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The Magick of Music Vol. 2 image

The Magick of Music Vol. 2

The Sleepy Games Podcast
11 Plays10 days ago

The second edition of our music series featuring an original Sleepy Games song performed by Sleepy John! This episode focuses on 'The Power' music can have on our lives. Also a quick review of the 'Kobra Kai' Finale, 'Flow' (2024), and the SAG Awards. 

Song Credit: 'Medicine' Written & Performed by Sleepy John. Edited by James Games. Instrumentals by Rockot (Retrieved from Pixabay).  

This Sunday: Oscar Watch 2025!


Introduction and Theme

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.

'Medicine' Diss Track Overview

It is my diss track for Planet Earth. And I call it Medicine. Ooh. Are you excited for this? I am excited.
Yeah. Okay. I'm ready.
Take your medicine. If you're not with us, you're against us. Take your medicine.
Take your medicine.
Earth, world of the free, whenever culture built around slavery. World worlds, world words, both sides arguing climate change and vaccines. Triggered? Getting angry? Wait a moment, short memory. ADHD, thought pump for pills to make you leave reality. While every cat is addicted to pornography, philosophy, biology. Blue to the screens, addicted to the dopamine. Callers too, might as well be snowing ecstasy.
If you're not with us, you're against us.
If with us you're against us. If
you're not with us you're against us.
If you're not with us you're against us.
Truth is real, real truth. Burn the books and rewrite history. Her story, your story, every story. Write another fallacy. Come on, who doesn't love a mystery?
Vanity, morality, totality, death toll rising, so you better take a selfie, get more likes than a furry bukkake, the world's on fire and the culprit is you, giving the devil's more shock than a Pikachu.
Water's fucked, air's fucked, even the dirt's fucked. Are you gonna save the world with your Cybertruck? Point the finger, take nothing to heart. Bury your head, fill up your shopping cart. Be smart, play your part.
Another castrated man, buy his daughter on OnlyFan. Don't be scared. cat's shaking worse than Popo in a school, man.
you're not with us, you're against us.
you're not with us, you're against us.
If you're not with us, you're against us. If
you're not with us, you're against us.
um Kings of all fallen, tick tock Worship the jester, time's up And when you're playing with your G-spot You'll fall harder than a G-shock That's it, song done, let's get hazy Before I go, got a question that's racy If I identified as Martian Would you call me crazy?
If you're not with us, you're a gangster. So, what you think?

Feedback and Critiques on 'Medicine'

