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118 Plays2 months ago

The sister's final episode of 2024. Join in for a great chat surrounding staying in constant conversation with whom we celebrate on Christmas, Jesus! Sending out all the love, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) 


Welcome Back & Holiday Break

Hey sisters I have KK in person with me i know i'm like ya kk's back ah and and she's in Texas oh yes I'm back to the podcast yeah yeah bigger back to the podcast you've been missing for a bit.
ah that film Yeah, we usually take a little break during the holidays, but we wanted to pop back in with a quick Merry Christmas episode because we never did like our final one. We had so many of us were sick. It was like constant. We, we missed, we missed a week.

Health Struggles & Antibiotics

yeah Yes, I've been my family's been sick for over a month. So welcome to Texas. Yeah, it's like Texas. We're just gonna I feel like it's like going to a third world country or something. You said to go through all the antibodies.

New York Trip Highlights

We've literally been sick. Like I'm still sick. Like it's old to me. But hopefully it's over one day.
I know. I'm so sorry. And when you're not feeling good like that, it's like hard to remember that it's it's going to end. Yeah. I'm like, my throat still hurts. It does. You sound good. You sound a lot better. Yeah. I mean, it only hurts when I swallow, but like, you know that yeah and it's been like that for over a month. so Oh my gosh.
Yeah. And I've been on antibiotics cause I had an ear infection for the first time since I was like five years old. So yeah like, Oh my gosh. Well, what I learned from Joe having strep is she was on antibiotics and then she got an ear infection and the antibiotics she was on did not help with ear infection. So she had a swift antibiotic. Yeah. So annoying. Well, I'm so glad you're here, even though you've been sick so much and Lauren, you, you were sick a bunch too. I feel like.
It's like, what? I was super random. I got the, I don't know what it was. I tested negative for everything, but it was just, he said a bad virus, but yeah, vomiting and it was horrible. yeah Luckily it was. Oh yeah. We, we did a really quick trip to New York. It was so much

Broadway Show Discussion

fun. We've never been at Christmas time. So that was a great experience. And yeah, I feel like we were,
in and out like we were there shorter than we were even in Dallas, like, oh my gosh, what was your favorite? What was your favorite thing? I think for me, hands down was the Broadway show we saw and Juliet. And for those that didn't don't know what that is, I didn't know what it was. and It's a sequel to Romeo and Juliet, except it's it's, it's like a comedy. And It's like modern day. And so the music in it is all like 90s, 2000, late 90s, early 2000s pop. Oh, cool. So yeah, you have Alicia Keys, Britney Spears, like all the things. And then the cast that we saw that famous TikToker, Charlie de Amelia, is that her name? I don't know how to pronounce it. Yeah, she is not one of the main characters, but she did open the show.
with a Britney Spears song and she obviously dances, which I think she's famous for, but her dance. So we were in the second row and so like three feet from all of them, but we saw her dancing up close and personal. That girl can dance like she was legit. wow Yeah. So of course the kids thought that was pretty cool, you know, cause whatever, TikTok, but yeah. But no, that, it was just, even Chris and Kai who aren't, they say they're not like the musical type guys, they both left it and they were very impressed. Like the writing of the script was just so clever.

