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New Year, Same Chaos: Holidays, Pranks & Prayer image

New Year, Same Chaos: Holidays, Pranks & Prayer

E143 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
77 Plays1 month ago

The sisters are back for 2025 with a fun-filled episode recapping their holiday adventures—think family pranks, dance challenges, and plenty of laughs. They also dive into the power of mindset and prayer, sharing encouragement for stepping into the new year with faith and joy.


Welcome to 2025

Hey sisters. Hi. Happy 2025. Welcome to the new year. We're like almost into February. Crazy. I know. I know earlier on Nicole, they were asking how our Christmas was and I sat there and I said, oh wow, that feels like a lifetime ago. I know.
It does.

Kids and Snowstorm in Dallas

But for me, it doesn't feel that long ago in a way because my kids went back to school two days after the break. And then we had a snowstorm in Dallas and then they today is the first day that all three of my kids are at school since before Christmas break. So um yeah, it's been a journey January

Surviving January Illnesses

already. I saw this meme that said, I'm doing this January challenge where I just try to survive every day in January.
I was like, I kind of feel that it's been so far. Because y'all have been sick. Yeah, I mean, it's it hasn't been that bad and more joking. But um yeah, mostly just because I haven't had like a day I feel like to myself at home, I got to go to Arizona. So that was kind of some time to myself. Yes.
I know I, um, it's crazy cause we just have so many January birthdays too. And our family, it's like, wow, what was nine months before January? because parliament time Um, it's like literally it's, and Michael, Michael's birthday is the 18th and then I'm the 27th and then near the third. It's just, so I feel like January, January is also kind of crazy because of that. Um, yeah. so I know it's a good month to have a birthday though. Yeah. like Yeah. I was looking at the calendar and usually it went straight into grants was February 1st and then moms was February 3rd. And I was like, Oh no, they're both gone now. that's that yeah We'll celebrate. I think I usually do like a little birthday cake for Nana the third.
yeah Yeah, I love that. I've randomly lost my invite, couldn't sleep. And I, I don't know what made me think of this. I guess I was thinking of y'all's birthdays coming up. And I thought, Oh, how funny, Kristen, your son's birthdays in November, like like Brian, and then Megan, your girls, you have Joe in July, and then your other two are in March. So four months, four months before.
And that's how it is for me and you girls. So I'm in May and then y'all are four months prior. Y'all are both in January. Isn't that weird? That is weird. That's weird that your brain even like thought of that. Yeah. I have no idea why it's weird. Like the past two or three nights, I usually have zero problems falling asleep and staying asleep, but like the past two or three evenings, I've just laid there literally staring at the ceiling thinking of like, I'm not stressed or anxious or anything. It's weird.
Yeah, that's good. I guess. but you really it's not though Yeah, I'm not stressed or anxious, but I just I usually don't have problems falling asleep. So are you taking magnesium? I do every single night I take two. Well, habitual about it. Awesome.

New Season and Series Introduction

Well, I can't believe the holidays came and went our last episode.
was before the holiday, so we're back for a new season and we're so excited, listeners, that you're here with us. We will continue on with our sister chats and also some really fun interviews. We're adding in um an eight-week series with my prayer mentor, Holly Fortune. We've had her on before.
But I'm so excited for her to really come on and really teach what she taught me because the Bible is such, you know, obviously the most beautiful book, but sometimes it's hard to really understand it. And she does such a beautiful job of teaching it. So I'm excited for that. um But to kind of backtrack, should we talk about our holidays? I mean, we got so much fun time together. It's like Lauren said, it feels so long ago, but Do y'all remember what we did?

