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Exploring the work of the polarizing and eccentric director David Lynch focusing on 'Blue Velvet' (1986) and 'Mulholland Drive' (2001).

Next Week: 'Wild At Heart'


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I just don't think it understand
And we're back for another episode of the Sleepy Games Podcast.

Chilly Chats & Temperature Trivia

I'm your host, James Games, and over to my, over across the, ah the the but country up north. And I'm sure it's probably a lot colder than it is now. Like, thankfully it's warming up over here. What up, Sleepy Jones? Hey, buddy. Actually, no, it's a very warm today, so I'm gonna try to do the conversion here. Yeah, do the, yeah, do it. Like, probably like 40,
five degrees ish. It's about very warm for January. Yeah. ya bal me Yeah. It's about what what what it was here in Baltimore today as well, around 45 degrees. So it's it's good that a lot of snow in the ice is is finally melting, at least around here. Yeah. it's it's It's not good for us because it doesn't melt everything. It just creates more ice and water. Oh no. Yes. I think it's supposed to be like that the rest of the week. So I'm glad we're out of that really cold storm. Right.
that we had for like, it felt like a month. Yeah, definitely more problematic for you guys. Yeah, whereas this warm weather is is is problematic for us in the middle of January, to it is no bueno for us. I'm sorry to hear that, man. ah Hopefully it's consistently warmer and hope you have a shorter winter. Hopefully the the the groundhogs the groundhog Doesn't see a shadow. I always forget. I think it doesn't I always forget too. I don't know which one it is. I mean Yeah, I don't know
but I don't know if there's a lot of science in that anyway. Well, yeah know we'll we do an episode next week, you know. we we we We will announce on the show if the grasshog did see or did not see its shadow. Oh, okay, I love it. Is there that next week? is that when they what What day did they do that? think I think it's the February 2nd, I believe. Okay. yeah Sounds good. Okay.

Recent Watches: 'Land Man' & 'Jujutsu Kaisen'

Anyway, so so so but before we dive into the the theme of today's episode,
Um, we want to go over, uh, some things we watched this week, uh, new shows, movies. Uh, so, um, I want to go. So I finished the series, the first season of, uh, of land man. And, uh, and, and land man has one of the, one of the actors from the, one of the movies you, you recommended to me from, uh, uh, good cop bon cop. Oh yes. Yes. Yes. And I don't know if that's how you pronounce his name, but.
He's fantastic. He's fantastic in the show. um you You would never think he was Canadian. He plays a Texan very well. I yeah i first i sent you a photo of him with a cowboy hat. That's all I said. He's phenomenal in everything he does. I've i've never seen him do a role that he did not knock out of the park. Yeah. And he he definitely, ah he stays toe to toe with with with Billy Bob Thorne pretty well.
But that is an accomplishment. Yes, it is. Billy Bob has a tendency to steal the show, so. Yeah, me. Billy Bob, he just has a charisma. He's got a swagger about him. um he hes He's with his wife, or well, I guess in the show, like ex-wife. Do you know the actress Ali Carter or Ali Lauter? Ali Carter, I think.
Ali larder isn't that uh Is she whipped cream bikini is that is that the one That is her. Ah, so I do know her. From Varsity Blues, right? That's right. Wow. I forgot about that. Yes. that it's like I didn't forget about that, James, because I was a teenager when that came out. So yeah so so so so now, if you can believe it, she she's in her ah her upper forties and she she plays the wife of Billy Bob, her ex-wife.
um and I believe it. When I see them together, I'm like, yeah. Billy Bob totally bagged her. Oh my God. Good and good for him. because she She's still a smoke show. Very much so. Yeah. um But this is probably one of Billy Bob's best performances I've seen probably, I'd say 10 years. um he He commands the screen. he He owns this role. Remember we were saying how um ah last week how
um You watched the Wind River, which which is the same creator as the guy who did who's doing Landman. um he just He just excels at this kind of writing. And so I just finished the finale. And and there was a a very good cliffhanger at the end as far as ah what they'll be doing with season two. And they brought in an actor that I was not expecting, who's ah who's a very acclaimed, accomplish accomplished actor. And around like the same age as Billy Bob,
that, uh, like once I saw him, I'm like, Oh shit, man, things are gonna get real in season two. I can't wait. yeah Um, but I don't want to spoil the show cause I want, I think you will, you might watch it. I do recommend it a lot. Um, but yeah, so that's why I watched this week. So, uh, go out, watch land man. Okay. And you said you watched them in this week.
Yeah, so I mean, this is the thing is that you've had, I think, I wouldn't say like a lot, but you've had a few TV show recommendations for me. Yes. So I don't really want to dive into it because I mean, I'm not through the first season, but I'm definitely a few episodes in. I took your advice. I started watching the Jujutsu Kaisen? No way! You did? I love it! Let's go! We did another anime episode, so when you finished, we had to have an episode but for that show. Yeah, like, ah I'll get through the first season. I'm not gonna say anything about it. to Today, ill yeah i' I'll finish the first season. I'll let you know when I do. And then, and then yeah, I guess i guess we can set something up. so but There's one thing I want to ask, though.
How awesome is the end credits song?
I mean like ah i I know what you're talking about like it is pretty good like it's kind of neat with a little dance montage. Yes. he's yeah stuff too you so uh like I wouldn't say like every anime but like a lot of the animes i've watched i mean like they do like they do good music for uh the intros and and outros and they kind of change them affair a fair bit too they do yeah and it's pretty interesting to watch i've noticed with the animes like like they won't even stick to it for the whole season like usually like halfway through they'll change it
Well, yeah, it's, uh, I don't know if, uh, if it's the same thing. like what What I've noticed is that, uh, it's arc related yeah with the animators when they'll change the, uh, the intro. So it it just depends on when the arc wraps up and then, and then, and then onto the new intro. So are you watching the dub or the sub?
Uh, I am watching the dub. Oh, nice! Okay, I'm watching the dub too. Yeah, I mean like typically, but the funny thing is though too, is that with dubs, especially I find with anime, is that you get a lot of the same voice actors from other animes and then you're like, I know that character. I don't know who the actor is, but like that's yeah the character from this show. That's so funny.
