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Join the sister's today for all the Fall updates and a Mindset Corner with Megan you won't want to miss on Inside Out living!

Reach out to the sister's @girlisleptinmymakeup


Introduction and Life Updates

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hi. Hey. How are y'all? It's chilly today. Finally. I was kind of nervous that we were going to go straight from summer to winter, but it's looking like we'll have a fall. Is it like a Nashville? ah It's in the fifties here, but like it's sunny. Yeah. there It doesn't feel like too cold, which is nice. Nice. It's the same here in West Texas. It's 57 and sunny.
you know I know it just got up to 62. I went on a quick jog. It felt like heaven. I was like, what is this? This is my favorite. yeah Yeah, the builder we're working with who's going to be building our house and Alice was like, yeah, you're moving at the perfect time. It finally is great weather. I was like, Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm excited and that's going to be a journey. I've never built a custom home for myself before.

Fall Routines and Family Fun

So this is going to be a fun project.
I know. yeah wait your It's cool that you've had like practice, you know, doing other people's. Yeah. I already sent you all like an inspo photo for a kitchen that I like. Oh, I was wondering what that was. I was like, Oh, that's pretty.
Yeah, I feel like you'll be really great at it because you're, I feel like you're good at decision-making. You always know what you like and what you want and you don't, once you make the decision, I feel like you don't ever look back. You're super confident in it. yeah what What was that? Sounds like gibberish. Sorry, that was my dog, Freddie. It sounded like someone was speaking a different language. Yeah, it did. I was like, whoa, what just happened?
Well, Kristen, tell us what you're going to do today or were you just wanting to do that? Oh, no. Well, no, I've been doing it. So, you know, I love fall time is like my favorite time of year. And lately I've been trying out at least once a week, a new fall, like soup recipe. And my husband's been making a lot of fun. A lot of fun. Wait, wait, why am I saying that wrong? He's been making fun of you. He's been making fun of me because I've been like cooking soup and listening to old French music while I'm cooking and he's like, who are you? And I'm like, this is the new fall me just accept it. But I highly recommend cooking fall soup and dancing to old French music.
but Yeah, I know. It reminds me of like an old movie or something. It feels sweet. like listeners If you don't know what old French music is, just Google it because Megan and I didn't know and Kristen played it for

Manifesting Opportunities and Health Concerns

us. So it does remind you of an old timey black and white movie.
yeah Yeah. Like literally i'll I'm like, babe, we're making core memories. Like I'll have Kendra feeding him dinner, cooking soup and with my French music. And then me and Michael will start dancing. And I'm like, this, these are the, you know, this is what life is all about. The days of our lives. Yeah, exactly. I love that you're so chill right now when you literally have to pack up your entire house and move.
Yeah, we haven't packed up one thing. so When you left us a message on Marco Polo saying that you were just going to do it all in two days, I was like, Oh, well, I mean, that is my packing strategy for like traveling, but I don't know if I could be that relaxed with a house move across country. You have to understand that we have moved so much. Like we have not been in one house for more than three years.
And we've lived in Nashville. I've lived here for over 12 years now. So, so just, you know, do the math. Um, so like, I'm so used to moving every two to three years. And so we kind of have it nailed down to a science and to be honest, we don't keep a lot. Like I'm a very minimalistic person. Like I don't like a lot of stuff. And so I throw away a lot of stuff. So we don't have a lot of stuff. I know that sounds weird.
but We do have stuff, but just not a ton. Yeah, I would agree with that. You don't keep like being in your house. I feel like you don't have like a lot of stuff to pack besides all the basics.
all the core things, you know? Yeah. You're very organized, which is a different shift from when I lived with you in your early twenties with Marky clean, but I, where I still keep messy is my closet. I do. I will just close. Yeah. Clean.
and pat I love organized closets. That's my thing. That's my jam.

