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Welcome to another week with the sister's! Catch up with their latest shenanigans :) 

Megan's Mindset corner covers the topic of Standard, she gives you an action step to continue to press into the awareness of your own mindset and how you can make an impact in your family legacy. 

Follow along with the sisters @girlisleptinmymakeup


Introduction and Host Background

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey, sisters. Hey. Hi. What's up? What's up?

Kristen's Eventful Day: Hit-and-Run & Kitten Rescue

KK, you had a crazy day today. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I guess good as I can, I guess. Yeah, it's been a wild day. There was a hit and run on my car, so that was nice. And then I drove up on a baby kitten who had been hit by a car, and I guess they had taken off. I just hope the person who hit the kitten didn't realize
they hit the kitten because I just can't imagine hitting a kitten and then just like taking off, you know.
Yeah. I know. I can imagine someone hitting my car and taking off because I feel like that's just the thing people do. It's sad and makes me mad. But how could you hit a little innocent baby kitten and drive off? So I am in the middle of the road taking this kitten and people are stopping and looking at me. I just feel so desperate. What am I going to do with this kitten? And so I just feel like the nearest vet near me and they just are basically
can't help me unless I want to pay thousands of dollars for this kitten and I'm just like oh my gosh like y'all don't have a program you don't like have a like a rescue I can take this like no help like couldn't give me any names any numbers that of someone who could help me it just seems bizarre to me like they don't have at least like oh you can contact like this person or so I had to figure it out on my own and I finally got that figured out and
what was the answer so i was able to take them to this emergency vet who partners with the humane society basically i was a little concerned about that because i've heard i think the humane society like they will euthanize you know so i was like worried about that because it's just a baby kitten you know and he was alert it wasn't like he was you know
Yeah. I think he had a broken leg, but other than that, he was looked great, you know, from the outside at least. I don't know. But they said, you know, they'll do everything they can to, especially with the fact that he is so young, obviously he's a kitten. So to get him to where he can be adopted. And I did put on the, I had to fill out all this paperwork and I put on there that I would like to reserve the right to adopt him, but really I don't want to adopt him. I have, but I have friends who were interested. So.
Aww. Yeah, so I'm hoping to hear from them. I don't know. We'll see. This has never happened to me. So this is the first time something like that has happened. It's not the first time someone has done something to my car and driven off. So, unfortunately. Actually, that story about Michael's car while he was at work was nuts.
Yeah, that was so wild. That's happened to both of our cars twice within a two year period. And then also my car got broken into and they busted out my window. So that also happened in the last two years. I'm just like, what the heck? Like, can people just leave our cars alone? Maybe it's another design that
You guys are supposed to move. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I said. I was like, you need to move. Yeah. Even though my car also got hit recently, it could happen anywhere, but.

Michael's Peculiar Car Incident

Yeah, Michael's situation was real crazy. I won't go into the whole story because it's too long, but basically a guy was having an affair with somebody and had dropped her off and then hit Michael's car. Michael all found this out because he tracked down the girl who was dropped off. Anyway, it's a long story, but it's wild. Oh my gosh. That's crazy.
wild, wild. Well, I'm glad that everybody's okay. And that your past random, I feel like just having random stuff happen in a day is hard to come back to like your normal plan for the day. It's like, okay, I know. This is interesting. Any of this on my bingo card for this Monday. But you know, here we are.

