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70 Years of Godzilla with Special Guest J.G. image

70 Years of Godzilla with Special Guest J.G.

The Sleepy Games Podcast
35 Plays8 months ago

Exploring the cinematic history from 1954's 'Godzilla' (The OG) to 2023's 'Godzilla Minus One.' This Episode features J.G., our in-house expert on the famous movie monster!

Song Credit: 'Come With Me' by Puff Daddy Feat. Jimmy Page

Next Week: Get out there and enjoy some summer! 

....unless you're from down under ;) 


Introduction to Podcast & Hosts

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Podcast.

Special Guest: JG & Godzilla

Hello, hello. We are back for another episode of the Super Games Podcast. We are your hosts, James Games, and Sleepy John. What's up, Sleepy John? Hey, buddy. And I want to get right into the episode because we actually have a special guest for today that I want to introduce. I'm very excited about because it's essential for the theme of the episode today, which is all things Godzilla and doing a deep dive into Godzilla minus one. And here we have with us, we have, well, when we call him JG for today, because he is also John. um What's going on, JG? What's going on, my friend?
What's going on, guys? Thanks for having me. It is a pleasure to have you. And we're excited here to hear everything you know about Godzilla.

Godzilla Minus One vs. Original

We kind of want to go into that first before we go into talking about Minus One. So I don't want to bring up anything about Minus One yet, because I just want to know like all the thoughts. Because you guys just watched it ah this week, correct? I finished it like an hour ago. you visit but But you can't really prepare. Everything's real fresh. like ah So for me, I watched it in theaters back in December. No, I'm sorry, in January. And then I rewatched it again when I saw it came out on Netflix what last week. So it's definitely, and if I definitely picked up on on some things watching it again. I'll be curious if if you picked on it on the first watch. and um And John, you just watched it, when did you watch it? Just a few days ago or yesterday?
ah Yeah, he watched it to yeah earlier this week. I guess I'm probably sending money Okay. And then yeah then for me to prepare for this, um since you guys never saw my S1 before, um I actually never saw the original Godzilla. Godzilla from 1954, which is ah the first ever Godzilla in black and white.

JG's Godzilla Memories

And and and and and watch I want to go into a little bit of that since it was kind of my homework. And and and and JG, you watched the original from 1954, correct?
Yeah, I've watched the original and I think I've seen 70% of the total Godzilla franchise movies. Okay. What was the last time you watched the original? Oof, probably 20 years, 25 years. So the backstory, and it's just, you know, typical five year old boy, it's, I love dinosaurs. So Godzilla was just a natural fit. And it kind of just stuck in one of the funny things that my sister always brings up every time she talks about like my childhood. And she's like, you'd love to watch these stupid movies and subtitles and you couldn't even fucking read it.
Because it wasn't about the ring, it was about the monster mayhem.
Exactly. And then it was like, they came out with some of the, we'll call it the more contested ones with like the but Godzilla 99 with Magic the View Broderick. They came out with Godzilla 2000, which was a callback to like the originals. And then there is not a lot of activity until the new franchise with like the new show on Apple. So it's wild how far it's come from. It's days of a man in a suit. Yeah, it's like it's almost as if like right now is like peak Godzilla. We're witnessing now, I think, like the best Godzilla, um I guess, shows and movies that have ever come out. um So it's a great time to be a Godzilla fan, that's for sure. um And ah so so ah John and I were actually talking about, so do you know what your first Godzilla movie was you watched?
The first one was one of the original ones with Mothra and they had the twins

First Godzilla Movies

and... Mothra, nice! Okay, so that one's like from the 60s, I believe, when Mothra was introduced. Okay, so so so do you remember how old you were? Probably five. So you were five. Okay, you you were five when you first saw Godzilla. You watched it because you're obsessed with dinosaurs. And then from there... And then from there, did did you just like just watch all the movies as many as you could of all the old Godzilla movies?
Pretty much. I mean, we would go to this local, and it's funny, they just don't exist anymore, but local video store that wasn't a blockbuster and it was a hole in the wall next to Barbara in small town New York. Is one of those video stores that that had an adult film section? Yeah. it was But it was wild. I had like the library book stacks with VHS after VHS, but they always had these crazy imported VHSs. So like they had like a whole anime section before it was cool. Like, uh, Oh my God. What's the original one from the eighties that everybody still says they love Akira. Yeah. ki yeah
Like they had a whole section dedicated to movies like that. They had a whole movie section dedicated to old Japanese movies for some reason, including all the, uh, Godzilla's. So it was just like, at that time, that's wild. I thought about that. And like, obviously they had like the modern ones of the time and like 95. So what came out of 95? Like. the lion king yeah
Okay, now now now for you, John, I think for us, I think we had the the a similar first ah Godzilla film that we watched.

