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From Season 1 & 2

Fright Central
31 Plays1 year ago

We talk about our Halloween and the best show no one is watching the Mgm+ series From


Halloween Experiences and Horror Gaming

Alright, welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc back here again with Keck. How's it going, buddy? It's going, man.
Happy Halloween. Sorry, we didn't get a chance to do another cast before Halloween happened. Yeah, man, there's a lot of people that probably will sweep over that. Yeah, so I only got a chance to do like one haunt to this past Halloween. I mean, I watched a bunch of horror movies. Then we went trick or treating. Well, not really, but
We went out to an era where kids were trick-or-treating, so. Yeah. It was fun just watching them run around and shit. I was sure in the spirit. I mean, I was sure in the spirit. I went on like a little bit of like a horror video game kick. Like, well, we're going to do a video game cast at some point. We didn't say we're going to do it for like a year, but we haven't done it.
I was sort of getting like in the spirit I started playing um I got a VR headset for my birthday and I started playing Resident Evil 8 in virtual reality and I have never I have never experienced anything like that I haven't like done the new VR stuff in like forever and
It was really, really intense. The head vampire lady, she was just in your grill, bro. I could feel bugs crawling on me. They really went all out.
put out the port for that game's virtual reality simulation. I had never experienced anything like it. I was fucking scared as shit. It was really intense. And then I tried... What's that? I've only played Resident Evil 4 on the VR and the... The remake of Resident Evil 4? The new one that just came out six months ago?
VR one that came out last year. Oh, you were telling me that I have no idea. I don't know what that is. I don't. I've never. VR version of Resident Evil 4 that they put out last year. Yeah, I don't know about that. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, anyway, and then I've only played like the walking dead So this wait hold on so this was Resident Evil 4 VR So the remake that just came out six months ago. You're playing the VR version of that No, not of the remake of the original of the of Huh The original Resident Evil 4 is
Yes, they turned it into a VR game. And it's not of using the remade graphical technology that they just did. They did the original graphics, so it's like lower resolution graphics, like the GameCube game? No. They made a VR version of Resident Evil 4.
The remake. It's not a port. It's it's the new version of a VR Resident Evil game. Yes. So it's it just came out like six months ago. No, it came out a year ago. It came out before the remake came out. The VR. OK, so you're saying the.

Halloween in LA and Cannabis Candy Controversy

It's not a port of that game. It's a new game. That's Resident Evil four, but in VR.
So it's called Resident Evil 4 VR. It's a totally separate thing for, okay, all right, that's all you needed to say. So this is like a, all right, because I, Resident Evil 4, the VR version, the mode, that's just set to release. So a lot of people have been talking about that.
And then Resident Evil 4 the remake came out recently and the VR version is on its way out of Resident Evil 4 the remake.
which is basically just the GameCube game that is you know remade with like today's graphics and you know beautiful so you're talking about something that came out like a year ago that's called Resident Evil 4 and it's just a virtual reality thing it's it has like affiliation with the video game but like yeah this one was just for VR
Okay, I get that all right I wasn't sure when you had said before because it's very confusing when you say Resident Evil 4 VR I'm thinking of the Resident Evil 4 that everybody's real pumped about right now. That's out in virtual reality So it's it can be confusing Because there's a newer Resident Evil game. That's out in For VR. I don't think it's Resident Evil 4. The Resident Evil 4 remake is just for consoles
Yeah, it's well, it's for consoles and PC and it's coming out in VR very soon. So that's why I was getting you know, there's a lot of like Resident Evil 4 is like you're talking about like a totally separate thing. It was like throwing me off because this one's been out for I think about six months and the VR version is set to release sometime in
I think it's like five months, five or six months. I think they said it would be out before the summer of 2024. Not 100% on my dates there, so I could be wrong. Well, that's cool. And you said you were playing something else, or I was also playing a game. I was playing it on the Xbox Series X. It's available on game past. It's called Amnesia the Bunker.
that game is truly terrifying and i was thinking like if i was going to play this game in VR i don't think i'd be able to handle it like it's just it's too many jump scares like i could see myself having a fucking heart attack or something
But anyway, so that's what I've been doing to get into the spirit. I did that and I watched Fall of the House of Usher, which was fantastic and we're definitely going to be talking about very soon. But yeah, I mean, that's that was pretty much like my way of like getting in the Halloween spirit. I didn't do anything like crazy or like really dress up this year or anything like that. You said you only made one haunt.
and you did some other stuff like you went out to like a bar party or something.
no it was more like just walking around like a neighborhood by friends in the marina and then yeah to a bar and like i mean there was some people dressed up but uh no like zombie crawls or anything like that this year uh because they didn't plan to do anything this past uh saturday because that's when normally everything happens we didn't go out to the west hollywood parade this year it's too much of a hassle yeah especially for tuesday night we all got work in the morning
Hasn't it been like real warm out in LA too? Like haven't you guys been like like the mid to high 80s or something like that? It's been like low to mid 80s, yeah. It's like 50 degrees in the morning and then by like 10 o'clock it's like 80 degrees. Wow, that's fucking insane. So Saturday I ended up just going to the Cypress Hills annual Haunted Hill show. Oh yeah, that's what you were telling me about.
They did Black Sunday front to back. How did Cypress Hill age? I feel like them being reckless fucking puffers back when they were popular, when I remember them in the 1990s. I feel like they would not age well.
Oh, they aged really well because they're still fucking like rocking the stage fucking hard. Really? I was really surprised. I was like, dude, for guys their age, because I mean, even Onyx played before them, too. And like they were fucking running around. Wait, like Onyx, who only has that one song that everybody knows? Yeah. Yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They.
They fucking played, they rocked it and then Cypress Hill fucking rocked it too. They played like a good like at least hour and a half I would say. That's pretty cool. And then he was fucking huffing and puffing the whole fucking time. Yeah, I bet. Not like huffing but I mean like he was running around the fucking stage like a fucking maniac. Yeah.
Yeah, that's all that's what I ended up doing cuz we didn't have any other Halloween plans So I was like fuck it. I'm gonna go to this like it was a nice small venue So I was like down like it towards the front too. Yeah, that's what he said like I like it like a intimate evening with Cypress Hill and Halloween just sounds real Fucking strange to me. But hey if it was a good time, you know, that's awesome Yeah Yeah
That's pretty much all I got. I got some news for us before we get into our topic

