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Blessed Are the Peacemakers

The Copybook Headings Podcast
34 Plays2 months ago

In this episode Patrick and Andrew discuss the moral value of suing for peace in politics, personal life, and parenting, and the Biblical roots of this proverb. 


Introduction to Copybook Headings Podcast

and the brave new world begins when all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins as surely as water will wet us as surely as fire will burn the gods of the coffee book headings with terror and slaughter returned
Hello everybody and thank you for joining us for another episode of the Copybook Headings podcast. If you're a new listener just joining us for the first time, this show is inspired by the poem by Rudyard Kipling called The Gods of the Copybook Headings. And every week we take an old saying, proverb or maxim and we break it down to see what we can learn from it and see if there's still any ancient wisdom from these old proverbs that's relevant today.

Thanksgiving Reflections

I am your host Patrick Payne and with me as always is my co-host Andrew Stevens. Andrew, how are you man? Hey, I'm doing all right. you know just recovering from Thanksgiving and uh how about you yeah good you told me off air you felt like you were gonna barf a little bit is that is that's a residual from that or is that something else i think it's it's got to be something else but yeah we're far enough out i wouldn't i wouldn't think it's food related yeah you know it's the whole like holiday meal thing where it's you're eating like food you're not usually eating it's usually you know richer than you're used to and so yes
So I'm wondering if I did that too, if I just changed up my diet a little too much this week and, and been paying for it. I don't know. So we went over to my uncle's house for Thanksgiving and had a great meal and my cousin like smoked a Turkey and all the stuff and the smoker, which, um, and then, and it's always nice to go over to someone else's house because you don't have to host and do all this stuff. It's nice of them to have us, you know, but then the bummer part of it is you don't have the leftover Turkey.
So my wife buys a turkey like the day after Thanksgiving when they're on killer sale and she's like, forget it. Like I'm just going to make my own turkey. So like that Sunday, she's like, we made another turkey at our house. So now we still have the leftovers and then she made turkey pot pie and all the turkey sandwiches and stuff. So ah we're enjoying our turkey.
It seemed like ah a lot of people I knew were doing the smoked turkey this year. that's like the new It's the new deep fried turkey. it's A lot safer. Yeah, a lot safer. Probably a lot tastier too, I'd imagine. I like the smoked turkey. so yeah Yeah, they turned out good. Have you ever had a ah deep fried turkey? No, no, I never have. I haven't either. I don't know if it's like a more regional thing. like i don't know No one I know has done it. maybe it's just Maybe people do it places where it's like not too cold to be outside. Oh, maybe you're cooking it, you know, I don't know. The setups I've seen in people's kitchens always look sketchy. Like if it's outside, that's one thing in like the driveway. But like if they're like in the kitchen, I'm like, bro, dipping that whole thing. thing oil That's crazy.
ah from Yeah, we did the, ah we we did the the Costco a Thanksgiving meal. We did like so a family thing a few days before that was low key with pies and appetizers and stuff. And so for Thanksgiving proper, we're like, you know what, we have a Our small family is not gonna demolish a turkey. So let's do, let's try out the Costco on my wife's side on like social media. And it was really good. Like the sides are really good and the meat cooked really well. What is it? It's just like a turkey breast and then gravy and mashed potatoes and green beans. And and they just serve it as Costco?
Well, you you buy it, you you bake it yourself, like it's uncooked. I mean, the potatoes and and green beans, I think are cooked, but you cook the the turkey in the oven, but it's just a ah big turkey breast, so you don't have to worry about the whole, you know, multiple hour ordeal. So yeah, it turned out really well. So maybe we'll do that again.
Yeah. ah you ever been to There's this sandwich shop called Capriati. Have you ever been to that place? No. I think they have them in your area. They have a sandwich. It's like ah a Thanksgiving sandwich. It's got turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce on it. That's so great. And a sandwich. Yeah. Sometimes sometimes when I'm dreaming of Thanksgiving, I have it. But yeah. Anyway, yeah, good. Glad you guys had ah like you guys had a good time. I'll have to check out the the Costco Thanksgiving. I would do that any time of year, personally.
Yeah, it was great. It reminded me of it.

