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20 Plays1 year ago

Lot's of news this episode including Dexter, True Blood, I know what you did last summer, Something killing the children, Dead by Daylight, Evil Dead and more


Julian Sands' Disappearance: A Real-life Horror?

for real all right welcome back to freight central i'm doc back here again with kec and we talk all things horror how's it going buddy uh it's going man what's going on with you yes oh well the first thing on everybody's mind and i'm not even saying this jokingly but um
I think that it's pretty safe to say that actor Julian Sands is probably no longer available. Yeah, he's been missing since January 13th from a hike in the San Gabriel mountains where people have been following. Yeah, this is insane.
Yeah, I mean, it's insane. I have no idea what he was thinking. I mean, like, look, I wish all the best to there being a miracle and then being found best wishes to his family and stuff. But like.
I was reading into that and California is so good with apps and updates to all their tourist attractions and nature preserves. They put out massive alerts saying, please do not go to these places. I have no idea what the fuck he was thinking.
You know, if you know Julian Stans, I mean, he's an awesome actor.

Tom Sizemore's Health Crisis

I mean, he's been in so many different things through the years. I mean, I really like the guy. I just I have no idea what the fuck was going through his mind. He'll always be the warlock to me. That's for sure. The warlock. I mean, well, he was the warlock. I mean, God, I'm when I loved his role when I was a little kid in arachnophobia.
Like, you know, I mean, that's like the crazy, you know what I mean? So like, I mean, when you told me that I was, I got really upset about it and I, I liked the guys just, it's senseless. It was absolutely like a needless thing. I don't know. Maybe there, maybe there will be a miracle and just the one other thing. Um, I did find that we talked a little bit about it. Um, I think earlier in the week or last week, um, that, uh, Tom Sizemore is also, uh, no longer available.
Yeah, they just had to, uh, he had like a brain aneurysm, like the other day. So he's not going to be involved anymore, unfortunately. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so.

Julian Sands' Career Highlights

yeah anyway on uh i guess a lighter side of news because i got some places in town this year hey man it is horror it all things horror man it is real life tragedy man it's some fucking fucked up shit yeah and julie sandes was yeah i mean he was the warlock you know
He's the war. Julian says he's done everything. You know what I mean? Like good horror. He was. How many warlocks did they make? The three? Like four, I think. I don't know. Maybe. Was he warlock in every warlock movie? Was he always the warlock or did they get somebody to replace him? Like, you know, some generic warlock. Like some half-assed warlock.
Man, that's a good question. I mean, I could talk about Julian Sands for a full hour. You know what I mean? We'll have to go back and have a warlock cast with Ross and minor. We took a film class to three of us very briefly in community college when we all went to the same school at one point.
And, uh, we watched a version of, I think it was fan of the opera with Julian Samson. I think he was the fan. I'm not a hundred percent certain, but like, you know, I mean, like he's done every fucking thing. I mean, he's done fucking like, I think he was in softcore porn for a while. He's just been in fucking everything. So, you know, Julian, I don't know, man, you know, hopefully, hopefully you get found.
They just maybe you're walking it up. You know, he's just murdered some like cougars and like he's wearing them in skins. He's just like. Yeah, like the wild, like everything that's disappearing in the San Gabriel Mountains right now is Julian Sands doing it like he is, you know, the danger. Like, yeah, I guess that would be cool. But like, yeah, I think he joins no longer.
He's the reason we've had so much water. I mean, so much rain and snow recently because he's we're walking it out. Oh, man, Julian, what the fuck?
But anyway, yeah, it's been a while. So I don't know. I think the last cast we did was the end of January,