Theater Experiences & Christmas in NY

And one thing that Chris pointed out where I was like, oh yeah, cause I was just impressed the fact that they could work all those song lyrics into the ah script.
But going even a step further than that Chris pointed out how like they would take one song and it would be a conversation between two of the characters, but one song. And so he was like, do you think when artists write songs, it's meant to be like a conversation between two people? And I was like, oh, I don't think I've ever thought about that, but I don't think so, but maybe. So anyways, just whoever wrote it was very, very and smart and funny. My gosh, I've never been able to stay awake in a play before, so it'd be interesting to see.
ah But even have you been even a Broadway show? I've been. So we saw that was that Mormon book. of the Book of Mormon. Book of Mormon. I fell asleep within five minutes.
Wait, did you go to that Christmas show that we saw in DC? Oh, asleep. You fell asleep. She was snoring. She was asleep so quick. Yeah, she was snoring. I've never stayed awake in a play before, not once. That's so funny. You know, mom and me saw Mama Mia when we were in New York for you. I thought I would fall asleep. But you didn't go because you were doing like singing stuff. Yeah. I can't stay awake in place. That is hilarious. I feel like there's no way you could have fallen asleep in this one because it's like, I got the eye of a tiger. Bye.
It was so I was I was so into it y'all. I was like a cute it's a dork. Yeah, I want to see it. So it's Christmas in New York overrated. So okay, hot take care. I'm gonna say yes first for us. But you know, everybody travels so different, you know, and likes different things. So I feel like it's not a fair, a fair judgment call. But for us,
you knowing era Yeah, it's so crowded. The line to get in that FAO toy store, whatever it is, to like in over two hour wait or wrapped around the building in the freezing cold. And I just, there is nothing that I would ever want to see enough to wait two hours in 20 degree weather, you know?
yeah so I just don't really get that but we were able to kind of navigate and make our own way, for example, and I highly recommend this if anybody ever goes at Christmas to do I mean carriage rides are very common there but we actually had ours kind of detour and do instead of just Central Park.
we did the Fifth Avenue window viewing that way so that we were kind of up high, avoiding all the walking crowd. So that was a, you know, with hot chocolate in hand, it was a fun way to see that, which is, I guess, kind of iconic. I will say the rock, we did the ice skating at Rockefeller color Center. yeah And it's way smaller, the skating rink and the tree are way smaller in real life if you've never seen it.

Family Time in Texas

and what you kind of what's portrayed in the movies. Yeah, but I just think about Home Alone and then Elf. Yeah. And I think, I think because they have it so well, or so efficiently organized with getting the people in and out, you have to book it in advance, that that didn't feel crowded. So that was actually enjoyable. That was one of the, I guess, you iconic thing that we did that was ah enjoyable and fun. So I guess it's like not overrated. But if you don't like crowds, then maybe don't do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And maybe it did not snow while we were there. Maybe if it was a white Christmas, it would feel different. But yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong, it was amazing. Right. yeah So I just I think it's all relative to we've we've been blessed and have seen a lot of places in the world, you know, yeah, so it's kind of
It depends, I guess, what you're co comparing it to. Yeah. I love it. Well, Kristen, I know you've been sick since you've been here, but has there been any highlights? Yeah, I think the highlights have just been like being able to see Kendra with all his cousins. Yeah. And just playing and just loving it and um being able to just pop over and bring Megan coffee. Yeah. Bring her ugg boots for her daughter. Made me soup.
It's really working out for me. Yeah. I know. I was like, Megan, those all sound like highlights for you. Yeah. i Well, you know, I was really sick and ah Michael was at work. And so I was like, Megan, is there any way I can drop off kinder? Like I need to go to the doctor. I'm like so sick. And so I was able to like do that. And that was really nice. So even though Texas made you sick, but yeah, still was able to help with kinder a little bit.

Upcoming Plans & Celebrations

Yeah. Well, and y'all are going to go on it back to Nashville and we're going to watch kinder for a weekend. Yeah. So I'm going to work and it's it my Michael's actual birthday. So I was like, Oh, why don't we, why don't you come for two or three days? So it just worked out.
but it's his waeth birthday next year, so I'm really needing to plan something. you know I feel like that's a really big milestone birthday. Wait, is it this one? than The one coming. Oh, it's he's 40? Yes. why I thought he was my age. No, he's a year older. He's a year younger than Bobby. Yes. Yeah. He's four years older than me. Yeah. Yeah. so I feel like it's a big birthday, so I'm like, I want to plan something. We should do something like else too, when y'all are here. Yeah. and yeah i I hate, by the way, I don't know if y'all are like this, but I hate the pressure of that. I'm so bad at planning. If yeah if you end up not doing something big, just tell him Chris spent his 40, I think COVID, so ah quarantined. Oh my gosh, that speaks. I've never said that yet to make up for that. so But I was telling Megan, I was like, you know, it'd be fun is if we did a sister trip this year. oh not twenty twenty five Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it.
Well, she's talking about Fredericksburg. Oh yeah. I love me some Fredericksburg. I mean, I'm up for whatever, but I was like that. I've never been to Fredericksburg. Oh, you haven't? No. Oh, I love it. Yeah. So I was like, she's never been, we should go or even horseshoe base fun. I mean, I go there on my college girls trip, but well, cause it's both of our birthdays at the end of January, you know? Yeah.