Kristen's TikTok Prank

What happened? but If you haven't seen Kristen's video, is it TikTok? I don't even know. It's TikTok. Oh, yeah. And we can talk about that, too. Yeah. Kristen and Michael are always pranking us. I didn't know. Yes. So there was this fake butcher knife that looked so real. And Kristen was in the kitchen and said, hey, Lauren, will you come help me with kinder? I'm making this bottle. Will you pick them up or whatever? And so I, like, casually walk in there.
And then I see him holding this huge butcher knife that I thought was real. And then my heart just dropped, but I was trying to remain calm because I didn't want and to startle, to startle kinder and him move the knife into his face or something. So I just like stayed really calm and picked it up and then quickly realized and I had no idea. And then once I saw Michael was filming it, my reaction was so funny. I was like, Oh, you buttholes.
yeah the perfect like you the way it all happened with you is like the perfect way I was hoping it to happen. but Yeah, you like played it well too. He like licked the knife. Yeah,
ah yeah he was the perfect prop. Yeah. saying Yeah. Megan didn't fall for it at all. I was like, what the heck? Like she was like, that's not real. I was like, dang it. Oh, she didn't? I didn't see her. Yeah, I literally, well, because she was like, Megan, can you pick up kinder? And right when she said that, like, Esri was like whining at me.
And so I just felt like fake for some reason. I was like, is she serious? Like I have this child like grabbing on my leg whining, crying, and she's like, can you go pick up Kinder? So it felt fake in that moment. So that's what like tipped me off because I was like, I don't feel like she would have asked me to pick up Kinder.
right? You know, and so I was like, Oh, ah sure. And so I walk in there. And I will say like for a hot second, I was like, Oh, and then I was like, Oh, that's fake. Like, there's just no way he would be holding a massive knife. And she's like, Hey, can you go pick them up? Well, she got brandy because we were at our brother and brandy's house. He got brandy really good too. Yeah. Yeah, brandy's was good too. Because in her mind, she said that they had cleaned off all the counters.
And she was thinking her person might've put the knife block with all the knives in that bottom cabinet. And so her brain went straight to, oh my gosh, he got into the cabinet with the knives. And what you didn't see is Michael put them on the floor. So he looked like he did get into the cabinet and pull them. Oh my gosh. She like literally freaked out or she was like, she cussed. She was like, oh shit.
Oh my gosh. What's even funnier is I like tipped her off on accident right before and she still fell for it. um She was like, what is everybody doing over there? And I was like, oh, Kristen and Michael always pranking people. I know you did right before and she still fell for it.
No. oh It was great. She was like, oh my gosh, I didn't even catch on when you said that. Yeah. um But I will say I've never seen like a knife prank like that. So I guess I could get it because it's like, you wouldn't expect somebody to do a prank with a knife, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Watch out when and Well, then I don't ever see the pranks and then like Kai will bring me something, you know ages later and I'll say it and Kristen's like Oh, yeah, that's you know that people used to do that like 10 years ago. No
i Well, now I can't trust y'all. Before TikTok was even a thing because remember when I would change names in Michael's phone to other people and I would text him and he'd be like, oh my God, my mom just texted me this. And now that's like a big thing on TikTok. And I was like, wait, I was doing that. like That's hilarious. That's so funny. Michael did that to like one of our phones a long time ago too. I i mean, i Bobby and I just like don't trust you and Michael now. Like we pretty much think everything y'all do is a joke or a prank. And so it's kind of dangerous. Cause I'm like, are they serious? Are they pranking us? I don't know. like Like when he texted about your birthday thing being a surprise, I'm like, I think that was a joke maybe because you were on the text.
Like I can't ever fully tell what's happening with you two. Yeah. Well now Bobby always thinks he's joking and Michael is like, Oh, I'm being serious. Like he's being serious. And Michael was like, he thinks I'm joking. And I was like, Michael, because you're always joking with it. Like of course that's what he feels. You're like, y'all are going to have to preface like, Hey, by the way, we're serious. Yeah.
The worst one is when Michael texted them a picture of Joe or something from his work phone. Oh, yeah, that was

