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NEW Series: The Gospel of Peace with Holly Fortune, Part Two image

NEW Series: The Gospel of Peace with Holly Fortune, Part Two

E146 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
64 Plays10 days ago

God’s liberation and restoration plan is the red thread woven throughout the entire Bible. From the moment creation fell into bondage—disrupting the divine order God established—He set a plan in motion to restore what was lost. In this episode, Holly Fortune and the sisters dive deep into the Gospel of Peace, uncovering how Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of that plan.

They explore how His victory didn’t just secure our future in heaven, but positioned us in heavenly authority now, bringing divine order back to Earth. If you’ve ever wondered what it truly means to walk in the peace and power of God’s kingdom, this conversation is for you.

Tune in and step into the restoration God designed for you!


Introduction to the Podcast

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives.
They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.

Guest Introduction: Holly Fortune

I usually say, hey, sisters, but hey, KK. Hi. i We're without Lulu today, but we have Holly Fortune back. Welcome, Holly. ladies. Happy to be here We're so excited to get into this.

Series on the Gospel of Peace

As a reminder, listeners, we have started a new series on the gospel of peace. And I'm so excited to dive in because I left last week's episode. If you haven't listened, go back first and listen to that. with just excitement, but also some questions too to dive deeper. I'm excited, Holly, for us to just continue this series, focused a lot last week on trust and even continuing to go deeper into what that means.

Understanding and Trusting God

So I'll hand it over to you, Holly, to summarize last week's, but then get into what we're to talk about today. Yes, well, I'm excited. And again, thank you, Megan, for having me on, allowing both of you, letting me, and I'm just being transparent, like learn how to teach this, right? Learn how to share things that God's been teaching me. So yeah, so we kind of got off on trust yesterday. I just went with it. You know, you guys brought that up and I thought it's such a good topic.
And honestly, I feel like it could be a red thread through this whole series. Trust, T-R-U-S-T, the acronym, the first T being towards God and the last T being towards us.
So I think it is helpful as we go through this that together we just keep that attitude of understanding and relying on God. Like just keep looking towards Him for revelation, for understanding.
and When we start to turn towards ourselves and we want to rely on our own understanding towards us, that's where even this revelation that we're sharing through this series can start to feel difficult. So I think Just encouraging your listeners, even now as we're going through this, just to trust that God is good. He's faithful. He knows what he's doing.

Restoring Purpose and Position

And just to keep that attitude, you know, towards him. And then I dropped this kind of bomb on you guys. It's at least what it feels like to me, that the gospel of peace restores both our purpose and position. um And I know that's probably a different language than what but Christians or the church is saying.
is used to. So I feel like we just need to keep unpacking that. What does that mean? You know, that the gospel of peace restores our purpose and position. And so I was praying about it and I just felt like God said to really focus on today two things. one just how good the gospel of peace is the good news, and also start to to kind of give more understanding on what it means that our position is restored.
So that's kind of what we're going to lean into today. Sound good? Yes, I love it. yeah Awesome. Anything else that you ladies want to say as it relates like trust or or our jump off point here? I think just like my biggest takeaway and we're all different types of learners. And so I think the trust acronym that you did, it's been just sitting in my brain since we recorded that as an image and And it's just, you know, you continue to learn as you're growing in your life, but in your faith with God.
And it's so interesting moment by moment, how I do have to I've been using that as like, oh, I'm going back towards safety and really trying to focus on what I can control. And so I've been on this journey of how do I really lean into the process and the journey instead of being so attached to the results, being attached to the end result in so many things.
And so that acronym alone actually has been helping me in the moments, like Kristen said, second by second or minute by minute to remember who my trust is in.

