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Faith Unlocked with Desiree Siegfried

E144 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
64 Plays27 days ago

Today, the sister's welcome back Desiree Siegfried—author, speaker, and former Bachelorette—to talk about faith, purpose, and the power of new beginnings! 🌿✨ 

In this episode, we dive into her brand-new book, Faith Unlocked, launched today! 📖🎉 She shares the lessons she’s learned, the role faith has played in her journey, and the wisdom she hopes to pass on. Get ready for an uplifting conversation that will leave you encouraged and inspired! 💛



Podcast Introduction

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Welcome back for another

Desiree Siegfried: Life and Faith

week. We are so excited that you're here and we are thrilled today to have a guest back on for the second time, Desiree Siegfried, author, speaker, and former reality TV personality, best known for her journey on The Bachelorette.
Beyond her time in the spotlight, Desiree has built a life centered on faith, purpose, and encouragement. As a wife, mom of three, and a passionate writer, she shares her heart through inspiring messages that uplift women in every season of life. We are especially excited to chat with her about her brand new book, launching today. In our conversation, Desiree opens up about her journey, the lessons she's learned, and how faith has shaped her story. Get ready for an inspiring discussion.
Hey sisters. Hey, welcome everyone to another week. We are so excited to have a guest with us.

Life Changes and Ministry

Welcome Desiree. How are you? I'm good. Thanks for having me on again. Of course. Yeah. If you don't already know, Desiree was on our podcast in 2021. If you want to go back and listen to that one, it was episode 62. And so you can kind of get an update on like her life there, but we'd love for you to give our listeners a little bit of an update. It's a long time, four years. Yeah, that's that's a long time. I don't even to know. I'm like trying to like think about all that has happened. I think some of the bigger shifts or changes I would say is, well, I'm no longer doing dresses because I felt the Lord lead me to do homeschool. So i so for two years, I've been homeschooling my wow two two boys and then just doing a little bit more personal ministry and having another baby. yeah some ago That was a huge one. I feel like that took up like when you're pregnant, I feel like that just took up my whole year just just being pregnant and napping and a huge lesson in just like resting, you know. And then as we were going to talk about, I wrote another book. So I'm excited. Yeah.
And what was your first book? My first book was just a, it was a memoir. So it's The Road to Roses. Yeah. Yes, I remember. And it's mostly just, honestly, it's like a lot of my dating history, I feel like because so much of that kind of leads to like the testimony of me and Chris and kind of shifting, kind of shifting that perspective of what, you know, your husband should be. So anyways, that's more of like,
old does. And then this new book is much more of a more much more of like a guide in your faith journey. So really just diving into what a faith journey looks like, like your relationship with the Lord. and That's so cool.

Homeschooling Insights

Yeah. I have to touch on real quick that you've been homeschooling for two years. I'm so impressed with you. How is that going?
It's actually been the biggest blessing that I didn't know I wanted. ah yeah Because like being an entrepreneur and like, I don't know, I just never had seen it. You know what, you don't know ah what you don't know. And so for honestly, it's really easy. Anytime people would be like, oh, I'm so I'd be like, oh my gosh, like I could never, like I could never. I just, you know, I was focused on myself really, my business, ah my motivations, my dreams.
And the Lord just started shifting the business and then it started he started shifting my heart in terms of what that would look like to stay home with the boys. Like I was to a point, like I never even wanted to be a stay at home mom. Like I just, I never saw it modeled really. um yeah And so again, I didn't know what I didn't know. So it's really easy to just be like, Oh, it's not for me. It's not for me. That's not for me, but God knows best. And so God will shift your path. You know, he'll nudge you if you he needs you. to be yeah ah to do the things that he's called you to and so it took you know a year of those little like first I just started meeting more moms so so really it just started meeting more moms that were talking about it and like their schedules and their flexibility and how much they loved it and then the more but that kind of they were like little seeds
um being planted and then my boys went to kindergarten and no no yes it was like pre-k and kindergarten and during that time um the lord really then was like okay it was very clear yeah like very clear for reference how old are your boys right now the two older ones so

