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Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part VI image

Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part VI

The Sleepy Games Podcast
26 Plays4 months ago

Happy Hallowe'en!

Featuring 'Coraline' (2009) & 'Van Helsing' (2004)

Intro Music: 'Powerslave' by Iron Maiden

P.S. Cobra Kai Never Dies ;)


Introduction to Halloween Special

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.
Happy Halloween!

Hosts Introduction and Series Discussion

This is another episode of the Treehouse of Horrors Sleepy Games Edition. It'll be the last one for this year because Halloween is upon us.
I am one of your hosts, Sleep at your own, and with me is the ever-scary James Games. I'm back from the dead for this last episode, baby. Let's go! Let's go!

Horror Movies and Age Relevance

The Tales from the Crypt. That's a good one. You know, I've never watched that.
The show or the movies? yeah Both. Oh my god. Okay, well we got stuff for next Halloween. Yeah, there we go. we're already We're already more than prepared for next year. Yeah, that that is that is like sacrilegious. I can't believe anyone that has not watched any of the Tales from the Crypt. I don't know. Is it an age thing? I mean, because I'm a little bit younger than you, so I don't know if that's... Maybe I just missed it. Okay, in fairness, yeah, I shouldn't have been watching it. It it was not. Oh no. this was hard r stuff i was oh is that bad oh shit okay oh yeah well like the movies it's like there's tits there's like rampant gore it's like yeah they're hard r movies for sure and your man billy zane oh do you love me some billy zane right yeah i mean who doesn't i mean it just it sells you right there i think and this is like i want to say ah
It was around the time of Titanic. I was going to say it was before or after. I'm trying to think if it was before or after. I want to say it was after but I could be wrong. Because he had a pretty solid career before Titanic.
ah I only really knew him at that time from Titanic. It's