Personal Testimonies and Hardships

So yeah, it's just wild how our brains so quickly go back to just ourselves. Yeah. but Yeah, I mean, that's our natural bend for sure. i mean, just having that visual, that's why God did it with me, right? Is when we have a visual to grab a hold of an understanding, that's just super helpful. It's one thing to be like, trust God, just put your trust in him. It sounds so easy. When I understand what does that mean? Like, how do I do that? Let's just keep it, like keeping it real. I say this all the time, but how do I do that? Well, I decide to use my ability
to understand things and my wiring to want to rely on something. We're all wired that way. We want to understand and we also want to rely on something.
That's why a lot of people will say you can only rely on yourself. You know, because as human beings, we want the most trustworthy place to rely And what God is saying is rely on Him and seek to understand Him. but Anything, Kristen, that you wanted to say? Yeah, I think for me, you know, it kills me because i feel like and you know, that, what is that? my One of my favorite verses where God is closest to the brokenhearted.
aye Well, it just... It's kind of crazy because I feel like I've felt closest to God in my hardest moments, you know, especially after losing my mom. I was like, I had never felt but closer to God before. And I was and I kind of hated that. Like, I was like, why is it taking such tragedy for me to feel this absolute presence that I've.
honestly never felt before. And I'm realizing that yeah honestly, it's because I don't have like a daily practice, you know, like, if you're not staying like in daily habits, daily practices, minute by minute practices, I think that's what I'm loving about this series is it's adding to okay this is something else I can kind of add to my toolbox of how to keep God in the forefront in my practice of life, if that makes sense. Yeah, it makes complete sense. I'm tracking with you 100%. And I like, you know, I'll just share this super short testimony about me just so your listeners have a little insight on me.
You know, I'm 55. I really turn, I call it turn myself into God. So before that, I believed in heaven and I believed in God, but i hadn't really turned myself in. I hadn't laid down my life.
until I was 28 working through a divorce at that time, or maybe I was just divorced. I can't remember which. And I remember saying to God, evidently, I don't know how to run my own life because now here I am.
And so I turned myself into God. But the point I want to make is before that, I went through some pretty hard things. You know, it was date rape twice, you know, held down and legitimately date raped. i was not living a godly lifestyle. i had this Christian, I believed I was a Christian,
And I don't know if I was or not. I'm just going to be honest with you. Now I look back, I'm like, I don't know if I was. i said I was, but my life didn't represent it. And so I went through a lot of pain. ah And I'll springboard off of that. We have this saying in the church that if it's not good, God's not done.
You know, we, with that's kind of one of our sayings. And I like that saying, and thank God it's true because a lot of stuff I went through was not good and God was not done with

Deeper Meanings of the Gospel

me. Praise God. And now he's turned, like, I'm not even, i don't have any emotional wounds or scars over that stuff that happened to me prior, prior in my life. And God has now turned that for my good, which is like a whole testimony in and of itself. But what I've come to realize, and that's kind of what you're saying, like this is where we get close to God is where we realize I don't have control here and this is not good and I i need God.
I need help. But what I think God would say to us, and I'm on a springboard off of this for today, i think God would say, that's great. if If it's not good yet, God's not done. I think God would say to us, and I wrote this down so that I would get it right, if your mind is not blown,
now at the goodness of God and what he's already done, then I don't really understand the gospel of peace. So prior to God like really dealing with me and not understanding the gospel, i had this mindset of i was going to heaven one day.
like one day I would be let in because I believe in Jesus. But right now, life is just kind of hell, to be honest with you if I can say that. yeah and that And I was believing for God to turn what's not good into good.
and And He does do that. But God eventually revealed to me, and you know this, Megan, like He just started blowing my mind at what He's already done, the goodness of the gospel.
And he started inviting me into the goodness that he's already finished and completed. And my life completely changed at that point. And that's what the gospel of peace is. That's what my mission has become is to help the church understand the gospel that we say we believe in and to help people lay hold of the gospel of peace. What does it mean to have peace with God in its entirety, not in my little human brain, but based on what the Bible says, you know, the gospel of peace is.
I just want to pause in case you guys have a comment to all of that. I just want to say thank you for sharing. I feel like when we, I've been really hearing from God, share your story and tell people to share their story. I shared that at church on Sunday with our just leadership team for guest experience. I was like, share your story just with somebody.
yeah I think it's so powerful. And you talk about this. You learn so much when people, you learn, but also the other person learns when you share your story and it makes it more real. So I just appreciate you going into depth a little bit on that. Cause I don't think I fully had even heard that myself about you. So it's so powerful. Yeah. For me, I sometimes get like frustrated with when people are like, almost like they're like on a a pedestal and like thinking like, I can't even achieve that. So like when people are able to talk about real stuff, it makes it more real for me. And I know it's for other people.
Amen. Yeah, I mean, again, really started walking with the Lord in my early That's when I got baptized. I hadn't even baptized until then, which I don't believe baptism is salvation, but something does happen, you know, when you make that public profession. and so it's really been like 25 years now, but just to keep it doable for your listeners, like as you're saying, it wasn't really until till the last even 10 years.

