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NEW Series: The Gospel of Peace with Holly Fortune, Part One image

NEW Series: The Gospel of Peace with Holly Fortune, Part One

E145 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
91 Plays23 days ago

In today’s episode, the sisters are kicking off an exciting new series on The Gospel of Peace with the incredible Holly Fortune

Holly’s teachings have completely transformed the way Megan connect's with God, helping her unlock a deeper secret place with Him and truly learn what it means to seek Him first in all things, and they cannot wait to share these teachings with you!

Grab a notebook and pen for this one, you will definitely want to take notes! 

Let us know what you think @girlisleptinmymakeup


Introduction to the Podcast and Hosts

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.

Introduction to 'The Gospel of Peace' Series

Hey sisters. Hi. Hi. Hey listeners, welcome to another week. We are so excited today because we you are starting a new series. It's called The Gospel of Peace and it is with Holly Fortune. We're so excited you're here, Holly. I can personally say that Holly's teachings have really transformed the way I connect with God through her wisdom and mentorship. i've It's really helped me unlock a deeper secret place with the Lord.
And I feel like I've learned to go to him truly first in all things. It's been a process to get there and it's deep work like we've talked about. But I just can't wait for you you all listening to experience that same revelation. And God has gifted Holly with such a special spirit and a profound understanding of his word. We have had Holly on the podcast before, but I'm so excited to do this full series with her. So yeah, one of the main purposes that I started coaching was just thinking about how do we actually renew our minds and experience God's peace while on earth. So that's really the topic. So I'm excited to dive into this and get it started. So welcome,

Understanding Peace with God

Holly. Oh, thank you. I am so excited to be here. It is. It really is an honor to get to come spend time with all three of you ladies at one time. How special. So I'm excited to be here. We're just going to dive in and do it together.
Yeah, thank you so much. Thinking about the gospel of peace, what does that mean to you, Holly? You know, Megan, obviously, and I'm sure you all three of you ladies just have a heart for helping people, right? And it's it mindset is, is it massive? Part of that, I think all of us can say that we all do want to be at peace, like we want to be at peace. We want life and life abundantly and we want to be at peace and feel that peace and not feel the anxiety. and There's so much anxiety in the world right now. we We all feel it at times in the last handful of years of really, you know, dope that fire of anxiety and worry and all of that.
And so peace is massively important, and it's massively important to God. And I would say like the love of God, obviously everything centers on that, but close to that, I only want to call it second, but a part of that love is having peace. And it's having peace with God, is having the peace of God, and it's having peace from God. So there's there's different ways for us to connect with and experience the peace that God has to offer.
I don't know about you, ladies, but so often for for me, I want peace from God. I'm in a situation and i and I want to feel peace, right? I want to hear his voice. I want to feel connected with him, but I also need peace for what I'm going through, and so that and we need that, and God has that for us. But there's another place of peace that I feel like I'll speak for myself, that I really didn't fully see or step all the way into until like the last five to eight years. And I've been a believer a long time, you know, so it's that we're all on a journey. We're definitely all on a journey. It's okay. I don't have all figured out.
But there's a the the gospel of peace actually is the peace we have with God, is the peace that he's made between us and him. And unfortunately, I feel like there's just a lack of like teaching on this out there and just an understanding of what that means, how God made peace with us, and how we have peace with him, and why we need ah a more complete revelation of that.
to actually more consistently experience that piece from God. Does that make sense? It does. That would be my jump off point. Yeah.

The TRUST Acronym: Shifting Reliance to God

Yeah. Well, and as you're talking and mentioning the word piece numerous times, what resonates with me when you say the word piece is if I had to give one word definition for peace, for me, it's trust. And so I think whenever I'm craving that feeling that you're describing, yeah I think that's where my brain falls back on is asking myself, where am I not trusting in this to fully receive? So I'll insert something really quick because there's probably nothing that God it has said more to me than trust me. You ever heard those words? ah yeah From the Spirit of God, trust me.
And I always feel a little guilty because I'm like, I should trust God. Like I, it's kind of sad that he has to say, trust me, you know? yeah But that we are naturally wired not to trust. I'll come to that in a minute. But just recently the Lord had me write, I was journaling. So even though I'm going to share some revelation with you today, I do want your listeners to know it's not like I'm like, Oh, you know, living on this cloud and have it all figured out. You and I have talked about this, Megan. As God is yeah growing you in things, you need to teach what He's growing you in. That's how we help all of us grow

