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Miyazaki's Movies Part 2!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
16 Plays2 months ago

Finally! The movie review we promised last season is finally heron! 'The Boy And The Heron' that is. Also a quick recap from Tyson Vs. Paul.

Next Week: Historic Epics!


Energetic Introduction

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
It's fucking game time. Is it game time? Is that how we're starting the episode? It's right off the bat. No countdown. It's game time.

Weekly Catch-Up

It's game time. We're back with another episode of the Sleepy Games Podcast. We are your hosts in this corner. We have Sleepy John. What's going on, Sleepy John?
Hey, man, it's been it's been it's been a long time to talk to you. It feels like it's been forever. and know it's It's been a week. It's been a week. The longest week of my life. yeah and what wherere We're recording on a Monday and we we definitely both have a case of the moon days. All right. As they say it on office space. um But but Before we get into the theme today, um we want to talk about what we watched this week. and well Before that, um did you start the penguin yet?
and now Why are you going to put me on the spot? like I'm going to put you on the spot every week until you start the show. ah and It's going to be an ongoing thing until you start it.

TV Show Banter: The Penguin

How about that? Okay. So is that a no?
ah ah well I mean, that there was a lot to watch this week, man. like In fairness to me, and I have to i have to make something kind of clear. like is like ah but Obviously, you know, throughout my life there's been times when I've done a lot of TV watching, a lot of movie watching, stuff like that.
like these days and for a lot of the time we've been doing the podcast like sometimes the only thing i'll actually watch that entire week is the recommendation like it's it's not like i'm i'm watching other stuff and i'm like ah fuck james i'm ah gonna watch this show instead or something you know what i mean like yeah there's there's not a lot for the most part like uh hey i just uh kind of taking a i guess a step back on uh on the watching of things i suppose you could say these days So, but I get it. I i will try to ah endeavor to watch me some penguin. I do like penguins, so. Yeah, and and everyone wants to know your thoughts, man. All our listeners are patiently waiting for for you to watch the show. On the edge of their seats. I get a safeo message to me like, does Sidney John watch it? Do you watch it? I'm like, well, I'll ask him next episode.

Tyson vs. Paul Fight Analysis

We'll see.
yeah ah um But getting past that, let's go into something we know we both watched. And it was the it was the big event of the century, yeah so um as some people were anticipating. And that is the the the the boxing match between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul. right And I watched it with a group of friends. It happened this past Friday night.
Um, there was yeah a lot of anticipation for this. Everyone was hoping that I would say like millennials and up where we're hoping for Mike Tyson to, um, really knock out Jake Paul. right Um, but unfortunately it ended up being.
Very, very underwhelming. Oh my gosh. Yes. I don't think anybody enjoyed the fight. I think most people were like, we're even like, we're we're feeling from like, it's like, man, I hope he survives. Hopefully he makes it out.
All right. Finish your review. Finish your review. I just want to say before you go, I just want to say because you have the commentators the whole time saying all these, because I'm not a boxing guy. I'm going off their expertise of if he's looking a certain way and how us as viewers should be a little scared for him because they kept saying, he's not moving his feet, he keeps biting his glove. I'm just like, well, yeah, it looks like stuff I've never seen before that boxing don't normally act like.
And then it, and I couldn't help but think about it back in my head though. Well, he did have that health scare, which is why they postponed this fight for so long. So I wonder if that has something to do with it too. And you know, like, I don't even remember if he even laid, I'm sure he'd laying some punches on Jake, but Jake landed a lot more punches than he did. And especially seeing a bunch of the training that he went through, he did like, and I'm anticipating what the training

Women's Championship Excitement

he did.
was going to translate into that fight. but you know It would just seemed like he was on the defensive the whole time. so yeah That's how I saw it. The highlight for me was ah but with Mike was when he was interviewed and then um after the interview it it pans out and he's showing his bare ass.
with his jock strap and like we were all dying and we were like whoa and of course it got memed out the wazoo it was so funny oh yeah yeah uh but yeah i'll be curious because you know you you you've seen a lot of mike's fights um so i'll be curious what you thought of uh of him and this one Yeah, I mean, okay, like the thing is, too, like, in in ah and just just to be clear, like, I don't I don't really follow boxing or or fighting or anything like that these days at all. Like, this is like, and that's why it was kind of like cool just to to watch all the fights. And I'm curious, did you end up watching all the fights or did you just watch the Tyson one? So the only fight we saw was the ah the the the female um championship match with Taylor and um
you know defensive and a little offensive you know like but it was feeling with that fight it was like all defensive they're like like fuck it let's just go pound for pound you know they just start wailing on each other that's what i felt like i'm like yes let's go like this is so cool to watch and like really like i actually thought serrano won the fight and then went went because i i thought because i know she got she got hit worse based off like the you know the huge cuts she got um
around her eyebrow, like a huge gash. But it seemed like like the heart she had, even like powering through that, it seemed like Taylor taylor was getting on the defensive and she was like getting scared of like all this ah intensity intensity she had. um And like that that whole fight, out i was I was jazzed up. It was like, it I guess that's what made the Mike Tyson fight more underwhelming because I think people were were expecting something like that.
with the types of Jake Paulin. But I'm just glad they ended up being a great fight. you know for for that event, you know, as a whole. So at least least we got something worthwhile. Yeah, the the fight before that as well between, uh, there was Barrios and Ramos. I did not see that one. Okay. Yeah. That one was actually, that one was really good too. So it was, uh, yeah. Anytime you get to basically anyone, uh, I'd say anyone from Latin America, they take their boxing very seriously. yeah uh and they they showed up to fight too so it's like yeah i mean i i was pretty psyched to watch the uh the chick boat so to speak and i mean like and like i i was pretty sure it was gonna be good i mean like uh women in the ring can get pretty pretty wild buts so it's funny too because like many many years ago uh i was always kind of
championing for that when I would talk to the people and people like nah like no one wants to watch that and stuff and I was like nah man like people really do like we