Dexter Universe Expansions

beginning of February. So I don't know if I had mentioned the Dexter Origins series that they're talking about doing. I know you had said the last time that we did the cast about Dexter when we talked about New Blood.
Well, you were saying that it was so well received that there was something else that was in the banks. But at the time, I wasn't sure if it was confirmed or not. What's the news on that now? Well, now they're talking about doing an origin story, which I mean.
They've already kind of did that. You remember like the flashback scenes where he's wearing like this long sleeve shirt underneath the t-shirt and he's got that fucking really bad wig and he's just like, oh, I'm a kid now. Like a Buscemi and that fucking, hello fellow kids. Like- Yeah, I do. I mean, Dexter's origin story was kind of like,
one of the essential, um, I don't know. I mean, it was like the essential story to the original Dexter, like everything was kind of about his origin. It was something that they constantly went back to almost once per episode. I would argue. Yeah. So I don't know what they, uh,
plan on doing uh with that I mean yeah that's really you know that's really fucking straight a really strange title Dexter or like the whole I mean Dexter could have just been called Dexter origin it's like everything everything was about the development of his childhood into what he became so yeah I have no idea unless maybe
Unless like they're going to say that like it goes further down his lineage. Well, it's starting with like the show begins with Dexter graduating college to join the Miami Metro. So he's going to meet like younger versions of all the characters we know like that's stupid. So I guess we didn't cover is like.
freshman year at fucking Miami. They even do talk about him in college. He even goes to a fucking college reunion. Yeah, I don't know. Well, I mean, they're not. It's not him in college. It's like him just for starting out Miami Metro. So, yeah, I mean, I guess there's plenty of serial killers to fucking remove. Is it is it something they're just doing? This is just going to be like another limited, like one season only thing.
Like they didn't say it was going to be one season or not. They just said Dexter origins. And then there are another, then they, then they've also talked about a new version of Dexter new blood, which is going to, I guess it's going to focus on. Well, maybe he didn't, he didn't actually die and he gets to jump on that police woman. That thing. Like it's going to start like right where end it. And he's just going to like snap her neck or something.
Well, I mean, it was Harrison that, that killed them. So that's John, but maybe he like didn't actually die. Like the bullet, like missed somehow. And like, you know, when Harrison bounced, like he's going to like hop up, kill the cop and then go after Harrison. It's not a, uh, it's not a sequel to new blood. It's a version of new blood. So it's going to be new.
from the, they have an identity crisis, huh? Yeah. So it's going to be from the, it's going to be focused on Dexter, son Harrison. So, I mean, we saw him a little bit in the show, but like most of it was revolved around Dexter. So I guess now we're going to watch Harrison Harrison's like view of that whole story is what they plan on doing. Yeah.
That's very bizarre. Okay. Hey, I hope it works. I'll go into it when open mind. That's not all. Also now they're going to do a, uh, like an origin story of the Trinity killer of John Lithgow's character. Now I had heard something about that a long time.
like right after that I think that was season three Dexter three or four yeah I can't remember yeah well when they had done that after that season had ended whenever well that only that only went one season right it the tranny killer didn't span over two seasons it was just the single
I had remembered at the time they were talking about doing a spinoff. I don't know if Dexter was going to be involved, but they were thinking about doing a spinoff of The Trinity Killer and they wanted John Lithgow to play him.
Yeah, I don't think they're going to go that route now. Yeah, well, I don't know. I had just heard that they wanted to do a spin off of him. I don't know if Dexter was even going to be involved in that. Like, you know, I mean, at least not like him in Miami because trendy moved all over the place. Yeah. So, um, but, uh, yeah, well, that's interesting. So they're doing that again now. But John, let gals obviously not going to be involved.
No, it's probably going to be like a younger, uh, unless they like do really bad, like the agent, the age lift gal. Yeah. I say just be like, yeah, I'm 30. I mean, you see the things that they're doing now. So I mean, it's fucking crazy, dude. Yeah. Fucking, uh,
computers that are telling people to leave their wives and be with them, you know. You know, you can make it with young people. Not going to really need actors. I mean, God, even with voices now, like actors are going to be like basically all you need to do is like exist.
And like, you know what I mean? Like you can be an actor, like with, like, with the way technology is going, like it's just fucking crazy. So who the hell knows? But so, and now the Trinity spinoff, is that going to be in the Dexter universe? Oh, yeah. Or is that okay. So that's, yeah.
Okay. And that's going to be involved in one of the two different spinoffs. No, that's a, it's his own separate spinoff. So there's three, all right. I'm just trying to keep right. Make sure we're talking facts here. So there are three approved, like in the works Dexter projects, right? Yeah. That's what they were talking about. Wow. That is intense. I did not know

