Oscar Recap Kickoff
You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
And we are back for another episode of the Sleepy Games Podcast. This is our Oscar recap episode. i think it's our first time doing this. Is that right, Sleepy Sleepy
I... I'll go with that. That sounds good,
Oscar Picks and Ceremony Highlights
buddy. So we we we we had our picks for what we thought would win ah for the Oscars.
And we we will dive into it, talk about some of the the big things that happened with the show. Some craziness, lack of craziness.
ah But... We want to go into all those things.
Passion for the Oscars: A Super Bowl Equivalent?
ah Because the Oscars, you to me, it's like the Super Bowl. That's how excited I am for the Oscars. I've watched it religiously every year since I was like, probably middle school?
Or high school? So, it' i ah um' I'm excited to ah to recap it with you, Sleepy John. For someone who's not really into it as much as me. Well, I mean, you know what? like It warms my heart that you're choosing me So, yeah, yeah maybe maybe eventually i'll I'll get into it more.
it's It's not really, again, it's not anything against the Oscars. just I'm not big on awards shows and and stuff and in general. like yeah This is is my thing. so ah Too many politics.
I don't think... I think it's kind of cool you were telling me last week ah for like the the SAG Awards where it's like actually voted on by other
SAG Awards: Authenticity and Stunt Recognition
actors. like Yes. That kind of makes sense, right? like I mean...
To me, that that's the only vote that should really matter in a way. Although I suppose popularity and politics works its way into that too sometimes. Well, but now when it's actors writing on actors, read the but with the Oscars, there's a lot more technical awards.
Right. of So, you know, you got to give love to everyone. Even though I thought this year... They were gonna have, but I know for the for the SAG Awards, they had the category for best stunt ensemble.
Right, yes. yeah For some reason, I thought there was something I read that the Oscars were gonna include stunt performer or something, but maybe that's something down the road, so... um They're alwaysre always trying to make the show better and try to include everyone they can.
um But I'm glad the SAG Awards did that and they gave it to the right movie for the Fall Guys since the movie is literally about stunt performers. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty on the nose, but appropriate.
Tradition of Watching Oscar-Nominated Films
yeah um but But before we get into the recap, I actually watched one of the Oscar films um before the Oscars ah last night.
I watched The ah a Complete Unknown
but the The movie about Bob Dylan. The Bob Dylan value pick. Yeah, yeah. With ah how Adam Sandler says, Timothy, Chalamet!
I assume you watched that part. ah Yeah, I guess ah I'm curious. like Did Adam Sandler actually leave or did he did he come back? like was it I think he left. He was committed.
don't remember him any part of the show. Well, so actually missed the... So
Oscar Ceremony Confusion and Highlights
I thought the Oscars started at 8 o'clock.
And it actually, it's Eastern time. right And it actually started seven o'clock. So I was way off. so So I literally, I get back home, i put on the TV and it's already Kieran Culkin accepting the award for best supporting actor. I'm like, right what?
How did I miss? What did I miss? It was like 7.30. So I'm like, shit. So I missed the entire opening monologue by Codem. Cause that ran for like almost 20 minutes.
um and And I think that was the first award that ah they presented was for Best Supporting Actor. So I literally just popped it on right when that happened.
Bob Dylan Biopic: 'A Complete Unknown' Analysis
But what we'll dab in there shortly, but I want to talk about A Complete Unknown.
I really love it. I mean, I guess I'm a sucker for biopics. um especially with musicians i you know i like somewhat and so like whenever whenever i watch a movie like this i i appreciate them even more it makes me want to listen to their music again um i remember feeling that way with uh with ray with with jimmy fox and ray charles and Johnny Cash with Walk the Line, and um numerous others. And this was no different.
um I thought Timothy did and amazing performance. He completely lost himself in the role. um he He got that that his voice down and I didn't realize he was such an asshole.