1999 Godzilla Movie Discussion

I think it was the the Matthew Broderick Godzilla, was it not? Yeah, that that was the first one for me, for sure. so Did you see it in theaters? I did not see it in theaters. I did see it in theaters, actually. okay I mean ah was pretty psyched at the time. remember watching the movie like I don't remember thinking at the time it was like a terrible movie I think that the one thing that like I think even people talked about back then is like does this is pretty fresh off of ah Jurassic Park in the Lost World like kind of I wouldn't say it's like super fresh but
The little baby godzillas did look a lot like the velociraptors from Jurassic Park. Oh, they definitely took him off from that. Yeah, and so it was like... They basically just like copied it. Like, well, if this works, I choose it too. Yeah, so... And that was the thing. I was like, it kind of just seemed like another Jurassic Park movie more than the Godzilla movie. Mm-hmm. I actually had to... I don't know if it's kind of ripped off. Sorry. No, it's all good. As I said, it also ripped off aliens if you think about it with like walking into the eggs chambers. yeah Yes. Yes. Actually, that's a very good point. ah My recommendation with that movie is that there actually is a good movie within that movie. If you just watch Juan Reyno's parts, you know, you don't even need to watch the rest of the movie, like, but his parts, it's a cool little like little little story there.
There's all the humor is there, you know, with the Americans and their chewing gum.
And I think that, yeah, it's like it would make like a little 15 minute movie just with our arm man. Yeah. And then and that's all you need to see because he's got good roles. He tried. I think he was trying to bring his A game. I think he thought it was better than it was. but it it did did definitely fall a little bit flat. but Great soundtrack, though. David, you beat me to it. I was about to say that. God damn it. Yeah. so So for me, before I watched the film, I knew there were advertising i remember as a kid, um they were advertising the shit out of the soundtrack. And I remember um i remember very well like when that went when the P Diddy, oh, it sucks we had to talk about him like this. but i mean i mean Because now he's like he's like and he's really put on blast. I don't even want to talk about him. um But there was a song where he sampled ah Led

Themes of Original Godzilla

called Come With Me yeah on the Godzilla soundtrack. ah And I remember but my my brother and I would just like put that song on repeat. And I actually bought, I was like one of the very first CDs I bought as a kid. I think it was like Will Smith, Big Willy Style, and then the Godzilla soundtrack was like the second album I've ever bought. But you're right, it's a great soundtrack. I actually pulled up on Spotify today and I was listening to it and I'm like, it does still have some bangers. It has Green Day, it's got the wall flowers. It has, what is it, Jamaqui? Jamaqui. Jamaqui, yes. I think so. Rage Against the Machine. Rage Against the Machine, yep. I'm trying to think of who else is on that one. There's one or two other ones. Foo Fighters, I think, is on it? Or did you already say that? I said Green Day.
I think Foo Fighters is on there too, aren't they? Probably, maybe. I don't know. Yeah. I feel like they would have been, wouldn't they? I don't know. Either way in a matter. Yeah. But yeah. So when I think of that movie, I think of the soundtrack. So yeah. But um so so it's cool that that we have matched. I was not expecting JG to say Godzilla versus Mothra. That's pretty cool. um But so I want to talk about the original real quick because I think there's parallels between the original and minus one.
um Yeah. yeah and and it's but So the very beginning, like right when the credits are going, it's it's it's getting me hyped. like You're getting the roars of Godzilla as the credits are going. It's just it's all black or just with just what credits. like There's nothing special about it, but just the sound. It's preparing you. it's like but You're about to watch something you've never seen before and it's going to stick with you. And from there, I was just all in. And it was ah it was a quick film. like like Sometimes these these older films, like the black and white ones, like I kind of ah lose interest pretty quickly. But I think because just like with Minus One, it's more character driven than anything else. And and then when when you get to trying to figure out how to destroy Godzilla or defeat him,
and That's when I feel like a lot ah lot more of the similarities grew. And it was is quite the it's quite the fascinating way of like how to get rid of it. I mean, I guess it with you know they used some science fiction and everything with with with all that, but but they've they've really tried to bring it into reality. But but of course, because it's so close to um and know World War II, you know, it's it's just how like all the underlining themes have to do with like you know the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and everything. and but um but i mean There's so many parallels. It's wild how you could almost watch from side by side, but in different contexts for different time periods. It's interesting how it's like juxtaposed one another. it's
how they a's here you