Revival of Classic Thrillers: Is Nostalgia Driving Sequels?

that. I mean, you don't know if like they'll all end up like.
There's, there's definitely three projects in the works. We don't know if we'll end up seeing all of them. You know, I mean, one could come out and be bad and like, they just canceled the other ones. So you never know these days. So yeah, I think, uh, honestly, out of the three, I'd probably wouldn't want to see the Trinity killer one the most.
Yeah. The Trinity Killer one to me out of like the subplots that you offered up sounds the most intriguing. Yeah. So yeah, that's what I would, that's what I would want as well.
of the
and they're always, dude, I watch anything Jennifer Love Hewitt's in just for her. Like I fucking love their every, every guy, every guy during that time, she was like your number one. Everyone was in love with her. You know what I mean? She was a real fucking sweetheart too. Um, you know, I,
I'm Miss Jennifer Lovefield. I don't know what happened to her. I'm coming back for. She do like like I know she was doing all Hallmark movies for a while. Yeah. Like, you know, like a lot of like kids stuff like Christmas stuff. You know what I mean? Like she was doing like a lot of like feel good for the kids. Hallmark lifetime lifetime specials, things like that. I wasn't sure if she was still working. Yeah. Well, she's coming back to do a sequel to I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Gotcha. But so she's going to like play like an older version of her. They're going to do like what they did with Scream, where she's going to come back and be like, oh, you know, that happened to me that summer way back when I still I still know what you did 30 summers ago. Yeah, I haven't I haven't seen her. And so I mean, people didn't look like she had aged. Yeah, they did a sequel called I still know what you did last summer, but I don't think it was with any of the returning cast.
Wasn't she in another, but wasn't she in a couple of them weren't there. Oh no, I guess there was. I still, so this is part two. And then they did a few more. I don't think they did a few more of them. I thought they did a few. I thought there were like four or five. No.
Not with Jennifer. I think those were the only two with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Oh yeah. I was not saying that there were a bunch with Jennifer Love Hewitt. I was saying I thought that they did like a few sequels too. I know what you did the last summer. I thought there were... I feel like they might have done one other one. But that franchise wasn't as big as like Scream.
Yeah, or I mean, I didn't realize how many final destinations there were. I didn't realize there's like there. I think there I saw six, maybe six. Yeah. No, I saw six. Yeah. So two of them are both names, final destination. So yeah. And then there was final destination. There was a roller coaster one. I don't know. They went all the way up to NASCAR. The last one, I think the last one was actually there were some kind of good ones in between. But anyway,
We're talking about I know what you did last summer. So they're doing a reboot of that. It's just a sequel. It doesn't say reboot. It's a sequel. And it says they're both going to do a sequel that they're both returning. So I guess it'll be a sequel to I still know what you did unless they're going to ignore those events.
Yeah, well, I mean, we'd have to check and see how many I know what you did last summer sequels that there were and see if is it going to take place. But if Jennifer Love Hewitt is going to be in it, then I'm assuming that it would have to have been a sequel to either what it would have to be a sequel to the last one that she was in. And I think she was in.
So yeah, it would be a direct sequel that's based off of the original story, which was stupid. Yeah. I mean, they got the, they're getting the original, uh, director back, I believe. I don't know. Hold on. I think I passed it. Oh, it just says, uh, directed the original. I don't know who's doing the, uh, the new one, but, uh,