Personal Experiences with Trusting God

together. So I'm growing in it. And I'll hopefully learn today how to communicate it better. The Lord just not that long ago, I'm stepping out into something by faith. And I heard the Lord say, you have to settle trust.
with me. I was like, man, am I still settling this with you? Why am I still working on this? And he told me, write out the word trust like an acronym. T-R-U-S-T. And the Lord knows me. He knows I actually don't like acronyms because for me, sometimes acronyms when you actually, they sound good, but they actually kind of get you off base a little bit. They're not actually fully correct a lot of times. So I was like, Oh, okay, Lord. So I wrote down T-R-U-S-T.
U-S-T on my page. And I was like, what do you want? How do I fill this in? you know And he said at the top and the top T, and your listeners can do this as they're listening, this is super helped me. He said, I want you to write the words toward God, T-O-W-A-R-D, toward God. That's the top T.
And the bottom T is toward myself, toward self. And he said in the beginning or in sorry in the middle, so you have T-R-U-S-T. So U is in the middle. He said, I want you to write the word understanding. So he's just literally walking me through

God's Eternal Plan and Purpose

this. And he said, below understanding you have an S. I want you to write the word a sense of safety or security. So safety, security, and that sense that yeah but we have.
And then the R between understanding and the T toward God, write the word rely or reliance. And he said, here's the truth about trust. Trust is the attitude you have both towards me and yourself. He said when he's just downloading this to me, he said, it's an attitude of your heart. Holly, you have to see it's like the attitude of your heart. Scripture says, do not rely on your own understanding.
but in all your ways, acknowledge God. So what is he saying? Don't put reliance towards you. the reliance is towards me. the way The reason you stop trusting me or you tell you get challenged or trust me is because you're wanting to feel safe and secure. So you're like, I know God said this. I know like, all things are possible. Just step out by faith, all this stuff, but I don't feel safe. So what do I do? I use my understanding to ah to go towards myself to feel safe and secure and my attitude toward turn towards me.
in my ability to understand and he said literally all you have to do is turn your attitude towards God and your understanding of who God is and rely on him. So don't think that, does this make sense? Yeah, I love it. I'm just looking at this page. I'm like, I'm pretty sure this is the first acronym that I've ever liked in my life. ah I love that. And as you get talking, I'm just in my brain. I'm like, God's just screaming control. Stop trying to control. yeah
Yeah, well we do that because we don't want to go through pain. Let's just keep going. We don't want to feel a lack of peace. We don't want to go through the worry. We don't want to go through the pain. You ladies have been through pain. You know what it feels like to go through pain and situations where you don't understand why you don't understand why God did or didn't do something so that the weight starts to turn towards us. We start to rely on our own understanding Do we feel safe? Do

Declaring God's Truths for Spiritual Growth

we we feel secure? And that's why God is constantly saying turn turn your eyes back towards me, understand who I am in my ways, understanding the ways of God, rely on me and have that attitude that's towards God versus an attitude towards myself. I'm wholeheartedly convinced why he has to say that a million times to all of us is because we don't want to go through pain and we feel insecure and all of that. so
Anyway, yeah yeah, no, I love the visual of that. I wrote it down as you were speaking and listeners. I hope you are able to do the same. Yep. Just to have that visual, but, and maybe this resonates with you, but in my own personal life, I have found, I feel like God will just keep, you know, I have been beat down. I feel like I've been in enough life now to be just like beat down to where it's like, okay, okay, God, okay. like You know, to where this practice becomes easier as God gives us these opportunities to practice. In that honest, I'm glad you said that because that's actually the only, that's the only way to grow in things is to have to grow in it. So the only way I'll ever know him as healer is if I need healing.
The only way I'll ever know Him as provision is if I need provision. So if i if I just walk on this cloud nine my whole life, how do I actually ever get to know God and who He is? So I believe that's how God makes all things work together for good.

Practical Advice for Seeking Peace

He wants us to let Him be to us who He is, but that means it's in our weakness.
He's strong. It's in our pain. He brings healing. It's in our confusion. He brings clarity, right? It's in our lack of understanding that he'll bring understanding. And as human beings, we're like, no, I'd rather just not have to go through all of that. Yeah. And i encounter God. But I was just going to ask when you, you said something really profound in the beginning that we bypass, but it was like the peace that God has made with us. So can you talk a bit more about that? Okay, so ki we're gonna go like 50,000 foot view for just a second. i won't I won't go too deep in it. I think what's helpful is to have the revelation of why we exist, like the purpose of humanity. When you look at Genesis, it says, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
right And then he created man and woman and all the animals and things in between. So what that's saying is there's an entire system that God has set up that humanity is in. And that system is first heaven and earth. That's his divine order. It's heaven is created. Heaven's actually a created place or created realm.
because God is beyond fathomable. So he created I believe he created heaven because this is the place that we can have relationship with God beyond fathomable. I won't go on, but we could go on and that just on that topic right there. So God created the heavens and the earth as a system. The intention was for heaven and earth to work together. And you'll notice in Genesis says, he created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was void and without form.
I was like it's so interesting God because this is before the fall of humanity, this is before the fall what of any problems is kind of what it seems like. Why does it say that? Because heaven cooperates with earth through God and humanity. So when God created humanity his design was that as humans we would govern the earth or rule over the earth in accordance with him and heaven. That was his original design. So think of heaven as a realm versus like up there. Think of heaven as the realm of God, harmony with God, peace with God. We're going to come to that.
And when we're in

