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Reel Resolutions 2025! image

Reel Resolutions 2025!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
18 Plays1 month ago

Hedgehog-ing into the new year with an intimate Christmas screening of 'Sonic 3' with James Games! Also 'Squid Game' and an initial review of 'Breath of the Wild'.

Next Week: The Second Edition of our Sleepy Games Winter Episode!


Introduction and New Year's Greetings

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
Welcome back to the Sleepy Games Podcast. This is the first episode of 2025.

Reflecting on Holidays and New Year Celebrations

As always, I'm one of your hosts, Sleepy John, with me, the ever exhilarating, getting finer with age, James Games. That's a good way to forget the new year, the way you introduced me. i Thank you. It's good to be back. another Another new year, another new year for the podcast. of I'm glad we're we're still going strong. Makes me happy.
For sure. But I hope you enjoyed your holidays. I hope you had a... I hope you rang in the New Year well. Partied it up. Absolutely, buddy. Yeah. Huh? A few shots. A few... Some champagne, maybe? Poppin' bottles. I mean, I... I'm sure I had a few drinks. I couldn't... I don't even really remember. I was just... I was festive most of the festive season, so...
But I'm not really a Shampagan guy, to be honest. Okay, Shampagan. Yeah, it doesn't... Wine and Shampagan, it doesn't sit well with me. It's not for everybody, I get it.

Weather Patterns and Local Experiences

Yeah, it's like I'll get hungover before I get drunk off of it, so it's like I can't do it, so yeah. And how's the weather up there in the Great North?
It has been yo-yoing is the only way I could put it. we're We're going from like almost like extreme colds like where it's like you know you get frostbite and then like the next week it's like thawing and we're getting daytime highs that are above above freezing.
yeah uh which is not normal for uh you know december january we're getting rain we we don't we're not supposed to get rain in january james that's it's not supposed to happen and it's kind of a nightmare because you got all the snow that's already there and then it rains on top of that and like you want to talk about some slick slick roads yeah that's about as like crazy as it can get so yeah damn okay So it's a big wrap up there. so oh yeah it' so Unpredictable. But I know that you said that you you got a you know quite quite the snowstorm a little while ago. Yeah. Has it melted? So it snowed here last week and it's not all the way melted. It's staying cold. okay We actually had the warmest day today um

Squid Game Season Analysis

since it snowed, which is like 44 degrees. ah so So it's a like
it's like three degrees cels yeah it's probably yeah yeah ah and yes it' it' so melting but's go go back to freezing like after today for few for like the rest of the week until the weekend so yeah i'm still very very careful i don't i'm taking little baby steps to get to the car cause i don't want to slip and fall and embarrass myself and end up on the Internet somewhere. yeah You never know who's been here for these days. Yeah, you are right there. But yeah, but but I'm happy to get back in the show. I want to know what what you've watched. i'm So our listeners want to know what we've watched since ah since the holidays. I've watched quite a few. OK. And I know a show that you probably watched that everybody has watched.
is the new the new season of Squid Game.
Please tell me you saw the new season of Squid Game. I asked you last week if there was something I was supposed to watch. I thought everybody watched Squid Game. You didn't watch it?
Uh, I think I caught an episode or two at the very start. I didn't think it was too bad. I just, I never, I never kept watching it. It's nothing to do with like me not liking the show. I think I just life got in the way. And then I think I just totally forgot to watch it again. Gotcha. Yeah. So, so, so squid games noticed like the, the biggest show, like ah the biggest like screaming streaming show of all time.
Like in the world, in the world. hu like It's like the show that like it crossed, like ah country to country, like people ate it up. um Because it's just fascinating as far, you can't help but put yourself in that situation of playing these types of like kids games where your life's on the line. um But and you have these, all these adults who, they they could get out of the game But then they have to go back to their normal lives. and then But their life, like they're dealing with huge debt so they don't think they can even make it in the real world without the money they make from the show. So they're willing to risk their life. They're like, well, if I don't get the money, I'd rather be

Upcoming Superman Movie Discussion

be dead anyway. I'm like, whoa. It's like it's like it's heavy stuff. yeah know yeah So so but they they just had season two come out um ah over the holidays.
and it's still doing amazing numbers just as big as season one was and and there's there's one character that's he cracks me up his his name is Thanos and he is he's got purple hair and he's like an ex-rapper and he's an easy character to hate because you know he's ah he He gets people killed, but like, but but he's, but he's also like funny in a way. Cause he's like the only character that actually like that speaks aim English from time to time. And like the way he speaks it is like some of the funniest shit you've ever heard. Um, cause yeah, the whole show is in Korean. I mean, I've watched it with the subtitles in how, how it's acted from the actors, which is in Korean.
Um, I can't watch dubs of live action. I think we talked about this before. I believe we have. Yeah. I understand what you're saying. Cause like it's, it's very hard to make it, you know, even somewhat seamless. Uh, it's very jarring at times, uh, especially depending on the, the, the, the language translations. I find some languages, it does sometimes work. And then other times you're like, no. So.
Yeah, so, um, ah but but but just just to warn you, this is only a part two, a part, I'm sorry, season two is a part one of a full seasons and it's something they don't tell you going in. like I'm not sure if they're gonna be like season two, part two, like... Ah, it seems like every show is doing that these days. I know.
Yeah. Because they only went through half the games in this new season, where like in the first season they go through all the games. Yeah, so it's like that's how they get you, I guess, ah somewhat hooked. And then they're like, oh, we're gonna break this up in a part because that's cool. It's cool to do that. Yeah, but I will say it was still very engaging the whole time. And I do recommend. i but Yeah, I recommend you watch this show because because I would like to get your thoughts on all of it. Okay.
Yeah, we we maybe maybe we have to do like an an episode about it at some point, and then ah then I have to watch it. Well, we'll do an episode when they release the second half of the season, and I think that's in... I think the springtime? some Somewhere in the springtime, so so I think that that's when we should we'll do our Squid Game episode. Because I think that caps off like the series.
is that last season, so it'll be good to wait until then. Also, it's just two seasons and it's done. There's no more. I think so. Even though I think they're considering it three. I think they're calling this season two, yeah and then the next one and nick the next thing comes out this year is they're going to call it season three. right yeah That's the last. The show's done. But ah but but I feel like i fli because this show's too big, they're going to make spin-offs.
they They got it. More than