'Van Helsing' Movie Analysis

not to say I haven't seen him in other things. I have. Yeah, I only knew him in the Phantom before the Titanic. I've actually never seen the Phantom. Ooh, okay, okay. Is that also a Halloween movie possibly? I mean, he's in a costume.
Right, well, I'd say that that that that works, then a Billy Zane Halloween, I think that would be too bad. Yeah, because I think it was thrown in with like the... because you have like the Rocketeer, the Phantom, I think it was like something else that was like roped into those kind of movies. um But they're all like ah kind of period-based superhero movies. All right, well... Yeah.
That's ah probably stuff for a next. A tale for another time. Yes. ah All good stuff, I'm sure, but I mean, we gotta dive into today's episode, which I am excited for. Yes. I'm excited to talk about mine, but but we all want to hear what your what you got to watch this week since it's a little bit of a mystery of what you watched, so let us know. Okay.
So I ah i mean i just kind of just randomly did it, saw it on the old Netflix there because I was just like i was perusing through you know some Halloween horror movies or whatever and and one jumped out at me because ah i loved it I loved it. I actually saw it in theaters when it came out.
actually I think it's about 20 years old now if I'm not mistaken so it's a fairly old ah it is the ah Hugh Jackman version of Van Helsing Oh, I think it is. it's Okay, so it's cool that both of our movies have to do it have like anniversary. So I'm pretty sure it's the 20th anniversary I came out in 2004. So yes, I believe that that's when it came out. Yes. So yeah, so ah but you you saw you say you saw in theaters. So it was a it was a your first time seeing it a long time. Well, I saw it in theaters. Actually, I watched it a few times after the fact. I really enjoyed the movie. I think it was one
ah feel like i owned it at some point it might have been one that got misplaced or borrowed and never came back i'm not really sure but have i guess of yeah it didn see it a few times i really i really liked it it's funny i guess in a wake is i I feel like it didn't do very well when it came out and I think that there was there was like some hate for the movie and I could never understand why like there's like ah I mean maybe if you don't want the genre is fine but like there's nothing wrong with the movie and having just recently rewatched it this weekend
i can't say that there's anything wrong with it like it's a good movie it's got good pacing there's like all the monsters are in it you got you know you got the wolfman you got dracula you got frankenstein you even got to dr jekyll and mr hud oh like it i don't know the the action sequences were like a lot of fun it's just a fun movie start to back like it I just, I don't know, I enjoyed it. It's got a good cast. Kate Beckinsale, I think, when she either just before she did her underworld stuff, maybe. I think it was after Underworld. Or like in the middle. She did the Underworld and then she did this. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It was a good movie. And I just, I remember hearing some people being like, oh yeah, it was garbage. And I was like, I don't really understand what part of the movie is garbage, but I enjoyed it.
so And that's all that matters, I guess. i I haven't seen it probably since it was probably 2005. I didn't watch it in theaters. I watched it when it came out on On Demand. um And like I can't tell you anything. I mean, I remember him killing some of the monsters. I remember one scene where he has the the crossbow. That's what he has.
Oh, it's kind of like a... It's almost like a semi-automatic... Well, actually, I said it's a fully automatic crossbow. It's more of like a fucking... Yeah, it's basically like a machine gun with crossbow. Yeah, I remember a scene of him using that and I think, I guess, I don't know if it's Dracula in like bat form. He's like flying around and then he's shooting him. Is that... Yeah, it's not Dracula. It's like Dracula's brides in that. Oh, okay.
yeah yeah it's basically like a shoot-em-up style that that's that's all i remember from the movie yeah i mean like i guess it was unforgettable yeah well i don't know i i like it's i i think for because i mean i i can't say i've seen like all the iterations of like frankenstein or wolfman or something but i've seen ah a fair bit and i like for those types of monster movies like i think that this one Like, I don't know, it was kind of the cat's ass for me. Like, I think that it has a decent story that ties in all the characters together.
because basically Dracula is trying to like give life to his like undead children because well they're dead because he's dead and he needs Frankenstein to do that and then the Wolfman is like one of his servants but also I guess what can inevitably kill Dracula so you know they they they did have like some sort of loose kind of cool plot line I don't know. like It's just that I just find it's a fun movie to watch the monsters. You know, classic monsters, I guess. Because I mean, I feel like some of these they they did these are these are characters that are going back cinema like they did they think there was versions of those back in the 30s and 40s. Oh, yeah. Yeah. These are these are good movies of a little
Right, so I mean and that's the thing is like I guess if you're if you're gonna make some comparisons there Maybe that's where the movie falls short, but I think if you're just looking for just a fun monster movie It's not taking itself too seriously, but it's what it's more like an action movie, right? It isn't it? Yeah, I'd say it's there's not there's probably one or two kind of like quasi scary You know, you might get jump-scared once or twice possibly but now it's just basically an action movie. It's a little You think that's what the criticism was because it was too actiony and not so much on the horror. It was more on the action. Maybe that's why people were upset about it.
I mean, maybe, but then if you're looking at but like, you know, you got to think of like the Mummy movies had come out. So there's the Mummy, Mummy Returns was probably, I think that was like 2002. Oh yeah, you're right. so It was kind of, kind of baking off the success off that. Well, and that's just it, right? Like those, those weren't scary. They were, they were action. He kind of had an Indiana Jones feel. Well, depends on who you talk to, actually. My mom is scared of death of those Mummy movies. It's mostly because of those Beatles. She can't do bugs.
Oh, well, okay, but then I'd say that there's similar types of scenes in Van Helsing. There are some creepy scenes. Like, I'm not gonna say that there aren't, like... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess not really, say like, Beatles, but, uh... But, but, but... Yeah, the Scarabs, I think those were. Yeah, the Scarab Beatles. Um... Yeah. But the the the the movie's PG-13, correct?
i don't I don't actually know, man. I don't look at ratings, to be honest. Probably. that That would make sense. Was not was there blood? Was there like any blood? ah That's like like blade and blades of blood. You know, if there was blood, it it was it was very subdued. and Yeah, okay. PD13 says that. Yeah, probably. So that's another thing. So it seems like they they might have kept it safe and maybe horror fans wanted more more blood more carnage um I guess I mean for me I don't really think it needed it like it I remember this is what it like I saw the trailers for the movie and I remember and I was like this looks like a cool movie like as I remember when the trailers came out and and then I went some movie obviously
But I don't feel like the trailers were trying to portray a movie that it didn't end up being, you know what I mean? So it's like if you saw the trailer, you once saw the movie, I don't know why you'd be disappointed. I guess if you knew nothing and you were expecting, I could see why, yeah, maybe that would fall short. If someone's expecting something that's like scarier, I suppose. But it's like, yeah, like to me, it had like kind of a similar feel vibe and kind of the funness, I guess, of the Mummy movies.
Yeah, okay, and then so I know what the money movies what I liked about it was they used a good a balance of practical and CGI We're like even the CGI that was in it. You couldn't couldn't even tell I mean, you know yeah, but mu mummy mummy returns a different story um It's just the one scene really I think it's so bad though um but now now for Van Helsing I it In 2004, I feel like there was more of an over-reliance on CGI. I mean, correct me if I'm... but Because I don't remember the movie. You've watched it. Like, the scenes are kind of shoddy.
ah No, I say that this is the thing is like I wouldn't say it you I think you can tell that there is an abundance of CGI But I wouldn't say it was poorly done. Okay I I don't remember watching any scenes. where I was like, oh my god, this is horrendous Right where it's like cuz I and I know that you know, even to this day you can get some CGI That's just really not done. Well Yeah, i so i I think the special effects I mean like They could be better. I'm i'm more of a practical, like you said. it it Sometimes, especially for monster movies, yeah there's certain things that you just... I don't know. you It's like you can't reproduce with CGI. like Just like, pus and gore and stuff sometimes. Like, if it's more practical, it just it it makes you queasier, I guess, watching it. Whereas CGI, I think, kind of falls flat sometimes. But like again, like i think I don't remember any scene kind of standing out badly.
It's kind of funny because I watched the, you know, the the Devil's Advocate, yeah the Keanu Reeves flick, Al Pacino, whatever. I watched that like not too long ago.
the movie I think is good front to back but that the the special effects near the end of the movie with the fire it is awful really badly done and it almost like took me out of it when I was watching i that's too bad because it's like it's a really I think it's a terrific movie but yeah that's that's actually what I haven't seen all the way through I've only seen bits and pieces okay um it I think it's really well-written. I think the dialogue is great. I actually did get some of Keanu Reeves' best acting, actually. Yeah. Because he... I like him, but sometimes he's like... He doesn't have a really crazy reign. Yeah, he's a little stale at times, yeah. but Yeah. He's very... Yeah, the reign thing is... Yeah, that's ah that's a big criticism for Keanu Reeves. But, you know, he's good at what he does, you know, I guess. he He does! For what he he does best, I guess.
Yeah, and I'm not trying to. i'm not I think that's the case for ah many actors, so I'm certainly not trying to to crap on him, but and yeah means I'm just saying that, like, if you want to see him be challenged a bit more, it's a good movie for that. That's why I'm just saying it's a shame with the special effects made in the movie. It really

