of, I guess, and get your own take on on on what they're doing with that. cause It's very subtly done. I actually think it's very tastefully done. ah There's like three or four scenes. There's one where the the robot's inadvertently looking in the mirror. So, but it's it's it's pretty, pretty... pretty well done for for what it is. I give it a solid rating, a solid recommendation. Again, if you're not a fan of boxing movies, I still think you're going to enjoy it. It seems like it's just going to be a little bit cheesy over the top, which as we know, boxing movies typically are, but it's very heartwarming. It's a good flick. I do recommend it. And also, so I looked up the film
While you're talking because I want to know more about some I might give it a watch as well now It has a has ah the new Captain America in it Anthony Mackie. Yes he does. And a fun fact about the director. The director has, so he's worked with Hugh Jackman on Real Steel. yeah He's worked with Ryan Reynolds and Free Guy. And then he directed Deadpool Wolverine. Interesting. yeah Yeah. It's kind of cool. He's worked with both actors and then then both actors came together for Deadpool Wolverine. And obviously that's been one of the biggest movies of this year.
I would say so. It's also got to the Wasp, ah Evangeline Lilly, I think. Yes. She's actually... I always knew her from Lost.
Yes, she is from Lost. ah And I think she's actually local from my parts, actually. Oh, she's Canadian! i i think she's from I think she's actually from my hometown. Or like the outskirts of my hometown, but... Yeah. Of Edmonton. Is that born in Fort Saskatchewan? Yeah, that's Edmonton. Well, okay, I have maybe some people in Fort Saskatchewan. Yeah, that ain't Edmonton. It's a 10-minute drive to Edmonton. Oh, okay.
Well, it's in Alberta. Yeah. Well, I, uh, like, well, okay, to, to, to tell you how close it is, is like I sold homes in Edmonton and we had a community in Fort Saskatchewan. I had to drive out there all the time. So it is very close. It is Edmonton, but yes, it is technically its own place. It's Edmonton.
Anyways, uh, no, yeah good movie. Uh, like I said a lot of there was a well, obviously an up-and-coming Actor that was in there. Anthony Mackie. I don't think he had a whole lot going on prior to that So we talk about he was an eight mile. He was Papa Doc. Come on Okay. M&M bases off against him. James, I'm not gonna lie to you, I've heard it's very good. I've never actually seen it, Mom. I heard it's one of those things that was surprising. Okay, it came out at the time, I was like, what? M&M's making movies? like look well This isn't gonna be any good. You know, I'll tell you that they'll get you to watch it. It's really it's literally rocky with rappers.
i want and this things I've seen clips. I know I know what the movie is about. I just i don't think I've ever seen a front to back or anything. So yeah. Oh, dude, when you watch it, you'll see the parallels of Rocky, man. You'll love it. Okay. Yeah. Because I've seen the clip of ah when Eminem is doing his freestyle thing at the end.
yeah uh talking about like yeah because he's you know he was saying that he's not the poser the other guy is essentially the poser uh so i do i do i know something about you so i'm familiar with it but yeah i should probably actually give it a watch one of these days Yeah, real future recommendations we You know what we could do? We could probably do an episode where it's like, um, I'm talking to these other films like that where you have, like, the actor playing themselves in a biopic. Oh, I'm sure there's there's a fair bit. Or, like, yeah. Actually, that's not a bad- that's not a bad theme, actually. I like that. Yeah.
I'm going to jot that down now. Yeah, sure. I like that one. That one's actually good.

Ranking Rocky and Creed Films

But speaking of Rocky, i want to before we end the show, I want to get your ranking on the Rocky slash Creed films you've seen. Okay. This is tough. I know. Okay. ah
Most importantly, I want to know where you put Rocky for. Okay, okay, so this is the thing, so with the Rocky Creed, okay, um'm I'm gonna tell, okay, I'm gonna start by talking about, like, the ones that, like, are near and dear to me, and the ones that I really enjoy. Yep. Uh...