James Gunn's DC Universe Impact

likely. Yeah, that that's typically what they do if they have... Because like because for for all we know, this game is only being played played in Korea, or South Korea, I mean. And for all we know, like it could be being played in other countries. We don't know. Because like in the show, they're trying to unravel like what's real ah what's going on. How is this all this happening? How has this not been stopped after all these years?
So, but yeah, I don't want to say too much. I i want you to be, I want some surprises on on your own.
But yeah, and then I guess as far as, yeah so so as that show I got into, and then everything else ah basically has been watching movies. Like, so I went to the theater and I saw Nosferatu.
Okay, yeah. I haven't seen it, but I mean, like, I like I like it. It interested me, I guess. Yeah. So notice brought to you is a remake of a movie that came out in the 20s, I believe it was a silent film. um And this is, you know, a lot more. I mean,
It's already a lot scarier because it's more realistic looking. And the actors that they get in this movie are phenomenal. ah you yeah You have like the likes of William Defoe. um ah He's like William Defoe. Yeah, William Defoe is always good. He always brings his A-game. Yeah. um Nicholas Holt. Love him. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And speaking of word speaking Nicholas Holt, i don't I think it was over the holidays that came out. Did do we talk about in the trailer for Superman?
but I don't think we did, actually. Did you happen to watch it? I didn't know there was another Superman. Okay, so so they're coming out with a new super but Superman movie in ah in July. Is this necessary? What do you mean? yeah didn Didn't they just do Superman? I don't know, it just seems like there's always more more Superman. You know who the last year Superman movie was?
I, okay, I, well, I don't. I mean, I would say probably six, seven years ago, I guess. It been has been a while, hasn't it? 12 years ago. No. Man of Steel was less Superman movie. Just Superman.
That was 12 years ago? Yes, Made of Steel. You lied. Yeah, I'm not lying. 12 years ago, Made of Steel came out. Seriously, man? That's crazy. Yes. Okay, I wouldn't have... Okay, I would have thought it was like half of that. And now it's pushed to the start of the failed DC Universe. Right. DC EU. Technically, there was like Batman versus Superman and Justice League and all that stuff.
Yeah. So so now now with James Gunn at the helm of DC, he's got the reins now and he's starting it off with Superman. right He's directing it. This is like the first Superman movie where there's like multiple superheroes in it with Superman. I mean, yeah.
I don't know. I will, uh, try to maintain a positive outlook. I just, I think the thing is too, is like Superman it is a hard, he's a hard character to make, I think certain like, well, movies and stuff, because he's like, he's way, way overpowered and yes makes it difficult to, uh, you know, bring in any type of like suspense or, you know, cause Yeah, he's he's essentially like God. You know what I mean? Like it's yeah, it's it's crazy his powers and stuff like that so I Guess well, I guess we'll see what happens. Yes So so the so I think what I like what James Gunn's doing because you know, obviously he did go into the galaxy And you know, you always have to have a lovable CGI character in his movies. Uh-huh and you know, you know, you know what he's brought into the Superman movie and
Am I gonna know it, or is it gonna be some sort of a... Well, I don't know how much you know Superman lore. Not much. I was more of a, like, I mean, growing up, I was more of a Marvel guy than I was a DC guy, so... But I might, I don't know, like, hit me with it, and I'll let you know if I if i recognize it. So what if iever I say the name Crypto? Uh, no, that says nothing to me, so it shows you what I know. So Crypto is Superman's pet dog.
Okay, I think and think maybe I did know that or something. It does seem to be... Yeah, maybe. Anyways. So is it a super dog? I get that. I'm not sure. It's a super dog, yes. Super dog. Yeah. You know what? I'm more interested now.
Okay. See, it's funny. like Just something like that. in like Having a lovable character, especially a dog, is going to appeal to a lot of people going into this movie now. um I mean, having ah having a live live action Superman with a pet dog that also has superpowers. Right. But I guarantee what James Gunn's going to do is he's going to make a very relatable dog. like he's This dog's going to be annoying like most dogs can be.
you know, like not sit down, like that's not be still or whatever, and but still have superpowers, so it's gonna be, I feel it's gonna be a hoot.
Yeah, yeah, well, I guess time will tell.
like I do I mean it I'm a little bit interested like with with the whole James Gunn thing I I don't know I I think that where they really went wrong is that if you ever watched any of that we may have talked about this before because you've ever watched any like that animated movies back in the day. DC always had, was was was more like tailored towards like a more mature audience. Like the, it was more the R rated of the comic book world. Whereas like Marvel was obviously, you know, more family friendly. And with the movies, I feel that they should have just continued with that. It probably would have worked more to their favor and they didn't. Yeah. And so I don't know if that's where James is is planning on.
No, not James games, James Gunn, I should probably specify. Yeah, say James Gunn. It's a terrible full name. Jimmy Gunn there. yeah i don't I don't know what I guess his plan is, but I really do feel like that's the way to go with it is is to be a little bit more mature, but yeah.
that's I don't know that there's a whole lot more that like I'll be like on the edge of my seat. Oh my God. I need to see this. Like the first couple of comic book movies that came out. I was jazzed about them. Now it's like, eh. Well, I think for me when it comes to your man, because I'm like, you know, like he's not one of my favorite superheroes because he is overpowered and he doesn't have that many weaknesses. Uh, I mean, he has one weakness. Um, so in the least,
In my lifetime, and if you let me know if you agree, I thought there hasn't been a great superhe great Superman movie.

