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The Path of Least Resistance is What Makes Men and Rivers Crooked  image

The Path of Least Resistance is What Makes Men and Rivers Crooked

The Copybook Headings Podcast
43 Plays1 month ago

In this episode Patrick and Andrew discuss taking the path of least resistance vs. streamlining difficult processes, how to teach kids to work and embrace difficult situations, and setting goals that align with your core values. 


Introduction: Themes and Hosts

and the brave new world begins when all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins as surely as water will wet us as surely as fire will burn the gods of the coffee book headings with terror and slaughter eternal
Hello, everybody, and thank you for joining us for another episode of the Copybook Headings podcast. If you're a new listener, just joining us for the first time, this show is inspired by the poem by Rudyard Kipling called The Gods of the Copybook Headings. And every week we take an old saying, proverb, or maxim, and we break it down to see what we can learn from it and see if there's any ancient wisdom that's still relevant today from these old proverbs. I am your host, Patrick Payne, and with me as always is my co-host, Andrew Stevens. Andrew, how are you, man? Hey, I'm doing all right.
um with small technical difficulties notwithstanding. Yeah. Chasing down some electrical gremlins before we started. ah Hopefully, dear listener, you can hear us okay. And there's no weird buzzing because we were hearing something strange. Yeah, it was very, it's very lynching on this day of David Lynch's death. Yeah. Yeah. Very strange. Yeah, very strange.
How you been?
Oh gosh, pretty good. It's been a week's been flying by getting busy with work and kids not sick at the moment. So that's good. Hey, nice. Although the toddler has been waking up in the middle of the night. So I'm a little fuzzy from that, I guess. Yeah. But yeah, other than that, good. How about you? Good. Speaking of kids, we rearrange some of the kids' bedrooms because We didn't, we wanted the older two to be together so that they wake up for school.

Understanding the Proverb: Paths of Least Resistance

We don't wake up the little ones so they can sleep in because we don't need them waking up at seven o'clock. You know, I'm still dark out and you know, let them sleep. So that's been an adjustment because now they talk and laugh and goof around until super late. So we'll see how that, we'll see how that goes. Trying to figure out the best combination here to.
Make sure that everyone gets sleep, which is very important. Yes. Especially parents. Yeah. Yeah. That's how it is. Like our girls are sharing a room right now. And like when the younger one wakes up the other night, you know, yelling for, for mama, it's just, you know, run to, run to get her experiences before she wakes her sister up kind of thing. Yeah, absolutely. Little kids though, they just don't sleep through anything.
Like it's, it's pretty nuts. Sometimes. Yeah. some Yeah. But anyway, um, yeah, it was, uh, we're, everything's good here. Apart from that, um, winter's getting colder. So our nice winter's over. We had a kind of a mild one in December and now January's hit and it's cold. But, um, yeah, other than that, good. Got a interesting proverb this week. This is one I selected. Yeah.
um laid on us it goes the path of least resistance is what makes men and rivers crooked this one is i'd completely forgotten about this one but i had heard it growing up like my dad used to tell me this one and i think he heard it from his mom my grandmother who is a wonderful woman and she used to say this and tell it to her kids And I'd totally forgotten about it, but then for some reason I don't remember how it got brought up. I'm like, oh yeah, that's one I haven't, we haven't even done.

Buckminster Fuller and His Influence

And that's one that I remember hearing like in my daily life. um Had you ever heard this one when I threw it at you? I'm not sure that I had heard the whole thing. and Just, you know, the, the whole, you know, the path of least resistance, you hear a lot as a phrase, but.
the the second half of that. I had i don't think I had heard and it's good. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one. Um, the history on it a little bit. I think it's attributed to, um, a guy Buckminster Fuller. Are you familiar with him? Yes. Yes. Okay. i I wasn't. So what do you know about Buckminster? Do you know anything about him or just heard the name? Well, he's the, uh, the geodesic dome guy, right?
I don't know. Tell me about that. I think he, I think he was an inventor and if I'm remembering right. So, you know, those houses that are like, they look like domes, right? They got the triangle panels and stuff. I think he created those, popularized those and did some other interesting things if I'm remembering right. I think you're correct. Yeah. I'm looking it up right now. Jamie, pull that up.
ah ah Yeah. the Montreal biosphere formerly American pavilion by our Buckminster Fuller. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, I just ah apparently he was like a he was an author and like philosopher too. And I guess he a dome builder. Yeah. Interesting guy. I have to look into this Buckminster Fuller guy. But yeah, um and he coined the term geodesic. Yes, you're correct. um Don't. Mm hmm.
Interesting. ah But yeah, he was the one that that I guess coined this phrase. um I couldn't find exactly where I don't know if there's which ah which book of his or