Yeah, and and it's interesting to see like the different roles that they're playing because like I sometimes you're like i don't know if i With that voice, I don't know if I want to peg this character, but okay, right, right. Yeah but you yeah you have you have how many episodes inoffa ah You know what like before I lie to you, how about I just give me Before you lie to me, yeah you can lie to me. I'm a very forgiving person if you lie to me. I can check. I can check quickly here. but Maybe quasi-quickly. Netflix opens on my phone here and it'll say, continue watching. i am It looks to be about a third of the way through episode seven. ah and I want to say that that's like the Gojo episode.
ah I think a lot of the episodes are gojo episodes. I mean like where where you you learn it you see his powers Oh no, I've seen his powers to some degree already, so I don't know to to what degree it it goes in, but yeah, he's he's already shown his powers a little bit. Okay. So, but yeah, lay again, I'd rather reserve that for when we discuss the show. yeah i can't i don't want Yeah, I don't want to tell you, is is so right now i'm in I'm in the middle of season two. Okay. um And...
yeah i'm just i'm just so scared to say anything but just fasten your seatbelt dog okay okay well we'll see we'll see we'll see when uh i finish the season like yeah i'm uh i'm stepping in now so yeah i don't know how many there is season one is definitely light work compared to season i mean it sets the stage as well i'll say but but but make but also make sure before you start season two to watch the the movie before you watch season two i didn't say i was gonna watch these i said i was gonna watch a season and then decide okay okay got good okay
More than likely. Maybe remind me to you, I guess, with the movie. I probably will forget that if we're being honest to you. Yeah. Because it's needed as far as like the gateway to season two, as far as like giving some backstory to characters that didn't really get in season one. Makes sense. Yeah. Are you ready? Are you ready? But yeah. All right.

David Lynch: Cinematic Enigma

Shall we go into the theme of today's episode?
We are going to go into the theme. And that is the um the the director who just recently passed away about two weeks ago, ah David Lynch, the acclaimed director, um very unique director, polarizing director to some, I'm sure. ah But so ah we i want to I want to go into some of the, I guess, some of the films I've seen of him. And I think because we we both have not seen a lot, because even looking looking at his filmography, I was surprised. I'm like, wow, I thought I saw more than I did. And there's a lot I haven't seen. So I think because ah we we we will be doing a a part two where we're going to pick a movie that neither of us have watched and and talk about on the show next week.
But we we wanted to get into some of his most acclaimed films, least least from at least from what i've heard I've heard that I wanted to see for the show. And then I gave you one that I've already seen yeah um that most cinephiles have seen like in and and in their travels. And I think it's like on a lot of a lot of like a top 10 list for like films of the century, like of this century, stuff like that. Right. I would say that it's it's definitely based on what I've seen of his filmography. It's his most mainstream movie. Yes. The one that I think that most people are familiar with. Correct. Yeah. When we people think David Finch, they they they think of Mahalan Drive. Yeah. But before we go into Mahalan Drive,
um i want I want to go into, well first, like one of my one am my introductions, or I guess an appreciation for David Lynch, but was a TV show he did, Twin twin Peaks, um that that he did in the 90s, that also starred the same guy who, from the movie I watched, Blue Velvet, Kyle McLaughlin.

Delving into 'Twin Peaks' & 'Blue Velvet'

um And man, ah I was a late bloomer to late to Twin Peaks, Yeah, I remember watching it, I think it was in 20, it was like right after I got back from Australia. like It was like, it was a big deal to watch because I think there was there was a new season that came out in 2017. Oh really? Yeah, yeah there and believe me, like like ne now after he's passed and now after watching um Blue Velvet and we're gonna watch another one next week, I think I'm getting a new appreciation for him.
And it's going to make me want to watch that that season that came out. Because when that came out, maybe want to watch the original season that came out in the early 90s. And like you know I'm not really one to go back and watch. you know I'll go back and watch movies from the 90s, old movies. But when it comes to TV shows, I feel like that's a little harder to do.
um ah because I guess it's it's a lot more to get through and you know I guess you because some would say we live in a golden age of television so it's hard to go back to those old style TV shows um but watching Twin Peaks that I feel like that's a timeless TV show I feel like that's something that kind of gets better over time. Yeah, I was going to say what that yeah without even seeing it, like i having seen Mulholland Drive, I could say that it it probably does not follow the very, I think, stereotypical format of 90s in prior TV shows. Yeah, like like I remember such memorable characters from the like like from the pilot episode alone.
like I was fascinated but by by the world he introduced and how like the blending of surreal and reality and his kind of playing Jumper with it at times, but it wasn't like too heavy-handed with it. It was like just enough ah to to to leave leave some intrigue.
um and But for for me, though, it was like a one-season wonder. Because I did watch a little bit of season two. I was like, all right, now I got a little two out there. And then it kind of lost me. but But I heard that that new season, that newer season that came out in 2017, it kind of like went back to the roots of it. And it did a lot of what made season one great. um So I definitely will be, I think, watching it now.
after we finished our episodes going through David Lynch. But, having said all that, I do want to go into the film I watched. And that was Blue Velvet. And that starred Kyle McLaughlin and Laura Dern. And I think it was like the first film I've ever seen of Laura Dern. Like, as far as like how young, she she has to be like, somewhere between 18, 20 years old.
all right because i think It's funny because like, People don't realize how young she actually is in Jurassic Park. Like, like you know she's in her 20s in Jurassic Park? Well, I mean, like, I... I didn't know that, you're telling me that, but it's like, it seems like back then and then going to the 80s and prior, it's like, it it seemed like people seemed to, like, age quicker.
that's a few books a bit older yeah yeah yeah that's true yeah cuz cuz even seeing her in blue velvet is like wow you're supposed to be a senior in high school you do not look like a senior in high school you look like you're out of college you know Yeah, that's like, it's like when people were like, when people were pushing 30, they looked like they were 45. So somebody was in that water, I don't know what that was. You know, you look at like a recent chick flick, you had like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, like they're both in their 40s, like that's not something that would have happened, you know, 25, 30 years ago.
