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139 Plays7 months ago

As you know the sisters love learning and growing with you! Listen in for a great perspective to live with. They would love to hear from you, feel free to send them an email with any questions or guest requests, HERE!


Introduction & Sisterly Bond

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hi. Hey. Hi. Do you ever look at yourself and think, Oh my gosh, I look like mom. Like I've been feeling like that. And I never thought I looked like mom, but just like this face I just made, I was like, ah, like I just looked like mom. Is that weird?
Yeah. Well, y'all know that thing on Snapchat where it makes you older? Yeah. I, y'all know, I looked exactly, it was scary. I looked like mom, like I literally sent it to everyone and dad goes, oh, when did mom take that photo or mom? And I was like, dad, that's me. Oh my gosh. Wait, send that to us again. I don't fully remember it. Oh, how can you not? It was like really creepy.
Brown eyes. It's kind of creepy. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm picturing it now. To me, it was like a mix of mom with like a little bit of mom or something. Maybe just Yeah, wild.
We have mama, you know, dad has mama's eyes and we have dad's eyes. So yeah. Crazy. How have y

Motherhood Challenges & Transitions

'all been? What's been going on? Well, Kendra started a new daycare today, which is exciting, but sad at the same time. I feel like I have a whole new appreciation for.
working moms and stay-at-home moms because I had him two days a week and he was in daycare three days a week. And the two days I had him were really hard. So I was like, oh gosh, stay-at-home moms, how do they do this full time? It's hard. Love them to tell, but they're a lot of work.
And, um, and then when he's at daycare, I'm like, Oh, I miss him so much, you know, and I like feel guilty and I feel like I should have my baby. Like, you know, and so I get a taste, I feel like of both worlds that sense, but we got into a new daycare where the only option for his age is full time. So I've been feeling like a lot of like sadness and guilt around that, which Megan, I'm sure you can fully relate.
to that. So yeah, like, it's just hard to like, it's hard because you're paying for it. But you can always keep them home one day if you're missing. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's what I was gonna say is don't think about the money and you can, if they would allow it, just do whatever you want to do schedule wise.
Yeah. So it just is so much nicer because the state care is literally next to Michael's work. So, and which isn't far from our house either. So yeah, that's really nice. But I was laughing. There was someone I was talking to where we were talking about the hardest transition, like from one kid to two kids, two kids to three kids.
And I was like, yeah, my sister was saying for her, the hardest was definitely transitioning to three. And she was like, forget that transitioning to one, that's the biggest. I can't remember who was saying this to me, but I was dying laughing. I was like, wait, that's kind of true. Cause like you go, you're literally changing your entire lifestyle. Like when you go to one, you know what I mean? I was like, I don't know. Obviously I don't have more than one, so I don't know this for sure, but
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I think zero to one is definitely like more of the shocker type of Yeah, it's all different for me two to three my brain just could not get my I couldn't my mind like it had to grow like I don't know how to explain it. Other than like I felt
my brain wasn't working in like a way that I had never felt with one or two like I just could not wrap my mind around that I had to keep track of three humans like my brain was like nope you're done I'm fried like you've done too much I was just gonna say you had a lot of other stuff going on in life too so yeah for sure it was probably a combination I think if I
Yeah. Well, most people say going to three is the hardest, even like more so than going to four and so on. Yeah. So I thought that's, I thought that's very interesting. Yeah. But I think your friend's not wrong because zero to one is definitely the most shocking. You're used to living just by yourself for so long. It's like, what is this? Oh man. Fully reliant on me 24. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Summer Plans & Unexpected Blessings

