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More Lynch Reels!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
18 Plays1 month ago

Diving back into the trippy world of David Lynch featuring the 1990 movie 'Wild At Heart'.

Intro Music: 'Love Me Tender' by Elvis and Performed by Nicolas Cage. 

Last Week's Intro Music: 'Achy Breaky Heart' by Billy Ray Cyrus (my bad for delayed crediting).

Two Weeks From Now: Anime Blitz!


Introduction and Host Banter

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
Well, hello there once again. Welcome to the Sleepy Games podcast.

Listener Opinions and Poll Ideas

I am the inferior host, Sleepy John. With me is clearly the superior host.
no no no do that to stop it no you didn't like that like of course i like it but you know i i can't let you no but that's not true James had no idea that that's what I was gonna say but I mean like if we're being real If you're listening to the show, I'm sure the majority of the listeners would agree that you are the star of the show. Oh my god, shut up. I'm just the guy that chimes in with my my dumb two cents idiot commentary ah and and really bad dad jokes. I would be curious as far as like like for the listeners out who they agree with more as far as the ratings of what we reviewed.
Yes, that could go on with that. Yeah, especially last episode and and i yeah I don't know what we're going to do for this episode, but but definitely for the David Lynch, I would be curious ah what what what the listeners kind of think of those movies. so Yeah, actually, I want to do a poll now, so... Who's confused? Do you like more? I could set it up. I can always set it up on Spotify. Oh yeah, true, you can, yeah. Yeah, so if you happen to be listening to us on Spotify at the end of the show, feel free to Leave a review of what you felt I think Mulholland Drive, but I don't imagine a lot of people would have seen Wild at Hurt. What do you think? Yeah, I think more people have seen Mulholland

The Grammy Awards Discussion

Drive than Wild at Hurt. Yeah, let's say Mulholland Drive, so I'd be curious what you the listener thinks and then Yeah, we could talk about it at a later episode I suppose. Yeah so before we kind of get into Today's you you said you wanted to talk a little bit about the Grammys. Yes, because I had something specific Because, as you know, I love awards season, not just the Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, those things. But the Grammys, I'm a big music aficionado, so I love...
You know, it's it's all it's all part of the the glitz and the g glam and everything like and even like the crossovers with a lot of ah musicians who are actors as well. Right. But I want to go into because I know a few months back we talked about the beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Kendrick and yeah, right. Yeah.
And so the the the did so with with this year's Grammys, Kendrick's diss song, Not Like Us Towards Drake was the first diss song to win a Grammy ever. ah And the history of the Grammy is the first diss song to ever win. um So he was nominated five times.
And so there there were three awards that happened like the pre-show that he won all those. It was like like best rap song, collaborations, something like that. And then so he was also nominated for the major awards as in like song of the year and record of the year.
Um, and then you're probably thinking like, what's the difference? I think, I think one has to do with like the writing. The other one's like kind of like the performance. Um, so he was nominated for both. And so I actually thought that Kendrick was not attending the awards show. Like he was on the red carpet. They didn't show. I watched the whole show. There wasn't like a camera on him or anything.
Yeah. Well, I just seem like, oh, if he won, like he probably has like a video recorded, be like, oh, thanks, everybody. You know, so I couldn't be there. Someone walks up on stage like I'm going to accept it on his behalf. So.
So he so the the the they present the award. It was Miley Cyrus who presented it. presented it And she announces Kendrick Lamar won for Song of the Year. And um' like then like the camera goes to him, I'm like, oh shit, he is there. So the reason why I want to bring this up, because with the whole America versus Canada thing with this beef, guess what Kendrick Lamar was wearing?
to to the show. And I had no idea until the camera was on him. and i mean I guess a lot of things. i don't i don't know I'm not sure if i'm I'm following train of thought though, 100%. What would you say is like is a Canadian attire?
Oh, I mean, I guess the, ah what what do they call that again? The Canadian tuxedo? you yeah Yes, he he wore a Canadian tuxedo, jean jacket, jeans, and even a jean, like kind of like baseball hat. Right. right And of course, you know, he does a speech, you know, there's no mention of drag, there's no like, oh, thanks for the inspiration for me dissing you and all that.
What he wears speaks volumes. Just me wearing a Canadian tuxedo on stage, except for the award. I mean, like in fairness, I mean, like, I guess it's like, are you trying to put down the outfit? I mean, like... Well, I will say, except so he kind of pulls it off, to be honest. Yeah. You know, it's not a bad look. It's not a bad look.
Is that so so I mean it's it's kind of of it's interesting because it's kind of like a disk but possibly a compliment at the same time like yeah right but but I think without people who who read into this stuff like you know how like oh we know everything he does is very intentional um But it was this fight because the whole show made me wonder. I'm like, I don't think he's even there. Then like once he went, I'm like, oh, shit, he is there. That's what he's wearing. Oh, my God. Right. But, uh, yeah, it was a fun show. I like the loud performers. It was like it was like one of the Grammy, one of the first Grammy's award shows where like I actually was entertained throughout. And like the whole thing, the whole thing was um because it it took place in L.A. and It was nice for Kendrick to win, too, because he's an L.A. artist and
um And you know because the whole thing with the wildfires and everything, the ah they they kept talking about raising money. And even for the last award of the night, they had all the firefighters on there presenting the last award, which I thought was a nice touch. right yeah But yeah, I really got to kick out the whole Canadian tuxedo thing and I had to tell you.
Well, we both know he was the best dressed cat. in Yes, he was. Absolutely.
ah so but But he's having like the biggest week of his life. I mean, so he just wins Song of the Year and and then next week he does a Super Bowl. Oh, cool. He does a halftime show. So I want you to watch his performance early. You know, I don't know if you could have watched your ball, but at least watch his performance before um we do the show in two weeks. Well, here and here's the thing. Here's the thing. I will do my best. I know that YouTube also has a tendency to like take stuff down pretty quickly, like as it's being thrown up, like because I don't know that his show is going to come up here. Oh, no. So so it's going to be on YouTube.
Yeah, and they're not going to take it down is what you're saying. Yeah. that's like so so So the NFL, like, they they're very but like like having their halftime shows like their baby. They're like, hey, as long as it's under our name, we'll have it listed for you. like because Okay, cool. yeah and and on yeah They have all the past halftime shows from all the years.
Oh cool, that's alright then yeah I mean good kudos to them I guess for it cause I know it sometimes they'll yell at some live show and you're trying to catch something and then it's like oh it keeps getting taken down right even though you're like well where else am I gonna watch it like it's you know what I mean like it's it's is it's set and gone like I can't pay for it if I wanted to anyways you know what I mean? like it's So did you actually know that that was the reason why YouTube was invented?