Nosferatu Remake Review

ah Well, and I agree with that. and And again, I think it's because it's a hard character to make. I think a compelling movie with, but it's like, uh, even compelling story. I mean, he, yeah, like I think you struggle with something like that because again, he's just like, it's like, what do you do? Right? I mean, like if you want to look at even like the, the old school Superman movies, I mean, like they,
they They did have some interesting I guess takes on some stuff, but I mean at the same time. It's like frankly I mean he circles around the planet goes back in time right like it's just like okay Hey, I guess we can believe that okay. Yeah, yeah, that's the thing so you have to make Superman relatable um To the audience yeah, and that's So you got to make him vulnerable. yeah you have to and When you watch the trailer, you'll see like the very first shot they show Superman is him gasping for life. Like um but on the brink of death, you feel like. I'm like, okay, that's how you show Superman. like That's how that it should be. Like, okay, he can get his ass beat.
He can be like, you know, he can die. Right. It's like, you you watch it, he's just like, okay, now how did this happen? Like, who's this guy who's showing the Superman, you know? ah So I think i i have I have all the faith. I mean, I don't want to say all the faith. I have a good amount of faith that James Gunn knows what he's doing with his character. Yeah.
You know what, like, like, fair enough. I mean, realistically, like the Guardians of the Galaxy, I mean, like that was and I think we covered it is like, yes, definitely one of my favorite Marvel movie trilogies or movies or whatever you want to call it. um And it's because it has it has heart, it has depth, and I think it offers a little bit more than a standard.
a comic book movie, which I feel is typically very shallow, lots of explosions, you know, maybe some kind of witty one-liners here and there I guess you know for comic relief and then like yeah it's it like I don't really think that they offer a whole lot and I think that is a shame given that like and I've said this before like a lot of the source content like it it actually is written with more depth than what ends up being made into a movie so right all right well I am ah you've got me more interested is what I will say good job well done
Yes, I would say that. Yes. Moving on. That is enough about the man who wears underwear on top of his pants, which makes no sense. No, so I know we got sidetracked because which I was talking about Nosferatu with Nicholas Hall. Jesus, yes. Yes. So so Nicholas Hall is playing Lex Luthor.
okay okay yeah yeah yeah that that would probably work better i think agreed i think there's been some interesting casting choices recently with for Lex Luthor uh yes good and bad yeah yeah yeah so okay yeah yeah yeah but yeah it does seem like to have a stellar cast so that that gives me more hope too but um anyway yeah but we once your man comes out we will talk about more especially when There's another trailer that comes out. We'll talk about it even more still. But Game Back is a news for all too. I was expecting to like yes like scare my pants off. It's a type of horror. But ah it and really like the atmosphere that this movie created, it just loomed, just dread all over me. I was this like ah so uneased the whole time watching it.
And um it just it's like ah the they use for this, you just like like you you just can't sit you can't sit right. in In the whole movie, I was just feeling that for all like two ah over two hours or whatever. But um yeah the guy who played Nosferatu, who's like this Dracula type, ah he he was played by Bill Skarsgard, the guy who played Pennywise from It.
Yeah. Yeah. yeah ah And he did a good job too. It was a unique voice like they use for, for Nosferatu. Like he talks very slow. And sometimes it's almost like, it's kind of funny as far as like how slow he's talking. It's like, it seems menacing. Like I should be scared, but it's like, I also kind of goofy, but like it kind of, it still fits. Um,
Yeah, it's hard to it's hard to explain. like You have to end see it. You're like, is he riding the short bus? Like, what's going on? No, he's not that bad. But yeah, i i I think you would like that one as well. I'm just not sure. um
Yeah, like, because it the other actor in this. ah ah He's the one from from Kickass, that guy. Oh, ah which character is Ian Kickass? He's Kickass. Oh, you can just call him. I always call him Kickass. um Aaron Taylor-Johnson. He's great, too. back yes Yeah. um But yeah the the whole cast still, is so so like the one director, I feel like he's pretty polarizing director, like a very, very niche
sort of like films see he's done where, but he does like a lot of period pieces where very like old timey, old English type of dialogue. um So it always like takes them getting used to to just just the way they speak the certain English and everything. Like a very period piece heavy um with ah with his films. And this is no different, but I thought this one was like stellar. Like like it didn't feel like it felt what is most like mainstream movie.
even though it still had his essence all over. That director is Robert Eggers. I don't know if he ever saw The Lighthouse or The Northman, any of those. I thought this one would be his best one. It was good. It's interesting how this came out at Christmas because I was just wondering, like, man, it's interesting for a movie like kind of like a Dracula type, like you feel like you're like Transylvania, the old like, like England and like the old like 1800s or whatever. Like, why that's coming on Christmas? And I'm like, probably the movie that actually takes place during Christmas. Ah, that's how they did it. There you go.
Like I do, you there's a time in the movie where it's during Christmas, you can release it around Christmas, there you go.