Holly's Personal Journey and Revelations

harmony with God and we're operating in accordance with his word and we're in agreement with God and we're flowing with God, then there's a heavenly rule on the earth through Adam and Eve. People call this dominion, different things. So when Adam and Eve fell, and any of us would have as well, it wasn't just the fall of humanity, it was also the the breaking or the fall of heaven and earth. There now became a separation.
of heaven and earth. So when God sent Jesus put on flesh and came it says that he's the prince of peace, right? That he is our peace. What does that mean? It means that God is bringing back, he's restoring back not just us to God but also the original design of heaven and earth together. Why does he need peace to do that? When you read scripture you find repeatedly that there's this hostility now when we fell from God. There's now actually, Scripture says that we were hostile in our minds towards God. We go towards self. but Go back to that trust diagram. yeah we think of We want to be our own gods. We want to run our own life. We want to do it our own way. We want to go our own way. We want to have our own purpose. We want to be our own gods. So in essence, God restored. God needed to make peace with humanity.
we We were not at peace with God. He gave peace to people in the Old Testament, but we weren't at peace with him. There was still a hostility. The system was broken. So Jesus is our peace. He restores us to peace with God. And the thing that we that I found in just Western church is we don't really talk a lot about that. we don't really We don't really talk about the fact that there was a hostility between humanity and God and honestly between heaven and earth.
That's why he says that that you'll now have to till the earth by the sweat of your breath. It's going to be hard. There's a brokenness in the system. So Jesus is our peacemaking force. like He is who the only one who obviously, this is what separates him from all other religions, is he's God in the flesh. He's the only one that can make peace with God.
So it's not just about going to heaven one day. It's, I now can say, and I was just praying this earlier, just in preparation for this to prepare my own heart. It's like, thank you, Lord, that you made peace

Finding Personal Faith Amidst Church Frustrations

with God for me. I didn't even know. I didn't even know that I was hostile in my mind with God. I didn't know. My culture doesn't tell me that.
But the word of God tells me that, but even in my sin, even in my ignorance, you still came and made peace for me with God. So now I can stand before God Almighty and say, I'm at peace with God. I don't not just have peace from God, but God looks at me and says, there's no hostility between us.
You're back. ah Jesus brought you back. I've made peace. So the gospel of peace is first that is personal, it's individual, but then secondly, it also restores my position. So think of like the peace, this is gonna be a bunch of peace. I didn't mean for that to happen, but the peace of God, peace with God restores both my purpose to be like God and know Him and manifest Him and my position between heaven and earth the peace of god the peace with god so in jesus being the prince of peace that restores both my purpose to know god to be like him to manifest him on the earth and it also restores my position on earth to be heaven on earth
to be that access point of heaven on earth. um And this is what I'm so passionate about because when God started and unveiling his written word to me, but also speaking to me in prayer times and speaking to me and in the spirit and everything was harmonizing. So I really believe that we can hear from God, but it does need to harmonize with his written word, right? And I started studying peace. I started looking at every scripture about peace and going back to the beginning and looking at the garden and then what does it mean that Jesus is my prince of peace? When he said, peace I leave you, not as the world gives, what did he mean? And this is what God expects us to do is to ask these questions and go digging in his word and ask the Holy Spirit to give us that revelation. yeah what What it means is Jesus has made
peace for me with God that the world cannot do. The world cannot restore my peace with God. So when he says, I give you peace not as the world gives what he's not, he's not saying you're just going to feel at ease and not having anxiety.
He's saying, I'm leaving you both a restored purpose and a restored position. Does this make sense? who So yeah, purpose is restored through Christ Jesus to be right with God, to be holy, to know Him and make Him known. That's our purpose. And also He restores my position.
to be God's kind of government or agent on the earth, bringing heaven to earth. And I know that's a big topic. We'll get into that in later weeks because we need to dig into that. But that's what the gospel of peace is. It's not just, it's not just, Hey, we have a good message that'll make you feel better. Here's the good news of God so that you can mentally feel better. It's a eternal transaction.
where we're restored back to God the only way we could have been, which is Jesus making peace with us, with God. Does that make sense? I'm not saying it's so beautiful because I think if you have that foundation to go back to, I think that is the jumping off point to also feeling that as in heaven as it is on earth, that feeling of peace here, being able to access that. I think start with that understanding and

