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The sister's embark on a July break, listen in to what they are up to and for some "this is 40" Summer encouragement. They are grateful for each of you listening and are praying for you!



Podcast Introduction by Sisters

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.

Family Trip Plans to Florida

Hey sisters. Hey. a What's up? Summer. It's summer.
ah Can't believe it's already pretty much the end of June. We're about to be into 4th of July. It's already flown by. I know. I'm so excited. We are getting ready to go to Florida. um I actually planned a trip with dad and my our dad and his girlfriend Robin and Michael and Kendra. We're going to Venice, Florida, which is near Sarasota. So we're going to have a good time. It'll be kinder's first time on the beach. Aw. So cute. Yeah. So well we shall see how it goes. Yeah. He's so fun. Yeah. I hope he loves it. He's like teething right now. So he's not like the happiest camper, but um I think the beach will be a good distraction. So. Yes.
That'll be so fun.

Eczema Struggles and Healing Approach

I know I'm a little nervous because I actually started, as y'all know, like I deal with IC and um I don't know if I've mentioned this to y'all on the podcast or not, but how after I had Kendra, my eczema just like went berserk. um It's been really, really bad. And I've just been fed up because of course, you know, the dermatologists just want to give me medicine and which is fine. But like for me, I feel like medicine will heal one thing and like, cause another, you know, issue. So I'm hoping to kind of treat myself more the functional medicine route. And so I started this protocol, which includes, I should show you all the amount of supplements I'm on. It's like wild, you know, it's a certain type of food. So like gluten, dairy free, no corn products.
snow soy products. um But this time I've done cleanses in the past and they've been really hard for me because a lot of time it's cutting out like basically all carbs too. For this one I'm not doing that, I'm just doing like gluten-free options. um So I feel like because of that it's not been as difficult. And so that's what I'm trying to basically heal my gut and heal, you know, other issues going on. So I can hopefully get rid of this eczema and maybe help my IC symptoms too.
Yeah. Awesome. But you know, it's so hard like with summer because like you travel, you know, so it's like, Oh, you're on this protocol and get into a routine. And now I'm like, Oh my God, now I'm about to go to Florida. Am I going to be able to keep it up? So I'm just going to have to be like super, I don't know. Um, propeling yeah, I was about to say, you just have to go into it prepared and the mindset that you're going to stick to it, you know, and make it just make it happen. Yeah. I'm just laughing at the people checking our bags, like seeing all of these pills that I'm bringing. I'm going to feel like what's, what's that girl Samantha on sex in the city when they go to like Dubai and she has all her life.
supplements and they don't let her... I don't remember that. It was in the movie. Yeah, she has all these like hormones and supplements for like menopause. and They don't let her bring them in and she's like going crazy. I feel like the amount of supplements I'm going to have to bring on this flight. Anyway. Hilarious. Yeah. Wow. That's so funny. I keep forgetting to send you the picture of the 5-HTP supplement, speaking of.

5-HTP Supplement Discussion for Mood Enhancement

Yeah. That sounds like a cool one. It like helps with, it's a natural way to help with anxiety and depression is what it sounds like. Yes. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I'm excited to try it. What's it called? Five. What? Five HTP. Okay. It's a supplement that helps with your mood. Sounds great. Yes. Yes. So listeners, I, if anybody else
just to share kind of why I heard of that. So the past few years, I've noticed that the week before my period, I get this, I have like two days where, and I i don't ever recall having this in the past. So for me, this was a new thing, but there's two days where I just feel, I mean, it's just PMS, I guess, but I just feel super irritable and I'm just not a nice person. person And so so it's been, but I feel like just in the past year or two, it's to the point where I feel out of control of my own emotions. Whereas before I knew it was coming, so I felt like I could have somewhat control, but then it that at some point it turned.
to where I just felt like I was being a biatch for two days and I couldn't control it. So anyways, I happened to have my annual pap smear and I was talking to the guy I know about it and she of course called in a prescription for, ah I think it was a light form of that she said some people or that they make it just for PMS so you only take it for the week before your period but I asked her if there was kind of a more natural route and she happened to mention five HTP and she said do the same thing just start taking it a week before your period and so I did that for the first time last month.
And not only did I notice a huge difference, I had like those two days that I normally have did not happen at all. And it wasn't even that the symptoms were there and I and i was just fighting it, you know, or aware of it, but they never came. It was super bizarre. But, and at first I was like, okay, is this am I just in my head? But then my husband actually made the comment, and he he was like, hey, I think your period's coming up. like Because this is how bad it's gotten. like Him and my son basically are like on the lookout for those two days. And I told him, I was like, actually, I just ended my period. And I didn't have those two days, did I? And he was like, no. Whoa. like What the heck?
So I feel like it really worked for me. So I'm kind of excited to actually, um, tomorrow is when I start taking it again for the second month. So we'll see if it works again, but you can also take it regularly to help with like anxiety, depression. Yes. So yeah so anybody can take it that struggles with anxiety or depression, and it's just a natural um supplement that supposedly helps with that. So if you're looking for an alternative or something, I would give it a 10. We are not doctors. So if you want to consult your doctor about it before you take anything, that'd be good. Totally. It's just over the counter. You can find it anywhere. um So yeah, that's cool.