Creation and Divine Order

that I really started laying hold, studying the Word and really digging in. and Just to be honest with you, church is kind of boring. and Christianity is kind of boring if you don't get hold of the real gospel. And I do think that's why a lot of people start deconstructing and leaving the church is because they haven't been given the whole gospel. They've been given parts of it. I'm just, you know...
being honest So what God spoke to me, and I'm going to read the actual word and and maybe the next episode that we do. I just wanted to first lay the foundation, but God gave me this word in 2020.
And part of that word was he literally said the church must understand my peace. The church has love my peace. The church must love my peace, understand my peace and usher that my peace in for the world. So what he was saying is the church has lost sight broadly. I'm not just calling out any church, but just like broadly in general, we've kind of lost sight of what the gospel of peace really is and what it means. We all know that enemy is going to try to usher in a false peace. We've heard that. I mean, look around the world right now and see kind of the making of that. But what God is saying is the church is supposed to be ushering in the real peace of God, but we have to know what it is. We have to understand, you know, what that is. So what I want to say really quickly on the good news, this is something that God showed me just a handful of years ago.
i just felt this need to go look up the word good. Like, what does that mean that the gospel of peace is is good news? yeah And what I found what i found is that God is the source of everything good. i mean, we know that. We live in a fallen world, so there is this mixture of good and evil. But God is good. His plan is good. His will is good.
And His original design is good. So here's here's what I want to share with you today. In Genesis 1.31... It says that God saw that it was good. Okay? And then after He created man and woman, God saw that it was good after He created heaven and earth, animals and vegetation and all the things. But after He created man and woman, it says He saw that it was very good.
He saw everything that He made and saw that it was very good. And that's at the end of Genesis 1. And then at the beginning of Genesis 2, right after that, which we have to kind of read as one consecutive message,
It says ah that this that the heavens and earth were completed in all of their vast array. So what God is saying is once he had created everything, the heavens and the earth, yes, that means the sky, but it also means the heaven, where the abode of God, where he is.
When God had created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and positioned Adam and Eve, or man and woman, in creation. He positioned humanity in a particular place in creation.
He then looked at everything and said, ok okay, this is very good. So he wasn't just saying the trees are pretty, you know, and heaven is awesome, and I love that I made earth, and I love that I made man and woman. He's saying, I've made heaven and earth.
I've created a divine order of heaven over earth. I have put man and woman inside creation, to oversee it, to govern it on the earth.
And now I'm looking at everything I made in the divine order and the plan of God for humanity and God looks upon that and says that is very good. And when I saw this as a little, us honestly, I just thought that's a lot more than what I thought it was before. I thought God was just happy that he made man and woman and trees and animals.
But what he's saying is he loves the divine order that he created, which does include where we are positioned and all of that. And the last thing I want to share as it relates to this word good.
was like, what does it mean when God says it's very good? So I did a deep study on the word good using the Bible to do it. And I found that when God says it's good, he means that it's right. It's beneficial.
It's fruitful. It's prosperous, it's bountiful, it's healthy, it's joyful, it's beautiful, and it's precious. When you look at the word good, that's what he means when he looked on everything.
It's like he's looking on creation and in his divine order and where man and woman is positioned in creation. he And he says to himself, wow, this is right. This is beneficial. This is fruitful.
This is prosperous. This is bountiful. This is healthy. This is joyful. This is beautiful. This is precious. And then he looked on man and woman and said, you're very right. You're very beneficial. You're very fruitful. All ah all of those words.
So it gave me a greater understanding when Adam and Eve and any of us would have rejected God's word and rejected God, they are not just rejecting, they weren't just disobeying a command, which is kind of where we've landed in our communication, the gospel, they were actually rejecting God's entire design and order.
They were rejecting the position that God gave us within creation.