Testimonies of Experiencing God's Peace

the revelation what Jesus did for us.
So I want to read you a couple of scriptures, okay? So I want to back up what I'm saying with the Word of God. It's hugely important. So Cola, if you want to write down these scriptures, your listeners can, as far as this, you know, kind of how they can take ownership of this or stewart this towards the end of the call, this would be one of the things to do is go read these scriptures. Yeah. Ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart.
So we're not just stuck on English wording, but that we get the revelation. We see it. We want to get to where we're like, whoa, this is, wow, this is, inspires all in my heart. That's when you know it's a revelation versus just I'm reading a scripture. Okay. So Colossians 1, 10 through 21. I'm not going to read all of that, but I want to read this part.
Colossians 1 10 through 21 says for it please the Father that in him Christ all the fullness of God should dwell and by him reconcile all things to himself whether things on earth or in heaven we'll talk about this later but the pattern in scripture over and over you'll see it now when you read the word it always says on earth in heaven I've never seen it say on heaven. There's no on heaven. It's on earth in heaven, and we'll unpack that later. It says, whether things on earth or in heaven, having made peace through the blood of his cross, you who were once alienated and enemies in our mind by wicked works, yet now he has reconciled in his body through his death
to reconcile us back to God, to present us holy and blameless above reproach in his sight if we continue in the faith and not moved away from the gospel of peace. Powerful.
Ephesians, I'm just going to sprinkle a few scriptures in here, Ephesians 1.10 says his plan for the fullness of time. This is the plan of God, you guys. Megan, you know I've talked about this, but this I'd love to get out of all the church, Christianese language. i'm not I'm not taking digs on the church. I've just grown up in the church, so you can kind of get like you can get stuck in christianese language you know and i just like to go wait a minute we are talking about the only true god that's always existed that created the universe that goes beyond any like our little tiny earth and then universe and then we're somewhere on this little tiny that god that created every dimension that created eight million different species that no one counseled him and he created life and order and ah
Like it's beyond sathomable and that God has one eternal plan. He's always had a plan in his heart. We operate in time, so we think everything like stops and ends,

Engaging with God's Eternal Plan

and it does in the world, but to God it's always existed. So that means there's always existed this eternal plan of God. There's never a time that God did not have this plan in his heart, which is mind-blowing, which means we have been in the heart of God forever.
But you just have to let these things land. When I'm talking to Holly, I'll sit there. I feel like my jaw hits the ground because it'll just like hit me on a new level. It just hits you. my Come out of this kind of religiosity and recognize that the eternal God knew me and has always known me before he formed me and my mother's will.
It's just mind blowing. And he says in Ephesians 1.10, his plan, this God's eternal plan for the fullness of time, this is his one deepest desire, the eternal God, to bring all things into heaven and on earth together in Christ Jesus. So there's a plan of God that yes humanity's in there and heaven and earth are for us but his plan is not just bringing us back but restoring the order of heaven on earth. Ephesians 2 14 through 16
I'll read part of it says for he himself is our peace, Jesus, who made to one, he took to he took the divided between humanities talking about Jews and Gentiles, all of the divides heaven and earth was divided.
man and God was divided, and then man and man was divided. So the fall divided all these things up, and it says that Jesus is our peace. Jesus actually is the