Lauren's Stray Dog Rescue & Animal Issues in Lubbock

I survived and I called Lauren like hysterically crying because I was just so upset that that that like would not help me. Oh, like such a helpless feeling. Yes, like I don't know what to do. Well, and you're such an animal lover. And when we first moved out here, I picked up a stray dog, which is not like this sounds so horrible to me to say, but it's not really like me.
Um, but I ran into the same situation. Luckily he wasn't hurt, but he was obviously like starved and not well. And anyways, I had no, I, I was, went into it so clueless and I ended up spending, and at the time I was working full time and I ended up spending my entire work day. I felt so guilty, but I was driving it all around town till
like seven different rescue places and they were all full so they wouldn't take them. Anyways, I ended up, I literally was crying out. You reminded me of myself cause I felt so helpless and I was like, how can these people like, what do I do with it? What, what I can't take it. It had, um, one of the places confirmed it had fleas and ticks. And I was like, well, I can't bring them in my house with that. You know,
Yeah, I did bring him to our backyard and fed him and poor thing ate like he had never eaten in his life. I kind of forgot about that. Yeah, you were like hysterical. Yeah, I was hysterically bawling because I felt so helpless like Kristen. I because I'm like, literally what I can't just put him back on the streets. Yeah. And they're like, yeah, we have a major stray problem here in Lubbock like per capita. I think it's one of the worst in Texas they told me. Oh my gosh. So I was like calling
And we had, we hadn't lived here that long. So I like didn't really know of a lot of people or places, you know? And I finally, a friend, sister, I called and she was like, try this place. It's a grooming place. But she was like, I think the owner is involved in some rescue or whatnot. And so I showed up there and they were about to close and they were like, sorry, we can't even,
Uh, what were they going to do? Oh no. Cause I took him to a vet and that was like, no, he has to have, I don't remember the details, but anyways, a groomer took him. Well, yeah, they sent me away though at first. And then I was bawling crying in the car, or they saw me bawling and crying, getting into my car. And one of the employees there came running out to my car and was like, Hey, can I, cause I left him in the car. And she was like, can I see him? And she was like, cause I take in dogs at my house sometimes.
And so she saw him and he was sweet as could be to her. It was a boxer.
And so she was like, I'll take them for you. And I was like, I just started crying more. I was like, really? I was like, okay. That's what happened when I finally found the vet who would take the cat. I started bawling, crying again. And I was like, thank you. I'm just stressed out. Someone hit my car and now this cat, I just had a horrible day.
Oh, that was mean to me and they can help me like, yeah. Oh my gosh. Hopefully you saved the little kitten's life.
I hope so. Sounds like you did. Mm hmm. Way to go.

Parenting Concerns: Baby Food Quality & Daycare Challenges

Oh my goodness. And now I'm stressed out about like what to feed my baby, you know, because Kinder's gonna be six and a half months soon. Oh, yeah. What do you feed a baby? It's just like you hear so much about baby food and how I have so much heavy metals and all this stuff. And I'm just like, oh my god, I'm stressed out. Like what do what do I feed him? First thing is first, get off, get off the internet. No, yeah.
Seriously, just go with your intuition. I mean, I mean, bananas, avocados. Yeah. Just steam vegetables and mash them up. Carrots, sweet potatoes. Yeah.
That's all I did before they could really eat food. And then I did start when they were a little older, I would start buying baby food. But yeah, I, in the beginning, especially, I just would steam vegetables and mash them up. Yeah. Oh no, for breakfast, I would do oatmeal usually. Like they have like baby oatmeal though.
not like baby cereal or is that yeah it's like the baby cereal and then i would do yogurt too even the yogurt has milk in it yeah i still always gave my kids my kids always had dairy just not cow's milk but they all had yogurt and cheese yeah that's what i did i'm trying to think if i when did i start eggs so they said i think i started eggs pretty early maybe not at six months though
Does he have any teeth yet? No, that's why I haven't been like super gone hard on. Yeah, you don't need to stress about it. Yeah, don't stress about it. And you said he's getting his nutrients in. Yeah, his nutrients is all in the formula. Like they say in the beginning, food is for fun. So just think of it as because he's learning how to eat. Yeah, is the daycare like asking you to bring food or something?
No, but I'm so excited because we just got into a daycare right next to Michael's work and close to where we live. And we're so excited. Oh, good. Yeah. So, cause you know, we've been driving like basically sometimes it takes us an hour to get to his daycare. So yeah, if you're in the Nashville area and you're thinking about getting pregnant, get yourself on some wait lists. Yeah. Daycare is in Nashville.
Yeah. Cause the one that you just got into, you were on the list before he was born, right? Wow. That was three months pregnant. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Well, you're doing a great job. He's half a year. You've made it half a year when a better day than me.