YouTube's Origin and Groundhog Day

Before a Super Bowl halftime shows? Well, because because the person who invented YouTube, they were trying to find the halftime show of when Janet Jackson, ah the wardrobe malfunction. Right, right. mr wardrobe me And And he couldn't find it he couldn't find it anywhere online. He's just like,
You know what? Maybe now maybe i I'll make a website where I can just have all these videos in one place. Is that is that actually the reason? Yes, that's the reason. Let's let's be real, James. I um' i don't think he wanted to watch the show for the show. I think he just wanted to watch the titty. Of course he has started. no no no yeah Put that on YouTube. that That's what I'm saying. I know, but but I think that's what gave him the idea, is what I mean. Because he couldn't find it anyway. He's like, you know what? I didn i need to make a site where I can just find videos easily for people.
Right. So it could be like a one-stop shop. You can upload any video you want here. No nudity, I'm sure. Yeah, it would be the little censored bar on it, I guess, or something like that. Yeah, you should read about it. It's very interesting. I had no idea, yeah. Not what I would have guessed. I honestly thought it was originally for people to make their own stuff. That's why it's called YouTube. That's why I thought that's why it was called that. Anyhow,
Onwards. And upwards. Yeah. And then so yesterday was February 2nd. Yes. Was Groundhog Day. It was. We were going to talk about it. We were. Yes. We said it. So we're going to talk about it. So you did some research?
Okay, like yeah, I mean i cause I know nothing about Groundhog Day really like i I yeah, so then the movie exactly so You know i I was I was curious I was interested and as it turns out I mean I'll say a few things so there's kind of like the official groundhog in America do not ask me how to pronounce his name, but Last name is Phil, but there's like a tiny Yeah, pu there you go. Yeah. Anyways, Poxitani Phil, is that how you say it? He is the famous to ground hug, but like basically every state and a lot of cities and like even provinces up in Canada, like we all have our own version of the ground hug and
Poxitani actually has a really low success rate, I guess. It's lower than 50%. I think they said he's at 39%. However, I think that there was one, I want to say... Wait, 39% of what? but He's right. he's he's write <unk> correct 39% of the time. Okay. Which means obviously he's wrong more than he's right. But there is one, I believe it was in Washington, don't quote me on that.
ah But there's a there's a groundhog out there that is actually 75% correct, which I think would put him better than most meteorologists 75% accurate, I guess ah The one from my home province Apparently saw a shadow which means that I think we're gonna get a early spring doesn't feel like that now but apparently that's what we're told for the province of Alberta. Interesting. so so so So did you read up the one of them pucks tell me Phil? I ah did not. Okay.
So Punxsutawney Phil, and so so so that's in Pennsylvania. Punxsutawney. He saw his shadow. Meaning... So early spring, right? No. Meaning six more weeks of winter. Wait, did I get that wrong, man? Yeah, I think he mixed it up. Okay, so... So he sees a if he sees a shadow, it means longer winter.
If he sees the shadows longer winter, if he doesn't see it, it's shorter. Okay, so ours must not have seen it then because ah supposedly we're supposed to get an early spring. I'm curious if this is going to be the case. I know. Yeah, we we have to we have conflicting groundhogs. Yeah.
So, sir well, I mean, it was, I mean, theoretically it could be early spring in one area and then obviously long winter in the other area. That's true. We are far enough away for very different

