The sister's could not be more excited to share Kristen's birth story of her sweet son, Kender. Listen in today for all the details of her becoming a mom.
Praying you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you in 2024!
Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Funny motherhood moments
Hey, KK. Hi.
You're a mom. I know. That's so wild. Isn't that wild? Yeah. Welcome back. I feel like a kid myself, so. I know. Me too. And I have three of them. That's so crazy. I know. Kids just say the darndest things. You should share what Rowan just said to you. You're a bobby.
Oh my gosh, she's cracking me up. I mean, they all cracked me up, but yeah, tonight she, I just overheard her talking to Bobby and she was like, I wish mom could teach me at home.
And he was like, like homeschool you? And she was like, yeah. And he was like, why? And she was like, because I have to toot. I have to go to the bathroom to toot at school. But if she taught me at home, I could just toot whenever I wanted. I feel like that age, they just say the cutest stuff.
I know she's five and I yeah, it's just funny to watch their little brains because she's just like figuring everything out and I'm like, yeah, I want to ask her, but I didn't. I need to ask her like, did somebody tell you like you can't to in the classroom? Like how did she know that you need to go to the bathroom to two?
That's so funny. Like, yeah, did the teacher stand up and say, okay, there's no tutoring in class. I know. Maybe like, let's reserve tutoring for the bathroom or something like that. I don't know. That's so funny. You'll have to ask. No, I'm just kidding.
Yeah, no, I actually will. I didn't think about it in a moment. Oh my gosh.
Life with the newborn begins
Well, it's crazy because we have a three week old, but Michael and I were talking we're like, it's so crazy because we feel like we've had him so long. Like, yeah, the fact that he's only three weeks old is like mind boggling.
Yeah, I think that's why I always say like, it's like I always knew them or something. It's like, what did I do before they were here? Yeah, I was like, is that normal? Is it normal to feel I've had him forever? Like, yeah, I mean, I felt that way too.
It was kind of like a feeling of you were, they were always a part of you or something too. Yeah. And it's hard because we're already like feeling like wanting to be out and about with him. Yeah. Obviously we can't because he's only three weeks old and it's literally flu season. And so like, we're just hibernating. When are we going to be able to go outside? No, I mean, we take walks when it's warm enough, but
Also, it's getting colder and colder, so it's getting to the point where we really can't leave our house. I know. I know y'all had basically a winter baby. Okay, so fill everybody in. This is your first episode back.
Birth experience and recovery
Tell us how the birth went. What's your birth story? Yeah, so he was born at 5.55 a.m. on November 6th.
exactly three weeks ago, and it was kind of a wild. We ended up having an induction, which I was pretty nervous about. Obviously, it's my first baby, so I had no idea what I was in for, regardless of how we had the baby, but I've just heard some things about induction, how it can be really hard, so I was definitely very nervous.
And we went in Saturday, or no, sorry, we went in Friday. Well, and tell them why they induced you. Yeah. So I got in my third trimester, developed some pretty severe sleep apnea to where throughout the night I would stop breathing and it got pretty bad.
And apparently sleep apnea can actually bleed into preeclampsia, which apparently is pretty dangerous with pregnancy. So they wanted to go ahead and induce me at 39 weeks. So we did that and we showed up. I'm trying to remember if it was Friday or Saturday that I showed up at the hospital.
It was Saturday morning. It was Saturday morning. Okay. So we had to be there at 5 a.m. on Saturday. So I didn't really sleep Friday. And, you know, they told me, you know, this could be a 24 hour to, you know, even up to 48 hour process. And I was like, okay, but still having no idea what I was getting myself into. So we started that process and I'm not gonna lie. It was, it was very hard. So
I'm like, I don't even know where to begin with it because it was just a lot. And we ended up, I ended up being in labor for 50 hours before they decided to do his heart rate started to dip. Um, and when that starts to happen, they're like, we got to get them out. And you only had dilated to a five. Yeah. So my body was like not having it. I got to five meters, five centimeters dilated and would not move. And I just stayed there for.