Megan's Family Moments & Kindergarten Celebration

Yeah, I know I had like kind of a funny day, but it was overall good. It's the last week of school for us in Rowan's kindergarten. Celebration was this morning where they hand out awards and it was super cute.
And then Joe's celebration will be tomorrow morning. So I'll be back up at the school. So it's just a busy week, but yeah. I tried to drop my car off because it got hit a few weeks ago. And it's not like horrible, but also it like looks pretty janky. And so I've just been needing to take it in. And then sure enough, when I get there, they don't have a rental car for me. I guess my insurance, I told them that I would need one, but they didn't schedule it or like set it up. Cause they have to set it up cause insurance will pay for it.
Anyways, long story short, I went back to get my car because I was like, well, if I don't have a rental car, I'm going to need to wait to get everything worked on. So it just felt kind of like one of those weird mornings where I wasted like unneeded wasted time, but it was fine. So yeah, then just work and kids tonight. Wait, share what Rowan put.
What do you want to be when you grow up? It was so cute. I know. So the teacher was so sweet. And it's really fun for me to see a kindergarten like this because Jo started kindergarten. She had the same teacher, but it was during COVID. So we didn't get to do any of this. They did awards, but we had to do it outside. And it was just very quick.
And so this was like a totally different experience, which kind of made me sad. I feel like kindergarten is such a cute year because they're just so little, which I got to experience that with Jo in first grade. But yeah, so her teacher went through and said every kid's favorite color, their favorite food.
and what they love about kindergarten and then it got to what do you want to be when you grow up and I was surprised I've never heard her say this but she said Rowan wants to be her sister when she grows up and like the whole class was like oh that's so cute and when I told Jo she her cheeks turned kind of pink and she was like really and like they gave each other a hug it was really sweet
It was so cute. And then yeah, they did this cute little, I added it to our shared folder, but they do these affirmation dances and so they showed us and it was the cutest thing ever. I'm just so grateful for the school we go to.
And then the teacher like cried at the end and I started crying because she was basically just saying thank you for like interesting me with your kids and she's like it's so hard because it's like we I become like family and then I have to say goodbye and I'm just like oh my gosh she's like crying and then I'm crying I'm like oh what is happening right now?
So it was just like so sweet. Thank God for good teachers. Yes, exactly. I feel very grateful for that. And then Joe's celebration will be tomorrow. So I can't wait to see what happens there. It's so fun. And then the last day of school is Wednesday. It's just like a couple hours, not even a day. It's just a party. And then you go home.
And Rowan's already planning her, how many kids and her husband and her work. And yeah, I don't know if I've told anybody on the podcast, but Rowan is Lulu reincarnated or something. She looks just like Lauren and just has so many, I mean, y'all are different too, but so many like personality traits that are very similar. It's kind of weird to have like a child that's your sister.
But she's like planning out her life already at six years old. She was telling me about her future husband and how he was going to drive her around. And I'm like, Oh, okay. Like how she's going to work at her kids school and be a stay at home mom. And she's going to have five kids. Literally sounds like me. I mean, I was
dreaming of all of that. Literally from the time I was telling my husband Christmas, literally from the time that I can remember, I would see, I was always obsessed with babies and I would see families that had four or five kids and I would be like, oh yeah, that's so gonna be me.
No, it's just about me that I had more kids than you because that I'm more like Jojo always says like, I don't know if I want to have kids. And I think I was kind of like that as a kid. Like, I don't know. Seems like a lot of work. Yeah. This is pretty crazy up in here. Yeah.
I know. Well, God had other plans for us. So there you go. His plan is always better. Want to make God's laugh. Tell him your plans. His plans are the best plans. Well, how is your week going, Lauren? Good. Same, same as you last week of school. Just all the things, you know, trying to gear up for summer. I'm really excited about it just to have
downtime and no homework. Although I did have a project over the summer. He has to read a book, a biography, and then they have a big project at the beginning of school and all kids. Yeah. But, but the nightly homework break will be definitely welcomed. Yeah. I'm actually excited to, for just the mornings to be a little more chill, not so like go. Yeah, for sure.
But yeah, things are things are good. Good. Well, I can jump into a little mindset corner if y'all are ready for that.