Actor Strike and AI in Entertainment

of tonight. Just before you get into the news, I have some news too about a story I heard. I think it was out your way about a school Halloween function where cannabis edibles got mixed in with the children's candy.
there was one confirmed case where one of the children ingested an edible but I think they said a second one was and they're not exactly sure how it happened like they don't believe it was intentional but like you know edibles are so prevalent and like the parents had them and somehow a couple of the parents edibles got mixed in and you know I just thought people should you know be aware of that you know
that actually happened. I think that's kind of awesome. I mean, it's terrible. I mean, you don't want that. I just think it's funny that that scenario happened where, you know, you have your kids. Jimmy Kimmel actually made a joke about the other night where he was like, we have video of the kid that and it's like this cute little girl and she's like got her face covered in chocolate and she stressed as a princess. She's like, I love chocolate.
that it was funny but anyway getting to the real news uh well i don't have the real real news because uh unfortunately we are still dealing with the uh actor strike uh but it's it's from last thing i read they're close to cutting a deal uh hopefully it'll be uh resolved uh over the weekend but they've been going back and forth and like uh into the uh
Into the weekend as well last weekend the interesting thing is is I don't hear anything about the right like the people are so happy that the writers and like just normal like late night TV is back and like all the shows people like to watch like or like back on and Like I haven't heard any I haven't even thought of the app
actors strike. So I'm just happy that things are semi normal again. But what is going on? You said that you believe that they're close to cutting a deal? Yeah, that's what I've been reading.
on their one of their, you know, the last thing they're just banging out some of the few, like last items, their, their latest sticking point was AI still. But everything else seems to be going away. So I had heard something that something has been Yeah, I had heard something about AI, where, um,
I think the president was involved in it, right? I know Joe Biden just recently put out an executive order.
I'm not sure if I had heard about Joe Biden AI, but you know what? Now that I say this, I think it might have been something to do with foreign American defense. I think it might have actually been not about the actors.
you know everybody's worried about like these other countries like getting the upper hand on us with AI and I know the administration are trying to
basically troubleshoot the whole AI race that we have now. So I think I might be confusing Joe Biden getting involved with the actor strike to him actually talking about the competition between AI and China. But I could have sworn I heard something about some legislation that was passed. No lawmakers are involved yet.
like a legal thing that the actors are negotiating. There's been no like congressional action to like help pass laws. This is something that the actors are negotiating with individual studios. Yes. Okay.
So yeah, that's

Horror Shows and Movie Adaptations

the last sticky point was for AI protections. I know like four of the big studio heads were actually like involved in the negotiations. And how does that work exactly? Like do all the studios come together? Like is it the actors against like individual studios or is it like all the studios?
So it's the studio union and their art. So it's everybody's involved. Yeah, okay. The same studios that were all like under that AMPTP, you know, that the writers were striking. That the writers were against. It's the exact same thing. Of studios. Yeah, I just I haven't really like cared or been paying attention to the actors strike.
I see Fran Drescher, I just turned the channel. It's the same people that they were striking, even though the writers were striking. Yeah, I know. It's just like, I see, like I said, I see Fran Drescher, I just changed the channel. Like, you know, out of sight, out of mind. It seems like, like I'm seeing like a lot of movies being released, more TV shows coming out. Like to me, everything's just back to normal.
But yeah, I guess if the actors were on strike indefinitely, things would suddenly just end at some point, and then I would probably, you know, care.
I mean, they've had to apparently the Salem's Lot movie that was supposed to come out sometime this year and then just kind of like left the schedule. Apparently it's now going to be coming out on Max because they're running out of things to put onto their streaming service because they don't have anything new coming out. So that looks like it's going to end up coming out.
on on max instead of coming out in theaters and there's some things in theaters i'm like i don't like i don't even know what this is because like
Wait, what do you mean you don't know what this is? I had to look up like five different movies today because I've never heard of any of them like so Oh, so they're just like putting out shit that would normally just be going like straight to like Some like low-level like streaming lineup somewhere. I don't like they're saying like, you know what? We don't have anything out like we're gonna take this like B movie Yeah
it's not just that but like their actors aren't out there promoting their movies so like the advertising is not there oh so it's like you know this movie with Wesley Snipes like you don't know it's just called like skibit or something you like look it up and you find out like okay Wesley Snipes is in it the description is like real vague i think i think if Wesley Snipes hit it that's coming straight to streaming i don't think that's
Uh, yeah, I don't know. There was just some of the movies. I was like, I don't know what this is. So, uh, but, um, but do you remember the barbarian movie? Uh, the, apparently they're going to turn that into a video game from, from the team behind the evil dead, the game. So that's going to come out to a PC and console. Uh, I don't ask me anything else about it. Was that the thing with Jason long? Justin long. Oh yeah. Justin long. Yeah.
Yeah, we're here at a bad time. And yeah, like he always does. Well, and they're doing what with that? We're turning it into a video game. Oh, that's kind of weird. Yeah, it's going to be the team behind the Evil Dead game. I hope there's a scene in it. I didn't realize that maybe he did that well. Yeah, but I believe he made a bunch of money. Oh, I didn't know that.
pretty low budget and it was well received. Speaking of movies that have been turned into, well, not video games, but TV shows, we've got what I announced, the Halloween TV shows in production, the Friday 13th TV shows production. We still get that Pennywise series that's supposed to come out next year.
They're turning a poltergeist Into a TV series again because it was already a TV series by the poltergeist legacy Well ran for what like three or four seasons. So what I say the poltergeist were on this worm thing
but like a lot like the the main poltergeist that was always chasing carillon he was like an amish dude right oh that dude yeah yeah yeah and like he was there with like his whole amish grin they're like yeah they were amish they were amish poltergeist you were calling him like the ghost but like the poltergeist he was a ghost poltergeist were ghosts
Poltergeist? What?
It was a bunch of Amish it was a bunch of evil Amish spirits The Poltergeist were Amish
a clan of Amish ghosts.