I honestly felt like I was in hell.
I just remember at the 48 hour mark, I just looked at Michael and I started bawling and I was like, I just don't think I'm going to make it. I was like, I don't think I can do this anymore. And so he was getting really nervous. My dad was there and he was really getting nervous and I was getting nervous. They thought I had kidney damage at one point. I mean, it was wild. And finally at the 50 hour mark, they were like, hey, his heart rate starting to dip.
But it was still my choice. They're like, do you want to go ahead and do a C-section? And I was like, look, I don't want to have an emergency C-section. So if this is going to lead to that, I'd rather just call it now. And they were, they agreed, like the team of doctors agreed. And so we went ahead for a C-section.
Yeah. And yeah, and he was out. It's crazy how quickly C-sections happen. Yeah, you and Michael called me. I don't even know if you remember, but you called me at like three or eight in the morning or four in the morning that night. Yeah, I was shocked you answered.
Well, yeah, I had my ringer on because I knew you were in labor. So I was just like, I guess I'm going to go to sleep, but I'm going to actually turn my ringer on because I usually don't have it on when I sleep. Yeah. Yeah. So I answered. Yeah, I knew y'all were probably going to go into a C-section and I was like, well, the good thing about C-sections because I've had three is like you will literally have a baby in 20 minutes.
Yeah, well, that's why I called because I know knew you had had three, you know, so what, what should I expect? I'm nervous. I'm scared, you know, and, but I, all I remember, I was on so many drugs because, you know, I had been in labor for 40, 50 hours at the point, the amount of drugs they had me on.
It was really insane. And so then they gave me more drugs. I was really out of it. And I just remember the anesthesiologist is holding my hand being like, all right, how are you doing? And I just kept looking at her and being like, I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
And she'd be like, your oxygen, it looks great. And I was like, okay, but I can't breathe. That's all I remember saying. And then I just remember hearing him crying and seeing him and he looked huge. And he looked just like Michael, my husband.
And then they put him on my chest and he immediately stopped crying. And of course, I just started bawling. And I was like, oh my God, it's just so crazy how they immediately know, like, all right, you're my mom, you're my safe place. So it was such a cool moment. Michael and I were both just bawling, crying. It's just such a surreal, magical, all the things you would think.
Yeah, I totally agree. It's so surreal. It's such an amazing feeling and it's like hard to describe that feeling when you first meet your baby.
Yes. And gosh, for all the women who go through labor, it's amazing. They're all superheroes having to take care of a baby after a C-section. I mean, even after any birth, but especially after C-section is no joke. Like, I don't know, especially if there are any single moms out there. I don't know what I would have done without Michael. Like I, I am just so thankful for my husband. So. Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah. So how's your recovery been like since you've been home? Yeah. I mean, I would say the first week is really hard because your mobility, you just don't have much mobility. And I wasn't able to sleep in our bed because getting up and down was too hard. So I had to sleep on the couch, which was fine, you know, but it's just, you know, it just adds to the toughness of having a newborn.
But I would say after a week, I started to heal a lot. And now in the third week, we've gotten somewhat of a routine. If you could have a routine within a three-week-old, it's gotten easier. So yeah, it's been hard. It's been beautiful. It's been amazing. It's been all of the things.
And Lulu came and then I went the week after I know when Lulu and I recorded before she was about to go. Yes. Yeah. So that was really nice. And I'm glad we separated it like that. So we got to extend the help we had, you know, so it was really, really nice.
And then he already had his first, I'm like, he's so little and he has his first Thanksgiving and his first Christmas. We're so excited. Well, and it's hard cause we, you know, all of y'all were together there for Thanksgiving. So we were kind of sad to miss that, but I think we're going to try and come for Christmas. So we're really excited. Although I'm like nervous still. Cause it's like, I don't know when you're a first time mom, everything's really scary. I really do believe we know too many things. Like we know too much.