Jake Paul's Boxing Influence

need to get more and more women in the fights and stuff like that because like it is very entertaining to watch when they yeah really get into it. it was It was interesting to hear because I know one of the commentary is saying that and because because Taylor being from Ireland they were saying that even pretty recently like like female boxing was banned in Ireland i get' aware of that That was crazy to hear, especially, you know, that's where kind of McGregor's from. So to hear that, like, it's ah it's like, okay, are only males supposed to be boxing?
in Ireland and females can't box. And um in Taylor's age, I think she was 36 or 38, I forget. I i know, i mean I might be big mixing up the ages, but you know. Yeah, one's 36, one's 38, and to be honest, I couldn't tell you which one's which either, so. Yeah, but but but I mean, after that fight, like, it should be legal everywhere, because I feel like Obviously because of the main event, that was the most, because they said that was the most televised female boxing match ever. Right. it Which is cool. And that's and that's a great boxing match to have is the most viewed. It is. And you gotta imagine it probably inspired a lot of women. Yes. And that that's kind of where I was going to go with it is like, and I feel like it it would bring more attention to women's boxing and stuff too. Yeah.
and and And it being basically the highlighted fight of the night, I think that it it you know it it achieves in doing that. so So I did watch, I watched all all four fights. ah The first one, I can't really say that I particularly enjoyed that one. ah There was the the the humping was like, it's too much for me, but I don't know if you watched any of the highlights of that, but it's like I just feel like it's It's one thing to trash talk outside the ring. I think it's another thing entirely when you're in the ring. like is It was weird.
But anyways, ah the i guess I had a couple comments to make about it in in general. I guess I'll save my review of the the Tyson fight for last, but I don't know if you remember last week and I was just like, i for me, I was like i just didn't i didn't understand what was in it for for Jake Paul, right? I was like, okay, if he loses the fight, I mean, everyone's gonna make fun of him. He wins the fight. People are still gonna make fun of him.
it ah and So I did a little digging, because I was curious. like After watching him, he got interviewed and stuff, and I was like, and I didn't really think he did too bad and stuff. I don't know how much you're aware about like what he's doing behind the scenes, but I guess he's one of the founding members of the people that essentially put on the the fight most valuable promotions.
ah He him and one of the guy basically started that that organization a few years back and What's interesting is that? ah He's obviously one of the fighters that promotes that that organization ah The first fighter Goya is also one of his fighters Serrano is also another one of his fighters. So regardless of what was happening with the Tyson fight. He is making bank a yeah yeah and i was like okay i you know what i gotta add to this guy like that is quite fucking brilliant uh and and in his defense for i guess whatever anyone thinks about him he's actually he's been trying to i guess champion to make sure that i guess even the females are getting paid a lot more because some of them were bare barely making a living wage and like if you've ever done any sort of boxing even amateur stuff like you know that that's like
There's not really a whole lot of longevity to that type of career and like, you need to be making some decent money. And I realized that professional sports is always the case, but I mean, like the problem with boxing is like, you know, you get, you get a lot of concussions, you can get pretty punch drunk and everything like that. So it's like, you know, the compensation has to be there.

Boxing Event Reflections

Um, so anyways, I think it's pretty cool for all of that stuff. Now regarding, I guess, like the main fight,
i i like I understand everyone's take on it. I don't know what everyone anyone was expecting to to see. I'm curious, James, like have you ever done like even like just amateured like you ever gone to a boxing a club, even done like a few rounds on like a heavy bag or anything like that? like Do you have any ah Like history or experience doing any I took like two or three ah kick blocks in classes in college Okay, so but like have you ever done like even like two minute like just light sparring or anything like that like even bag worker Yeah, it's exhausting. Yeah, it is exhausting.
and And that's, that's where I'm going to go with it. Is that for my body is not trained for it. And just doing that, I'm like, I couldn't do it like again. like but I And, and, and that, that, that is one thing I'll say is like, I mean, regardless of anything else. And I mean, like, I obviously have a a few, a little bit of commentary too, but it's like,
To do eight rounds of boxing at 58 years old, like that is an accomplishment in and of itself. like and i don't and I get it. like ka yeah He wasn't moving around too much. he did actually For me, is like he did actually get some hits in. I realized that he was a little bit more on the defensive. He probably was having issues with his legs. He wasn't moving that great. like and He even said he afterwards he had an injury. Not that he was really trying to make an excuse out of that.
And I think that he might've maybe postponed the fight, but he had already postponed it once. Again, being 58 years old, I imagine that like you know the injuries are probably gonna be happening a little bit more frequently and maybe taking a while little bit longer to heal. ah So for me, like again, like I thought he did like pretty decent, like eight rounds of boxing. like Even if you're in your 20s, if you've ever boxed at all, like that is quite an accomplishment to be doing. like For me,
I guess the other thing is too is like if you ever watch Tyson in his heyday, he didn't really ever have a whole lot of launch even in his prime. So it was it was going for like that knockout power. He did come out swinging the first couple rounds. Yeah, because I did. I did see I think he won the first round as far as like the this you know,
I'm not one to understand scoring, but... Well, scoring is very arbitrary, right? and I mean, like, basically, that's why I say it's like a knock-up is actually decisive, whereas, like, you know, even the scoring for ah the Taylor-Sorano fight, a lot of people would say that that that was, like... Who do you think deserved to win that one? Well... I i guess this is the thing, is that, like... I've never watched either of them fight before. Apparently, Taylor supposedly might have a reputation for doing that sort of thing.
What, what, what, what, the headbutt? The headbutting, yeah. So, and I mean, I guess on one hand, you know, she shouldn't be doing that, I guess, unless she should be penalized more for it. On the other hand, if she has a reputation for doing it, why are you putting yourself in positions where she can headbutt? You should have trained accordingly, like, right? So, I kind of go back and forth on it.
ah i Mean in terms of like who won to be honest like it's fun as all hell to watch and I'm gonna say this fun as all hell to watch The last few rounds of that boxing was not boxing like there there's no technique. It's just a slug fest But at that point like all you're going for is the knockout Yeah, and and and in my opinion like it in my humble opinion I guess and like and this is just this is the state of boxing like when it goes to decision
If you're the challenger, you really need to be that much more decisive for the judges ah because you're the challenger, right? You knock out, I mean, there's there's nothing to decide, you won. But if you didn't, there there needs to be a pretty big spread in order to be able to take the the you know the belt from the defender, right? Because that's just how boxing is.
And I, I personally don't feel like it was there. There was a lot of heart in that fight. I'm not going to say that there wasn't the headbutting. I guess that's another point of contention. And I'm not really, I don't really feel like I'm in a position to talk about that. Like I said, I'm not, I don't watch enough boxing these days to really make an an intelligent commentary on that.
But in terms of like, did I see enough? Like both of them were really gunning for it.