Diving into 'From': Plot and Theories

I really don't know what their whole deal was. I guess like in the way their poltergeist, they buried their house on like Amish graveyards or something like that. It kind of takes place in that apartment building but I don't remember ever seeing
Remember that you don't remember that Amish poltergeist Yeah, you know I'm talking about yeah, he kind of looked like the guy from phantasm He's no Angus scream
Yeah, but I'm saying like he had like that kind of vibe going, but he was like Amish with the hat, you know? Yeah, like when you think about it, it's kind of really fucking ridiculous that like the poltergeist like cult that they ran into or a bunch of Amish ass poltergeist like that was their whole thing.
They went from like Indian burial ground. The guy was like, well, no, first I dug them up, pissed on them and then buried them again upside down. And like that made a bunch of Amish poulter guys. Weren't the children of the corner?
They were kind of the Amish, yeah. Dude, I mean, everybody's got, I mean, the Amish, they're exclusionists and everything like that. They keep to themselves. So who's to say that? I mean, we don't even know what goes on in the Amish community. They could be dealing with all kinds of spooky shit all the time. They keep to themselves. Nobody really knows.
I know that they had a GPS in one of their carriages. That was fucking weird, but anyway. Yeah, so they're going to make a new Poltergeist TV series. The other one was just about this group of people hunting ghosts, pretty much.
Paranormal experts, but you know like not like the fake television People that run around reality shows they were like, you know, it was like more of a TV TV series I don't know what they plan on doing with it now, but it's gonna be from Amazon and MGM Plus and then speaking of MGM Plus they are doing a blackula reboot that's supposed to go out for Halloween next year and
I think that's coming straight to MJM Plus as well. Do you say Blackula? Yeah. Do you remember the 1972s Blackula? Yeah, no, I remember that. I'm just kind of surprised that they would be doing that right now. I would just think that that would get a lot of negative
attention for, you know, being, you know, the black exploitation genre like today, like, you know, I just I don't know, I guess with like, you know, the PC police and stuff like that, I would think that that would be like, controversial, you know what I mean? But I mean, that's cool. I think it's awesome that they're doing that.
Yeah, I don't think it'll be. I think only white people are going to complain about it. I'm pretty sure it's being written and directed. Well, that's what I mean. It seems like, you know, it's a lot of the white people like complaining about trying to like show how, you know, they are definitely not racist and never work. But anyway.
Then staying with MGM+, we are going to talk about the TV show From that came out in 2022. Yeah, 2022 came out.
Uh, I almost was like 2000 fucking eight. No, the, uh, this, the second season was 2023 seasons that have been released. So yeah, it's just brand new. Uh, for sure off the battle tell you, it got renewed, um, four days before the season finale of, uh, from season two.
So we are getting a third season, unknown when that's going to happen considering there's a strike still going on. But for those who don't know, well let me start with
how I came about this show. I would have never heard of it if it wasn't for you. I didn't see any advertising for it whatsoever, nothing. When I go on YouTube, if it's ad for movies or television,
I don't skip this. I let them roll. And I heard nothing about it. None of my other friends who are in the horror knew anything about this. I introduced it. So without you, this would have come and went for me. It's something I would have maybe discovered two or three years from now.
Yeah, well, I mean, I happen to see like billboards and like, I'll see like, you know, little advertisements, but out here for the second season, I was like, from season two, I was like, I don't even know there's a season one. And like, all I ever see, like, are like the pictures of the main guy, Harold. Guy from Oz? Yeah, Guy from Oz. He was also in Lost. He had the little kid Walt. Oh, he was in Lost?
Oh, I didn't know that. So they hired him as not only an actor, but a consultant. Well, there's also a lot of writers from Lost that went on to work on From. Oh, really?
hopefully they learned that lesson because i'd describe this to you as uh... if you told me it was kind of like lost and that sort of turned me off because like uh... everything like uh... you know how like on tv time and other things it'll say based on this stuff that you're watching and the stuff you're subscribed to it'll recommend to you certain content and the number one thing that it uh...
reminds me of is lost like that's the number one recommendation and I had it like kept recommending it so much that I had I just have no interest in it like I think I had watched maybe like the first season and thought it was really good and then like it just start going into a place where I like me
So yeah, it did run into that problem of being like long, I think it was like almost 20 episodes. A lot of people said that they were trying to like out clever themselves. And that's like where the writing ran into trouble. Like, you know, I mean, because
What I read too is that like recently actually it was like they weren't sure if they were going to get renewed and like, but they, so, but they couldn't, you know, give away. So it's just like we met like, so, you know, we're working and like our work like may not ever see the light of day. So like, you know what I mean? Like, let's just fucking blare and like, just go in all these, you know, if it gets picked up, cool. If not like.
whatever so it's not like a do we like solve one mystery and then open up another one or was it like they thought they were going to be cancelled and then they were like oh no you guys aren't cancelled like you're renewed and they're like really because like we've really did not finish anything like and they were just like oh fuck well we'll just go in like this fuck wild direction like it was like total panic to get the script out next week like
Yeah, pretty much from what I hear, it's like halfway through writing, it would be like they weren't sure, or like even halfway through production, they weren't sure. Because, you know, when you used to do television, you could cut into film like five or six, and then you release those like one a week, and as those are being released, you're filming, you're already on like the next episodes and stuff. So if like midway through production, you're not sure
Well if you're going to get another season and then you're like oh yes we need to rewrite our story now. It's a tough situation because and put yourself in their position it's like man should we really be putting this much effort into something that's only like
Maybe like 4060 in favor of it getting like not renewed like you know I mean do we really want to be putting our full like attention and heart into this writing because like you know we've been seeing how things are going and like we're probably not but like down the other hand if we do you know I
Yeah, it's a tough situation, too, when you think that your work might be just amounting to nothing, you know what I mean? Because if it doesn't get picked up, it's probably not going to get picked up by anybody else because of compete causes and shit like that. So it's like, eh. So, yeah, it's it's tough. I guess I never thought of it that way.
Yeah, and that's back in the age of television where like, you could get canceled before you even finish season. Yeah. They would just not air the end of the last episodes. As a writer, that would make me like very uninspired if I did not think, but I mean,
I don't know, for me, just work ethic would tell me that I was obligated to put my all into it, but it would be, I gotta tell you, it would weigh on me if I thought that there was more likelihood than not that my writing and my work that I worked on so hard for was never gonna see the light of day. I think that might influence the quality of what I'm putting out. That's just me. I mean, I don't know.
Yeah, and at least like now it's like you'd know like you're at least gonna get a full season of something.
it's mostly just going on streaming so you at least have a chance to even if you leave it open-ended you don't get a chance to do a second season at least you were able to write like one full season of something yeah yeah it makes me think of the people of 1899 because i know that they had thought that it was going to be picked up and apparently they had written almost half of the second season written out already but i mean
You know, shit just happens. Yeah, I mean, you never know. Somebody else could end up picking it up these days. Like a lot of shows are getting thrown around. But uh...
Yeah, but from we don't have to worry about because we do have the third season unless I guess the actors strike us on like so long that like, you know, I mean, there is no season three from because like it just gets like put off for so long. I mean, I have heard that happened to a few shows.
Yeah, that would be a real bummer because you know getting into it. I mean I Really? The one thing I want to just say in Opening is when I started watching from I thought it was based on something else like because the story was like
i mean i like we're gonna get into it in a second but my point was is like steve lost like yeah it was just it was there was no it wasn't based on a book or a past movie a graphic novel um shorts from anything like i assumed it was going to be based on something because this seemed to me like a really original idea and that's what made me even more impressed with it