so what did you think So, um I applaud the your enthusiasm of trying to be a rapper.
ah like that. Okay, yes. ah the You're a little bit... ah You're stumbling a little bit on the flow with the song, but you know yeah that you're not a rapper.
right did you You did put some work into the lyrics, so that was good. I'll try to catch some of the lines all the way through. yeah i think I understood it for the most part. Very catchy chorus.
with the If you're not with this you willgainst us, against us. I will say, it does get stuck in your head. oh I was like it in the beginning and then in the middle and then you kept saying it a little too much.
yeah right I'd say so. Because I think nowadays with songs like you you have a lot more shorter songs these days, like usually like three minutes. Yeah. three Three, three and a half minutes.
So I think it could cut off like maybe good 30 to 45 seconds of the reframe of course. and don't think it'd be too hard to do that actually. it's That's actually not to... i think I think I know exactly where I would cut it out too. so Oh yeah. Yeah. I really liked the beat.
The beat selection was nice. I was vibing to it the whole time. Yeah. Like... like like Yeah, you put a lot of heart and soul into it. I just wish the ah the the wrapping um part of it was was a little better.
ah James, it was my it's my leg my first... I wrote it and then I recorded it right away. didn't wrap this You asked for criticism and I'm giving it to you. you're right You said I'd be 100% honest. I did.
You're right. Be 100% honest. You're right. You're right. I'm not you're right i'm not taking criticism. God damn it. Right.
But yeah, ah I think if you if you go back in the booth, Yeah. work Work out little bit of the flows. it can it connects some the lines to go like, uh, ride the beat with, with it. I think it would sound even better, but ah yeah, for, for, for, for putting that together in a, what less than a week.
so Yeah. No, that was an evening. An evening. Well, there you go. It was an evening. Yeah. Just think, about how better it would be if he took a, another day or two. what would it Would it be worth doing, I guess? like you know You know, I don't know how it sounds, you know what I mean? like i i You're the first person, literally, to to hear this.
So, like, is it worth putting work into? Well, how about the... I mean, I'd like to get a stab of rapping the lyrics to you as as it, like, as... reading the lyrics and how I would flow it.
Yeah. um and do it like that and then kind of just figure out what would be the best way to flow the song together, especially if we cut that certain amount of time. um So it's a so it's it's not dragging too much. yeah so Okay.
okay but yeah I'm impressed man. I was i wasn't expecting was expecting much to begin with. Right. but so So I was pleasantly surprised. So yeah. Okay. Good on ya. That's not a terrible review.
Yeah. I can live with that. Yeah, but like I said, love the beat, love the lyrics, of love the chorus, the the refrain with the chorus. But it was just a little too much with the chorus. So yeah, but I think if you can just condense a little bit.
Maybe I'll try editing. Yeah. I'll try to i'll try to um try to cut out a portion of it and then ah maybe that's the one I'll play. Because I don't want to bore our listeners, James. If you're not with us, you're against us. Yeah.
Well done, well done. Okay. Well, i I'm glad you enjoyed it This starts the show. It was fun to make, so yes. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the Sleepy Games Podcast. We're not starting off with bang, we're starting off with a banger. Come on.
yeah um But yeah, so so that this is tying into the theme for today. We're doing our music episode. um or volume two music episode yep as we call it um but guess uh before we dive into the theme uh we'll do what we normally do discuss like what what we've seen this week
get yeah that's all i'm the one that watches stuff so yeah i know yeah i yeah i mean between the two of us ah you' you're definitely carrying my ass on that front So so so is two things this week, ago or i' guess three things.
i'll be I'll be brief with two

Cobra Kai Series Finale Discussion

of them. So I watched the finale of Cobra Kai, the series finale of Cobra Kai. so I don't want to go in. So, you know, you're going to have like the big martial martial martial arts tournament at the end. Right.
Okay, can we... can I might end up watching this like... I'm not going to be spoilers. But I will say, for the second to last episode, the penultimate episode, as they call it, yeah the the ending to that one...
was probably my favorite ending to... i like the ending more in that episode than like the ending in the finale. Gotcha. Only because it's so 80s and over the top and like I expected it but didn't expect it.
And i was like, wait, are they going to do this? are they They did it? I'm like, oh my god, I love it. So that's all going to say. And when you watch it, you'll be like, okay, I get it. ah yeah yeah But as far as the finale, it tied up all loose ends.
Everyone had like a you know good happy ending to their stories. And it was a great way to tie in uh the original karate kid movie to the finale of the show i thought okay um there was like it was a good little connection that they made at the end and where it was like a chef's a chef a chef's kiss moment um but the the the acting i thought was like you could tell that a lot of these actors i got so much better at at acting from working on the show
um I was getting a little teary-eyed as well. So it just shows how how much they they do connect with these characters and how they can bring these emotions out.
um It's just crazy how this is based off a movie that came out. 40 years ago. ah and to have all the success it's had, it's been nice.
But yeah, I've been on the ride. I've watched it since 2018 when it first came out on YouTube Red. remember but you remember that?
course you don't. that's I do, James. It lasted one year and then it bankrupt. you said YouTube tried to have their own streaming service. ah Okay, that makes sense. yeah Maybe on... Yeah, no, I don't know if I did hear about this. so that That's where it started?
Yeah, so Cobra Kai... what I don't know if it was the first show that YouTube read tried to advertise... I guess started the service with.
But it was definitely the one i knew about. And then because the the the streaming service went bankrupt, um they they knew it was still like a good show. and that Or Netflix knew. So like, well, we're going to pick it up and continue it from season three on.
And i'm so glad I'm so glad they did because there was a lot more story to tell. and I would say like you know ah something's dragged and you had a lot of melodrama with the teenagers. uh yeah that's that's where i'm like i think i missed a season or two but i would watch the last season just because i want to see how it ends right so yeah yes uh yeah the the last season would be good because yeah if you if you if you binge this show it would get really annoying real quick because you just run into the same teenage bullshit That's just it. Because the best parts of the show are Johnny and Lawrence.
Johnny Lawrence and Danny LaRusso. Right. Ralph Macchio and... Yeah. the their Their chemistry together is the best.
it's It's so good. um But yeah, so great review for that great way Great way for them to wrap the show.