Tyson's Reflections

It was, it was very entertaining to watch. I'm sure their corner people were like, oh my God, like, what are you guys doing? This isn't boxing anymore. You're just, you're just slugging each other. This looks more like a Rocky movie than it does, you know? Cause in the movies, that's where it's like, there's less defense and it's more offense because we're entertaining for the audience.
Exactly. So, and it was, and it was funny too because the Mexicans ah before that, I believe they were both Mexican, I could be wrong, but ah it was just kind of the same thing. And they even said too, they're like, you know, we hope that we put on a good fight for for the fans and and and and the people here and everything like that. I thought that was pretty classy of them. ah But anyways, ah I guess like the long and the short of it,
I think, I really actually like when they interviewed Tyson at the very end. I don't know if you stuck around that long. And, you know, they were asking him about some stuff and he's just like, he's like, the only person I had anything to prove to was myself. And he's like, and I feel like I achieved that. And I think that that's, that's a pretty good response. Like, it was cool to, it's always cool to listen to him speak. I think that sometimes he's got some interesting perspectives and viewpoints on things.
ah And again, like did it was I disappointed with the fight? Yeah, I guess I could have you know It would have been nice to have like a bit more was a disappointment I won't say I was disappointed with it like it's kind of what I was expecting I didn't really think that either one of them was really gonna be putting themselves a position to I guess knock out the other guy in terms of like they're exposing themselves to if they're going for power punches like that. I feel I felt it was gonna look a bit more like an exhibition fight or like just, ah you know, just kind of ah throwing back and forth. I think they both got some decent licks in. I think in in a lot on the short of it, that's kind of where it was at with me. I didn't really feel like, yeah, they were building up the fight crazy. They're both very good at doing that, obviously. I don't think the animosity was actually ever there.
it And i the the the fight was pretty much what I was expecting, right? And I mean, like, I

Cultural Impact of the Fight

still enjoyed it. Like, for everyone else to be disappointed, it's like, nah, I don't know. But that's just me. Alright, well, that's that.
that one that Actually, that one other thing I'll say, it's cool. It was like a generational thing. It's cool that like, you know, Jake Paul and Mike Tyson and stuff like that, I ended up watching it with the kid. And I'm sure that I wasn't alone in that. So that was kind of neat. And that'll be my last my last comment for that. Okay. Hats off to them for for doing it that way. Yeah, it's pretty cool. because cause I saw it was watched by over 60 million people. And I think they're suggested for America.
um yeah And if we put it in perspective, it's it was the second most watched behind the cereal bowl, which the cereal bowl, I think, does twice that. And then I think like the third place below both these events was like I think the Olympic opening ceremony. And that was like 20 or 25 million. So it just shows how hyped people were for this. It wasn't quite cereal bowl though, but it was still like something that a a lot of people watched, a lot.
And that's just it. I'm like, I guess everyone wanted the first round knockout of Jake Paul. Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's everyone that sees that. Yeah, I just want to see but that that motherfucker get knocked out. Yeah.