Man, Bob Dylan is really this is is a big asshole. It's really funny. Is that right? Well, I mean, you know, a likable asshole, you know? Right. A lovable asshole, as we say on this show, right? Those are the best assholes.
ah But yeah, it was a great supporting cast
Dramatization in Dylan's Story and Musical Evolution
too. was surprised how good Edward Norton was. kind of played, wasn't someone that Bob Dylan looked up to, but he kind of met him the same way.
a hospital room of this other singer that Bob Dylan looked up to. i forget, blanking on his name right now, but he kind of tied to the story a lot. Like, they kept going back to him. But, like, he he was, like, a famous folk singer that I think someone had he just developed some sort of cancer, some disease where he couldn't sing anymore. Like, he kind of lost ah all it is his his movements. Like, he couldn't function properly anymore. So he's just...
locked to a bed in the hospital ward. It was kind of sad, but it showed like how much of inspiration he was to Bob Dylan. so ah So I saw this pretty quick. Because there's so many things that that they go into, they i have no idea. Of course, they they dramatize certain things, but I don't know.
um I assume that a lot of it is real or like more things than not, so I would assume. um But it was cool seeing some of his love life and how his his like folksy music turned more into rock and roll.
And you kind of saw the relationship he had with Johnny Cash as well and how they they kind of both... ah were rooting for each other to to do good and, you know, whenever they were had some sort of ah different inspiration to change up their music that they were always like, you know, like go for it. Like, don't, don't like just appeal to the record execs and tell you, Oh, you can only be a certain way. Like if you're feeling something different, go for it. And and like he, he met a different, time all different types of musicians and it kind of changed how he played.
So yeah you can, you can do anything you set your mind to James. Anything you set your mind to. Yeah. Yeah, you know it. You know it. That was too funny.
But um yeah, I think you'll like, especially if you like Bob Dylan's music, I think you would really enjoy it um so you should give it a watch. Good Oscar watch. watch.
Oscar Traditions and Conan's Monologue
yeah oscar what But and that's always a tradition of mine is to watch one, at least one of the best picture nominees for like the ask ask actual show.
Makes sense. um Because I feel more kind of, I feel more invested in it when when I do that. So it was a good choice because Timothy Chalamet is a,
He's knocking out of the park. like I feel like every year he's he's got something big. This year he two big movies with Dune 2 as well. That's right. this so fe He's everywhere. um but Anyway, getting to the show. Unless there's anything you watch you talk about.
Before we dive in? ah No, no, I'm good. Let's let's just dive in, buddy. Okay, so I had you watch the monologue. You did, you did, yeah yes. Now, when you watched your version, because you were telling me that the link I sent you, you couldn't see in Canada.
Yeah, there there's lots we don't see in Kieran. Yeah, I mean, I think that... I'm pretty sure I found a good one. like he He starts the show by basically coming out of Demi Moore, which is literally coming out of her.
Yes, that was so funny. It was a little jarring. Well, if you saw the movie... Yeah, I'll bet that it has, like, a lot to do with that. Yes. I have not seen the movie.
But, yeah, it was, like, his monologue in general, I mean, it was pretty good. Like, I actually laughed a few times, which, you know, sometimes, like, you'll be watching something, you'll be like, oh, that's kind of funny, but you're not actually laughing. Right, right, right. But this time, you know, found myself actually laughing, so...
it was ah It was pretty good. There was some pretty good cameos. I liked the Dune Worm. That was pretty cool. I knew we had some wacky stuff. yeah ah you never i i wait but Especially with Conan, he's going to have some wackiness involved.
Right. He's not afraid to shoot for the fences. and No, no. And I mean, yeah, it was it was entertaining. Like, I enjoyed it. i Like, like some of his ah ah who was he?
Who was he telling? He's just like, he's like, oh, by the way, my name is Jimmy Kimmel. Oh, yeah. Yeah. you He was because because that was a great shot fired at him because I feel like it because it's ABC who broadcast this and Jimmy Kimmel is like the ABC talk show host.
Yeah. So he's usually the go to guy when it comes to the Oscars.
