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Join Lulu and Megan today for a lighthearted chat surrounding Mindset and Up Most Living.

Connect with the sisters @girlisleptinmymakeup


Introduction to 'Girl I Slept in My Makeup'

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup.

Weather Talk and Halloween Plans

Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen., Lulu. Hey, sis. How are you? I'm good. If I sound nasally today, it's because I am. I know I am too. I actually sound a little better right now, but I've been somewhat losing my voice. Yeah. The past three days, the allergies are real and the West Texas wind is whopping, whopping way to describe it. It's actually really windy here in Dallas today. Supposedly a storm is coming tonight. It should be interesting, hopefully for Halloween, which is tomorrow while we're recording this, at least um hopefully for Halloween, it'll be good weather. We shall see. Yes. To everyone listening. We hope you had a great Halloween. If

Homeopathic Remedies for Allergies

you celebrated it. I know. Yeah. Well, and I was going to say, if you're struggling with feeling nasally, have you ever heard of the supplement D hist like D and then H I S T. Do you have that? I have. Yeah. Okay. Well, I've been, I got it. I've been buying it from my chiropractor who y'all know I love grounded wellness and we've interviewed her Dr. Nicole before, but um yeah, I've been taking it. You, I don't fully understand what it does, but it it's been helping me. And I've been taking that with a combination of that. What's that brand? It's like B O I R O N. It's like a homeopathic. Yeah. The tablets. Yeah. The little tablets. So I've been taking that and the D hiss and I feel like it's really been helping. And I've gone to the chiropractor last week and this week and had them just like my ears. I just need to take my kids now. Yeah. The D hiss, you take it three times a day, right? Yeah. It's kind of a lot, but you only take it. It's not like you take it every day forever. It's just when you're feeling your allergies come on. Yeah. Yeah. I've heard really great things about it. Yeah. It's more natural way than just taking allergy medicine, I guess. Um, so yeah. Sweet. Yeah. Yay. I know. Are y'all, so does Kai celebrate Halloween at 13? Like what's that look like now that he's a little older? Yeah, he does. So a classmate of his is having a Halloween party with, they invite it. He goes to a small school, so there's only about 30 in his grade And they actually invited the whole grade. I don't know how many are actually going, but we're, we're friends with the parents. And so we're going as well just to help host and the kids will just, we have like games and I'm sure they'll run the neighborhood, go trick or treating. Nice. Yeah. Love it. Are y'all just doing your neighborhood? Yeah. We're going to do our neighborhood. One of Joe's little friends is having a party and then we're just going to walk around. Dad's actually coming. Did I tell you that he's coming? No. Yeah.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

He was going to come to Dallas anyways or something. So he's going to hang out and trick or treat with us. Yeah. I was like, wait, can you walk? Cause he had knee surgery, you know? And he was like, yeah. Okay. That's great. Yeah. It's probably good for him to get in the steps after knee replacement surgery. I know, but he said he already is like scheduling his other knee for next year. Yeah. That's good. I know. Well, today we don't have KK. She is working on moving to DFW, which I'm so excited about, but she has so much going on and we are praying for their move and her health overall. So keep the cautious and your prayers with us. And then for my mindset corner today, and then Lauren has kind of a new, or if she's going to do her Bible study corner. She has a new study that she's doing. So she's going to share that with us. So that'll be really cool. But I can start us off with my mindset corner and just thinking about today, what I wanted to touch on and thinking about clients that I've worked with. And one of the big things that I've noticed in multiple clients is when we start off and I talk about how the subconscious mind doesn't know what's real or imagined. It only knows what we're emotionally involved with. So starting to become aware of their most dominant thoughts about themselves, how do they really view themselves and what is that inner dialogue that's happening? That's telling the story of their life, what's happening there. So starting to uncover that because I don't think a lot of people think about that. A lot of people think that they just are how they are and they don't have a choice in changing some of those thought processes and changing habits. They're just kind of like, well, this is just how I've always been. This is how it's always gone. And so what I've recognized is first, it's becoming aware that you actually do have a choice in the things you think about. It's just, you've lived your whole life with a habitual way of thinking. But if you have the desire to change your mindset and change your life, it does start with that root cause there on like that internal dialogue. Because what you think about all day long is going to lead to your behaviors, which then is going to lead to your life if you really think about it. So I really like to start with that. And so I thought I would share that with you guys and just recognizing that change is linguistic. That's something that my mentor said to me and I found it really interesting to first start just listening to yourself. So asking yourself the questions, what do you think about yourself? And what do you say out loud about yourself? And what are the stories that you're telling yourself? So it's really interesting to uncover those because you'll find that there's definitely going to be some untrue stories in there that I've just maybe been like a word curse that somebody has said to you when you were younger, maybe just a way that you behaved in your younger years and it's kind of just stuck with you your whole life. But that doesn't mean you have to stay in that if you don't want to. And so just encouraging you to journal your thoughts and hand over those thoughts to God. Because if you can align your thoughts with God's thoughts of you, because if you think about those negative stories, it's not from God, it's from the enemy trying to really get you to stay stuck in a thought process. And so that first step that I have people work on is uncovering, becoming aware, and then replacing your lack and limitation thoughts with thoughts of abundance from God. So really it's just the key is to recognize it first and then create new habits in your thought processes and focus on upgrading your thought habits. So I hope you try this today. One simple way that I talk about a lot is just having I am statements that you say in the mirror. So change is linguistic. So hearing your own voice is really powerful. So if you can look yourself in the mirror and say some things about yourself that are positive. So like, I am worthy. I am a person of integrity. I am filled with grace. I am abundant. Imagine saying those things to yourself. They might feel at first like you're lying to yourself, but over time you can start to recognize that's actually how God sees you. So the more you can start to see yourself, how God sees you and see others, it's just so powerful. And it's been really interesting because certain clients do this really easy, but I've also had other clients that they couldn't even come up with one positive I am statement at first because they only saw the negative parts of themselves. So, and then I've had people tell me that when they actually follow through with saying it in the mirror, because I have a lot of people that will just write it down and they're like, Oh yeah, I have my I am statements. I'm like, okay, well, are you saying them to yourself out loud every day? And they're like, no, no, never. And I'm like, no, you have to, that is part of the work. You have to take action