How are you, Lulu? Good. Just embracing summer and gearing up. I'm leaving town in a few days to go to a sectionals tennis tournament in Houston. So that's exciting. And yeah, just kind of getting our summer schedule going.
I'm sitting in Doggy's office. I was like, oh, he has a notepad. Should I write him like a sweet note? Do you want to help me write a sweet note? What should I say? Your butt is really cute.
He has no butt. Oh, and so when you're- I said, every time I look at you, I want to climb you like a tree. Is that what she said? Yeah. It's so shocking. And then draw a little image of you crawling up a tree. Oh my gosh, no. Wait, that's his favorite book, The Giving Tree. Oh yeah. He literally sent that to us. He does love that book a lot.
Maybe you should do that. Draw you climbing a tree. I'm just going to say something sweet. You're amazing. That's so basic. You're amazing. You are loved. I don't know what I'm going to say. I'll maybe come up with something better after we get off this. Okay. We'll focus now.
Megan, do you want to do your corner first or did, do you want to tell us how you're doing? Oh yeah, I am good. Summer's in full swing, just getting kids to and fro. Is that a word? Just around. Yeah. To and fro. To and fro, working. I'm excited for going, Jo going her first overnight camp. I think we already talked about that though. Um, so yeah, nothing really new going on except all these crazy storms in Texas. It's been.
It rained again this afternoon. It's like never ending, but we're doing great. Michael literally just came the closest he's ever been to get hit by lightning. It was wild. Oh no. It hit a tree in our backyard. Oh my gosh. He was outside. That's crazy. Yeah, it was crazy. So anyway.
I'll share because it's just a good reminder for all of us, including myself, to just not forget or feel bad about just praying for little things, even if they might seem insignificant. But I think I've told you all about this story. But we went to dinner with another family. It was a couple, they have three kids that are 20, 22, and 24. And their 22-year-old just graduated. And he joined us for dinner. And then our son,
Kai was at dinner and Kai's, he'll be 13 soon. And I journal, you know, and at dinner within like the first five, 10 minutes, their son was talking to our son and then our son got up to use the restroom. And while he was using the restroom, the, their son was like, Hey, uh, I basically, he was like, I would love to mentor Kai this summer if, you know, if he'd be down with that. And, um,
Anyways, he basically, he said a lot more stuff, but, and I just kind of stood there with like my jaw dropped. Cause I was like, wait, this, it came out of left field. Like we did not bring anything up. It was all him. And I looked at him and his parents and I was like, this is so crazy because I literally, I'm going to have to go back and look at my journal, but I swear it was in the past week. One of my prayer requests, what even, I think I even use the word mentor for cry, but was to like, just have a hunger for Jesus and to bring
mentors and leaders into his, you know, life that are just perfect for him or something like that. So sure

Parenting with an Eternal Mindset

enough, I go home and it was six days prior to that. And it was just, it's not every day that, you know, you ask for something and it's just so obviously given like that, you know, and so, so soon, God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way that we ask, you know, in fact, I would say he usually doesn't. So, um, I just thought that that was so cool and it's been,
such a godsend, like they've already played golf a handful of times. And, you know, with Kybing an only child and just kind of entering the teenage years, I think all of us need help, you know? So it's been such a cool thing to witness and just, I'm just, I feel so grateful to God. So if there's any little things like that, like I just encourage you to, to write it down and, and pray it. Yeah. Bring them into everything. Mm-hmm.
So good. Did you want to go over your Bible study corner first? Yeah, that's fine. And so today I thought that I've kind of, once again, so even before mom passed, I kind of, I know I've mentioned this on the pod before, just how back when Kai was a baby and there was a
mops speaker that was talking about parenting with the end in mind. And that just really planted a seed for me in all aspects of my life, not just parenting. And it just kind of created and bloomed this whole mindset of like a heavenly and eternal mindset. It was way more in the front part of my brain where I would think of it daily and it would impact a lot of
just perspective, decisions, attitudes, like all the things. And of course, you know, I'm human just like all of us, but that was kind of the first time that I can remember that really being planted. And then my husband actually showed me this video just the other day of
this woman talking about really just the big picture of life and what really matters. And I thought I'd share just one tip that she gave, because I think it's a practical thing that when we're stuck in a moment and she said, if there's ever something that you're having anxiety over or just that you're spending energy on or anything, just to stop and ask yourself the question, am I going to care about this in five years? Or is this going to be a big deal in five years?
if the answer is no to not spend more than five minutes wasting any more energy on whatever that is. And I just thought that that was kind of a good little rule of thumb to kind of help shift your mindset when you're kind of stuck in those moments. And so that kind of leads into something that I thought I would share and I'm kind of paraphrasing
a just parenting podcast that I had listened to a while back. But whenever we have a heavenly mindset, it does have a direct impact on many things. But today I just wanted to focus on parenting specifically. And so I thought I would just kind of hit on five, I guess you could call them principles surrounding this topic. And so the first one is just that for me,
like the number one priority in our kids' lives is their salvation and spiritual life before anything at the end of the day. Again, big picture, I way overuse that word, but that's what it boils down to is number one priority. And that's something that Jesus has to do, the saving, and that's between them and the Holy Spirit. But the number one thing that I want and strive to do is to foster and promote, to help promote that. And so,
we can ask ourselves like, how do we plant the seeds? How do we water that? And so just some little everyday things we can pray with them, we can take them to church and then have conversations about it and just be more deliberate and intentional. Be patient and most of all, just be the example. And
Number two is the end of man is the vision of God. And so faith is temporary. One day faith will be sight. So I kind of stopped and pondered on that for a while. And it's like, well, yeah, we talk so much about faith, you know, and what that is. And, and it is so temporary. And I've never, I had never really before kind of diving into that really thought much about that. But
So something that I've kind of implemented since then is I asked myself the question, if I could see God the way that mom sees God right now, what would I say to myself about the daily little annoyances or troubles or stresses, anxieties, fears, et cetera? And it's not to make those things seem
not important, but it does change our perspective, I think, in the moment. And it enables us also to engage in our kids' lives from a more calm, gentle, and really secure place rather than coming from a place of fear. And so that's a good, you know, check, mindset check, too. And so I don't
just like a side note here, I don't, I don't believe, or I don't want to believe that it has to take something tragic, such as losing your mom or a child or anybody, but like having experiencing deep loss or trauma to, to be able to adopt this mindset. I think that it's definitely possible without that. And so that's why I, that's what my hope is with this, is that all of this that I'm discussing gives you a feeling of almost like relief and hope that
by taking the pressure off of ourselves that we put on ourselves for parenting with all the comparison and social media and all of that. Okay, so that was the first two. Number three, eternity sheds light on the finitude of this life, and it forces us to be intentional. We really just don't have that much time. I mean, that's the reality, but that doesn't have to be a depressing thing. It can be
exciting and joyful because we can't do it all and so we get to choose like what are we going to focus on and it makes the here and now a lot sweeter and so kind of an analogy to think about there is let's say that we were going to Paris France for two days is all we had to go and so what would we what would we choose to fill those 48 hours with because obviously we couldn't see all of Paris in that amount of time and so
What would we narrow it down? What would we pick and choose? And so it's kind of the same thing here. It's like how we can't do it all. And so what are we going to choose to focus on? And then number four, we know the end of the story with our hope in Christ. And we can hope because of eternity with Jesus. God has told us the end of the story and he will make everything right. There is a finish line.
And this gives us comfort that we are parenting under a narrative and that he's in control, not us, even though it's easy to forget that sometimes.