Miyazaki's "The Boy and the Heron" Discussion

um But anyway, so that does it with that. So um we we will go into the theme of the episode. And this was a movie that we actually had planned to watch.
way back in April of this year. Right. um so so So this film actually came out last year around the holidays. It took a while to to to get on streaming. um ah yeah So it's the the Miyazaki film, The Boy in the hair and And people are saying that this will probably be his last film.
and so So and I'm a fan, like guess so on a previous episode of the show, but we we did the episode back in April and we talked about some of some of our favorite Miyazaki films. I think ah you got to see a few for the first time. You saw one for the first time. ah There was two movies that I watched back then. It was it two of the way. Yeah. OK, so I'm kind of glad you watched those two going into this one.
Because I saw parallels of those two movies within this movie. Right. And if if I want to throw a third in there, I would throw Howl's Moving Castle as far as character design um and similar themes. um So in going into it, um I did notice because it seemed like it was a compilation of his film those old films into this one, which was cool to see. and But i think ah I think I still like those older films more than this one ah ah because um it didn't have like the emotional depth, I guess, as those films did. A lot of time I kept trying to piece together um ah where like where it was going and what was happening.
yeah And yes, so I'll be curious if you if you felt some of that too. ah Yeah, I mean, like, it so in terms of I guess ah did that emotional depth, like, i I kind of agree, like, I mean, obviously, like, you know, the i'm I'm bad with character names sometimes, but ah the boy, I guess, you know, he obviously loses his mother and

Emotional Depth in Miyazaki Films?

stuff. And I mean, like,
His difficulty in coping with that, I mean, it's i mean it's ah it's obvious in the movie, but it's like I really do think that, like you said, it is kind of lacking a bit of depth. like I know there's a point where he's like he's going to visit and is his aunt or whatever, and ah and you know he doesn't want to he doesn't really want to go see how she's doing, and he just kind of comes in and he's like, yeah, hey, I'm here, okay, bye.
and i mean like
Again, like it they don't they don't really go that deep into, I guess, his struggles with it, and I felt like the first part of the movie kinda, it dragged a bit because of that, because you're not yeah really getting the depth, but it's kinda dragging a bit with some stuff that i I thought was kind of unnecessary, I guess, whereas I wouldn't want to see, you know, maybe more of his struggles and stuff, because especially at that age, I mean, it ain't easy to lose a parent, right? and I mean, it does,
challenge your view of the world, right? Like it, you know, yeah. it And then kind of just like being sprung on you, like, hey, we're moving here. This is your new mom. Yeah. And you're like, oh, and she looks like your new she looks like your old. Well, it it was his aunt, right? Or my did I? Yeah. yeah it's It's never like spelled out. It's just insinuating. It's like, it like it's just like, oh, yeah, she's your new mom. And you know, it's like, wait, she looks like, oh, this is the sister. OK. Yeah. like and i Yeah. and That's the thing too is like I almost feel like just come on saying at the start like it just Suggesting it after a while. It was his first time meeting her though She met him before as a baby. Oh, I mean No, no, no, I mean like as far as he remembers. Yeah, I know I know that's why I mean it. Yeah. Oh my god. Okay
ah Yeah. And then from there, um you this is where I thought I got more into the spirited away of the film, where yeah where you go into the different, like you follow a certain character, that you enter a

Animation and Themes Appreciation

different world. yeah um And in that part, I thought was so cool. Because from there, I'm just like, um im getting I'm taking in with all the visuals because it yeah the animation is just,
It's leaps and bounds, just amazing. Like what they can do with 2D animation like that. Miyazaki has never been a stranger to her. He always somehow outdoes himself on a visual standpoint.
and He loves making cute ass characters. The Wari Waris or whatever. Yeah, the Wari Wari. Because they're very similar to those little creatures from Princess Monaoke. And the ones that tilted their heads that way. And the ones in a spirited away. Yeah, in a spirited away. They're all just as cute.
yeah Yeah, he's over there to have his token cuteness. But but i will I will say as far as something I liked, because Miyazaki is also now a stranger to making it ah feel adult. And this felt like one of his more, ah probably his most, I mean, maybe you could rival Princess Monaoke being more, but this was probably a close second as being probably one of his most adult films. yeah um Especially the one scene that took me back was when You know, you have, you have the boy adjusting to his new life and him getting, ah getting attacked by all those school boys. And then him, just like him just ah hitting himself with that rock. Yeah. I was like, whoa. Oh my God. And then you see all the blood just gushing down. I'm like, that, that kind of got to me. it was like Oh my God. Yeah. The way that we animated that too. was Yes. That was well done. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
but um But as far as as getting back to the to that world he enters to find his um his aunt, his new mom, um yeah I want to get these names. like yeah ah ah we're We're pretty bad for that sometimes, but yeah. Yeah, so the so the what, the aunt is Natsuko, and the boy is Mahito. The boy is Mahito. Right.
And then, of course of course, you have the Heron. Yeah. And I wasn't expecting, like, to actually be like, ah kind of like a human body inside the bird. ah That was kind of cool, too. I guess I was expecting that because you that was the, well, only because that was the picture that Netflix had for the movie. Oh, it did. Okay. So, so so in America, we have it on Max and Max did not spoil it. likes yeah so So the picture on Max is Mahito hugging his
Um, his, uh, his, his younger self mom, um the mother mom, that's the younger self. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of wish that it had been