Godzilla's Legacy & Symbolism

nailed it, like the off-actor, like the first time seeing Godzilla in Tokyo. It's just like, even in the original, and in the modern one, like it's still just like a cinematic like scene where that's why you go to the movies. Like yeah it's that scene exactly. Like when you see them the first time and the ominous music, it's like, um especially in the original theme music, the bomb, bomb. Yeah. yeah yeah And that theme is like so perfect for just like, oh man, here comes the destruction. Oh my god, like what is he going to do? But like even for the 50s, as far as the effects go, there's that they still hold up. like of Of course, there's some things where it's like, oh, it looks like just toys, you know like toy trucks being knocked over, toy buildings being blown off.
But I think as far as the effects when it's showing Godzilla spit his atomic breath, I thought that was very effective because it would just show his breath coming and then all of a sudden just explosions everywhere, people flying everywhere. I just couldn't believe what they got away with at that time. And it's just like I just can't imagine the the the hard work and dedication that was put into this film. um Because I'm sure it was like what just was probably made for nothing. I mean they probably had no idea like how how great this film was going to be.
like you know i mean Sorry, I have no idea if they did, but i don' it still floors me that it's just a man in a suit. I know. It's still scary. The only thing they took me out of it from the time was there like when when they zoomed in onto his eyes. He's got these big boop like goofy bug eyes sometimes are looking like this. It's like, whoa, that looks too goofy. God took me out. But then when it's further away, it's like, all right, now you're more menacing. Okay. and and like And then, well, no, I don't want to go into minus one yet, but um but I even noticed like when you had certain scenes when, like, you know, because knowing that it's a guy in the suit, where he's kind of just like, he's trying to, he's trying to whack the planes coming by and you see like, you notice that the planes are like being hung by a string as it's going by Godzilla.
And like even knowing that, I think it helps. ah it It kind of gives it its own charm with that, because it's like, oh, is this is is is this this is kind of cute the way they're doing this, but it's still like, you know, Godzilla trying to eat these eat these people in the air and knock them down. um But like I like, too, how I was getting a lot of Oppenheimer vibes. watching this one because you have the guy who's um who's the creator of of what they say is the oxygen destroyer which is ultimately what they use to to destroy Godzilla um and and he has this whole like this whole complex about like oh shit if if i release this and kill Godzilla with it someone's gonna like take this technology that i've created
and use it to cause harm somewhere else in the world. That's a bit deep for the 50s, eh? I know. It's coming right off the back of World War II. I don't know if they took things about the atomic bomb and put it in this they probably did because it felt very very similar like the parallels were crazy um and and this guy was lily like he's he was even saying to himself like who's like destroying all the evidence of all the all the formulas and everything to create to create this weapon.

Top Godzilla Movies Countdown

and And he was even saying, like, okay, even though this is destroyed, I still have it in my mind. And they can get it out of my mind. And basically, so then like what all ultimately happens is, once they destroy Godzilla, he sacrifices himself as well, so that now ah all all all those ideas he has are gone.
Damn. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you want to watch this. It's so good. It's like I see why it's held. It's that's high regard and like why everyone says it's the best. But I think it definitely is. There's a rewatch at some point. But but I will say watching that in my last one like within like two weeks of each other. I mean, I do like Minus One, but I do. I do. Like, I didn't think overall that i just like the film as a whole and what and what what it caters to me, I think Minus One is is the better film. ah Even okay. So I'd like to to be fair, let's just say that the special effects were top notch. Like if you were to compare both, let let's just assume it was remade today and it would have today's like, you know,
visuals and and everything like that, would you still prefer minus one? I think it is minus one. The difference is minus one has like slight, like subtle differences. And that's why I feel like minus one is like the closest homage to the original. Yes. I think minus one is basically a remake of it. It really feels like that. I probably should have tried watching it for this episode, I think. Yeah. Okay. so So, so I guess, I mean, I guess overall, I guess just to wrap it up.
I'm trying to think, yeah, I mean, we talked about the song. I mean, like so it was cool. I noticed like some other similar scenes where you you have like the press or like the newscaster who's watching all the destruction unfold. And he's just like, he's like he's like right in front of the cameras. He's like, I can't believe this is happening in front of me. Like like the world's coming to an end. Godzilla is just destroying everything, blah, blah, blah, blah. and it's just like seeing that I'm i'mm like man this probably never been seen before like in a movie form of just like just all this destruction happening and the guy's just witnessing it standing 10 toes down not moving is that's what amazed me in these movies is just like you have these reporters like who are not running away they're just standing there just watching it unfold
That's their job, man. Exactly. They gotta let the people know what's happened. They gotta let them know. But I think it's so cool. I'm like, okay, this is where it started. And now, like, everything from here, they're just copying off this. Right. So they definitely have an homage to that, then, too, in, uh, in my... In, like, so many movies. I think, so many movies copy that now. Yeah. Yeah. Because I can't think of anything else but that was before this that would have done that. um But yeah, overall, it's I see why it's a classic. I see why Godzilla is... It's so highly tolerated. We made so many movies. I think what there's like over 20 now? or Is there 20? There's over 20. Actually, I forget the number. It's a lot. I don't know the number either.
Yeah, but yeah, if you count the Japanese, count the American ones. um Yeah, it's just crazy how they've made sense.