Animated Film 'Flow' Review

And then, so I also watched an animated movie this year is' ah this week called Flow.
I want to talk about movie called Flow. um So it's an animated movie about this cat. You follow this cat and some other animals but the fascinating thing about this so it's like the animation style is like similar to like uh spider-verse um uh so it's it's gorgeous to look at throughout um and there's no dialogue the entire movie so you're really just taking in it's so it's all like visual storytelling um Because, you know, following animals and these animals don't talk.
they that there's they They act like how animals should. right Right. There's no humans. So you think like the Earth's been, like, but the humans have been wiped out. Like, some...
catastrophic event happened, you don't know. like All you know is like there's these animals left, there's flooding that's happening, um and you have these these group of animals that kind of band together and just just trying to get through You're trying to get through it you' trying to survive But it was fascinating. It's probably one of the most gorgeous animated movies I've ever seen. like I thought there were certain times when it was like it looked like a photograph or some video from real-life footage. and But yeah, it's definitely good movie if if you have a gummy on you.
I would definitely take one. which No, that actually, ah that does sound really interesting. Yeah, I don't to i don't think I've ever watched anything like that, to be honest. like Yeah.
Sounds very original. And it's quick it's quick, too. It's only an hour, 20 minutes. Okay. I was going to say it flows. No pun intended. Oh my god.
But the the animals that that they get, ah it's pretty cool. like it's so It's a wide range. It's a cool journey they go on. It gets serious. Not too serious. it's like but There's some moments when you kind of take them back and shit gets real for a second.
um so but you know but to to have a whole animated movie with no dialogue like that's not easy to do where you and where you're still captivated by it the whole time so definitely so it's like it's a contender for uh best animated movie of the year it's between that and the the wild robot which is funny because like both of them are very nature oriented so it's it's funny how those two are battling for the top spot um But yeah, and the last thing was the the SAG Awards were yesterday.

SAG Awards Highlights

Right? Yes. Did you know about this? I did because and i do follow your Instagram, James. Yes. yeah so So I had a SAG Awards viewing party um with a but which bunch of actor friends in the Mid-Atlantic area.
and ah And I think it was the first time the SAG Awards had a host, which was cool. So you had yeah Kristen Bell. I know her from Forgetting Sir Marshall. And most people know her from what The Good Place or Veronica Mars.
um But she she was a great host and I like she she tied back. She actually had a little skit she did with Jason Segel, paying homage to fucking Sarah Marshall.
Right. That was cool. But as far as like, there's some surprising winners. ah Timothy Chalamet won Best Actor. i was surprised by that. i have not seen his movie where he plays Bob Dylan, but hear he's great in it.
Oh. I don't even think I heard about this. Yeah, so it's called A Complete Unknown. he yeah he where he portrayed It's a biopic of him as Bob Dylan. Okay. Yeah, I hadn't heard about this. i yeah The last one I heard about is the one where they turned the guy into a monkey or a chimpanzee or something.
Oh, yeah. the the The monkey man with Robbie Williams. yeah but yeah Yeah, exactly. like and We always joke about how Americans don't know who Robbie Williams is.
Yeah, this will help. Yeah, did that did not do well in the box office. Yeah, i didn't I didn't see it. i just like I heard good things about it, though. I heard good things about it. um i mean, you unique concept as well. right Well, it is. It is unique.
But, ah yeah, as far as other the TV shows that that one shogu which won, which of my favorite shows from last year, a lot of awards. The Penguin won. Colin Farrell, portraying the Penguin, he won. Right, yes.
He had that in the bag. Yeah. And ah one thing i was happy about, and I knew the actors would get this right, because the second words are actors voting on actors. um They voted for an actual, like, comedic performance in a comedy show to win those awards. car I kept getting upset that the bear would win these awards. And the bear, to me, is more drama than comedy.
And especially with this past season, which I thought was not as good. It won no awards and I was so happy. And all you and all the all the comedic awards went to actual people that were funny in their roles.
um So I gotta give it to all the actors who voted this year. You did good. Hopefully the bear will not get all these nominations all the time anymore. that this would be a new precedent that they set.
But overall, it was good show. that The show flew by. It was only two hours. So and that's the last award show. There might be one more before the Oscars next week. um So, but we we will go over our nominations.
And so so we can see who who who picks correctly and who. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah That's what I watched this week. So it was a good good week of ah movie and TV watching.
I see that. Yeah. I actually didn't know that about the SAG Awards, that it's it's voted on by actors. That's interesting. Yeah. And I thought, yeah.
And so so when it comes to the Oscars, the Oscars are more like executives, producers. Right. um so so ah Some actors too, but you know, more like you have like retirees.
um There's a lot more, I think, that vote. i Maybe it's not as much. i think actually, no, I think it's a finite number. It's less people that vote. um it's It's more of the higher ups who decide for the Oscars.
Yeah. Yeah.
But we, that that's not until next week's show where we talk about the Oscars. We we will talk about that ah that broadcast. Yes, indeedy. Alright, so... Is it theme time?