Oscar Performances and James Bond Tribute
So I was so glad to pick someone different. I don't think Jimmy Kimmel is that funny. um and and so they poke fun at uh the actress who's been getting a lot of flack for her role because she had like some some racist tweets and you know oh that's right that's who well yeah right yeah yeah and then it just showed you me came on onto it was so great yeah it was good it was good uh yeah and i
It was good. Like, I mean, ah Adam Sandler had a bit of a ah performance there. ah Yeah. yeah He left, I guess. He had to hit a pickup basketball game to get to That's right. Yes, he did. We're all invited. Yeah.
was It was funny he mentioned that, like, because I forget, like, when they, you know, the time of day it is. Like, it is 4 o'clock when the Oscars start there. So it's funny how they talk about, oh, yeah, everyone's coming from, like, all-you-can-drink brunch.
Or, like, way have people having boundless mimosas and Bloody Marys to the Oscars. ah I thought that the one part that was really funny was with ah John Lithgow.
ah His yeah is like disappointing face like when yeah when someone's like dragging on too long. And and so then i wish I would have saw that before the show because i would have it would been funny if they went to him when Adrian Brody was accepting his award for best actor.
He went on and on and just talking in circles. Right. Come on, Adrian. i mean, I get it. Like, you know, like when you have the best actor, he said some nice things like in the beginning. it's I hate when someone does a speech and they say they're not going to talk long and then they talk long.
That's the worst thing. I hate when that happens. I'm like, come on, dude. What are you doing? Well, I mean, like, you know, ah you can tell he's lying when he says that, right, James?
Because, you know, his nose gets longer. Oh, my God. He's got big nose. Oh, my God. I was like thinking, is that, were you going there? Okay, you went there, okay. Yeah, I went there, I went there.
but But I saw some memes with, ah so was it was Cillian Murphy who presented him the the award. And whenever the presenter you know gives him the award, like they're always standing like on the side.
And saw some memes of like his like face is just like... like ah The face when someone makes when someone's just talking in circles and they don't know like yeah don't know when to end their point. and he's just Because he's had so many good memes ever since ah Oppenheimer.
ah But it's good seeing him. It's it's good seeing Killian again. cause ah Because I feel like he's going to be big in... I don't know about this year, but next year. Because I know that he's supposed to be the sequel to...
28 Days Later. Sounds like he's killing it. Oh, nice. oh But anyway, so... Yeah, so strong monologue from Conan.
And then we and we we had to talk about as well as he, because we were literally talking about the Kendrick and Drake beef. And of course, Conan brings it up. And love, it's funny to me because you know these aren't like improvised things from Conan. These are lines written for the show.
And this passed. People are just like, oh yeah, this is going to kill. Pass this. And lo i love I love how he's saying, like oh, we're halfway through the show.
yeah Like it's halftime. Kendrick Lamar halftime. And this is when Kendrick Lamar will call Drake a pedophile. And the funny thing is like when with when Kendrick performed, he never he never called he never said pedophile.
Yeah, they censored it, you said, for the... Well, he censored He censored it himself. When he did it, there was some kind of sound effect for that part.
But you know everybody knows what it is. um But but as it's funny how i Conan just like... Right out said it. And then you he gets a good laugh. And he's just like, I'm fine. He's like, I'm lawyered up.
Come get me. I love that. He's like, come sue me, bitch. Come sue me.
and Yeah, that that was the definitely that that was definitely the punchline on that, Drew. Yes, it was. The punchline made that. That was yeah, so so even even outside the monologue, I think Conan was still doing well. i mean, there were other things, too, but I wanted to send you that one to make sure you saw that because it had tied in with so much we already discussed here on the podcast. I thought it was great.
ah But... Now, I guess we can get into some of the awards we picked. Mm-hmm. So, the first the first award of the night, we already talked about how Kieran Culkin won.
um I thought that was a shoo-in. Right, yes. I remember saying that on the show before, but ah yeah. um he He had a great speech. He said something about um with his wife said if you win an Oscar then you can have then we can have a fourth kid and apparently that was like said to him like years ago and he remembered and like then he brought it up and he he's she's just like oh shit I did say that no I didn't have another kid he was just hanging on to that I guess that was the motivation he had like to to to have like a killer performance just so he could win that Oscar
backing a fourth kid. That's a lot of kids. I know. Good on him. Yeah, I guess. ah And then for the for the other, well, I guess is before we get into the other acting awards,
I want to get into the animated feature. Now, do you remember when you picked for best animated film? Yeah, is in the In the Shadow of the Cypress, i think what was No, no, no, that's animated short. Animated film.