Deep Dive into David Lynch's Works

climates. sir But yeah the the the weather here in the Northeast, I mean, here in Baltimore, it's been very drunk, very up and down. Like one day we'll have it like in the around freezing and the next day it'll be like 20 degrees higher than that. It's like, what's going on?
Yeah. Well, I mean, I think last week we were talking about that as like, as above freezing this week, like today, it was colder than minus 40. So I can't do the conversion past that, that the negatives are always, but I know that minus 40 is when both of them coincide so centigrade and in Fahrenheit and, uh, or Celsius Fahrenheit, what I don't know. And, uh,
it It's colder. and It is cold as balls. But yeah, anyways, I guess ah moving on, I think yeah before we get into the theme specifically today, one thing that we both want to talk about is that and ah we we haven't mentioned that one of David Lynch's movies is Dune.
and we talked about that um when we did our Dune review how you saw the original yes and i did see the original so like in fairness to him and we talked about Tom McLaughlin um who's the star of the original Dune how he is the star of Blue Velvet with the movie I watched And he's the star of Twin Peaks. Right. And so and ah and again, going back to what we said before that, you know, a lot of directors have like actors they really like to work with. Yes. And actually, this will be a good transition because ah David Lynch never worked again with Nick Cage. But one of the last interviews he did before he did pass away, he said that he would be like pretty much ecstatic to work with him again. I guess see they really
They really played off of each other a fair bit and in, I guess, an artistically positive manner. Oh, man. now i wish that They did get to work too with each other more. That's sad. It is. I feel like there was ah definitely something missed there for sure. that It is too bad. so we yeah yeah i mean Before we get into it too, um I re-watched the pilot.
for Twin Peaks okay um because after doing the show last week i was just like i had a hankering to to watch it again it holds up like that that pilot episode is its own movie because it's an hour and a half long and you you're introduced to all the characters like everything is like just packaged perfectly and enough intrigue is left there and once it ends, you're just like, shit, I mean like, you could end it just like that, but it's like, no, I want more, I need to know more. So yeah, like, and I think I sent you a clip of Colin McLaughlin's character, Agent Del Cooper. That's in the pilot?
ah That scene is not in the pilot. not and a play little bit So so so he he he's the biggest fan of like hot black coffee. And I know i know as someone who also adores coffee, like like you and me, yeah um ah that's like one of his adorable character traits about him. So he's very he's a very by the book FBI guy, but like he has like this childlike wonder about him.
when he sees certain things or like experiences certain things, it's just funny. But he's one of my favorite TV characters of all time. And I couldn't see anyone else doing it, but Mr. Colin McLaughlin. But yes, since I watched the pilot and then like, so I didn't, there was two things I didn't watch yet, Twin Peaks related. So there was a prequel movie that that I didn't even know about until after we did the show. And I'm like, wait, I want to watch this. So it was like a prequel because the show is about a woman's, a girl ah teenage girl's death. And it's trying to figure out who did it. So the movie is like the prequel series of like what leads up to her death.
and how it's done. But obviously it's someone to watch after you see the first season of the show and then go back and see the movie so you can kind of see like what her life was like before her demise. um And then I forgot that there was actually a season three of Twin Peaks which came out like 25 years later.
and i just started that episode the first episode today and like i remember i wanted to watch it back in the day when it first came out but i remember like i stopped watching season two at twin peaks because i thought it was like two out there i was like i kind of lost interest but yeah but but But someone told me, oh yeah, you can skip season two and just go to season three. I'm like, oh I can, okay. So so I started that episode today and then not knowing whether what other actors are in there. yeah And i just I just saw my boy Matthew Lillard is in it. So now I'm like so excited to watch the rest of the season because I love him as an actor. okay AKA Shaggy, if you don't know who that is.