Homeschooling Myths and Socialization

yeah so now they're eight and six so now it's just so they're young still so it it was i started at pre-k and kindergarten and now we're in kindergarten and second grade Okay. Yeah. so So it's been really fun. i am I'm very surprised to be honest at how much I love it and just how, I don't know. It's just, I mean, I could go on about it because it's just, it's such a blessing in terms of time, energy, relationship, connection. For me personally, like my own state of mind, um it's much better having those slow mornings than trying to be rushed out the door and
getting their lunches ready and their homework and done, you know, like, it's just not for, I just, I did not excel at that. Yes. And is it one of the, program I don't know a lot about it, but is it, do you have them full-time or is it one of those where they, as they get older, they'll go, they'll go somewhere like a couple times a week or is it? yeah I mean, honestly, I take it year to year. Yeah.
We will see. i ran an another be but Right now we're home. We do a co-op thing with classical conversations, which is like once a week. And honest there's like 70 kids. So it's pretty much like going to school, they have little classrooms. So honestly, they're getting their, we're very, very social and we have a huge community. So like, that i it's so funny when people are like, oh, they're going to be like, you know, we're so isolated. yeah Yeah. And it's like, no, if the parent is, then yes, but they've been exposed to so many different people since they were little that they both can just go up to an adult and like start chatting them up or they can like, they make friends everywhere they go. So that's just such a,
Um, a myth, you know, it's really like an outdated thing. Yeah. It's like an outdated thing. Yeah. I know. I felt bad when I have a friend that homeschools and she recently had somebody like kind of comment negatively about that. And that, and I was like, she doesn't even know what she's talking about. Like, no, it's not. No, I had someone, I had someone comment, like you're isolate, like isolating your kids and that's not God's will. And I'm like,
thank yeah Oh my gosh, you have no idea. like Because they're not in school, they actually get more access to interacting with like an array of ages. And we don't just have the same friend group. They get to like have like all these multiple different friend groups.
um So there's pros and cons. I see the yeah pros the prose of going to school as well, for sure. But for right now, it totally works. And being able top to see how each one learns has actually been really beneficial. And I think partly why the Lord wanted me to, because you know one of them, it's just very apparent you know that he needs a little bit more time to process things. And so that's been a great way for me to be able to work with him.
Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. I love that.

Faith-Driven Parenting

Well, thanks for sharing. I've just, I saw a little bit of that online and I've been so like curious about it. So, and I love that you can be came from being an entrepreneur to doing that. Cause I'm similar in like how I react to people who have homeschools, like right but you're amazing, but I could never, I could never, I could never. Yeah. That was my, that was my whole thought process too. Like I never thought he would pull me to this. Um,
um But I think it was softening like he just, I think it's also, you know, I'm in Oregon. There's a lot coming at the kids and just like what they're exposed to is a little different I think than say Texas. It's a lot different. And so I think just having that awareness of, you know, God interests us with our children. and And we are going to be the ones that train them up. And that's not just teach them. It's training them up. It's like equipping them with the tools they need to be good men, good women. And I don't know. I think that just started to sit on my heart of like, yeah, I need my boys to be the little warriors that God wants them to be. And so.
yeah i think I think regardless of whether you homeschool or not, it's as a parent, we should be asking the Lord, like, hey, how did you create my son, my daughter? Because I need to know so that I can either pray into that or help equip them in that path that you have for them, not that I have for them. but you know and so it's been really It's really fun to just partner with the Lord and and see how their little personalities and strengths are really starting to show.
I love that question that you just posed. I feel like we all almost need to go back to that question, regularularly because I feel like ask that question and then you just time goes by and you're not as focused on, okay, what are you doing to like steward their little spirits?