Encouragement for Parental Presence

Well, I was just going to share a little motivation corner for all of us ah since we are in the thick of summer. And I guess maybe speaking specifically to moms and dads, but and
I'm speaking to myself as well and us. But just a reminder that we all this is you know we only get one shot at this life. All of of our kids are only going to be the age that they are right now for right now. And so I just want to encourage and motivate all of us to get in the swimsuit, get in the pool, all run on the beach, play the games, take the photos. and just release any, I just don't want any of us to look back on this time in our life and have regrets, like, oh, that was so dumb. I was afraid that all these strangers on the beach were gonna judge my cellulite and my stretch marks or whatever. And so I didn't go play with my kid when he wanted me to go play or whatever. ah And so, yeah, I just want that to be a reminder that
maybe asking ourselves, where do we find our confidence? And for me, that's in God. Like I want God confidence, not worldly confidence. And I find that when I stay in that mindset, I'm just, I'm able to just be in the present and enjoy being a mom so much more and strut in my swimsuit and not give a crap about any, any looks or judgments or whatever, you know, like, who the F cares, right? Yeah. Easier said than done sometimes, but yes. I love it. I've been there myself where, you know, I didn't want to do certain social things because I just wasn't feeling it with how I looked or, you know, I didn't want to be in the photo or I didn't. So, I mean, I've totally been there and
i don't like i'm done I don't want to do that anymore. like I'm done with that because literally this is all we have. so what heard that I heard that when you turn 40 that that comes a little more naturally than it did before, so but maybe we could do it earlier. Yes. Have you heard that before? That like you turn 40 and you stop giving an F what people think? Have you? I've heard that. Well, that's what I was about to say. I was like, yeah, you you pretty much just stop giving an F what anybody thinks. Yeah. Lauren has this word, doesn't give an F. What? You're in your don't give an F. What's it called? Era. Era. Yeah.
Yes, I totally, yes. But also you, natural person huh I was going to say, but also you have worked really hard to cultivate like a really healthy mindset and you treat your body really well. So I feel like too, that all of those things kind of go together, but I think at any point anybody can decide to have an eternal mindset and focus on that at the end of the day, none of all the physical things that we all care about in this world. They don't actually matter in the long run, you know, and they don't matter when we die. So yeah. Well, and it's like, especially, I mean, I know this is for men too, but I'm just kind of speak, I'm a woman. So that's what I'm speaking to. But it's like, if we look back,
on our life of the decades of whatever and took the energy that we put into how we look or you know, just, I don't know, it's like, if we took all of that input, that that energy towards eternal mindset, it's like, wow, that, that could be so powerful. And I know, again, like you said, Kristen, it's easier said than done. But I don't know, it just, it just motivates me. And I do think there is something to hitting like midlife or whatever, which is mid age, which is so weird to even say, because I still feel like I'm 20. But
It, there is something to it where you just realize, okay, what is important in life? Truly, you know? Totally. I love it. Nice. All about that eternal mindset. just yeah Just in time for your Europe trip. So mamas get out there and just shake that ass, you know? Own it. Own it. Own it, girl. I love it. I love it, love it. Well, that kind of leads me into my mindset corner for today. I just have been doing this devotional that's all about, and it's called more than anything, loving God above everything else.