Keeping Faith During Holidays

Okay. Well, if y'all are cool with it, since I am going to have to hop off, I wanted to just kind of share with the listeners yes to some thoughts. Do your thing girl. Well, before I read, so if you listened to our last episode, we, I am reading a book called revive and it's declarations of God's truth to renew your spirit by, is it clear or Cleary?
I don't know how to query Sherry Reeves. Anyway, she's great and a great, she has a podcast if you follow her, but anyways, so this is her newest book and it's just short little weekly devotionals and it gives you some action steps to work on through the week, which is really nice. But before I get there, just really quick with the holidays of protein and y'all can continue this conversation, but I,
Wanted for all of us just to kind of ask ourselves a question of how can we prioritize Jesus in a world that, or a time in our lives where the pace is just really fast and there's so many distractions and so many to-dos on our list. And no matter how you spend the holidays, it's just a busy season for us all. And so I would like to just challenge all of us to try our hardest to not put Jesus on the back burner, but instead get it in his presence before we are in anybody else's. And so whatever, however that looks like for you, whether it's, you know, not getting on your phone, not if you have family over at your house for the holidays, hold off on going out to make sure the coffee's ready for him, you know,
However that looks like throughout these next several weeks, I just challenge us to really sit with him and to really set the tone for our day because I think we would all agree that when we do put him priority first thing, it truly does change our outlook on the entire day, and outlook and outcome, I would say.
Yeah, just to set the tone and set our posture for how we approach the day. Uh, and I also just think with the holidays, like that can be, I don't know what your emotion is around the holidays. It could be excitement or it could be, um, you're dreading it or it could be sadness. It could be grief. And so I think just taking the time also to kind of sit with ourselves to breathe and just really evaluate how we're feeling and how do we want these next few weeks to go.

Prayer & Constant Conversation with God

And if you are spending it with other people, how do you want those days to look like?
Yeah. And then just let it happen. Yeah. And I was talking to a client about also just understanding like we all have our own rhythms that we work within. And so making sure as you're listening to this, you're not like, okay, it has to look this certain way. I think, um, you know, if you're, because it's such a busy season, sometimes finding just like the little pockets of your day to even just be still, like I know I'm on back to back zooms all day for work.
And so something that works in my rhythm is like, I'll literally run outside for a five minute period and just take five deep breaths and like imagine I'm literally sitting in front of Jesus in my secret place and just ask for him to give me the strength for the day. And just to try to harmonize my heart with his heart, just like focusing on that versus I think we all have like our comforts that we seek. And so trying to seek him as your first comfort and not, you know, something else potentially coffee. Yeah. I mean, I do coffee too, but yeah. Coffee is definitely comfort for me, but definitely try or matcha. Yeah. Trying to seek him first in those moments where you kind of just feel like overwhelmed or whatever the emotion is, like you were saying,
Yeah. Well, and I think too, just remembering and giving ourselves permission and the grace to know that like, we're not, we're not supposed to be able to do, do any of this on our own. Yeah. And so that's the whole, I think definition and purpose of dependence is God, we need you, you know, and we depend on you and being very vulnerable with that because we, we really can't do it all. A lot of us think that we can.
And that's easy to go down that spiral, but yeah I think if we, and ironically, I haven't even read this week's, y'all, but I just looked at the ah title of a second ago and it's the power of constant conversation. So I'm curious to read what this says, but I think i think that's it. is It's become like groaning for me. I think I've mentioned it on the podcast where it started with building a rhythm of like going to my secret place once a day to the point where now my mind just goes to God like all day. Like I'm in constant conversation with him.
And I find on days when I'm not, I feel like off now. I'm like, Oh, where are you? goingnna but Where are you? And where am I? Where usually it's just where am I? Cause he's always right there. And so it's funny cause I feel like he'll, he'll tell me exactly where my mind's been. He's like, Oh, you've been completely here. And I'm like, Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah, so totally. He's literally just sitting there waiting for us.
And yeah, and just to remove, I feel like I say this a lot, but just to remove the judgment of our own self out yeah and to show up. But anyways, okay. So let's dive into this week. So again, the title is called the power of constant conversation. And in Ephesians 6 18, it says, pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion, stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Waking up, I offer. Hey, Jesus, good morning. Thank you for this day. Will you help me see it with your fresh eye with fresh eyes? Give me new vision. Several hours later, I report. Hey, me again, headed into lunch with a friend. Will you guide this conversation? Thank you for this time. Later, I celebrate. Thank you for that moment, Jesus. You connected those dots before I even realized they were related.
Soon after I beg, Lord, what would you do in this situation? Guide me here, help. All day in every space, amid whatever struggle, asking any questions, I invite God to join me where I am. If you truly believed that the king of the universe, the controller, and I laugh smile at that because I'm like, yes, he is the controller, not us, y'all. The controller and knower of all things.
was listening to your prayers and cared about your heart, do you think you would pray more? When life feels nerve wracking or the world feels scary, wouldn't prayer become your greatest strategy? The hard truth about our prayer life is getting honest about why prayer is not our first response. It is not because we lack the time, need fancier words, or aren't spiritual enough. It's because we forget who we are praying to and that he's actually listening.
The Bible shares miracle after the miracle of when God's people stopped relying on their own strength and turned to prayer. This same God who hears your prayers is the one who calmed the seas. He's the one who made the sun stand still and performed seemingly impossible miracles. That's who you have direct access to at every moment. Prayer delights God, but his instruction for you to pray continually is for your own benefit because he knows that prayer is the sun the surest way to safety.
The quickest pathway to peace and the richest rhythm you can establish in your life. Prayer is His protection and provision over you. This week, as you begin your day, pray. This is so funny. This is like exactly what we were talking about. God is so great. When you have a conversation, pray.
As you walk into new spaces, pray. While you work, pray. Before you make a decision, pray. Communicate with Jesus and you will find the clarity, courage, and confidence you're craving. No matter what this week holds, he's given you all that you need to be recharged, renewed, and refreshed. Will you connect with him before everything?
And then she offer at the end of each week, she offers five declarations over your week. So number one, she states, I will devote myself to bring everything to the father, knowing that nothing is too vague or too small for him.