Do you want to give a little bit of a synopsis of what it's about? For me, it's a little hard to sum up.
Yeah, well, when I went into it, like I had no idea what it was going to be about. Like I was just like, OK, this looks interesting. I might have seen like one little teaser of just the dude from Lost, you know. And you had seen billboards, you said, too? Like just him on the billboard with like a house in the background. And like that's kind of it's just like from. So it's very vague.
yeah and then even like the uh the little i think it came up on like um i think amazon sometimes does like those or maybe they put it on netflix you know netflix does like those little teaser things where they just show you like one little oh yeah you see it like in the corner and then i'll say like from and then it'll be like a little clip of it playing like silently or
Yeah, I think there was something like that on Amazon. The only clip I saw was just it was just him ringing the bell walking through this fucking town. Yeah. Like that was that was pretty much it. I was like, all right, this is I don't know what this is, but I think they show that on the IMDB page. It's like him walking around with the bell and you're just like, you know, was he a Harry Christian? Like, yeah, because I was like, what is this? I'd like go online and fucking IMDB fucking from.
Yeah, this is on a epics, which I didn't even know was owned by MGM and now Amazon well I didn't even know epics like was making original shit anymore. I thought they stopped that long ago Yeah, well, I mean it's MGM so they were still the godfather of Harlem
That's their number one from is number two on MGM. Well, Epic's changed names to MGM plus recently and like you could get like, I don't know, it was the first season of From was available for free on Amazon.
So you didn't have to like get MGM plus. And then, uh, I did that. And then for the second season, I just got like the seven day free trial and just binged it in fucking like three days and then canceled the trial. I'll probably, uh.
you know, get it again for at least like a month or hopefully there's a deal or something like that when season three comes out. But yeah, it's basically about these people who get trapped in this town with no escape and then at night monsters come out and they like, you know, try to fucking rep you to shreds.
with a smiling face on like they come at you like real like friend look howdy and they're all dressed and like you know there's a milkmaid and like I think the other guys like dressed like the one that's dressed like the Pillsbury Doughboy I think he's best be like a bread baker
Guys got cowboy at howdy partner like yeah like these creatures They like sometimes will look likes people, you know Because I believe that that's popped up like once twice. They're like, nah, you're dead Like I don't know who you are like, but yeah, like did you notice little bit creatures know everything about the people?
like they like maybe no they said they know everything about all of you like I don't know there's like I guess they have some kind of like telepathy thing going or something but they all know everything about the other person like so if they walk up to you they'll be like oh hi Jim born on this time from here and you have these friends it's like they know all their thoughts like they have their memories
Which is, you know, what's going to lead to our future speculations about what's actually going on, but continue. So it's a town where at night monsters come out and
Yeah, I mean that's pretty much the best way you can put it. And they're totally isolated. There's no way out. It's like if anybody's ever seen the scene from In the Mouth of Madness where Sam Neill is looking for that town, Hobgen.
Bumble Fuck New Hampshire. He gets caught in a loop at one point where he keeps going back into the town and anyway he drives he keeps going back into the town where there's a bunch of people like running with pitchforks and axes and torches and shit.
there's no way out. Any direction you go on the road, you're just going to loop over again and loop over again. It's very reminiscent of that's what I thought of in The Mount of Madness. So there's just no way out and nobody understands how the fuck they got there because everybody gets there the same way. They're driving on the road.
they see a tree that looks like it's been knocked over from a storm or something like that and so you know the trees massive there's no way to move it and so they you know turn around but when they turn around they don't go back the way they come they run into a town and then they're looped in but the one thing that's really weird is that people see this from all I think it's only within the United States
because I saw the map where they had everything pinned. So it looked like it was contained to the US. There was no one from Mexico or Canada there, which was sort of interesting. So it was only on the map of the United States. So this is an American phenomenon that might come in later on.
And it's from people all over the country, like from Florida to Seattle. And, you know, they all end up driving on this same stretch of road that suddenly just turns and you see a tree and you look behind you and what was behind you 30 seconds ago isn't there anymore.
And so that's kind of how we're introduced to the show is this family on an RV and like, they're having some, you know, husband and wife, you know, difficulty. So they decided to take this trip. And on the way there after they've like, you know, seen the fallen tree, then they've gone into town and they're like, well, we're
Well, then they just kind of stopped, they were like, okay, everybody's kind of real creepy, and they just keep driving, and they end up back in the town again. And then a couple times after doing that, they get almost run off the road by these two tech borough guys who are celebrating, selling their company or whatever, and they kind of run off this family off the road.
they fall on their side and like the little kid kind of gets like yeah they're in like a big recreational video there and they're in like an rv vehicle so yeah they get run off the road so yeah and in the other car they get injured as well so there's like but nobody dies but there's injuries on both sides
Yeah, they were able to take the one guy to like their little town makeshift, you know, a hospital there because I think one of the girls was like a paramedic or a nurse. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't quite a doctor, but.
And she was like an E, she was an ER nurse and a paramedic I believe so, you know, and she also like mentioned that she also assisted during certain surgeries because she was like familiar with like, I think that's where she was going.
She was going to be going for her. She was finished where she was and she was going to be going for more medical training like she was going to be moving up because she had just started like she
was talking about how she had been observing surgeons and stuff like that. So yeah, she planned to keep going, but yeah, they were really lucky that they had her, but it's like, you know, she was especially there. They seemed like they had like one piece of every person that makes up like a functional town. Like you had somebody that was like really good with cooking. You had a guy who was a law enforcement officer that, you know,
Would set that up you had your doctor you had like kind of like one of everything in there like it was sure like you know is that how they were chosen but you know before get too much into that good continue.
Uh, but yeah, so they were able to take the one guy to the town, but the, uh, the kid had gotten like, you know, a little bit impaled. So a little bit impaled story. He survives the, uh, that I don't want to, I was about to say no children die in this, but that wouldn't be true. Cause it opens up, uh,
yeah when they cut back to that by the way like i was like oh shit so they're not skipping out on the fucking gore in this shit no no they ripped that little girl i mean they didn't show it but yeah that little girl gets ripped to shreds they should be aftermath that was yeah yeah
And that's all you need sometimes. But anyway, yeah, so the father has to stay with the kid and the sheriff stays with him as well. I believe the girl and the mother go back into town. Yeah.
Right, yeah, so it's just them and then so that's how they kind of, you know, are thrown into this. Yeah, monsters are fucking real and they come out at night. And we have these talismans that we hang on our doors that prevents them from coming in on invited because otherwise they can just rip through. That's how they do the sheriff. What was his name Boyd?
Yeah, he finds him in a tree trunk in the woods. There's this whole thing with the trees in the woods. They're very weird. It's where he finds these protective talismans that keep you safe in your house as long as you're hanging them.
It has to be like in some kind of structure. You can't just be holding one of these things. You'll still get ripped up. You have to display it in like a certain ritualistic manner and then it kind of gives you like a vampire type protection where they can't come in unless you like invite them in.
so the talismans like have this power but that can be circumvented if they can somehow you know do the like vampire thing like let me in come on let me in open the door like come on um one of them is a woman that like seduces this lonely man and she he finally lets her in and then you know she reps him and then lets the rest of them in so yeah there's sort of like an invite policy at that point
which is sort of interesting. Yeah, this has clearly been going on, I think, what back takes back to like the Civil War, I believe. The oldest guy there is like at least 50 or 60. The creepy guy, the Ichabod guy? Yeah, the guy who's been there the longest, he's got to be like 50 or 60. But I mean, like there's