Pranking at Work

really freaked him out. Like I was like, Oh, no, but you need to tell him like right away. Like there's like they're like freaking out over there. but Yeah, that was not a cool prank. Because it because Bobby hate to explain it to the listeners because Bobby didn't have Michael's work phone saved. So yeah, kind of random stranger just texted him a picture of his daughter and we were like freaking out.
who Yeah. And we had never seen that picture either. So it was like really weird. We were like, where the heck did this come from? Yeah, that's creepy. Well, anyways, yes. So our holidays were good to get back to it. But yeah, yeah I did fly by. We got to go to Dallas and stayed for a few days and got to see everybody. So it was nice to have everybody together again. And because we got to be there at Thanksgiving too.
It's Christmas without mom, which was weird. Like it felt, it feels like such a long time to have gone that much time, but like also it seems like she was just here. So I don't know about y'all, but this holiday season did feel a little more peaceful than the ones in the past for me. So I don't know with grief. Like less griefy. Yeah. Like still sadness, but more, I feel like I really enjoyed the time. Yeah. That's good.
Yeah, me too. And I really enjoy having Chris around anytime there's holidays because he always orders a lot of good, yummy food when you grow up to eat. but That's funny. Yeah. The boy knows how to order at a restaurant. That's for sure. He's like his favorite types of restaurants are tapas because he loves to to get to try everything.
Yeah. And so if it's not a Toppas place, he just still orders like it's a Toppas place. So then he can still get to try everything. mrs warren That's who we're talking about. Oh, yeah. yeah well So funny. And then right after I'm like, okay, Christmas, New Year's went fast and furious. I feel like we had a lot of fun.
We also, oh, Brandy and I did the dance challenge, the blindfold dance challenge. That was fun. And I feel like it was actually kind of funny how similar we danced, but also like, I don't know what happened from, you know, I'm turning 39 this month from age like 34 to now, but I looked like a straight up 40 year old dancing. Like when I watched it back, I was like, oh my gosh, we look like old ladies.
It's so funny. I was laughing because y'all didn't really change up your moves. I know. I was like, oh, they're just going to do the same thing. Well, whenever you watch me whip, watch me nae nae, I was like, wait, do that dance. I did. Oh, you did? I did. It wasn't right. Yeah, I did it. But then Esri kept walking by me, so I can't really do it. I need a redo because I Yeah, it was hard, but it was fun. um but i'm sad I'm sad that I missed that because I feel like I would have really enjoyed it.
Yeah. I want to do that again. We just need to have more dance parties. Yeah. Dance parties. I'm in the midst

Building a Home on Social Media

of y'all know building a custom home for the first time. um I say that custom because I've never actually built like a custom. I built homes just not custom. Yeah. And right I was thinking it'd be cool to kind of like document the process and like share it. I was like, do you think people would think that was interesting? Yeah, for sure.
Yeah. So I'm going to start, I think I'm going to start working on that. Cause I would like to watch that, but I'm like, will other people like to watch that? I don't know. Where are you going to go? Like on YouTube or, um, I was thinking like Instagram and Tik TOK, even though I know Tik TOK might be going away. So.
Well, it went away. Well, isn't it back? Yeah. Yeah, but there's still like a 90 day, in 90 days, there's going to be apparently another decision or like, based I don't fully understand it, but it sounds like in 90 days, like China is going to have to give up some rights to the US or something with it or let the US buy it or there's something going on. Um, and so there's a chance it still could be going away, I guess.
Oh wow. Did y'all, I heard this on a different podcast, but evidently pete a lot of TikTok influencers that had like a niche thing that they did, like let's say they made coffee every morning or they cooked or whatever.
I guess there was something viral where it's going around and they're admitting to their lies. So they thought, since they thought to talk was going away. So they said that, let's say it was a girl who made a specialty coffee every day. She was like, okay, truth is I never drank the coffee that I make. And no yeah, or like, if it's a cook, it's like, so I never eat any of the meals that I show or whatever.
I was like, Oh, very wasteful. What? It seems so wasteful. I know. Well, and I'm like, ah it's such a lie. Like this, see, this is why I don't use social media. It's all just a lie.
Yeah, but I love TikTok personally. I love to TikTok because I learn a lot of things. Like I learned how, like, I learned a lot about what, if I want to cook a meal, I'll go on there and be like, what should I cook? Like recipe, like it inspires me to do things. Like, yeah. Like where shall we will TikTok it? So yeah, I don't y'all know. I don't have TikTok. So whenever I go to my app store in my phone and you search TikTok, it's not even an option to download.
Oh, isn't that crazy? Yeah. So I think it works for people that already had it downloaded, but ah for those of us that didn't, sorry about you. yeah ah That's crazy.
Yeah, well, I would love for you to document that process. I follow a girl that goes to my church. She's so cute. She documents like all their home renovations and she does, I can send you like, she just did this redo. ah She made a closet into an office. Have you heard of this? Like a office closet? So it's like kind of one of those closets that's just like long against the wall.
Yeah. get up And it was like the cutest thing ever. I'm like, wow, how creative and unique, but she like documented the whole process. Uh, from start to finish on, she does like videos on her social media, but then she has like longer videos on their YouTube. So yeah, you should do that. Yeah, that sounds cool.
So cool. And then right after new year's, I got to go to the Voss coaching Co, my mentors