Animated film? Which animated film? Oh, didn't i I think I went for the one that you were you were kind of suggesting there.
Oh, drawing a blank. is the one The one that has no dialogue. Flo. Flo, yes. The one that stars the cat and several other animals. That one and won. It won. It won. I was so happy. so it was like the it was the first Latvian film to ever win an Oscar.
It just happened to be an animated film with no dialogue. So cool. And that excites me because I get so much exposure now.
know Everybody's going to be watching it. right yeah it's It's on HBO, so I can't wait to see how much bigger a following that film gets because I can't recommend it enough.
Historic Wins: 'Flo' and Sean Baker's 'Enora'
um But, ah okay, so so so we had that that one, and then yeah, so for AdMade, sure.
So for anime short, you you picked to win. So so I picked to win, yuck. That's what I thought was gonna win. yeah And you picked In the Shadow of the Cypress.
Right, yes, yes. C.P. John, that won. Oh boy. In the Shadow the Cypress won. And that was the film, we we couldn't find how to watch it.
That's right. We can't find it. Yeah. So we still have yet to see it, but I'm hoping now that it's won, have a better chance to see it or somewhere.
right So hopefully we we will give you a review for that on on the next show. Since it is an official winner at the Oscars. Well, I'm going pat myself on the back. Yeah.
Yeah, good good for you, Sleepy J. I'm happy for you. but ah thought Yuck was going to win the whole time, and boy, was I wrong. oh So, I know we we also did for for Best Original Song.
And we both lost that one. I think I think i picked... I think we both picked... I picked Alan John. Did you pick Alan John? we both picked him? I think i think we did pick Alan John, both of us, Yeah, but unfortunately he lost.
it was It was... it was French... It was a french singers or French singers, writers that won for making a Spanish song. And yeah, it was a very annoying speech they had because, they're yeah, ah very pretentious and annoying. It was like, off the stage.
right You don't belong here. wow
Yeah, I was upset with them because they were like boasting about it. It's like, it's not even that good of a song. i don't I don't know what people saw the appeal. don't know what the appeal was for this, but I don't know. Maybe I don't understand the Oscar voters when it comes to music, but I don't know. they been like that Shouldn't that like, this is the thing too. It's like,
that That seems to belong more on the territory of like a a Grammy than an Oscar. is like why Why are they even handing out awards for music anyway? i get that if it's in a movie or whatever, but like, come on. Stretch. It's a stretch.
I'm not sure how... um I mean, I think that's been a category for a long time. i mean, I think of like... I'm sure it is. The Sound of Music, you know? It's kind of like... Yeah. It's kind of like if I ah if i was if i was doing... A-Mile won an Oscar. like Lose Yourself won Best Original Song at the Oscars.
Yeah, I mean, like, I get it. I'm just saying, like... sky a Skyfall won for James Bond.
Oh, okay. That's a good segue. So there was there was a James Bond tribute. I thought half of it was good. Actually, I thought most of it was good. but like So they they they did like a they did a dance number with the James Bond theme. on the den it den it den du And that was cool and then And then they they had a trio of these new These newer pop artists um that are out right now, i don't know if you know these names.
You have Doja Cat. Yeah, I'm familiar with Doja Cat. got Doja Cat, then have this girl Lisa, and this girl Ray. um How the fuck would anyone with Lisa and Ray? I mean, What? See, that one I would be surprised if you knew.