Introduction to 'Coraline' and Its Impact

can't take you out of it. because it's Pretty horrendous, but anyways That's like I guess look all in all I mean like I enjoyed the Van Helsing movie I think it's one that I think could have kicked off You know maybe a trilogy that I think would have been would have been fun to watch It's it's kind of too bad that that never got made But I mean it is a recommendation for me if you're just kind of looking for like a fun I guess family friendly type movie that has your classic ah Halloween
baddies, monsters, whatever you want to call it. I didn't see them all get ripped to shreds. Pretty much. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, I, I, I guess that that leaves me on my, on my first watch. It does. And I'm excited about this actually. Yes. Okay. So, so I, I got to watch Coraline for the first time. Um, and... Caroline?
So I love how they put, I love how they put fun of that in the movie. yeah yeah So it's Coraline. And so I learned it was it's based off a a ah book. Like I'm hesitant to say children's books. so I'm like, man, what a, what a scarring like movie that could be. Right. I said that too, didn't I? He did.
That's the exact word I used. And apparently the book is worse. I heard that they had to tone things down for the movie. I'm just like, what? huh So, getting to it, and just as far as fun facts go, because I found it fascinating as far as how the book was made before the movie.
yeah So, the author of the book, the the editor, they said, hey, um we think it's a little too much for kids. like You think you could test it out and and like read it to your daughter to see how she'll how she'll react to it? Is she okay? also he He did read the book to his daughter.
yeah and And the dot that the daughter said, oh yeah, it's fine. It wasn't scary. But then then he goes back together and he's like, yeah, it was it was fine. She was good with it. yeah And then then from there they published it, you know, it's all it's all it's history. And then finding out like, I think like a year later, whatever, the daughter actually said like, yeah, I lied. I just want to know what happened at the end.
I think it's so great and it says so much about how kids can be. yeah this He's like, well, if I tell him it's too scary, I won't know what happens. yeah i read andin What happens to this little girl?
But so so going into but so I didn't know that until after I watched the movie, but I found that so fascinating. I wanted to throw in there because I thought it was so cool. um But ah this is probably the the most... I mean, it's it's beautiful. like The stop motion is probably the best I've seen.
I mean probably rivals between like this and like Kubo and the two strings as far as like just the inventive imagination that that came up with with some of this stuff and yeah especially because this this is the same director who did um Nightmare Before Christmas.
And you can tell he learned a lot. ah Like he got a little more creative and a little more stylistic with a lot of his shots. I can tell like he was like swooping in on some of the scenes where like I remember before Christmas is more like static shots. Like, all right, shot here, or shot here, but not the camera's not really moving as much. Here he's like showing off of it. I'm like, oh man, he's like spreading his wings and everything.
um And man, but um I was trying to put myself in the shoes of like a kid watching it. Like if if i if i if I was growing up and this was a film my parents had me watch, like how would I react to it? Because I heard that that the kids were very scared to like scarred watching this movie. Because you know, you you see, especially when you go into um when you So, you have Coraline's, you know, her world, her life, and I like how realistic it felt with her parents, how that they they were just moving into this new town and, you know, the they're moving, no bags are unpacked, they're trying to get work done to to meet this deadline for their
garden catalog and like the way they're like shooing, Coraline, everything like stop bothering us we gotta get this done like oh you can't you can't play outside it's ready you'll get mud everywhere it's like these aren't I don't know I can see someone thinking that these parents are awful or bad but I'm like no these are realistic parents this is how parents would be acting to their kid and and being protective as well yeah and then you see the contract between that her life and then her going into the the court or the the tunnel the other dimension or whatever yeah yeah you could call it the uh the the the being ja john john knockovich door um if you've seen that movie uh
Whoever gets that reference. Yeah, I actually, ah I gotta to add that to the list. Yes, please do. ah So when she goes into that ah ah alternate dimension where she sees the other, her other parents, they have the other mother and the other father. Yeah. um And first of all, I'm sure it's freaky for kids to see like just You know, their parents put buttons on their eyes. oh That's freaky as it is. And then ah you see how how how life is so amazing. like She has whatever she wants. She she can go out and play. She can eat whatever she likes. um And even like i but like the friend that she... That was another thing. Apparently in the book, there's no friend.
The Friend was written for the movie because it felt like it was better for have her to have someone to talk to and her instead of her talking to herself all the time. That was a good creative choice, I thought, for the film. Yeah, that makes sense. From book to film, for sure. but It was cool how he was like very talky-talky in her and and the real world, and then like here he's like, no, we gotta shut him up. There you go. he Here's your friend. He just doesn't talk. And then like the way the the way they, some of the humor, too, is like, oh, we fixed him. I'm like, oh, you fixed him? Well, that's okay. I can have an underlining meeting there, too. Yeah.
um and like just oh All the characters just felt very distinct and memorable. um so like then like When they introduce ah the characters in the real world and like they introduce the characters in the world, Some of the animation that that they were doing was was i was just like in all of it i was just like i can't believe they're pulling this off it made me i wish i was like i want more stop motion uh animated movies in my life and then literally like after the movie i'm like are there any more coming out i found this director i'm like does he have any more coming out and
And he does. I looked at the director for Kubo, and he's got something coming out. I'm like, yes. I have something to look forward to on the horizon. Because I feel like yeah this has like been like a ah lot. I'm going to say a lost art because they're still making it. But like it's not as not done enough as it should. And I get it because it takes a lot of work. It's a lot more time, probably a lot more money and everything. But I feel like films like this stand the test of time because of how unique it is. And so.