Favorite Childhood Godzilla Movies

It's probably the same amount of bomb movies that there are Godzilla movies, to be honest.
I'm trying think. I'm like, totally looking it up. Yeah, be curious. Yeah, then and before we we get into minus one, I watched like a top 10 list on WatchMojo that they just did a month ago. And I just want to run off this top 10, and then then JG, you tell me if you've seen any of these. John, you too. Have you seen any of these as well? so den um then There's 38 movies. There's 38? You're close with a Bond comparison, I think.
yeah that is a lot of movies so i think i think i think barnes only like 26 to 27 i i might oh i'm off yeah I thought Bond had like 40 or something like that. No, dude, there's only like six Bonds, actors that played Bond. I think the most Bonds by one actor, I think Sean Connery was six. Yeah, I think Sean Connery, yeah. I think six, he's done. Yeah. So the top 10 list. Okay. It was actually top 20, but we don't have that time. We're doing top 10. So top 10. Number 10 was Godzilla 2014.
I assume we all saw that one, right? Yeah. What'd you guys think of that one? JJ, you're first. I liked it. I mean, you don't get a lot of airtime with Godzilla, but I think it's a good standard of like what a monster movie could be, and it doesn't need to just necessarily focus solely on the monster. But that said, it did leave a little bit not enough monster. I remember watching the trailer for that um before the before it came out and I was so hyped. Especially seeing the trailer, it was it was a the way they shot the the trailer was was genius. I remember they'd seen the military jumping out of the The helicopter. The helicopter, yeah. Yeah. Then just diving down the city and you have like the light. That's a really intense scene for sure. So cool how they shot that. Yeah. um But I was disappointed how they killed off Bryan Cranston in the beginning. Agreed. I thought he was going to be like the the the the the Sam Neal in Jurassic Park. Yeah. Just in Godzilla. But man, I was just like, what what a waste. like What are you doing? You'd be so good at this.
it It does have one of my favorite lines though. Oh, wait, wait, tell me, tell me. Let them fight. Yes, I knew you'd say that. My boy, Ken Watame. yeah
Okay. That's a clock. Yes. ah So that was number 10. So number nine was the return of Godzilla from 1984. No, nobody. Yeah, imagine that. and then Okay, so so number eight. Are you looking it up? Okay. Who's the big bad in that one? Do you know? um I don't know. ah every um It's not Mecha. Okay. ah got it's that iconic. I don't think I know it. Then number eight was Godzilla Final Wars that came out in 2004. I did not see that one either.
And then you have, then the number seven, Mothra versus Godzilla. Godzilla before your first one, made the list. And then ah number six was destroy all monsters. Yes. Which which I'm sure you probably would have loved as a kid. Cause you literally had all the monsters just going at it. That was one of my favorites. yeah That sounds pretty epic actually.

Top 10 Godzilla Movies List

So, and I'm pretty sure that that they they made a video game growing up, ah our generation, I think in like the early 2000s, and I think it was called Destroy All Monsters, which had like Godzilla and all the other creatures, like we can, it was basically like Super Smash Brothers with with all the monsters. That's what I was gonna say, yeah. Yeah.
And and now like when I saw this lesson that oh, that's where they got it from they got it from the movie. Okay um And then you have you have Godzilla versus bio Lonti bio Lonti From 1989. Did you do this one John? JG? Sounds like he's fighting like a ballet dancer or something like that. It does sound like it does. Yeah, it's it's a weird one. I
That's like the big plant monster, here right? Yes. Like it has like a bunch of tentacles. Yes, yes, that one. Yeah, yeah, that's the one. He does the dance. did you introduce your of And then now this one you might have saw, because this was this is one of the more recent ones. you had Number four was a Shin Godzilla. It came out in 2016. actually i didn't watch that one either i knew it came out but yeah you heard of this um yeah i've heard of it but i didn't watch it yeah so this one followed more of like
I found more of like ah the government and politics with everything win when Godzilla attacks. So it's more of just like, what what do we do as ah as a city now that that he's here and what we do to stop it? But I think with with that Godzilla, ah he he he did more of, like I guess, morphing in a way, like i guess to ah like adapting the environment or something. I didn't see it either. I was going off just a little synopsis that they were showing. But he was he was using all these weird lasers and and kind of like every every time they were trying to nuke him, he would just like turn into like a different beast for a second and and and use like a different like attack on everybody. it was It was really weird. It was a very unique looking Godzilla. like He had like very goofy looking eyes. like he kind of had like this there's a
Like, you know, like, that there's little, like, goofy eyes from, like, everything ah everywhere, all at once? Yeah, was kind it's kind of like did they stuck those eyes on Godzilla. Like, googly eyes. Yeah, look, googly eyes. Like, stop. Well, I don't want to say but like, like, Godzilla looks less men menacing when he has goofy eyes like that.
I mean, I'd actually prefer a monster looking like that if it was chasing me, then. and Oh, yeah, sure, yeah. Like, oh, it's so cute. Um, so, so now we're in the top three. So, so the top three, we have Godzilla versus destroy. ya Yeah. You know that way yeah man and they one. And that was from 95. Um, Oh yeah. That was probably one of the ones that I saw that really got me into it also.
Oh yeah, yeah because yeah you were around the age when like when you first started watching. That probably like what but it came out right before... Because I think with this Godzilla, like it's it's like it's like I think Godzilla kind of sacrifices himself is to like save everyone. Is he more of a good guy in that one? a Pretty much. Okay. I mean, he's relatively the good guy in most of them. Like, he comes to destroy the other evil monsters. I mean, that's similar to this one.
but This is the one with like the guy that had, he looks like a demon with like the horn and the wings. Yes, yeah. It destroys him, which destroys himself to save the day. But apparently it was a very like emotional ah it's a very emotional scene when mean Godzilla actually sacrifices himself to save everybody. ah because Because I think you know it's it's rare that he actually dies, I guess, in in some of the films. was is it Is it more times he survives or like ah more times he gets away? I think it's more times he survives, especially like with the most recent series.
But I'm trying to think. He's definitely died a few times though. And we'll could talk about more of that later. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and then to to round out the top 10, number two was Godzilla minus one, and number one is the original Godzilla from this top 10 list. So it seems like, in i i but I looked at other top 10 lists and it seems like now this is the new order, like minus one and the original are top one and two, which can be interchangeable, it seems.
and And now that I've seen both, I can i think I will reverse that. Minus one, number one for me, and the original number two.