'Faith Unlocked': A Spiritual Guide

so Okay, so I would love to hear more about your book, Faith Unlocked. So what is your heart behind Faith Unlocked? And what does it mean to you? Yeah, I mean, ah so faith has always been like the anchor of which I live my life and make decisions. And like, I grew up, you know, just seeing that ah modeled by my parents, I'm just making decisions because God said so.
Um, or like they felt led to. Um, and also I think just, you know, I think there is a gift of faith. I think truly there is a gift of faith. It's in the Bible and I just have always believed God is who he says he is. And so I've been able to live my life and hope knowing that like when I'm in a struggle, when I'm, things aren't going my way, like there's always a greater plan and.
it brings so much peace and it brings so much freedom. And so as you know, I've 38 now turning 39, it's like I've witnessed so many of my friends or family members or spouse even and like dealing with, you know, so much heaviness or anxiety or fear or or um just so much. And I think when you have the anchor of faith, you're able to just like you guys walking through grief, like,
without your faith it makes it so much harder because you're not able to like with faith we're able to um you know lean on the Lord lean on our faith knowing that tomorrow is going to be a brighter day tomorrow is going to be better than than yesterday and so just realizing like, oh, maybe I do have a different mindset because of my faith. Like I want to help others break free from that, from what the bondage that they're in, whether that be mindsets like Megan knows so well of. um
Or to me, I really love like inner healing. I love deliverance and and like walking myself personally through inner healing and seeking freedom and and peace and joy.
through the inner healing of getting through trauma, getting through hurts, getting through, it's as little as getting through offense. I didn't even know I i had an offensive like spirit, but but if someone would try to like give me advice, but mainly myself.
and Let's go. Mainly it's like, you know, mainly it's people close to you that experienced what you go through, but it's because I've always needed validation. And so any type of advice to me in my sensitive, you know, hurt heart is like an attack and and so to walk through inner healing to realize like oh wow that's how I perceived their tone but actually that's not what they were saying and I don't know just to be able to walk in personal growth and so the I'm like just going on a tangent but the book is true
The book is truly walking you through the same things that I've walked through. It's really walking through yourself as a whole, like mind, body, spirit, um your mindsets, your heart posture towards the Lord, what it looks like to have a pray a prayerful life. um What it looks like, um really what I wanted to get to, and and I do get to in the book, is how to walk and live in the authority of Christ.
because I think so often it's sugar-coated or it's very not preached, to be honest. um And d because that you know that deals with the Holy Spirit and it deals with um all of the things that the that Jesus has said that believers should be able to do.
And so it's really being able to walk in the identity of who we are in Christ so that we then can do the things in Christ that He has called us to. And you know that's set the captives free. That's you know cast out demons. That's heal the sick. you know And they shall you know they shall recover. So it's being able to walk in the authority of Christ that that that God needs of His bride in this hour.
to be able to not back down to the ways of the world or to back down to fear of what people will think, which, you know, I've had to also be delivered from. So I get it. But anyways, it's yeah, I just am so passionate to see women set free and to see us boldly together walk hand in hand as the sisters and the daughters that God has called us to be.
Yeah, that's so awesome. And so you mentioned you kind of were raised in a household where faith was modeled to you. And you I'm similar to you in that I feel like just personality wise, I've had kind of an obedient heart where I just it was like, okay, that's who got his cool. Like, never I never really questioned things. But when you kind of reflect back, are there any specific moments or turning points in your life that kind of helped you unlock your own faith to maybe a deeper level? Oh yeah, that's an absolutely great