Unraveling Mysteries in 'From'

references to back to like the Civil War. Remember the one guy sees the Civil War soldier down in that cave?
Yeah, but I don't know if this shit had been going on that long. I don't know. There are a lot of references to it going on. I mean, they talked about like in the beginning before they found the talismans, they basically had these holes like tornado shelters.
but instead of like having like you know your normal storm door there they made it look like um you know how grass sodding goes they had it so like there were just like holes in the ground they could put the grass over it and they would just hang out in the boater all night and hopefully that's what they heard before yeah these talismans like and she talked about it was like two years that went on
because she had been there like a real long time the leader of the what they call community house colony house colony house yeah yeah yeah so you could either once you like we'll get into that but yeah he found these talismans and that keeps them from like coming into
your structure unless you're invited in. It kind of wars them off. Yeah, it's the vampire type thing. Once you have that ritualistically put, you can't hold them. They won't protect you if you're out in the open and you're holding a towel. I mean, you have to be in some kind of enclosure, even if it's something like a tool shed.
If you then ritualistically hang the talisman like mistletoe right in front of your door, that made the entire structure and like colony house was like a big house. It was like a mansion type house. They only had one talisman in there. That's all they needed. It protected the whole enclosure.
But it was a thing where, like, if you then invited them in, like you open the door and said, come in the towels, even if it was still up, they could like come in and start ripping shit. Yeah, so so that's how he like is introduced to this like whole situation with the monsters being real and shit at night. So, yeah, so that's what he would know.
You're talking about Jim or are you talking about the boy? I'm saying like, yeah, because Jim got introduced to spending a night out in this camper where he didn't even see him. Boyd was with them. Yeah. He had the talisman and I was just saying that, yeah. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, the camper was enough. Like, you know, it could be a very small enclosure.
just have to have a talisman hanging so that's how he finds out about the uh the monsters being real yeah trial by fire you know once they really like get the kid out uh once this you know sun comes up and everything and they get back into town
It gets into this whole, like, alright, you can either live in town in one of these houses where we have a talisman for you to protect it, or you can go live with a group of people at the colony house, and like, some people, and you have to choose individually, like, as a family, if like, one of you wants to go live at colony house, which the girl does,
she goes to live up there you will you don't have to choose as a family every individual must choose as yeah yeah and just for reference the colony house like for me like i don't know the colony house was like a big fraternity house where i mean there's like public displays of sex
out in the open, you know, they party there. That's like a more mature thing. They, I think they have a model like they live each day like it's their last. And so that's the contrast. The people that live in town, it's not like, you know, they're all square asses, but they're trying to deal with things another way.
Like they're trying to kind of like, you know, like we want to just live as a family. And like, you know, I think that there's some people, they even do like homeschooling and type like that. They're trying to sort of recreate normal civilization and not go and party and smoke weed and drink all night.
You know what I mean? So it's like two different philosophies of how to psychologically cope with your predicament. And I thought that was an interesting contrast. See, I would like to be able to have a house in town, but at night go up to the colony house and party with them at night.
Well, yeah, you were welcome. You were welcome to do that. Like you could go to the colony house and I talked to the lady that was running it and you could be like, yeah, it's a cool file. Like just crash here for tonight. But like you couldn't like suddenly start living up there like.
If you choose the town, you're pretty much- I don't think they're in love when you crash up there every night either because like- No, no, no, but once in a while, like it wasn't like, oh, you said the town so you can never come here. But like, you know what I mean? Like when you made your choice one or the other, that's where you're sleeping at night. So you could go up to the colony house and show all day. But like at night, you were going home.
They're not like, they're not like warring factions where they're not like fucking like Yeah, no nothing like that Keeping anybody out or whatever And like it would be like if you're crashing at your buddy's house You could say like yo, is it cool if I come up and party with you guys tonight? And like they would like let you stay a night But it wasn't like a thing where you could be like, yeah, you know I'm kind of feeling colony house more like it was like yo you made your choice in town
could change and end up living there but you have like part of the colony house is you have to like contribute to like the day-to-day you know like the farm yeah it's a common it's a it's a communal commune yeah just coming up there just a party if you're not but
No. Oh, I thought once you said the town, I thought you were pretty much like committed to that. Because I thought that was like a big thing. They said, you know, once you, you know, once you make your decision, that is your decision. So I thought it was pretty much like I didn't think you could convert unless there was like a situation, like if your family got murked or something.
Well, I mean, I definitely know like if she wanted to leave the colony house to go live in town with her parents She could still make that decision. I think it's like once you choose not to I think it was like the community at the colony house was like if you choose not to live here You can't just come fucking move in. You know, you've already made your choice or whatever. Yeah, it's what I thought it was Well, I think it's something more like if you live in the colony house, you want to go live at the home with your parents They're gonna let you go do that. They're not gonna stop
Oh yeah, you could do that, but it wasn't the other way around. Yeah, that's what I mean. I don't know. I thought that was a little bit strange, because I thought if later on you wanted to say, hey, I'm not feeling the town anymore, it seems like that. Maybe it would be with people at night to go through what we want to stick together. Maybe the strength in numbers or something like that.
Yeah, I don't know it's not like totally clear I mean maybe that will like be made a little bit more clear in season 3 as to why they decided to do it that way because it didn't seem like they explained like
very, uh, at least to my satisfaction with any sense of clarity, why they chose to do it that way. Um, I know also, I think it was a lot to do with like comfort and wanting to be like with a group of people, like, yeah, but why they wouldn't let you experiment first. Like, why can't you be like, well, you know, uh, I'll think about it. Like, let me check out the town for a while.
and let's see how we do down there and then if we're not feeling the town anymore we'll come up the colony house they like said they told they said this is a very important decision and it's going to affect your stay here you know because like they all like gathered in the group to hear their choice that was a little weird to me
I do know one other thing. Sorry to interrupt you, but there was something to consider from the town to colony house. There was, it was a bit of a distance. I think it's like a half mile away or something like that. So, and I think that they had made reference to some people who had tried to commute from the town to the colony now.
or colony house back to the town and like they were kind of fucked up and they didn't make it back in time and they had lost some people so that could be part of it as just like general safety but still you would think if like yo i moved to the town i'm really not feeling it after this month i think i want to come it seemed like that wasn't an option
What else might be like a limited amount of those talismans for like the town to have up on their doors and stuff too? So I guess not everyone could go. They seem to have an ample amount though. That's something that I was considering too, but they seem to like he copped talismans and wait like he brought back like a big bag. Like if you see him bring it back. So I feel like you will see how many it is. But like I'm thinking like he had like 50.
like I'm thinking he had like a cool 50 in there and I don't know about you but that town didn't have 50 houses and colony house only needs one they probably have a reserve you would think and there's a medical facility in town that was just something that like they didn't really explain in depth
as to why they made that decision. But it was an interesting dynamic. Yeah, there's a lot of other things they haven't really explained, like most of the show. And hopefully