Power of Music

Yes, it is. Alright, this is the second edition of our Magic of Music ah series.
And this one, the theme of it, said it last week, is power. Yeah, no one managed to have all that power. I'm glad you did that again, buddy. Appreciate that.
Of course. I always say that when I think power and music. but Well, because that but I mean, because that that kind of, I guess, hits the nail on the head ah in terms of, like, I think what music can do.
And, like, that's kind of what I want to go into. I don't know if you had anything. because like did you Did you give any thought, I guess, to, i don't know, like, ideas or or whatever, anything you want to talk about on this episode? I was kind of going go off what you say.
Okay, okay. so So, basically, I have a little little story, I guess, and then hopefully like this will kind of explain where I'm going with this. It was a couple years ago.
a i was having, I guess I was having quite quite a glum day. i think there there was, there was you know you know when things just kind of stack on top of each other and you just, you really just want to go home and sleep, right? Yes. just done. You're like, fuck it. was Tomorrow's a new day. Like, fuck this day. Fuck you day.
And so anyway, so driving home, right? So I'm like, I'm feeling like that. And then like, all of a sudden, out of the blue, like brand new song from performer. I didn't realize he was still making music. Like it was a song by Pitbull, I Feel Good.
And it was like, it was hard not to like start, you know, bumping my head to it. It was very catchy. By the end of the song, I felt completely different. I was like, i was like, you know what? Today's not too bad. I do feel good. Thanks, buddy.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. You remember what Pitbull song this was? Yeah, it's I Feel Good. Oh, it was called I Feel Good. Yeah, it came out, and I think, three or four years ago. oh it was recent.
Yeah, that's what I didn't realize he was still making music. Yeah. On the radio. And I was like, man, this is like, this is pretty good. could Because he was big, like in the late too i mean two, the two thousands or early two thousand and ten Exactly, yeah. I thought he was done, right? Yeah, yeah. and then And then he just dropped this song, and it it was funny, because like it was kind of, I think it was like at the tail end of like COVID and stuff, right? So I think i think he was just trying to like perk everybody up right? So...
But, I mean, it worked. ah felt I felt a lot better that day. i re-listened to that song a few more times afterwards. and and that's what I mean. like someday I'm talking about like power. like they ah just the I guess, and you know emotional or not, but I mean, like just the power that some music, some lyrics can have.
ah Even when you wouldn't really think that necessarily, right like the energy that that that a song can have. so Right, can you give me path on a way where a song could just make you cry?
ah Yes, I mean, that would be definitely. And I think that some people, like, like there there are some songs that that definitely make them cry that they can't listen to. So that that would be one source of power.
Yeah, or like a song that takes you back to a moment in time. are where these are the go-to songs. You hear this all the time. think when we're in Australia, there's a whole set of songs I connect with that just takes me back to that time when I was living there. was like, oh yeah, remember when this was popular?
would hear this like every day. yeah take Take me back to just walking by the beach, seeing all the surfers. Yeah, and that's... ah yeah well i mean We talked about that a bit, I think, the last episode. load yeah That's like time travel. It has the ability to make you travel through time. yeah It has that power.
yeah, exactly. There's so much power in music. There's so much. It is, and mean, Variety's of power. The which? was saying different variety, or different, like... Different varieties of power, yeah.