Exploring 'Blessed are the Peacemakers'

Well, yeah, without further ado, let's jump into the proverb this week. This week was one that I selected, and it is, ah blessed are the peacemakers. This one is ah religious. I mean, we talk about Proverbs, but this one's an actual proverb from the Bible. um Not from the book of Proverbs, but it is you know from the Bible. ah What did you think when I threw it your way?
I thought oh that's ah that's a perfect Christmas time uh proverb to do maybe ah maybe the next couple weeks we'll have to have some kind of you know maybe we'll stick on the theme I don't know but yeah it was great I thought it was a nice uh departure a nice um Yeah, nice Christmas one. So yeah, is that what you're thinking of when you when you picked it? Yeah, a little bit. um It's just I looked through our list of proverbs and there are hundreds and hundreds of them. And the one that jumped out at me was probably because of the Christmas time stuff. And you know, we're decorating the house and we're listening to Christmas music and, and
probably had something to do with that, but then also just like it seems to be a lot of conflict you know in the world. and um you know i'm I'm probably not the best person to be preaching about this because I'm i'm i'm not non-confrontational and and you know i'm I'm a little bit confrontational in some ways. I can be combative you know what and you know doing martial arts and that kind of stuff. I've been and in and around some different types of fighting, but ultimately what you learn from that is you know, what you want is to avoid conflict. And it's it's kind of a cliche, like a trope, like, Oh, yeah, you you know, the the good martial artists, no one to fight, you know, kind of thing, but right, but but it's it's really true. in in And, and, you know, I just see more and more conflict um in the world, politics, wars, all sorts of stuff. And I thought it'd be, you know, a good reminder to
to that piece should be our our goal. Yeah.
Yeah, I um Yeah, it definitely seems like past couple weeks have been the the conflict. The conflict meter is is ramping up. It's in the red line. It's in the red zone, like with with big, big conflicts around the world, smaller ones unrest in other countries and, you know, assassinations and all this kind of stuff. And um and and and also the people's reaction to it, I find pretty, I don't know, disgusting, I guess, like a lot of people, you know, cheering on really terrible stuff. um I mean, partly, it's just, it's the nature of the detached um screen world we live in where, you know, everything we see, we're we're so conditioned, I think, to see crazy stuff.
on screens fictionally that when the real ones come in we still think of it the same way and and it not being real people on the other side and people just just being terrible to each other um
You talking about that, uh, that assassination of that, uh, healthcare care guy? Yeah. That's, that's, that's the one that I thought of in particular. And also, you know, just a lot of the war videos out of Ukraine and stuff where people are like the drone footage of people being killed and stuff. And just, just the glorying, and I mean, glorying in, in
the destruction of your enemies in that way like you can you can not like they can be your enemy they can be on the other side but yeah there's still the humanity aspect that i think is lost on a lot of people right now that really needs to come back that's what the world needs now right now is this um to to re-humanize each other and and i think this proverb comes in very well with that, with with blessed our are the peacemakers, because it's people who can step out of being locked into that conflict mindset, even if you're, whether or not you're like a party to it. um and And if you're not, it's, ah you know, refraining from taking sides to be the peacemaker, which which right now,
in our culture is I think frowned on that you, everyone wants you to take a side on everything. So yeah. Yeah. Um, and we see, um, you know, there was that there's this court case going on right now. i don't know if I've been kind of unplugged the last few days, but I don't know if it's got to come to a verdict, but this Daniel Penny guy, you remember him? Oh, yeah. I think that's still the guy. He was the guy. Is that still in the jury? Yeah. So for those who don't know, there was some, I guess, guy who was acting kind of crazy on a subway, and this guy intervenes and pins the guy down and puts him in like a chokehold, and the guy dies, right? Is that pretty much what happened? Yeah, pretty much, yeah.
and um and Yeah, man, it's it's like when there's when there's conflict and when there's physical violence, things like that can happen. and To his credit, I don't think he meant to do that. I don't yeah i think that was just an unfortunate turn of events, but but now he's on trial for killing this guy. and Maybe he'll be acquitted, but maybe he won't. in Either way, he had to go through this horrible ordeal. and I'm not criticizing his actions because sometimes maybe that could be necessary. but in almost every case, if there was a way to do something, to handle something peacefully and non-violently, that's that the better way if it's possible. Sometimes I get that it's not. But but in that case, if there'd been a way for someone to talk to this guy rather than grabbing him, that would have been a better outcome all around. So that's just an important thing to remember that you're our first reactions shouldn't be um
something aggressive. and and Even to people who would never grab somebody themselves, farming out to a state actor or someone can be just as destructive. like If you call the cops on a neighbor, when you could have spoken to them, that can lead to tragedy. We've seen that happen many times. As soon as police get involved, you know things can escalate and someone can and end up hurt. Yeah, exactly.
This one, um so let's talk a little bit more about the problem. This one, blessed are the peacemakers. The full ah verse from the Bible is blessed are the peacemakers for they should be called the children of God.

