Was it better to have 10, 12 years, whatever he had with his with his his pet? I mean, I don't think there'd be any question there. Yeah. it's um And that one's interesting. I think it's something, I don't know if we got to talk about it with with one of our guests earlier, Andrew Edwards. I i know I've heard him talk about like dogs in particular, and we talked about dogs with him um because of his book. but But like but yeah that sense, like with pets, with animals, like you are signing up, you're you're signing up for grief when you yes when you get a dog right because you are gonna outlive that dog, I mean, almost always, right? So so yeah, like you're you're signing up for all that good time, for all that love, but you know that there's gonna be a heartbreak at the end of it, but you but you do it anyway. People you know tend to keep getting pets, they keep getting dogs, and they