Yeah, that it was 98 and 2006 that and they only came back for the first sequel. So yeah, well, there was only three. There's only three. I know what you did last summer because the original came out in 97 sequels and then there's a one in 2006 that they weren't it that Jennifer Love, you and Freddie Prince weren't in. But oh, God, three prints. I forgot about him, too. Yeah, he's going back to.
Yeah. I mean, that was like the only thing I ever liked about him was that like, I was like, Hey man, that's cool. Like you're on screen with Jennifer Love Hewitt, like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. So you gotta be doing something. Right. But like, otherwise I was never really a big, he never really did. He never, his career never really like went very far. Did it?
He like kind of was involved in like all that stuff. And then he just sort of like faded away. I never really, I never really saw much of him. I saw him in like the, I know you did the last summers and then I saw him in like a baseball movie and then that was it. Yeah. I didn't really follow his career. I can't tell you. He could have been working. He could not have. Yeah. But anyway, next piece of news I got is, you remember the movie I Am Legend with Will Smith.
Yeah, yeah. Well, they decided that they're going to make a sequel set decades after the original film with Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan returning. Now, here's the catch. They're ignoring the original ending. They're going with the alternate ending for the film. What? That most people would not have even seen. Yeah, unless they bought the DVD and went to the deleted scenes to watch the alternate ending.
So yeah, it says the alternate ending for the original film will be canning in the sequel and the film creator also says that he will take visual inspiration from Last of Us.
You got a lot of bizarre news tonight. Everything you've said, I've had to give you a stink eye and think, are you just saying something to fuck with me because you know I don't follow this shit the way you do? You think this would be funny to do this on a podcast and at the end be like, oh, fuck you, Cack. You know what I mean? Because this is really bizarre ideas. Yeah.
Based on the alternative ending. So it's going to be a sequel, but it's based on the alternative ending that like literally only like 1% of fans with scene, because not only would you have to like own DVD to see that, but you'd have to go into the options menu and you'd have to then navigate.
to find the alternative ending. I don't think there wasn't an alternate cut to I Am Legend. I mean, I'm sure they'll release one before the movie comes out. So that way people can, like, you know, refresh with the alternate ending because otherwise, like, you're just going to be like, oh, yeah, by the way, just ignore that that that ending. They'd have to release like a Blu-ray or something or really streaming an alternate cut and just wipe the earth of the original ending.
I mean, I didn't think it was that great to begin with. No, I didn't think it was actually the ending. So like, I mean, whatever, I guess my, my, my theory would be if they were going to do it based on the alternative ending, what they're going to have to do is in the beginning of the movie, they're going to have to show that alternative ending. Yeah.
You know, that's going to have to be how it begins. Otherwise people are going to be like, I mean, unless they've never seen it before, right? If you've never seen I am legend, you're going into it fresh. Then that's great. But like, otherwise, if they don't show that no one's going to understand what the fuck is going on. Maybe a little like do a thing with Will Smith saying like, this is how you remember it happening, but this is how it actually happened. And then.
Like one of Bill Pullman's greatest lines in David Lynch's Lost Highway is when they ask him about the lack of photographs he has in his house. And he says, I don't like to take a lot of photographs because I like to remember things the way I remembered them, not necessarily the way they happened. And that is something I always really
Took the heart and so yeah, if they're gonna do something like that, but I Don't know. I guess I just don't have high hopes for it because I didn't really like the movie itself Yeah, so that's just me personally.