Well, the thing is, like and i and I know that, like, obviously, some people would say, what's like well, like, movies can make you cry, too. But, like, they take, like, two hours to make you do that. A song can do that in, like, two minutes, which is...
Really fascinating how quickly it can just change your moods, it can it can re they can make you re-evaluate, I guess, you know, whatever, like your life, your religion, your politics, like in in a short song, it can really make you reassess some things, right? and like And some lyrics, I think, have done that.
So but that's kind of where I was going with it. But do you want to know the the lyric that spoke to me from that song? From Pitbull? Yeah, from Pitbull.
if It's dumb in a way, but I got to say that there's a lot of wisdom in this at the same time. And at one point in the song, he says, live life, don't let it don't let it live you.
no way. That's deep. He actually says that? He says says it. you're like You're right. I gotta live life, buddy. It reminds me of when... Because I always think of ah with with Eminem in Lose Yourself.
where he's like At the end of the song, he's is like, can do anything you set your mind to, man. but so that's that That is a very ah and powerful, psych-up song, for sure. Yeah.
so ah yeah um That's a lot of people go to like workout songs. Yeah, for sure. And for karaoke.
I think I heard you do that one time, actually. Yes. that Yes, you did. Stuffy Murphy's, didn't you? Yes. Yeah. I was i was in the running for the top three yeah tab three performances of the night with that one. That was cool.
Who'd you lose to?
mean, I have videos of so many people that night. that um I I think that's like a rigged show, kind of like Cadillac Oscars. Shit.
Hey, should have won. I was happy that I still got a a second second or whatever. I don't even know second or third place. I still got a prize and like was it was like $50 to the bar.
And we were we were going hard that night anyway. So I was like, you know, just drinks on me. Here we go. Everyone gets shots or another pint of beer. So I felt like I won.
Just from that. I was like ah i never got yeah got money for doing karaoke before. that was cool. Good for you, buddy. i mean I remember that. It was memorable.
It was a good performance. Thank you. yeah i because I can't even remember who else was there. because like Fuck them. It doesn't even matter. Okay. So. Do you have...
so do you have ah Any lyrics, I guess, like powerful song lyrics that like speak to your soul or or something that you've re-listened to many times over the you know the course of your life?
Hmm. As far as speaking to my soul.
it's It's funny, I think when it comes to music, for me, listen to it in a way where, i mean, I guess yeah maybe I want to understand some of the messages that they're trying to get across right away. Okay.
So I would have to re-listen to it or like get in like someone help me analyze it for me. Yeah. ah Because i guess I guess it's hard to get to bring, i mean...
It's hard for just a song to like change the mood for me. I mean, I think as long as if I know what songs I like, and like if I'm already in good mood, I want to work out or something, I know what I want to have for there.
I want to be like in a more relaxing, for high beat mood, I know what songs listen to there. so got i mean But I do listen to lyrics. I don't want to say like it's more of just like the sound, sonically, of what the music is.
But Well, I mean, it is both, in fairness, right? I mean, like, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, don't know. Come back to me on that one.
Come back to you on that one. Yes. Okay. Already. Um, yeah, no, like, so, uh, basically, like,
I think, like, the the the other thing that I kind of wanted to get into is, like, i guess I guess the influence that um
music can have, I suppose.