Spiritual Harmony in Prayer

But again, that gives me a sigh of relief and really allows me, when I stop and really think about that, it allows me to simply enjoy rather than just have all this kind of pressure over me. And then the last thing is,
just asking the question, what makes heaven heaven? We will see Christ and we will experience full communion with him. And at the end of the day, we all want our kids to have the most satisfying and happy life. I think we would all agree with that. But the reality is none of them or us are going to be able to be fully satisfied until we know and see Christ ourselves. There's nothing on this earth that
it can even come match to that, you know? So I don't think there's anyone in heaven that's turning away from Jesus and looking back at their 401k or their Harvard degree or, you know, the sorority letters or Instagram or whatever. So, um, and then I think ultimately just remembering the simple fact that, and this is also something I remind myself of often because it's, it's pretty overwhelming to think about, but
it does bring me comfort to remember that God loves our children more than we do. And so we can rest in that. I love it. Yeah. So I know I just threw a lot out there, but overall, I think that it's just becoming more and more familiar with learning whatever works for us on how to bring our mindset back to that eternal place so that we can have better perspective for the daily grind, you know?
Yeah, honestly, you saying that makes me I was going to talk about something else, but I think
what I try to work with my clients and what I worked on for myself and why I wanted to start helping people is I notice that most people want to live that way. Like they want to live with the end in mind and they want to live putting God first and having him like really bring them peace. But what I found was like a lot of people aren't actually living that way. So I was like, well, what's the disconnect? Like why?
are we not living that way when we want to live that way? And I remember you asking, how do you have peace?
Yeah, I was like, God, like, how do I live with your peace? You are a God of peace. But what does that mean? Because this world is anything but peaceful, you know? And so that's when I really was going and taking a lot of courses. And I think I've talked a lot about it quite a bit about the prayer class that I took with Ollie, one of my mentors.
And I think that is where everything started to change for me is when I understood what prayer was. And I think I've probably talked about this in the podcast already, but it's worth repetition because if you don't already know what prayer is, it's harmonizing your heart with God's heart.
it's really important for us to talk with God, ask for what we want and all of that. But I think what a lot of people aren't doing or aren't understanding and what I wasn't doing, what I wasn't understanding was literally just being with God and being still with him and like how to do that. Cause we live in such a physical world. Like our five senses are firing all day long. We're physical beings. And so we're very,
in tune with what's happening in the world, but we're not as naturally in tune, most of us at least, with the spiritual world and the spiritual side of us. And so in order to connect with God, you have to make habits to go to Him and really be still. And that is the secret place with God. It's like going in your room and shutting the door and that doesn't have to be a physical room. It can be in your mind.
And that's like the biggest thing I work with people first is like, if they really have a desire to deepen their relationship with God, I was like, any relationship that you have, you have to put in the work. You have to spend time with them. You have to harmonize with them in a way. And that's what God wants us to do too. So I feel like that goes right along with what you were saying.
if you want to live with an eternal mindset, you first have to really decide if you trust God and like, is your life surrendered to him? Because I think that's the first question you have to answer and ask yourself, okay, what do I really think about God? There's lots of things around me and there's lots of things I've grown up with, but what do I personally believe about God? Because I think it's hard to have true peace, true relationship if you
don't believe in something or you don't fully trust. You can't have a really good relationship if you don't trust them. And so I think that you have to really trust God. And then from there you start. I mean, even if you don't trust God yet, you can still spend time with him. But that's where I noticed, I guess, the spiritual piece that I'm now able to access that started for me from really trusting him. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does make sense. And I think
having a desire and putting in the work, because you equated it to any relationship. And to have a relationship, you really want to get to know that person, right? And so that's part of forming a relationship. And so he tells us who he is. And so just putting in the effort to getting to know who he is, I think, is the first step to building that trust. Because, yeah.
Yeah. It's a little harder because he's not physically here to speak back to us. So it's not going to be as simple, but that's why reading the word is so important and just constantly
seeking him. And that's where I found, I think I've told the story of like the secret place, but basically when I first started going to my secret place in my mind and imagining like, okay, I'm going to go have a meeting with God and I'm just going to be still and I'm going to sit there. And all I could imagine was like this blank room with a chair. And I was like, gosh, my imagination sucks. Like
What is this? Shouldn't it be like a beautiful place? Like why is it blank? And I was like, kind of like, didn't tell anybody at first when I first started doing this, because I was like, okay, well, I'm just going to keep going there. For some reason, this is the image that my brain keeps bringing up. So I'm just going to keep going there, keep praying. And so I just kept doing it, kept doing it, kept doing it.