i You wanna be like, man, I wanna watch you senior citizens. Oh, yeah, I know, for real. Yeah, because nowadays, yeah you see, you know, the actors in their 20s, they're so young. they They feel so young. Like, you hear Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya's. youre you're in deas yeah like Like, now, they're like 30. And you're like, what? They're 30 now? that There's no way in hell they look 30. Yeah, that's crazy, yeah. Yeah. But anyway,
Get back to it. So go into the story. It's basically like a mystery detective type of story, but like very grounded for the most part until you're kind of like trying to figure out where it's going. Like the first half hour is a little slow. You know, it's putting the pieces together and everything and it kind of takes place in the fifties. And it really, it really kicks into high gear.
once Dennis Hopper steps in and I did not know Dennis Hopper was in this movie and let me tell you this is one of the most memorable Dennis Hopper movies I've ever seen or performances I've ever seen like I was like floored on like the things he was doing in this movie pop quiz hotshot yeah speed got it But yeah, like I would say like his character even rivals how good he is in speed. Yeah, I mean he definitely stole the show in that movie. Yeah, yeah he's he steals the show in this one too. yeah yeah ah that he there and And there was like ah this insanity, like unhinged nature that he brought where like every time he's on the screen like, what the fuck is he gonna do? I have no idea.
um i was but With what I'm explaining, he's he's like the villain of the story. yeah um And Kyle McLachlan's kind of like this. He he came home from from college because his dad was sick and everything. And then he happened to stumble upon clues to ah to a murder. um And then basically, that's where ah he he like follows this woman. And then when he follows this woman, that's where Dennis Huyberg comes in.
and then with Laura Dern, like her father is like one of the detectives at the and the precinct and ah and and they kind of, and ah him and um Laura Dern kind of started a relationship off there and she's kind of like a little bit of his his partner and kind of like a little bit of a buying cloud thing going on. Well, not buying cloud because they're kind of, they're kind of doing illegal shit, but more of like just like a Hardy Boys kind of thing, I guess. oh um but ah
Yeah, like like what once like the stakes like rose, like I was like kind of on the edge of my seat of this. I'm like, I don't know what the hell is going to happen. Like how is he going to get out of this? and um but but But as far as like getting to the David Lynch nature of the film, because it felt very grounded compared to other, you know, seeing like Twin Peaks and Mahalan Drive. But you can see like the like like a little bit of the stepping stones were there. were Like you were throwing some ah like Surrealism at times where it's like, whoa, what the fuck is happening? like like he he He'll have certain edits on screen and and and kind of ah show certain things and and how that can manipulate a person's mind. It was kind of going into the insanity. It kept focusing a lot on you know just the facial expression expressions and everything, especially with Dennis Hopper too. Because they cause because his and unhinged nature was like, oh my god,
um And the the franticness that ah that when David Lynch would shoot, it made it even better. But yeah, I was ah surprised like how much I like, like like I still think Mahalan Jive is is is his best, but like, it was cool seeing a movie that he did in the 80s, how it kind of laid the groundwork for like films he did later on.
um yeah Because I felt like he was he was like just dipping his toes into the water. like like He didn't want to get too out there just yet. Because I think he did like ah maybe one more film or two more films before he did Twin Peaks. um And I think that's when like he really hit his stride with it. um but But I think this could be a um a very accessible film.
um just for any any film lover like where it doesn't feel too abstract I guess you know um so like maybe like a less polarizing movie is what you're saying yeah yes yeah uh because it's pretty straightforward with the story like very relatable characters um and you have your standouts especially with with Dennis Hopper yeah um so yeah ah it's It's a very high recommendation for me, for me and and I'm glad I watched it for the first time, and it makes me excited to watch more of David Lynch's films. It makes me upset. I didn't dive into more of his filmography. like like you know I know we had this and as an excuse to watch it because he just recently passed, but that's what happens with a lot of great artists. like Once they pass, that that that's when people ah respect their work a lot more. That's true. That's true.
So, I have a question related to Dennis Hopper. then Would you say that this this movie is better than Dennis Hopper's best movie, which as we know is Super Mario Bros.? Oh, they're gonna say true romance.
a You just made me think about that when you're asking the questions. I was like, oh yeah, I forgot he was so good in that movie, too. Yeah, we talked about that last season. Yeah, we did. We talked about that scene. No, that was season one, actually. That's like one of the... Oh, yeah. That was one of the first episodes we did, I think. Wow. Yeah.
Crazy. Whenever you see Dennis Tapper on screen, you can always rely on him for an unforgettable performance. That's for sure. Yeah, which is why Super Mario Bros. is so terrific. Man, I feel like that in Mortal Kombat is going to be a tough decision on which is a better movie for you. Street Fighter 2, don't forget about that one, my friend. Oh yeah, I got to forget. The Muscles from Brussels.
jee i i Okay, I have a fairness. It's weird how the Super Mario Brothers has such a great cast. i Yeah, John Leguizamo, Dennis Hopper, and, uh, watch his nuts there. I'm drawing a blank. Uh, the guy from Bob, Bob Hoskins. Oh yeah. but but Yeah. Yeah. Rest in peace. Yeah.
Anyway. But yeah, in case of high recommendation, I would watch it again and I would buy it. Okay. I don't know if I'd give it the five as as with the Sleepy Games Classic. Yeah, the five is the so Sleepy great Games Classic. Yeah. Yeah. So. But yeah, like I could definitely see myself rewatching this and probably picking up on some things I didn't pick up on before. but like i Like, you know what, like that, that like,
I might have to add that to the list, I guess, in the future. I mean, I do like Dennis Hopper. I think that something a little bit maybe more grounded is is more and more in my wheelhouse. Yeah. so Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But is that your final final thoughts for for the movie then?