But so they they all they they did a medley of James Bond themes. um So one did Live and Let Die. That was Lisa. And I thought she did a good job of that.
But it's actually her name, Lisa. Yeah, her your name is Lisa. Yeah, you can't do that. That's too common of a name. I mean, I'm not sure why it is. I mean, I guess I could look it up, but um but but she did a good job with it. so So kudos to her. And I've seen her acting as well. like She's in a show called White Lotus that I'm watching. and you realize it was the same girl.
Yeah, her name's just Lisa. Huh. Yeah. um Okay. but so so so So she was good. And then Doja Cat did a rendition of Diamonds Are Forever.
that's That's a difficult song to do. And I'm sad to say Doja Cat did not do it justice. like I kind of felt bad for her because she does not have the range to do this type of song.
She looked great. She had like this whole diamond like ah dress going on and it was really cool looking. But like singing-wise, yeah, she kind of fell flat. and then And then you had Ray who was doing the last song, which which you know she's doing Skyfall.
And if you if you know who does who does the original Skyfall, it's Adele. right Now, Adele is like one the best singers of our generation. And he's still very much and the like singing all the time and doing shows everywhere.
So that's a tall order. to to try and do an Adele song and try to be just as good as her. Right, yeah. So she's just okay. It was just like a you know, there's nothing special about it. Because like when when you hear the best of that of that song, and like i mean especially if it's... I'm not sure if all these were...
I want to say that all of these were Oscar winners, the ones that they picked. Because it seems like they were, especially, I could see Live and Let Die winning, I could see Diamonds Forever, and of course I knew Skyfall won.
so i But I'm not sure exactly why they even did ah James Bond like appreciation part of the show. mean, I'm not mad, I love James Bond, but like I just wish it was a little better.
ah But yeah, moving on. Moving on. ah well yes so so So we did the songs, we did it we did the animated.
um so allow well i guess yeah i want to go into the one... i think I think only one other person has ever done this. and this is so the director So the director who did Anora.
So Anora won a lot of awards last night. I think it was it was the big was the big winner of the night. So the director is also the writer and also the editor and also the main producer.
So usually if you're a director, usually if someone else edited the movie. usually someone else writes the movie. Now yeah yeah you have your Quentin Tarantino. Quentin Tarantino usually does both. He usually writes and directs.
But usually he's not the editor. Quentin Tarantino doesn't edit his movies. um So this guy, Sean Baker, he does do all this. And he won all these awards. So he won for best directing, best i think original screenplay.
um so so So best writing. um Best Editing. So he won that. And then he won and then a Nora won Best Picture. So hit him being the main producer on the movie, he won all four these awards. And apparently only one other person has ever done this in the history of the Oscars.
And this is the 97th or 98th Oscars. Yeah, right. for For this only happen one other time, is crazy. And this is a young guy. like He's probably like like lower forty s mid 40s maybe.
Good for him. And but yeah so so he always had great speeches every time he was up there. Like like like he had something to say, but he wasn't like preaching. Like he just you could tell he just loved movies.
It was very cool when um when he went and accepted for best director because it was Quentin Tarantino that was presenting that award. and And once he accepted it, and you know once Quinn gave it to him, he told him, right it was like he's like, thank you for for doing Once Upon Time in Hollywood.
it wasn't for you, I wanted to cast Mikey Madison, who's the main girl in his movie, Enora. So it was kind of it was a cool like full circle moment. It's like, yeah, if you didn't do this, I wouldn't have had her in this movie probably wouldn't be as acclaimed as it is. you know but right so I thought it was a really cool little moment there.
And i love seeing something so historic happen like that. And since I was a big fan of that film, I'll be curious. i was like, because a lot of people like talk to me after the Oscars and like, I never heard of this movie. Like, what is this movie about? I'm like like, oh, how do I describe this?
So i told I told my friend, I'm like, all right, it's like pretty woman meets uncut gems. And the person is like, wait, what? I have to watch this.