Season 2 'From': New Characters and Mysteries

they will get into it. Will they explain it to as far as they know?
you know at least the characters they explain it to the best of their bill oh yeah yeah i'm just talking about i hope the show explains more to the audience you know i mean we're getting like little hints and uh here and there but like again it's on mgm plus it's not on like max we're like i mean yeah it got it's got a third season but it's also like
Man, I hope they tell their whole story before it gets canceled. You're worried that they're going to run out and just suddenly, it's just going to suddenly end. And we're not going to get any explanations at all. Yeah. Yeah. I hope that doesn't happen. But yeah, some of the other mysteries that I liked, like the guy who's been there the longest, who was a kid when
he arrived and like he saw like everyone get murdered so he's like a little he's like the weird guy that people like oh stay away from him like i'm like dude this is a typical steven king character that's the dude you want to fucking talk to hang out yeah all this information like he's like doing measuring fucking like the distance between like the house and the trees to see if they're getting close yeah he was saying like the trees are getting closer
Yeah, like that land was like slightly shifting by like this like very like like very like marginal marginal amount so like you couldn't like normally you wouldn't be able to tell like until like at one point he was also all of the leaves are falling that's never happened before either it's been summer like the entire time
And since the family arrived, the seasons have started to change as well. But it might also be because they've been fucking with things. But he also knows about these trees that are like portals. Sometimes they don't seem like anywhere. Sometimes they take you to another
Tree is like a basically a hole in a tree that you get into and it can take you to some other Yes, it's very it's very strange You can take you to like a good area or it could take you to like a nightmarish area or it could take you to an area where you're just like totally like oh Wow, where the fuck am I or it could just make you some more work real familiar or just like oh, I
all right all i'm just over there the towns right over there you know it's just like a mystery every time behind you now like yeah because you don't necessarily come out of another portal when you go into one yeah end up somewhere you have no idea what the fuck you got there like you just appear so yeah you don't come out of like another tray you go into the tree and just end up somewhere yeah and then there's like
These creepy ghost dead children
that are like chanting something and then there's also like that creepy kid in white who's like is he helping or is he not then there's like yeah he's like a spirit not everybody can see him yeah he like seems to only show up to like certain characters yeah you have to sort of bear with us it's there's so many things going on it is like just like completely implausible that we're going to be able to make yeah
Major mysteries of yeah, yeah exactly When Jim sets up the radio tower we get I'd like to discuss that a little bit there's a There's one girl who's hearing voices as well as telling her to like kill people and shit that that'll help release Them from this well tells her to kill two people I believe yeah tells her to kill the one guy that was in the car accident and
with the other dude who's all pompous like do you know how much I'm worth like don't you know who I am like she kills his partner that he came with in the car and the voices told her to kill him and then let in the fucking monsters which ended up in I think two more deaths
Occurred from her doing that and then the voices also tell her to kill the little kid Which really doesn't make any sense and she ends up not killing him and then accidentally killing her brother in a bizarre twist where she like slit his throat and But she's like not a bad person. That's something you think about it. She's wearing voices. She's going nuts Yes, but the two people that had asked them to kill both showed up in town at the same time
so that they did that's the link there yeah but yeah then uh what are some of the other uh mysteries everything's a mystery yeah like they're they don't know where the power is coming from because the whole town's power there is no power source in the site they're not burning there's no nuclear reactor they don't have windmills or anything like that
So they're searching for where the wires are going to because there's wiring everywhere They can plug things are still power. It's very very strange They find out that the wires aren't connected to anything. They're just like with the wires if you dig down They're just hanging out beneath that beneath the earth hanging not plugged in anything just dangling and they don't know where this
Their food source in terms of protein in the animals, there's cows, they're chicken, they have no idea where they're coming from. They just wander in.
Wherever yes and apparently the ground is really ripe for agricultural because agriculture because they talk about how when they first get there they didn't really have anybody that was that accomplished in gardening but like they found seeds to plant somehow.
So they were able to plant seeds and the ground was just really conducive to, I don't know, the soils just, they have a great soil that's got a perfect pH balance that's really well fertilized. There's a girl there that grows herb who
has like a really like green touch and they talk about like how she grows like the headiest nug from the soil and she's just like yeah like I don't know like the soil is just like really rich and like everything I need to grow like the perfect cannabis yeah and then um yeah so yeah like yeah cows and fucking chicken just fucking show up yeah and like it's everything they need to sustain yeah they have a viable water source
Yes, and they have the the diner that's in the town, they've kind of like use that as a place where like they can collect everything that everybody brought in, you know, scavenge, kind of keep it in one place, you know, to try to like,
you know, get rationed out the food and stuff like that. And in that diner, they have an Asian woman who is a great cook. They also have a police station slash medical station where one guy who was in law enforcement heads there and another girl who is in med school who's the doctor of the group is there. So it's like, yeah, there's really one person
out of every faction that like plays like some kind of like integral member that you would have in a normal town that are able to then put the other people to task and they have like two people that are kind of like you know um i'm not sure her name but she's kind of like the
I don't know, you see two people as a leader. You see Boyd as like the leader of like, I guess, the entire community. And then the one woman, she's like sort of the mayor of Colony House. And I'm not sure, the town kind of is like everybody for themselves. But like Boyd kind of is the overall authority figure, you would say.
Yeah, so he makes most decisions for at least the town, and they kind of come to a collective decision between him and her at the colony house. He also decides life and death, punishment. That's something to talk about.
yeah what if you break one of the like town rules you end up having to like go out i forgive all that the rules were but uh you have to go out to this little like shack and sit there overnight and hope to survive but you know yeah well no nobody survives it's a death sentence this is a deity
You know, and when they're there, they had just sacrificed their first person. They had just declared the death penalty to their first person. They had really mixed reviews or really mixed views on doing it.
you know it was traumatic for them to do that but his crime was very severe he had a serious alcohol problem and his lack of following the rules got both his wife and daughter as we see in the very beginning
terribly, terribly murdered. So yeah, that was the first, I mean, you think that's harsh, but like, he kind of wanted to die, I think, because he, you know, had that happen. And then, of course, Sarah, for, you know, hearing his voices, she also wants to die. So yeah, some people sort of
want to check out like there's it gets into kind of a dark vibe where there's people that are like you know i kind of feel like i want to commit suicide which is understandable yeah and it seems like some of the monsters i think they talk about like they feed off of hope
yeah anything that gives anybody joy yeah that's pretty much all season one is all we've really talked about yeah I was going to I was gonna branch in the season two because they take the spike
They put it through this girl's head. They're very sadistic because the one woman who's the leader of Colony House in Season 1, she talks about arriving with her sister.
her sister was like a you know uh... she doesn't take shit from anyone and her other sister runs and they grab her and they start skinning her alive like uh... ramsey boulton style game of thrones house boulton the filleted man they skin her alive and they take pleasure in it they like to kill you slow like they are really
evil, murderous, sadistic pieces of shit. Yeah, did you notice they don't run? Yeah, they never run. They got the Jason thing on.
And they were just like, yeah, we know you can't escape this town. There's no point in us running. We'll get you eventually. And part of their fun is like, you know, inducing the amount of fear because they feed off of your fear as well. Because like at one point there's like the locuses and shit. And they're like, oh, that was like my fucking brother's fear or whatever.
Yeah yeah so it's sort of like a little like Pennywise type thing like you know seeking your fear and that I mean it's hard to at this point just not draw on like what you think is happening.
Because there's an interesting scene where Jim and the guy who survived the accident, who is a real arrogant guy who, you know, he just sold his company, he's a millionaire or whatever.
and he's in the he's you know sword the Elon Musk I guess of the group like he's like the innovator type guy yeah um and him and Jim make this um they make that tower at uh some point really a tower at the end of the first season I think yeah was that at the end of the first season or was that in the second I feel like that was in the second season