Review of Godzilla Minus One

But with that being said, shall we finally dive into minus one? You guys ready? Let's do it. Oh, I am psyched. All right. So, JG, since you've you've seen Godzilla since you were five years old, What are your thoughts on minus one? I loved it. I mean, it was...
equal part it felt like a throwback to the original but it also felt like Jurassic Park in terms of it felt like that monster was real like it didn't feel like CGI destroying a building like it felt like they built that thing um and i love the design i love the way that monster looked i loved the plot and the character development um It just that was a bond. The whole Kamikaze aspect of it I thought was brilliant because like right away you're relaying to the the the protagonist. I'm blanking on his name right now, so if you guys know it offhand. Nope. Oh, OK. But yeah yeah, I keep going. i just want I just wanted to bring up the Kamikaze thing because yeah I thought putting that into a film and incorporating Godzilla was brilliant.
Was it Chiro?
Yes. I feel like I should know this, haven't watched it so recently, but I'm bad with character names. That's why I usually say the actor's names. But in this case, I don't know any of the actors either. so Well, the the main kamikaze pilot. Yes. We'll just call him the kamikaze pilot. I don't think that works. Everyone will know who we're talking about. Well actually, he's actually we shouldn't he's he's the non-Kamikaze pilot. He's the anti-Kamikaze. That's right, yeah. Live, Shiro. Yeah,
yeah' so i thought was great yeah so so yeah so so you loved it. um ah John, how about you? so It was your first time watching it as well. It was my first time watching it, ah I guess. The one thing that, and this has nothing to do with the movie, this has nothing to do with Netflix, I would have preferred just watching like a subtitle version rather than a dub. Dude, what are you doing? It has both.
Does it? Oh no! Oh my god! Okay, they're not push play. I don't know man. All right now. I know in the future I need to tell John you probably always watch the subtitle version aside viial Yeah i so i So I watched the dub in it like there were a couple points where it's like it it it took me out of it Which is not the movie's fault at all ah it so i guess like i'm so excited you bed there no oh yeah I make sure to never watch a dubbed version of a live-action film. it is it takes away It takes away from the act acting.
of all the actors. yes It takes away from performance. And especially then well and and this is when I started watching this movie, like I didn't really know what to expect. I mean i can't say I've seen a lot of Godzilla movies, but the one thing that I'm very used to with Godzilla movies that I've seen is that they really have like almost zero depth. You haven't recommended to me, maybe I should have kind of clued me in, but like I guess I wasn't expecting these kind of ah very emotionally intense scenes. and so And those were the points where, yeah, the dub really comes out and then it's just like, you know, sometimes they're trying to cram a bit too much dialogue into
like So, but I mean again, that is certainly not the movie's fault, but the one thing I will say to all the listeners, obviously if you're watching Netflix, apparently there's a subtitle version. I highly recommend that over the dub. Yeah. Yeah. it and I don't want to repeat myself again, but yeah, just for our listeners, never watch a dubbed version of a live action film or TV show. Always watch the sunday like subtitles. ah like Some people really don't like subtitles. so um I rest my case. I'm not going to argue this. like I know what's better and what's not. yeah and It's objectively better. Okay, so that out of the way. ah Other than that, like I was ah very surprised, I think, with the movie. I mean, I haven't seen the the originals and really, I think the only
i'd like Just thinking of it, the only to do the two I think I've watched is 99 we talked about in the 2014 that we talked about. Didn't watch any of the subsequent sequels to go with it. The the first thing right off the top of my head is like I was amazed at how quickly Godzilla gets screen time. like That was pretty cool. as like within I think within the first five to ten minutes like you see him on screen. yeah I like that because... And he's a fucking asshole. It is. such asho Yeah, exactly. And he just, you know, he steals the scene for sure. But because with monster movies, I mean, basically, like for the first power, it's just the suspense building, you know, you get a little snippet here and there, but not this one. Boom. There's Godzilla and you're like, awesome. Okay, so this movie's got to have more to it than just the needless suspense that lazy rating, you know, because
Uh, I definitely like the, I guess, you know, yeah, I'm a bit of a, I guess, a movie nerd when it comes to like underlined meetings, a social commentary and all that stuff. And obviously in this respect, I'm i'm sure the few of you are already aware is like Godzilla, like is basically a representation of, of warfare and, and, you know, in all the, I guess, sometimes nonsensical things that that comes with that. And obviously, and that's why it kind of dives into this kamikaze pilots. or non-Kamikaze pilots arc essentially like and I thought it just like through and through that was really cool like I'm not gonna say like the ending to me was very predictable but I wasn't sad to see that that's what the ending was like it I don't think they're trying to hide the ending I and and the other thing is like I thought it was it was a really neat
plan to destroy Godzilla. Like it seemed like somebody had already obviously putting a thought into something. That's a bit more than like, let's just nuke him. Yeah. You know, it is something that I think it's probably most Godzilla movies are like, Oh, it's just nuclear. Yeah. So in and it just it had, again, a little bit more depth, they a little bit more, more interest and in that regard. So I really liked it. The only thing for me that I'll say that I kind of disliked about the movie and it's just one little stupid of little, little thing. is uh the very very end where it's like oh oh he's not dead and it's like even if they plan on making a sequel they don't have to show that they can just fade out leave it i i don't really see the point in that i think it's been done way too many times and i think it cheapens a very well written movie wait wait so okay so we're going to spoilers now and we're going to be jumping around to all different things um apparently so are you talking about are you talking about the main guy
The main guy? You're talking about the girl. Who are you talking about? The girl? Okay, you're talking about surviving because obviously the kamikaze pilot. Hold on, I'm here. No, I'm talking about Godzilla, the monster. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Yeah. So the very end, the monster, like, it's just like, you know, and it's just like the, the quick shot where it's just like, he's moving again. Like he's not dead. And then you're like, why? to The sleepy games hamster managed to took me out of it. I was just like you got this awesome ending like really good story development great character arc The sleepy games hamster
so So there's one thing I want to bring up that I noticed on a second watch, that I noticed on the first watch, but ah I'm going to wait until JG comes back. Yeah, no worries man. But before that, I want to go into um more of the characters. I love the group or the gang yeah that yeah in this film. um I thought they I believe that they they became quick friends. I love the banter between them all. I love the the the different dynamics they all brought. ah yeah JJ, we we're talking about the the whole gang. The gang and those introduced like all the friends. The mind sweepers, I guess. Yeah, the mind sweepers. Speaking of mind sweepers, I loved how it felt like Jaws.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say. For like a good bit in the film. That hole when Godzilla's chasing them in that boat and they're trying to throw the mines in the mouth or destroy the mine, shoot the gun and everything. That was so cool. Oh my God. I have to bring up. because Do you guys know the budget for this movie?
Was it like 10 or 15 million? Yeah, so it was between, I think it was between 10 and 12 million, actually. Which is it would be pretty crazy because the the special effects were were really good. Yes. Yeah. Like it looks it looks better than a lot of the effects that of like over a hundred million dollar movies. Yeah. A movie that spends 10 times more has had and you know crappier special effects for sure. So yeah, it's pretty wild in that regard.