The Influence of Standards on Personal Development

Always. So last episode, we talked a little bit about habits. And this week, we're going to talk about standards. So something that my mentor taught me is something called the power of five. And it's just these five concepts.
that if you get really aware and go in depth with each of them, you can really up level your mindset. And one of them is standard. So it's standard, image, attitude, discipline, and decision are the five kind of concepts. And I'm going to talk about standard today. To be honest, whenever I learned about this with my mentor, I was like, huh,
I don't think I've ever thought about having standards for myself. Like I've never called it that. Like I definitely live by certain beliefs and I have values, but I had never really thought of like a standard. And I think just having that separation and definition
is really interesting. Because if you Google what is what is a standard, it's basically like your baseline. And it's like a value about something that you just don't go below. So it's kind of like you're setting your baseline and you always stay there. And so it's always really great to become aware like, do I have standards, a lot of us have them without realizing we have them and they can be positive standards, or we could hold
some standards that we didn't realize that are just kind of affecting us in a negative way. And so just wanted to bring that up as kind of a encouragement for everybody to, if you've never thought about, do I have standards? You know, companies have standards usually, but I think it's really powerful to set standards for your family too and for yourself. And it sets you up for like a benchmark to really set your
set up yourself. And then it also kind of helps you define your expectations and it guides your actions. So like an example of a standard that, because I started creating standards for my family and myself. And so when you have your standards in mind, then you go throughout your day. And when you start to become more aware,
you can go, wait, does this uphold to my standard? And it just starts creating a different way of behaving and taking action in your life. And I also like to think about like,
what were the standards that Jesus held? I don't think Jesus really called them standards, but if you think about it, he had a lot of standards. He had integrity. He had standards of compassion. He was resilient. He had a service standard where he was constantly serving communities and helping people. And he also had a standard of humility and he prioritized others over himself. So just different standards to think about. You can have mindset standards,
work standards, relationship standards, health standards. And going through and kind of doing an exercise with yourself, spend 15 minutes reflecting on your life philosophy and standards. Write down at least three standards that you want to start implementing in your life.
And yeah, that would be kind of like an action step to take from this. But a few examples of a standard would be like some that I have written down now or I am disciplined with my daily habits. I God's love shines through me. I lead with love and I assume positive intent.
And then some health standards I have are my body is a gift from God and I steward his gifts well. And then I have one for our family that's we do what's right, not what's easy. And so now that I have these like higher standards in place, it doesn't mean I don't ever, like I'm not perfect that I don't ever like fall or, you know, fall short of those standards, but it's just something really cool to go back to, be like at the end of the day, look back and say, did I uphold to my standards today?
And not in a judgmental way, don't look back and shame yourself if you didn't. It's more about, okay, well, how can I get 1% better tomorrow with the standards that I really want to live by? So yeah, that's standard. Just a little snippet about standard. But overall, if you've never thought about it, take a moment and just think about what kind of standards that you want to add into your life. Yeah. Well, one little side note on that when you said to write down the three
things. I'll just throw in that Dr. Amen, the brain, brain doctor psychologist says that when we, because sometimes it's not motive, sometimes people aren't motivated to write down, but I would encourage all of us, including myself, to do the little
task that Megan said, because he said that the process of us putting pen to paper and writing down is what tells the front part of our brain. And so that's where it's going to stick. Otherwise, it doesn't. So I don't know. When you were talking, that's something that I thought of. But when you first mentioned the definition of standards, in my head, I was kind of thinking expectation. So how would you say it? But then you use the word expectation that standards help us.
set our expectation. So are you able to differentiate or explain kind of the difference there or?
between standard and expectation, or can you use those interchangeably? At least for me, the word standard, I feel like sometimes words are more powerful. Standard versus I'm going to have an expectation, that's different. I'm not as motivated by, I'm going to set some expectations for myself. For some reason, I think words matter, at least in my brain. If I'm going to set a standard for myself, that's different to me than setting an expectation.
Yeah. I don't know. I don't have an exact answer for you. Why? I hear what you're saying. Cause there's always that saying the difference between expectations and reality is disappointment. So I can't really describe the difference either. I can't put words to it, to my own answer or whatever, to my question, but I hear you like standards is more like the benchmark.
Okay, I just googled this just to see if we have an answer here. And I hate this with a grain of salt because it's from Google. But I feel like this sounds kind of right. A standard is a level of quality, something that is accepted as a norm and generally used as a basis for judgment. And then an expectation is a strong belief that something is going to happen in the future, or a feeling that someone or something is going to achieve something.
So I would say that they kind of go hand in hand, I guess not synonyms reading that, but when you set your standard, that helps you set an expectation of what you're going to achieve in the future. Yeah. And that's what you said earlier. Yeah. So they kind of work together. But yeah, I think that helps kind of differentiate it a little bit more. I just know too, it was funny, Michelle actually was telling me how she had never thought about standard.
And she listened to one of Voss Coaching Co's podcasts about standard. And she was like, it was so interesting because I've been wanting to stick with working out at least three days a week. But I always make excuses for myself of why I can't work out because I'm just so busy.
And when she learned about standard, she was like, it was so interesting. My brain really connected with that. And I was like, okay, it's a standard. I work out three days a week, no matter what. And then she started sticking with it. Isn't that funny? Like she was like, I don't know what it was, but just thinking about it as a standard made it stick. So that'll help somebody else too. Yeah, our brains are just so wild. So this is totally off topic. And I wasn't
I don't plan to talk about this, but you kind of led into it when you said we can set standards for the family. So I happened to listen to a podcast this week with the author of, I think the book is called, I haven't read this book, but taking the family back or something like that. And he just, he just came out with a new book that specifically geared towards men or for men. And anyways, it was a very glimpse
like high level view, but he was talking about family dynamics and he kind of went into an American history of how some, when our history changed from the dynamic of the family where everybody kind of has an obvious mission. So he was talking about family missions and then, and then our rhythms and
So when you were talking about standards, it kind of reminded me of how he described rhythms in our life individually, but also as a family. Yeah. And so he was just saying how since, for example, one of the things that he gave in history was after World War II, when women started going into work like men or doing the same jobs as men, and then they would come home and then have all the work at the home that they still had to do as well.
And there was just a shift there in when American, when we became more of individualized mentality versus like back in the day when let's just say, for example, the family had a farm and so they had lots of kids and the kids knew their, everybody was on the same team and they all knew that they played a part on that team to achieve this mission that they had to accomplish. And it was just more clearly spelled out. Whereas in today's world where more and more jobs are
behind a computer or IT, whatever, it's not so clearly defined. And so he really encourages families to set those missions, like what is the mission for your family? And then making sure that your children understand and know that before they were here, like your full team was missing
that they're a player and they are that player and they play a big role in accomplishing the mission. And so anyways, it just got my brain thinking.
And I think it kind of goes hand in hand with what you're saying, but I think you can have a mission.