Sonic 3 Christmas Viewing Experience

So you're saying it's a Christmas movie? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a Christmas movie, yeah. Alrighty. No, this one definitely is not. I would never never never call this, and I would never watch this ah around the holidays.
There's no way I would say that the one thing About releasing the movie like that on Christmas time is like I'd like there's not really a whole lot of competition Yeah, I mean if someone's not in the mood for a Pierce's movie, I guess maybe that's the thought process behind it Yeah, but as far as as far as Christmas movies go I did watch a movie on Christmas Day and Okay. it was my first It was my first time watching or going to the theaters on Christmas Day. Have you ever done that?
Uh, I think way back in the day, uh, do you know that that the Samuel L. Jackson flick, uh, this, uh, man, what you see, you see awful movies, man. i love that movie i hated it Oh, I really enjoyed it. I was like so bored. Oh my God. Really? Yeah. okay yeah well well advisive Well, I think I was expecting sin city and sin city. It was not.
ah Well, it was shot similarly to the way they shot Sin City. I think that's why a lot of people expected that. I wasn't really expected ah expecting anything going into it, so I actually really i enjoyed the story. I thought it was was really well done. I thought Samuel L. Jackson did a really good job to you. Really? but I think it's really the definition of style style over substance.
ah ah Yeah, I mean I guess that I'm not gonna say it's a movie that has a whole lot of depth to it But it's like I still thought it was really well done, and I don't know it delivered for what I was looking for I guess like I don't know I enjoyed it like I Enjoyed the interesting relationship the main character has with death like actual death I guess I thought that was kind of cool. I don't know I thought it was a neat movie like um
yeah i don't know like anyways well that was a movie i saw on christmas day because i think i think it was a movie that came out like i don't know if it was on christmas or if it was around christmas but yeah yeah so so as far yeah but but but you saw it on christmas day is is is my question i'm not pretty sure that i did i i might not have but i feel like i did uh but I thought it's a memorable time of the theaters. be watch We watched someone own Christmas Day. i This is the... James, like I mean, I like Christmas and all that, like... But I am kind of a Grinch in a way. like I don't think I would remember one way or the other, and it's like I'm not like... I don't know, to me like... Grinchy Grinch Grinch Grinch. I enjoy Christmas and you know and everything it entails, but it's like really at the end of the day for me, it's like it's just another day and like...
I don't know. Halloween is is definitely one where I think my inner child speaks speaks to me more. yeah Christmas, I think, is cool. Especially cool if you've got like little kids. I think it's awesome like and it's a lot of fun watching them open presents and stuff. I think as you get older, if there's no young kids, I don't know. For me, it's like, yeah, I have like some some drinks and stuff. It's just another day, though. I don't know. Sorry to be a Grinch.
Anyway, um, so the movie I saw on Christmas day was, uh, I was at my parents' house, uh, cause we're watching the, uh, the Baltimore Ravens, the the Ravens are playing on Christmas, the, uh, the American football team. Right. And, um, they won, which is great. And they, they, the game finished and I left my parents' house around like seven 37 45. And for my parents' house on my way back home, there was a theater that I usually go to.
And when I was shopping, I was like, you know what? It's Christmas. I have nothing else to do when I get home. I'm going to go to the theater. I'm going to the theater. I don't know what I'm going to watch. I'm going to see see what what the movie times are and if it works out, timing, I'll see this one. So I go to the theater and I see Sonic 3.
I see Sonic 3 on Christmas Day as my first Christmas movie ever, or Christmas movie at the theaters ever in my life. And not gonna lie, I thought it was great. I mean, I mean, not great, I mean, like really good, like as far as Sonic movies can be. yeah And as someone who's seen the first two, someone who's played all the Sonic, a lot of the the Genesis Sonic games growing up, I consider myself a Sonic fan.
Uh, that knows, uh, I feel you buddy. The the second driver this one was like, Oh yeah, buddy. All right. Yes. Having to breathe the air underwater while you're swimming around, you know, like, Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember as a kid, like that music when ah you're underwater and you're about to drown, it was like, Oh my God. Oh my God. My heart's raising. Um, but so, so, so this was the first movie where it kind of goes past the, uh, Genesis, um,
games. So this one introduced Shadow the Hedgehog, which is which was introduced in the Dreamcast. And that also Sonic games got, ah where we're all 3D. And I kind of got out of this, I this decided i didn't play as many Sonic games. that Well, I didn't have a Dreamcast, first of all. Nobody had a Dreamcast, James. Now, I had some friends that had had a Dreamcast.
um And I thought it was cool like from time to time to play certain Dreamcast games, because there were exclusive games to the Dreamcast, even not just Sonic. no So it was cool playing those types of games, but like when when I did come over, I do remember playing, ah ah was it Sonic Adventure 2, which is the one that introduced Shadow, who is like it very much looks like Sonic, but just like a darker version of Sonic. ah More like emo, I guess. you know Like he's got more of a tragic backstory, you know, of Sonic. And you think of a tragic backstory, you think of a darker Sonic, who do you voice to do that character?
i I'm sure that whoever I would guess would probably not be who it is. I wouldn't even care if he would give you a guess though. You know what? I'd probably get like somebody like Carl Urban or something.
Carl Ervin. Hey, I love the guess. I could see that. It probably would fit. I mean, he'd probably have to do more of an American accent, but you know, I'm sure he he pulls it off. It could be like it could be like like Bones and Star Trek, I guess. ah But no. So the voice of Shadow the Hedgehog, the emo hedgehog, was voiced by Keanu Reeves.
Okay, I mean, I like that. I think I still think take my my my number one pick, Carl Urban. yeah Carl Urban.
So and I like Keanu Reeves as a character because they gave us some good lines, like like so ah so like not take his character too seriously. I mean, like the they go into like ah his backstory and it is tragic and it's sad, but like,
they they give him some some funny lines to say like where he's you know he's acting all serious but it's like like you don't think it that seriously because i he's trying to act serious but what he's saying is not serious which makes it funny um but yeah with with with Shadow and battling Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and all that that was all great but of course the man who steals the show every Sonic movie, Jim Carrey. Oh my God, bravo, bravo. And he got to play two characters in this movie. He played Dr. Robotnik and he played the like he plays like the grandpa of Dr. Robotnik who got like, he's like frozen or whatever and he's the same age after all these years, whatever, because he's actually the one that ah created Shadow. Okay.
so theater So you have like an old man, Dr. Robotnik, with like the younger version, and Jim Carrey plays both. And of hilarity ensues throughout. ah so but But it might be Jim Carrey's last time doing this ah do these movies, which is OK, because he's done three. He's done it enough. I can't see them doing this character anymore, because they like they did so much already. And you know he he's he he's killed it every time.
So Bravo to Jim Carrey. And I was, and that was the theater wasn't, I mean, it's probably halfway filled. I mean, I thought it was a decent amount for a Christmas day showing at 8 p.m. But I was laughing my ass off with Jim Carrey. He was so funny. He did just knows that tickled the old funny mode, you know what I mean? ah but But yeah, but good movie ever well if you seen the other Sonic movies, I still recommend them.