Humanity's Fall and Restoration

And so when you read scripture, you find that not only did man and woman fall, but all of creation fell.
It says all of creation groans to be liberated and delivered. I'm going pause. I know, because I know a lot of times when I share these things, it's people are, you know, it's the first time they're hearing it. But yeah, it's so interesting how when you take one word and I'll just read through the Bible and just pass through it.
And then Being able to really take that word and see what does it actually mean? Because you've talked about this before. It's like the English language sometimes doesn't help us because we don't feel the gravity of some of the words.
So it's just letting that soak in what good means. And then, yeah, all creation groaned. It kind of reminds me how I feel in life. It's just this like frustration, this groaning that we all live with. Yes.
So is it new for you ladies to hear? I'm assuming it is, at least on some degree. I know Megan, you've been through the prayer class and we've talked a little bit about it. That when God created everything, when he created the heavens and the earth, heavens are a created place, including the abode of God and everything in heaven and everything on earth.
And then he put man and woman in a particular position within creation. and and we know the Bible goes on to say he told Adam to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion.
he He told him to govern the earth. So think about it this way. For God's design, and honestly, humanity is the same, for us to govern something, we have to be in that place. So for for you to be a part of the American government, you have to live in America. And so it's the same way for man and woman, for

Role of Jesus in Restoration

us as humanity, to have a governance, a God-given governance, a God-given dominion over the earth, we have to be placed On the earth.
So God put us in a position on the earth within all of creation, the whole system of creation and scripture clearly says, and I encourage your listeners, go read it, go read Genesis one, two, and three. Just go read it It's not a hard read.
You will see the order of creation. And you also see that God placed man and woman in it to have dominion, to be fruitful, part of the word good, and to multiply, to be bountiful, to be beautiful, and have dominion or governance over creation.
So this is God's original design and what he intended for us. What are your thoughts? Yeah. So I just want, I'm like, am I hearing it right? So you're saying, cause you know, obviously we know the story of Adam and Eve or I think most, um, so what I guess like my learning style, I'm a very visual learner. Yeah.
So I'm like trying to break that down in my head. So what you're saying is it wasn't just about them turning on God, but it was about them on the entire environment. Like, can you, yeah. yeah Yes, that's why I'm asking.
That's why I'm slowing down. So when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, okay, and we know he said not to eat of the fruit of the tree and all that. I'm not trying to get in those details at the moment because there's all kinds of, you know, you got, guys, God is deep.
Yeah. God is a deep God. So you can look at any part of scripture, any part of his eternal plan. You could go pretty deep in it. So we could go deep just on the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
yeah We could go deep just on the fact that they ate of the tree. What does that mean? We could go deep. There's so many places we could go deep. But the point that I want to make for for the message I feel like God has given me to carry is to help us all see that God first created heaven and earth.
In the beginning, God created, the very first verse in Genesis, the heavens and the earth. So he first created the cosmos system, the design of heaven and earth.
I don't know about you guys, but for a long time, i kind of had it like he, the heavens were there and he created the earth and then he put us on the earth. And what I'm trying to highlight is that he actually created the heavens and the earth, not just the skies, but this, this abode, this unseen place where God is so that man and God could have, God's so vast, he just would have been beyond our reach and comprehension.
So he created the heavens and the earth, right? Then he said, let there be light. We could take a deep dive in that one and how he brings light out of the darkness. Then he created everything in the heavens and on the earth.
And then he created man and woman and placed us, plopped us. He just plopped us in the ah whole ecosystem. Just think of like everything I just said, this divine order.
of heaven and earth and light and vegetation and fruitfulness and seed that reproduces all of this. God created all of that. And then he put man, he created man and put man in the garden and then created Eve and put her there with him.
So he placed us within a system. a heaven and earth system. So when Adam and Eve fell, they not only fell from from fell into sin, that's how we know it, right? Fell from the glory of God and fell into sin, but they also messed up the whole system that God had created.
so what you see all through scripture is now, it then goes on to say in the Old Testament, God is in heaven and man is on earth. There's this separation now between heaven and earth.
There's a separation now between man and God. There's a separation now between man and woman. There's problems between man and woman and man and man. But also too, all of creation fell.
So now we have trees that die, vegetations that die, animals that that this idea of death came upon everything. We read in Romans, I think it's eight, that all creation is groaning to be liberated because God is going to reveal the sons of God. God is going to reveal that we are at the center of creation.
And we're going to get into that more next week. What did Jesus do? He repositioned us in the whole system of creation. including heaven and earth. This is so important that we know this because if we don't know this, we think we accept Jesus.
He comes into our life. This is what I used to believe. He comes into my life and makes it better. and then one day I go to heaven and I escape earth and I leave everything behind on earth that wasn't good. So I can just kind of live however I want now because one day when I die, I'll get into heaven. And the gospel of peace clearly teaches us when you study the word of god That actually what happens is I surrender my life to Jesus.