Choosing Resistance: Personal Stories and Lessons

which work. But but yeah, so um meaning of this one seems I mean, this one one's pretty, pretty self explanatory. I like that it you know, he likens it to a river because it it really kind of gives you a visualization, right? He could just say, you know, path of least resistance makes men men crooked. And then you'd be like, okay, I wouldn't be that great of a wouldn't be that great of a thing. But the fact that he likens it to some, you know, geologic thing that we all can see,
ah We see how water trickles and it just goes to whichever way is the easiest and then over time more and more water comes and It just stays that way and so rivers are never straight for that reason Yeah, and it you know, I thought of like especially down like in the lowlands where they get um really crooked you get those oxbows because just the variation like it's so subtle that that change in variation you get these huge sweeping changes in in the flow of the river and also pretty significant ones right like a canyon water coming down a canyon is just kind of going to eat away at that and there's there's not a ah ton of room for it to go um and the change will be slow but in a in a valley where they where it's twisting like they could just
completely completely changed course and you know by hundreds of yards. It's a very significant effect, even though it's a very small change.
Mm hmm. Yeah, the valley that we live in is that way. Like there's a kind of a marshy ah ah area and like the Oxbow rivers that kind of go right through that. Yeah. And it's interesting because it's so flat. Otherwise, like there's mountains around us. But then in the valley, it's flat. And then like, like you said, it's not just like ah a valley where all the water kind of gathers together. It just this very slightest variation obviously sent this rip, this water trickling however many years ago and then I just kept doing it and cut these really cool looking look in designs. so so yeah um And you can you can easily see how you know how this is applied to
to your life, to behavior, to human human beings. um I mean, most of us, I think, probably know someone that just kinda always took the path of least resistance. um Didn't ever wanna do the hard thing, always wanted to do, not even necessarily the hard thing, but just like, think it takes a little bit longer, whatever's the easiest or the shortcut, or the the the get rich quick scheme, or or whatever, they're gonna do it.
um You know, we probably all have the story of, you know, or a lot of people, have you know, when you're a kid, you try to take something you shouldn't have. Like I have like my my one shoplifting experience where I tried to take something from the from the grocery store and it got caught and I had to go back and give it back and and I'll never forget it. For me, it was a it was that laughing cow cheese. Have you ever seen that? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I wanted when I was like four, because I had a cow on it. for Well, I asked my mom if I could have it. She said no. So I stuffed it under my shirt. I walked out of the store, and then I had to go give it back. um But yeah, if you're if you're the kind of person that just wants what you want, I thought I said, hey, mom, I really want this cheese. And she said no. And then I was like, all right, I got to have it. Like, tell me what I got to do. you know Do I have to go do chores to earn this cheese? Like, I have to have this. And if I had done it the right way, you know maybe I've just still been able to get it. but
but The you know, the instant gratification if I want it right now, I don't want to wait for it. I don't want to earn it. I don't want to find any other way to get what I want. I'm just going to take it right now. ah I mean, you can see how that's the easy path to go and that's that's leads to crookedness, as it were.

When to Resist: Priorities and Efficiency

Yeah. You know, I do wonder, though.
um You know, is it always Uh, is it always a ah vice to to choose the path of least resistance? I think, I guess I'm thinking of the sense of, do you need to pick your battles, right? Are there some things in life where you do want, you do want to remove that friction so that you can focus on other things and, and that, you know, what you're focusing on maybe is going to differ person to person. Um, for example, like I'm not, I'm not a big like career guy. I'm not a big, um,
get rich guy. and So, so when it comes to career, I have picked a lot of least resistant paths, because they're, they're easy, and they work. um And it frees me, it lets my, lets me think about other things that I actually want to think about. And, you know, for some people it might be other things that might be you know having a completely smart home so they don't have to worry about all the ah the tasks around the house or you know getting up to turn the lights out or lock the doors or yeah what you know any anything like that. So what do what do you think? like Are there things that might be good to to remove that resistance and and without without making you crooked?