Impact of Self-talk and Humor on Self-perception

here. And I've had a few people say they they cried the first few times that they said that out loud. So that just shows that our voice and the the power of our language is really important. So, and I guess if you can't, if you are one of those who can't think of anything positive, I guess the next step or might be to just make a list of what you want to be and then just start, even if you don't believe it's true now, just start saying that over yourself. So it's interesting just today, Megan, a lady shared that her whole life, she just, she was talking about that. It was a miracle that she got one of her big dreams was to get married and have children. And she's a grandmother now. and And she said, she went through her whole life, just saying that she was very average. And she was still speaking that today, like about herself. Like I've always just been very average. And then she said, I didn't become a little bit above average until my forties. And anyways, I was just kind of quietly listening, but it reminded me of just this. Yeah. You know, if, if you want to be above average, just as an example, then just say that I am above average or whatever it is that you want to be speak it. Cause like Megan saying, our words are so powerful and our subconscious mind will believe whatever we're saying to it. Yes. Especially because it it takes on the, it takes the emotional involvement. So for some reason we connect with the negative more emotionally. So I think that's why our subconscious like connects with that more than if we say something positive about ourselves once we're like, Oh, okay. You know, consciously we might think that, but I think that's why repetition is really important to kind of get it on an emotional level that we truly see ourselves as somebody that's worthy or like you said, whatever that word. And so what about, cause I think we all know people who like self-deprivate and it might just be to be making you, your intent might be to make somebody else comfortable or, you know, you might not intentionally be meaning to put yourself down, but I think a lot of us self-deprecate, I can't say that word. i derecate Yeah. Deprecate to, for different reasons, but what are your thoughts there?