Rocky Balboa, that one, the 2006 flick. That one is, I guess, unique for me because it was the first one I got to see in in movie theaters. So that was like really good. I think it's actually, it's definitely up there. I like it. It's ah it's not, it doesn't have the cheese, the fromage that the the other ah ones prior to it had. I thought that that one, again, I realized that there's a,
Quite a bit of time so I mean like I know and taste change and you know directing styles change and stuff like that But like I think it's hard to get over some of the cheesiness of the other movies like there's a crap ton of cheesiness and in rocky 3 Especially when they're running around the little shorts there. They're hugging each other and stuff like that. Yeah Yeah, it is it is a you know, and I'm not saying it's again I realize it's like it's like a cinematic history shot and stuff like that, but it is oozing with cheese so But I like the Rocky Balboa one. I I really did like Creed the first one I think I think I saw the second one. I don't remember. So if I'm there by the second Creed, I'm actually in. I know this. Yes, I know that. I mean, you told me that. So yes, I feel like I would have watched it, but I don't remember watching it to be honest, which is odd because I remember you telling me that.
I worked on it for like 14 days. It was great. that's like It was like 14 hour days too. So what is your role in this movie? I am a i sit in the front row cheering on Andrago cause because it's okay the final fight is supposed to take in Russia. We actually filmed in Philly. yeah um And yeah, I'm i'm cheering on Andrago to beat Creed.
And yeah, so, so so look at it, it's cool. So, so I'm like sitting right next to um shoot. I think it's, I forget if it's like the promoter for Creed or Drago or I forget but he was like he was like a main he was a main character in the movie and I was I was placed like like not next to him but like the one next to the guy next to him um so I do have like a little bit of a close chat too so if you look out for me okay so you have a spoken line or you there's no speak I mean yeah I say I say whoo you know I like that okay
But like there's a close-up shot you're saying if I watch the movie I will be able to spot you in this movie I think if you look out for me you will see me cuz I Friends do that and they but they would like it then clip it and then send it to me Yeah, this is the thing. I have to do it ah We're gonna be talking a little bit about the fight next week. I gotta to watch this movie. That's gotta be my recommendation I gotta look at it for you. Yeah You see this ni could just watch the last the last fight. That's why you know, I gotta watch the movie if I haven't seen it I do like boxing movies. I'm not I'm not one of those guys that like I do I like fighting movies I think they're sometimes sometimes they they're too cheesy. I can't can't do them all but
Yeah, and i and I will say, i will like as far as the Creed movies go, I'll probably rank them in the order that they came out, like Creed 1 being the best, then Creed 2, then Creed 3. But I think they're all they're all i think they're all they're all good, but I think Creed is great. I think that's one of my favorite boxing movies. I thought Creed, that was still like Sly, I don't know if he wrote it, but he was heavily involved in that one, wasn't he? No. He wasn't. No, I'm sure he was involved.
But I know that the director, Ryan Coogler, who I'm a huge fan of, directing-wise, he wrote it. Yeah, he's the same guy who did a Black Panther, too. OK. OK. So, um but yeah, that would probably be the but I mean, I feel like Sly would have been. Yeah, like I said, I think because I remember I remember reading something that he was involved in Creed and then he was going to kind of take a step back because he was saying that the characters evolved. It's obviously not even about him anymore. It doesn't make sense for him to be as involved anymore. Yeah.
uh but i think the first one that's the thing is like uh and in slide two that first one he he's he acts his ass off yeah he brings magic for sure oh my god he does bring his his own brand of of magic there so yeah so yeah i guess so the creed the first one i mean i like it it is a standout uh rocky balboa definitely a standout And then I guess from the original and I i like yes rocky for is is going to be or rock Yeah, like that's gonna be For me, I think my favorite of the first well the first four I haven't seen the fifth one in its defense. I i Don't really feel like it's anyone's really favorite. I think there was least favorite.
I gotta watch it at some point though. I mean, I you know, maybe maybe it'll watch it just to watch it. This is sam we watch it. Yeah, I probably should uh Like yeah, like the the first one the first one's good like I can see why it won an oscar I guess for me like and it it is cool, but it's like it just it doesn't have like the quintessential 80s like getting you jacked up like like rocky 4n I'm pretty sure that that movie single-handedly ended the Cold War. so it's like and I think I've said that on the show. how How many movies can say they did that? ah If I can change, then you can change. Everybody can change. is that yeah If we get all the Americans and the Russians to watch this movie, and which everybody did, I'm sure that's what ended the Cold War.
why i that is what ended the like I think they teach that in history class and you're like, fuck yeah, we do. Especially when he starts training and and then and basically the Russian Arctic.
I remember it very well and it had some very forgettable 80's song. days It wasn't it wasn't like but no it was like a ah tried to be like so that surviv the Eye of the Tiger but it wasn't. I don't remember the the song. I remember Rocky's got his theme music though.