I do want to say too, I noticed with David Lynch's movies, like like especially having Twin Peaks like as far as the most recent I've seen of his. yeah he He does sprinkle in like ah humor out of nowhere sometimes. I'll be burst out laughing at some point. It's like some of the dialogue, some of the lines. I can't believe he said that. ah Yeah, i I will say that even in the movie that I watched, I think I found myself actually laughing out loud at ah at a scene like that.
I don't really think you're supposed to. it's when the ah The hitman is just having a bad day. He kills the one person and the bullet goes through the wall afterwards and then he has to like kill the janitor too. ah yeah that yeah That part actually got me. so Yeah, yeah there's there's not a lot where it's not like, you know, he sprinkles, he sprinkles in comic relief here. It's like, right it's like because there's not a lot of comic relief. Like when it comes, it's like, whoa, it really hits you. Yeah, no. the minute Well, yeah. So definitely the one I watched the other, they're more serious tone to movies for sure. So yeah.
Yeah, but that's David Lynch for you. Yeah, because I can't help but compare with to Twin Peaks. That definitely has a lot more comic relief, but it's but like very similar lines from that from this movie I could see being in Twin Peaks. But yeah, ah yeah i think I think that's it for for Blue

'Mulholland Drive': Unraveling Lynchian Mysteries

Velvet. so Let's get into the meat and potatoes of this episode and talk about Mulholland Drive. It is your first time watching this. This was my first time watching this. This is the second David Lynch movie I think I've seen. And don't ask me to tell you, I know I saw it. It was a lost highway. I watched it, I think when it, you know, basically when it came out way back in the day. Is that the one with Bill Pullman?
Yes, that is the one I think and you could correct me if I'm wrong or or maybe I watched the if if the dates don't work out, it means that I watched it maybe a year or two after I think Independence Day. So that's how I was familiar with the actor. Yeah. And then so I saw this movie through it all and it was like and i I granted, I mean, I was young, but it's like I remember thinking I was like, I don't know what the fuck I just watched.
and And then that's pretty much ah my I guess my my my review from way back then on Lost Highway. I don't know what the fuck I just watched. ah ah survey I don't know much about that movie being like very erotic, very, very sexual.
Uh, yeah, like I said, I remember pretty much nothing about it. I just, I know that I did watch it and i and I know that at the end of it, it was just that, that's exactly what I did. And I think that because of that, it's just, it wasn't even something I reflected on. It was, so I think it just like, it just, my memory kind of washed it and I was just like, I'm going to go watch Independence Day again, which did not age well.
But back in the day, that was the cat's ass. but Anyway, this isn't a Bo Pullman episode. It is not, nor are we supposed to be talking about Lost Highway. and So, okay, you said earlier that David Lynch and his movies can be very polarizing. Yes. And what I will say to start off, because you had me watch this, is that I can see why it kind of has the popularity that it does. I can see why some people like it. I can definitely see why you like it. But I have to be honest, just starting off, like, if this wasn't a recommendation you had given me, this is a movie I would have shut off probably 20, 30 minutes into it. And I found it a chore to get through.
Oh, no. I stopped the movie halfway through. I was just like, I need a beer. So it's funny, Sam, because because because i I know some people have said um when it comes to David Lynch movies, they wish they would have saw some others before they watched Mulholland Drive. Right.
uh yeah and and then that's like and maybe i think the thing is for me like it's like i i won't say i didn't follow the story like i i won't say i followed all of it like in that obviously it's it's a movie i think that you gain more from watching it a few more times um but like in general I guess for me it's like I just you're talking about like Dennis Hopper and his dialogue that's just popping like for for me like the most of the movie like I just
none and None of the characters were were really like likable or relatable, and and I understand that the majority of this is because he's trying to paint the social commentary of Hollywood. And I don't think that that's very subtle in that movie to to any degree.
and And I think it's just this commentary on on I guess like because I think at this point he was popular enough that he could Basically tell this story, right? and then again So so so so originally this is supposed to be a TV show and then he morphed it into a movie I Not really sure how you'd make a TV show out of this but Okay but but but No, no, I think that the original script was a TV show and I think because the studio is like, no, no, no, we're not giving a TV show. You guys drink this. Right. fine I made this into a movie, I guess. Yeah. So yeah. And I mean, like, it's again, I mean, I like how many times have you seen? Have you seen it more than once then? I've seen it.
Well, so the The first time I watched it, it was a very memorable experience when I first watched this movie. So it was in college. um It was with, I think we were snowed in. And this was when um you like there was no Netflix streaming yet. like You got Netflix DVDs in the mail. right um and and And I told my roommates and my roommate's girlfriend who was over,
um like Guys, i had I heard some good things about this movie. like let's let's Let's get some food. Let's get our drinks. Let's watch this. yeah And so it was the it was the four of us. And we all like like lost ourselves in this movie. And when I say lost ourselves, I think that was probably for the best with with the way of watching it, because It wasn't so much of like, oh my God, like what is happening? what What the heck is happening? It's not like, okay, we don't need to answer the question. What is happening? I think the question is like, are you feeling this movie? Like, are you feeling what's happening? Right. And I think that's what separates like people liking it and disliking it.
Like, if you're going in and you're feeling everything that's happening, you're going to enjoy the movie. If you're watching me be like, what the fuck is happening? I don't know what's going on. What's going on? You're not going to like it. The only thing I was feeling was my achy, breaky heart. Oh, yeah.
ah Because like ah for for for the amount of theories that we gathered after we watched this movie, like we were talking about it for days. on it when we watched it. And it it it it may it it gave me an appreciation for it then, but then like, so but you asked me if how many watch time many how many times I watched this. So I watched it again, I think it was like four years later after that. And then that's when it was I was understanding more of it, because I was like, okay,
Now I'm seeing with Naomi West, because obviously she she's the main character. yeah She's on the poster. We gotta understand what the hell is going on with her. so and And I'll say about this a lot before we we started the show, and like I'm glad we did this episode when we did, because it's making me relate to it more now, because I know as far as her eyes of seeing Hollywood is very, you know,
is is a dream that you start off with. Yeah, like in the even the way that the the thing is shot, like it's yeah very bright, very vibrant. Everything's very bright. Like she's all, you know, bright eyed, bushy tailed kind of deal, like very naive coming to Hollywood, ah you know, and that's yeah and like everything happening to her are very, it's very like what would happen to dream like everything's working out.