Memorable Scenes: Godzilla Minus One

very deserving of the special effects um oscar it won very deserving yeah um and i'm sure that this director is going to be going places because of that because i think he was he was a he was like an effects guy turned director so he really knew his shit that makes sense actually yes because yeah i like to i that and that was one of the things that i kept
thinking back to when I was watching this I was like man like they really made it for this cheap like it's really well done for you know the budget that they had for sure so the budget like considering the budget it's amazing like some effects are just incredible it is one of the movies where you know probably would have benefited from watching on the big screen for sure which i did baby and i'm so glad i did yeah oh um yeah so so so the one scene we gotta bring up and speaking of seeing in theaters the scene when he uses the atomic breath in the city seeing that in theaters was probably one of the best like movie experiences ever
like just the the the sheer noise of it and then just like watching it all and unfold and you're just like wait what's happening wait what because it's basically just a whole atomic bomb just hitting this in the city and just seeing it all just slowly unfold and it's like all of a sudden it's like oh my god everyone's about to fucking die um Yeah, also going back into how he's just guys it was just a huge asshole like just for doing that this coming in but But but that whole like leading up that the whole like he's just charging up and you see like his uh the Frickin fins or whatever on the back or scales or whatever it's like great time yeah popping up glowing and everything and then just Charging up charging up and then
Boom! ah That took a few seconds and then just huge explosion, everything just devastated. Ugh! Man, it it's just like, why don't we see Godzilla like this before, you know? It's like, it's just amazing. um But we we can go into how, in that scene, I thought, I thought, the love, you know, the I guess the girl that lives with him, I don't know what else to call her. I love interest, I guess. She's not in love interest yet. She's just there in the house taking care of the baby. I love all the interactions with him and the gang. Maybe the gang's just like, wait, what? This makes no sense. Then he just goes into how he feels he doesn't deserve this because of...
all this like survivor's guilt he has. Which, oh god, the character's in this, man. um And then, so so so so you were actually gone for a second, JG. So we're talking about the ending ending. So not the end as far as like, you know, see you see how after they destroy, um got what what we think we destroyed Godzilla, he's actually still alive. Yeah. So yeah like the ending, to be fair, was really, really well done. like Yes, that's what I'm getting. Yeah, just the very end credit kind of. Yeah. you know is there you bad ah I mean, it's one of those things I wait, wait what do you say, JG? I said it was very ambiguous.
Yes. um so So I think they did it to throw in there just to show, you know, just so it's open-ended so that, all right, if we do do a sequel, we can do it. um But did you guys notice when you see that, oh, I guess now the love interest now, that were you surprised that she was still alive? Yes, I was extremely surprised. I did not expect that. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. John, what are you going to say? Well, what I was going to say was like, I was surprised when I saw her until you kind of think back to the scene, you're like, they never showed her death. That's why. she So like, it was one of those things I was surprised until I was just like, probably should have caught it though, I guess.
So in seeing her condition, I thought she would look a lot worse too.
ah Also, but, but so watching the second time, watching the second time, that's that's why I'm curious if you guys noticed this. Okay. I've got a question since you watched it twice, but I'll let you. Yeah. Did you notice that they showed what they showed on her neck in the hospital? no So she has a marking that was like kind of moving a little bit. so so ah so So like just on her neck there was like a black spot. Okay. It was kind of moving. And I think, I think, like, whatever, like, because, you know, Godzilla can... Regenerate. Regenerate. Right. So, I think she has a piece of that in her as well. Okay. Which made her survive. Interesting. Okay. I didn't notice it the first time. Maybe a sequel would be intriguing, I suppose. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. My question. Yeah. My question.
I'm curious. Do you think, like I haven't watched it twice because I didn't rewatch the scene or anything like that, was like do you think she could have grabbed them and both of them going behind the building or do you think it was really the only thing she could have done was push them?
Uh, I saw more of like a love sacrifice sort of thing of like, she, she, she just, want I guess, I don't know. Cause I, I felt like she, she just wanted him to survive and she didn't know if she could make it too. I don't know. I guess. I just, I feel like it would have been the same movement. Yeah. I don't know. Cause I remember watching, I was like, yeah.
yeah Yeah, I know. But yeah, but yeah, I'm glad to do what they did. Obviously 100%. Exactly. Yeah, I feel yeah. I liked how it wrapped up in the end. but Pretty well done. I certainly did not see it coming. So yeah. um
God, I'm really thinking now. like I'm like, yeah, I did watch it twice.