Yeah, you have the theme. But it's interesting because, you know, Rocky, you know, most people don't know that, like, I mean, as far as general knowledge goes, like, people think Rocky and I are the Tigers in the same movie. It's not. I are the Tigers in Rocky Theory.
um the one with uh mr t mr t yeah of course yeah and then no his his theme music is like da da da get and yes um yeah so so so those aren't in the same movie those are in well i mean the themes in every movie but uh yeah but yeah i have the tigers now and but but as far as rocky 3 it's probably i think i like i think i like rocky 4 more than rocky 3 I might like Rocky IV more than Rocky. No, I like Rocky II though. Let's say like they they are honestly like the Rocky rocky one and is good. Rocky II, it is good. Rocky III, I feel like it honestly it is still good. I just like Rocky IV and I think for me too is like it's the one that
The pacing of that movie is perfect ah in Rocky IV. Whereas I find the other ones kind of have... You get behind all the cheese. Yeah, and like, and and Rocky IV, it's like, I don't know, man. Like, it seemed like there was like, it seemed look to me like there was a bit less cheese because like his body gets killed. So there's like, you know, the stakes are a bit higher in that in that one. Like it... You know, it's a bit it's a bit more intense, I think. But I can also see why people wouldn't like that.
like but Going into Rocky IV, I think people wouldn't like it because of that tone shift. right and like and maybe that like and but for me like i think that's probably why it's like it's like my favorite because like it the cheese is like a bit it's a bit much for me right like it's still very quotable too the the whole uh if he dies he dies if he dies he dies he's like i must break you yes yeah that's a great line too yeah that's what i mean there's i mean the first one's got adrian uh which is you know whatever uh and then obviously number three got mr t's quotes is is is the one that that everyone's going to be uh quoting from him but uh
yeah i think that i don't know man rocky 4th i think i think that is the winner like if you're gonna watch any of the rocky movies you should watch you should watch rocky 4 and you should definitely watch rocky belbow of the 2006 one uh let's watch the first one I don't know man like it's good. It is good, but I'm saying the Rocky movies are I mean Sorry, I shouldn't say a boxing movies aren't necessarily for everyone like what would you okay? So I guess that's the question What would you recommend for a movie for someone that is like the less into those types of movies? Which you still recommend the first of of all those I mean yeah, I think I would recommend Because I kind of like the the family dynamics of
um like Rocky Balboa and Creed. And I think people can get get behind those the most. Especially, yeah and i think and I think Rocky IV would be good too with those because of um Creed dying in that and then seeing how it was affected by Adonis and Creed because of that happening. And i've I feel like there's more weight to it because of that. yeah So I think maybe those three together
would be good yeah i i actually i i'd agree with that i mean it's hard to it's hard to rank the movies and this the thing is like i wouldn't say that the first one's not good it is like and they are all good like yes yeah except for the fifth one i'm not saying it's not good i haven't seen it yeah
Yeah, okay. Yeah, I am a sucker for that first Creed movie a lot. I rewatched that one probably the most of any of the any of these movies. It's pretty well done. There was also, ah what was that one that was called? it was ah It had Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone. It wasn't a Rocky movie. It was like... Ah, um what was it called? I think it was a Grudge Match. Yes, Grudge Match. Okay, have you seen it? No.
Okay, I heard it wasn't good, so I didn't watch it. Okay, I ended up watching it. It was one that I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would, if that makes sense. And I mean, like, I realized, I mean, that again, like, both actors are are getting a little on. And I think that, again, like, Sylvester Stallone, I think, is a bit more believable than Robert De Niro. But, you know, he he tried, he he showed up, like, he he certainly showed up for the for the task, I guess.
And, uh, I honestly, I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would, uh, when I was watching it, so it's like, yeah, it was it's pretty good too, so... Well, I'm not gonna watch that one. Okay. Uh, I had, okay, I don't know if you had any more, but for boxing movies, I had one more that I did want to talk about. Okay. Oh, okay. Just the the last one that I got, uh, because it is a boxing movie. You really like your boxing movies.
i do i I've seen a lot of boxing movies. yes I've seen a lot of fighting movies in general. but like what lot of Wait, wait, before you say it, I still want to say one of my favorites is still Raging Bull. It's probably still top 3. And I obviously need to watch that at some point. But obviously I gotta to watch Creed because I want to see your cameo.