So I don't you've seen either one of those movies, Sleepy John. Okay, so yeah believe it or not, i actually have not seen Pretty Woman, even though I probably should have. I know what it's about. ah Uncut Gems, I'm not familiar with this one, even though like I've heard of it, but I don't know anything about it.
so so So Uncut Gems is ah one a serious role as a serious role for Adam
Yeah, like you said, I heard about it. Because it came out, I want to say, what was this, five, six years ago or something like that? Yeah, it was 2019, yeah. Yeah, i like I said, I heard about it. I don't know anything about it at all, it was all. I don't know if I've ever actually watched Adam Sandler in a serious role.
Oh, dude, he's good and serious roles. I'm sure he is. he like Yeah, like ah it's not like... i just I don't think I've seen anything with him in it that's... Yeah. Wait, do we need an Adam Sandler episode? Is that what's happening here?
i mean, we could. Because I do and i want you to watch Unkempt Gems. I do like me some Billy Madison. Yeah, but but I want you to see a different side of Adam Sandler.
it's got The price is wrong, bitch. Because I think of... because i i think of think there's similarities between like him and like Jim Carrey.
as far as i yeah most Most people see Jim Carrey as like the funny guy, you know comedian, all that. But when he does his serious roles, he's damn good in them. Right. yeah um And I see that as well. that i mean Maybe not to the same degree, but close to it. i think i think I think Jim Carrey probably edges him out a little more with his dramatic roles.
But I think maybe it's because Adam Snowy hasn't done enough of it. too. Like, ah he probably does like one serious role like every 10 years. It seems. um Maybe less than that. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it feels like it's every 10 years, you know?
Because there's always so much like slop and comedic stuff he does.
Yeah, always in ah nice, sunny, exotic locales. yeah always Always with his buddies. Yes, always with his buddies.
Oh, we could do... Because I think... We we can probably save that. Because I know Happy Gilmore 2 is coming out. So we can probably wait for an episode with that. Yeah, I mean, I'm... a not sure about that. I think we even said this on the show before that, especially when there's been a long, long gap for a comedy sequel.
Yeah. It's never good. So...
don't know. We'll see, I guess. But can Adam Sandler, can he break that trend? Can he do it? off Yeah. Can he do it? If anyone can do it, is it Adam Sandler?
Could be man. don't know, like I- I mean, kinda wanna watch it... I don't know that it needed a sequel.
i so You could say it for so many movies. I mean, people probably said it for Top Gun. Most of the times it's true. What's that? People probably said it for Top Gun, then they ate their words.
Uh... Yes. I- I would agree with that. Um... But I'd say that the majority of the time, the sequel's not necessary.
And to be honest, with Top Gun, I'd say it wasn't necessarily, because I didn't really like the first one, so. Yeah. And I know a lot of people are like, oh my god, how did you not like it? was like, I don't know, I just didn't really, didn't really jive with me. No, you'd be surprised, a lot of people don't like the first one.
Okay, because I've had people practically ready to like spit in my face for saying that. Ah! yeah That's so funny. I like the original, but I can understand it's not for everybody.
Whereas, if you don't like the sequel, then you're just crazy.
don't I don't trust your your your your appreciation from of movies if you don't like the sequel. It's a different type of movie, the sequel, I find. that The first one was too... I guess it was too much of the romance side of things for me.
yeah and in a movie that... I don't think it i don't think it it needed that. and on well okay And when I say romance, I don't just mean, you know, him and the girl. I meant him and him and the boys.
It's just too much, James. Yeah, I know. I know. Too much. Playing with the boys. And it's fun! Like, I mean, like, it obviously it did well, e etc, e etc. It's all good.
I do prefer me some Hot Shots, I think was a better version of that. The parody version of it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did like Hot Shots. I actually watched that for the first time when Top Gun 2 came out.