Journey of Faith

question. Okay, so if you go back to my ah my memoir and my whole testimony, I i grew up in a charismatic like, you know, faith household, but I did go my own way in my high school years and my college years. I was just partying, you know, just, you know,
pretty promiscuous and like living my life. and And so when I was 25, I still like prayed. I still read my Bible. I still thought I was like a good Christian girl, but I also was backing away a little bit because I knew the conviction in my heart. And I kind of was just like,
I don't really want to like, I'm having fun over here. So like, let me just push you away a little bit, God. And you know, he pursues us regardless of what we're doing. And so I was 25 and the conviction was just so strong. And I knew it was so strong to where I couldn't deny it. And so it took quite a little a while to really turn completely because you have to break off. It's like a tree and you're pruning the branches. and So the Lord was pruning like all the the bad things in my life, which was like everything. So so i you know I had to like let go of friends. First I let go of the lifestyle. And then I had to start letting go of friends, but I had a boyfriend that was within that friend group. And so it took a little longer for the boyfriend to finally just, we we just, he was agnostic and weird it just wasn't going to work out. But it's hard when it's there's really no reason to break up except for faith. And
which actually is a gigantic reason, but you know when you're it's hard to be changing your life completely when you're with someone who's not. yeah and so so I got out of that relationship and then I just sought the Lord wholeheartedly and I say in the book too, I mentioned it that when I was 25 and I started getting back into my faith, I was getting back into my faith for myself and I was asking those questions like, well,
why Why do I believe what I believe? Like why? Like I like i said, I just believed, but but I started to really seek the Lord for myself and be like, okay, I don't believe this just because my parents believed it. Like I am going to have a relationship with him for myself.
And so I would just walk with Jesus. like I would go for hikes, and I would literally just talk to him. And you know that's how I just you start to hear his voice and know his voice. And you start to just create that relationship and the the deeper things of where what he wants and you know what he's trying to speak to you. I think in those in those years, even now though, but in those years especially, I just needed to feel loved. I always struggled with that, feeling loved, feeling validated, feeling affirmed.
And so taking those walks by myself with him just really like it was almost like he was just you using it to build me up to, you know, like to love on me. Like there was little links from heaven where I would just always see hearts in nature and I would always and I just always knew it was because I knew the Holy Spirit would be like, ya you know, I love you. So I always knew those little links were from him.
But he's always talking, but it's like, are we listening? You know, we have to be aware. Like if I was on my phone while I was walking, then I probably would miss exactly what he was trying to tell me. But because I was being intentional and I'm walking with him by myself, I would, um I would, wait I would witness. Like there was a moment where I'm in LA at this point and I'm, I'm hiking the hills and like.
I didn't know there was like wildlife or anything out there. And I'm walking and I had heard a story about just a really cool, you know, God thing where he showed the person something. And I was just like, ah just show me like that you're here. And then in that second I turned around because a little, a deer, a little doe deer like went down the hill behind me on the trail. And I was just like, of course I started crying probably.
yeah Anyways, those are little side stories. So when I was 25, I am going on tandjits. Probably because I've been talking to kids all day. It's nice to talk to an adult. I love it.
um So i um when I was 25, I started seeking him out for myself. That helped me grow exponentially in my faith. um But there was still a lot that I still had to like work through and learn. And I did do get a setback after the show because I was just so overwhelmed and busy that honestly, I wasn't putting my faith first. I i wasn't prioritizing him. I honestly was so overwhelmed and ah in it was just a lot for me.
Then fast forward to 2020, 2019. And I think 2019, he started wanting me to do more things like pray on social, just really speaking to my heart. But it was 2020 once the world shut down and churches started closing down that I, I don't know what happened. I had a zeal and a fire that was like lit inside of me.
that I just could not consume because it was like I could not control it because I was just so who rather than it being the faith for myself it was like what does the body of Christ believe?
Who are we as his bride? What are we doing? In my mind, these are all just like you know things going on. And and that really lit the fire. And I would say from that moment on, I've just been on a steady pursuit of God and and a steady pursuit of what does the body of

2020: Year of Spiritual Awakening

Christ look like? And and being able to encourage the body as as his bride, and not just for myself, but like how can we collectively come together and be the the strong army, the strong compassionate, empathetic people, but also bold, you know? Like Jesus was, you know, everyone loves to say like, oh, just love like Jesus. And it's like, he loves you 1000% no matter who you are. But he also turned tables in the temple. you know, we can't justify the wrong in this world by Jesus loves you. Do you think if he was here, he would like just be like turning an eye? No, he constantly would tell people, repent, turn from your sin, you know, and be on your way. It wasn't like, okay, like, let me heal you and deliver you from these demons, just so that you can go right back into your daily life. No, I've set you free. Now what, you know? So like, how can we change our life to to really put him first and change our life to walk in that freedom and to walk in the confidence and the boldness as his bride, you know?
No, that's so good. So I'm just curious if you, I just got done reading the book and Megan did to practicing the way. Have you read that? I haven't read that. Okay. Oh, I've heard that. I've heard Mark. He's actually an organ pastor. Yeah. Yes. I have heard it.
Well, I would highly recommend it. But it's all