Family Missions, Legacies, and Life Priorities

The overall mission goes along with what I would call legacy. So it's like a mission or legacy. And that's why I like, I talked to my kids about how Nana started a legacy in our family of spreading God's love. And each one of us has a piece to continue on that legacy. And then standards, I think are kind of how you kind of work through that and you set the more specific.
Yeah, more specific. And then you kind of have your over just like a company has their mission and values is like kind of cool to do with your family too. And it does get kids excited because I can see it in their eyes like yeah, we got to keep this going for Nana and I hope that continues as they get older too. Right. That's so cool.
Yeah. Well, another thing that I had thought about talking about was, I don't know listeners, if you listen to the podcast, we can do hard things. And if you don't, that's the title of it, if you're interested in going to listen. But anyways, one of the hosts on there is going walking through a breast cancer diagnosis. And on the there's two parts, but on part two, they were just talking about how it's Glenn and Doyle's sister. If you've heard of Glenn and Doyle, but
They were just talking about when stuff like, or for this, for their family is a big thing where they've kind of been forced to take a step back and look at what is important in life and what can they delete from their upcoming schedule and possibly forever. You know, it really made them sit back and evaluate their life and priorities and all of that. And they were just saying how, when things like this happen in life, the clarity that it brings,
And so after I was listening, I was on a walk listening and it just reminded me how we all, you know, our mom's unexpected passing in a car accident, obviously for us was a huge clarity, I would say moment for all of us. And unfortunately as human beings, a lot of times it takes these big, unfortunately like tragedies to kind of
wake us up and really focus on what is important, what do I want to spend my time doing and to really just weed out the stuff that just at the end of the day, it does not matter, you know. And so I just encourage all of us to just take the time to kind of sit back from the, I know I say this a lot in our episodes, but
I just really do think it's important because this is all we have. We, we all just have one life. So to take the time to evaluate where we're at and where we want to be. And if you have things to weed out or to say no to, or to just kind of clean house, you know, in all areas of your life, I encourage all of us to do that. And I would love for, I would love for people to not have to go
through something like that in order to really make it real for you. So I guess if anything, if you're one of those that hasn't yet had to experience deep tragedy in your life, and I hope you never do, but just let this maybe be a reality check for you to start making those changes before it's like an absolute, before you're forced to, because it's always, I think harder, you know,
in those moments, but if you can be proactive about it, that sounds amazing, you know,