Resistance in Relationships and Ethics

Um, man, that's a good question. You always got some good questions, Andrew. And sometimes you make me think, I had not thought about that at all. So I'm just going off the cuff here. But let me see if I can come up with a halfway decent answer. um Yeah, I get to see that. I think, though, you need to, I mean, you got to have some resistance and in life. it's It's just, it's good for you. Yeah. um Like you could take that to the point where you don't wanna do anything ever and you wanna get a rascal scooter to move around on because yeah maybe you can forward one but you just don't like to walk. that That would be very bad for your health if you did that. right um So trying to be more efficient in the work that you do, trying to you know remove unnecessary steps or make make things a little bit, like you said, removing friction maybe isn't the same thing as just
literally doing whatever is easiest. And and career-wise, like i don't I don't think we all have to be, you know what's the Gordon Gecko or whatever, like you know some some character from some insane Wall Street movie where they're just like a lunatic ah working all the time. But I've also had jobs where I've like done nothing and been paid fairly well for them. like I've gotten these jobs where I'm just like, how how do I have this job? It's like ah you know the fake email job, people call it. like I've had that, where you I don't do anything. And it's it's not really good for you. At first, I thought it was like the greatest thing ever, because I can just sit around and do nothing. But it it catches up to you. And eventually, I just was like, you know I have to have to get a job where I'm doing something. I mean don't have to
you know, work my hands to the bone or anything, but I can't just glide forever, if that makes sense. I don't know, what do you think about that? That does make sense. I guess, yeah, I guess being...
having having no resistance or least resistance like entirely in in an individual aspect of your life, I could see being being the vice there, completely going with the flow in in a certain area, like a relationship, for example, you're gonna get kind of walked over um if you don't have some,
some resistance to things you don't like or any opinions about things, you know, or and in a work environment. um Because, you yeah, I guess, I guess, you know, I don't. I'm not trying to climb the ladder, but I'm also not trying to be a doormat at work, right? Yeah. So.
Yeah, so i I see that. I mean, if you have a ah ah goal and you're getting your goal or or have achieved it and you're at where you want to be, um I don't think people need to feel bad for having their goal maybe not be as lofty as someone else's. um I do think it's a little bit of a problem if it's kind of just like, I'll take whatever, get paid whatever, because I'm not going to i'm not goingnna you know really attempt to do to do much. I think you should probably you know, have have some direction to where you want to be and where you want to go. And if you're at where you want, then that's good. um But I do like I wanted to kind of ah talk about what you'd said about relationships because
I think that's a really good example. There's all sorts of ways you can go awry in and ah in a relationship by just coasting. um You gotta kinda put some effort forth forth in it. And and um who was it that I was listening to? I think it was a it was something that Jordan Peterson had said. I saw some clip from him. And the term he used was like, you know how he like moves his little fingers around when he's talking about stuff? I'm picturing him moving his fingers like, you have to like contend with each other. And that's the word he said. And I was like, yeah, you do. because you know You can have two extremes in a relationship. You can have the guys who are like, well, I'm just going to tell my wife this is how it is. And she's just better deal with it. you know And then there's the guys who are like, well, happy wife, happy life. you know Just do whatever. And he's like, no, you got to contend. You got to say, like well, this is what I want. And then she's like, no, well this is what I want. You got to be like, all right, we'll shoot. All right.
ah how how do we come to an agreement here? And you have to, you know, Peterson finger waggle, you have to you have to kind of get in there and and figure out figure out what you're doing. And so. ah And so, yeah, that that that's your your paddle and upstream a little bit there. You're trying to try to get somewhere that that is you both are amenable to some compromise or some solution where it's going you're going to be able to work and grow together. Yeah.
But I mean, just picturing a relationship where one or both parties just go with the flow all the time, I can't see how that could go could go really well. I mean, that's how resentment and and all sorts of stuff start to build if you don't ever really contend, if you don't ever just say, hey, this is what I want, this is what I need. I mean, that could be,
ah relationship a marriage or a you know romantic relationship we could be a business relationship or or a job where like you said you're the doormat you're just getting getting walked on all the time you can't you can't do that forever yeah yeah man um look like you were gonna say something really interesting interesting that was lost
um Well, I mean, well, so how do you kind of handle that within