'Wild at Heart' Film Review

Shaggy from the Scooby-Doo movie? Yeah. And Scream? Oh, okay. yeah Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I was going to ask you, but I figured you were going to fill me in as you usually do. Yes, I do. yes Yeah. Yeah. there's There's definitely, I mean, there's there's definitely actors that I certainly don't know them by name. I just, I'm always like, yeah, you know the guy from like this movie and that movie. Yeah. So he, he would definitely be one of those guys.
Yeah, so ah i am like it's it's fun going to watch all these David Lynch it films and TV shows yeah since his passing. and But man,
So some of the qualities is up and down but with him. You never, you never know what you're going to get. Oh yeah. I mean, I, I'm intrigued then about what you thought about the movie. So, so are we going to, that's a good segue. Yeah, let's go. in Let's dive in. Oh yeah. So this week's recommendation was a movie starring Nicholas cage and Laura Dern.
And Willem Dafoe. And William Dafoe. Yep. Yep. And the movie was Wild at Heart from 1990, I believe. 1990, yes. yeah So ah yeah, you know what, like, ah you're definitely a bigger David Lynch fan. So I certainly, and you've you've watched more of his stuff than I have. So I want, I definitely want to dive into your take, review, commentary, all of it first.
okay so for me it um it definitely took me a little bit to get into it it's kind of uh you know right away you know like well i mean right away it was pretty jarring actually what do you think about that music choice uh as far as the music wait what which which music the music when he is like killing that guy Oh, yeah. That was rageful. Yeah. I mean, it was it enhanced the scene. I don't know. Like it was like a very uncomfortable.
But um yeah, like like I was like, wow, this is how the movie starts. OK, where are we going to go from here? And, you know, it just goes with 22 months later, he's in jail for manslaughter and all that. And Laura Dern, man, she she is in love with with Nick Cage. In love. I mean, granted, she is What, 18 at that time? It seems, yeah, so ah when he gets out of jail, they say she's 20. 20, yes. He was in jail for, I think, a little over a year, so she was either... Yeah, she'd have to have been 18, maybe possibly early 19, I guess, or something like that, yeah.
Yeah, and she was... Yeah, she's probably 20 at that time. i know real I know in real life, they're only like four years a apart or something. I think that, yeah, I think she was 23 when she made this. if I think I did, because I i did a little bit of little bit of looking into some stuff. I can be wrong. I'm just going by memory here. so but Yeah, but anyway, so you kind of... He has like a mysterious past about him and... Laura Dern's mom just feels like he's no good and just a real bad influence on her and trying trying to trying to get him out of her life as yeah much as she can. Even though she's fucking crazy as well. She's probably even more crazy than it cage is. Fucking wacky. I think in the entire movie she probably is the craziest. I'd even say she's crazier than Willem Dafoe.
I'm excited to get to wear Nafoe. So that yeah so you you you get to experience their their love for each other when he gets out of jail and they kind of run away together and just go from motel to dance club to fuck at the motel to dance club some more and just tell them things about their past.
yeah They're telling stories to each other. And and i I'm just thinking of this like, what is the point of the story? You know? It's like, like, you know the story with like, what Laura Dern talks about with, because I'm looking at the credits, the opening credits. I'm seeing these actors who are in it. I see k crispin Crispin Glover is in this movie. Yeah. you You know, who I know very well from Back to the Future is Marty's dad. And, you know, he's he's he's someone who always plays weird characters.
always plays weird characters he's just good at it that that's his niche or something but uh you remember the story we just talked about how like how like the like the guy who's just obsessed with christmas and just wish christmas was every day all year yes i do remember this um i didn't know what the point of that scene was do you know do you and do you know why that scene was there How would I know? Which scene are you talking about? Sorry, specifically. Are you talking about Twin Peaks right now? Are you talking about this this movie? Which, how wild at heart? Oh, I thought that Christmas thing- Anyways, okay, sorry. Uh, yes. Wild at heart. Uh, you lost me there for a second. I'm sorry. It's been a day. Crisping Glover? Do you remember him in the movie? Okay, to be honest, like it's been so long since he's back to the future. i I don't know if I remember what the dad looks like.
ah So you're saying that and I'm like, I'm not actually sure who Crispin Glover is. Okay. All right. So i say wild to heart so Laura Duren tells a story about, um, I think it was like her cousins, someone related to the family or something. And like he's dressed up as Santa.
and he's like freaking out that it's not Christmas and then there's a scene where his mom's like telling him like oh it's not Christmas and like she's like making all these sandwiches in the kitchen it's like non-stop sandwiches and sandwiches sandwiches no I know I'm getting confused I don't remember seeing this movie this scene in the movie I don't know if my version maybe that was edited out That's so funny. I was sober when I watched this too. Unless I did just completely miss it. I'll be honest, I mean, I was kind of watching the dogs and I mean, this wasn't the movie I was exactly pausing. That makes sense. If something else was catching my attention, it was like... Well, okay, so he's probably in the movie for like maybe two minutes tops. Okay, yeah. It's just this flashback scene of him. With the Santa Claus.