The End of True Blood: What Went Wrong?

Yeah, I agree with you. So but I'm sure I'll see the new one when it comes out, you know, oh, yeah, but Yeah, it's not like oh I have to I can't wait for it or anything like that Comes out. I'll see it. Sure. All right. I guess you got me
So are you building up like was that like I'm assuming you like decided to do this news in the order of like least bizarre to most bizarre. Actually, no, I know when the news was announced. So I started back very sick and so on. So do you remember the serious true blood? You know, I do.
You know that they would been talking about doing a reboot of the series already I heard that that they were thinking about doing not a read No, I did not hear I heard that they were thinking about doing a Like a new well, yeah, I guess it would have been a review I heard that. Yeah. Well, I didn't hear it in that like language I heard that they were thinking about doing like a similar series and
Uh, true blood that wasn't called true blood, but that was going to have like the same sort of principles that would be by definition, basically a reboot. You know what I mean? Like, so yeah, I, I, I had heard something sort of like that. Well, I did not think it was like announced and I wasn't even sure if it was going to be on HBO.
Yeah, it was HBO and they did announce it, but now they have axed it. So you don't have to worry about the true blood remake. Oh, they've asked it. Oh, okay. So good news for everybody. Yeah. Well, I mean, unless it was going to be like good, like they were like, yo, we're like going to reboot true blood and make it good. Then I would have been like, Oh shit. But you know, I feel like it's too soon to reboot that series. Like, you know what I mean? It was like, well, I mean, did you go and end it?
I, uh, I stopped watching after a certain point. Like I just could not just, I had tried everything in my power to justify why I was still watching that. Yeah, I couldn't finish it. I could not fucking do it. Could not do it. I mean, I'd even, I'd, I'd been, I'd, I'd stopped watching it like the season before the final. And then I was like, all right, well, let me go back. Like I went back later.
like months, maybe even like a year or two later. And I was like, all right, let me give it another try.
Just just where I left off and like I maybe got another two episodes before I was like, no, this is fucking terrible What am I doing? Yeah, it was just I mean there were things and I think that they had like they had a substantial like Fucking like male audience like, you know, like with the women and everything like it just it became like almost like I Man, I like I said, I'd never finished it but it I
It became almost offensive to me. It was just so fucking awful. I almost went back to watch one episode when I heard that Rucker Hour had gotten involved in the project because when I had seen it,
I had stopped watching it before he came in. I think he was in the last two seasons, if I'm not mistaken. But, uh, I didn't even go back to watch the one thing like impact when like all, all the, the other, there is nothing that kind of got me back. And it was just so fucking awful.
Yeah. Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I mean, that's good news.

Mindhunter's Future: Why No Season 3?

Speaking of canceled series, uh, Netflix and David Fincher have announced that season three of mine Hunter isn't no go. I had been following this story and up until two weeks ago, I still heard that they were like, I had heard,
Right around New Year's, like right after the new year, I had read something in, I think it was the Hollywood Reporter, where David Fincher gave a brief thing where he said that he felt encouraged about the future.
I think that was like the quote. So he had, you know, he, so this was something that just happened in the last couple of days. Like two weeks ago. Oh, two weeks ago? Really? Yeah. I've been holding on to that.
for two weeks
I'm sorry, David Fincher said, what about Netflix? He confirmed that Netflix has no plans.
Okay. Gotcha. We'll see. The information that I had was getting was that Netflix was the one that was like more interested and they were trying for, yeah, they were waiting for venture to like free up, but I guess like they decided, you know, um, when it comes to like, you know, how many subs, uh, subscriptions they get.
You know, this was also very difficult because a tremendous amount of time had passed. And I know that they were saying that if they were going to bring it back, there were.
I think he said four or five different actors that had to be on board before he would decide whether or not he was going to do it. I think it was five actors. He said he needed five people that had to come back.
that I know the actors had all expressed fatigue, at least the main actors. A few of them had cited that, you know, it was like taking a psychological poem, which obviously what I got to tell you, that's really, really disappointing news. I love that show. I think Mindhunter is probably like my probably like my favorite like horror series of like
I've really, really, really enjoyed it. You know what I mean? I thought it was just really well done. Wow. Bummer News Night, man. Real fucking Bummer News Night. Well, I've got some good news here. You remember the canceled series, 1899? Somebody else picked it up? No.

Netflix Adaptations: What's Next?