Cultural Lessons: Hard Work and Moral Choices

your in your relationships? I mean do you I because I mean Some people are just more disagreeable than others, you know, that's, that's like one of the core personality traits, I guess they measure his disagreeableness. Yeah. And I'm a little more disagreeable than I am agreeable. But um and that's okay. That's just how I am. And that's fine. And other people are less so and that's fine, too. um But i I feel like you're probably a little bit more agreeable, generally, like, how do you how does how does that work for you?
Um, yeah, I, I think I am, I do tend to be more agreeable. Um, I think, you know, part of it is, is having a big picture on what, I guess, if you have a, if you have a sense of what's really important to you, what, and what's important in in any given situation, it's easier to, to give and take on things. Um, you know, a friend, a f a friend of mine, uh,
older guy, his kids are all out of the house, but he's had some good advice kind of about with kids, you know, not sweating the small stuff. If they want to, um, you know, if they, if they want to wear their their pajama pants out in public, you know, like maybe, maybe it's not the biggest, the biggest thing sometimes, as long as you're not neglecting the things that are important and and holding a line there. And that way they come to, they come to learn.
what's important. and um But like in in business and stuff, I have a lot of colleagues who who will get kind of hung up on um but like a demanding client or things. and And sometimes the client is being unreasonable. Sometimes they're it's just you know you got to go with it.
And other times, like you kind of go with it sometimes so that you can push back at others. Like if you're, you know, they want you to work Christmas and you can say, no, I'm not going to work Christmas. So, um, I'll see, uh, you know, I'll see you early bright and early the next day, but that's kind of kind of the the line we're holding. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what, what do you think?
Yeah, I think you're right about that. And in and um I mean, we've mostly kind of been talking about how this relates to you know interpersonal relationships and stuff like that, business and and other relationships. But um I think probably Another side that we should probably talk about and and probably the one that this was meant for more than anything is like just the morality one, right? Right. If you just go with the flow in terms of ethics and just be like, well, I guess as long as you're not hurting anyone, you're okay. And i you know I guess it doesn't make any difference if I do this or that. ah that that People people can can go real astray that way. We're not having any kind of North Star to be like, well, this is the way I ought to be and this is the way I ought to live.
Yeah, it's ah that reminds me of what what really is maybe the most terrifying ride at Disneyland or Disney World. I don't i don't know where it is. But my my wife you know pointed out, yeah, it really is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Oh, yeah. It's like made for like the littlest of kids. um yeah know they this distool spooky It's spooky because you know he ends up in hell at the end. But you know it's all these like it's one thing leads to another, right? like yeah the little The little joy ride.
leads, you know, leads to a crime leads to, you know, go into court leads. And so, yeah, it's just kind of, um, but it's, it's that lesson, right? That it's kind of this least resistance go, I'm just going to go along with these bad choices and not stop them. And, and they kind of compound and it's even, it's even easier when you're a go along and someone else is driving And someone else is leading that charge and you're just going along with it and you can have done absolutely nothing and find yourself in a really bad place.
Yeah, for sure. Man, those old Disney movies, he's really used to like teaching morals. It reminds me also of ah Pinocchio. Remember that one? oh yeah're like He ends up in like Pleasure Island and everyone's just going crazy and destroying things and getting drunk and it's like kind of a creepy feeling. You're like, man, like they really kind of laid it on thick a little bit. Like if you just seek your own your own satisfaction all the time in life, it's like ah where it's gonna lead. It seems like they kinda, nobody makes stories like that anymore. But um but yeah, no, ah you're right. that is That was a creepy ride in Disneyland. That's the last time I've been.
um What do you think about, I mean, um so if if this is, If this is, well, I guess we should ask first is, what do you think about the the gods of the marketplace on this one as we as we talk about it? Do you think this is something that society generally accepts or no? um Yeah, I mean, there's there's a whole, there's a big discourse right now, people arguing about you know the the younger generation and their work ethic and um you know a lot of complaints about how things
economically and socially aren't as good as previous generations. and it's you And so people feeling bitter about it. And older people saying, well, just suck it up and and work hard. And younger people are saying, no, you don't get it. You don't understand what's what's going on. um And so you know so there's a little bit of this in there where you know people are are kind of saying well you're just kind of you're just kind of going along you kind of giving up and you're just going with the flow and that's not gonna that's not gonna lead you good places you're not gonna get out of any rut if you're just you're just staying in it I think there's something to that I think
Um, so I think, I think generally people appreciate the idea that you, um, you need to better yourself. You need to work, you need to, um,
and you need to have, have, I guess a vision, have a direction.