literally probably for a year. It took a long time. And one day I was in my secret place in this weird room and I just felt like this nudge. It almost felt like somebody pushed my shoulder a little bit even. And he was like,
look to your right is what I just had this impression. And I was like, what? And I'm in my head, not in physical look to my right. So in my head, in my secret place, I looked to my right and there's another door because the door in my room is on the left and there's another door. And I was like, what? I was like, has that always been there? And I just heard God say, yes, I've always been here, but you've always been looking the other way.
And I just started crying because I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, God. I didn't realize that. And so he was trying to say to me, it was like this kind of metaphor because I opened the door and there was this beautiful just like greenery and it was like seeds everywhere. Like nothing had been growing. Nothing was growing yet, but there were seeds.
And he said, open the door. My piece has always been available to you, but you've been seeking my piece in the world in this blank, sad room. That's where you've been trying to find peace and you've been coming up empty because it's never going to be found in the world.
And that was like the metaphor for me. And he speaks about this in the Bible, but you know, sometimes you have to have your own experiences. And so I opened this room and I was like, it was just so clear to me that I had just been seeking peace in all the wrong places and feeling like I was going to him. And so just persevering too in prayer, cause it sometimes it feels like nothing's happening and you're not getting anywhere, but like not giving up that he might be working
something out in you and being willing to like accept that you're on your own journey and it's not going to look like anybody else's. And you might have this in destination in mind, which I think is really great to have goals. And I have a lot of goals, but that's what God's been working. It's like he's working on my heart and every day we have the opportunity to learn.
he's trying to teach us something. So I don't know, I feel like I went off on a tangent there, but that goes into mindset. But I think that's where it starts to have that eternal mindset is first in relationship with him. No, I love that. I don't think you've ever shared
I don't think you've ever shared that here. Oh, okay, good. Yeah. What's crazy is like, okay, so my secret place I'll share even further. For a while it just had seeds and he was, you're planting seeds, just keep going. And I would see like these stepping stones. He was like, just keep taking steps.
And then now my secret place, I see there's like a garden. There's this tree that I go sit under. It's like the most relaxing place. There's this stream. There's like a river. And a couple weeks ago, Pastor Dustin actually gave a sermon about the Holy Spirit being like a river. I had never known this. Sorry, I'm going to be quoting this wrong, but it's in the Bible somewhere about the Holy Spirit being like a river.
And I was like, Oh, that's so crazy. Because literally the last few weeks a river popped up in my secret place. And I was like, that's random. Oh, well, like I just imagined it in my head. And I was like, Oh, cool, waters relaxing. And in that moment, I felt God nudging me to be like, jump in, like, let the Holy Spirit lead you like stop pushing against it.
I'm pushing against it still like dang like I'm really trying here not to be pushing against you God but it was like another step for me where it was like no just go with the flow of the Holy Spirit I don't know if this is making sense to anyone but this is what's have been happening in my brain with God yeah no for sure I love it my secret place is randomly a beach and I don't know why because I don't love being hot on a beach so
Just keep going there. You never know what he'll reveal to you. Yeah. You do. You've always left water though. Yeah. Yes, I have fish. My whole life. Very cute. Oh, that's so good. I know. Love it. I love things you can implement easily, you know.
It's very important to be like, okay, I can do this. And I've always said, I've always said, you know, we feed our bodies, we nourish our bodies. It's like, we have to feed our souls, you know? Well, we are just souls inside of a body, so. We gotta feed that soul too. Yeah. Yes. Shit. What did you just say? And nourish it. Oh, I thought you'd go, well, shit.
Like, oh. It reminds you of mom for some reason. I know. I was like, oh. Well, yeah, just say it how it is, girl. Well, I don't know why, but I was like, I'm sorry. This is totally changing the subject, but this will be my little corner, which is so random. But I watched this documentary. I know you love documentaries, Lauren, about Dancing for the Devil. Have you all heard of it?
out. I don't know. Tell me about it because I don't remember. It's really sad actually. It's about these sisters that are dancers and they dance together and we're very successful. And then the sister basically gets lured into this. It's a cult, but it's a religious cult, right? And it just makes me so sad that like,
humans use religion for such terrible things. And I'm like, so basically this cult, it's a church and they,
like try to, basically what they do is they like tell you to like not speak to your family. And it's this whole thing. You'll have to watch the documentary. Yeah. But I, it made me so sad because I'm like, gosh, you know, religion, it's almost like I don't like what humans do with religion. You know what I mean? And it's like humans just ruin it. And it makes me so mad, you know?
Yeah. Frustrated. Cause it's like, that's not the point of it. That's not the purpose. It's not to be used to take advantage of people anyway. So I don't know. And that's like, it just is opposite of what you want it to spread. I guess out there. I know it sucks because I feel like it turns so many people away rightfully so.