She's getting what she wants. like She's killing her performances. like i remember that I remember the scene when um she does that audition, I think, with with that old guy. Yeah. I was like, oh my God. I mean, she does freaking kill. like she That is some bad fucking acting right there. um but ah yeah and then um So it made me think as as far as, you know, because Hollywood, yeah, it's supposed to feel like that this this is what people imagine Hollywood will be when they move there. It is very dreamlike. They expect it to be like what Naomi Watts is going through. um But then, you know, but that's when the rude awakening happens. That's when reality sinks in.
That's when, like, you understand, like, you wish you could go be, you could live in that, but you can't. You have to understand, like, it's all facade, it's like, that's figure, it's all smoke and mirrors, really, like, what you're imagining isn't real, like, Hollywood does a good job of hiding what it's really like. They want you- That's some Harry Houdini shit. Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly.
so I bring this up because I recently have been like dreaming a lot more recently. um And it's it's weird in a way. Because there are some dreams where it would be like dreams like right before I would like wake up like you know and go go out go about my day. um And I'm thinking it's so real and I want it to be real.
And then when I actually do it, I'm like, fuck, no, I want to go back to that. No, I don't want to go. And I'm imagining what's in this and like and then because it shows how like what the end. Well, I don't want to go into spoilers or anything with that, but like, you know, she she kind of, you know, she she she's a much different person than that. They show her at the end and they have her in the beginning. It's. Yeah. um But I remember um Well, I think it was, I think it was the stage place. Oh, wait, no, ah wait, before I go into that, I want to know what you thought of the scene. Because this scene, I feel like is pivotal for the whole movie. It kind of like is the crux, I'd say, is when you have the one guy in the diner talking to that detective guy.
and then he walks him out and he's talking about how he's like terrified because he had this dream and then then he goes to the back alley sees like the demon dude or whatever yeah that's the scene I'm talking about so how do you interpret that scene Well, okay, and it correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like, so David Lynch is not the type of guy that comes out and he says, this is what I mean in my movies. like he yeah he's He's not that guy. No, no, no. Right. So, and and that just is like, it's it's your own interpretation. i Like, to be honest, like, and and this is the thing is like, i I only watched this last night. I was thinking about it a bit at work today because I'm trying to, you know, I guess, ah
I asked make some connections and stuff right and because it's it's definitely a movie that you have to sit there and think about and and figure out what it is that you just watched and that scene for me like
I feel like it's similar to the, um, when they go to the play and then the guy is just talking about, uh, you know, it's all, it's all, it's all a mirage, right? Like there, there is no band or whatever you're saying in Spanish, obviously. And I feel like you you kind kind of, you kind of see her like freaking out a bit or Naomi Watts character. She's like shaking or whatever. Cause I think that's what like reality is like coming in.
Yeah and it's and that's what I mean so it's like it's commentary on the story that's taking place because it's basically like she's there's her there's the actual I guess events occurring and then there's like whatever she's like basically dreamt up in her mind yeah and then that demon like I think it's supposed to represent I think some to some degree like I guess like the dream that never was or something like that because he he's got that there's that box with the key and everything like that so it's like I don't know and I'm not gonna say that I've made I guess all the connections I suppose for myself about what it all means but in that that's the thing right I guess it's it's it's a movie realistically if I want to give it like I think a fair review
I'd probably have to watch it at least another time. Yeah. Maybe three and then have a couple days to think about it and like be like, okay, like, what is this? And then okay, yeah, because like, you know, and and and like I've told this, I've told you before is like, I do, you know, I do write a bit in my spare time, it's a bit of a hobby of mine. So it's like, I can't appreciate that kind of stuff. And and I do like to, you know, to to make my own interpretations of all those types of things. It's just,
Yeah, like for this movie though. It's just I don't really see myself doing that long term because yeah, I guess that I just The movie didn't pop for me like it just you know I wouldn't say that there was like memorable dialogue for the most part like there was a couple scenes that that actually were pretty good, but I'd say that 90% of it is just I don't know it just kind of seemed like cut enough and it does start to explain itself I guess ah you know near the end of the movie but I think for me by that point I'm just like I i guess I don't really care that much. You were checked out.
yeah like it's just and I don't know I don't know and and sometimes and there's been movies like that that you watch though too is that like you'll watch it once and you're like yeah that was kind of shit and then you watch it another time you're like with a different frame of mind right you're in a different you know you're a different mood or something like that you're like oh this is pretty good so maybe it's one of those types of movies I don't really know I mean I knew going in that it was gonna be a weird one. So I did brace myself for that. I knew it was probably not going to be like lighthearted. It was probably going to be a little bit, you know, a little bit, I guess, more somber or whatever you want to call it. um But yeah, like, I guess, to go back to your question about that, like, that detective scene, like, really for me, like, that's, that's the one that, like,
It kind of stands out. I didn't really make the connection there 100% for myself yet to be able to, I guess, answer that question. But I'm curious, is like, you know, what are your take on on all these types of things and fill in some of those gaps for me. Yes. I want to go into that scene with the the monster behind the alleyway. Yeah. So I see it as with, um,
I see it with Diane, sorry, let me make sure I got the names. To make it easier for the listeners, Naomi Watts' character, i see I see her being that monster. I mean, not like not like literally, like figuratively, the monster, since, you know, she and in the way she deals with it is she comes up with this dream of the life and ah of Hollywood and how she wishes it could be.
Right. But really, she is that monster. And and and that's it. And it's like her hiding the monster because that's why it's hidden behind the alleyway. Yeah, that so which that kind of makes sense because once he's talking to the the hitman, like later on, then yes.