I believe that was the season finale of the first season. Was it the radio tower? Because the house collapses. I think that was the end of the first season. Was it? Yeah, he was like, yeah. So as a voice comes on the radio when they try to call and a storm of course is rolling in.
Oh yeah, it was much later that Jim tells Boyd his hypotheses of everything that happened. At the end of the first season, I believe, was that when Sarah and Boyd, Sarah the woman that went crazy hearing voices killing everyone, was that when they departed on their journey into the woods?
And encountered the wet that is the second season see I have it all blurred together in my mind like because I thought the first and second season did a very good job of Kind of like just Melting together like they you know there wasn't like only take place over maybe two three weeks I'm sorry the end of the first season the bus rolls in
And the second season starts with the bus. Yeah, the end of the first season was when they put the tower up and they hear the voice on the radio as the storm's coming in. And so most people have run inside so they can't hear. And the voice tells him that, hey, your wife shouldn't be digging that hole in that house. Digging. She's trying to find the source of the wires, as you were saying. He goes running back in the house.
collapses i think uh maybe did void go on that journey because that's when he because that yeah because he ends up in the hole at the end of that uh first season yeah kind of goes into the thing and then it's very very strange what happens to void um
Boyd as an emergency last resort goes into these tree portals that we've been describing and Boyd ends up in like a very confined space where you have to kind of the only way yeah at the end of the well where you would have to like try to like scale your way up like you know
doing the crab walk like up there. I think he even tries it. He tries it at first, but then some guy throws him down the rope and that's... I have no idea where they went with that. You want to try to explain with Boyd experiences? It's kind of difficult. There's a guy chained to like a
Torture chamber thing. Yeah, there's a one guy still alive. It's still uh, The chain did tortured and uh, the two other people that were chained with him have died Who knows how long he's been there? It's like the county money crystal like he's in the tower like he's at the boys trying to free him but he's just like not just fucking kill me dude like well, he's speaking of
he said here they come and he you never see what they are but he says they're worse than the monsters by far yeah and he at some point he scratches him and he infects him
the the
Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Loy with the shimmy, uh, inhalation, I think it was called, where the guys start experiencing weird things. Like they cut that guy open and his organs. Yeah. Annihilation. His organs are like moving away. Boyd starts seeing like all like worms and bugs and things. And it's not just him seeing it because later they see it crawling under.
So something like genuinely happened to him, and then what happens, he takes out one of the monsters. Yeah. Yeah, they do like to... Sorry, I was going back to the castle. You were jumping way ahead of me there. Yeah, so he gets infected. He hears like this music box, which reminds him of his wife.
Um, and so, and like, that's like, you know, something crazy by the way, and kill the bunch of people. Yeah. And he had to kill her. And then, uh, but yeah, there's like the music box and like that gets connected to like,
three more people in town who start having visions and they just kind of go into this coma where the eyes turn white and everyone's getting these massive headaches or whatever. It gets so hard to explain at this point. Yeah, it really is. That's why I said, and I mean, there was also in the beginning of the second season you have, when the house collapsed,
Jim was trying to find his wife. Jim is pinned under the house where he has to try to be quiet all night. And we have one of my more likable characters I thought was the bartender.
Oh yeah. He gets pinned under the house trying to help Jim. And we should say in the beginning of second season, a huge, this has never happened before they mentioned this, a huge boss.
full of people like it's a tour bus or something like a greyhound so they get like a huge they said it's never happened before so they had like something between what 20 to 30 new people that like just all got thrown into the meat grinder at once and so a lot of people die in that one night
Yeah that was like the beginning of season two right that's what happened after yeah that was pretty much season one finale so season two starts off with this bus of people that got thrown in and of course
You know, we're having enough trouble explaining it on a podcast when, you know, we know it's all fiction and we watched it and we have a general overview of it. How hard would it be to explain to 30 people that like, you know, this is where you are now. You're going to think those people are fucking insane. You're going to want to get away from, but like, you know,
That would just be the reaction, but they didn't and a lot of people died in one night. I think more than half the bus gets taken out in that night. The way they tell everyone when they show up, though, is not the way I would have gone about it because they're just like, yeah, you should come inside because monsters are going to come at night and kill you.
Yeah, well, of course, they're gonna be like, what are you talking about? Like you're, you know, I mean, instead of being like, Hey, why don't you guys come inside? We'll get you something to you while you figure out like, what's well, they didn't get to experience the bus keep going because the bus had some kind of problem, right? It had a flat tire or something. And that had mechanical problems.
They did go through the town at least one day. I wasn't sure I thought the bus Yeah, I think I thought they showed it go through town at least once cuz I'm like that that one person had like that seizure and those visions on the bus Yeah, I didn't think that um, I didn't think it did but um, you might be very right. I'm not sure Is why they ended up having a flat
Oh, yeah, she does. She takes a shotgun to it. That's right. So, yeah, the bus is immobilized, but like it's she's trying to save all their lives. Yeah, but they're definitely going about like the most reckless way possible.
Yeah, it really wasn't. Tell people who chush you up in a fucking town, hey, there's monsters here, come out at night and fucking kill you. You're like, hey, while you're- Your life, as you've known it, is totally over. What did you think about the induction of the nurse, the med grad or whatever, the med school student, the odds of her girlfriend showing up?
Yeah, I mean, I thought she was fine. She didn't really...
I mean, I was like, oh, we're just going to have this whole new subplot now that like, I was like, I was like, it's not, I was like, it's not helping this. I mean, it's good characterization for like a TV show, you know, you get. Yeah. Oh, definitely. Yeah, definitely. You know, like, I also felt it was like it wasn't helping, you know, the story move along necessarily. It might have helped her character, like in the other character that she was in love with and whatever.
I guess they were trying to flush her character out more because she didn't have a lot to do in the first season. I mean, she did, but she wasn't one of the main, I would say. So I guess they were trying to maybe flush her out a little bit more.
but like it was like, I don't know. I thought she was one of the main characters, but I do not like her girlfriend that game. It just seemed like all the other people that they were following were kind of helping move along the story where they were trying to figure something out. And there wasn't that many of the side people, like there was a still a couple like his son and like the, uh, the woman that like he's in love with, that was like a whole side thing as well.
So like, I don't know, there wasn't as many of them as I thought. And then they added like another one in and I was just like, all right. I mean, it just seems like an unnecessary, uh, thing, especially after the first season when they're like, they were hinting at like, um, the, uh, that Asian dude, uh, who was like, um, Boyd's, you know, um, deputy.
Like they were showing that love connection between them two in the first season and then for the second season, I mean, she did mention she was married, but then for the second season- They weren't married, she was engaged. Oh, engaged, that's right. Yeah, for the second season, for her to show up. And it had been like, what did they say, two years since she had gone missing? No, it was less than that. It was less than a year. It was like nine months.
Six and it might have only been six months actually because she said something like six Months and you don't call and like, you know, it was just a lot for her But like they don't really have that creative concept of time when they're in the town like oh, yeah, of course things are yeah time is very convoluted. Yeah so yeah, anyway like
Yeah, she kind of causes some people to die, I think, if I remember correctly. Yeah, I mean, I don't remember her causing people to die, but... Or at least almost, because she was like stealing the drugs and shit.
she stole the drugs one time yeah she's a drug addict and uh you know that's a whole drama that i really could have done without to be honest with you but um i mean in general who like you know the old lady who was like dancing in the rain and shit um yeah on the bus and then she was the one with the drugs that she stole do you think she is one of like the monsters like she she's like a plant
Oh, I don't. Well, she doesn't go to ground that night. So I mean, she would have to be something else. You mean like one of the monsters like one, like one of the servants of Dracula. You mean like where she's like a daywalker and.
she's able to do stuff like that interesting things are or they are also like something's worse worse is coming right well maybe yes she's one of the people that are like controlling or this experiment or