Daily Faith Practices

anyways, it's so good. But I'm just curious for you in the past four years or since 2020, what kind of daily habits are you willing to share with us and our listeners of whether it's big or small, just things that you've implemented that kind of work for you that create those. Because like you said, it takes just like with anything else, it takes it takes work. And it takes intentionality. So can you share with us any daily habits that you do? Sure. Yeah, I think that I think that's the key right there, though, is that you know, you get what you put in.
um into anything, like whether I always kind of say it kind of like when, you know, you're interested in a sport or something new. Oh, a new relationship. This is a really great, like, example is like, think about when you met your spouse, like, oh my gosh, you're like spending all your time, you're like, thinking about him all the time, you're like thinking about what you can do to like, spend more time.
And I think that's the thing. The key is being able to fall in love with Jesus even more than you love your spouse and and pursuing that as a relationship and not as a to-do list. that that like I want to know more of who Jesus is. I want to know more of um God's character. I want to feel the Holy Spirit in my life. And so it's like when you see it more as ah it's a two-way street, they want you know like God wants to meet with us.
And so for me personally, it's it's prayer journaling. I love to write and I love to pray. And so prayer journaling has been key for me to be able to um express, I think, my love and adoration um or frustration and concerns or struggles and and being able to write it all out on paper as ah as a prayer, you know, it's just, and then sitting and waiting.
and then writing out exactly what he's responding back. Because I think so often we want to just list off the things that we need from him and we're not waiting for him to respond. And he and that's like, he always wanted to, and ever since Adam and Eve, like he's always wanted to commune with us. he He's always wanted to walk with us. He's always wanted to talk with us.
And so that's why we have the Holy Spirit because, you you know, he sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we could have the Holy Spirit so that we could have a relationship with him. And that is how we communicate with him is through the Holy Spirit. And so being able to prayer journal is just honestly I, you you, you, you will, I will guarantee you will see so much growth in your own journey because you're taking that time to be with him and to listen, listen. And then if you, if you're unsure how to hear his voice, that's the number one tip I always tell people is to prayer journal because if you're stopping to listen,
just write out whatever comes to mind like don't second guess it if it sounds super silly like whatever just write it out like you know because it might be part some of you some of whatever some of the enemy but then you start to like the more you do it the more you do it the more you'll you start to hear his voice and then you start to write it down and you can always come back to it and be like wow Like you said that about me, like you love me that much or like just even an encouragement of like you're really stuck in motherhood or stuck in what you're doing. And you're just like, is this ever going to change? And the Lord is speaking to you. So you can always go back to those days and be like, wow. Like anytime I reread stuff, I'm like, whoa.
Thank you, Jesus. I needed it. anyway so that's how i that's how like That's just how all personal growth i feel like starts for for me. yeah I mean prayer prayer for sure. So so whether that's prayer journaling or when I'm in the car, and because if I don't have time to prayer journal, like sure i can be I can be in the car praying.
ah Prayer has always just been a lifestyle for me, so it's not like a to-do. I i honestly don't have the time as a mother to to carve out time. I mean, I do in the morning, I have you know prayer journal and stuff, but not right now. Not with a newborn, I'm just trying to survive. yeah um So really just in the shower, in the thing, it doesn't have to be formal. I think that sometimes we forget. He's not judging yeah yeah like where we're at, how we're dressed, what time of day it is.
You know, he's like, just talk to me. Like, I'm your dad. Talk to me, you know? He's described as walkie talkie. Yeah. Instead of like, oh, I'm going to call God on Sundays or like once a day. I forget who this is like a quote from somebody, but it was like walkie talkie him all day. I like that. Yeah. I was like, oh, I like that reference. I always just think of it as he's just always with me. And i I literally will just talk out loud all day long. Yeah. He's helping me. My kids will like hear me and they're like, mom but like what he's ah um he's helping me right now. yeah Not yelling at you guys. I wanted to ask, cause you've mentioned spouse marriage. Do you have any, cause I honestly want to know for myself, cause I feel like I'm really good at implementing things for myself, but in my husband, I feel like does for himself, but when it comes to, I feel like we don't have a lot of habits together. how If you have any like good habits that y'all implemented within your marriage.