Spiritual and Historical Insights on Peace

I think that's kind of an important part of it too because there's many people that you know claim to be religious and claim to be followers of of God, but right here it's telling us that the ones that are going to be called the children of God, the ones that you know seemingly are are the true followers are the ones who were the peacemakers.
Yeah. um Yeah, what do you make of that? Yeah, it's an interesting way of defining part of the nature of God that um that to be one of His heirs, you know to to be called the child of God, you need to be a peacemaker. um Or at least the peacemakers will be numbered among those. So yeah, it's it's an interesting It's very powerful and it's it's easy to want to, you want to brush it away, especially if you want to, um
you know, cause violence can be the easy way to to handle things. Like at least, if not easy, at least it's clear cut and it takes care of things, but um but it needs not be the the first thing you resort to.
Yeah, for sure. this um this one was um So this is Jesus talking, and the Bible is when where this comes from. And um it's a from what what we call the Beatitudes, right? is Christians would know that. And it's or also you know the known as the ser the Sermon on the Mount when he's talking to a big multitude of people. And um this little verse I found here was Matthew, chapter 5, verse 9.
um But yeah, I mean, I think it's a. People tend to, you know, everyone would say, yeah, violence should be a last resort, but but people don't always don't always act like that. And yeah. And one of the saddest things is is in politics and government foreign policy. We see this all the time where where people who really bear no cost for agitating for some sort of conflict, you know, enthusiastically ah cheering on some some potential new war. yeah ah when when When they're not going to be the one fighting it, they're like it's not going to be in their town or neighborhood. um And it doesn't seem like many people truly have it as a last resort. Yeah, exactly. And and it's something um something I respect in a lot of veterans is is there their attitude to based on what they've seen and and done and had to do um when
one Their war is over. They are very vociferous against any new wars, you know about about taking the sword out of the sheath again no because they know the cost of it up close and personal and so That but the people who who never see it or at least don't even I mean you don't have to have really seen it yourself but you can if you think about it for long enough and talks people who have you can um I think come to a the similar decision, but but yeah, people who just, they don't have the costs, they just bang it on the war drum and um they won't they never have and they never will pay the cost for that. And it's one of the injustices of of our current system. For sure.
Do you think that's a new phenomenon in this generation and with this, like the GWOT vets? Because it I wasn't alive during Vietnam, so I don't really i was i didn't have my you know finger on the pulse of the you know zeitgeist, I guess, when when people came back. But from just reading history and seeing what happened in the country, it seems like that wasn't as much the case with the when Vietnam veterans came back. It seemed like many um And maybe not the rank and file, I don't know, but a lot of the generals, a lot of the people who were involved in that seemed very, became like staunch Cold Warriors, you know, yeah throughout the 60s, 70s, or in the Vietnam, and then clear into 80s and 90s. What do you think about that? I mean, you're you're somewhat of a student of history. Have you noticed anything like that? Yeah, it does seem that, you know, in our history and and other civilizations,
that people who have fought didn't necessarily not want to again, you know, they weren't and weren't willing, they weren't unwilling. um Yeah, because like, you know, after World War Two, it was not long before Korea. And I think a lot of people who supported and fought in World War Two did not have a problem. no I think maybe just because of the um the Maybe they they had some kind of ideological clarity and unity. And so it was like, we need, okay, yeah, like you said, the Cold Warrior thing, you know, is this is the this ideology is the new enemy, so we need to fight it everywhere. And people were like, yeah, let's that's right, even if it's costly. So I don't know, maybe that's maybe that's the difference with with ah our our more recent wars. It hasn't been as clear.
or at least more easily manipulated. Because I think, you know, after 9-11, it was pretty clear for most people, people were united, but then then the lines got blurry real fast and and and the people got burned on it.
Yeah, I wonder if that's it. I wonder if it has to do with information spread and the internet and and people being able to find out stuff more readily because yeah, yeah I mean, I remember September 12th, 2001, everyone was like, you know, we're all together. Every other country in the world was, you know, standing with the United States, like everything was, and then Iraq came and that was pretty,
pretty polarizing. and ah And then over time, it seemed like kind of everybody everybody came around, even the staunch you know Republicans who had been in favor of it at first are now kind of like, yeah, you know that wasn't that wasn't a good idea. and um And so I wonder if that had something to do with it and you have all these vets coming back that, I mean, they they they're not stupid, they have internet access to the internet, they know ah you know, maybe I went there, my buddy died for nothing.
Mm hmm. Yeah. So, um yeah, man, stuff. Well, and and I guess, go to link us with our proverb, like, with those other wars, I, you know, it's not necessarily um I wouldn't say it's necessarily incongruous, that the idea of fighting a war and also being a peacemaker, right? Like sometimes that is how peace is achieved and and that's the the right way to do it. So I think maybe it's just people haven't thought recently that that's necessary, at least for our country to be involved in that.