Kendrick Lamar and Hip-Hop Impact

just just I would even say like in society in general. And I think that, well, for instance, like even in Kendrick Lamar, like ah I think in that damn album, he had a... though Obviously, that was the one he won his Pulitzer for, like because...
I actually took the time, like i read I remember I read the whole album start to finish, like just just the lyrics, right? and But how really could be meant to be,
ah instead of being ah front to back, it it could be like from it could be backwards. Right, yeah, and like it and anyways, yeah, like it's a pretty interesting read, like and and this is the thing, is like even if it's not like your your type of music, I think it's like it's cool just to just to just to read i guess what what he won the Pulitzer for, right? so it's like and And I think that, you know, like I said, like I think a ah celebrity like that, or a musician like that, performer like that, whatever, like they They do carry a lot of weight, right? So, I mean, like, you know, you talked last week about the Kendrick Lamar-Drake feud, right? And I mean, realistically, I mean, you know, I never say never, but I i would say that that has completely killed any chance of Drake having a career again.
ah what But you saw he just came out with another album. Yeah, I don't think it's going to do very well. Well, it was like his lowest charting album he's ever had. um So it definitely has had an effect on him for sure. Yeah. um So look i I know it's not a I don't think it's a career killer.
It's just like a career, like, stab. It's like, is is gonna is this is this hurting you. Like, you'll never be the same again. But you'll say you still have a career. I think, like, yeah, like, i maybe, i mean, i think that, though, because, pardon me, because of the type of music it is,
I feel like if you completely lost your edge at all, like it's you you can't... I don't know, in my mind, you' just like you just you're not gonna have like success, I think, and especially in that and that music genre.
Well, see, the good thing about Drake, which which other rappers can't really do, is he can switch genres. So I don't see him being a hard rapper or like him try to be a hard rapper anymore. Because that there's a lyric that Kendrick says that's very powerful. it's it's It's been thrown around a lot where he says, I like Drake with the melodies. i don't like Drake when he acts tough.
Right. So when when he when Kendrick says that, you know he's even saying, he's like, i like when you when you have like melodic, sing-songy, R&B, smooth type songs.
Just don't do this rap this rap stuff, because it's not going to work for you anymore. so is you're Because you're not one of us. Yeah, because you're not like us. yeah and is yeah so so So this last time he came out with was like a smooth, kind of more R&B type album.
Yeah. So... And yeah it's it's already hurting him. So it's funny how, yeah. Well, it's funny with with with with his lyrics. A lot of the lyrics that Kendrick has said has rang true. ah the The months, the many months later after it's been released, it's kind of like he predicted everything that was going to happen to Dredge, which is kind of wild.
Well, but that's just it. It's like, it's, but that's, that's the power in those words and those lyrics and in the melodies, man. like Well, just think how powerful they are in Drake's head. Like, and he you will never be able to escape it ever. Yeah, it's, ah I mean, and this is the thing, like, even a a minor, man, like, it it's stuck in my head, like, just, just like, a look just like a catchy chorus. It's
ah You know what's funny, though? like and I did actually want to talk about this ah today because you had me thinking about this last week when you were talking about this feud. I find it interesting that To me, like, I don't know, maybe it's a bit of a reach, but it it feels very similar. Because I'm assuming you've seen the movie 8 Mile, right?
Oh, yes. I always think of that when I'm on stage, too. I always want to belt out that part where Eminem's like, he says, ah yeah everybody in the 313, put your motherfucking hands up and follow me.
i always always think about him doing that because that he's get the whole cause the whole crowd starts raising their hands and bobbing to the beat with him because he's moving up and everyone's moving with him. like So cool. right I love that.
so yeah yeah It's the Rocky of... It's like Rocky with rappers. that's ah yeah That's what the movie is. That pretty much is what it is. so But what I find interesting is that like basically the the end battle...
in that movie, if memory serves, that's basically what Eminem was saying to the other guy. He's just like, you're making fun of me because of the color of my skin, but you're not one of us. He's like, cause you're this rich kid that fucking, you know, lives.
So I i found it very funny. That's kind of similar to basically what what Kendrick ended ended up doing is just like, you're not one of us, bro. ah Yeah, that is actually very similar.
I would say so. So it's funny when you bring up 8 Mile, because i think I think Drake tried to do what Eminem did 8 Mile, or like say things about himself that that he predicted Kendrick would say about him.
Right. But the problem was, Drake didn't realize what Kendrick, like how he was going to do it because it could Because apparently like one of his songs, his songs of Kendrick, he he he talks about like, oh, you're probably going bring up what about me and younger girls.
He says that. Right. like Like provoking, like, oh, I know you're going to this, but you know I'm saying it you, so what are you going to do about it? Then the A minor thing happens. Yeah, I mean, at like that's kind of an interesting yeah approach, I guess. yeah I don't know if that's It's bold strategy, Cotton. Yeah, it is. Let's see how it plays out. Yes, exactly.
oh yes exactly
Yeah. ah You were saying with that? were you saying? Well, that that was pretty much like my my thing. It's basically like the real life 8 Mile, essentially, is is what we were watching.
ah Just, I guess, on a... Almost like a bigger stage, I guess, right? Because it's like... Yeah, I mean, if you're if you if you're into that type of music at all... Actually, not even. like I mean, I was still hearing about this, even though like I don't stay current to...
you know, what's going on in the world of whatever. And I really, my parents even even knew about it. Yeah. That's what I mean. very mainstream. So yeah. Like like there won't be a bigger rat beef than this ever. Right.
Not to say there won't be any more rap beefs, but of course there will be. Rap is a competitive sport, as they say. um so But not to this level. Nothing will ever touch this. like especially the It was a perfect time with like social media and everything where everybody was just voicing their opinion on it.
right yeah What a time. What a time. What a time. hasn't even been a year yet, which is wild to me. Yeah, I remember the first time I think you were bringing it up there. so It's kind of interesting because at that point... yeah We're still talking about it. yeah Here we are. well because ah Again, like it like I said, like it's that there is a power in in music and lyrics and and and all all that. like i I truly do believe that.
So, yeah. I believe it too.