ah Where was I was as far as the movie? Okay, so I'm gonna go into I guess the ending a little more. So the ending is also terrifying because then you find out this other mother is like this spider woman and the way she like, oh, wait, wait, wait, you no, before that, I got i gotta talk about the the the two characters that live underneath the house. all right So you have these old ah theater trapeze performers and dude, the one woman has like the largest tits I've ever seen in like an anime movie in my life. It's like, it's it's it's they're fucking huge. and like in the And like the scene where they're doing their act in the alternate world,
where she's like, she looks like she's completely naked. Like she barely, she only has like these starfish things like a cover in her nips. And these are like, I don't know how big her tits would be like, I don't know, like quadruple ease or whatever. Like the, um I'm like, how how do they make this work for a kids? Maybe. I mean, and I didn't see like in the book, like how they were drawn, but I'm like,
I'm like, were they really like this big? like like i like it's I don't know if you remember this. It stood out. I can't say it to be honest, but like it's been a little while since I've seen the movies. You can't look away. It's like, how do they fit this in a kids movie? and i kept I kept questioning that throughout the whole film. Like, this is a kids movie? This is a kids movie?
oh Yeah, but but at the same time because I'm thinking I'm like all right would I let my nephew see this and I'm like I think if he was about because Coraline is 11 years old in the movie and For a lot of the anime and movies I watched, it was probably, you know, in elementary school, maybe a little in the middle school. So I i think maybe when he gets into like later grade school, or not later grade school, later elementary school, so maybe like between like third and fifth grade, I think he should watch this. I feel like, I mean, it's that good. And I want him to see an anime and film like this, ah like this. I mean, quality rivals, like Nightmare Before Christmas, I'm having a hard time, which one I like more, to be honest.
um i I actually yeah, i if but if it were me and and not say I don't like nightmare. I think Coraline is definitely a a higher up for me. Yeah, I just think like the little details that that that they do in this and Just like the message it's speaking um in the way that the the movie kept building up building up like I was never bored like Like yeah the next scene, like I beat out the like the scene before it. And I mean, I guess if I had to critique one thing, like I guess it kind of, the way, I mean, it had a little, a tiny bit of an ambiguous ending, tiny bit. Because I saw things online, that people saying like, oh, you know what, it's actually like Coraline is actually still in the alternate dimension. right She never got out.
and And then it wasn't, cause what made me question that too was when you follow the cat, like the cat is like the last thing you see at the end of the movie and the cat kind of disappears. Right. Kind of like, it kind of like hides behind this. It's like, whoa, what happened to the cat? what What's going on? And so I'm like, wait, is this the same world? Like, could she fix? I mean, it's a whole like kind of inception thing, you know? Yeah. But ah you you draw your own conclusion, I think is Yeah, but but but but I think for what the story was going for and this because there was enough ah detail there to portray that, okay, she did get out and she is in her world and now um that things things are as right as it should be. Because what I would like to was once
I like to, because like her parents got taken as well. And then when she saved the day, well, actually, I'm going to hand myself, because I want to talk about the spider lady. So the other woman, when she turns into the spider, it's horrifying. It is. but the the The way she's chasing her and the way she she like gets in her web. and like but yeah Also, I love how it was the same voice voice actress who did um the mom and the other mother.
and Because I thought it was a different actress. but went When she shifted to the Spider Woman, I'm like, oh shit, no, it's not. It's the same. It's Terry Hatcher. so It's just good voice acting as well. that I gotta give kuta kudos to Terry Hatcher. Okay, yeah. Also, speaking of voice hatchers, I couldn't guess any of them other than Keith David, who played the cat. I knew you were gonna get Keith David.
Keith David has such a distinct voice. I couldn't put him for anyone else's. But once Keith David thought it was the talking cat, I'm like, this is amazing. I can't believe he's the talking cat. And he fits it so well. I couldn't believe it.
um so yeah so what that whole chase scene ah of when she's going this the other the other mother this when she's a spider woman chases over after coralline i i i was i was like oh my god get out of it like come on i'm like edging my seat now like come on come on um but yeah when she eventually gets out and then uh And then what and then like you know you see everybody, everyone's like yeah happy. that
the no no Because the thing that got me too was when, because the parents were captured as well, so they said. And then once she gets out and the parents come back, or she saves the parents,
the The parents have no recollection of what happened. Some is like, okay, maybe their minds wiped and like they're not supposed to remember. um But you know it all did happen because the cat is still saying all these things and and the friend said, oh, I'm sorry, I didn't believe you, you know you're right the whole time. yeah So I thought it was an interesting choice how like to make the parents just not remember, but I did i did like that more.
Because it would it kind of be weird how this parent's like, oh, you saved us. All that wacky shit, you know, you were telling us before, but I'm like, no. Yeah, you know. yeah Yeah, you kind of just like, you you don't need that. You know, is as long as a character too knows it happened, I'm fine with that. I didn't want it to be like, oh, it's all in her head, you know? no like Yeah. You know, at least we definitely know what happened, especially when you had other characters. Another thing, you had like these he's got ghost kids.
who are also terrifying. I'm just like, who which who said like, oh yeah, she but but the whole the whole like making or taking out your eyes and putting buttons on your eyes. yeah I'm like, that's so fucked up. Like, yeah it's like, imagine that as a kid. I know. for it Like, and again, for for a kid's movie, like, yeah it's funny that you you're like, we're talking about this because like, ah this is a, so like that the woman ah She won't watch it like it is too No way for real. Yeah, and then the kid is one of her favorite movies though And I think she kind of grew up along with it, right? So and I imagine she I don't I never asked her actually how old she was the first time she saw it But yeah, yeah, and it's it's just funny because the other woman won't watch it. She's like, nope
ah like Never again. No, exactly. One is enough. but As someone said before, us so it is it is the 15th anniversary of this film. yeah okay It came out in 2009. I remember coming out, but you know I had no um no interest in seeing it at that time.
um but Yeah, and now we fast forward to this month, and I'm so glad I waited and watched the Corpse Bride and Coraline back to back. I mean, I will say, I think I like Coraline more than Corpse Bride, if I had to compare the two. It's close, but Coraline just spoke to me more. I was surprised I waited this long to watch, and now I want to make sure to recommend it. Because