Comparisons with Other Monster Movies

I knew this. Yeah. Yeah, but what a push you did, though. You're supposed to sit at him. That was a shove. of ah yeah Yes, so so yeah we so we got the ending. i love I love how they described of how they were they were going to destroy Godzilla and just what all they went to but you know from the technology they had from back then um and implementing that.
And I also liked when they were in that meeting or that briefing room going over all the ideas. I like how the game didn't realize that like, that their friend was like, he's like, oh, I didn't realize like, our boy's a big shot. You know, he's like, he's like a failure. He's like, he's like, he knows all his shit. Like he's like a celebrity or whatever. I thought that was so cool. Cause like, if if you're just hanging out with these group of guys, like you're not going to tell him like, yeah, I'm actually kind of a big deal. You know? He's like, no, I don't want them to know that. They're my boys. You know? I don't want them to think differently of me. but Yeah. Just like little did you little things like that I loved. Yeah. What did you think of the ah the mechanic there? JG, what do you think?
I loved him again. I loved how he knocked him out, kidnapped him. That was like, why are you sending me these crazy fucking letters? He just like, laid into him. He was like, borderline torturing him. I know, for real. I know. I was like, damn, how deep are you going to get into this? Yeah, that was beauty. Explain yourself. But I loved it. That was a great introduction. um And ultimately, at the very end, when he he reveals he's like, and look, I installed the ejection seat also. Live. I love that light. now
Cordy because I watched the sub also so it just felt very nostalgic for me because if you watch the idea of the ones that are rented They're also right. Yeah, at least most of them So it is felt very familiar and I love the delay in speech after Awesome
I was like, there was a movie that made fun of that. Do you guys ever see the movie Kung Pao? Completely unrelated, but... It's the subtitle. Yeah, that's the one, ears yeah. Oh my god, that movie was a college favorite. Oh yeah, that's that's a beauty one for sure. Just because we're talking about these the the weird, or the badly done subtitles and... Or sorry, dubbing, I guess. This is why I can't watch dubs. Like, for that reason, I can't do it. Yeah. Yeah. Especially if you have different languages that that speak so much to say so little, you know? it's That's what I hate the most. Like, stuff is a stop moving their mouth, they only said what, you know? It's like, what? Oh my god, it's so funny.
Um, but yeah, I guess getting back to the special effects too, like there's just so much I feel like this movie just did right. And I should have sent you guys the video of the behind the scenes. It's like a seven minute video that goes into all the production that they did and how they're able to pull off a lot of the scenes that they did. It was like very, I mean, of course they did use a lot of CGI. But they hit it well. and that's and that's And that's when you know you're utilizing your budget right. You're utilizing the practical when you use practical and you CGI when you have when you have to.
And when you do that, it's seamless. It flows. It it goes together. It's not glaring. It's like, oh, I know this is CGI. Because because johnny even when we were watching Furiosa, I noticed there were some scenes like, oh, this is CGI. That's CGI. That's CGI. um But and like in this, it's much harder to pinpoint. so Like the Josh reference, but, um, cause like the scene where it's there in the boat, it's the first time you see it swimming in the water was wild. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm just like, how the hell do they do this? Like how does it look so real? Like $10 million? dollars Like what? I think the the one thing though, I will say is like, uh, it is amazing how well Godzilla is able to like tread water.
Cause he's like his arms and his head and his body are all out. He's moving the legs super fast. Like really? Yeah. At the start of the movie, I was like, Oh, the water must be kind of shallow there. And then at the end, when he's on top of it, it's like a transfer. I'm just like the transfer. He's just treading water like a champ. They should just kind of try to get, they should try to talk to him and maybe try to get him into the coast guard or something like that. I think he could be very beneficial. He's got some skills. He didn't even look like he was exhausted or anything. No, no. Casualty is there.
But it it makes it makes me happy that that um this film is getting the recognition it deserves. you know i I've been hyping up since I've watched it back ah back in January and and now it's on Netflix. Now everyone can watch it. and and i saw it it's it's like It's been the number one movie now, I think, for for over a week. Well, that's good. It means that you know I'll admit, even even watching it had a bit of the, ah I guess, like monster fatigue a bit. You know, we've been talking about fatigue with different things and Godzilla, definitely. And I was just like, so the first little bit of the movie, I kind of had that until it kind of gripped me with a more compelling story. So it was just getting the recognition. that and I recently watched the ah Godzilla versus Kong, like the new one that just came out. And it's so it's it's like,
It's so night and day, there's such different films. Right. And JJ, you recently watched Godzilla and Kong as well, right? Yeah, I mean, they're... One was just monster smashing. One was a commentary on nuclear weapons. yeah but but but But the cool thing is you can get you can find the enjoyment in both, you know? Exactly. um What was mine was Senator David. What was a little bit more thoughtful. Yes.
ah yeah I do hope um that Hollywood learns from Godzilla-1 how you can do a lot with a smaller budget. So I do hope this kind of generates a shift in Hollywood, but you know I know it's a tall order, but you I can only hope, especially with the recognition it got from the Oscars. um And I'm sure I'm sure this director is gonna be I'm sure everyone's be watching like looking out to see like what movie he does next Because because I mean I'm totally cool if he just does something completely different Just to spread his wings a little more because I can't see him doing a Godzilla minus two or whatever I could really agree. It's gonna be interesting to see what they do next. a I Loved it. I mean
Just to top it off, I mean, I would i love that movie. yeah is it Is it number one? Is it number one with you? Or what do you think? Is it is it too fresh to to really decide? It's a little too fresh to decide, but I would say it's top two, definitely. um It's just yeah very enjoyable. yeah It's great wait when a film like it meets the hype, you know? Oh yeah, and that was one of the few movies I've seen recently recently that genuinely met the hype.
In Jen, I don't know if you saw any of the Godzilla Kong films or anything. Have you seen those?