Technology and Decision-Making

I mean, that's what this is about, right? Like yes the the water isn't just is going to flow where it's going to end up. You're trying to direct it to a certain place, right? You're trying to absolutely life to a certain place. So you need that vision.
Um, I guess one thing that, uh, one thing that I, I wonder about and I'm worried about is, and I'm already seeing a lot of on like social media is people who've already, um, given up their opinions for, um, chat bots. Like if they're, they'll be, they'll be like a discussion online and they'll just kind of rather than try and formulate their own thoughts on it.
They'll just sit, I'm guessing they're just going into like chat GPT and asking for, you know, a synthesis of what people are doing this. People are already doing it. And and I think it's only going to get, you know, the better those things get and more.
We're widespread. I think we're going to see a lot more of it. People who've just kind of given up entirely on having their own thoughts. I have not heard of this. So like you're talking about people online when they're having discussions about things. Yeah. Yeah. Just, um, you know, you think, Oh, is this like, is this a bot? Like, is it fake? But, but no, I think it's real people who just, they maybe you aren't the best at formulating their thoughts. And so um they're just like, well, I I'll just use this tool.
ah because it types better than I do. It has better grammar, it has you know better logical train, and and they're just kind of using it for to replace their own ideas. Bro. That's wild. Oh, man. That's bad news for the day that people are are outsourcing their thinking to computers, ah even just like normal opinions on everyday discussions. um Yeah. Don't do that. That's a bad idea. I think, yeah no I mean, yeah, don't don't do that. It's because right. Like the the idea that you've kind of, you kind of have a finite amount of willpower in any given day. Right. And you can, you can stretch yourself, you can exercise and, and develop more. And you can also atrophy, but you know, can you imagine like, you know, you wake up and you you have a question of like,
I guess, you know, decision-making power and stuff. too Yes. Yeah. Absolutely. That's why like some of these like, uh, tech CEOs always wear the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. I mean that there's some streamlining right there, right? But you know, if you, if you wake up and you're struggling, like to decide what to have for breakfast, um, you can power through that and make the decision and maybe run out of juice by the end of the day, but maybe tomorrow you'll be a little stronger or, you know, maybe.
you're maybe these people are going to be like, well, I'll ask chat GPT what I should have for breakfast, you know. And, um and pretty soon people are going to be making very basic decisions and they're and when they actually have to, they won't be able to. So This is what