Film's Star-Studded Voice Cast

something like that. Cause yeah, like it's kind of a bit of a spoiler and i I had no idea what this movie was about or what was going on and that I hadn't watched any trailers for it. So just to have that on the thing and you're like, man, you don't even see that character for, I'd say a good 40 minutes into the movie. So ah it takes a while anyways. I might be a little off, but wait, wait, as far as the Heron.
Yeah, the guy comes out. You mean the guy comes out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because your thing is just his hair in the talks. Exactly. Yeah. Then. Yeah. Do you see he voiced the hearing?
I didn't, okay, I didn't check. I know that there's, there's some obviously noteworthy actors in there, but I didn't- Wait, wait, I gotta ask, were you able to figure out any of the voice actors? I honestly, I wasn't, and I liked that because I don't- There's one that's even obvious for you. There's one that's even obvious. Sometimes you took me out of it. Oh, which one? Okay. Well, so I was surprised you didn't get this one. So the guy who played the dad of Mahito,
Um, that, uh, that was Christian Bale. Right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And now, now do you remember, do you remember the parakeet king? Yes. That was Dave Batista. Okay. You didn't get that. I thought that one was so obvious. Cause he didn't change any inflection of his voice. Right. I mean, not like now that you're mentioning it, sure. Yeah. Like, yeah.
and And then the grand uncle, the old guy with with the beard, that that was Mark Hamill. Okay, that one I probably wouldn't have got for sure, I don't think. No, no, no, no, no. I wanted to preface those first before I got to the Heron because you're gonna be like, wait, what? So so the Heron was voiced by Robert Pattinson.
And there is no trace of his voice in this character. Because I was looking at the cast and I saw William Defoe and I was like, oh, it's William Defoe. And I'm like, what? It's not William Defoe?
So Wayne Defoe actually played, a he played that one Pelican that that that like died in front of Mahito. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah And and then he then he buried him. That I could see. here Yeah. So yeah, but but i it was a a great voice cast and I love how Miyazaki is able to get such A-list actors for his films.
Um, yeah, and it's cool at the same time, like you said, and in this movie, it didn't happen to me. I don't like it when I, when I do recognize the voice, cause it yeah like temporarily takes me out of it. I'd rather them just go for.
random nobodies when when it's animated, because I don't really see the advantage of of of having, you know, Noteworthy, other than, okay, yeah, cool, like, you know, Christian Bale's in it, but it's like, I'm sure somebody else could have voiced it just as good. Yeah, I like Christian Bale, because he used it, it wasn't, it wasn't like, you know, he wasn't using a Batman voice. It's funny, because he actually used kind of a Batman voice when he did House moving castle.
And that was before he did Batman, which I thought was very funny. ah and And this one, like I could sense a little bit of his voice, but but he he had a certain spin on it and to make it to hide it a bit.
I'm like, way to go, Christian Bale. That's Yeah, that's good, I guess. like Because again, like i don't I don't want to be reminded of of the of the voice while I'm i'm watching it. cause it's like Especially when it's one that just like I'm like, ah, fuck, who is that? And then like I need to know, and I need to pause it. and
Yeah, I know what you mean, but the only one that I felt like the actor was David Tista, but I thought it fit well because it was a very small role as the parakeet. Yeah, I can't say it. His voice had that monstrous presence to him, so I thought it fit very

Complex Themes and Visuals

well. Yeah. So I thought that was cool. But as far as getting to some of the darker stuff of the film,
um when when they go the other world then they find uh so um i'm trying to i'm trying to put pieces together because like like i i literally just finished this film like 30 minutes before it's before we started recording this episode and i kind of wish i watched it uh a little bit before so i had some I had more of an opportunity to like, like sit back and take it in more. Yeah. Cause it's a lot to digest. Yes. That's exactly what I was going to say is like the having, when I initially finished it, I was just like, in a way I was like, the fuck did I just watch? Yeah. And then like the next day, cause I was, I was thinking back on it and I was like, okay, like this is making more sense now. I'm kind of okay. That's making more sense now too. So it's, it's not, it's not something I'd want super fresh to be doing some commentary. Yeah.
Yeah, it's it's like it's it's funny because on the paper, you would think it's like a simplistic movie, but there's so many like deeper themes to it that I'm really trying to process.

Oscar Potential and Rewatch Value

And I think it would benefit a lot on a rewatch. Yeah, because because one of the things like like ah know knowing what what I know now than like seeing the beginning to the end, that would yeah piece a lot more together.
yeah like because it was we're talking about him journeying into this like other world essentially and like basically what that world is is the world outside of like life and death right because you have you have those that have died but you also have the the warrior warrior where those those are yet to be born yes well i love that part too yeah yeah and like so it's like The more you start thinking about you know the movie from that that perspective and that aspect of it, again, like there is you can you can think about it for a while. like I can see why it would win an Oscar for exploring themes like that. like It is pretty interesting for sure. Yeah, for for an animated movie, like to go into themes like this is wild. and I can see how it sets itself apart from all other animated movies out there.
especially for for last year, because I know this one battled, or like the the battle was between this and um Across the Spider-Verse. Okay. to ah At the Oscars, i and yeah. and And you know me, you know, listen this is listeners of the show is is how much I rave about Across the Spider-Verse. I still love that film. um But do you think like having watched both,
Would you, would you, you know, allocate the awards differently then?
Wait, if I had to choose a winner? Yeah. See, it's hard for me to say because like on the surface, like I would say, Oh no, I like a cross spider verse better, but I feel like, I feel like I'm given an unfair, I don't know, I guess there's more to think about with the boy and the hair and that, right that, you know,
where where I get, but with The Cross of Spider-Verse, I watched it that first time and I got everything. I get it right, I get everything. yeah And then I kind of want to think about this more, and because after watching this, I liked some of those other films more than this. ah i like ah like spirit away more like prince money okay I liked I liked Housemenman Castle, I never told you about.
but then but But even with those films, like even watching The Spirit Away, I watched that a second time and I liked it more. I feel like maybe that's ah it's a lot but maybe a lot of Miyazaki movies, they they do like most of them benefit on rewatches.