Teaching Peace and Conflict Resolution

That um that's the piece, you know, the way we need to achieve peace in in other countries.
Yeah, no, I think you're right. I was a a while back, I'd read this book on the the winter war of 1939 between the Russo-Finnish war. Yeah. i mean that was that was ah I mean, it was a purely defensive war on this on the side of the of Finland. The Soviets invaded them and they were able to repel an invasion. I mean, ah that to me seemed pretty clear.
Like there are there are cases, like you mentioned, where there's defensive wars and ways to, you know the only way to to achieve peace is to use some force. And so I you know ah clearly have no problem with that. um But yeah, it seems like it's far too common these days. um But i mean I also feel like that's a little bit changing. I mean i feel like there's it's much more acceptable now compared to 20 years ago or even 15 years ago for a mainstream politician to be like, yeah, we're not doing this. you know Whereas ah you know if you go back and listen to some presidential debates from several presidential cycles ago, you you didn't hear that. You didn't hear people talking about um peace and and it was always just like, no one wanted to seem like a wimp, right? No one wanted to seem like they were afraid of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, we're gonna hit them and we're gonna we're strong. And it was all that kind of jingoistic talk.
Whereas now I feel like that's changing a little bit, which is I think is positive. um I wanted to ask you about shifting gears a little bit on like kind of a personal note. How do you kind of instill this in your kids?
And, um, if you have a secret, I would love to hear, cause I still try to figure it out. I mean, we're, we're at the, but with the youngest, we're definitely at like the, the no, no hitting kind of stage or, you know, being, being gentle with your, with your actions and, and, you know, whipping things around and stuff like that. So it's, it's a very, it's on the very practical level that, you know, don't do that. Cause that will hurt someone. and and you know And since the people that might get hurt are ah you know loved ones of of this child, then it's easy for her to be like, oh yeah, I don't wanna hurt my sister, I don't wanna hurt my parents. yeah so um So in that regard, it's that's as far as we've had to do it. um I mean, they they are also at the stage where they're theyre arguing a bit now over toys and things like that. um I guess just trying to,
trying to come up with with approaches that we're using and and just modeling calm and and you know consensus building and that that kind of thing um so that they just have they've seen it. And so it's not it's it not strange if we ask them to to do it.
I guess that's kind of where we're at right now. Yeah, I think that's a really good approaches. That's the hardest part. Oftentimes you could tell which the right approach is because it's ah usually the hardest one. yeah You said modeling but the behavior, not screaming, and yelling, throwing a fit yourself. So they're not. um But yeah, I mean, I have a lot of kids, a lot of boys. So fighting is kind of ah a thing we deal with a lot around here.
But I mean, until you're a parent and you have kids that are just going at it, you really don't understand how um appreciative and thankful you are for ah for a peacemaker. you'll have you know You have a kid that just, it's okay, it's all right. And and you they do that and you watch them do that when everyone's flipping out and you're like, oh my gosh, bless you. you know like Thank you so much. And and you know maybe that's how how God feels about us as his children. And you know if we can be that person and everyone's at each other's throats, and if we can be the person to be like,
It's okay. It's going to be all right. We can get through this without killing each other. Maybe that's making him happy. Yeah. For the non-piece makers, do you have a backyard boxing ring or something like that that you just...
channel it channel it with rules and things so it's not a free-for-all my man like there there's non-stop boxing like There's never not some sort of combat sport going on in our house. So I don't know if we want to encourage that. They do and MMA matches, which are not sanctioned, where they're like, you know, jujitsu and they put gloves on and they will punch each other and they will throw each other and they will do whatever they do that. That's not acceptable. They will do jujitsu matches with jujitsu rules sometimes when, yeah you know, usually the rule is dad has to be there, but they don't always listen.
They have a game called um Trampoline Judo, where they try to throw each other off the trampoline.