He hands her that blue key and stuff. The blue, yes. Okay, you saw that. Okay, you got that. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Okay. I could see that. And I mean, like, that there's ah also that other scene where she opens the box and then she tumbles inside of it, basically, and then drops the box. I think you got that one scene. So it's like, yeah, ah that that makes sense. Yeah. I'd say that that makes sense. Yeah. So that's something I didn't get until the second time. And then.
And then that's when I really like could put piece certain things together, but that's just crazy about this movie. Cause like, yeah, the first time I was just like, Oh man, I'm really feeling this. like Like I don't know what's going on, but this is just one of the craziest things I ever saw. Um, but, uh, yeah. Uh, so I'm trying to think what else like I didn't like, that was like the main thing. Like to know like what the movie was like trying to get across.
Yeah. Other than the Hollywood, you know, like what we're saying, oh, that could be more surface level um with, you know, how Hollywood, and how we dream it up to be and what the reality really is and how yeah fucked up it all is. It only gets more fucked up, you know, as we learn more about it. um But, uh, yeah, I'm trying to think what else
I mean, ah I'm sure that there's some nice actors you got to see. I mean, you saw your boy Billy Ray Cyrus. There you go. and Nice little cameo. Okay, actually, just as a side question, like is there other movies he's done? Like, I didn't even... You know what I mean? Like, it was just this weird seeing him there. yeah I actually do not know. I can't think... um Wait, no. I actually did the video short for Old Town Road, but I mean, that's a music video. It doesn't really count, so...
like I feel like maybe sometimes I confuse Billy Ray and Tim McGraw. Well, maybe. So I want to say he's in other things. Yeah, it could be I guess i got I could have looked into it myself. I guess I don't know. Sometimes i yeah I'm just curious. I don't know. It was just it was a weird scene in there. like And like ah yeah and i don't I didn't actually make 100% of the connection until I saw the credits and I was like, what the fuck? Because I mean, like obviously, this movie came out 20 some odd years ago. So ah yeah.
It's interesting. ah I think one of the, well because we're on the whole Hollywood thing, one of the scenes that I think sticks out more to me is ah when the director is meeting the, I guess the two essentially studio executives or or somebody. people Wait, we're talking about Justin Theroux, right?
Yes, Justin Thoreau. yeah And there's the two guys and then Buddy Hands him like the one of the world's like best espressos and he like spits it up because nothing's good enough for him, right? so Yeah. And then he's like, this is your girl. This is who you're gonna pick for your movie. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I remember that.
Like, okay, I guess I got a few questions about the movie though, especially with Justin Thoreau's characters. Like, why did he have that golf club? He just had a single golf club. Like, was he, did he bring it with him with the intent to smash up somebody's car?
Because he had the whole set at home when he got home. He was like, if he had the whole set in his battle, okay, yeah, he went golfing. That makes sense. Who carries a single golf club? like for that The only explanation I could have for a single du golf club is if you're taking it to the jabbing range. I mean, I guess you think that you'd take a couple of clubs with you, though. like You would think. but you know I don't know. or That's my own explanation. But but maybe maybe it was. Maybe that was his intent. Maybe it was a safety thing.
You know, there's some crazy fuckers in L.A. You never know when you need a golf club. You know, it's just, it scares somebody. It could be. I mean, that that that said, he does take it into the house with him and deposit it with us, so he doesn't leave it in his car all the time. So it's like, I don't know, I don't know why I'm fixing it on the golf club. But there was little things in the movie where I was just like, well, what's going on with that? Like, I don't get it. Like, i the thing is too, like speaking of Billy Ray too, is like, I think for me, and maybe if I watched a second time, it it'd be different, but it's like,
I was confused about like his relationship because he comes home he finds i his his spouse partner whatever wife like cheating on him but then simultaneously during I think this like he's supposed to be uh kind of involved with that brunette girl too isn't he like
And that that's where I was like, I was a little, not to say that, obviously, directors, like that he probably would cheat and stuff. It's fine, but it's like, then why is he so mad when he gets home and finds his wife? Again, I mean, I guess I can answer my own question. It's just like, yeah. I just think he just can't believe it's happening to him. Like, you know, you know for him, it's for him to do it. so Okay. Yeah. kindcri guess But that that whole story, I guess. Hollywood, I guess. That's Hollywood. I think it's supposed to be another theme about it. yeah It could be like, I don't know. I mean, like,
Yeah, I just I can see directors being, you know, tricks and think they're they're above all. So do do you think that maybe that that was like some self commentary on him? Because obviously he is a director. I mean, like the way that you write. I mean, yeah, I know it's about him personally, but I'm sure he's he's's he knows right how directors can be. And he's's he's been around the world, been around that world for so long. Okay. And I'm sure people have asked him, like, who' who's the inspiration behind this? right right yeah Yeah, so I mean, like, I don't know. I mean, like, again, like, it's ah I don't think it's it's a movie that I will rewatch. But I mean, again, I understand the appeal to some people. ah One thing that I did, ah I noticed a lot of similarities with another movie that actually came out in 2001.
And I kind of i kind of want to list off these similarities in the middle of the movie at the end. Because I was thinking about this over work today and I don't know why I started thinking about this and making these types of connections. Tell me, tell me. Okay.
So the first thing that I know that both movies have and it's something that Hollywood has a a nasty tendency to do is like time jumps. So like the movie starts and then it's just like oh okay wait let's backtrack like a couple weeks or a couple years or whatever and then they'll just kind of keep jumping around. I think a lot of times to hide what is basically a very ah a plot that is that is lacking right like because there's not a lot of substance there.
so And Mulholland Drive, it does do you that. that that there's There's some time jumping involved. And and and so this this other movie does it as well. Mulholland Drive, and there's some social commentary on Hollywood, obviously. And then this other movie, it opens up like the first line of dialogue is commentary, strong commentary on Hollywood.
uh there is also uh the the running theme of like illusions or like you know misdirection and stuff like that right because that's that's when when the guys in maul holland drive like the guy at the the the the theater that they're watching right he's just like yeah there is no band kind of deal right yeah and then Last, I would say that it seemed to me, and and I don't like, this is the thing, is like I don't want it to make it seem like I'm a prude, I don't have an issue with nudity, I don't have an issue with sex, I just feel like it it should
it should add some sort of substance to the plot because if I just want to watch like a dumb movie with tits and stuff like that I'll just throw on like piranha 3d or something like that like and that's fine like that's that type of movie this nudity in the sex scenes honestly I think it's intended to be artistic in this movie and it just ends up being gratuitous and this other movie also has some gratuitous titties that that don't really add anything to the plot it's just gratuitous titty The last thing is that both names of these two movies provide no indication on the movie's genre or what it's about. Do you have any idea which movie I'm talking about? Uh, Vanilla Sky? Uh, no, I don't- did that come out in 2001? Uh, I'm guessing, maybe. Oh, okay, I don't- actually, I didn't mind playing Vanilla Sky. No, the movie I'm talking about is Swordfish.