Yeah, social media really scares you and it's like, Oh, it's RSV and flu season. Like, yeah, I don't know. So I'm trying not to let myself get too scared over all the things, but yeah, I know there is a lot. It's like you want to be cautious, but you can't like live your life in fear either. So yeah.
Definitely lots of, you know, hand sanitizing happening. Yes. Yes. Well, he was literally an angel. I didn't get to talk about it yet on here because I hadn't gone yet, but he's like the easiest baby that I've ever experienced.
So sweet. Like as long as he's fed, like you just lay him down and he just like, even if he's awake, he's just like, doo, doo, doo, like laying there and then he'll just fall asleep by himself. I was like, what is this? Like not lay my babies down. Like they would flip out at me. So yeah, I felt so bad because Megan would be like, we have this little play mat and I just laid him down and she looked at him and looked at me and she goes, you can just lay him down like that. And I said, yeah.
What? And she's like, Oh my God, I could never do that with my girls. And I was like, Oh no. Not till they got older. Like they were just always wanting to be held. Yeah. And then we bathed him and she's like, Oh my God. He like, like, cause he loves the bath. And she's like, Oh my God, my girls would scream. And I was like, really?
I felt so bad. I was like, oh no, Megan has some hard baby. He's so chill. Oh, I don't know if you remember, but mom used to always tell me, she was like, oh yeah, if Kristin ever cried, I just put her in the bath and she just loved it. And he definitely got that from me because whenever we put him in, he can be screaming, crying. And if we put him in the bath, he's just like immediately stops crying and just looks like he's in bliss.
Oh, cute. Joe's actually like that now. Yeah. He takes a lot of baths. Oh my gosh. So funny. I know. And he really does look just like Michael. He does. He's his little mini me. He does have my hair color though.
Yeah, I actually see you in him, but I just, when they're, I don't know what it is when they're newborn, they look so much like their dad, the first baby, but I feel like they like morph. So it'll be interesting to see like, as he gets older, because kind of similar with like Lauren with Kai.
I feel like he does look, he looked just like Chris to me when he was a baby. And then he kind of morphs a little bit. Like I totally see Lauren. See Lauren. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. But when I saw him in the womb, I was like, cause you know, we did the four D I was like, Oh yeah, there's Michael. So I kind of knew, you know, what was coming.
I'm so crazy. I'm just
Health awareness event
so excited. You're a mom. You also have this calmness about you. I think I told Lauren when I was there, I was like kind of similar. Like when you were pregnant, you were very just calm pregnant person. I don't know how to explain it. Just like a sereneness about you. And I felt, I felt that too, when I was there and I was really impressed. Cause I know like having a newborn and recovering from a C-section and pumping, doing so many new things is
can be really overwhelming. And I feel like you're handling it really well. And I do think that has like a big part to do with Michael too, because he's helped you so much. Yeah. And you definitely came on a better week because like when Lauren was there, I was still, you know, really recovering and oh my holiness, did I not know how much swelling I would have. Like I didn't even know that was a thing. I didn't have swelling really much through my pregnancy.
So after having the baby, I was not expecting, I can't even describe to you the size of my legs and feet and ankles. I would look down and I was like, I don't know who this person is. Like, I don't know what I'm looking at. Like I, like it was so bad that when I walked, I could feel the, this is probably TMI, but I literally could feel the liquid like jiggle in my calves and in my feet. Yikes. Yeah.
Like I did not know that was a thing. You did though. Cause remember we talked about me and how my, I had no, but not until I had it. And then you were like telling me, I knew you swole before, like, cause I saw you before you had Joe and I saw your ankles and your feet. I even took a picture cause I couldn't believe the size of your ankles.
And I felt so bad. I got worse after. That's why I thought I was in the clear because I was like, OK, I'm good. Like I didn't have any swelling. And like I literally thought that my head like Megan had it before, you know, so I'm good. No, I was not good. No, not good at all.