Dexter Spin-off and TV Show Structures

i But I thought this was the best of the three.
really i do okay yes i've enjoyed the first two yeah it there it's it's kind of interesting because of all like the car they the video game movies or sorry the video games that they made movies of the last thing i think i ever would have guessed that would make a good solid movie is sonic and i i'm sure i never would have thought that either that Like, and it's it's amazing just how good they are. And like, they don't really have any right. be ah thank you ah They don't, you're right. And, uh, but like, and you know, and hats off to them. I think that they've, uh, that they've done a phenomenal job. I think obviously, like you said, Jim Carrey, uh, Jimmy Marsden there. So, so I want to go, I want to talk about Jimmy Marsden a little bit. So I think what made this movie better than the previous two.
is they focus more on the sonic characters and put all the human characters to the side. okay Because I'm like, we don't need them. Because I think what brought the second movie down was when they had that whole wedding subplot with all the human characters. I'm like, why do we care about this? like and I don't care about this. i i James Marsden's wife's sister, and who she's made getting married to, like why are we watching this?
Give me the song, give me Knuckles and everything. So like the focus was really on those characters and dr brought down to her but or jim cary that That's all you need to really fill the song with me. But what they did, I thought was was great, is they still had those characters, but they used them sparingly. They used them just the right amount.
and where wait like They didn't stay on screen for too long, and and they weren't all there just too little. It was just the perfect amount, I thought. and they're just Just enough for Jimmy Marsden's just beautiful smile and eyes that I can get lost in for days. Yes, yeah exactly. yeah ah I heard this had to do because of the because of the writer's strike, I heard.
And oh because, oh okay yeah so so is you very sha maybe it was also the, um, the actor struck too, because when you're dealing with CGI characters, you can easily, you know, make the movie with CGI characters. And you know, when you, when you voice it on, you can just do that later. and Right. So they probably were like, Oh, well, I guess we got to cut this. See these scenes with these human characters and then put this in there for the better.
Exactly, turn it into a blessing in disguise. So when when you watch it, I'll be curious your thoughts. but Yeah, yeah that that's one I'm i'm sure i'll I'll get around to. I'm actually surprised we didn't end up going to the theaters, but I think it's just the time that it dropped, I guess. If it was any other time of the year, I probably would have gone and seen it. But but yeah.
Just being in the theater on Christmas, like i was I was so giddy when I was there. like i was like I kept thinking in my mind, but I can't believe I haven't done this before. like For someone, maybe such a huge movie buff. i' ever been to like i feel like on i've I've gone a lot of major holidays to the theater and like Christmas was never one of them, so it felt like a special experience.
Yeah, well, it's like, you know, and I'm glad that it was an enjoyable one and and not not a letdown. I know, that was a good movie. Yeah, no, for real. I was i was i was i was worried about that, believe me. um the Especially especially you know because a Shadow, the character, I was like, oh, it's because I haven't played these games. I mean, I kind of like it. But maybe like even more because I i was interested in in his story. ah But yeah.
ah I remember we talked about last episode. We remember we were talking about Dexter. Great, yeah, because he's a spin-off show now, yes. Did you get into it yet? Because you know how it has your boy. I did not get into it. Do you plan to? Maybe.
dude It's really good, man. I really think you should watch it. yeah okay And your boy keeps getting better and better every every episode. It does, eh? Yeah, Christian Slater. Slater. Yeah, I mean, just for him alone. I mean, it is it is very tempting. I don't know. I mean, ah it's... i tv What are you worried about? that What are you worried about? No, it's it's not about being worried. It's it's it's like, TV shows, are the there's the big time investment and... It's not even one season.
They haven't finished the season yet. Yeah, by the end of the- what is it? 10 hours? 12 hours? How many episodes is it? I think there's gonna be 10. So like 10 hours, man. It's like, yeah, that's- I just want you to watch one. Just one episode? Yeah, just let me know what you think. Oh, I mean, I could probably do that. Yeah, I'm gonna ask if- I don't have to watch the whole season sometimes. I'm gonna tell you to binge it, dawg. That's also the problem, is like sometimes you watch it, you're like,
Fuck, I need to know what happens right now. It does have some pretty good cliffhangers, it does, yeah. Yeah. And I think that that's the other reason that I i steer clear of some shows, because I have done that, where it's just like, oh, like I just got an hour to kill, like, whatever, I'll turn on this. And then, and then yeah three in the morning rolls around, you're like, what the fuck? Oh, god damn it.
got go to work in a couple that's so funny oh god like where did the time go that's so true yeah ah And then and then I think for me a lot of those types of shows though like they they they inevitably seem to take a dive and in the second or third season it seems like in quality and They really know how to hook you for that first season where you're just like, oh, I'm in. And then you're just like, okay.
Yeah. TV shows, in my opinion, you should write it start to finish. Like I have an idea how many seasons you want to do, the stories you want to tell. Just have an idea of of of the of of what it is that you want to do with it because it's like, that's the problem with like, it's just, they never stick to landing and it's yeah.
I don't know. It's funny, which certain shows, because I feel like sometimes it's it's it's for the better if you don't know the exact ending right away. Because I always mostly think of Breaking Bad. Because I remember they they initially were going to kill off um Jesse Pickman in the first season. And then like I think about the whole show. like like He turns into like my favorite character. I can't even imagine the show without him.
And if if they would have thought, oh no, this has to end this way when we start the show. Because I feel like sometimes the show can find its identity while it's all going. But you're right though, sometimes the show is better there're if they know what the ending is when the show starts. Because I feel like it could drag too much.
But that that's what i I, like, I'm not saying that you have to have the whole thing written. I'm just saying that you have to have an idea of how it's gonna end. Like, you know where the finish line kinda is. Like, you have an idea. And I think a lot of shows, they're just like, they pitch the idea of the show. And then it's not like, oh, like, this is what's going to happen. And then after a while, they're like, oh, like, what do we do with this, right? Like, we've made our money. Yep. Here we are in a season four, five, six, whatever. It's just like,
Well, I guess like how do we crunch out a couple more seasons, you know, and then it's like, and then it's like, okay, now we got to end it. It's like, okay, but that's just it. Like, it's not like, I think you should have just a rough game plan of like where you intend to go. And and I think when you don't,
it The show suffers for it. like and I think that that's unfortunately still to this day how a lot of TV shows are written.