Bible Study on Trusting God's Plan

Well, I'm going to be one of the annoying people there. Like I am not, I think self-deprecating humor is actually harmful to your subconscious because you're believing that to be true about yourself, especially if you repeat it a lot, obviously a one-off making a joke. I get it. But yeah, I think a lot of people use that as like to put themselves down and like laugh about it. But I think our subconscious is listening. So personally, I'm not down for that. Like, and if I hear somebody putting themselves down, I refute that. And I'm like, no, actually you're this because it's just, it were our subconscious is constantly listening and we're going to follow that. I mean, I'm not a scientist, but personally, I don't think it's really funny to talk badly about yourself. And I've done it a lot in my life actually, because it is something where you feel like maybe it helps you connect with other people, you know, but I just have gotten to a point in my life where I recognize I'd rather not, I'd rather not connect with that person if that's what it's going to take. um Right. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. Well, cool. Well, listeners, I thought that I would start sharing. I have this, uh, declarations of God's truth to renew your spirit. It's a book called revive by clear Sherry Reeves. And she, I think on on Instagram, she goes by the handle clearly stated in her work. She just has really powerful way of speaking truth and speaking words. And so the setup of this book is it's 52 weeks, one for each week of the year. And it's just a really short devotional with a verse. And then it, she leaves you with um declarations for, to speak over your week. And so I thought it could be fun to ah do this together and then we can and um just discuss whatever it is for that week. Sounds great. So this first week is titled trust him with open and closed doors. And Romans 8 28 says, and we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. It didn't make sense to me. God was telling me no, but it seemed like he was telling everyone else. Yes. I thought I was ready for the promotion I had prayed for at work, but it turns out God had something else for me. What I originally interpreted as rejection became the provision for me to work smarter, dig deeper into the strategic side of the business, and hone my focus. I later received a promotion that was much better suited to my gifts, personality, and skillset. But without the not yet packaged as a no, that door would have not would have never opened. I've discovered that many of the answered prayers I am most thankful for are the ones to which God said no or not yet. The circumstances that felt like closed doors at the time were in fact the hallway to open door to the open door I didn't know I was searching for. Sometimes it's hard to remember there is so much we don't know and so little we can see from our finite point of view. This is especially true when we feel like we've been wandering in the wilderness for longer than we had hoped or that our prayers are falling on deaf ears. God is not surprised by the fear that uncertainty can bring to our days. When a job promotion doesn't happen, when financial stress looms large, when a relationship seems too hard, or when a season of struggle seems to linger too long, lean into the infallible word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you personalize it right where you are. His word meets you in the thick of every situation, both the hard and the happy. It also helps you remember that he is equipped. He has equipped you not just to survive this season, but to thrive in every season. Here is a certainty you can stand on this week. Every open and closed door is a gift when the shepherd is leading you. As you enter his presence, invite a spirit of calm and remind your soul of this truth. Even when it feels hard to believe, God is using every open and closed door for your ultimate good. Not a short-term, short-sighted version of good, but an everlasting, ever-present, undeniably beautiful kind of good, the kind of good you create. That is what he has for you this week. Will you trust him with it? And then the five declarations over our week is number one. I will believe that God is working all things for my good and his glory by opening and closing doors. Number two, I will put on the full armor of God every day. Number three, I will read the word and lean into the spirit for the true definition of good. Number four, I will ask for joy, hope, and peace when I need them confident that Jesus hears me and he will provide. And last one, number five, I will praise God for the week ahead, knowing he is in control and he always operates in love. I love it. Can you repeat every open door and closed door is every open and closed door is a gift when the shepherd is leading you. Yeah. And so ironically or not ironically, I am finishing up a Bible study on the book of Jonah. And I've learned so much just about that story that I just thought was a, I never thought beyond Jonah and the whale and just, you know, what we learn as kids about the story. But I think that the things that I will, I have so many takeaways from this that go right along with this devotion, but I think just remembering that God is good. God wants so much for us more than I think we could ever, our minds could are capable of even understanding in that when we go to him and when we get obey that he sets us up for success. yeah And I think in the times of hard, you know, remembering stories where in the Bible of, was it Paul who had a thorn in him? I can't remember if it was Paul, but anyways, somebody had a thorn in them. And we, to this day, like nobody, it never says in the Bible what that thorn was. So there's all these speculations of what it was, you know, whether it was like a physical ailment or whatever, but, and just the reminder that God sees the big picture. And like she says here, we are so, we know so little with our finite point of view. And so just remembering to trust the big picture and trust that God made us, he knows, he knows the full picture. And so even when it feels like not fair, or, you know, it feels like God's blessing others and not us just to pull yourself back to remembering that he is blessing me. And even though I might have this trouble, maybe, maybe I have this thorn because it's, what's keeping me tethered to knowing that I cannot do this alone and that I need him to be with me. And so just continuously being drawn back to he, he is in control ultimately, you know, and so trusting that those open and closed doors are for good. Yeah. It's so hard to do. Cause especially when you're like an action oriented person, like me, this exact lesson is something I've been walking through honestly, this whole last year who to just really slow down and and listen and trust that the timing is his has been, has been hard for me because I'm always like, okay, well, what do you want me to do? And he's like, well, nothing, and you know? And you're like, oh, okay, let me just sit here. Um, and it's not that he wants me to do nothing. It's just that he sometimes is working on our ability to just trust him. And then when he calls us to take action following so that I just know his voice better, um, always busy, then it's hard to know how to hear him, you know, if I'm not down enough to just be still with him. So I've been like on that journey for a few years, honestly, but this last year, especially just kind of pressing into wherever he has me and doing one step at a time where I feel like he's calling me to do things, but not almost like not overstepping his authority, if that makes sense. Just being obedient to him. Yeah. And it's interesting that he, he will do, if we give him, you know, our action and our effort, he will do supernatural with it. And, um, Oh, actually I'll reshare. I share, I know I shared this a while ago, but I came across it in my notes. I was like, gosh, that's so good. It was from a life coach and that I had written down. So it's words from life coach Tim's story. And he said, there's three levels of living. There's almost, which is not quite most go high, but hit a ceiling. And then there's up most go beyond the ceiling. And he said, many can have a most life, which was the second level to get, but to get the keys to the utmost level, you have to be tapped into the utmost God where God puts his super on your natural and makes your life super natural. And it says that in the Bible, basically that, uh, when we obey and when we fully surrender that God does allow us to sit back at times and just observe the supernatural that he does, um, because of our obedience. And so