So there is no end to combat sports in the paint household. let Just let me tell you that right now. um It's just nonstop. So I don't think as like a. It's not think i not resolve conflict. No, not so much. It's mostly this the source of conflict. So, um you know, no, mainly it's ah trying to separate, trying to calm people down, trying to get people to talk. um If not to each other, then at least to to a parent and um
And yeah, I mean, as silly as it sounds, talking through things really does help if you can get them to talk and just be like, all right, well, what happened then? What did you do? And then how come you felt like you needed to do that? And once you can get the emotions down, then it seems to be a lot better. But did you, you had sisters growing up, brothers? Sisters, yep. Sisters, okay. I was older when younger, and I was just thinking as you were talking,
We would do, um when I was a little older, if we were arguing, we we would have to sit on the love seat with our sibling that we were arguing with. We didn't have to do like we didn't have to like share the big t-shirt or anything like that, you know but we just had to be at the same place in a calm state together. Because when you do come down when that those tempers do come down,
you know, you're left with kind of that, really at least me, like embarrassment and yeah kind of the shame of of having lost it. And and um and so it's, the proximity I think helps ah calm things down faster and and get through that, get back to um not harboring resentment and everything. So that's what we'd have to do, you know, 15 minutes on the love seat. Sit there quietly.
We've tried the the the double XL t-shirt, or the the big t-shirt. That was kind of funny. But they're getting big now. I'm worried that if one of them is like, all right, enough of this, they might pop each other and hurt them. I don't know if that's appropriate anymore. But I mean, I don't know. Just from what I know of you, you seem like an even-keeled guy. You seem like um ah ah the kind of ah generally a peacemaker type of guy. Have you have you always been that way, or or did you develop that?
Yeah, I think so. From when I was a child, yeah, from when I was a small child, I think that's something that I've came naturally to me like we would go I grew up outside of Seattle and at Christmas time we'd always go up and into the city and see all the the lights and go to the go to the big department store that had the good candy and they had like a cool like Christmas train and Santa and all that good stuff right um but like there would be homeless people panhandlers and stuff and and this was you know this was like 80s and 90s Seattle this is not like today where it's
everywhere all the time. It was a little more rare. But I would just get, I would get so bummed out. I get so sad. We had to like stop as we had to stop the tradition because I would just be really, really sad about all these people. And, you know, I don't know, other families I know would, would you know, harness that and they'd go up and like give out sandwiches to to people and volunteer and stuff like that. But yeah, got I was always a ah sensitive kid and tender hearted and stuff. Yeah. So I didn't get into too many, too many fights or anything like that with with my peers or, you know, if ah if a kid was being bullied, you know, take their side and if not stand up to the bully, at least
get the other kid away, you know, we'd go run away and play somewhere else or something like that. So yeah, that was kind of my but thing. I was also very, I may have been tall, but I was also very skinny. So i different if I was the same size back then.
Yeah. Um, you mentioned going to Seattle. That's funny. Cause we're, we're, we're taking a, I told you we're taking a trip to Oregon. Yeah. Yeah. And we're going to the coast, but we drive through Portland and I'm telling my wife today, I'm like, maybe we should drive through, you know, the sketchy parts just to let them see and be like, see kids, this is why you don't do drugs or something. You know, we had to make it a lesson. You know, it's a, yeah, when you drive through Oregon, like you can't avoid Portland unless you're going like the var far south. like All roads lead through Portland. yeah um And I don't know, I feel like that youll you probably get it they'll probably get a good enough sense from the from the highway, all the graffiti and there are camps along it. And you probably don't need to pull off and go anywhere anywhere crazy. You can just and see it from the road, unfortunately. Yeah.
Yeah, my wife and I took a trip there. Oh, shoot, miss man, it must have been close to 10 years now. But it was it was wild then. And it's I think it's probably gotten worse. But but yeah. Anyway, yeah. um Any ah any other points you want to have about this one? I mean, what did you um we talked a little bit about the the gods of the marketplace on this one and and the current view of this one. At least I think I might have said something about it. What do you