Appreciation for Stop-Motion Animation

I think kids should watch ah animated films like this where it does dive into more darker themes. um Because not not everything should just be happy-go-lucky, you know, with with with all the things they're watching. you know ah Usually like the Disney films, like the they'll go into like some mild dark places, but they will not go to the depths of how core line goes. This one's pretty next level, for sure. and yeah But no, you're right. like it's It is definitely, it is it is a classic.
I think, you know, especially it being 15 years old now, like it is it is definitely a classic Halloween movie. And yeah I would not say that it is. It is definitely not just for kids.
yeah Yeah, it is interesting how the stop motion movies like are like a lot more adult themed than. Yeah. but I don't know what it is about the stop motion, but It's kind of funny on it. Have you seen the movie? I mean, it's I wouldn't say it's quite a Halloween movie, but it like if you ever see the movie 9 No, I've not seen 9. I know what you're talking about Yeah, but that one it's like i I actually like it is an interesting movie like I enjoyed it Actually, there's another one. I was lucky enough to watch in in the theaters actually when it came out I believe it came out
and it was wasn't that september 9th 2009 or something like that or yeah it also came out 2009 yeah yeah yeah so 9 9 9 9 9 or whatever but uh yeah it's that one's uh i i believe it's safe technology if if memory serves and and it was a really well done movie and i i enjoyed that one too it's pretty pretty neat So you know yeah definitely and probably not as the good as Coraline. I'm not going to try to compare the two. They're different different to different stories and stuff for sure. But it it there they're really interesting movies to watch when they're when they're made in that.
uh that manner like you're talking about right yeah i can't imagine like coreline being like filmed any other way like not like 2d or you know well i don't think it would work as well right no and to be honest it helps with the creepy factor there's like so many bugs and like yeah like squirrely things going around and it's like ah man it kind just gets your goosebumps yeah yeah for sure Well, I'm glad you liked it. I mean, I was pretty sure you would, but obviously, you know, to hear such a glowing, a glowing review of it. I, I, I may need to make like a ranking for like top stop motion animated movies. Oh, okay. um Because, because, because now that I've seen, I feel like I've seen a good chunk of them now. Right. I mean, but, you know, I haven't seen nine and maybe a few others I haven't seen.
um But maybe it could be a future episode, like maybe it could be one that um we we haven't seen that we could add to the list and then figure out a list from there. That's not a terrible idea. Because now this has got to be like giddy to watch more of these.
And they they like I said, it makes me excited for for what's to come. um Yeah. Because that's ah it's an animation style. It's definitely one of my favorites. And there's there's so much I'm still thinking about ah from that film. And a lot of it has to do ah with that animation. Right. is yeah like Yeah. So it it sticks with you, man. so it's certainly not easy uh it's funny uh i mean it was nowhere near this uh complex but i took this animation course like i'm just thinking about this now when i was in a middle school uh and we had these old school uh like the bhs kind of camcorder and we were doing a stop motion video with it
and holy hours was very simple and it was maybe it couldn't have been more than 20 seconds long and I think it took us like the semester to make it like it's crazy the amount of work that goes into that because ah basically we have to move the thing ever so slightly take another fucking frame and then move it ever so slightly and then yes and then the next time you go back you have to make sure that you're right in line with where you were before because we weren't getting this all done in one class right like it was actually a pretty neat class like I actually haven't thought of it forever we're just talking about it now but uh yeah and like like I said that was it was a 20 second very very basic uh movie that we ended up making
and And it took a long, long time. So i definitely have having done that, I have a different appreciation for that style of art. for Yeah, and this is why these films take years to make. Because of that, you're just doing a one-chicken shot at how long it just takes to just do one second.
Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty, pretty wild, especially. And then yeah adding like dialogue in there and stuff to like, yeah, I can only imagine the complication. that I did see something where they were able to use a trick or because with Coraline, 3D printing. So it was easier to do the dialogue scenes I heard. Right. Okay. Because they had that technology at the time. So that was a hurdle that they got, they got, they got across a little more easier. So that's good.
Well, when I was rocking the little VHS camcorder there, I did yeah not have a 3D.
um Wait, there's one more seal to bring up. ah So it was at the end when when she was fighting the, or I guess it was before the ah the the other mother, a kid who spotted a woman, started chasing her, where she would ah you know they were playing a game where she had to collect all the eyes from the other ghost children and then try to figure out where her parents were being hidden.
Um, and I love how she didn't really have an idea. She just like, and so or just like thought like instinctively, like, uh, okay, okay. And then she literally just like picks up the cat and throws the cat right at the spider woman and the cat just starts clowning. And then it was like,
She had no idea like this would work. She was just hoping and praying this cat would do something. Luckily, the cat literally crawled the buns out of the other mother. I'm like, this is great. Then at the end, it was funny because you could tell that the cat was still holding a grudge about that. Then Coraline's like saying, I'm so sorry I did that. I literally had no other options and the cat's like, all right, fine, whatever.
I forgive you. I'm like, that's so cool. Those cats are fucking insane, man. Have you ever seen a video? ah There's a couple of videos online of a cat chasing away bears. yeah Oh, man. What? Yeah, there's a bear in this game. The bear is like, no, I don't want none of this. He takes it away from the demon animal.