Living from the Inside Out

That's my kryptonite is closets. Like, that's the only messy place in my house. Closets and pantries for me is where I like to be organized most. And jump doors. We're organized everywhere, Lauren. No. That's the drill. Yeah, she's acting as if her normal spaces are all a mess. i' I'm like, no, it's always perfect.
Well, I was telling Megan that, Oh, by the way, listeners. So I've gotten to see, I think almost every single, almost every single one of my family members in West Texas and my home, I've gotten to host just over the past several weeks, which has been so sweet. But Kristen, Michael, and Kendra came first and then our dad. Oh no, sorry. My brother came first. Then to play in a golf tournament with my husband and then Chris, Kristen and her family, and then dad.
And then Megan, Bobby, and the three, there are three girls just left here. So yeah, we had so much fun. Now you just need like Brian, the rest of Brian's family to come visit you. Yes. Um, the jolty Brandy texted about, I guess Brooklyn is a sophomore in high school and I guess at her school, they do college tours already. And so she was saying, Hey, maybe we should book a tour at Texas tech so we can come stay with y'all. Yeah. I hope you do it. Um, I don't know. I just love, love it. It's so nice.
quaint and peaceful. It was super chill, the little pumpkin patch we went to, or not little, it was big. It was like a corn maze and the girls got to ride horses and it was just like a beautiful day. I would say the only thing was I was laughing because we left. I had showered that morning and I was like, I think I have to take another shower when we get home because the dust was like, felt like it was in my ears, like up my nose. Yeah, we were all in the middle literally in the middle of cornfields or ah maybe cotton fields, but anyways. Yeah, it was so fun.
Yeah, we did a hayride. I think that's where most of the dust came from. Yeah. I know. um Well, speaking of Brandy, I've been watching, I love to watch, you know, that show Dancing with the Stars. Yeah. Brandy would be so perfect for it. I'm like, I wish, can I like call the producers and be like, Hey, can you put on my sister and little folk? You know, she'd be great. Yes, she would. Yeah. for it So somehow it's, I hope we can make that happen, manifest it for her.
Yeah, it's gonna happen. Yeah. They have had they had a Dallas cowboy cheerleader on there before, I think so. They did. Well, the Rycroft. Yeah. Was that maybe that was after her bachelor? I think it was. Okay. Because they do like that. She's on Real House Drive. So and different, network different network. But yeah, maybe it'll work.
That would be so fun. but Yeah. There's a little housewife on it this season. Oh, cool. Really? I bet. So any listeners, if you're real confused right now, just to clarify our, who we're talking about our brother's wife. So our sister-in-law, they've been together since they were in eighth grade. So forever ago. And she was a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader for five years in her twenties and then.
a few years after that, or I guess in her 30s, she became a real housewife of Dallas ah person. um or I don't even know what to call it, character. yeah I call it a character because the show's super fake. And um yeah, so that's who we're talking about. Yes. yeah Um, well, I also wanted to mention, I was kind of telling you all about this. Um, if y'all have never heard of the food babe on Instagram, um, I suggest everyone going and checking out her page. I'm just super passionate about this. And like you said, Lauren, I know it's like, what's that saying? Like falling deaf on something ears. Yeah. Don't ask me what a sane is. Okay.
falling on, falling on deaf ears, maybe. yeahly that Um, because it's like with our government, it feels like there's never going to be changes made, especially when it comes to diet and food in America. But she has the huge movement going on right now, and especially going after Kellogg's and trying to have them as a company remove artificial dyes and BHT, which is, um,
Like some kind of chemical obviously do, you know, look this up. I'm not, you know, an expert in this, but I'm just super passionate about it because with all my health issues that I've been dealing with, I've learned so much about.
how you really can't trust the food we eat in the food in our country. And it's really sad and it makes me angry, especially when it's foods that are targeted towards our children because I'm sure there's, you know, I ate all those food dyes and come to find out, you know, I have a lot of bladder issues and the food dye green three can cause bladder issues. So I thought that was kind of interesting. Um,
But she's really fighting and I, for, you know, us as American citizens and our food. And I think it's really good to check her page out and sign the petitions and do everything we can, of course, and just learning and understanding that you really do have to look at ingredients of the food you're buying and the food you're eating and fully pay attention to it. Cause our government is not going to watch out for us. It's like, you have to watch out for yourself, unfortunately.
So, and I hate that I'm just now learning this. Like I started learning this in my twenties, you know, yeah I was already sick. So they say one of our favorite Taylor Duke says you're either smart or sick. Um, to figure out, you need to start paying attention to what we're putting on and in our bodies. And I was like, well, I'm one of the sick ones. So.
Yeah. And it's hard too because like restaurants, you don't always know like what their supplier is and like where they're getting their food. So I always wonder about that too and like the sauces that they're putting in. so it's like I have the benefit in a sad way that I feel really sick when I eat bad food, but I feel like a lot of people like feel somewhat fine or don't realize that they feel sick. But I think because my body is so affected by food, I felt like from a younger age, I was like, I knew
what I could and could not eat, especially like with restaurants. Like I was just like, I just feel like crap when I eat out. So I knew I couldn't do it as much as other people, but I feel like a lot of people are either just like, don't realize they feel like crap or cause it's just like how they've always felt or it like doesn't affect them as much, you know? So then they just like keep on going, but it can still be affecting them internally, you know? Exactly.
Yeah, I think just awareness is good. Even something as simple as, you know, the like ready-made rice, you know, cause I feel like we're all trying to find convenience and stuff, but even looking at that, it's, you would think, oh, it's just rice in here. But actually if you look at the ingredients, there's like, it has seed oil in it, which is not good for you. So yeah, I think what Kristen said, just literally flipping everything over and looking at the ingredients and also one big thing too is to not think that if it's one brand that all of their different items are created equal and so unfortunately it's looking at the ingredient even if you have a trusted brand to still turn it over and look because
Unfortunately, it's not consistent all the time. So I know. And I'm really sad about the whole whole 30 thing. Cause I feel like people really trust whole 30 and they just literally, it feels like sold out, like, and, um, are putting their label. Cause usually people see the label whole 30 approved and just automatically think, okay, this is good for me. When in reality, like not necessarily.
You know, so you still need to actually look at their ingredients. And if you don't understand things on there, most likely it might not be the best, but I would just, you know, researcher Google it. Um, but yeah, so yes.
Love it. Just little PSA, the more people that talk about it better. I think for a long time, a lot of people were just like, well, I just can't live like that. And I can't, you know, deal with that. Like I want to just be able to live my life, but I think if we want to live our life,