Social Media and Peacemaking

think? is this um Do people think that, especially i mean especially since this is a religious one, at least least Christians pay lip service to it, but do you think people are are trying to live by it?
Um, no, I don't. um I feel like it's ah socially more, it'll make you more popular to the more combative you are in your views. Yeah.
It's funny, I had a friend, an old coworker who had posted something on his and social media saying that you know anyone who disagrees with me on this political issue just can just defriend me and just, no, don't write don't yeah associate with me anymore.
and And I don't agree with his views. I'm like, does that mean me? Well, I'm not going to do it. I don't know. I'll let him do it if he wants to. but And then later, I had a friend like text a few of us old old buddies you know and from from from ah an old job. And we were talking about this, out the other. And we were in it together. And I was like, we were laughing and joking, and everything was fine. I'm like, man, I'm glad. We were just like, yeah.
Fine. I'm out of here. It's like, come on, man. We're all right. We have different views on things. It's fine. Yeah, that's something I've never... like i'd rather just not I'd rather not talk politics with people than fight with them about like you know friends and family and stuff like that. I'd rather just it not be in a topic of conversation, just to maintain a good relationship. you know and And online, you know, a lot of friends like to mix it up and argue and and fight. And, you know, I think, you know, there's, there's, there's a time and a place for that. It's just, I'm not necessarily the, the first to jump into that kind of thing. And I like to just, yeah, try and try and be pleasant to to everyone I run across and not to be, I mean, I don't want to be, I'm not, I don't try not to let myself be a pushover, but, um,
But also there are a lot of times where I don't feel like I need to, especially if it's a stranger, I don't need to push back on them and just ignore them and just be done with them. And I don't need to get in a fight with someone I'm never going to see. There's not really a point to it. For sure. And I think a lot of people who have never been in a fight or in any kind of conflict,
Maybe not. Maybe they don't understand, but it's and it's never after the fight. It's that was great. That was fantastic. You know, we I feel good and and and then the guy who lost or maybe you lost whatever who, are you know, the though I've really learned my lesson and and gee you is I'm not going to do that again. It's never like that. It's always bitterness and resentment. um You feel like crap. It's always bad. But I've seen I've seen people, you know,
Someone being aggressive and then ah someone just saying a kind word or hey, I'm sorry about that and then just turning it around and that does lead to positive outcomes. So um yeah, yeah, I mean. it it ah your your Your first priority should always be trying to resolve conflict peacefully, trying to be the peacemaker. you know um One of the dumbest phrases i always I've ever heard, and I know I get the meaning of it, but I think it's just stupid because i the the mental image I get in my head is dumb, is the concept of fight fire with fire.
I'm like, you know, you don't fight fire with fire. Well, you can't, but like you usually fight fire with water. Like that actually works really better. Way better. But that fire is not setting fire to the other side of the house, but like just put putting water on it. So that's kind of how I like to think of it is when there's when things are hot, you want to cool it down. Yeah. Cool, man. Yeah, this is a good one for those who haven't heard it. Go read Matt. Thanks for picking it. Yeah. Go read Matthew. Go read Matthew.
Read it all. It's good. Well, hey, thanks so much for everybody for listening and we will see you guys all next week. right we'll see you right like there are only four things certain since social progress began
that after this is accomplished brave new world begins When all men are paid for existing, and no man must pay for his sin, As surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn, The gods of the copy will hit us, with terrors of water.