Speculations and Hopes for 'From' Season 3

I mean, yeah, when you say that I actually think that the nurse's girlfriend is behind, I just think that it's too much of a coincidence that her girlfriend would be picked for, you know, this hell that they find themselves in. I'm just saying because the old lady was like, the only one like happy to be there like dancing around. I just thought the lady was nuts. And then she like,
goes in and like it gives the drugs that ends up getting stolen from the chick like she knew
that she had a drug problem, so she happened to have the right drug to give to the nurse for it to get started. I think she's there to cause that conflict. She brought that girl in because she was like, oh, we need some conflict in this story. I thought there was a lot of hostility already. I didn't think it was necessary. I thought it was very improbable.
You know, we really don't know what's going on yet. You know, Jim, I thought had the best hypotheses that like it's an experiment and that means one of them is in on it.
Yeah oh yeah no definitely yeah and that shaved head kid he's the one who points it out too he's like you know some of these people he said well first off he said if your theory is correct and Jim's theory was that it was like
government experiment and Jim also goes further and says Not only do I think this but like let me just tell you I'm not losing my mind and he starts on talking about like this to ski airmen he talks about experiments done on soldiers during World War two in Vietnam and so he was pointing out, you know, there's precedent that things like this have happened before and you know, so that was like one like
possible explanation that they had. Then it went from people trying to be rational to people saying really illogical things that were just really far-fetched sounding.
I like Jim's idea the best, but I don't know. There was another talk, too, that I thought about this in season one, is they talk about how they never dig up their dead. They wanted to dig up the dead to see if some of his bodies were actually still there. Or if he wakes you up. Yeah. Yeah, so... In a major situation.
Yeah. Yeah, there definitely was like swerve matrix type vibe on it. Yeah. It's just that they could be in some type of simulation, or like, yeah, or they're already dead, or they're like, you know, like impregatory or whatever.
Yeah well, that's one, another one. Oh no, it's not Jim's hypothesis, it's his wife Tabitha. She mentions that. She said they're trying to, they're in their house.
And on a blackboard, they're writing out their ideas of what happens. And she writes, we did not survive the crash. So one of their ideas is that they're in purgatory. And they haven't made it to Paradise yet.
Or, you know, they have to kind of do what Dante did and wander through the dark wood first and go through all the circles of hell and grief and all that shit to finally get out on the other side. And then the way they wrap things up. Well, what else do you have to add? Just the part where Boyd, after he gets infected, he like, you know,
is trying to find a way to a be uninfected but like he ends up uh you know killing one of the monsters using the infection which has never been done before uh and then um the only other thing uh oh man there's so much other stuff that i can't even think of
Really is I mean it's something you have to check out I mean we could go on and ran going to side bars all night Like yeah, but my main takeaway is I just think it's extremely well done I thought it was like very very well written. I thought that the acting a lot of them were
Well, I'm sorry. What was that? I said it's very well paced as well. It seemed like each episode would be like you'd get like a day episode and then a night episode. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't just like, oh man, everyone survived tonight. It was like, no, like even if everyone survived that night, there were still some type of tension going on.
with like the creatures or somebody who was like outside or something like that yeah yeah there is generally somebody breaking the rules but i mean you know some rules are getting that broken but the main thing is by breaking the rules you can't get anyone hurt you know that's the thing unless it's yourself well it was a very uh bingeable show
that's for sure yeah although it's very very high quality but the ending of season two is what really fucked me up i was just like oh damn should we not spoil that or do you want to spoil it i mean it doesn't really matter at this point we've already spoiled it i just assume people have already seen stuff but hey we get we get not mention it but all i'm gonna say is somebody
Finally, by no work of their own, they weren't doing anything to try to get out, but someone manages to get thrown back into the real world and wakes up in a hospital bed. I will not say who, but that's a whole other thing.
So we missed the whole thing about like the caves underneath the town that like with lead to some real ritual stones and like what the three people in the town were fucking starting to go nuts and like Boyd had to fucking like do something about it or something like I don't know. So it's like there is a lot on that like.
And like, even though we talked about a lot, I feel like that's still not really spoiling me. Yeah, no, but but I mean to go too much deeper, it would just be a rant, you know, because there's just so much that's going on. It's something that you really need to check out. I'm really happy that I found this that you told me about and that we were able to point this out because
I've talked to other people about this after seeing it and they had like no idea what the fuck I was talking about. So, I mean, you know, this has been, I would say it's been one of the biggest sleeper pieces I've seen in a long time. Yeah, it's definitely not even just underrated, it's under the radar because I feel like the people who have seen it have rated it approximately, you know.
Oh, my mouse just died. Oh well, but yeah, so the...
Yeah, that's all I pretty much have for. Yeah, I was gonna say like, you know, I mean, like, this cast, like, you know, I mean, like, we want to go further, but the only way you can go further would be to get into mass speculation, because the theory that seems like the most plausible to me is that it is some sort of like experiment
slash hybrid scenario, but the thing that killed me at the very end, and this is just how I'll leave things, is that one of them, it's Jim's wife Tabitha, she does make it out.
She has a vision of the boy pushing her through a window where it looks like she's going to fall to her death, but instead she just wakes up back in the hotel room, a hospital room, and she looks out and sees she's just back in the normal world.
with no way to get back to her family and there's no chance like think about that you're in this like what you think might be a parallel dimension you're suddenly back in the world your husband's gone your daughter's gone your fucking son's gone you can't tell anybody about because they're gonna think you're batshit and you're gonna get 302ed involuntarily
Admit it to a mental hospital and like so I just wanna point out she didn't just like wake up in the in a hospital Like from a coma like they tell her like oh you were found like in the woods Yeah, hikers found you hikers found you yeah So it's like so wherever like she like that's why I'm thinking it's gotta be some type of like other dimension or something like that that she went through like a barrier or something but like
Yeah, she gets pushed out of a window that like takes her through some dimension thing. I feel like the whoever's controlling it, because I do think people are controlling it, that they let only certain people in like they choose who ends up. Yeah, you know, it's not clear yet. You're not just randomly ended up there. You're chosen to get it. Yeah. Yeah.
At least we believe that at this point. We don't know 100%. Like I said, you have to check out. The main thing that I'm the most excited about is that I found this, thanks to you. Because what a great idea, totally original concept, even if it is sort of modeled off of lost.
I thought it was just really excellently done. It was like I would say that like I could see this like being on like um I don't know I don't know about the academy but I could see it being in something for like biggest sleeper film or best original idea or you know something like that like I mean I thought it was really really excellent and I gotta tell you I'm gonna be very upset if we get chipped out season three.
Yeah, I feel like

Final Thoughts on 'From'

if this was on Netflix or even Max or something like that, I think it would have gotten a bigger viewership. But yeah, it's definitely very underrated. I was going to mention the ratings earlier. It was 7.79 on IMDb.
so it's uh yeah i mean i i think that's kind of weak sauce but i mean it's still respectable i mean i i would say i would rate this at least eight um and in my personal but like um
You know, some people just aren't into the horror genre. And hey, that's fine. But I mean, I thought this was very high quality horror. That's my opinion. And I guess what I'm really interested in seeing is how Jim's wife is going to perform back out in the normal world and knowing that
her husband and son and daughter are just out and about that she may never see again. I think the next season, and we can speculate it all we want, but I do think it's going to be a big part of her trying to get back to the town. Oh, yeah, definitely. For sure. Or maybe finding other people who
are involved or something. I don't know if there's going to be, we're going to get some real world shit mixed with the town shit next season. That's for sure. Yeah. That's all I got. Uh, thanks for joining me. Uh, and if you're still listening, um, why? Good question. Did we make any sense at all?
Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Hey, like we, but we, I mean, we said, I think three, I'm saying like for probably like the fourth time, this is a very hard to properly describe and articulate exactly what's going on. Yeah, I almost feel like I don't know if this is more or more difficult or about the same as trying to explain the dark.
I think dark is like a lot harder to explain. I think that this is like actually an easy show to explain, but it becomes significantly harder as time moves on when you start learning about more and more things. It just kind of makes you want to go crazy.
And at least if you're in the show crazy, if you're not, it's great television. At least by the end of the third season everything was explained so it was easier to talk about. It's harder to talk about because nothing's been explained or at least they haven't really given us
enough hints to where everything we are going to talk about is just going to be pure speculation. They can still go any direction they want.
Yeah, all opinions are welcome. I'm very interested. And what do you guys think Tabitha's gonna do? I mean, she's got like probably the biggest dilemma. But yeah, thank you so much for joining us. Are you not watching it? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But yeah, I'm signing off and we will talk to you guys in the not too distant future. Got a bunch of shit coming up. So, cheers. Peace.