Progress in Mindset Work & Listener Engagement

for sure. Yeah. Especially when I'm doing mindset on the spirit coaching, I just am like, don't wait for an emotional impact to like jolt you out of your current mindset. Like do the work now. And you know, everybody's on their own life journey. So I have to just understand that. And I think, but our perspective is something that
hopefully other people can learn from too. Yeah. And just, I think I actually shared this in an episode before, but this idea that most of our lives is a mystery and that acceptance of that mystery might as, might be as close as we ever get to reality. I think sometimes we try to control so much, you know, and so there's not much explanation
for a lot of the sorrow that we have. And we try so hard to manufacture what happened by taking control. And so surrendering to the mystery earlier, then we absolutely must. And I think I've shared that in the past too, but I'm just saying it again, cause I was reminded of it again. So that I'd share. Yeah. Love it. Love it.
I know. I wish it wasn't so hard to like have that clarity, like even going through tragedy like that, sometimes I lose sight of that clarity still. So it's definitely not easy. Yeah. Even like on days like today that you've had, Kristen, a lot of times if I feel myself just, you know, cause life happens, like you said. Yeah. It's like just taking a breather and being like, okay.
Big stuff or small stuff, Lauren? I literally say that out loud to myself all the time. And I'm like, okay, yeah, this is small stuff. Like, come on, you know, pull it together. But I understand easier said than done. It's not easy, but that's why it's so important to set our minds day to day so that when we do have those days,
But it's crazy how I recognize now, like I handle situations so much differently than I did in the past because I've been doing the work. So just be encouraged by that, Kristen, because you have been doing the work and I already see such a shift in your own mindset. So when you have hard days like this, it will get easier over time. And I only see, I'm only imagining good days, but you know, we are in a broken world, so there's bad days, but yeah.
I know there's always going to be a shitty day. It's all about our perspective. Yeah. It really is. It's pretty crazy. Well, anything else? I think so.
That's it. That's it guys. That's all she wrote. Well, thank y'all again for continuing to come and listen to us. We hope you enjoy the episodes and we'd love to hear from you more. So feel free to send us a message at girl. I slept in my makeup on Instagram. Yeah. I hope everybody has an amazing week.
It's about Memorial Day, summer, lots of fun stuff ahead. Okay, I can say a prayer if y'all want it. Okay, sure.
Father God, thank you so much for this time with my sisters. Thank you for blessing me with sisters and sisters who truly love me and know me for me. I'm just so grateful for that and I pray for anybody listening whether they have sisters or don't have sisters that they feel just an overwhelming love from you and know that they're a part of our sisterhood.
spiritually, if not physically, but anybody's welcome. There's nobody, no exclusivity here in this sisterhood on our podcast. So I just, more than anything, we want to continue sharing the legacy our mom started, which was just
sharing your love, God, it's really simple and just show us ways that we can do that day to day in our communities. And I pray that, you know, we serve you all the days of our lives and I pray for just a wonderful, fun summer for all of our families and everybody listening. Just a lot of really great family time in Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Awesome. Everybody have a great week. Love y'all.
Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my Or you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.