Closing Prayer and Gratitude

peace force of God that brings man back to God, heaven back to earth, and man back together. It says he made two, one, and tore down the dividing wall of hostility. There we are again with that word.
I'm gonna give you just a couple more. Romans 5.1 says that we are justified, meaning we are made right through faith, having peace with God. There's that with word, having peace with God through Christ Jesus. And I'm gonna give you one more with Hebrews 13.20 says, now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant,
think eternal plan of God brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, our great shepherd. So what I want for us today is our heart to open up and realize we're not just trying to have peace from God. This is why it's why it seems to come and go and be a little bit on shaky ground is we need to understand that God is a God, he is a peacemaking God. And that is what he has done through Christ Jesus and see Jesus as the peacemaking force of God.
that brings heaven and earth back together, brings us back to God in our position, and then his heart is that it brings people. back together. he That God is a God of peace. I'm going to pause because I'm loading you guys up with what are your thoughts? I don't know if I have any questions. I feel like it's just almost overwhelming in a good way. Yes. yeah I feel like lately I've been like frustrated with the church and this is making me reminding me that it's not necessarily about the church. It's about you reminding me that it's really about you and your relationship. And you at the end of the day, that's what matters.
Yeah. I mean, church has some work to do. i mean the church In the Western, we'll say Western church, you know we've we've gotten a little caught up in Western culture. Too much of the Western cultures come into the church. Yeah. And I get it. I understand that we won't go off on that. So there is some work to do in the church, things we need to preach and teach and get back to the early church ways. But yes, at the end of the day, I can't point to the the word. I got the whole word of God.
God has given himself to me. He's given me his spirit. He's given me his son. He's given me his word. He's held nothing back for me. So even though the church needs to come along, that does not hinder me. What hinders me is if I don't spend time in prayer, I don't spend time in his word. I don't seek revelation in his word. I just read it.
But I'm not I'm not expecting it needs to go beyond my own understanding, you know, because we're back to that. But you're so right. And honestly, the way the church comes along is we come along. We are the church. Yeah. and yeah speaking I think it starts in each one of our hearts in our homes. And I think just asking ourselves wherever you're at in life, like what do you want? you know And just yeah really asking yourself the questions, kind of the I'm starting a study on heaven right now. One of the first questions it says in the intro is what comes to mind when you think of heaven. you know And good for me, ah of course, our mom comes to my mind, but peace.
is what comes to my mind. So it's kind of funny that we're starting this today. Yeah, I would love to leave the listeners just with some practical because it is a lot of information. Yeah. And we're everybody's at different walks and at different spots. But what questions can we ask ourselves to kind of get started with if we are craving peace in our life, which I would find it hard to believe that anybody's not. right yeah What questions can we ask ourselves to kind of light that fire under us to start digging and receiving?
yeah It's good. I think just to bring, so that we can kind of cast the widest net possible, right? So you said it's one thing if we're talking to someone, you're studying the word together and you're deep in it, which is kind of, that's my normal gear. And Megan knows I've had to learn how to give things in peace. And I'm still growing. It's not like I have it all figured out, but first things first is really the attitude of our heart towards God. So we started the conversation there. I think I would encourage every listener to start there is.
Do I trust that what God said in his word is true? Because the word of God is God. And yes, we can misinterpret it in all of that, that he's so perfect, so powerful, he will sort that out if we will keep that attitude, right? So if I don't trust the word of God is true, and I don't trust that he makes peace, it's gonna, until you start working on that, it's just not gonna flow, right? So I think it's addressing that. Number one, in my experience to do that, that does include spending time in his word,
and spending time in prayer and renewing the might. Like it's those kind of three things constantly operating and not necessarily in a silo, but with each other and talking about it with each other and be like, this is what God's showing me. This is what he's speaking me. And then someone will go, Oh my gosh, he just, you like you just said, it's kind of wild. We're talking about, these are trust building, faith building moments. So I would say that. And then secondly, this other assignment, if I was to give people an assignment,
And I've practiced this in my life a lot, and it is part of renewing the mind, is to begin to declare what God said is true even before I'm emotionally caught up to that. So begin to use my mouth to speak forth the word of God, so to speak, even before I understand it or feel it. That works better if I do have an aspect that of trust. like got So let's just keep it real. like God, I want to know all this, but I am not feeling it. like I got bills to pay, I got this to do. i'm like How do I like pivot into this weird spiritual place? right And we get like sucked back into Western world. I do it all the time. I feel so like carnal you know at the moment.
um all the time. And that feels weird. But what I've learned to do in those moments is just use your mouth. it A huge part of renewing the mind is speak it out. You do it all the time, Megan, with your affirmations and stuff. And so fake it until you make it. Like, say it until you feel it.
And you're just deciding this is true. I don't feel it yet, but I'm just going to decide this is true. So I'm going to speak it and declare it and just keep leaning into it and eventually your feelings and the revelation will catch up. So what does that look like? God, I declare today that I have peace with you. Thank you, God. I don't even know what all that means. I don't even know the magnitude of how much I need to be able to say those words. One day I will.