as someone who just wishes Christmas was every day and then he's just, you know he's just not, he's just not all there in the head and all that. And then, you know, the story just ends. We're like, we move on. And then Nicholas Cage tells his scene about a wild, wild sex, sexcapade he has. And Oh, is that is that one? They're all sitting down at that to at the fire where they introduced Willem Dafoe? Was that one ahead? No, no, no, it was before that. Okay, I didn't think I saw that. Because because they they were telling stories to each other when they were laying in bed and they were telling stories ah to each other when they were at the one bar. right Also, I love ah love Nicholas Cage's singing voice. I love when he sings.
Honestly, like for me he did a good he did a good kind of a Elvis Presley and yes, yes Just the way the way he talks to the way he talks very yeah, and I think again he pulls it off very well Yeah, he does. It does work. It jives well Obviously, I think they were trying to do like a kind of an Elvis Presley Marilyn Monroe thing with with Laura Dern I think is what they were trying to do. Yeah, I uh and yeah i would definitely say on on nick cage's part at 100 like he he could have at that at that age i think he could have made a convincing you know uh elvis pressley movie i was singing that too yeah i was really thinking that so uh 100 and and hearing him sing the songs too is yeah because it wasn't just the singing the talking even the the mannerisms everything just like yeah but he moved and just just like his poses the way he just
shred of stuff this snakes skin jacket yep yeah exactly he pulls off that snakeskin jacket let me tell you yeah no it like usually does and like it's ah nick nick cage's performance Definitely a highlight of the movie. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah, that's what kept me going ah for the most part it so it was Then you had you had the plot with the mom who's trying to find them too so she can get her daughter back, but then that kind of just went nowhere because Her lover just
I mean, I was confused with the guy that she like, she hired some hit man who was around. And then I think like kidnapped the lover then sent the lover to these guys who just killed him. I was confused by that too. I was like, who are these people? Yeah, I mean, honestly, like it's weird.
that I found this movie sometimes harder to follow than Mulholland Drive. I was having trouble following it, man. Even though the storyline is actually rather linear. Yeah, it's a yeah it's very simple story. And some stuff I was like, what the what is going on right now? like and there was a And more so than Yeah, and and trying to do the review here, yeah, it's interesting. ah Yeah, so yeah i don't I don't really know what to say. yeah like look in in I there's like a lot of random car crashes that happened that they just stumble upon.
Well, okay, I think that there was a... that There must be some sort of symbolism behind that, because even at the end of the movie, there's like a car accident going towards, but she doesn't stop. She just kind of keeps going. Yes. So I feel like that that there's something trying to be told there that, and again, this is a movie that... I only watched yesterday, so I haven't had a lot of time for reflection on it. And and yeah, and I guess similar to Valhalla Drive. Like, I don't know that I'd watch it again, so... and And I'm trying to think of, like, parallels that they have, because there's so many... There was a bunch of Wizard of Oz references.
Yes, that was ongoing throughout the movie. There's like crystal ball thing. Crystal ball. Are you watching just the movie through a crystal ball? like Nothing's very... You've seen the Wicked Witch of the West. You've seen Glenda the Good Witch. And then like the one guy mentions his dogs named Toto. Yeah, she she taps her heels together. She taps her heels at the Ruby Slippers, yep. yeah yeah so it's like yeah Or there's lots of references to the yellow brick road to...
uh in the movie dialogue so yeah so it's yeah it's not subtle the that the comparison to wizard of us i think most people would catch that too it's not like uh it's not buried or anything like that so So yes so so a cut the movie kind of took me out of it in the middle parts, I guess. And then it kind of brought me back in once William Defoe was introduced. ah Yeah, yeah. his Because his character was very creepy. it So he was giving me vibes similar to how um
how Dennis Hopper was when I saw Blue Velvet. like okay he just When he comes on, he you know he he's he he he kind of commands the screen. you know yes yeah like when when he went that That one scene with Laura Dern, I was very uncomfortable, but like it was so well acted.
Okay, so you're talking about when he goes into the hotel room. Yes. I'm talking about that scene I I think that like that is actually I would say probably one of my favorite scenes in the movie Yeah, like I it drew me in yes, then his quick snap like I know and will Oh my god, I love it I know i was like no I could have called Because he even said that he's like he's like it's like Or he's like, um, just tell me when to fuck me ill and I'll leave. I'm like, what? No. And then like, she says it. He's like, he leaves. I was like, that's so cool. Oh my God. He doesn't want him to say it. I was wild. I was wild. Yeah.