Creed 2. Don't get twisted. Creed 2. I've seen Creed in here that it wasn't going to be in Creed, so Creed 2. And I will watch it. So the last movie ah I kind of want to give, I guess, an honorable mention for for for good boxing movies. It is a million dollar baby. Clint Eastwood won. Yeah. Hilary Swank, I think it is. Yeah, yes it is.
uh that one again like oh my god yeah what's that yeah never got magic yeah yeah it's great yeah uh that one is uh again there there really is no cheese in that movie uh that you get in typical fight movies uh it's actually a really good story uh it's it's it's really well done love the cast really enjoyed it yeah good cast good acting it's just uh yeah like i don't have depressing ending Yes, it does have a depressing ending, but good. It's a good ending. It's still good. It's still good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good. It's like a great ending. It sticks with you. You remember it. Yeah, don't watch that one unless, like, you know, if you're not in the mood for something that's a little bit gloomy or I suppose. Yeah. You got Rocky IV that ends the Cold War, and then you got Million Dollar Baby that's going to be like, I kind of feel like crying now, so.

Future Episode Ideas and Movie Discussions

so yeah that's your range that is the range of boxing movies that you can you you can enjoy so yeah that one uh uh strong recommendation for me uh i think that's like that's the thing that's kind of nice that's also a good one for those who don't like boxing movies smelling baby hundred percent is yeah for sure like uh Yeah, and I think that that's like you know Clint Eastwood. He's got a good role in that one too, and then oh that reminds me Apparently he's he's coming out with his last movie. Yeah, yeah like you like you said last time I think he said that three movies ago or four movies ago, so I know he did give yeah i remember remember We watched a cry macho
Yeah, yeah, no, I like them again, like another one that I enjoyed, I think you didn't like it as much, but... But no, wait, wait, wait, wait, I was getting back to your question, I had Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman was there. Morgan, yes, that's who he was, because again, he does a phenomenal job too.
I want to say he was nominated for an Oscar for that, or he won or nominated? Yeah, I could see it in the back and forth between him and Clint Eastwood, which is really good. ah there're There's nothing like A-plus actors going at it. Yeah, it was ah it was really well done. So it's like, yeah, like I just, it was a really good movie. It actually makes me, I don't think I've watched it since like,
It's been a while for me too, man. I don't think I've watched it since college. It's definitely like, it's definitely a rewatchable movie. It's not one that I watch a lot because again, it is heavy emotionally and I don't tend to want to rewatch the movies last, but I do for a rewatch because it it is a good movie.
So, uh, I guess, like, and I'm not gonna say, like, I know that there's other movies, uh, in the boxing realm, fighting around and stuff like that, and like I said, I think there's a lot of material, you know, even for, like, a lady- later date, even. But, uh, cause it's hard to get them all in- in- in one- one episode, man.
Well, and two, because, you know, that there's something many more like MMA movies out now. There is. And then, you know, you get the karate ones. Yeah, we can have it. but We can probably have ah another episode for those of a because the best of the best movies. there's Yeah, there's some of those that that that I love um that we can't specify as boxing.
yeah Yeah, it's it's and that's the thing is like there's so many movies and then in that genre So kind of like sports movies like there's so freaking many of them. Yeah, to you so but yeah Yeah, it's easy to get too easy to break it down in sport by sport. Yeah, I think that, le i i think they yeah like, I mean, it's it's a good exploration. might Might have a few down the road because, like I said, I still want to watch Raging Bull for sure at some point. And obviously, I think I need to watch Rocky V, and maybe maybe that's the best one. Who knows?
You never know. yeah oh mean you all know he watch it But this is my favorite now. I don't get it. why you go you're You're going in with the lowest of low expectations. that's never yeah Sometimes that makes it for... Because it was coming off of Rocky IV, man. like That's hard. That's hard to like...
How do you talk about that? How do you talk about rockets? You can, that's the problem. Yeah, that's just it. They brought themselves into a corner. Is it Rocky IV or Rocky III, the one with the robot at the start? No, it's Rocky IV. Oh, okay. It's Rocky IV, yeah.
ah but Yeah, you have the trainer guy who's in love with it. They have a weird relationship. Yeah. What's that guy's name again? I forget. Paulie? Yeah, Paulie. Yeah, Paulie. Yeah, Paulie. Yeah, so actually Paulie's got one of the best lines. There's three of them out there. He's like, hit the one in the middle.