that for now, I want to feel it. I want the revelation, but I'm not feeling it. but I'm least gonna, I'm gonna like literally say what I just said to God, keep it real and declare the peace, declare heaven and earth is restored.
Like, God, I don't see all of that, but ah your word says it. So I'm just going to say it. So that would be the other thing that I would tell your listeners is to begin and making can probably help with that. She does such a great job of that. Just to begin to declare truths and things that I know in my spirit, they're true, but I'm still kind of mentally struggling with it.
And that's a huge way to kind of come along in the process. is that I think that's like the perfect way to kind of give people an assignment today to declare what God said is true before we see it because we are physical beings. And so we see taste, hear and smell. And that's what we're focused on. So if you can really declare what you can't you don't see in the spiritual world, it might feel awkward if you don't believe it yet. But yeah, declaring it and I do love to do that with Scripture by really feeling bad when you're spending time in prayer this week.
read God's word, ask God to show a scripture that's going to speak directly to you. I started speaking Psalm 1 over me and my family and it's just, I just go right to it. I'm like, okay, Joe Rowan and Esri are like trees planted by the river. They love the law of the Lord and they prosper in everything they do. And so like when we're having a bad day, I say that out loud and hear me and it just changes my attitude in the most.
Now, so I think I'll go a step further. I just encourage listeners to declare even when you're having a good day, like just get an habit of declaring it. And at the same time, this is massively important. You guys, you have to stay super real with God.
So I'm not trying to say things to make them happen. I'm just saying them because God said them. But then I'll say, but God, I don't even know what that means. like i will You made me the righteousness of God. like What does that even mean? I've done this so many times, walking my neighborhood. I'm talking with God. What does that mean? like Show me what that means. That's all he's waiting for, is for us to bring my weakness, bring my lack of understanding, just turn my attitude towards him, be raw and real.
speak things out. And he will begin, Megan, you've seen this so many times in the prayer classes, God will give me all this, whatever, and I'll be teaching it. And then someone will say, get a revelation right there in class. Remember this? Oh, yeah. And I'll be like, Oh, my gosh, I didn't even thought of that. That's so powerful. So yeah and even when Kristen said it's a lot like it's overwhelming, but it's good. That is how I felt.
when I took Holly's classes. And that's why I took her first prayer class twice because I was so overwhelmed. My brain felt like I was being I don't even know it was like the spiritual side of my brain was dormant. And she was awakening it and it just felt like so much intensity. But then it was interesting, like the more I read, it all just started to connect for me. And, you know, we grew up talking about the church, like we grew up Catholic, and then I didn't go to church for like a really long time. And for those reasons, like church did feel off and on to me and confusing. And I think the biggest shift for me in like sticking and loving my church
was knowing that every person there is just as fallen as I am. And we can't rely on the church for our relationship. Like it has to start with us first, like y'all were talking about. And it's just made it such more of a beautiful relationship and allowed me to have community in a new way where I think in the past, I intended to have like an attitude of maybe they're not doing it right. And I think that kept me away from God. So I think listen touching on that, because I think a lot of people stay away from church because of what they do wrong. But I ah think it's so important to first look at your relationship with the Lord and then how can you be the change in whatever you see done differently, you know? And I'm glad that you said that.
Go ahead. Y'all encourage you guys. we will I will not get into it because it'll have to be like two or three episodes down. But a transition in the earth is coming. God is good. I feel like my glasses are crooked. That's why I keep working. You look great.
That's why I'm like, why are they like that? A transition in the earth is coming. And that's a word we'll get into later. The words downloaded the Lord downloaded this word to me in 2020, early 2020. So God is working on the church. He is working on the church. He's exposing some things. He's kind of cleaning up some stuff that needs to be exposed, but he doesn't expect his people who are the church to run from the church.
Like that doesn't make sense. You are the church, but we may, some people may be kind of changing fellowships. Okay. Like, so thinking of church locations as different bodies or groups of fellowship. But what God wants right now is who are my people that are going to have an attitude towards me and seek me and be a part of this end time revival and end time awakening and not just get offended with the church and run, but say, yeah, that's messed up. That needs to change. This isn't healthy.
but God, but I know my God. And so I want to be that change agent, you know, in the church and it's coming. I just want to encourage you guys. The Lord is, he is working. He's addressing it. So don't lose hope. Well, I wanted to say two things. I thank you for saying fake it too. You make it. Cause as someone who can struggle with imposter syndrome and can be very black and white, I think I struggle when I feel like I'm being disingenuous. Yes.
Same. Yeah. And so I'm like, oh, I'm not even going to go there because it doesn't feel true. Or it doesn't feel like I'm lying. yeah And for someone like me, I think it's good to hear. like It's OK to fake it until you make it. For me, that's something that's hard for me. and But I think it's OK to do that. Yeah. Somebody says one thing. I say fake it till you make it, but like the slight tweak, I've had it because we all know what that means. But the slight tweak the slight tweak is I don't feel it.
that I believe God speaks true. Yeah. but Okay, so I'm just gonna go with that until I feel it, however, so slowly that needs to be, is just keeping it real before God.