Halloween Costume Highlights

Uh, but yeah, um, huge recommendation. Uh, it might be one of my favorite. It might be my favorite stop motion, but you know what? like I got, I got, I got, I got really dissect them all and then figure out that list. Okay. I like that. A lot of content for future episodes. I know. I know. I love it. I come up with the ideas on the show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
um but So so i guess I guess as far as ah wrapping things up with the show, um since it is our last Sleepy Games Treehouse of Horrors. um For this year. For this year. ah no no not Not the last. Yes, for 2024. Obviously, we we we're not going to keep doing them into November as much as I would love to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah We got to save some for next year. Yeah. um Yeah, I wanted to make sure to post a few of the Halloween costumes I had over the past a couple years of all of the movies and TV shows I like dressing up as. so I wanted to make sure to post it on the Instagram. so so yeah What are some of that one or two of the highlights?
Uh, one of the ones i I love, I mean like, this is like a, I feel like it's like a love it or a hated show. I mean, so I i definitely, I definitely liked the karate kid, but I love, I love Cobra Kai. Right. So I dressed up as Cobra Kai for Halloween. And this is, this is during like the the the height of the pandemic. So this is like, this is, this is the 2020. I think I remember actually you seeing that costume. Yeah. Yeah.
Pretty sure. It was cool with that costume because so I originally had the i had the karate gi for another costume. I was i was the the night man from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Do you know what that is?
I know the show. i I'm actually drawing a blank on the night man. Oh, okay. so So it's kind of it's like a play they made within the show. Okay. So I was dressed up as that one year. And then so I still had the, so just ah just some advice. If if you're, just if you dress up aside for Halloween, always keep the costume. You never know when you'll need it again. If you need to dress up as something, you need a last minute costume. They're always good to have.
that's good advice and and and this is why because i had i had this karate geese like for like 10 years um and then when i wouldn't i then i was having trouble deciding what i wanted to be so i'm like but i was watching cobra kai at the time like wait i should just i could just use the same grotty karate gi and this and and put like the patch Of Cobra Kai on it, and then there you go now. I'm Cobra Kai like it was that easy And it it was it was like the height of the show so there was multiple like karate or Cobra Kai costumes out. It was cool like right yeah Getting like group photos everybody and we're all we all got like a karate stance going on so it was really cool
um So that was definitely ah one of my favorites. and then

'Cobra Kai' and Nostalgia

And then probably my next favorite was ah another TV show I love, is Ted Lasso. um And i got I got to do that for the first time three years ago, also when it was the height of the show.
And i made I made sure to grow out my my mustache to to give it a real authentic you know look at everything. ah So ah that was also one of my faves. I don't have a good story with that one, but it was just it was just a lot of fun to do. And ah I love that character just so much. And I'm so glad they're bringing it back for season four. Season four, get ready, baby.
i Maybe I'll have to give it a watch. uh yeah i think you've recommended it to me before if i'm not mistaken so did did i also recommend cobra kai Uh, no, actually, that funnily enough, like with Cobra Kai, I just... It was, this was obviously years ago, this is one that was only the first season, and I saw it and I was just like, this is gonna be a fucking train wreck, but whatever, I'm gonna watch an episode, there's really nothing else on at the time, right? And like, and I watched the first episode, I was like, huh, that was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. like And then I started, then I got into it, so...
Yeah, it was it was hard not to, it was hard not to, like, especially the first season I think is, in my mind, probably the best season. Uh, but, uh, yeah, it was significantly better. And it yeah, I mean, I did grow up a little bit on the on the Karate Kid movies. They were oftentimes playing on TV. So, yeah you know, I, I, I, Mr. Miyagi always had lots of, lots of wisdom to impart. So. You know that they're coming out with a ah crowd a new karate kid with um Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan.
Is that necessary? I mean... ah Okay. and You know what, like I... I'll be open-minded to it. I should be, yes. I will be open-minded because like I was pretty close-minded when I started watching Cobra Kai. I'm not gonna lie, but to that's just it. like I didn't hate the Jackie Chan version. I It was fine. It was fine. It was fine. Yes, it was fine. It it wasn't necessary. The original was... the like I don't know. like I don't really think you needed to remake it in my mind, but... But I understand because of the success Cobra Kai's had, the TV show, it's like why not make a movie?
I mean, when the dollar bills keep rolling in, you might as well keep riding this train out, get another barrel full of cash. No one would have thought Cobra Kai would blow up the way it did. No one would have guessed that. I don't think so, no. Yeah, I'm still amazed. I think there are five or six seasons or something, if I'm not mistaken. Thankfully, it's wrapping up because, man, it's going off the rails.
uh well that's the thing like i i don't know exactly when i stopped watching but that's just it like and i and i and i get it and like it's not it's not even a comment on it it's just like and how much can you possibly fucking like you know what i mean like how much material can you honestly write about like cobra kai yeah what well i i do like i i love how we're talking about cobra kai now uh i do i do like how they able to incorporate all the movies into the show and bring my characters from all the movies back to the show. And and they do it in ah in a convincing way. Yeah, it actually, and that's just did it. like All in all, it really wasn't poorly done. I think it's just like, again, it's more of the kid drama. Yeah, you really have to suspend your disbelief because it's like, you know, as much as I think that some people would love to solve all of their problems with karate,
what what are What a universe to live in. this is understand Like just like, I mean, you know, you're you're watching these scenes and you're like, yeah oh okay. Like, and I mean.
um and And it's happening like every episode and you're like, they fight a lot. It's like, not again. Oh, get over it. Like I'm pretty sure they would all have criminal records at this point. Like that there's no way they wouldn't. there's There's no cops. There's no cops in this room. No, exactly.
There's no cops and no consequences, really. Yeah. Well, I guess the the only time there's cops is like is whenever it's crease related because he's he's the old, the old guy that everybody hates. Right. Yeah. He's easy though he's got to be locked up. but But other than that, there's no there's no cops. Which I thought was like, which is funny because like I when he came on, I mean, I got to say he's probably one of my favorite characters. Oh, yeah.
and And I thought it was pretty awesome how he's like, this guy's gotta be, he's gotta be in a 70 or something like that. He's fighting both of them at the same time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ah yeah Yeah, at least when when when they brought back Silver, I thought he was um he was very convincing on the way he fought. like I believed he could take anybody. Right. I want i mean, to be like ah acting wise, and i mean i'd like that again, they're pretty convincing. and I mean, good on them. They've clearly stayed in shape to some degree. Yeah, and you're right about the acting too. like I feel like they they became better actors.
over the years. So that's helped. Yeah, it was. ah yeah Yeah. Again, I'm surprised that we were talking about this. quick yeah but Yeah, I mean, mean who wouldve got who would've guessed, especially, but yeah, I would say that it definitely, it needs to end. ah The movie, i I mean, maybe, like, that there's some potential there, I guess. I mean, I gotta say, too, like, i if you're gonna be doing that with Jackie Chan, he does seem to be slowing down a bit these days. Not not that I can blame him. I think the guy's like 110 or something, so.
Yeah, but if if if he's gonna be like retiring soon, yeah i I'd rather, you know, get as many other movies as we can before he decides to. Yeah. Oh hey, maybe he won't. I mean, some people just never do. That's true. I mean, look at Clint Eastwood. I heard he directed his last movie.
well maybe but still I mean like fucking when you're getting in your way also said that he said about Gran Torino yeah he's felt probably a probably Tom Brady yes my last oh maybe one more yeah how much money okay yeah I'll make it another one sure
Gotta make sure my great-grandkids- Well, that's just it. I mean, there must be a thousand by now. He's just like, well, fuck. I got a whole little talent I'm supporting at this point. yeah um
Man, I was not expecting to talk about Cobra Kai, but I loved it. I love it. I love it. We went off the rails much like that show has gone off. This probably the most we ever talk about Cobra Kai. So I'm glad we did it. More than likely. I don't intend to talk about it when the show wraps up. But I think that, yeah. it's a we We might talk about it more when the when the new Karate Kid movie comes out. Possibly. Yeah, we might we might do that. it Maybe.
Oh, well. Well,