Anime Narrative Structures and Recommendations

So obviously you get some that this story is kind of written start to back. And that's my rant for the day James. That was pretty low-key rant.
yeah You don't want to punch up a little bit? Punch up your rant? but no i mean i i feel like i don't know i i i feel like most people most people would just agree with me like i don't know i don't think there's more more that needs to be said really yeah uh and i think that it's just it's It's no different than like if you're watching a movie and then like, you know and we We talked about this before it was like sticking the landing, right? Where it's like you get a really good movie and then the ending is just like meh And then it just it really hurts the movie and I was like, yeah You're watching it again because to me even though it's a TV show and I understand there's like an episode arc typically like within each episode and sometimes it's like seasonal arcs but it's like yeah like I'm I'm watching the show primarily for me it's the whole show's arc and like it's cool yeah okay like whatever's happening that episode fine whatever's happening that season's like it's cool too but it's like I'm trying to watch it's like hey like where's the show going like what's what's happening here and like
That's how I watch TV shows, and I think that that's, I guess for me, why I end up not enjoying a lot of them. I hate the ones that have, there's an independent story with a lapping, you know, arc for the season. Like, and I think that's how most shows are written these days. Back in the 90s and 80s, like TV shows, it was basically everything was wrapped up within the one episode. Right.
Now they do that that other thing is like but for me It's like I prefer TV shows where it's like it's written front to back attack on Titan It would be one where it's like obviously that's a story that's written start to finish They know where they plan on going with it. They know what they plan on, you know, like yeah, I know with him he He knew how to end it. Yes, exactly and that that's an an example of what I mean and It was like and the the show is so much better for it. So then be like, yeah, I So so ah it's it a good transition. i on the staff day cause you get you but I want to bring this up. ah this cause i don't i don't want to I think this would be a good lesson to talk about. Then we'll go into what next ah but episode will be next week. I got one thing to talk about before we do that, but yeah, carry on. So I got into a new anime recently. I am intrigued.
I'd be curious if you saw this one. ah It was a girl that got me into it, too. ah And you ever you ever watch Jujitsu Kaisen? So, I mean, I haven't. and And the other thing is, too, is like, and I mean,
I haven't actually watched a lot of anime it's not to say that like I obviously we talked about it on the show a fair bit like I do like anime the other thing is that there's so much out there and a lot of it I find is just it's not really my cup of tea so ah can you give me an idea of like i've I've I've seen the show on Netflix I have no idea what it's about like ah So it's basically a school of, I mean, adults and kids, they're trying to like, now they're not demons per se, they're more like cursed spirits, they call them. And they're trying to, it's like, so these certain people could only see these cursed spirits, these demons, and they have to exercise them, they have to get rid of them. um But then you have, so the jijits jujitsu name is, they're like sorcerers.
So they're the ones that have these powers that can get rid of them, wipe them out clean. But the the ah the ways they. The imagination in this show of how some of these cursed spirits are and what they look like, it's fascinating. So how the fuck do you think of that? It's like it's creepy. It's nightmare fuel, all that. But ah the the way they attack and you know, defeat these cursed spirits. It's wow. Like the animation is gorgeous. It's beautiful. It's the same studio who did the ah the last season of Attack on Titan. Okay. It's the same it the same um anime studio. Yeah. And it shows. It's beautiful at times. And a lot of the characters are so fun and relatable.
ah and um ah like ah ah They're not like, you know, like little kids, that they're more like adults or like ah Like young adults are like almost 18, sort of. but like ah So it's it has has a mature level there, but also there's still some immaturity. There's some like jokes that are a little too goofy. okay yeah But there's some characters who are literally the definition of cool. Like the the main guy, his name's Gojo, he's probably one of the coolest anime characters that I've ever seen in any show.
ah like like he like i can see him I can see people liking him as much as people like Levi from Attack on Titan. Gotcha, gotcha. So, yeah, that that's basically just it. As far as the sorcerers, what I'm saying, who are yeah who getting rid of these cursed spirits, these demons, you have sorcerers that manipulate these cursed spirits for their gain against the good sorcerers. So it's kind of like you know they're battling each other.
ah And that that's that's where the fun stuff happens. And I've always seen season one in the movie. And people are telling me that doesn't even scratch the surface on how good it is. And I'm like, really? Like, I think the shows look great and everything. They're like, no, no, no, no. You, like, they're like, have you seen season two? I'm like, no, I haven't seen season two. I'm like, then you haven't even seen the show. I'm like, what? What? So apparently there's only two seasons of the show. I mean, at least that's out at the moment.
in season two is the reason why it's so regarded in such high acclaim um as one of the best enemies because season two, and I've only watched the first two episodes of season two, so I still don't even know yet. like I'm still getting like, did they're still building so much of the story of just the those first two episodes of season two. Right. Yeah, I'm not i'm not even gonna think of it, but but but i bring I bring this up because we're talking about ah running certain endings. I've heard Shatter, even even the the girl who who brought me on to the show, ah she was saying how the the mug is already out for how it ends. Gotcha. People are saying it's a polarizing ending. like Some people hate it, some people love it. And and I thought that was even similar with Attack on Titan. I remember when the mug came out, people didn't even like the ending to that.
But then I feel like when the anime came out, people like warmed to it more. It's like, wait, actually, I thought it was good. It did fit like how yeah the the show should end. Right. ah So I am someone who doesn't read bugus but you know but the graphic novels. um So I guess I got to wait till it comes out. But I'm loving what I

Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gameplay Impressions

see so far. But I recommend it for you. I mean, I'll be curious what you think ah if you watch it.
I might have to add up to the list of things to to get to. like yeah I am intrigued. to I find myself these days. I mean, I find it, especially if I've had an anime recommendation, I typically thoroughly enjoy it. Yeah. I mean i remember I recommended ah Attack on Titan to you way back when.
You did, you did. Yeah. And it's a terrific show. Like I did enjoy it. Yeah. And like there's been, yeah, we've we've talked about, you know, one piece that the live action, which I think was really good. yep We talked about, I guess it's technically not, but Blue Eye Samurai, which is actually not close enough, even though it's it's like it's like American anime, I guess yeah you could call it.
I think we talked a little bit about a Cowboy Bebop too, I think we did. Cowboy Bebop? Well yeah, that was in the first first three episodes for sure. so it's like Dude, there' there's actually gonna be a ah concert ah here in Baltimore.
yeah where you have like this jazz band who's doing the the soundtrack to Cowboy Bebop. And I think I'm gonna go. I think I'm gonna go to that. Yeah, man. That sounds terrific, actually. I love that. That ain't true. like It's one of the few intros I don't skip watch every time. I'm glad you mentioned that. There's what there's a song in Jiu-Jitsu Kaisen. It's not the opening credits scene. It's the end credits scene in season one.
Yeah. I can't skip. It's too groovy. Every time it comes to it, I just want to get up and dance. It's so catchy and fun. And then the animation that goes along with it, it makes it even more fun because you have the characters doing these cool little dance moves. I'm like, whoa! It's such a bop. It's such a bop, man. I can't wait for you to watch this. I need to know your thoughts. I got to know. OK. Well. But yeah, you said there's something you want to bring up.
Well, yeah, so ah this one's kind of interesting. I mean, I just wanted to say that like I started it. I mean, obviously, this is the Sleepy Games podcast, and we don't talk about video games very much. ah But i I know that I'm like, I'm like seven years late to this party or whatever, but I recently started playing the Zelda game ah Breath of the Wild. Yes!
And I kind of wanted to give, like I guess, initial thoughts of ah of starting to play this. So I kind of started with Christmas break there. The thing with me is I played most of the Zelda games. like i'm not I wouldn't say I'm like the biggest gamer, really. I mean, I played random video games and stuff. But like the one thing that I've always been like really into is Zelda.
Um, I have not, I hadn't played the Switch version, uh, yet. Uh, I did try it a little bit, like a couple of years ago. Once I noticed how big the the game was, I was like, I don't have time for this. It's, it is beyond massive. And I was like, I, and learning the controls and everything. Cause again, like I'm not, not a big gamer or anything like that. So, um,
Yeah, so I started playing like and i I was like, okay, screw it. like I'm gonna give her this time. I don't know how long it's gonna to take me. It might take me like all year or something like that, but I wanna finish this game. ah But like have you have you played it at all? I have, I have. yeah have you you You beat it front to back then? No, no, I've only played it. Okay. like player friends I don't have a switch. Did you did you play it like from from the start? like when it like ah From from like the very start of the game? I watched the start.
Okay, like, I thought that the opening credits for that game are some of the best opening credits I've seen in any video game. Whoa, it's a bold statement! It's like... Like, you start off, like, there's there's almost, like like, almost no exposition. You kind of, like, wake up, and then it's like, you know, you do a little bit of stuff, and then, and then, they like, they pan out to, like, the land that they've made, right? And it's just, like, Breath of the Wild, and you're like, holy crap.
Yeah, it is kind of back to me now. Yeah, that that goes. Yeah, I can see that beautifully done. So again, like it's, it's I guess for me, it's it's different than any other version of Zelda I've played. Like I feel like it is very different because like you
I I kind of get annoyed at this. I can see what the appeal for the people, but it's like, you know, for instance, like your your weapon can break, right? Like, well, actually it breaks constantly until you, I'm assuming, get the Master Sword at some point. Nowhere near there yet, but... Yeah.