Faith in Marriage

That's a really great question. And so if you ever have anyone who has an answer.
to let me know. yeah oh yeah No, I mean, honestly, I think with small children and like just busy, when especially because we both were working and working on, ah you know, our stuff, we did not implement anything. And it has been personal journeys that we have been kind of on and which has been beautiful because we all need our personal journeys. But that is where last year, that's when the Lord started speaking to me more about how important it is for us as as a unit to be to be praying to be support not I've learned not just supporting each other but being the encouragement that we need because it's really easy to support someone that's just saying rah rah go you but encouragement is more like I am in this with you like you are doing a wonderful job. you know like yeah Just keep going, like keep praying, keep um doing that. And I think the Lord has really worked in both Chris and my heart in terms ah of that, of it being we need and to start being more of a unit that because I love revival, I love church history, I love
learning about all of that and so here in my local city I'm called to kind of help be an intercessor and like I love I'm just excited for revival to take place but the Lord made it so clear a few years ago and started just really speaking to me in terms of revival starts in the home and it starts first in the hearts of the people in the home and then it will start trickling down into the children and into the lives and the people that you meet and and the extended family and so that has been more important to me and so I don't have an answer because right now we're still trying to figure out we're trying to figure out what works for us and honestly right now that's just pray together at night you know like because like then then you wake up and it's the divide and conquer divide and conquer
And you know, there's there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that at all. One of the ways I will share one of the ways that we're because I'm I'm like a words of affirmation, girl. like I mean, I need you to like tell me that I'm pretty and that you love me. And he's not. He's like, you know, like acts of service and talking about me and my husband. Yeah, he's just like acts of service and like he can't you know, it's hard for him to like think to like Yeah, compliment me. And so I needed it and I'm like, I need to know how you feel. And so I got a um ah dry erase board and it's in our bathroom, like where the toilet is.
And so, because, you know, he can be really good with his words and sweet with his words when they're written. So I was like, okay, well, I'm going to get it somehow. And so we can, we write little notes here and there. so And so when someone needs encouragement or you're just like, you know, I need a date or something like that. I've heard people saying that with a notebook, like the nightstand notebook. so yeah It doesn't have to even be a daily thing, but it's like anytime somebody has something to say yeah to write it and leave it kind of the same thing.
I love that. Yes. Do you see the book Faith Unlocked as a starting point for something bigger for you? Like i yeah, study of some sort or anything

Ministry and Future Projects

like that? Yeah, I mean, so I definitely ever since laying down the business and starting homeschool. The Lord really was like wanting me to do more ministry and do more of the podcast, do more just social media stuff. And so I do know that there's much more because the book itself was first a pod course series. And that's how God is just so good because it's like, I'm a busy mom, but that's where like when you're obedient, like he opens up the doors because you're walking his path, not your own path.
And so I was obedient and I did the podcast course and and I knew he told me it would be a book. And so, but like, I'm like, how in the world is this going to be a book? Like, I don't, I don't have time to look up how to self publish. Well, I don't have that energy. And then it was like week 11 of my podcast. And this small, like interesting type, it's like a different model of a publisher reached out because it was a friend of a friend of a friend, you know, like an acquaintance that was like, Hey, I got this new job. And I thought of you and,
I was just like, oh my gosh. And then of course I felt the Holy Spirit on that of like, see, like I will provide if you just take the steps forward. so So yes, I was working with them. And I do know there's definitely more books to come. Like I'll be working on a prayer.
a prayer book this year so that that can come out hopefully next year and just kind of continue on. Honestly, it's what I've walked through. I think that's the best testimonies and the best ways to to help others is like whatever you've walked through you're able to speak to and help and so faith unlocked is really for anyone no matter where you're at in the journey.
I mean even if someone's new to Christianity they would benefit from it because it's really like ah no matter where you're at you can start here type thing because it's going to walk you you back through like why do you believe what you believe you know. I love that. Yeah and and so it's really a progressive step each chapter so that you get from, why do I believe this to like, I'm living this and I'm going to be unshakable in my faith. So it's like, that's so good. I like to ask this question to authors, but do you, what's for somebody that might not, any of the listeners that might not pick up your book and read it, but, or for any of us, like what is the one kind of takeaway that you would hope to get the message out about faith unlocked?
I think, honestly, just that you were like God created you on purpose for a purpose. And so it's up to us to discover what that is and to discover how we how we partner with him in this life to make his name known.
and to and honestly to glorify him in all that we do. But first we have to know who we are. We always wanna ask the creator, right? and and who how Why did he create us? And so, um yeah, discovering who you are in him and and who he is.
Yeah, I think that's important.