TV Shows and Censorship Discussion

I guess, uh, do you have, I guess, anything else to finish up, wrap up this year's ah tree house of horrors? Uh, it's been, it's been my favorite tree house of horrors yet with you. Okay. So excellent. Um, uh, I'm sorry, we're wrapping it up this year, but I'm glad ye we fit a lot this, this whole October. Um, we did, and we did. And yeah. And I,
i would Even for this today's episode, I started listening off and I was like, man, there's like a lot of stuff I'd love to talk about, but there's only so much you can cram into an episode, and but I'm definitely looking forward to, I guess, future episodes of The Treehouse of Horrors. In my Batman voice. I'm gonna miss the other voices. Yeah. Gonna miss The Treehouse of Horrors, yeah.
I mean you can do that year round man, oh man. You can do a pirate voice, it's it's all good man.
be What be a pirate? It's a favorite fast food restaurant. We already did the pirates episode, so. We did, freaking One Piece. um I know, maybe we can save for One Piece coming back now. It's always good for the shows you like when it comes back for for another season.
ah Yeah. It just pains you when it gets cancelled. That's what I'd say that's happened to me more often than not. That's why it's like if a show is like done, I'll watch it. But it's like if it's not, I'm like, I don't really know if I'll watch it. Because especially like, because to me, like I like watching shows that are like have a story to them, right? Like I know there's shows where it's like, oh, there's like a new story every episode, but it's like, uh,
And I, and I hate it when it's like left on a cliffhanger. It's like, man, like at least like put out like a fucking Omic online or something. Finish up the story for me. I hate to know what the fuck happens. Like, then they're just like, nah, we canceled it. It wasn't getting crazy reviews after the two days it was up, but we canceled it. Yeah. Fuck you. And that's it.
ah ah You still need to watch the penguin. The penguin? Yes. It's kind of superhero adjacent, isn't it? I don't know. But but me you forget Batman's even in this world.
I mean I kind of forgot Batman was in the Joker fully edited so yes I guess that that's in a bad way the penguin you don't see Batman is a good way Uh, I might. It's, uh, yeah, it's because TV shows are, they're always a lot, man. Like, in it and if it's written start to finish and it's like, it's good to start to finish and there's a compelling story, but it's like, if a season's out or whatever, it's like, I don't know. And then sometimes they just, they just start like, just go into nothing. They write themselves into a corner. but
I'll tell you this. I'm six episodes in. It's an eight episode um season. Okay. I don't know. I mean, I guess it's supposed to, you know, it's going to be falling into the next Batman movie because I don't know like what's going to happen after this. But ah every episode has been solid as fuck.
Um, and it keeps me wanting, it's painful really waiting a week. I wish I could binge this show. I wish I could. Is it similar to, cause I feel like I watched a couple episodes of Gotham back in the days. isn so that it's it's It's like a hundred times better. Okay.
oh my god well yeah i didn't i mean i didn't hate it but someone who's seeing gotham it's it's night and day it's night and day man it really is because because remember this is it ah this is not tv we're talking about this is hbo come on uh that there's no restraints with this you know i guess that that's an american thing man so oh yes I'm familiar with what HBO is. so so so so So Gotham was put on network television. Right. The network television, there's there's sensors, there's there's things you can't do, things you can do, whatever. Just so I understand American TV a little bit better then. So like even if you guys put the disclaimer out the front, you can't just show whatever the fuck you want after that? Depends on the depends on the channel. Okay.
so So if you have like NBC, ABC, those channels, um just like a no yeah so you you can't say you can't say like fuck or shit. You can't like show ah excessive amounts of blood and gore.
right You can't show the titty. Right, correct. You can't show the titties, yeah. HBO, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Okay, yeah. I mean like, I think there's some, I feel like it's it's one of those things like and in Canada, I could be wrong, but it's like I feel like it's like, to that to some degree, but like once like 10 o'clock hits, not that anyone watches TV anyways.
What's 10 o'clock is? Doesn't matter, they'll fucking put anything on. They put the most flavor and like that's good. so so So you write about that? So when it comes to cable shows, you yeah you you're past a certain time, you can't get away with certain things. yeah But it's the difference between cable and network television. That's what it is.