I thought you knew that mine was worse after because of all the drugs too because I pretty much had the same situation as you except pushed for two and a half hours, but I wasn't in labor as long as you so it's like pretty similar I think probably like medicine wise and I was calling my doctor Dr. Holt like every other day like I'm really scared like I have like are my ankles ever gonna come back like what is yeah
I know. Well, I went to the doctor too. Cause I was like, this can't be right. I was like, this can't be normal. I was like, I'm telling you guys, this is wrong. And I will say for anyone dealing with, get compression socks because it worked wonders. Yeah. After three days of wearing compression socks, it was like gone. So miracle.
Yeah, they looked good when I was there and you were, we went on a walk every day. We went to an event when I was there. So yeah, I guess I hit you on the good week. That was really fun. Should we tell them about that? I'm like, I love those brands that we went to. I know. It was, it was so crazy how they happened to be here. Like it was so wild. That was so wild.
Kristen sent me this event and she was like, Hey, this is going on when you're here. Would you want to go? And I was like, well, it's up to you. Like if you're up for it. Yeah. And it was the brand branch basics, which is like a clean cleaning supply company. The creators are actually from Texas. And I found out my friend Claire actually went to college with, you know, they said they went to UT. They're my age. I don't know if you noticed that. Oh, I didn't, I didn't realize that. Yeah. She knows them.
Oh, really? Yeah. I was like, Oh, funny. Small world. And then the owner of Primarily Pure, which is like a clean beauty brand out of California. And then Taylor Duke's wellness, who is, um, went to TCU. She lives in Dallas. She's a functional medicine nurse practitioner and just has like a wild story. Yeah. Definitely go check it out. It's super crazy. Her story and testimony.
Yeah. Lots of miracles happening in her life, but they three put on an event. And so, yeah, we went to, it was really, really cute. And Nashville, like literally like five minutes from my house. Yeah. It was so weird. It was so cute, but they, it was just a fun girly event. And then they got up and talked about the reason that they put on the event is their companies are really more education based to educate people on their stories of how
not only eating organic, but also how much toxins are in our cleaning supplies and our environment and how actually trying to cut some of that out if you are dealing with health issues, even if you're not, can make you feel better. Like God made our bodies to heal themselves and a lot of what we all deal with just has to do with the environment and the things we're putting in it that our bodies
Yeah, not just food, but like even like the scents and the smells and my saddest part is the candles and the perfumes.
I'm like, no, not my candles. I love what they say, how they, they kept saying you're either sick or smart to like realize that how much you need to change like your habits when it comes to food and when it comes to what you're keeping in your home and what you're putting on your body. So I was like, Oh yeah. I was like, dang it. I need to get smart. So I don't get sick.
Yes, exactly. Well, and this candle that primarily pure gave us, I actually lit and it's awesome.
Yeah. So primarily prayer has some really good candles. Um, and they have all kinds of stuff actually. It's a really good site. So I've been buying their stuff actually for a while and I love it. Yeah. I've been using branch basics for a couple of years, but I hadn't heard of primarily pure until we went. And so I ordered something from on like black Friday, cause they were doing a sale. Yeah.
I'm going to start trying some of their products and then Taylor Dukes wellness is her Instagram and she has really great tips on like what to swap out to try to start because it can be really overwhelming to start that process, but like even like just doing one thing at a time.
Yeah. Well, and she started a line as well for like supplements and. Oh, she did. I miss that. Yes. Yeah. So she has supplements and, um, all kinds of really cool. I, she has a great line too. I'm Blakey. So like, she is like, I don't even want to speak on, go to her website and her Instagram so you can see all the supplements that she has.
I think I'm going to start off with, she has this one called the one and it's like a mixture. It's a great one to start off with. I think I'm going to try it out. Oh, cool. Sweet. Can't wait to try it. Awesome.
Upcoming podcast break
Well, I'm so excited you're back, but also we're taking a break from the podcast for December. So, um, had to bring you on for today.