ah the Yeah, I don't know. okay because they it's so in it and like His response is so jarring. to yeah cause like yeah obviously and i'm not It's not to say, like I know that obviously a da you know maybe it's a fantasy for some people. it's like it's not i It always makes me uncomfortable like it's ah when I watch scenes like that. And then it was just so jarring just to turn around and be like, oh my god.
I wasn't expecting you to do that, but I'm glad you did. Oh, and then I was just like, I just want to watch more Willem Dafoe in this movie now. Yeah. because Yeah. if If nothing else, really, if you watch this movie, like I highly recommend even if you have zero desire to watch this movie, watch the scene with Willem Dafoe and Laura Dern and and maybe see if you can find like one video of of Nick Cage singing would be two of the the highlights in this movie for sure.
Yeah, because he sings twice. He sings at the beginning and he sings at the end. I don't think there was a third time. I think it was just twice. Is there an end credits song? I swear I saw it at the end of the credits. Yeah, I thought that was the second time. Because he talks about singing that song when it's like his wife and the love of his life. Yeah, anyways, but yeah, those are good.
But the Willem Dafoe scene, yeah. So anyways, I'm sorry to... So yeah, no, it was good. The scene's that good. Yeah, I know. And yes, so then it so then it leads to what I thought was gonna be, I guess, a longer third act with... ah then them robbing. um Actually, I wasn't sure like what exactly they were doing. Like when they were asked, I assume it was gonna be some sort of robbery, but i it was just them like kind of robbing a bank or whatever it was. okay i wait Was it a bank? What was that store?
I feel like it was a so more of a store, but it did like it's weird because I know what you mean. it's It's hard to tell what business that was. I mean, it is a small town. Maybe it's one of those things that, like, it it it's several businesses. Hey, it's Texas. I don't know. I don't know what's going on in Texas. get it Yeah, it was ah it was a weird setup.
but but yeah his he he was just so unhinged that that part like ah especially you know going into it like you know like okay some crazy shit's gonna happen he's he's gonna make sure that Nicolas Cage doesn't come out alive yeah um and then yeah but like his face and just how crazy you know just the lunatic in him was just jumping out of the screen because oh my god what is he gonna do this guy and then now I i know we're going to all spoilers here but um it was it was wild to see as far as uh once he he shot the one like we'll call it bank teller
And then the other one grabs a gun, he shoots the other one. And then he's like, in his face, when he's like looking at Nicolas Cage, he's like, yeah, you're next. Yeah. And then it gives him the fake gun, but then but he runs off. So he hit the cop there.
And then, when it fell, he's not like in any rush, like trying to take down the cop. He's just moving that gun slow and everything. he hes't I guess he doesn't care if he dies. um I guess he's he's just a product of, because he talked about how he's and he was in the Vietnam War and everything, so I'm sure that made him a little crazy. um But,
Yeah, the the way he goes though, when he gets shot like multiple times and I couldn't tell if if he actually if he shot himself and his head flew off or if he like just the gun just dropped and then just shot up at him.
yeah i mean it happened so fast i was like oh my god yeah it almost looked like it to me that you shot himself but i know okay which is saying it's hard to say and it's like why would you even bother at that point but yeah or or maybe he was going to shoot but like i don't know yeah it was uh But what what did you think? So at the very start of that scene though, Nicholas Cage actually comes in the bank. He like screams because he's like almost like kind of psyching himself up. But at the same time, like it it what did you think of that scream? I loved it. I loved it. I was good. yeah I was like, that's classic Nicholas Cage right there. That's classic. Oh man. um Yeah.
It's always great to see to see him act like that because it always feels like that's that's my boy With the two of them like it's one of those things was like Willem Dafoe and Nick Cage like they need to make like an actual movie together I think like I think like they they they they vibe with each other quite well Yeah, like I could totally, especially a character like that, I could totally see like that Waywindafil character like in Con Air with Nicolas Cage. Yes, exactly. And that would have been like, ah yeah, like him, John Malkovich and yeah Steve Buscemi, like that would have ah really made the movie just that much better. So, well, I mean, again, like they're still, ah they're but still both actively acting. So, you know, we can, we can hope. It is crazy, like ah how how long would their careers have been?
it It is in terms of and the thing is like we've talked about this too like I mean I know other actors have long careers but like neither of those people Have phoned it in one bit like they go out. They give it. They're all desperate shows those two actors. Yes. Yeah. Yeah yeah every time yep You can tell that they love what they do. Like, it's truly, like, it's not for the paycheck. I think that even if they were making, like, a fraction of the money, I think they'd still do it. I think they just really love, uh, acting. Like, it's just, uh... Yeah, and I think when you get to... Oh, those big paychecks. Probably stop giving a shit.
um So, I guess as far as we get to the end now, so he gets locked up again because he, you know, gets caught grabbing the bank. He can't get away with that. um And so Laura Dern is pregnant. She ends up having the kid, even though she said she was going to get an abortion.
um So she waits six years.