Declarations of Faith & Intentions

I will commit to being my full self before God. Number two, I will unplug whenever possible, allowing moments for my soul to be recharged, renewed and refreshed. Number three, I will believe in the power and the effectiveness of prayer.
Four, I will walk to Jesus and ask him to help me see others through his eyes of compassion and gentleness. Five, I will model my prayer life after Jesus, who prayed intentionally, passionately, and continually to his Father in heaven. Well, that just kind of tied it up in a row. I know. That's so cool.
Yeah. That's so funny how that happens, but super cool. and yeah Yeah. And how appropriate that is to entering this holiday season. Like we were saying. Yes. I love it. Let's do it, people. We can do it. Yes, we can do it. I guess that's it. We can do like a Christmas prayer. Anything else? Have y'all seen the Mary on Netflix that came out? No. I haven't watched it yet either.
Oh, we should watch that. Is it like about Mary? About Mary and her journey. Oh, that's cool. I want to watch that. Yeah, just a little tidbit of Netflix lovers out there. I feel like you should leave us with a song like, isn't there Mary? Mary, did you know your baby boy? I don't know the words. They walk on water. Did you know that's your baby boy?
I don't know. we love And I love that song. I need to learn it. It's such a good song.

Closing Prayer & Christmas Wishes

Goosebumps every time. so good Love it. Okay. Do you want to pray or do you want me to?
Go ahead. Okay. Father God, thank you so much for every single person listening. Thank you for the grace and forgiveness that you give us daily. And thank you for the opportunity to just harmonize our hearts with yours.
I pray that each person as they focus on, if they don't already have the rhythm of talking to you all throughout the day, that as they're focusing on this, that you just make it almost so simple and keep reminding them that you meet them right where they're at and that they just feel overwhelmed knowing that their strength comes from you, that their day will be fueled when they reach for you first and throughout all of their moments.
And I just pray for a beautiful season, no matter what emotions people are going through, through the holiday season, that they just feel your love and that we're able to have fun and celebrate the birth of Jesus over this holiday season. We love you so much. And thank you God again for just loving us and keeping us on track to the will that you have for our life in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
Alright. Okay. Bye. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Happy new year or two. Bye. Bye.