Anyways, um, but like that robot is that was that was that really for sale back then? Is that a thing that they had in the 80s? Yeah, just for the movie. No, just for the movie it It was just a showcase how much money they had from from winning Sunday championships. I like that. Okay. Yeah Anyways, I guess for me that wraps up. Did you have anything to add? That's all I got I think a punch out. This will be our sleepy games punch out episode. Oh That's the title right there. You got the title. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I i love it. Awesome. Yes. Oh So so that that wraps it up for today um well We'll we'll let you know what we have going on next week and next week's episode and
Okay, did did you have any ideas or? ah No, I like to keep the audience guessing. Are we complete? Okay, but like, ah I mean, I kind of have an idea if you don't have an idea. Oh, feel okay. Okay. So you you want the audience to know you don't want to surprise them?
Well, I feel like we need to involve the audience. Anticipation, I gotcha. Well, yes, and like, so last season, we were supposed to watch a movie that we couldn't find anymore. I was just talking to my friend about this, I know exactly what she was going to say. Yeah. Yes, I agree. So I feel like we should, because it's out now.
it So I want to say what is I want to say cuz I mean your mind is is you're talking about the boy and the heron I am indeed yes Yes, why i decided to bring it up not for the anticipation because I was just tired I was dude I was just talking to him talking to my friend about today, and I tell this of my mind. I'm a big on the show But yes, that's what we'll watch we'll watch that for next week so yeah it will discuss the results of the mike tyson jake paul fight absolutely because uh that is what i will be doing friday night and i'm i mean like to me it's like um i'm curious because like i feel like it's gonna be just kind of like an exhibition i think they're gonna kind of take it easy i think i feel like that's what's gonna be but if it ends up being something that's like crazy oh my god like i
I don't think I'll be able to sit still all weekend after that. so But I'm still just excited to work to watch Iron Mike Tyson back in the ring. and nobody be curiouss how many ads there'll be for prime sports drink
I guess I guess we'll see. All right. So there's ads then. It's Netflix. so There's no ads. is that Well, no, I mean, no they'll probably throw stuff on there, like join the ship. Oh, this this match is brought to you by Prime. Jake Paul's the owner of this sports drink. Make sure you buy it. This time is left sugar because we got a whole bunch of criticism saying there's too much sugar in this drink.
ah But ah yeah, so we'll have the results and ah and what we thought about the fight for next week. And we'll talk about the anime film that won best animated feature of the Oscars last year, The Boy and the Heron. oh i'll be watching i'll be watching the I'll be watching the English dub, by the way.
Okay, I will also... Is that what you recommend? I watch them? I don't know. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it yet. Okay. I will... but but But because of the cast, I know it has like Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson, William Defoe. That enough makes me want to watch the English dub. That's enough for me. Yes, that's what I'm going to be watching then. And this is Christian Bale's second time doing a Miyazaki movie. Really? yeah also did He also did Howl's Moving Castle.
Okay, yeah, there's a lot of movies. Cuz I haven't seen my neighbor Turturo. Yeah. Turturo, yeah. as that he's got He's got quite a few movies. oh He's got a lot of classics. I can't wait to introduce my nephew to a bunch of the the the more children friendly ones. Yeah. Like my neighbor Turturo and like ah Kiki's Delivery Service and- All right. Spirit of- I think still, still yeah, that one's good too. That might be when he's a little bit older.
Yeah, I mean, it's still like before 10, but like after Totoro and Kiki. Right. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Nice, man. Because I wish I was given these films when I was that age, so... Oh man like this just did right like we uh yeah it was it was kind of slim pickings for animated movies back in the day like yeah there was the odd disney one that came out that wasn't bad but uh yeah well i mean no i mean we we kind of grew up with the with the renaissance the best animated movies are you kidding
You think so? yeah we yeah we look Listen to this line up. like when i When I was born, 88, I think we like i think it it went like Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas, Mulan.
Okay, so to this day I have not seen Pocahontas or Mulan. Oh dude, Mulan is ah such a good movie. and It has okay it has ah has my favorite Disney song of all time. Which is?
Well, you haven't seen it, so if I tell you what it is, you're not gonna know it. i guess the the The song is called, I'll Make a Man out of You. Okay, so I guess would be maybe a future recommendation. I think it is. you See, I like how we're discussing this. There are very kind of more ideas. I like that, yeah. I hope you're writing everything down then, because ah well I'm notorious for not doing this. The good news is it's recorded.
I told you James, I don't like listen to my own voice. know Nobody does. um But anyway, that does it for this show. We'll see y'all next week. Cheers. Cheers.