Love it. Yeah. Love it. And I'm glad. i wish I would have saw it sooner in my life, especially like when I had like a big craze with Airplane and lot of parody movies at the time. Right. And that one just fell under the radar for me. don't know how, I'm glad. Better late than never.
ah Anyway, getting back to some of the... So so there were some obvious winners. ah So The Substance won for Best Makeup, which I was happy about because for that grotesque like blob monster thing that comes out of that movie, good for them. That's probably the most disgusting thing that the Oscars have ever awarded an Oscar to. Okay.
So good on them for doing that. so you you the They probably understood the work that went into it, even though how grotesque and disgusting and scarring that could be to see.
um Yeah, you don't forget it, that's for sure. um Yes, I'm excited for you to watch it one day. But... ah As far as other winners go, I mean, a lot of other technical awards we don't need to dive into.
um But for some of the main winners, so we dove into that with Sean Baker for a lot his wins for Enora, Enora winning Best Picture.
Predictable Wins: Zidane and Madison
for So for the main acting awards,
ah we We knew Zelie Zidane was going to win, and she won. So that was an obvious one. So we didn't you go into that. Good, good, good, good. two of the biggest of the acting awards, the Best Actor and the Best Actress.
So for Best Actress, we we both thought Debbie Moore was going to win for the substance. And lo and behold, it was Mikey Madison from Enora to win Best Actress.
now She was my second pick. as I discussed on the show. If it wasn't Demi, it was going to be her. ended up being her. ah and I think she's going to have a blossoming career. but it's just It's always funny to me like where her career started to where it is now. because i I always think of her in What's About Time in Hollywood because she's the girl who gets torched by Leo DiCaprio from The Flamethrower.
Please tell me you remember this.
I vaguely remember this. Oh my god. okay so For someone who loves, who probably thinks that Once Upon Time in Hollywood is Quentin Tarantino's third best movie.
I love that scene so much. i like Yeah. yeah i but it like It's one of those movies, like it had its moments. I feel like It kinda has a bit of the David Lynch thing where it's like... You know, something's open interpretation, And uh...
and ah I don't know. like I was sober, too. like i like It was okay. like I don't know. Maybe just didn't jive with me too much. No question. You've only seen the movie once.
I have only seen it once, yes. I guarantee watched it again, you have a much more appreciation for it. because ah it could I really liked it the first time I watched it.
And then I forget when or with who I was watching the second time, but watching the second time, it just flowed. Like, i don't know if I had like a certain expectations in my head going into it, but then watching it, like and understanding and like, kind of like seeing like the deeper things it was going in or talking about, I was like, wait, this movie's like,
freaking amazing. And like, I like every, like every scene just feels like a vibe, you know, because a lot of it too is like there's like a lot of scenes with no dialogue, but yeah especially you just have Brad Pitt is roaming around, driving around the city.
yeah Hanging with his dog, eating some Kraft mac and cheese.
ah But anyway, don't get sad. So good for Mikey Madison. Happy for her. Excited to see where her career is going to go from here.
um And then now we also have guests for Best Actor. And now you up picked Adrian Brody to win, and I picked Timothee Chalamet.
Adrian Brody's Best Actor Victory
Did I? Yeah, but you picked Adrian Brody. No, I didn't. I picked Guy Pearce, I thought. No, no. know Guy Pearce was supporting actor. Supporting actor? I don't... don't think I picked Adrian Brody.
Oh, wait did you did you pick Ralph Fiennes? Yes. Ralph Fiennes. Ralph Fiennes. Yeah. There was there was a joke about him. he's like I heard that, too. that's About the Ralph. Yeah, the Ralph. If you lose again, we're calling you Ralph.
That was so good. So yeah, so neither of us won, and ah Adrian Brody won. um We had long-winded speech, blah, blah, blah. God.
but But the cool thing about him winning, i will say, is very similar roles that he won for. Like, say, like 20 years ago, he won for the Pianist, where, you know, he's a World War II survivor.
And, this you and that you know, plays the piano, famous for it. But then in this one, World War II survivor, he was an architect helping in building a city. um And I thought it was kind of cool because they're both like deeply you know just
so like suffering characters. and he's It's something that he he can just tap in and just kill it. you know um So good on him for that. And then how and i I saw some pics too where he kind of where he reenacted the kiss that he had with Halle Berry.