The Art of Being Still

No, so good. There was when you were talking about, I loved your answer because it can be so different. It can look different for all of us and it will look different for all of us. But I loved that you mentioned just kind of the, cause I know in my own journey, it was kind of like the prayer journaling and the prayers. And then at some point, you know, I don't even know when maybe in my thirties it kind of then I started kind of learning more and I don't really know how, but just the importance of also being still and listening and how that kind of takes it to another level. and And so obviously as we're all here on earth, like I think we never stop learning and growing, including that relationship with him. But I just love that you touched on the listening part. Cause I do think that especially in our society today with all the distractions and our phones and everything,
It can be so hard for all of us to to be still and just with that you know take take the air pod out and just be. And so I think that's a great reminder for all of us. I just wanted to touch on the importance of that.
Yeah, I mean, it's hard to even rest when you're resting. Like, the Lord's been speaking to me so much because of, you know, my whole year being pregnant and and then with newborn. And I mean, rest has been like the key note, you know, that He's been like laying on me. And it's it's hard. I am such a go-getter. And because i I'm so obedient to Him, I just want to sometimes be like, OK, Lord, what's next? Like, tell me tell me where we're going.
where we going? What do you want me to do? Me and Desiree are like kindred spirits. There's been like so many things you've said in this where I'm like, was it like we have such similar parallels. It's so cool. I love it. I love that. Yeah. And so it's, but it's been a lesson. It is hard. I think I'm still going through the lesson because as much as I pray and say it, it's like, I also have to change my mindset of like, okay, Lord, I am going to,
I'm just gonna sit here in your presence. I'm not gonna ask what you need of me. I'm not gonna ask, wait, I just need to sit here. and It's so hard. It's hard for me. It's like that awkward silence in a conversation. The awkward silence. Oh, but it breaks through. If you let it happen.
it will blow your mind. It's probably, you know, I went on a solo retreat last year because I felt the Lord leading me to a solo retreat. And so I took a solo retreat and I think that's where, but I kid you not, it took probably a good, took a good 36 hours till like finally the Holy Spirit could break through to my quietness and I was fasting and I was, as you know,
I was seeking but my mind just I have to really just like okay like how do I turn my mind off to like just sit in your presence like it's a discipline and I'm still working on what that even looks like in my own life for sure. Well I know you you and I talked about like going to your secret place I think yeah podcast I did with you.
And I think that's what has helped me the most because I'm very similar to you. Like I'm always like, okay, what do I do next? You know, maybe it's a three kid mom syndrome or something, but yeah, our minds are just crazy. Yeah. But I think what my prayer like mentor at church taught me was how to slow down by using my imagination and imagine like I was actually sitting in front of Jesus. And for some reason, yeah,
that has helped me the most. Cause if I just like sit there and, but I'm not imagining anything, then my mind goes to like a million different places. But if I'm imagining sitting with Jesus, it helps. Like I i still will get distracted, but for some reason I'm able to sit more still and just be with him using my imagination. But even that was a discipline and took a lot of repetition. Because when I first started going, it was like, I was in an insane asylum, but then eventually started to change. Yeah, no, I love it. I love that conversation. and And yes, so for my secret place, I think I mentioned it was like, I actually can, I visualize Jesus on the beach. um And i I go up and I sit next to him And we're looking out, but this is where my mind, I need more help is I still want to ask, so what do you want to show me God? And so I'm trying to shift it to be like, no, just, just like, just I'm here. yeah I'm here. Instead of I'm here, show me what you want to show me. Yeah. It's like, just I'm here.
Yeah, just i I don't need direction right now. Like, I don't need you to tell me you love me. I'm just here. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. That's there's so much power in that, though, if if you can truly get to that place. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
It makes me want to go get there, but yeah. I just want to know your heart and I just want to be with you. Yes. like Yes. Be the, be the Marth. I mean the Mary. Yeah. That's so cool. Well, with faith unlocked, what you kind of touched on this, but I wanted to touch back to it.