I'm not feeling it. I don't get it. You're going to have to explain this to me, but I'm going to say it and I'm going to trust you. So that's kind of what I mean by the faking it, you know, part. Yeah. In the sense of even just saying those words when I'm not feeling it, like yeah to do that where yeah I struggle with that. Yeah.
Yeah, well I found just to give, I feel like last year there was several instances in my life, a handful of them where I think God was, I'm i'm still not completely sure what the less the full lessons were in it. But I'm somebody who isn't super comfortable with conflict. I'm a pet natural peacemaker.
And there was just a lot of instances, some that were just I was only involved because of relationship of people that were involved. But anyways, when I reflect back on it, in those moments, I just had to say what you just said, Holly, Hey, God, I don't know what in the world is going on here. And I ah i trust you and I can't tell you the amount of times that that pulled my tense body out of it and went straight back to peace, just knowing that his hand was in it and he works all things for good. And I do believe that to be true. So if I believe that to be true, then I had to act on it. So just having those tools were in the hard moments that you can say it, even if you're not feeling it yet, but your feelings do come around, you know, so yeah it can work in small to all the big things. I mean,
I think one of the biggest testimonies in my life to share this was when mom died in the car accident. And when I was on the phone with the first responder, I said out loud, not even on purpose. It felt like kind of this something took over me, but I just said, thank you so much, Jesus. And I literally was just thanking Jesus for what was happening.
And I for sure didn't be I'm like, that makes no sense. You know, I want my mom here. that I continue to say that and I still to this day I should you know, choose to believe that there is good in that even as tragic and hard as it still hurts.
Yeah, that's good. So Lauren, I see you writing books. So like, as you're talking, I'm like hearing this word books. Oh, no, really. I know. Like someone spoke that on me a while back. I was like, that was the last thing I want to do. But dp t don't put that on me. I don't mean like, ah but like, it can, really it can help you really figure out how to order your words or whatever. So Yeah, because it's pros and cons. I know. But yeah, I feel like it's the Holy Spirit. What is it? Yeah. And what do you do for a living? Like, what's your line? Well, I would say real estate as like a very general statement. Just by the way, she's an amazing writer. And everybody tells her that. So there you go. I do. Writing is how I'm a much better writer than speaker, I would say. Because when I write, it's when it all kind of comes together for me. Yeah.
So books, plural, is what I'm hearing. And like I'm just going to speak out my faith, OK? So we're just going to do a little, like, heaven on earth. The peace of God is going to come on you. Oh, my gosh. Peace with God is OK. Remember, safety, that's where we go. Yeah. That's our natural tendency, is like, is this safe? Am I going to be judged? How am I going to do that? That's our natural tendency. So we yeah this is that opportunity to like be like, no, what you just said, my attitude towards, I'm going to rely on you, God.
ma Like, I don't want to rely on myself. I'm not very good to rely on, to be honest with you, for myself. But but God's good to rely on, but that doesn't mean that it'll always be pain-free, because we live in our own world. So that's the thing we have to settle, is it doesn't mean it'll be easy. You've gone through hard things, but I'm going to keep choosing to rely on God. So I'm going to speak that before I say this.
yeah I see you writing books and I see the books being an intersection between your area of expertise and things of God. So I i don't know how that, again, it's relying on God, but I see it's not like you're going all spiritual, you're going all real estate. Like I see this merge between what you do and who you are in real estate.
and and bringing in who you are spiritually, unless who you are. So we should, we have to figure out how to not separate the two. Right. And I do i do see you writing the books. I actually see them coming like as soon as you start or go gives you the unction, they're going to flow.
And I just feel like that's just going to be a massively impactful thing for all of you guys, but especially for what God's called you to walk, at least in this season. Yeah, I know. That's how it feels when people give us, like, I don't know how that's going to happen. I don't know. Or am I going to have time to do that? We just go into all the things. Okay, guys. Well, that's a wrap. No, I'm just kidding.
We'll edit that part out. Yeah, definite not I love that. yeah a false now i I really appreciate that. Thank you. Yeah, I may not be thanking me. Yeah, I'll be calling you crying in the middle of it and saying, you did this. Oh my gosh, well, I'm so excited for this series. I mean, just episode one, I feel like I've listened to you talk many times, but I already learned some new things that trust. Oh my gosh, that trust, what is it called?
yeah trackerym I wrote that down and I'm loving it. I feel like my mind, that's almost helpful too. Like I love how God spoke that to you because it it helps break it down in my mind when I am noticing I'm out of trust, kind of what to do to go, oh no, rely on you. So thank you for that. And we are excited to keep this going. Is there any last minute questions or things you wanted to add before we pray ah pray out?
No, I mean I think just really my heart for people is like this life you guys we got one life. It's so important to take it seriously yes have fun and laughter like we had but I think the enemy's one of his main gears for us is to to tire us and wear us down and get us to I can do it to just settle back and just try to escape or whatever but my exhortation to everyone would be like, kind of come, make yourself come to attention and be like, no, I'm going to go, I'm going to do this. I'm going to lean into these things. I'm going to make this life count. You guys are walking in that yourself. And then we stand before God one day. So I just think it's so vastly important to hear these things, to walk, to just go at your pace, but at the same time, take take it seriously. and Yes, we're having fun, but this is a