Learning from a Coaching Event

event. They do it quarterly. It's called world-class wealth. And it's just such a cool experience to be around like 30 kind of like-minded people. All they're all in this mindset that they want to grow and learn. And it's just such a vibe to be around like.
so exciting and encouraging. And it's cool to hear all different levels of stories of like where they started, where they are now, or maybe they were new to the event. um But I went last January too, and it's just such an amazing way to start the year. And it's in Arizona at a really nice resort. So that was nice, got to go to the sauna and I did the cold plunge and worked out both days I was there. It was really nice, but so much learn. So I've been on this mindset journey. Y'all know, but also what I've learned from them. It's really interesting because I think it's one thing to learn a lot of material and you're accumulating knowledge. And then it's another thing to actually put it into action. And sometimes
there's concepts that just don't fully settle in. Like I don't fully grasp them. And so it was cool to see this last year, like everything that I've done and accomplished, and then to come in and sit down and be like, okay, what am I still not really understanding? And I got really clear on just this concept that's working from the goal, not to the goal. So say you're,
You have a goal in mind. You believe that goal is already here, even if it's not yet. And what would you do? What would you be doing day to day if that goal was already here? And how can you work from there versus striving and working as if the goal is not here? You just operate a little bit differently.
And that concept like finally really got ingrained in me and it's been really cool ever since then to really live from that mindset. And ah one thing I wanted to mention with my mindset corner that I do is a couple quotes that really stood