Faith, Religion, and Authenticity

Yeah, that's what's so cool when you really understand the story of Jesus like he was the Pharisees in the Bible were the religious people that were trying to make their own rules and do things legalistically and like you have to follow these steps to be accepted.
And that with Jesus, that's the story of the gospel is that you were gifted grace, you were gifted forgiveness, and there's nothing you have to do for it. And yeah, that's just what's so sad is because it's not, no amount of rules are going to force you into doing like rules are the opposite of
you know, it's not going to motivate anybody into it. It's just once you believe and have this trust in God, you do want to behave a different way to a certain extent, if that makes sense, but it's not required. So yeah, it gets really confusing and it makes me sad because I feel like it turns most of the world away from God because of what people do, you know,
Yeah. And that's why I love that y'all are two people who can show it in a different light. That's just what it truly is. And that's what mom was too, you know, so. Yeah. And that's what I feel like it's kind of like our family's mission. It's like, okay, we have to share this in the way that God intended for it to be shared and not get so like messed up in all of the rules, you know,
Yeah, because once we're we're not the judges, you know, that's there's only one true judge and that's God so chill and then my father do his job.
Boom. I think we should end it with that. Boom. We're out. Drop the mic. That is so funny. I love it. Well, listeners, thanks for tuning in with us another week. And again, we just hope that each episode you're able to take, like Kristen said, just one little tidbit that you can implement possibly into your life and to continue to learn and grow with us.
That's what it's all about. That's why we're here. So thank you all so much. Yay. We love y'all. Do you want me to pray?

Closing Reflections & Gratitude

Father God, thank you so much for loving us and for just revealing your truth, revealing your heart to us. I just pray anyone listening who just maybe is confused about how they feel about God, that they just know that that's okay too and that you love them anyways. You don't have to do anything to deserve your love and about pressing in and asking the questions and accepting Jesus into your heart as your savior.
And so I just pray for anybody listening that they seek you, they get in environments where there's just the realness of who you are and not the, you know, legalistic judging environments say. And so I just pray, God, that you surround them right now with your love and grace and forgiveness and that that is who you are. You are love, God.
And we're just so grateful that you loved us enough to send your son. And we pray for just a wonderful week, a wonderful summer for everyone listening in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. I'm going to go watch a movie with the boys. Okay. Love you all. Love you. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup.
If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.