Conclusion & Future Episodes

ah No, I haven't. I haven't watched any of that. I did watch the, I think the first of the newer Kong movies. ah that I think that it all ties in together, if I'm not mistaken, but that that was kind of it. like oh guys I preferred the King Kong movie with ah Jack Black and stuff back in the day. I thought that one was pretty good. Well, if if you can give me anything to watch, JG and I would definitely recommend um definitely recommended you watching Monarch.
I would totally agree. Okay. Which is like the Godzilla TV show. um Okay. Which said the first time I think there has been a Godzilla TV show like this. um And yes, so so make sure you watch season one. it's it's got It's got the girl who's in Shogun. And ah yeah, and there will be a season two. So I'm very excited to see where that goes. And yeah, I hope a lot of a lot of the franchise maybe like learns from minus one in the future. So um yeah, it makes me excited for for for what what Hollywood does from here. Yeah, absolutely. Hopefully bigger. and Well, I guess not as big, but better things. Right. Yeah. Completely agree.
But ah guys, I think that wraps it up for me. um ah Is there anything else that you guys you guys want to want to say or anything else ah that I missed about minus one or anything else Godzilla related? I just got one more thing, baby. Let them fight. yeah That is the line. So, I guess if they do make a sequel, I hope that they they do give... Well, I guess if Godzilla is an asshole, it might as well. Do you bring in two assholes? yeah i mean Did you bring another one who just caught wreaks havoc or you have them fight each other? I don't know. oh Well, maybe something with a bit more ah depth ah yet again. Yeah, it's gonna be hard to top, that's for sure. i mean like
It's really hard for them to type my best one like in our lifetime, I feel like. it it's like I feel like what what they did was just perfection.
And watching a second time, it only got better. So I'm excited for you guys to watch a second time, too. Looking forward to it, buddy. but um I think that wraps it up for us today. JG, thank you for coming on our show. Thank you for having me. I hope you you'll be you' want to come on our show again. Maybe we maybe we can have Seth on as well. We're going to have the two of you battle it out. Maybe I can be better equipped. yeah so
um make I'll make sure to to get you a headset. I got you. but Thanks, fam. That'll be my gift to you just for coming on our show. Well, I appreciate you guys for letting me come crash the party for an hour. Of course, man. um and ah Anything else from you, John? ah Not really. I guess are we talking about the next couple of weeks or anything like that? or yeah so So I guess, ah so so next week we we'll have an off week. Yeah. and And we'll come back with a new theme and everything. We'll probably, yeah we'll we'll ah we'll do some research figured out from there, but um yeah, that's all we have for it today. That sounds good. That sounds good to me, baby. And and thanks again for coming on, JG. Absolutely. guess honor And everyone else have a good night. Cheers. Cheers. Thanks guys.