Lessons in Faith and Unanswered Prayers

the author of the Bible study that I'm doing, you know, sometimes I think in life, we won't ever understand some situations and that's, a you know, that's okay. We just have to accept that. But sometimes high hindsight is valuable. And she gave the example, I guess she was engaged before but and it didn't work out. And she was in her early twenties, I think she said, and she just said that, you know, now she's married with three kids and many decades down the road, she can look back and see that that closed door with that relationship that ended. She's like, I couldn't even imagine where, what my life would be. You know, now I can look back and see like, oh my gosh, thank you God for shutting that door. But she said in the moment, you know, I was devastated and emotionally and physically ill for months and months and months, because what I was praying for, which was reconciliation of that relationship. And I thought that was the right thing for me. God knew it wasn't. And so that was just kind of a tangible example that she gave that we can probably, most of us have lived long enough to have something like that, where you can look back and say, okay, I see what you were doing, you know? Um, but also, like I said, we, I think there's things, um, I know just for example, in my life, like I really saw myself as a young girl, I always visualize, you know, and I've shared it here many times having three, four or five children running around and that, you know, didn't happen. And it's, and that's okay. Cause I trust that he, he knows better. And I just so believe that his plan is so much better than what mine could have ever dreamed of or looked like. Yes.

Prayer and Trust in God's Abundance

So beautiful. Yeah. I love, I'm excited to, to keep going with this weekly or bi-weekly for us, but yes, the info. um Yeah. And one last thing that ah she also shared in today's video in the Bible study that it just made me, it caught my attention. And she said, you know, God does ask us to, that we can come to him and ask for specific prayers. And so do that. And she said, but something that she started implementing years ago was, you know, asking for those things, but God, uh, how did she word it? She said, but God give me more than what I'm asking for. And I guess the way she worded it, it kind of like, I was like, what? Like rewind that, you know, replay. Cause I don't know. I think sometimes I can feel like almost selfish, like, Hey, give me what I want, you know? But I think it was a great thing. Like, I want to start implementing that in my prayers and I'll saying it that way. Like I've always said, like your will be done. Like I want your will to, you know, line up my heart with yours. Yeah. But I think the way she said it is like, do bigger than what, you know, give, give me bigger or whatever than what I'm asking for. I think it just reinstates that you are putting full trust and believing that his, his way is so much bigger than yours. Yeah. And he has said like, our words are powerful. So when you're like, give me more than I, like, I think that's a beautiful thing because you're fully trusting him, but you're also knowing that like, he is so much bigger than anything we could imagine, you know, so cool to think about. Wow. So just amaze us, God. Yes. anything us We love it. and Yeah. Let us, let us obey and, you know, align our will with yours so that we can sit back and enjoy the supernatural. Exactly. Amen. I love it. Yes. Awesome. Well, thanks everybody for tuning in. We just have like a couple more episodes before the holidays. We usually take a little break ah for the holidays. So we're really can't believe that, but really excited for time with family. And I hope you're excited for that too. And I will pray us out. And the third declaration for this week was, I will read the word and lean into the spirit for the true definition of good. And so while I challenge you to do all of all five of these declarations and we will to challenge ourselves, um but I will pray us out. Heavenly father,

Closing Prayer and Listener Engagement

thank you for giving us your word. It is a guiding light in a darkened world and is a consistent source of inspiration and wise counsel. And I just pray that you give me and every single ear listening to this right now a constant hunger for your truth and help us resist the temptation to prioritize daily tasks over time spent in your presence and in your word and just help us to ah come to you in all things and in all circumstances, come to you with our honest and pure feelings and emotions that we know you can handle. And we just love you so much. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Yeah. i Thanks listeners. Have an amazing week. Yes. We love you. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of Girl I Slept In My Makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website,, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. thank you so much for listening we really appreciate it and
yeah make it a great week god bless