Music Creation and Future Plans

Yeah, yeah. So I guess, ah you know, circling back, I mean, and if not, then it's all good. But do you have any any any any songs that have lyrics that really speak to you, I guess, or any of that?
I'm putting you on the spot. I always think of, like, I guess, i guess like, the funnier lyrics. Okay. but those Because especially being such a big Eminem fan,
um Are you talking about like, like what what was that song he had? The CAC? C-A-C-K or something like that? No, F-A-C-K. That's what it was. That's not what I wanted to talk about. but yeah Fuck, I haven't heard that in like 20 years. so It's so funny to me how he put that song on his greatest hits album.
Is that wild? That the fuck song? Fack. Fack. Fack. Fuck. Fuck. Yeah. So, so, so, so it like, it's pretty, you know, usually when, when you have an artist, he puts a, he comes out with a greatest hits album.
You don't put new songs on a greatest hits album. He did that. Yeah. And the first track was Fack. To start off, the greatest hits album is that song.
That's fascinating. have no idea. Yeah, well, I remember because I own that album. and and it was quite jarring to hear when when you're hearing the best of Eminem, and that's the first song to hear.
look at Oh my god, I'll never forget that. yeah't I don't remember this and in in you know on on any of his albums. was like, what is this?
Oh my god. That slays me. a I didn't know about that. I heard it on the radio once or twice. ah I didn't know about that. That's good. So we're talking about different types of powerful lyrics. I'm talking about like the funny lyrics that stick with me, where I think it follows me throughout my life. Or if I ever hear a certain line, it'll take me back to like that Eminem song where like, oh, that was funny when you said it like this.
Like, like, like, like whenever I hear, like, whenever I think of NSYNC, the guy Chris Kirkpatrick, I always s think of the Eminem song, like Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked.
I think about that line every time i hear his name now. Like throughout like all my life, every I think of that lyric. Yeah, I mean... I can't believe it. I can't look at him without thinking about that lyric.
And I feel bad for the guy because I'm sure he probably gets it all the time. Right. yeah Yeah, I mean, something, yeah, like names will stick with you for sure, right? Like it's ah pretty wild, really.
Yeah. So, yeah, I think, yeah, as far as lines that stick with me, it's mostly Eminem stuff. It's wild. It's kind of funny because ah the other one that I think of is Moby. He was, ah yeah, he was stomped by Obi. Yeah.
Nobody listen to techno. but It's over. Nobody listen to techno.
That's the same song, which I love. Man, nobody's safe in that song. No. He just always had a trend in the of his career. like That first big single was always like putting people on blast.
Right. Yeah. because he Yeah, that's... because he even puts well I always think of Will Smith, too. He's like like, Will Smith doesn't have to cuss in his rap to sell records. Well, I'll do. So fuck him and fuck you, too. I'm like, Jesus. Jesus.
ah perfect yeah yeah yeah Yeah, he was ah he was here he was definitely definitely entertaining in his prime for sure. so yeah like it's yeah It's a perfect time for that for those songs to come out because it was the 90s, early 2000s where you took it away with that. The timing was good. He can't do songs like that anymore.
Which is a shame. Yeah, I mean, I guess, yeah, like go you're not wrong. It's got a lot of movies you watch, you're like, they couldn't do that anymore. Yeah, yeah. That wasn't even that long ago.
Uh, anyways, i mean, uh, I think in a nutshell that that's kind of what I had for today. i don't, uh, I don't know if you had anything else to add, I guess.
well, uh,
I guess only thing I'll say is for any advice, there's so some of thelthough when i was watching the Grammys, you had John Lennon's son going up to... I don't know if you saw this.