Parenting Approaches: Support vs. Independence

concerns me. Yes, this is what concerns me. Yeah, it didn't concern me until you just told me about it, but now that's another thing to be terrified of the dystopia there'ss that awaits us. Yeah, if you're if you're to the point where your decision making fatigue has gotten to the point where you need to ask chat at GPT to help you in a Facebook discussion, it's time to log off, bro. like yeah you know you You just don't need to do that anymore. if you're if you but i i mean I've been online many times, like quite a bit, and and logged a lot of hours discussing things with people. and and I don't think it's always bad. That can be helpful to, again, contend with your own ideas and with somebody else's ideas and try to figure out where you stand on things. and
And I've even changed my mind. I know people say that never happens, but I've been like, oh, dang, can I actually made it made kind of a good point there. um And I've changed my mind on things. But, but yeah, um again, yeah, I thought there's, yeah, I mean, that's a great example, just the path of least resistance, whatever people can do to, to um to make it easy. So yeah, it does seem like there's a little bit of a fine line there between streamlining and just coasting. Streamlining may be okay. Coasting, I would be cautious of that. Yeah.
Now, where do you, I mean, it's and it's a it's a natural thing for parents you know for parents to overdo it but with the kids. like doing things for your kids, letting them coast, so to speak. Um, like, cause there's that fine line. Like you want to remove some resistance for them so they can, so they can grow. But if you remove too much, then they can't, uh, you know, what, what do you think, uh, what's been your experience with any anecdotes, thinking about, um, kind of taking the training wheels off for your kids and things like that.
um Yeah, I mean, it's kind of the the the stereotype is the mom that hovers and the dad that says, you're fine. um And that's a little bit our our family. um yeah ah you know Stereotypes are often there for a reason. That's true quite often. um But yeah, I mean, partially that's reason why kids do better in parents and households where there's a mom and a dad present.
Yeah, ideally their own mom and dad. And um just statistically, they do better. That's just a fact. um And so, yeah, I mean, ah you got to have that balance of caring and nurturing your kids and just sometimes it's like, you know what, you're fine. You know, mean somebody they'll they'll ah yeah And every kid's going to be different. Some kids will learn that they can get what they want by whining and throwing a fit and crying. And and sometimes their fake cries can sound real convincing. And you're like, oh no, he's hurt. And then you come over like here faking it. What are doing? You got me. ah You're faking it. Your brother didn't do anything to you. And so yeah um you know i mean ah having the kid's best interest at heart, I think, is is what ah what a good parent does. and
trying to make sure that they have ah they're the nurturing they need while also building some strength. I mean, you have to do stuff. And um it's a it's it's it's it's empowering for them. Kids typically, usually the younger ones, like toddlers really love doing stuff for themselves, like, yeah, to a point where it's annoying. And you're like, no, please just let me put your shoes on for you. We got to go. And then it's like, no, ah I'm doing this. youre Like, gosh,
And then you know they'll get a little older and they get tired might get a little lazy streak and they're like, do everything for me, mom. And yeah, you might have to i have to make them do it. But yeah, there's a balance there, I think, for sure. Yeah. yeah my my I went up there and went up today ah for lunch upstairs leaving my my dungeon office. And my my toddler had had made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich all by herself. She's almost three. and and Yikes. oh ah i made I made it for you. you know I got worried there for a sec that she did make it for me. Fortunately, she had made it for herself, but you know it was her first time doing it all by herself. and you know It was definitely messy, but it's you know it's a valuable skill. You got to learn somewhere. and Fortunately, I didn't have to deal with that's awesome the patience and the mess of that. Yeah.
But here's here's an anecdote from from a friend, and this will sound very overboard, but I think upon reflection, it's actually a good a good way of knowing you your child and stuff. So my friend, my good friend in college, we've known each other since ah elementary school, um his mother,
Uh, registered and, and planned all his coursework in college. No, all all his, all his classes, all his classes. So she, she'd say, okay, this semester you're taking these classes, this semester you're taking these. And she would, so she would do all that stuff for him. Um, and, and we always just thought that was just hilarious. Um, that his mom was registering for his classes for him. Um, he's a very smart guy and he's a,
successful doctor now and everything. But, um, but now that I think about it, I don't know that it was actually that overboard because, um, I don't, you know, he picked his, his career path and, and she was just kind of help helping remove some of that friction. I think interesting because because he's still, you know, he's doing his, all his pre-med work and all that. Like those are really tough classes. You know, she wasn't doing that form or anything, but like,
The time it takes to figure out, OK, if i I need to take this class this semester so I can take this other one next, you know, all the all the building blocks you have to do with figuring out so you can graduate, like that was just removed from him. And he just had to focus on on the work, the coursework and not on.
figuring out what courses it is. so and Interesting. actually like Now, i in hindsight, I definitely am on the side of his his mother here.

Conclusion and Reflections

Yeah, that's an interesting story. meant because i That is not what I pictured. I pictured like some guy who didn't know what he wanted to do, and he's like, I don't know, he's drifting. But yeah, no, someone who picked their major and getting a little help from Ma, that's a different story. That's interesting. Yeah.
Yeah, good one. Good one to end on. um Yeah, this was an interesting one. um ah Yeah, the Path of Least Resistance is what makes men in rivers crooked. Remember that. Thanks for listening, everybody. We will see you guys all next week. And thanks, Andrew. All right. Yeah, we'll see you. Alrighty. Bye bye. There are only four things certain since social progress began.
that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins, when all men are paid for existing, and no man must pay for his sin, as surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn, the gods of the coffee-walking idiots,