The creators of it are doing an adaptation of this comic book called, Something is Killing the Children. I don't think it has, oh yeah, Netflix is doing it. They commissioned it. It's basically about these children in Archer's Peak begin to go missing. Everything seems hopeless. Most children never return, but the ones that do have terrible stories and possible stories of terrifying creatures that live in the shadows.
Their only hope of finding and eliminating the threat is the arrival of a mysterious stranger, one who believes the children and claims to see what they can see. And she kills monsters. So I don't know. It's been, uh, it's got a multiple Eisner rewards. Well, there's something killing the children. I've heard that before. I've heard that that's only a comic. Yes.
There was nothing else. It wasn't a series of like short stories or something that the comics based on. There might be something else called like something similar. Because that sounds like a very, very, very familiar to me. I mean, there has been talks of that show coming of something killing the children being in development, but they've just announced that it's going to be from the creators of The Dark in 1899.
Did you ever find out any information about whether or not 1899 might have the ability to get shopped out to other networks or as far as you know, is that something Netflix has the rights to and that's decided they're just going to bury? I mean, they might have like, you know, exclusive rights for a couple of years, like they did with like the Marvel stuff that they use where they had it for another three years after it last aired. So it might be something like that. But I mean,
they're clearly not shopping it out at all if they're already signed up to do something else with the same. Yeah, that's what I figured. That's what I figured. Because I was thinking, oh, that would be cool if they went to Amazon or something. We had talked about this a bit before, but I didn't think that it was realistic. But I'm still going to have hope. Well, that kind of confirms that that's never
Yeah, I mean, maybe one day, you never know. I mean, never like 30 years later that we got. Well, I mean, you know, look at they're doing like fucking three different spinoffs to Dexter after Dexter had been dead for fucking what, 10 years after in peaks, like 20, 30 years later. Yeah. So I mean, yeah, there's always a possibility, I guess,
like look at a lot of the stuff on TV. They bring back like night court and shit like that, too. So yeah, yeah, I mean, but overall, I mean, there's kind of a bummer string of news announcements. Mine Hunter one was really a kick in the nuts. I really
had been holding out hope over that because they had said it was dead then it was back then it was dead then it was back and then Fincher would say like oh you know I now have encouragement and like you know even though like one of the times he said that was like two years ago but like I still held out hope because it's still apparently one of the most watched series on Netflix it's still people are going back and re-watching and re-watching and re-watching it but oh well
Well, it's good. We can put that behind this now, I guess. Yeah. Um, then the next thing I had, uh, if we have a little bit of time, uh, DC's dead boy detectives, which is a, uh, doom patrol spinoff, which do patrol aired on a HBO.
They are not going to be on HBO Max because it's not going to be part of their whole like, you know, DC universe, whatever it's going to be. Netflix picked it up, so it's going to be its own separate thing. It's by Neil Gaiman, who did the Sandman, which is also on Netflix, and that did really well. So yeah, it seems like it's going to over there. It's basically a fresh take on a ghost story that explores lost grief and death.
through the lens of Edwin Payne and Charles Roland, two dead British teenagers and their very live friend Crystal Palace. So it's like a lot of vintage detective stories, only darker and on acid. Yeah, that sounds that sounds pretty interesting and doing the like Haunting of Hill House type thing, like going through like the grieving like process and stuff like that, like defeating demons. That's pretty cool.
So yeah, that's the suggestion. Maybe it'll get picked up for more than one season, hopefully. If it's any good, that is. Yeah.

Blumhouse's Horror Projects: What's Coming?