Aligning Decisions with Beliefs

we have to pay attention. And I, that's fresh. It's frustrating. Like you said that we have to, but like, cause you wouldn't, the government would be putting horrible things, approving stuff like that, you know, exactly they're not approving other entries.
I was about to say, I think that's the appeal of moving to some other places in the world is where you can you can actually just live your life without having to think a whole lot about what's in your soil and food and all the things so I know. Well, I had a little mindset corner today and I hope you all are just feeling excited. I feel like fall does help everybody's ability to just kind of focus on the good. I don't know about y'all, but it, it helps me like the weather, but it's a perfect segue into
inside out living like that topic because all of us are so affected by our five senses and our external environments and we really allow the external to impress on us and and help us decide how we're going to feel for that day.
And the closer and closer you can get to more of an inside out living where it's not about what's happening on the outside. That's where it's so such a beautiful place. It's hard to do it takes almost like training. But inside out living really revolves around the idea of living from a place of inner truth and strength rather being swayed by what's happening.
around you. And it's not to say that you're not aware of what's happening in the world. It's just saying, okay, I'm going to only let so much of it in where it's going to affect my emotions and my mood. So in my opinion, we can't just do this in our own strength. I've really found freedom by the awareness and choice to align my thoughts moment by moment with trusting God's guidance and fully surrendering to God's plan for my life. So I'll just kind of walk through like a couple things and give an action step for my little mindset corner.
and But I think first to really talk about inside out living you have to understand yourself so becoming your own research project really becoming aware of old stories or old narratives limiting beliefs that stem from past experience or self doubt.
And those often create internal barriers that prevent us from fully embracing our potential. So if you can kind of uncover like what's the most dominant limiting belief that you have about yourself, then you can kind of catch yourself and become more aware when external circumstances might trigger that past story about yourself. So let's say you struggle with self-worth, like feeling like you're worthy, then different things that happen externally, sometimes they almost prove yourself right. Like, oh yeah, I'm not worthy. But if you can instead recognize that you're having that thought that you're not worthy and replace it with God's truth, that he says you're more than a conqueror,
that you are loved exactly for who you are, that will help you kind of day by day, moment by moment start changing that old story. And kind of that's like a small piece of living inside out. um So you have to really decide right now to stop giving attention to those old stories. And when they arise and come back, instead of engaging in like a mental battle,
You can pause because now you're aware and take a deep breath and acknowledge that thought more with ah from a place of curiosity, like, huh, that's interesting that I'm having that thought that I'm not worthy when I know that I am. And just that simple acknowledgement kind of helps you detach from those thoughts without giving them so much like power over yourself. And then probably like just to give you some practical application and action steps,
There's so much I can talk about with inside out living, but I think there's five things that I really try to do day to day to help me with inside out living. So the first one is, I'm sure y'all see me post about these, but I am statements and it's not just an I am statement that you have written down that you know about yourself. It's something that you actually say out loud to yourself in the mirror every single day. So you can have whatever they are to you. So mine, I have five that I say, but you could say like, I am a child of God, I am a warrior, I am filled with his purpose and peace. Whatever your I am statements, it's really powerful to use your voice and speak to yourself because I've said this before, but our subconscious mind doesn't know it's real or imagined. So the more whatever you're emotionally involved with is what your subconscious is going to believe is true. So the more you can kind of speak out loud to yourself and
the more you will believe those I am statements about yourself. And then the second thing I like to do is kind of goes hand in hand. So it's prayer and meditation and kind of like a visualization exercise. So it's probably this two and three things that I do. Cause it's kind of wraps into one, but I spend time in my secret place really allowing my heart to harmonize with God's heart and asking him to show me how he sees me. And then with that prayer and meditation, I like to do a visual visualization of like positive outcomes and success in alignment with my goals. So imagining myself as if my goals already here and what that would look like.
And it's just like a really cool place to put our imagination in because our imagination prefers to go to the past or the present and really visualize like what's not happening. So if you can kind of like flex that imagination muscle and really visualize what the goal is for the future, it just brings a lot more like faith and confidence in and your day-to-day life and helps you live from that inside out place.
And then just like mindful reflection. So day to day, I like to do this at night, like when I'm laying in bed, like, okay, did I uphold my standard today? And that's like one standard that I'm working on at a time. But you could just ask yourself, okay, today when I was faced with these external challenges, how did I respond? And like,
Do this with grace and can pose like for yourself. like Don't be hard on yourself, but you can just kind of ask yourself like a daily reflection. like How did I handle myself? Did I uphold my standard or not? in Either way, it's not like you shame yourself. It's more just interesting. Like you're just like, wow, okay, that's interesting. I'm going to try this tomorrow. And then the fifth thing is just kind of allowing yourself to live in like a place of peaceful acceptance when you can. um So practice accepting what you cannot control and focus on what you can change. So embrace the idea that your peace is not dependent on external factors, but on your inner strength and faith.
and So those are five things that I think are like really helpful when you if you have a desire to live with from the inside out. like It has to first start with like making a decision that's something you want um and then continuously like going back into that prayer and meditation place when you feel like you're being pulled into external circumstances and living from there. I think the first step is really just getting still with God.