um Yeah, like I mean and like that that to me is like it's almost like a little bit annoying ah Because I just want to play the freaking game um But there's always like side quests. I I do enjoy Doing stuff like like fishing though. Like I think that's great That's one of the things that really always sold me on games. It's been a recurring theme in a couple of them It's like, you know, like an ocarina time. It's like you need to save the world and there's always urgency but it's like but you still got time to go fishing bro, I but anyway right
Oh, so is that, is that, is that, is that what they say? Like there's bigger fish, bigger fish. Exactly. Exactly. but so ah yeah so basically i mean i'll uh i'll kind of keep you up to date about how the game is progressing i'm i'm not that far along right now i've got i've got like one additional heart piece yeah so that kind of shows you how much i've played but it's like i'm liking it i i intend to beat it uh and i i feel like if i'm if i'm forced to check in i'll play it and i'll beat this game and like
And I'm actually very intrigued because I know that the other game just came out, Tears of the Kingdom. I know nothing about it. But I've heard that it's it's gotten very good reviews as well, so... And I can't call myself a Zelda fan if I haven't played these ones. I know there's a movie down the line at some point I heard rumors about. I don't know if that's still the case here. A Zelda movie.
Yeah, but yeah, there's no official announcements. Yeah, it might never come to fruition. No, I think it will, because and because Mario made so much money. Well, and look at Sonic too, and and we were talking about on this show. Yeah, Sonic's making a bunch of money. Yeah, and I mean, I know it's a different different company, but it's a video game movie, so yeah they're showing that it can be done it can be done successfully, even though the original old Mario Bros. is the best video game movie of all time, let's be real.
Followed closely by Street Fighter. With our man... Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude Van Dien, what a guy. But yeah.
ah Did you want to say anything else? You good? No, that's pretty much it. I mean, yeah as I get more through the game, ah I'll kind of give my my two cents on it. Because... Yeah. ah Everyone says it's the greatest game ever.

Future Podcast Themes and Movie Recommendations

But I'll be judge the judge of that.
Um, yes. So I guess, uh, for, so that basically is it for today's episode. We just wanted to just, uh, catch up with certain things. And then from here on out, we'll, we'll have certain themes on our shows. And, uh, yeah. So for next week, we want to stick to the theme of, uh, this cold wintery weather we have, and we want to have a cold wintery movie to, uh, to watch for the, for the both of us.
um And for me, I'm recommending you, ah the the Wind River. <unk>wing river Stowing Jimmy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen. That's all I'm going to say who's in it so far, because you'll recognize other people that pop up. ah But yeah, it's a great film. um The guy who directs it, he's He does so many shows in movies nowadays. You ever hear the show Yellowstone? ah Yes, I've heard of it. Yeah, I've heard itve heard good things about it actually. Yes, so this is the same guy who did who did Yellowstone.
Okay. Yes. I was like right before he did Yellowstone, he did this movie. Wind River. Yeah. Yeah. I know that I was gonna give you the recommendation too. I do have one for you. Okay. If you've seen it, I mean, feel free to rewatch it. Again, we're talking about piercing blue eyes and that you can get lost in with the Jimmy Martin in there. Have you ever seen the movie 8 Below?
Yeah, you know what? I have, but I don't remember a lot of it because it's been so long. So long. And I do love you some Paulie Walker. Rest in peace. Yeah, so yeah, that'll that'll be because that that is I think he does have piercing blue eyes. He does. Hey, oh man, that's me a phone to watch. Yeah, I don't think I've seen it since like high school or college. So like, yeah, it's over 20, 20 years ago, I feel like. Yeah, almost years ago. two yeah But yeah, ah good recommendations. Uh, look forward to to hearing hearing your thoughts on that one. And I'm sure you can't wait for mine too. And excuse you, Paul Walker again, I'm excited. yes i think it is
ah But that wraps up our episode for the first one of 2025. Um, We'll have another episode next week. We're going to be more consistent again. So get ready for a chock full of full episodes coming up. Uh, but forward to buddy I know, uh, I love having you here, sleepy John. I can't wait for more. The feeling is more than mutual, my friend. And as always, I give you a cheers. Cheers.