Heavenly Beings on Earth?

I am now baptized into him and I'm born again from heaven now.
So when this earth suit stops working, i just put on a new heavenly suit, but I'm already... a heavenly being now. I'm already a citizen of heaven now on the earth. There's a big difference. It's not my death that gets me into heaven. It's Jesus' death that allows me to be born from heaven.
So that's the message of the gospel of peace. It's restoring heaven on earth. It's restoring all of creation and it's repositioning us in that entire system. What are your thoughts? Talk to me. What are you ladies thinking?
My thoughts are, this is so cool because I'm also been somebody that's straight away from reading the Old Testament, but I'm doing the Bible recap right now. and I started it. I've tried before. and because I was like, I just, I really want to know the whole story. i know it on a high level, but I want to go in more detail.
and so I'm actually reading, I'm in Leviticus right now. And I think what you're saying, I know the gospel of peace, kind obviously, but it's like one thread from the beginning to the end. of the old testament and new testament and what's really interesting that i'm now recognizing is he was trying to god was trying to restore peace you know even before he sent jesus by through all these sacrifices because i've been like what why am i reading about these sacrifices and there's all these rules it's just rule rule a constant rule in leviticus i mean i just am like my brain is exploding i'm like what am i reading right now
But I think what I'm recognizing through you speaking is that he was trying to set an order to restore what he had originally created. And so it's just so cool to go deep like this because you find these new levels of revelation almost in a spiritual sense. My brain can't fully comprehend it, but I feel just like this overwhelming sense of gratitude. It just, when you go deeper, it's spiritual sense of like deeper level of gratitude for God and for what Jesus did for us.
Yeah. As human beings, are thinking is very finite. The way we look at scripture and God and what he, and if you can just kind of come out of that for second, I say this all the time, Megan, but this is why i do it.
and just try to think like God thinks. Obviously, if God has an eternal plan, it's going to be crazy extreme. If he this is his eternal plan,
And he's God and he owns the entire universe and he's put humanity on the earth to know him and manifest him and govern the earth and be part of this eternal plan.
And when we start taking off the confinement that we put around our thinking, we want it to fit our little religious construct. Like we want it to be as digestible. We want to be able to get our head around it.
And we just kind of let that go and just look at scripture and go, but but what it is what did he actually say? When you start looking at it that way, now that I'm putting this out there, if you guys go back through the word, and and even if you don't read the whole Bible beginning to end, but you start looking at certain scriptures about heaven and earth, you will find this pattern all through scripture.
So you'll find when he gave instruction on how to and build the tabernacle in the Old Testament, it says it's a heavenly pattern. Yeah. it's a So the tabernacle in the Old Testament is a heavenly pattern. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about because I just read through all of the steps that they had to do to just,