Okay. I never saw The Pianist, so... No, no, no, no so So he won the Oscar for The Pianist. Yeah. And Halle Berry was presenting the award. Okay. And he literally went up on stage and started making out with her. And she was into it.
Huh. Yeah. ah Good for him, man. And then, yeah, and he's, and he's, I think, no, I don't think he's married, but he has a girlfriend. But she was, she was cool with them, like, reenacting the kiss again.
So thought, man, good on them. Look at that. Over 20 years later, reenacting, I mean, you know, and Halle Berry still looks great and aging Brody, you know, he's he's aging well. So that was cool for them to do that.
Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. But, that That's really ah all the big things from the Oscars, though. i mean wait If I had to rate the show, I'd probably do a scale from 1 to 10. I'd probably give it 7.
7 out of 10. It's still not perfect. There's still things they can... uh improve on cut short because it is a long broadcast mean you have so many awards you're doing um and you had you have to keep it light have to keep it fun and make it entertained for the audience but man like if they did better with like cutting some people's speeches off and because i feel bad you have it some people like who deserve to talk more who they have who they cut off early And, you know, I kind of wish they had a better way to solve it other than just like, you know, the music's playing and it means, all right, hurry up, hurry up. Like, because Adrian Bray even like cut off like the person, like the maestro or whatever who doing the music.
Jeez. Yeah, i was like, jeez, Adrian, god damn. That's pretty bold. I know. Well, apparently he did the same thing. It's like, I need to talk. Me. i know, but you're talking in circles, Adrian. Come on.
ah But, yeah, so sadly, this is the end of the ah the ah the awards season for films and TV. Okay.
So, it's sad. Sad. Sad. Oh, well. But the good news is we we still have we so have some anticipated movies coming out soon. So, we will hopefully have another one to talk about that's in theaters.
Um... we We will have to check check our calendars and dive in from there. But ah I know I plan to see the new Robert Pattinson movie that that's ah directed by the guy who did Parasite.
And Parasite won Best Picture back in 2020. and And this is his first film. I think it's Ban Joon Ho. It's his first film film since winning that Best Picture Oscar.
So I'm very curious. And it stars Robert Pattinson and some other a actors you'll know.
But yeah, ah I'll probably go to the theater to see that one. So that'll be fun. and That one's called Mickey 17. Mickey 17. Yes. mickey seventeen yes but I know some other films on the horizon that that we will watch and discuss, but we we will talk about that a later date.
Okay. Yeah. That sounds good to me, buddy. Yeah. ah Anything else from you? any Any closing notes for the show? and Anything you would rate, I guess, for what you've watched or heard about?
i Seems like the highlight to me is the dune worm on the harp.
well It's funny saying it reminds of the popcorn bucket. You know? Yeah, that's why. I mean, yeah, you got you got to get your dune buckets when you're watching the Oscars. They probably sold so many buckets.
Oh, my my God. i Well, they they sold out. I tried to get some at the theater here, and I hadn't even been out very long. They're like, oh, yeah, those those went like right away. And I was like, wow, fuck. You probably had someone who bought like 20 something.
Like one person. I mean, you'd be stupid not to. You could probably sell them for three times that you paid for them. That's probably the the top reselling bucket they ever made. Yeah, and I mean, James, like, I don't think that's a bucket I'd be buying used. I know, right?
I would be curious what what they go for, quote quote unquote brand new. yeah
so that's That's a good place to end. I don't want to know. oh
What makes me say, i wonder how they'll top it for Dune 3. All right. Yeah.
the I have some ideas, but I don't want to know. We're done. as's We're done. Yes, we're done. We're done. until next term Until next time. next time.
Well, that does it for this week. It was fun doing doing this recap Oscar episode with you. we still go we see definite We should definitely admit it's an annual thing. These are fun. All right.
But give a good night, man. Good night, everybody. Cheers. Cheers, buddy.