Living with Purpose and Gratitude

Yeah, that's so good. That's my mindset corner today. I love it. And I felt as you were talking, I kind of for some reason it up, which might be a leg off of inside out. I don't know, but yeah, I'm not, I'm not educated in it. But as you were talking, I feel like just in daily life, like decision making could be a big leg off of that because, and I think what's something that I've learned in decision making and just,
the inside kind of what you're describing the inside out is asking yourself a lot of questions of like why questions but and also so who am I you know why why is this my beliefs but then kind of an everyday even small decisions I try to take a quick moment even if it's seconds to ask myself like does this decision align with either who I am or like what my goal is or what my focus is today, because it's so easy to get, uh, persuade, persuaded by the outside world and distracted by, you know, phone calls or people showing up at your door or whatever your distraction is or at work getting pulled in this direction to really stay focused. And then at the end of the day, like Megan saying, when you reflect, I think you'll start to see that more and more
You can say, yes, i I did things today that totally aligned with that. And that's a good feeling because you're making progress as we live our life because it's all about learning and growing. yeah where there's There's no finish line, right? I mean, we're always, this is just a continuous thing every day. Yeah. Exactly. Love it.
Well, thanks guys for listening in. Yeah. Thank y'all so much for tuning in every week. We're just learning and growing, like Lauren said, alongside of y'all. And there's no shame or condemnation. We always give grace. And so it's just,
Like whatever we're kind of learning, we'd love to share it with y'all. And we love that. Um, we would love to hear from y'all too on what you're learning right now. And if there's any topics that you'd want us to go deeper into, let us know. You can send us a message on our Instagram at girl. I slept in my makeup.
Yay. Awesome. sam Well, anything else before we head out? Enjoy this beautiful weather. Yeah. Turn on some French music and make some fall soup. Yes. And tag us in your videos. I'm just kidding. Yes. I love it. Yeah. So fun.
Yay. You'll have to share one some of your favorite fall soup recipes, Kristen. Yeah. Yes. Sadly, I'm going to be leaving this beautiful, chill, crisp weather to go play in a tennis tournament in Corpus Christi, Texas. So where there's a bit more humidity and heat, but the weather forecast actually looks great. Oh, good. Yeah. I'm excited for you. Me too. It's always fun. We're staying in a big Airbnb with two teams of us all together, which I've never done. I've only ever stayed in hotels while traveling for tennis. So it'll be fun. Yeah. Yay. Yes. Update us on how that goes. All right. Do you want to pray Lauren? Sure. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for another day of life with our loved ones.
Thank you for every ear listening right now. And I pray that you instill in each and every person listening just a hunger, a hunger for you, Lord, a desire to truly get to know you and have just a really deep and intimate intimate relationship. And I pray that we all open our ears and our eyes to align our heart's desire with whatever it is you have for each one of us. And that looks so unique and different for every single one of us and that we just stay focused on who we are defined by you. And thank you so much for your love and your grace yeah and your mercy. We love you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Amen. Awesome. Well, everybody enjoy this weather. Get in all your fall activities. Love y'all. Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my
where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and yeah make it a great week. God bless.