Unique Storytelling Approach

Because when when he he throws so much at you, He does. And and ah in this movie, I would say that that is definitely the case where it's like, it's almost like they're getting the rules. It was overwhelming. that? was like playing ketchup. I'm like, well, okay, now we're here. and and And now we have these, now we have these parakeets that are like trying to tend to slice slice and dice you. I'm like, oh my God. I'm trying to process the last scene. what's good
Yeah, and like, I guess for me, it's like, it it it almost seemed, an and maybe i'd I'd feel differently in a second watch to watch again, but it almost seemed very, it was like disjointed sometimes. Yeah. It didn't, it didn't, it there wasn't a it didn't have like a good flow. It just seems very abrupt. um And I think that that's probably almost done intentionally, but it it makes for a different like viewing experience, I guess, especially if you're not expecting that.
so and And I feel like what I was gonna say before is like It's like he's he's tossing rules about this world as it's happening. It's like, oh don't do this because of that like as they're doing it and like It's kind of an odd way to Yeah, to tell a story. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? Yeah, I noticed you think of other scenes because I know like these pelicans are like attacking the attacking my toe. The mother the one girl was like, oh, they didn't eat you because you had this arrow. I'm like, yes, exactly. Oh, okay. That's the thing. Okay. we and object definitely Yeah, it's like, it's like, okay. Like, I mean, if you had told me that at the start, that, you know, these, these things have like magical properties and stuff like, but you didn't, like, there's no exposition in that in regard. It's like, it's like the exposition is disjointed.
but but
Yeah, it's so they didn't hear in that, cause then that's why I talk about like benefiting a rewatch.

Symbolism and Interpretation

I'm like, okay, maybe there's hints to it of like, okay, maybe this is why, maybe maybe maybe when he's constructing this arrow this certain way, and then when we get to it, this scene, it's a better understanding of why that is. Yeah. So yeah, so man, but I definitely want, like, I want to rewatch it. Like, it like,
And there's things that there's other aspects to it is as to why I do, mean not just the visuals. i mean I could gush and gush about the visuals. um But it it gets it gets trippy, man. like like ah I do wish a part of me like was a little high while while while watching it too. Maybe I would understand it quicker if I was. Well, it's almost one of those movies that when you're watching Sober you're like, did did I take an edible? Yeah, I know!
Oh, that's too funny, yeah. Yeah, so I mean and and again like it's the same for me like I think I definitely have to give another watch through like it's uh I'm sure that I guess if you if you if I read and I haven't I haven't read a single review on this thing I think that they'll probably give away some of the some of the symbolism like one of the things that like I'm still kind of going over my head is like the block building yeah and like how that how that parakeet king you know yeah block building too is like I know that there's more to that than, and like I haven't, today I didn't really get it all. I meant to give it some thought. I just, say I haven't really had a chance to do you that. And sometimes I like to create my own opinions about something rather than read someone's review and they'll be like, oh, like it brings this. And you're like, well, does it mean that? I know. Cause it could have multiple interpretations. Yeah. So.
And that's the thing is again. I know that there's there's more there to to I guess unwrap but Yeah, especially in your case that you just um ah Like we we were talking about this and I'm still trying to unravel everything and it's it's about my mind still There is definitely... Yeah, but and and you're right about the box because that that there's so much emphasis on that at the end. I'm like, oh man, like, I feel like I missed something. I'm like, there is, yeah. ifs very Especially with um my teller kind of understanding it pretty quickly and then like he was like thinking in his head like, well, I checked this block and fit it right there, then it's the perfect place for it and we'll stay together.
And then once the parakeet king comes in and just ruins it all, they're like, oh, and it now now this this world's destroyed. I'm like, whoa, okay. I mean, you you can take that, I guess, i obviously, you know.
governing and politics and everything like that. I mean, you can go into, you know, the world that you create and stuff. So yeah, like there there is there is a lot there like I'm sure but yeah, it was it was a little it was a lot at the end. I was like, yeah, there's just there's just all all the the whole movie. There's just there really is just a lot going on. Mm hmm.
and And why is there, like, a person inside of a hair? And why does it matter that, you know, he's got to put a piece of wood in his beak? Like, that there's so many questions. So many questions, James. Yeah, I was wondering that too. I was just like, I mean, is it that bad for you? Like... I like that part where he was like, he helps him out and he fills the hole in his beak and he's like, yeah, fuck you. We're not friends. He's like, yeah can you shave this down a bit for me? Yeah, I know.
That is
There's not quite there. Yeah, and then he's like, I guess I won't be such a dick. That scene kind of got me. And then obviously the scene with the ah ah when the father is going after the the giant parakeets and then they they transform into little birds. and Yeah. also I love that look you had of like that suit with the samurai sword. I'm like, yeah, that's such a badass look.
And he's like, yeah. And I did like how, like once all the parakeets came in, they returned the little cute ones. Yeah. And he's just, they shit all over him too. He's like, he's like, oh. Yes. There was a lot of bird poop. Yeah. All right. You're right about that. Yeah.
And I think that like for me, it's like i like it's definitely one that if you've enjoyed Miyazaki's other work, I would