We're going to talk about sweet kinder before we head out and Lulu couldn't make it to this episode but we're excited for 2024. Now that kinders here we have like a lot of planning surrounding the podcast, and just to bring you.
more content and good content. And so we're just super grateful for all of you that have continued to follow along with our journey and to join us every other week. And we hope y'all have an amazing Christmas with your family. Everybody stays healthy and has so much fun. I'm excited for this Christmas just because
there, I get to kind of do both. Usually we do like one or the other with our families, but y'all are going to come in potentially. We'll see. So that's the goal. We'll get to do like a family thing with y'all. And then we're going to leave on the 24th and do like a whole week with Bobby's family, which we haven't. This has been like the longest period. We haven't seen them. Usually we try to see them once every three months or so, but I feel like y'all were just in Arkansas. Were y'all not just there?
No, it was in the summer. So like summer to Christmas is long. Usually we try to do like a fall too. Yeah. We just love going there and we love them obviously. Or if somebody might come here, usually. Yeah. It just hasn't worked out in the kids now that both girls are in school. Yeah. There's just so much going on and we're going to Disney this week. Yay. Disney.
Oh my gosh. The girls are going to ask to go back every week. I'm just kidding. I know. I know. It's opening up a can of worms going, but it's going to be so fun. I'm so excited for y'all and jealous. I want to go too. Well, we will for sure be going with you and Kinder because Esri will be too young really.
Yes. No, it's going to experience it. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Kinder Kosh. I, for people wondering, Kinder is a German word actually, but I spelled it a little differently and it means child in German, which was kind of a, you know, thing for my mom. Cause my mom's name Jill also means child, child of God. And so I felt like that was super fitting when I saw the meaning of it. Um, yeah.
Yeah, I've told coworkers and different people the name and they're like, I just love that name. So I know everyone's like, I've never heard that. And I'm like, yeah, I know I'm doing a different name, but I feel like for being very different, it's still very easy. Yeah. It's not like a name that's hard to remember, hard to pronounce, if that makes sense. So, yeah, no, I feel like you'll basically probably start a trend. People are going to hear it.
And then we're going to use it. We shall see. We'll see if anybody names their kid Kendra. Let me know. You started it. Yeah, I did it first. Did you all have a good Thanksgiving? I forgot to ask you.
Yeah, it's very low key. Michael's, my husband's dad and his girlfriend were here and we just, you know, stayed at the house and, you know, just hung out, play cards, just low, you know, all you can do with the newborn. Yeah. That sounds perfect to me. I love it. Well, thank you everybody for listening. If there anything else we didn't talk about.
I think that's all the things I do. Yeah. We just want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's and I hope everybody just enjoys the holidays. Yes. All right. Well, I will say a quick prayer then for everybody's holiday season. Father God, thank you so much for this time with my sisters. Thank you for kinder. We're just so grateful.
for his health, for KK's health, and for them to keep growing and getting more sleep.
And we're just thankful for everybody listening. I know this time of year is full of joy, but it's also full of sadness and it's not either or it's and, and we're experiencing it all ourselves. And so I just lift up anybody that is feeling sadness, that they seek you in those moments and in all of their moments and find peace.
Really learn to understand your love by just being in your presence and reading your word over this holiday season.
Closing prayer and Thanksgiving mishap
And I just pray that everybody has a healthy, fun family time. And thank you so much for all of your gifts. We love you in Jesus name. I pray. Amen.
Amen. Oh, and one little side note, because it's too funny not to share. Michael decided to do the family prayer before we ate for Thanksgiving and he doesn't do it often. And I think he got nervous and he's also very sleep deprived and he did a prayer and ended it by saying, thank you. Bye bye. That's the best. Thank you. Bye bye.
love you, Jesus. Thank you. Bye-bye. We were like, oh, looked at him and we were like, amen. Thank you. Bye-bye. It doesn't matter. You can say whatever you want, you know. It doesn't. You're just come to God as you are. He doesn't care if we say it in a formal way. He just wants you to talk to him. So I love it. Thank you. Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye-bye. Yeah.
Maybe we should end all of our podcasts with. Yeah. Thank you. Bye-bye. That's so cute. I love it. Well, love you guys. Love y'all. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup.
If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.