Old Testament and God's Plan

it's wild. Yeah.
Because now there's this this separation between man and God, between heaven and earth, but God has a restoration plan. So what did he do? He chose a group of people. All all of humanity now has this thing called death, you know, hanging over us.
and And the sting of that the sting of ah death is sin, right? sin ah Turning away from God is the cause of that death or separation from God. Separation of heaven and earth is separation from God's plan and design.
That's what happened when we fell. So all through the Old Testament, God is highlighting that separation. But he's also chosen a people. Yeah.
yeah so that's what the the israelite the jews were is they they were his people that carried the restoration plan of god until jesus arrived and the whole sacrificial system that's like a whole another teaching it has to do with life life is in the blood So it has to do with God being life. I don't want to pivot on that too much, but there is some pretty interesting understanding in that.
But the red thread you want to see through scripture is God's, I call it his liberation and restoration plan. yeah So we all fell into bondage. Creation fell into bondage.
We all fell out of the the ordered system that God had. And he had the whole time he had a liberation and a restoration plan all through scripture. And then Christ Jesus is the culmination of that plan.
so when so what did he do? He put Jesus in the flesh in the broken system and had him through his own death restore that divine order of heaven on earth.
of man back to God. he positioned us in heaven now so that we can govern the earth from this heavenly realm. This is the piece the church is just missing right now. I'm just going to keep it real. We just don't talk about it.
We don't talk about heaven. We don't have no understanding of what it means to be a heavenly being now on the earth and what that means. We we really just don't know what that means.
So that's why when we start talking this way, people get real quiet, yeah trying to understand what it all means. Exactly. And then from there, it's, that's where that's the good news.
Yeah. The understanding of how, can you go into more detail on what does that mean for us as our, he restored our position, right. Is what you, our purpose. and our So what does that really mean then for us to be heavenly beings on earth? How do we operate? Yeah.
Yeah. And that's what we've got to grow into. But so I have this, this visual that God gave me, you know, when you go to the mall and you're, you've lost your orientation, you don't know where you are and you can go find one of those like kiosks and it has the red dot and it says you are here.
Yeah. This is where you are. So if you don't know where you are in the mall, then you actually don't know how to navigate the mall. You don't know which way to go. you You're there, but you don't know how to navigate it.
That's the visual that God gave me in understanding. When we give our life to Jesus. When we, scripture says, if you won't lay down your life, you won't find it, that we have to surrender our life to Jesus. We have to turn ourselves into God. We believe and we receive. So I'm not inviting him into my messed up life.
He's inviting me into his

Heaven on Earth Through Prayer

eternal life. So when I turn myself into Jesus, then scripture says that I go through this born again transaction, this unseen transaction where my spirit is born again from heaven by the spirit of God.
My soul has to be restored and sanctified. So my mind, will, and emotions are not caught up to this yet, right? So we have to go through this process of revelation and being sanctified and changing and all of that.
And then one day my body will be completely changed. But the first thing that happens is my spirit is born again from heaven. Scripture says that you die with Christ and that you are raised with him and seated in heavenly places by the spirit. So think about that scripture as being the red dot in the mall.
God is saying, Kristen, Megan, Holly, you are here. You're real, the real you, that your spirit being is here in heaven. seated in heavenly places right now, but you're still physically on the earth. You're like in the mall, but your spirit is here. You need to know where you are so you can learn to operate on the earth with this heavenly mindset. This is why when Jesus taught in Matthew 6 on prayer, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
This is the heart of God that he wants us to learn, and we do need to pray for it, how to believe and receive things on earth as they are in heaven. Joy, peace, fruitfulness, health, bountifulness. God wants us to learn to access the heavenly reality through Christ Jesus.
on the earth and now and understand the reason we can do that is because we have been brought back to peace with God. Through Christ Jesus, peace is made.
God made peace in every way. So he made peace between heaven and earth. He made peace between man and God. He's also made peace between man and man. It's all through Christ Jesus.
But it's a restoration plan to where eventually then i start reading scripture. Think about this too. Scripture says, set your mind on things above, not on the, your you know, mission, Megan, is the mind, right? yeah Scripture says, set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
That's a humdinger. yeah because I'm like 90% of what we think about is on the earth. this ah So I've contended on that with God. I've been like, God, what are the things you said set your mind on things above? What are the things I can't see them? It's super easy for me to set my mind on things on the earth that you've told me.
to set my mind on things above. How could I possibly do that if I was not in a heavenly realm in my spirit? So then you begin to lean in and ask God to teach you what are the things. And again, we we're going to keep unpacking this. What does that?
Now what? yeah And honestly, it's what lines up so well with you. It needs to become a mind renewal. We need to start renewing our mind from a a heavenly perspective and learn to operate in cooperation with God.
Yeah. And my brain like always goes, okay, what can I tangibly, wait, is it was, is that the right word? Tangible? Tangibly. Yeah. I like it. Tangibly. Why did that come out weird? Tangible. What can I tangibly do