Oh yeah, I don't really remember that one. Yeah. Well there's, you remember the titties, I'm assuming. I do, I remember the holly bear, I remember she's topless, yes. Yeah, she yeah like she got like a big bonus, I think, for that one. so And then again, like the first the first line in the movie is, you know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit.
And then there's the whole underlying theme, misdirection, stuff like that. And i've got movie well there's there's the bullet time explosion that they wanted to show twice because I'm sure it was very expensive to shoot. So and that's that's why they kind of did that time jump for the movie, which really doesn't. It's not necessary, but I'm kind of glad they did because it is a cool scene. I don't care what anybody says.
yeah Yeah. I don't know. That's a movie that is funny because like that's a movie that gets a lot of hate. Whereas, like honestly, I actually enjoyed it. I mean, like I don't think I was really asking for very much anyways. And then versus Mulholland Drive, like I feel like that's a movie that a lot of people that have seen it, I think, love it. And I guess for me, it just like it it it just it didn't didn't jive with me, I suppose.
Yeah, i mean I remember that the the sex scene with them, and especially seeing it the second time made me think how, I guess for the moment, I mean, what Hollywood used to be, um like very, you know, had to be very heterosexual. um Yeah. And and how how even even in this, is a lot a lot of what was portrayed in the films, very hetero,
And then like, then okay, then outside that, okay, now it can be ourselves. Now we can get we can have a homosexuality, but it has to be like behind closed doors. No one knows about it. It has to be a secret. I mean, like, that's yeah, i saw i mean I get that. and I mean, the movie came out in 2001. I mean, yeah, I'll try a big deal back then. i Well, just share that.
maybe but i mean movies prior to that and like i mean that you only have one a couple years i mean you had like wild things which has a three-way yeah cruel intentions which again has like girls making out and stuff like that yeah but this was but around the time but but i mean the difference is that this one actually felt like love that just felt like but You know, just two two girls getting it on. Okay. the day yeah yeah Actually, felt for for me personally, for me personally, I felt a connection between Nimmy Watts and the other girl.
Even though that the connection was was clearly something that was, uh... I think one-sided, right? it was It was an illusion, too. Yeah. She was lying to herself. Actually, okay. But it was told in a way... with way like I believed it. James, there is a very, very odd scene in this movie now that we're talking about this. is like um i' suggest like for For any listeners, and like and i I don't know if this is a common thing that people do. Your cowboy? Huh? The cowboy?
The cat one? No, I'm not talking about the cat one. I'm gonna say. the people every Everyone, man, woman, like everyone has done this at least once. Everyone has cried. That is true. And I also believe that everyone, you know, man, woman has done it at least once. They masturbate. One thing I can tell you I have never done He's crying while masturbating, James. yeah That's a weird scene. And like, I think you should go talk to somebody at that point. think I think it is an indication that something is not right.
ah Man, maybe I need to watch this again. That's actually a scene. I don't remember it was and even though it was shot It was weird because the camera is shaking It's going in and out of focus as the tears are are going because she's staring at the ceiling Yeah, and then you get like a top shot of like what she's actually doing and they're just like I I just like I guess for me. It's like I Okay, like yeah, it's not healthy. I don't understand it like I I just, what is going on? See, you yeah you keep asking, you say, like, what's going on? What's happening? See, exactly my point before. But that's, but yeah, but like, but that's what I'm saying is like, I i get it. But at the same time, it's like, I could just make a mishmash of anything and be like, oh, look, I put in some fancy fucking nudity and stuff like that.
it it and put in my monocle and my top hat, get on my little highbrow horse there, and be like, look at the blue we are making. There's no espresso good enough for this gentleman over here.
yeah Man, you're making me want to rewatch this now. Good. I mean, and this is the thing too, is like, I mean, like, yeah, I'm not going to, you know, I like to be candid, I suppose. And this is why I'm also intrigued because you said that we're going to watch another movie. Yes. By him. So it's like, and then if I end up not liking this one, I guess, like for me, maybe it's just not the director for me to find the types of movies for me. Well, it's going to be the real test because it's got one of your favorite actors.
yeah with a very polarizing director. Yes. And ah and and it's not to say I don't like these types of movies. There are other movies that don't follow, I think, that the typical kind of a Hollywood, I don't know if you want to call it like Flo or just the the typical kind of like movie, essentially. Yeah.
um and and And I have enjoyed some some of the movies like that, so it's not that i I can't, and it's not that I can't wrap my head around around it or anything like that. It's just that, yeah, for this one, it just, yeah, I guess it just it didn't didn't tick a lot of boxes for me. Didn't jive, didn't jive with it. not Not really, and I mean like, you know, and I did watch it with the woman, like she was curious, and you know her her review, very similar to mine, was the the highlight of the movie was the titties, James.
a so so so it It does depend on the... it's It's a very experienced type of movie. It's it's ah it's all about the ride.