Um, and then real quick, um, they, the Blumhouse and, uh, James Wan is a production company, Atomic Monster. They are, um, making a dead by daylight, uh, movie, you know, the video game based on the video game. Yeah. Yeah. I never, I never played it, but I know it.
Yeah, I mean, I've watched other people play. I mean, it's pretty much like the Jason game, which but they did by daylight game first. So, you know, the Crystal Lake game, I mean. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So very familiar. It was very fucking hard. Yeah. Very, very same concept of that as that. All right. And the last piece of news I had was that Bruce Campbell says the animated Evil Dead series is still happening.
The Evil Dead Rise film, because he's not in that, which is kind of like, it's not a sequel to any of the other previous Evil Dead movies, including that somewhat reboot of Evil Dead, because you know, you hear Ash's voice at the end of the reboot one that came out in like 2000 or whatever.
Yeah, well, let me just real quick because I was following this a little bit recently as well. Let's just make sure there are to be just laying it down factually. There are two evil dead things coming out at the same time. Not the same time now. Evil Dead Rise is coming out next month.
OK, and Evil Dead Rise, is that the movie with Bruce Campbell? It's a movie. Bruce Campbell is not in it. Bruce Campbell is not in it. He's just doing the voice in the animated and the animated series. Yes. OK, and the animated series is something totally separate from the movie. Yes, I think it's going to be a sequel to Ash versus Evil Dead. The series is on stars, I think it was.
I believe that yes, it was on Star of Ash versus Evil Dead. So the movie is just a non-animated movie, just normal movie based on Evil Dead. But Bruce Campbell is not going to actually be in that. No, I think it takes place in like New York or something at like a high rise. And the Necronomicon is involved. Deadites and all that. You're still going to have deadites and whatnot.
Um, I almost said cinnabites. Um, but, uh, you know, it's, I mean, very similar. Um, but, uh, angels to some demons to others. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. There you go. Not deadites. Deadites are not angels to anybody. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
accept themselves, you know what I mean? Like, maybe they are themselves. I think they're still demons to each other. Yeah, probably. I mean, they're, they're dead seem to be like in, especially in the last season of Ashford's Evil Dead, there seemed to be like a strong sense of a power struggle and hell. So like a constant chaotic power struggle.
Yeah. Well, he did. He did also voice the. The character of Ash and Evil Dead, the game in twenty twenty two and they ended by daylight game. There was an expansion where Ash was in it and he did the voice for that as well. So. But so your news, your news was for both the movie and the animated. Oh.
No, it was just for the anime series that he's confirmed that it's still happening. He's confirmed that it's definitely happening. The movie was already a done deal. The movie's already about to be out next month. I knew it had been filmed. I wasn't sure if there was a release date for it yet, though.
Yeah, I remember last October, I want to say, or maybe even before that there was like a test screening, but I didn't get a fight for it and I missed it. And I just saw it. Like people were like, fuck, I didn't get a fucking test screening lineup for that. Oh, yeah, that sucks. That sucks.
I have a buddy that he gets a network test for video games and he goes fucking crazy whenever he misses out. I'm assuming it's the same type of thing. You know what I mean? You're going to want to be in there and get the early feeling.
be the first one to do a review or something on your channel. But well, I mean, well, you can't talk about it, you know, I mean, you can't talk about it, but you can form like opinions, you can form opinions about it. And like, you know, you can like talk to other people that have seen it. And like, you know, you can come first at the gate. Obviously, I know you can't like go in and fringe on copyright.
If you had a test screening months early, like I'm just saying, like you can see, you can form the opinion of it and stuff. But anyway, that's the movie. So Bruce Campbell said that the animated series is definitely happening. And is there any idea of when that is going to be coming out? Did he give a framework? He didn't give any type of timeline. Yeah, it was kind of, I mean, it sounds like it's kind of up to Sam Raimi when he gets like. Yeah, yeah.
to do it. But I mean, I mean, obviously, I don't, I mean, I don't know if the director will probably just produce and maybe write but like, it's still happening as far as we know. So and just real quick, right before we go, um, you are the movie
Forgive my ignorance, but did Bruce Campbell ever say why he was not going to be involved in this movie? Like, did they not ask him or did he not want to do this movie? Do you know he had announced that he was pretty much retiring from that role because of his age. I had heard that.
And that's, I mean, that and the series has gotten canceled, but I think this movie kind of really had nothing to do with him, with that character. And he had already was like, found out before this movie was in production. Yeah. So they, I mean, I'm sure they asked him, but like, he was just like, no, I'm done. Yeah. That's what I, I wasn't, I just want to make sure I had my facts straight. Yeah.
But yeah, I would kill for a fucking season four. I love that. I thought they brought it all back terrifically. I just went right back to the original movie. I thought they did a great job. But anyway, that's all the time we have. Thank you all for joining us. And I'll talk to you soon, buddy. All right. Sounds good. See you later.