Practical Steps in Faith

right now? Yeah.
Yeah. No. And it's what I'm hearing is laying my life down and saying my life, God, um my life is for you and laying it down to him and maybe even getting baptized again. Like that's what I'm hearing. Wow. i love it. Interpreting that right.
You can get baptized in end, yes. I mean, well, first things first, yes. Scripture says we are completely lost and unable to restore ourselves and everything I just said. Clearly, we can't restore that. No human being can do that.
Jesus is the restoration plan of God. We need to be baptized into him. We don't need to know how that works. We just need to accept that that is the good news of God, that God is saying, hey, i'm going to restore you completely back to your purpose for existence, back to your position between heaven and earth for all eternity, you guys.
Yeah. Like when you read the end of the Bible, we are on earth. We are ruling and reigning on the earth and heaven and earth become one. So we don't just escape earth and go to heaven and then earth disappears.
You know, we there's this eternal plan of God. So we need to surrender to that. We need to go, i don't understand it all, God, but i turn myself in. I'm turning myself into you.
I'm trusting in Christ Jesus as my restoration. He is my restoration through and through. I'm give my life to him. So, yes, Kristen, that is first and foremost. And if listeners right now are thinking, I've never done that. I invited Jesus into my heart and I thought he was here to make my life great.
I've never done that. That is the first thing is to turn yourself into God and and know that you need to be baptized into Christ by the Spirit. Then if someone hasn't been water baptized or you want to get baptized again, that's a good step to do with the mindset that you you're getting this new life in Christ Jesus. I'm not doing it because I'm checking a box. I'm just doing it as a public announcement that I do believe in Jesus and that I have given my my life to him. So I'm not sure what your thinking was on baptism, but yeah, that's why I would get baptized.
This is just like public, that kind of public announcement that you believe. Yeah. Yeah. For me, I got baptized again, Kristen, you know, i felt God calling me to, I had a ah actual surrender of my life. When I got baptized, when I was younger, I don't think I fully understood And so when I really understood the surrender piece, the baptism publicly for me felt very freeing because I, it depends, everybody's in a different mindset, but I've always cared what people thought of me too much.
And so God, I felt like called me, like, I think we all have our own experience with, with God, obviously in our own relationship, but I felt God calling me That was a part of my surrender to put myself in front of people where normally I would have felt a little silly getting baptized again.
But and you know what I'm saying? So it was almost like a surrender to his plan, even though I was like, why do it? Why am I doing this again? God? Like, are you sure? Like, did I really hear you right? It was very clear to me that that's what I was supposed to do.
Yeah, if that helps. Yeah. And, you know, it's funny because I heard a sermon where he was talking about how heaven and earth and how heaven is honestly probably not that different from earth in a lot of ways.
hu That made a lot of this sense to me. And i yeah because I feel our loved ones are a lot closer than you might think. Oh, love that. Yeah. I mean, earth is like, if you go back to the beginning, you know, earth and everything in it is the template of heaven. You know, there's this divine order. We don't understand it all. We don't. This is the hard part for us as humans. We want to understand it all to believe it all. And we'll stay stuck right there. Like we were talking about the word trust.
Yeah. So i have to understand it all to but to so I feel good and safe and secure. We're back to that pointing down back towards us. But when I set my heart to just to understand the goodness of God and understand his eternal plan, and you know, Megan, my testimony is At one point I said, God, i don't I don't really care what the answer is. I just need to know you.
yeah i just i don't want i just need to know you correctly, whether you heal or don't heal or whatever. I just want to know who you are. When you decide, I just want to know and understand god And I want to rely