Aligning Beliefs and Affirmations

out to me. I mean, I have 25 pages of notes from this event and learned so much. So I could probably go on and on, but I'll try to keep it short is that you never attract what you want.
you usually attract what you are and what you are are all the consistent ideas that you accept. So I just was like, well, that's really profound because like, what are you consistently accepting as truth within you? And like, what ideas are you emotionally involved with? Because that ends up being what you are. And then another thing on kind of goes adjacent with that is you can't affirm externally what you deny internally. So one of the things that I like to do every day are I am statements. So it's like, I am a masterpiece. I am beautiful. I am smart, whatever. But that just saying those out loud externally, it's never just come true if I deny them internally. So in my self talk, if I'm denying that I'm smart, or I'm denying any of these concepts, then those affirmations aren't going to really work for me. Because I feel like I am statements is something people talk a lot about.
but if you're not connecting with them on an emotional level and believing them internally on that subconscious level, then it's really hard for you to actually live as that, as a masterpiece or, you know, ah really seeing yourself as those ways. So those are just two things that really stood out to me on this event. So I thought I would share. So I have, I'm sure we could spend a whole episode with me asking you questions to dive deeper, but- Yes.
On that, how do you close the gap? Can you give an example of let's just go with an I am one of your I am statements if you're saying them, but emotionally, you're not connected to that, then how do you close that gap?
Yeah, so for me, what I do is go to my secret place and I use my imagination to imagine God is calling me a masterpiece, how he sees me as a masterpiece. And then I try to imagine what that feels like in my body, like, oh my gosh, truly God sees me as his masterpiece and allow my emotions to connect with that.
And really when I say it in the mirror, I don't just say I am a masterpiece and lackluster. I say it from that emotion that I felt when I saw that God saw me that way versus just me trying to see myself that way. Because I think we can always upgrade our identity and have this self-identity on our own, but I think it's going to end at some point. We can only take it so far.
So when I see myself as God sees me as a truly he sees me as a masterpiece, and I connect with how that made me feel. Now when I say it out loud in the mirror, I i feel that again, I draw on that emotion. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I am a masterpiece. And I say it like that versus just I'm a masterpiece or versus just writing it down, get truly emotionally involved with that. and And that's because our subconscious doesn't know what's real or imagined. It only knows what we're emotionally involved with. So the more we can emotionally involve our emotions with that concept of like how God sees us, the more we can actually affirm internally what we're saying externally. Yeah. quiet Yeah.
i I'm giggling because I don't know why I'm thinking of that a story that mom told me when I was sick and looked in the mirror. Yeah, I was like, damn, I look good. braintic Yeah, I feel like you've done this just intuitively, you know, but a lot of people don't know how to do it. but Well, no, that's why I asked it and I don't I mean, i I certainly have room to grow as well in this. But ah it also reminded me of our episode that we got to interview mom and she was talking about parenting and just how she used to tell us the things, whether they were true or not, she used to tell us things that she wanted us to be so that we would believe we were that and become that, you know. And I think we, I think she giggled saying maybe it was a little bit of manipulation, but it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying is in a way we are manipulating our subconscious to believe that emotion
of the statement that we want to be. Yeah, and i agreeing it's not manipulation. And it is I know it is to a certain level, but it is how God sees you. Oh, yeah, no, you know, and I think it's like create a higher standard of yourself to have like what you accept and reject, because we are accepting the negative views of ourselves so easily, like,
Somebody makes us feel dumb, for example, like we accept that. Like right away, like, oh, yeah, I must be dumb. But we reject when people like compliment us or tell us we're amazing. So it's like, create a higher standard too of like what you're accepting and what you're rejecting. So like if somebody makes you feel a certain way, no, I reject that. I'm going to see myself as God sees me. and I accept how God sees me. He sees me as more than a conqueror and you have to repeat it back to yourself because your subconscious has believed something different your whole life. So that repetition is really important.
Yeah. And I think with what you're saying, yeah I know for me, it it helps me when I think about my subconscious is like not part of me, you know because I think then it kind of tapes the like shame or whatever you want to call it off of yourself. And it's like, oh, silly subconscious. you know it's like when I detach that, then it becomes easier to do what you're saying. and And I guess what I was saying about mom, I think she was more talking less about like characteristics about somebody versus, for example, telling a three year old, you are such a great cleaner, Megan, you know, or you, you know, you are the best at this. I think she was, that was maybe more of the context of that conversation, but
well as a child and we are kind of like a child yeah that's really powerful because when you're a child your brain is being molded we learned that from that doctor like so that actually your subconscious would believe that is truth but as adults were our brain waves are formed so it's like more work totally yeah rary yeah yeah It's the same concept. It takes us, here you know, adults a lot longer to learn a new language, you know, than a child. So yeah, it is kind of learning a new language. It's like a
a frequency that you can, like our subconscious is in every cell of our body. So in all of our emotions are on a frequency. And so it's like kind of learning the, I don't know, the language of our subconscious or something well in the in a podcast episode. I'm forgetting. We'll have to note it. It's, um, with that, there's actually science behind why our brains more easily can accept negative thoughts.
been positive. And we went over that in an episode and it's actually really interesting. Well, I think just as human beings, we are more naturally going to naturally gravitate towards the negative thoughts. Yeah. Okay, but Lauren, let's get to you reading the book you've been reading us.