Thematic Elements and Final Thoughts

Once he gets out, goes to pick up Nick Cage, then like, I think like minutes after he meets his son, you know, they have the introduction, they're driving the car together, you think they have a happy life, then Laura Jordan starts breaking down, and I think it's it's more of, you know, just all this time's gone by, like, is this real? Like, is this gonna happen again? You know, she probably couldn't go through this again.
um And Nicholas Cage feels that too. He's like, oh, you know, I can't let you down. I should try best if I just leave you. You're doing better on your own anyway. And then with the Wizard of Oz reference comes in. Glenda the Good Witch comes in. Convinces Nicholas Cage. You know what? You know, you do love her, you you stupid idiot.
That's after he got the crack dued out of him by all those gangbangers. Yeah, yeah, good yeah, yeah. just I love the the two lines to you about the whole thing. I mean, just watch the movie. I don't want to ruin it, but it's good. It's good. He just says, I'm sure there's a... I just burnt up. versus a la i like I can't believe he did that.
ah Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. Like, yeah, it was it was honestly, and this is the thing is like, like, we're talking about it now. Like the third act of that movie, like, is it actually it's good. the The movie actually does end well. It's just getting there. Yeah, it's a it's it's it's.
Yeah, it's not as smooth as ah is it could or should be. It feels disjointed. but um And long. It could have stood to be a half hour shorter. i agree like I agree. And I think that that would make it like actually not not a bad movie. I think, ironically, and i correct me if I'm wrong... You could cut a lot of scenes with with with the mom.
Really? Yeah, someone with a mom and then her husband. Her story line, her connection with some characters, yeah. Yeah, it's not, yeah. I notionally thought, because I knew William Defoe was going to be in it, I thought he was like a hitman that she was going to call to get you know, to take out Nicholas Cage. right um But yeah, I was just wrong. then they Like when I knew it was actually happening, like, man, they really could have cut out so much yeah of of of of of all her parts. But yeah, I think if it was like an hour 30, hour 40 minutes tops,
I feel like it would be a much more seamless movie. um Yeah. Yeah. So for me, as as far as the rating, I probably just, ah I won't watch again, but there are some scenes I definitely would like to watch, especially with William Defoe and and Nicholas Cade-stinging. But man, it was a lot more sex, a lot lot more naked Laura Duren than I expected to see.
ah uh... yeah i mean really there was it i felt like it was uh...
Okay, honestly like because it it kind of seemed like more of the same in all the scenes And I was just like if you're not gonna show me something a little bit different like for instance You know like Deadpool has a little sex montage, and you see them in doing different things as will be yeah it' Exactly right it's interesting. You know I guess we're gonna show it like different, but it was like it was always The same and I was just like man like I swear like I already watched this scene and then it was like oh There's some more cigarette smoking yet again. Yeah. like that There's this big flame theme with the cigarette. Yeah, every time. Yeah. thats The close up shot on the cigarettes. So again, like I feel like there's more themes and and and maybe some commentary that you can explore. But I'm not going to say that I caught most of it. I can't say that I was really engaged with the movie as much as I probably should have been, I guess. Yeah. And you know how they have the part where like how her dad
like was died in the in the house that burned down and how Nicolas Cage was like around the house and it happened. I was like, does that matter? That that's just like I think that they were trying to, I guess, suggest that he had something to do with it in some ways or like, I don't know.
Yeah, because because what it seemed like he didn't have anything to do with it. He was just like, he knew it happened. i thought yeah I thought he drove them out there was was kind of because he was the driver. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. but yeah I guess. Yeah. But they don't really, for for memory, they don't really come out and just state like what exactly it was that he was doing there. I mean, for all we know.
He might have done it, you know what I mean? And then maybe that that's what made him change his ways. like I don't know. Because maybe that's why he says, you know, I'm a murderer to her and she corrects them to say you're a manslaughter. You know what I mean? With David Lynch movies, it's like that there could be, you know, but again, like it just, I don't know. I can't say I was into this one.
yeah so so much as i would have liked to have been i guess yes is so i guess on the scale it's it's what it's like for me it's like i don't know what what is is is the two is the uh you won't watch again uh we got i got i gotta make a point of having the list out i don't even know if i have it i'm trying to remember two two was yeah i thought that's i would watch it again um I'm gonna find them again, and then I'm gonna add them to this episode description. ah I'll try to do that. Yes, so so i won't I won't watch it again in its entirety, but i might well I will watch some scenes again because some scenes were quite memorable in a good way.
So for me, I'm definitely yeah, it's gonna get it's gonna get the lowest it's gonna get a one. ah But I'm gonna put a little ah little additional review there in that if I was really, really, really stoned watching it, I probably would have just loved it. I feel like it's a movie that I might enjoy if and I'm not talking like I'm talking like full on You know, I think that the movie would probably jive with me more.
Yeah, so it would probably make more sense to if like if I found like in terms of the scenes that just don't mesh but That's gonna be my my review of it. All right. Can we get can we get to the better review? Hold on. Hold on. We're supposed to get a separate reading for Nicolas Cage That's what I'm saying the better review a better review. Yeah, okay. That is the best obviously This can me is that this review is better than the one I'm giving the movie Right, well, I would imagine it would be. Yeah, yeah. The problem is, do we need like a Nick Cage scale? A Nick Cage, yeah. I mean, I guess... I almost think, yeah, we could make like a new rating system for actors on the Nick Cage scale. Oh my god.