Miyazaki's Legacy

recommend it. It is a recommendation. In terms of giving it a rating, I really feel like I need to watch it again yeah before I can give it a rating. it's not it's there's There's a lot to unpack there, I guess. And and and if I guess if you're not really in the mood for a movie like that, don't don't put it on that time because it's like,
yeah it's not a very straightforward uh constant you know continuous flow movie it's very kind of disjointed and uh it's it's just interesting like it's uh yeah i find it like and i the other thing i the other comment i got a meg is like it's pretty neat to me that i guess we're at a point where you get stories that are very uh Uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Like, uh, unorthodox, right? and Like, this is, this is not, this is not something you typically see from, from Hollywood. These are not the, you know, and and and it's cool to see movies like that kind of finding their way into the mainstream, you know, stories that are a bit more complicated, uh, and a little bit less, I guess, quote, Hollywood, you know? So it's pretty, it's pretty cool.
Well, especially someone like him working in the industry since before either of us were born. That's wild. I guess from where he started to where he is now, on the animation an animation level, um and still killing it like this. It's it's it's wild to think about, like to have to have that consistent... I mean, he doesn't do like movies like every other year.
Because I think his last film was, I think, like 10 years before this one. Right. um But yeah, to to have to have that level of quality and to to make you to really make you think, and and if because because the film was PG-13 here in America. Right. where Where most of his films are PG-13. I think Princess Monaoke was PG-13 as well. It had to be. I mean, there's a guy's head game taken off by an arrow.
right ah But yeah, like for him just to do anime and movies like like fur adults, like where adults more adults will connect with than children. It's pretty wild.
and especially At the time that he was doing that, I'd say, because it's definitely more common to do it these days, whereas like, you know, I think Princess Mononoke, that was a a mid to late 90s movie, wasn't it? It was, ninety seven yeah. So I mean, it was definitely something you didn't see as much back then, especially when it comes to

Cultural Differences in Animation

animated. Granted, I guess like, you know,
anime itself has always, you know, had more of a mature audience and stuff like that, I suppose. Well, I think with him using like very like cutesy looking in characters and still making that adult is wild too. Yeah. Cause like, I mean, to do it without the, uh, I guess the ah gratuitous fan service that a lot of anime is known for.
Well, I mean, like, you say that, and it makes me think of, like, Ninja Scroll. Uh, Ninja Scroll, sure, but, like, just about, like, every anime show will be real. Like, I mean, even Sailor Moon and stuff like that. Yeah, but a yeah, Yeah.
But yeah, you know what? i've I don't think I've ever even watched that episode of Sailor Moon, to be honest. What? How did you ever watch the episode? What? I don't know. I mean, like, you'd think I would have been curious at some point like I wasn't.

Directors' Cuts in Films

I guess I just really needed to know what happened next on Dragon Ball Z. Well, so it's so here in America, we had a thing called Tanami, which was on Cartoon Network. And Sailor Moon would always be on before Dragon Ball Z. Oh, OK. And sometimes I would just I think it was before Dragon Ball Z. Is it before or after? But it might have been both at times. They might have switched up the the lineup at times. But I remember like I'll just leave it on and like, oh, well, I'll watch this because Dragon Ball Z is going to come on after.
I don't feel like changing the channel, because at least in my house, there's no remote on the TV I had. I don't get up and press the button on the box to change the channel. I'm like, oh yeah, I'll watch this. Got no giant balls coming on. I'm excited to watch the next one, because it's like the next episode that frees the saga. It's like, is Goku going to avenge the death of Krillin?
And was like, well, I'll get to that. I'll see what Sailor Moon's all about, so. You've been building your spirit bomb for two months now. Are you ready? Are you ready to be more disappointed than you were with Tyson and Paul?
Oh, yeah. Jugga Bosey was a king of giving you blue balls, that's for sure. You want to talk about disappointment. You want to talk about building something up. and not do anything at all. but That's why I'm glad we have Team Four star now. It's streamline the whole story.
yeah um But yeah, I gave back to the rating. You're absolutely right. like like to give it a I can't give it, a like I'm going between like three and four. ah Yeah, I'm going to invent like a new rating in that.
I need to watch it again. Yeah, give it a proper rating. Yes, like that's the rating. I mean, I mean, I need to watch it again before I can give it a rating because I know it's better than a three, which is which for our system is would watch again. Yes, I would watch again, but we want to watch it again to give it ah a true rating. but Yes. Yeah. Because like really, yeah it'd be the difference between like like a four. it It possibly is a five, but it's like I need to watch it again because like like I said, it was it's unlike I honestly say is like in a lot of ways unlike anything else I've watched before like it's that there's a couple movies like that and actually it was funny because like I almost think there's like it'd be a cool theme for like future episode. It made me think of another movie completely unrelated like there's no no parallels to the story but just in terms of like watching it and like the complexity of the story you ever watched the and the movie it's called The Fountain
You know, I've never seen the fountain. Yeah. it And it was, it's similar in that regard. And that it's not, it's not a similar movie at all. Like I'm just saying that in, in, in how unorthodox the movie is and how not Hollywood it is, like the, the, the story does not follow like a normal progression. It's not, you know what I mean? Like in a movies like that, sometimes like it's like, it's pretty neat. It's like, you need to watch it again to be like, Hey, like,
I've never watched anything like this. i I don't even know what the fuck just happened, so.

Historical Epics Exploration

Yeah, yeah. I'm excited to watch this again, but I think I want to let it sit for a bit. and like i might yeah What I was going to suggest is that we might have to do like Miyazaki's movies, part three, because there's there's a few others like I haven't watched by him. And like I did really enjoy Spirited Away. I like Princess Mononoke and I'm definitely very intrigued by The Boy and the Heron. Yeah, so like i would like when we do that next episode, I would definitely suggest you watching Howl's Moving Castle. Okay, yeah. It was Christian Bale's first Miyazaki movie.
Ah I might uh yeah that that might have to do that because yeah look it it's pretty interesting so yeah. All right well I think that's that does it with our review of The Boy and the Heron. I would say that does for Miyazaki's movies part two.
Oh man, it makes me excited for part three because I definitely think there's maybe one or two I haven't watched either. Ah, okay. So it would be a good excuse to watch one of those. I would do that and to give a rewatch. Um, but yeah, I'm excited to digest the boy and the hair a little more. Yeah. Yeah. That's For sure. So we're all done then? Yeah, that's it. So what are we doing next week? So next week. I don't know if you had something. Wait, do you have something? No, I have nothing. And I think the last two have been mine. So I'm just feeling greedy now. So this is all you, buddy. Well, I mean, sometimes I like to give the listeners a bit of surprise.
for next week. I agree with that. I mean, I've always got ideas. I just, you know what I mean? Like, I just, yeah. Yeah. And I know we have- Bad ideas.