Spiritual Truths from 'Revive'

Yes. So listeners, if you haven't been with us the past couple of episodes, we are or I am reading a book called Revive, declarations of God's truth to to renew your spirit. And it's a very easy read with 52 lessons each week. And so we're picking back up on week three, and it's called abiding under his wings. Born three months early, he weighed only one pound. After our conversation with the doctor, we knew that our stint in the hospital would not be a short one.
As a new mama navigating a sterile world that felt anything but normal, I knew that if I did not attach myself to the vine and remain completely intertwined with him and his word, I wouldn't have what it took to travel the journey well. Without God's warmth, strength, and peace amid a journey weighted with uncertainty and hardship, I would have withered away. While it doesn't always feel like it, the truth is your need is actually the richest thing about you.
It is the very thing that invites the power of the Holy Spirit to work within you and for God to be known by the world around you. It forces you to surrender your pride and go to the feet of the one who made you and ask God, can you help me? Can you provide what I cannot? This week, be vulnerable with Jesus about what weighs heavy on your mind or what you're wrestling with. He loves when you voice what you need,
Even when you feel like you just asked for more yesterday, it is so comforting to know that we cannot exhaust his patients. God knows what you're facing today. Whether your health diagnosis is uncertain, your finances should seem shaky, your emotions are overwhelming, your family is dysfunctional, or your future feels fearful, remember who your shepherd is.
The same God who split apart the sea and made ways in the wilderness is watching over you. The space between your comfort zone and where God is calling you is the exact place where faith resides and trust thrives. Where you get to be a doer of the word and live out your belief.
When you walk in courage, even in the uncomfortable, Jesus is glorified. The best part is, the more you realize the depth of your need, the greater your experience, his love, unmatched, unconditional, and unwavering. As you hide yourself in him, he will help you make your heart his home, which then leads to a stable, loving, and joyful place for those you love. What a blessing. Remember, your need is your superpower. Lean into it, not away from it.
And then she always leaves us with five declarations for our week. And really quick, number one is, instead of resisting my needs, I will notice them and seek what I need in God. Two, I will trust God's covering over my health, my finances, my emotions, my family, and my future. Three, I will live a life that reflects the truth I know and trust. Four,
I will keep my why at the forefront of my mind and let it fuel my steps. And lastly, five, I will seek to create a stable, loving and joyful home and heart. And that one sure does touch home for me, just having a very similar story as this author. She has one little boy who, like she just said, was born three months early, as was my son Kai. And so I know those emotions that she's describing all too well. and attaching myself to the vine was absolutely my saving grace, my lifesaver. Oh, that was beautiful. She's like got such a way with words. I want to i love that podcast and I'll transcribe because I'm like, I want to go copy and paste that. Yeah. Such good reminders. and I think too, it's like your need is also like the burden that God's placed on your heart. right
to go and do. so it's Well, and I think to just our egos and like she said, you know, our pride and our egos are just such a blocker of what could be, you know, and so if yeah I think we should, like she says, just challenge s ourselves to really hone in on that and go to his feet. He already knows our truth. So we're only kidding ourselves, right? Do you want to pray Lauren? We'll pray us out.

Listener Feedback and Suggestions

Thank y'all listeners for listening today. Like I said, we're going to have some guests on soon. So we're excited to share all of that with you. But if you have any feedback or
would like us to have an episode on a topic, please DMS on Instagram at girl I slept in my makeup. Yes. And you can go check out the videos that we mentioned that we made over the holidays there on our Instagram as well.
yeah yeah Okay. Heavenly Father, God of comfort and security, thank you so much for going before us. Thank you for being our shepherd. And I just pray that everyone listening and all of us can just start this new year with the remembrance of we don't have to do this alone. And you are before us and every day to just keep that at the forefront.
and to take the pressure off of us and that you are there to hold our hand and to help us and you find so much joy in us coming to you and including you in every step of every day. So help us to just remember that you're there and we want to receive all that you have to give us and thank you so much for who you are. And I just pray for all of our listeners that You bless them and just give them an overwhelming feeling of peace right now and their days forward. Thank you for loving us so well. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. gang Love y'all. Thank you. Yes. Love you. Have a great day. Bye.