So John Lennon's son also and know performs and writes his own music. He won a Grammy. He gets on stage and he tells he tells the he he tells the audience, you're like, advice for the kids out there.
He says... Do not get in a rap beef with Kendrick Lamar. I'm like, oh my God. John Langston is saying that to the youths.
but look that' is ah That's probably good advice. Yes.
But yeah, so so I'll leave it with that. So it's it's the the advice to the people out there, to all the listeners. Yeah, that's... I mean, yeah. or else or Or else he will make a song about you and you'll never be able to live it down. And also, James, live life.
Don't let it live you. Oh, God. It's the heart. Oh, man. I felt it. I felt that. You should. Those are... that Like, fuck, man. that That's $10 million dollar advice right there. God.
But yeah... ah but yeah That's all I have. yeah like Yeah, that's all good. We want to just have another music episode, especially because cause Kendrick inspired us. He inspired a proud you to write that song. He did. He did, actually. and I've never never dipped my toes or anything in hip-hop.
It's not to... so and And honestly, it was probably the most fun that I've had you know making a song or making music or something. How'd you get that beat, by the way? ah So, and this is this is the challenging thing for, I guess, ah the song in general. So I wrote the lyrics.
I had an idea of what it would sound like. And then, yeah, like I just basically found that one online. It was on... ah Pixabay, actually. it's a I'll put the the guy's the guy's a name in the description there. and i Credit him for... and you can check out his stuff on Pixabay.
they' There's no copyright on them. like They're free to use. yeah so yeah that that That was a song. but i think and that that's why That's why it is built the way it is because I just basically took what I had, used his song, and then it it kind of It kind of worked because I was listening to it while I was like well i was doing it. It was pretty neat. But I think you're right with that trimming out you know a little bit in the middle there. i think it would probably help.
There's a thing called Less Is More. ah Well, i was just I was just using his song, man.
No, know I love the beat, though. I love the beat. Yeah, yeah I think that... Yeah, no, it's, uh, I'll take that on advicement ah under advisement. advisement.
And ah I'll make some changes. And, uh, yeah, hopeful like I said, it's fun. Maybe, maybe, um maybe there'll be some more music, maybe better, better produced, better finalized in in the future. I don't know.
I mean, i'm right I'm ready to hear some more from you. I'm glad. Okay. You know what? I'm glad to hear that. That makes me maybe, you know, want to do it, I guess. you Like you're telling me that I don't need to be a multimillionaire, but I mean, if I can make my one hit wonder, James, that that would be my life.
I don't want to be famous, but a one hit wonder, you get your money. Oh, you like being famous. What's that? Sorry.
That's another Kendrick lyric. I got it. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, I mean, that would be, that's, that's the pocket i I strive for, James. One hit wonder and then kind of fade into obscurity. But every now and then if I got top up the bank account, I'll be like, Hey, you want to hear my song?
you go ah You get shows all across North America and just perform that song. Oh, I'd be fine with that. Yeah. You just do it for one year and then like whatever. You you know, you got you got a couple million. i'm a pretty I'm a pretty modest guy, man. If I can get rid of my nine to five that way, fuck yeah.
That's the dream. Right?
And you and the listeners can help me fulfill my dream.
you have You have the power. Ooh.

Conclusion and Future Content Tease

Good way end it. ended I think so. I think that that's ah i think i think i think we're about done.
So that does it for us. That wraps up our volume two of our music episode. um But we will ah but see you next week when you'll hear our predictions for the Oscars.
Cheers. Cheers.