Christ look like? And and being able to encourage the body as as his bride, and not just for myself, but like how can we collectively come together and be the the strong army, the strong compassionate, empathetic people, but also bold, you know? Like Jesus was, you know, everyone loves to say like, oh, just love like Jesus. And it's like, he loves you 1000% no matter who you are. But he also turned tables in the temple. you know, we can't justify the wrong in this world by Jesus loves you. Do you think if he was here, he would like just be like turning an eye? No, he constantly would tell people, repent, turn from your sin, you know, and be on your way. It wasn't like, okay, like, let me heal you and deliver you from these demons, just so that you can go right back into your daily life. No, I've set you free. Now what, you know? So like, how can we change our life to to really put him first and change our life to walk in that freedom and to walk in the confidence and the boldness as his bride, you know?