Performance Highlights in 'Wild at Heart'

but That that will only worked for a certain amount of actors. It will, yeah. Like, lick william de four for and yeah because like,
den hopper he can reach that level phrase exactly yes love it um okay so like if we're we're going at out of five so yeah so if a five is like i don't know like create like the the best craziest nicholas cage can be in the best way and then like a one is like this like wait this isn't the nicholas cage i thought i was gonna get this is like you know it's it's it's it's it's it's it's a subtle like oh no it's like what i'm trying to think of nicholas cage it's like i'm gonna call it lame cage yeah cage
or your lame tame cage there you go yeah i think You don't want the tame cage. You you you want the unrage. Underutilized cage. When you got cage, like you got cage, baby. You got to use cage. so So I don't remember, maybe I'm just not remembering Nicholas Cage singing so well in any of the films I've seen him in. yeah yeah i I can't say that I remember any movie actually with him singing. and Yeah. So that that bumps it up a lot of points for me because I didn't know how much I needed that to see that. and and And I thought he kills it. And he did two different songs. I thought he killed them both. um And I loved his accent throughout. ah He has a very, very Elvis impersonation with his
Um, his accent and everything. Yep. And, um, yeah, he he had some great lines. and he He had some just, just. cageful moments where he would just, like, is just blur it out, act crazy, like, say random nonsense. or But I remember one scene when Kim and Laura Dern, like, got out of the car and they would, like, listen to some rock music until I took it over, like, some trauma or whatever. Yeah. And he'd just do what his, like, his air kicks and all that. I'm like, yes, this is so cool. I love seeing cages. Yeah.
Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was. It was. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yes. Yeah. And then, yeah, they embraced the kiss that we all just come out, come out and be romantic at the end. I loved it. But yeah, I probably give him like, I'll give him like a four on the Nick Cage level for this role.
uh... actually uh... that that's what that's what i was gonna go with is a is a book uh... i mean you you kind of hit all the talking points it was interesting to hear him sing like i said i don't think i've i've heard of anything else uh... and uh... and yeah i think that it's it's a movie that i think complements his abilities well i think that he does he suffers for i think the unnecessary length of the movie i think they just trimmed out some stuff i think it is too bad i think it really would have been kind of a ah memorable, like a really memorable David Lynch movie, I think it would be a kind of the highlight his career. I don't know that it, like we said, it's a hard movie to even find on on any platform. So, you know, I don't think that it has the love that something Mulholland Drive does. I think it's because of that. So, but yeah.
Yeah, so the- The poor for me. The performances outweighed the quality of the film on this one. Yeah, yeah, and I think that, yeah, and it's kind of a shame because it was a recipe for everything that I love. So, it's too bad.
Yeah, even with Lara during it, I had no idea like she had this career before everything she did. Because cause I only know her post-Jurassic Park. It's my first time seeing films before then. Right. um And I can see why she was you know she she got nominated. yeah and and I mean, she got put into these films because she could fucking act. She really can. And for how yeah have ah young she started and everything,
She's really blossomed to but like one of one of today's like best actresses for sure. Yeah, I agree and she did ah she did a good job. like Yeah, I mean, and that's the thing is like, I don't think that I think that there was, ah you know, ah very, very capable and talented acting ah in the movie as a whole, for sure. So definitely willing to flow. I'd give his performance was he knocked that out of the park. But if I was if I was rating him on the Cage scale, I'd probably give him a five. Yeah.
Yeah, I was not expecting to really enjoy his, yeah. I think that scene we talked about before, I think that was the best scene in the movie. I agree. Yeah. Yeah, I think that it's one that I know will stick with me in terms of like, I know 10 years from now, 15 years from now, somebody will be like, you seem well to hurt. I'll be like, yeah, I know the one scene, I've probably all forgotten about anything else. I'll know that Cage sings probably. Yeah, right. That's probably the only two things I'll remember for the movie.
yeah I think I love it. Any more thoughts on the movie? I think that's all I got. you know is is you know it's it's not the mercy it's It's not one of the best movies that we've seen and talked about on on this podcast. so Yeah. But it might be deserving of a trailer, right? Oh boy. An honest trailer? Yes, a sleepy games version of the totally original idea, honest his trailer. And this this how this is how we will be ending the show.
it is uh and uh for those of you that may have forgotten or don't know uh our first honest trailer we did all the way back in episode nine our tarantino episode i did one on uh true romance and And and for the record because I know that I talked to you James about it too Some people might not realize cuz I was being kind of hard on Christian Slater like he was a heartthrob in the 90s And if you don't know that it just seems like I'm being unnecessarily mean to him I guess So he's still a heartthrob. Come on. I mean realistically He's still he's still he's still Slater
Uh, so, uh, without further ado, I guess here is, I have to get my voice ready for this. Cause, uh, yeah, I know you get real deep with it. Yes. Yes. Yes. So, uh, without further ado, here is the sleepy games, honest trailer of wild at heart. Yeah.
From the director of Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, and other movies leaving you asking, what the hell did I just watch? Comes a movie that is one part Wizard of Oz, one part softcore porno, and a two hour long product shot of Marlboro cigarettes. Ironic, coming from a director who called bullshit on Hollywood product shots.
Introducing Wild at Heart, a movie about a mob boss's driver who witnesses an execution by fire and thinks to himself, the only thing hotter than a smoldering corpse is the smoldering corpse's hot, young teenage daughter.
After two hours of mediocre porn, including some fanservice for chubby chasers, the movie concludes with a thrilling money heist to the tune of an outstanding $5,000, more than enough to retire in 1990.
Featuring Elvis Cage, a man who transforms into an unhinged killer whenever rock music plays, Willem Dafoe, doing his best impression of Willem Dafoe.
Laura Dorn's pre prehistoric titties and a snakeskin jacket that represents freedom and individuality. If you want a movie that has more sex than p-hub and more cigarettes than the entire country of France, then this one's for you. Presenting David Finch's Wild at Hurt.
Bravo. No notes. No notes. That is a movie. That that is an honest trailer. That is, for sure. thats You got all the beats, i but all the important beats of the movie.
Oh my god. Yeah, we gotta make sure to clip that one. We're clipping it. I'm hoping I'm i'm out like i not giggling too much in the back on that too. Oh, I think it just helps, man. Especially knowing that it is actually funny, right? I mean, he just whacked the whole panel. Ah, it's not landing.
Oh my god. Okay, I have nothing else to say. and We gotta end it with that. Uh, sure. Sounds good. Uh, do you want to talk about, I guess what we're doing, uh, two weeks from now, or are we going to keep

Teaser for Next Episode

it a surprise? Yeah, no, no, we can say now but all right because i'm I'm kind of hyped to talk about this because, um, we haven't talked about an anime on this, on the show in a while, and this would be a good one to watch. And it's also good because by the time we do our next show,
I'm actually going to a animalmo animalmo Anime Expo, a.k.a. Katukan, in Washington, DC, February 15th.
I'll be wearing my Attack on Titan shirt there representing my favorite yeah le Levi Ackerman. um and But for the show, so what was I'll talk about that on the show to start off. But for the theme of the show, we want to talk about the anime Jujitsu Kaisen. Right.
um So far there's only two seasons of it out ah in a movie. We'll be talking about the first season and maybe the movie ah for that coming episode.
um And yeah, I look forward to talking about it because it's been far too long since we talked about anime on this on this podcast.
Agreed. Yeah, so it's definitely a genre that I enjoy talking about. So, yeah. But yeah, that does it for us. Yeah. We'll see you in two weeks. Always a pleasure, Sleepy John. Always a pleasure indeed. Cheers. Wait, wait, wait. We got to stop off with a Nick Cage. Woo! And then it's...
Woo! Woo! Cheers! Cheers!