This is about our eternity. You know, this is about how we stand before God, how we show up before God. So that's all I would say. i love in the end yeah Amen. Amen. We made you talk a lot. Do you want to pray or would you rather one of us pray? I'm sure I can pray. That's fine. Well, Lord, God, we are so grateful that you have made peace with us. We still don't even know. I don't think we will fully know what that really means until We're on the other side of eternity, so to speak, till we're standing face to face. But Lord, we do thank you for it. We thank you, God, that you've literally restored every aspect of peace that we need with you, both our purpose, God, our heart, our mind, God, also your plan for us to be
Really that heavens Asians on the earth and and we still don't even know what all that means that God we trust you We thank you for it. Holy Spirit. I asked we asked um Because we are human Lord, do you know our weaknesses and our mind starts warming the Holy Spirit. You're our helper I pray for every person here that the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit of God would walk with them and help them and to walk in this place that we talked about today, whether we're faking it, till we make it, or whether we want to dive deep, Holy Spirit, would you walk with us, teach us, be our teacher, be our helper, ah clear the cobwebs in our mind, and just bring that peace and clarity that we need. And Lord, I just pray a blessing over this, I can't say duo, trio, um trio of sisters, Lord. I just pray even more, Lord, that you would open up doors of favor for them, Father, I just pray,
or that you would call them into places um to share their wisdom, to share their heart. Lord, that you would help this podcast they've been doing for a while now to be that launch pad and to other things that our heart desires. I just speak a blessing over that and over them in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen. Thank you, Holly. You're welcome. and Thank you you for having me. i Thank you for trusting me and having me. Can't wait for the next one. I'm like, let's do it tomorrow. I know. I know. I'm excited too, just to, it's of course is just just the timing of this Bible study because I did the first lesson today. And it's something that you said earlier, like Jesus is the only one who came from heaven. And so as you were talking, it's like,
of course, like, why wouldn't we, the only person who has actually been to heaven, like, why wouldn't we go to him, trust him? Because that's where we're going. And then we get to be with him forever. You know, I know. And so it's just such a great perspective check. I feel like especially since mom has died, but even more so in the past like year of just literally every day, just living with the end of mind. And I know we say that a lot, just the eternal mindset, but it never felt more real, I feel like. So anyway, that's good. Yeah. And you guys are an encouragement to me too. Like we need each other, you know, like, um, you have your revelation, like, and you'll get revelation through this series. Like even as I'm teaching, like when things so just as you did today, and because the Holy Spirit is the teacher, I'm just kind of cooperating with Holy Spirit. He's the teacher.
And so he'll bring revelation just because we've opened up, we've out of obedience. So it's so important that you guys also speak for because it comes through the things that you've walked through. So it's different to teach just because I've studied some stuff. And it's versus like, Oh, this is something God's been doing in me.
And that's when it really lands for people. That's when people will like really feel impacted. So it's hugely important for, for you guys to share along the way to which it does encourage me as well. Like it is a reciprocal thing. It's not just me, you know, bringing information. and So yeah, yeah and I was just gonna remind you too, because I, for some reason this morning, I don't know why I was thinking about the journey with Kai coming to into the world, you know,
he being a micro for me but I remember for some reason this visual went I was thinking about mom and I remember calling mom one night and was like crying and I was like mom I like I want to get all my needs and pray but like I don't even have the energy I don't even know the words to pray but I know I need prayer like I'm crying out to him but and she reminded me she was like We got you, you know, like, and so even in times of where we're just so, where we don't even know the words, you know, just, just saying Jesus's name over and over and over is suffice and being authentic with him. And then also asking. Whoever in our life to just be honest, I want to pray. I don't even know what to pray. Will you just pray on my behalf? You know, hundred percent I can't tell you how many times, even though like I'll be in these deep places with God and all that. And then you just like her feelings.
They're so fleet, they come and go and they're so powerful, right? I can't tell you how many times I'm just like, I don't know. Like sometimes I'll be like, this is this all real? I'm teaching all this stuff and they just have this moment where it like feels like not real for a second. Cause it's so brandy-os. And I still have that. And then I'm like, okay, snap out of it. And those moments I'll just say,
I just trust you, God, I don't know. Like, I'm just gonna put my heart back towards you. I'm like this little Texas girl made from the dirt, you know? Like, you're gonna have to help me. You just feel that. Yes, totally. That humanity piece. And i might I live my life that way. God, I don't know, but you're God. yeah I don't have another God. There's yeah definitely not another God. Like, you know, I can kind of land back on that.
And so hopefully for you guys, just me being real and authentic about. just the reality of our humanity. Because I think so often, this is one of the things that kind of gets people off in the church, is people don't talk like that in the church. They kind of talk like they're always on fire for God. It's just not real. Yeah. Yeah. No, I appreciate that. Yeah. All right, girls. I'm sure you got to get back to work. Thank you. Thank you. And I'm excited. We are so excited. Everyone have an amazing week. We love y'all.
Yes. See you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of Girl I Slept in My Makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website,, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. And make it a great week. God bless.