Exploration of 'The Penguin' Series

Okay. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess. Yeah, I'm just trying i'm trying to teach. To some degree. Yeah, I'm just trying to teach you my my name like my Canadian friends.
For all I know, i maybe it's maybe it's so similar up here. I don't know. I mean, you can only watch so much TV inside your cold igloo, you know? Man,
ah man this it should make you watch The Penguin even more. I mean, i mean he his club again is the Iceberg Lounge. that's It is, but I mean, like, I suppose...
But no, but but for for for the performances alone too, like Colin Farrell, like if he doesn't win an award, I'd be surprised. Right. He he is that good. And you're like, every five minutes, I'm just like, that's Colin Farrell. Wait, now no. No, wait. Yep. Yep. That's Colin Farrell.
yeah Yeah, yeah, his talents are underutilized sometimes. Yes. One of my favorite roles with him in is 12 Bosses. Oh, too yeah. He taught losing himself in a role in that one too. Holy shit. Yeah, he he like, and not to say that he doesn't do good stuff in in other movies, but like that one, holy fuck man. Every time he's on screen, I was like, I was chuckling and I was like just loving it like the whole point. I was like, he fucking, this was perfect. This was made for him.
um Yeah, I mean so if I had give you any homework I say to just watch the first episode of pay where and then just let me know All right. I mean this kind of sounds like like optional homework, you know, it is optional homework. Okay. Yeah It's more like it's a friend to a friend is play. Hey you should watch this, you know It'll mean a lot if you watch this for me. I got you. Okay. Yeah Yeah, yeah I don't want to guilt you into it too much but No, I mean, I like that they there have it like I'm not saying like you you've you've recommended some stuff to me that i have I have thoroughly enjoyed in the past. I just yeah, I don't know. I think it's just more so that especially the superhero stuff I get I get what you're saying. I just like fuck man. It's like watching another Marvel show or anything for me. It's just like it's kind of like after a while I know this cop shows and hospital shows and lawyer shows and this like you're just like man like
I don't care how good it is. I just I just I need something different like the too many zombie shows. yeah It's like, yeah, i like I guess I just get once it gets saturated. Like, even if it is the creme de la creme, like, I think I just don't care. I'm just like, I was just too much. I just want something different. Yeah. Well, kind how I am sometimes so this is much more of like a mafia type. Yeah. Okay.
um I might. like it is mean like you You forget you're in a world that has the Batman in it. because it been This is the good thing that works for it because because Batman is a grounded superhero. like He's a realistic hero. so There's no supernatural shit happening. you know Everything feels like it's you know believable. You see these people. like You can relate to them. Batman's grounded, but the one thing I never understood is like
He exposes his secret identity with how much money he clearly has even as Batman. I feel like in a city that size there can't be more than like 10 people that can afford the toys that that guy has.
i not thinking I'm trying to think actually as far as the rich. I feel like there's similar so many rich that know that that you know that we don't like know about or like but put spotlight on. Yeah, I guess because because we we have to imagine Gotham is like a New York City. I get that. So that's a huge fucking city. It is a huge fucking city. yeah And like, and and sure, and I'm sure that there's there's but I mean, like he with the stuff that he has and like the toys and he's got like he's got the bat wing and stuff like that okay we're talking about you're not talking about low millions early why I guess why it depends I mean I mean the Batman guys bat wing in in the Batman he only has like a good souped-up car
Okay, but I mean, in the one with Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, and the Christopher Nolan ones, you got his bat wing. It is a known thing, I guess. The newest one I think. Yeah, I'm only talking about the newest one because that's what the penguin world is set in. Right. So that's all I'm saying. So that's why I feel it makes the show even better because of how real it all feels. Okay.
alrighty Alrighty.

Wrap-Up and Future Content

But, I'm very hyped up too much so I'm gonna stop. Yeah, we're really going. it's It's time to wrap up the Treehouse of Arms. It's as good as Cobra Kai.
it' Yeah, so we will we will wrap up our show. so I guess ah going into ah next week now, ah we're going to take a one week break. Is that is that what it was? or Yeah. be one but little break One week break to figure out um ah how we're going to schedule some things. I mean, so we we do know we have the gladiator to look forward to next week. We are ecstatic to to watch that. We've already heard some good buzz and everything. Well, I'm cautiously optimistic to watch. I mean, as long as Barret is a Joker too, I'm happy. I want it to be good. I didn't hate Joker too. I know, you did, I know. I want this to... As far as sequels go, I'm telling the sequels. I hope so. I hope it is delightful.
Yeah, and we'll figure out some other things for other episodes. Yeah. Coming down the pipeline, so but we'll make sure it's ah it's a treat for everybody. But until then, make sure you have yourself a very spooky or otherwise, however you enjoy your Halloween. Uh, you guys, yeah, dude, happy Halloween to you, Sleepy Janet. Thanks, buddy. I hope it's wonderful. um Yeah.
ah I mean, I always but still wasn't just enjoy Halloween, man. like but Even even like handing out candy, seeing the kids with the ah costumes. That's actually a lot of fun, too. I mean, I've done both. I'd still go trick-or-treating, to be honest. I'm kind of a kid at heart. It's fun to hand out the the candies, too. Yeah, I'll probably be doing that as well. I'll probably be with some friends. I'll go to their...
go to their stoop and then <unk> we'll probably just have a whole table of candy set up and we'll just be drinking. That's how the kids go by. Trick or treat and James just stumbles on the whole thing.
I'm sad though, I'll be sad, don't worry. Yeah, yeah. But that's, that's it. Wrapping up our tree house of horrors month. Um, like I said, it was a pleasure, man. Yep. And indeed and and enjoy the break we have. Cause it won't last too long.
yeah I won't enjoy the break. I love doing the show, man, but the break will, it'll tear up my heartstrings a bit as it will for me too. Yeah. But with that all said, happy Halloween everyone.
Cheers! cheers