Episode Wrap-Up

I know we have Gladier 2 coming around the corner. Right. Actually, what is the release date on that one? It releases this Friday.
this reddit this reddit but i think that might be a little too soon to watch it might be uh because i actually yeah uh what i was gonna say is i'd actually like to re-watch the original gladiator 2 so okay yeah now i guess maybe in preparation for the gladiator i guess maybe we could watch some historical epics oh we can have like we can have an historic epic type episode like some some more favorites like where it be like the brave heart. Actually, I got one. I got one. There's one I've always wanted to see. It's also really Scott. I haven't seen. um I've never seen kingdom of heaven. You know, it's funny. Well, I haven't seen that one either. So, okay. Now, now, now people in like the, the movie space, you know, or the, or the zeitgeist, as they say, they say that the director's cut.
of the Kingdom of Heaven is the definitive version of the film. And I've never seen either version, not the theatrical, not the director's cut. I think we watched the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven and for next episode.
That one's a it' not bad already. Yeah. so I've heard very mixed things about Kingdom of Heaven. Right. well that's why ah yeah And that's why I want to watch the director's cut, because some people like I know have seen the theatrical and seen director's cut and they say it's like night and day. it's like The director's cut like fills in some holes that that that make that ah really elevate the movie to the next level.
Yeah, it sometimes is really interesting and they like you watch the director's gut and you're like, what the fuck were they thinking when they cut all that shit out? like Yeah, yeah. I mean, I mean, I can understand it if if it's cut because of the runtime. And, you know, yeah if you have studios are looking to make money, you know, more than like the vision of what the director is looking for. Yeah, I can get that. But if it's not going to really take the movie, then it's like, well, yeah, what are you doing?
so it's sometimes like an act it's just making me think of this randomly but like have you ever have ever seen the the rocks i guess well first official movie was the scorpion king well well i guess his first official movie was the mummy returns uh well his his movie no no oh oh oh his but his official yeah yeah his movie was the scorpion king correct yes and uh look you have seen it though or yeah i've seen it So, I don't know if you ever, because i i I bought, I must have bought the movie at some point, and like, and I watched the scenes that they cut out from that, and like, there's an underlying, I guess, plot line with like, a prophecy, and like, a lot of what happens in that movie makes no real sense, not not that I'm saying it's a movie that should make a whole lot of sense to start off with, I get it, it's a Scorpion King, but it's like,
I don't know why they cut that stuff out. I was like, this actually made the movie a lot better. Like I don't, like, and then it was just, it was completely cut out. There's a couple of scenes that make no sense without it. And I was like, I don't, I'm like, why'd you cut this out? It's the scorpion. Why'd you cut anything out? You took the time to film it. Just throw it in the fucking movie.
Well, yeah, I understand it, but I also understand as a studio's perspective, Because they see money. They see dollar signs. If the movie's longer, that means they have less show times. In their mind, it means less money.
But they're not thinking... ah They're not watching the film like like we are, like if it's good or not. They just see like, well, if we could' have did cut this out and cut this out, then we'll be able to have another another screening, like I said, taking one away. So like, we'll have more more people to fill the seats. yeah Yeah. You know, I never really thought of that before, but like that... like I guess that's a good point. Yeah.
Well, and that's why you have to have like directors, you know, like like Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, like really, I mean, really Scott, to some extent, I guess, because you know because we're watching his directors cut, you know, they can do whatever they want. And the studio is like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just put out what he thinks the perfect film and we'll put it in theaters. And that's why you move like Oppenheimer three hours. Right. Like the studio is not going to not going to be like, hey, Mr. Nolan, can you cut this a little bit so we can have some more screen times?
Yeah, because they're not going to say Christopher Nolan. I mean, look, I mean, he was right. I mean, the movie was made a billion dollars, like, right but, you know, yeah you only like get so many Christopher Nolan's Steven Spoburgs, you know? ah Yeah, like, yeah. like and i feel i like And I feel like now, like, like the next, the next guys, Denis Villeneuve, like,
I feel like all his next films, like the studio is going to have no interference. Yeah. Well, and that is something that like you've made me more cognizant of is directors. Cause like, it's not really something I ever looked out for before, uh, nor even like, wasn't even on my radar. You know what I mean? Like, yeah obviously I know who Steven Spielberg is, but like, there aren't really all that many directors that are at the forefront of their movies, I guess. Right.
Yeah. All right. Well, thank you. is what i' saying thing I got you, man. It's what I'm here for. I'm here to give you all the behind the scenes. it's about Not just for you, but to all the listeners out there. That was poetry. You bring it out on me, my man.
ah But anyway, so so we're we're all set for ah for next week. So that's cool. I'm looking forward to that now. So am I. All right. So that wraps it up for us. But yeah, I'll talk to you next week, Sleepy Jen. Cheers.