Scripture and Understanding God's Plan

on Him. i don't need to understand how heaven and earth work exactly together or everything that's in heaven or all the stuff.
I just begin to accept what the Word of God says. This is humility. I'm not calling myself humble. Lord knows I have a lot of work to do there. The true humility is just accepting, taking God at His Word, accepting what His Word says.
and turn And giving my heart to him and letting him begin to open that up through genuine and revelation and just knowing. And I don't have to understand it all. I can set myself free, you know, by by letting go of that. But Krista, I do you want to add, you said, what are the.
What was the word you used? What was the word? Yeah, whatever the word was. You said a second ago. So yes, turning yourself into God, surrendering to him, you know, getting baptized again, like you said, Megan and Kristen, both, if that's something you want to do. And then i based on this conversation, I'd highly recommend that you go back and start looking at the word again.
With this understanding, like lab read Genesis 1, 2, and 3. Go read Romans 8, you know. Just read and ask the Holy Spirit to stir in your heart.
I think ah Ephesians is one of my favorite books. You can go read Ephesians 1 through 3 and your mind will be blown, you know. So that's what I'd recommend. Go read Revelations. I know i'm giving you a lot of reading, but hey, you know, it's good to read the Bible.
Go read we ah sorry Genesis chapter 1, 2, 3, Ephesians chapter 1, 2, 3, and Romans 8. Like if readers went listeners went and just did that, readers too, and you think about what we're talking about here, i can guarantee you that your mind will be blown, that your heart will start to open up to the truth.
Mindset on the spirit program. Romans eight was the catalyst for the whole thing. And I have, I have people read Romans eight every day for their first week. That's like their homework. Wow. I know. So i was like, I don't think all even knows that. I love, I don't know that. No, I did not know that.
But then great. We're right in the pocket. We're aligned. yeah Prayers for my personality that wants to understand everything. Yeah. and It would frustrate my mother so bad, like especially in school, because I'd be like, I wanted to understand why, though. Like, why do we have to do it this way? She'd like, just memorize and forget it like your siblings.
Yeah. Yeah. and Well, I relate to you, Kristen, because I'm that way. I mean, that's, I had to learn to lay that down. I want to know how it works. Yeah. That makes me feel better. yeah i just want to know, like, how I still do that with God. When he'll say something, I'm like, how does that work? Can I do that?
You know, so you don't have to like completely give that up. It's part of who you are, but don't let yourself i get stuck there. When we're talking about God and eternity, It's like he says to Job, where were you when he was forming the borders of the universe and telling the sun where to stand? and to you know So we just have to get to where God is God and we are not. and he knows all things and we don't. And so I'm going to just trust him. We're back to that.
But then it is okay at the same time to say, but God, I do want to understand more.

Conclusion: Seeking Peace and Guidance

Teach me. But it's having that heart of i'm still like Obviously, I'm still not going to understand it all, you know, because we're finite and we're human. So I'm giving you permission to not have to get rid of all of the desire to understand, but to relinquish some of it so that God can teach you things that go be on your understanding. He's reminding me, and maybe this is a good landing place.
There is a scripture that says that when we that we can seek God and receive app peace that surpasses all understanding. So what if we we will never really fully experience the peace of God unless we're willing to let it surpass our understanding?
So that that's what I would leave you with. There is a peace that will go beyond what you understand. So we just have to be willing to accept that. Beautiful. simple Gosh, this was so good. I took so many notes and i can't wait to listen back to it.
So thank you, Holly. You know, i'm I'm a person, I'm a human being, obviously just doing my best to teach and share what God has shown me. But the greatest teacher is the Holy spirit.
He knows how to get things into our heart and mind. So, you know, I would just, encourage you guys and any listeners as you're going through this or listening to this don't rely on holly to communicate it like take things from me and then ask holy spirit say holy spirit teach me holy spirit help me that's that's really who will who will teach you and help you grab hold of it beautiful praise the lord again Awesome.
I can pray. Yeah. Why don't you pray today? Okay. Father God, just, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, not only for Jesus and just your divine plan, but also for the little things throughout our life where I just feel your presence and.
For Holly coming into our lives, encouragement for Holly today and for all of us that we're right where we're supposed to be. Thank you so much for restoring our purpose and position.
i really don't even have the words to thank you. There's no words that I could come up with in my human understanding. And so thank you, God, just over and over. And I just pray a sense of peace for every person listening that as they, wherever they are in their journey, that as they step into maybe just reading one scripture to start, maybe asking you a question, maybe asking to know you better.
that they just feel your peace pushing them along and they feel your love and your grace every step of the way. And we just pray protection over everyone listening as well as they step into following you, really handing over their life to you, God.
Thank you so much for today. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. amen and and Thank you again, Holly. This is well amazing. No, it's an honor. And now we'll do it again. We'll keep unpacking it together. Love you ladies.
Love y'all. Have a great week. Talk to you soon. See ya. Thank you for listening to another week of girl. I slept in my makeup. If you like us rate review and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website,, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. And yeah, make it a great week.
God bless.