Engaging with 'Faith Unlocked'

It sounded like you, it's a progression from chapter one till the end.
So I was going to ask, like, are there practical steps that readers are able to implement? But it sounds like the whole book is going to be. Well, oh yes, I totally forgot to mention. So the book in itself is, you know, to read. It's to read. um But you will be able to go on to my website and download a workbook. Oh, cool. So if you wanted to do it, go deeper. And if you actually want to do the work um and and be prompted and like go deeper in those questions that nobody ever asked you.
and then you want to download the workbook and really follow the 12 weeks. So each each chapter can be, you know, read it in a week and do the workbook. And um that is going to be key. Like, because you might have the knowledge of the book, but you're not doing the heart work. And that's where most of the transformation happens is when you do the heart work. And so, yeah, I would recommend downloading that at
Yay, and when is the book launching? February 5th. February 5th, oh my gosh, okay, amazing. Well, I'm so excited and I personally, will you be able to get it on Audible or is it just gonna be physical? I think you're able to get it on Audible too. Okay, cool. I haven't done the like, I didn't record it myself. Yeah, I didn't record it myself yet, but I do believe it will be available. I should know that question.
And I don't. you um I will find it. I will look it up on February 5th. And yes, February 5th. So I'm having a virtual launch party, which is just a time to like share more about the book. Oh, cool. What is that? Yeah. So you can register for that as well. And that's on February 5th at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. So it's it's just kind of like to talk more about the book and like go through checking it out together. So well congrats. That's so exciting.
Thanks, so cool. Well, if you could share like one last piece of encouragement that on is going to bring I know I'm like putting on the spot. But for those people that are listening today, what would that be? I just think that now is the time. Don't wait any longer. Jumpstart your relationship with the Lord now.
And you will see in a year just the growth that can happen by just seeking and seeking greater understanding of him, understanding of who you are and and really shifting mindsets, shifting your mindset to um to believe more, to believe bigger, not look to the world, but look to him. And I think that's where the book will really come in handy to help turn your eyes to him and not live in fear. Turn to him first. that I pray that the first thing that we do rather than further down on our list. Right. Yes, absolutely. And on fire for Jesus. Yes. Yes. Our church has been doing a series on that. You have to um put the embers on your own fire every single day for
this. So that's good. I love that. I just feel like our, uh, we have such parallel like missions on earth. And so I'm so grateful that God brought you into our lives and grateful to share you with our listeners. And just to make sure everybody heard, you can find everything that Desiree is doing at or what are your socials?
at Desiree Siegfried on Instagram. Yeah. And that you can find the things there. Yay. And we'll have everything in the show notes, but just want to reiterate that we're just so grateful for what you're doing, what God's doing through you and that you said, yes, I know I'm sure having like a platform, it can kind of feel uneasy. And so I just want to encourage you that he's with you every step of the way. You aren't alone and you have. Thank you.
so many people in your corner too. So just remember that. Thank you. hello Yeah, fellow reforming people pleaser over. Make sure you know that. Yes, thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you guys for having me. Thank you so much for creating time with the three month old baby. That's not easy. So we appreciate you. Megan, do you want to pray itself? Sure. Okay.
Father God, thank you so much for today. Thank you just the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of life and thank you for Desiree. Thank you for my sisters and just thank you for this time to be able to have community to remind us as we teach and share we also grow ourselves and so we're just grateful for the community that you consistently bring us into and I just pray for your strength in Desiree and as her book launches I just pray that it reaches every single person that you have ordained it to reach
and that it continues on as a community of people that are growing in their faith together and just being bold and stepping into their yes with you and that it just puts them on fire for spreading your kingdom on earth. And we just thank you for this time together. We love you so much in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
thank you Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. All right. Everybody have an amazing week. We love yeah and you guys. I know it's late for you guys. So thank you. Oh my God. Totally worth it. Have an awesome rest of week. You too. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.