It is. And I will say that afterwards, I mean, she was, ah you know, doing a bit of research to figure out what she had just watched. yeah I had some ideas myself. I was like, I don't really know. I mean, like, yeah, I was like trying to. But so I there must have been a little bit of curiosity there, I suppose. But to but yeah, like, I mean, it's. ah It's an experience. I mean it is like I said it is polarizing. We said that at the start I mean, and if you haven't seen it, I think that I actually think that Going into it knowing a little is is definitely beneficial like if you read a review on it or or even just having listened to us today, I think it gives you a bit of a
bit of a primer going into it, you know what I mean? So that way you have some expectations on what to look for so that maybe it's not as confusing and not as jarring. No, I disagree. I think this is not the first David Lynch movie you should watch. I think you should watch other films, but still go to this plot. No, no, I meant before you watched the movie, and and I would rarely say this and in terms of, because I like to go into movies blind, but it's like, yeah I'd almost recommend somebody to read the review or listen to like an episode like we just read just recorded on talking about some stuff. so That way, you know, you know what to narrow in on when you're watching it the first time.
Yeah, I think especially if if you see if you see Twin Peaks and then you watch this and be like, yep, this is the same guy. I get a lot of this foot from ah from the from the work he did. And and there's a lot of influence from it. um But Okay, so, but it's nice that, you know, it's been a while since since we' we've been on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to a movie, where we're reviewing. So this is this kind of nice? I would say so. I mean, typically, yeah, like, because I, i yeah, like, it's usually I think that we're we're on the same page and maybe that makes it boring after a while. I know, right? Exactly. It's good that this happens. is it and and And that's why I'm excited to dive into another one. Because I think
David Lynch deserves, he deserves two episodes from us. Because because I think we did, what, did do we do two episodes for um for David, for for David who? We did we did two for Scorsese. Oh, I thought, did we do two for David Fincher too? No, I don't think we did. I could be wrong, I don't think we did though. Okay, we did, okay. I think the only director we've done two episodes on was Scorsese. Okay.
It's not to say that we can't do more, you know, in the future. Well, well for for David Lynch's sake, it's more because we have not seen enough of his dicksock or is his filmography. I would say so. I mean, like I said, I had watched only the one and then this one now. ah Yeah, I mean, like I wouldn't say this one left me with ah the fact that I just watched. That said, mean I'm also a lot older, but So it explains that too, because I figured I got more appreciation of it when I got older. And I feel like I was, I feel like I was, because when I was 20, 2021 when I first saw it, and then I was probably like 30 when I, no, I was probably like upper twenties when I saw it again. But anyway, yeah, so for me, this is the Sleepy Games masterpiece classic.
um For me, like even now, and it's like is's like there's so much that I'm intrigued by. like I can't wait to watch it again now because I feel like like thinking about it more when you're watching it and just reading up on certain things, but all right, I think I got it now. I'm like, it's all good. But especially having the having the dreams I was having these past couple of weeks, I was like, oh man, this is probably what he was going for so much in this film.
um But yeah. I'm curious about these dreams that you don't want to wake up from. Dude, I can't go on to them. I can't talk about them in the show. Like even for me, I'm just like, what the hell am I thinking about? I'm just like, how does someone dream up these things? Right.
like but yeah it's all anyway yeah because you're saying that this is this is the five this is the sleepy games instant classic instant classic whereas for me it i i i have to give it a one it's a movie that i would have shut off and i know i would have shut it off had i not had to watch it for for you know for for this episode that's okay so hey and we we we respect all opinions here on the cp games no and and and and that's just is like just because i don't like it and then this is the thing too it's like and i'm not one of those people i'm just like oh i don't like it so nobody can like it it's one of those things where it's it's not for me like it's just it's uh it's just not like and i i can see why like i said and i'd say that but any movies review review too even if i don't like them i was like i i get it like somebody else likes it's like
Don't let me rain on your parade or anything like that. Look at this. But but yeah, no, it's it's getting a one. All right. See, see, and this is a great reason why I'm glad we joined another episode, because now we're going to go into into watching a film that neither of us, David Finch, David Lynch film, neither of us have

What's Next? 'Wild at Heart' Teaser

seen. Yes. That has your favorite, one of your favorite actors, Nicolas Cage. And this film is called Wild at Heart. Um,
and um um It stars Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern. I know it's Laura Dern that stars in a lot of his movies. Yeah, well directors always have their ah favorite actors, I think. Yes, yes. It should be interesting. I'm just looking at the poster and one review says, a wild ride in a must-see USA Today. Okay.
it can It's interesting because I'm not going to say I've seen all of Nick Cage's movies. I haven't. He's done a lot. ah But there have not been a lot of movies that I didn't enjoy. To be honest, like the only thing the only one I'm thinking of right now that I really like didn't like it was Ghost Rider 2. That was a weird movie. I never even saw that one. i cause i but I actually really enjoyed the first one. The first Ghost Rider was like a I like that. I know that it kind of got to not great reviews and stuff. I don't think a lot of people liked it, but I did. But the second one, yeah, that one was like, no, I don't really know about this. Well, I'm glad I skipped it as well. But I'm excited to to watch a new Nicolas Cageberry, especially with you. Yes.
I prefer i've murdered it like I said, I prefer to do that. I mean, ah and if this is earlier work by David Lynch and you know, maybe it'll be a bit more. Yeah. So so I think this is the film he did right before he came out with Twin Peaks. Right. OK. And in like, you know, like 11 years before Mulholland Drive and like five years or four years after Blue Velvet. OK. And what is this movie called? It's called Wild at Heart.
wild at heart that is yeah next week's recommendation yes it is i'm very very excited to uh to review it with you hopefully maybe this film will will turn a new leaf for you as far as david lynch films we'll see Oh yeah, like we'll see. You'll know. and then And then if it's a good review, then I guess he's polarizing even to an individual person. Yeah. that' That's what's going to be fun for you, I think, especially because Niko's cage is one of your favorite actors. and
and And now, in you giving Mahalo Java one, this is going to be yeah very exciting. that That will be an interesting... ah maybe Maybe I need to give two reviews. One one should be the movie, the other one should be Nick Cage's performance. Yeah, well, I think for every Nick Cage movie we review in the future, we'll have separate reviews always for his performance versus the movie. Love it, buddy. Love it. Awesome. but So that does it for us.
we see all next week for part two cheers a ah break each cheers