Prioritizing Faith Over Security Reflection

And so it goes right in line with having an eternal mindset and really thinking about the big picture when you can really put God at the center and love him above everybody else. That also ends up meaning like you love him
more than you care what people think of you. You love him more than you love your own body image. there's You can end up idolizing so many things. it's just i When they talk about idols in the Bible, it sounds more severe, but it's actually just you know the position of your heart, what your attention is going to. So if you have more of your attention going to really caring about what people are going to think about you when you get in a swimsuit or something like that, It can kind of take you away from really worshiping God and we start worshiping other things instead. um And one of those things could be your body image. It could be so many different things like every different day and it's devotional and I can link the devotional.
in the show notes, and it it goes over just pretty much you can turn anything into an idol food. You can turn your marriage into an idol traditions. You can sure turn your children into an idol, your appearance, um yourself, sufficiency, comfort, so many things. and But what I wanted to touch on today was the eye idolizing security. um It's just been something that I've been really thinking about and I really love um how this devotional put it. so I'll read a couple things from here. um But we often associate security with stability and that we long to feel that we have addressed every possible area of concern in our lives. and There is nothing wrong about making sure you have an enough money to pay the bills, making sure you have a roof over your head, or regularly visiting a doctor to check on your health. However, these good things
become a threat when we turn them into the ultimate things, if that makes sense. So kind of anything in your life that you turn into the ultimate thing, I think that's kind of almost still being like your own research project when you're thinking about your mindset and asking yourself, is there something that I've turned into the ultimate thing over God? and and When things of this world threaten our our security, how do you respond? and so it's It's hard when you know things in the world are scary and horrible things happen in the world. ah and so Do you run with full abandon to God who you trust wholeheartedly to provide and care for you? Or do you turn to self-preservation doing everything you can to secure the things that are under attack?
So I think it's just a good question to start asking yourself and asking yourself, you know do i what do I believe? you know Because I think that's what I have to continuously go back to is, okay, I believe in heaven and I believe God has a full plan, a bigger story than I can see it. And so I trust that. and But when we idolize security, we are tempted to keep our eyes on the external scenarios. and potential dangers that linger, consequently, this takes our eyes off of Jesus. and And so we are surrounded by things that threaten our security. And those things will they'll not dissipate in this lifetime. So it's like kind of like, what do we do with that? And this devotional went into a lot more detail. But I just kind of wanted to touch on that and say that you know Satan wants nothing more than to use situations in our life.
external situations to tempt us to doubt and to believe the lie that we are not really secure in Christ. And He will co-horse us in every way to look to other things on which to cling. But enabled by the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to hold fast to Scripture and to remind us to keep our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. And not only does Jesus establish our security and security in him through his life, death and resurrection, but he sustains it. So I think that's why it's so important to, if you're living a life where you want to put God first, I think you have to really ask your question those questions to yourself moment by moment throughout the day. It's about going to God first in all things and turning those things over to him.
and being in his word, being in prayer. And so I hope that encourages you today. I know it's not easy because we live in this broken world, ah but that's why it's it's great to have people that can be surrounding you and build you up when you're going through you know the ups and downs in life, or maybe some external circumstances are really affecting you one day, ah and you or have taken that to God, and then you can call you know a friend a sister that can kind of chat, talk through like, have you really laid this down with God and like, what can we pray, you know, and how do we have community together to keep our minds focused on Jesus and how Jesus thinks. So, yeah.
I was going to say it really helps to have some kind of community that you can go to and like, keep you almost encourage you and also remind, you know, give the help be the reminder too, if that makes sense. So yes, agreed.

Non-Toxic Living Essentials

Well, my corner tonight, so I think y'all know, I don't know what the our listeners know, I'm really into non-talks living right now, like really focusing on you know my what I'm putting into my body and what I'm putting into my home. It's super overwhelming and it's a lot, but I thought it'd be cool to like share one thing um that I'm doing because I'm doing it slowly, um especially when it comes to non-talks in my home.
um so The last thing I've done is gotten rid of all my like toxic candles um that are not, you know, with fragrance and just not great ingredients and replace them with, I've been trying out new um companies that have non-tox candles that are just better for you and your home and your kids and all the things. um So what I'll do is share some of my favorite um products for Nontox candles if you want to join in and um I'll start sharing what I'm replacing in my home and share my favorite products.
so yeah
Oh, people like it. Yeah. Do you have a favorite, favorite candle so far? So, so far my favorite favorite is from pin primarily pure. Um, they're a little more on the pricey side. So I do, I just discovered this company that's actually local to Tennessee. Um, it's called, um, sorry, um, Amber veil. Um, and so far my favorite scent from them is that it's called Tennessee back roads. So yeah, I can, I can share them on our stories. So people, can um, but yeah, right now it's all about the candles cause I love candles and I was really sad that they're toxic. So.
Hey Kristin, what is your favorite one from Primarily Pure? What scent? Oh gosh, there's a few. The problem with Primarily Pure is they have like scents that come and go. okay My favorite scent they don't have right now, um but there is one that I think they keep around. I need to go look at the exact name of it, um but I can tag that one. on our yeah Instagram. I actually bought their because I have a diffuser that I use instead of candles and I bought they have a what is it called? Oil for the diffuser and I bought some of their oil and of course I'm blanking on the it was kind of they said it was kind of for the winter the description was like it smells like a cabin
but I usually like kind of masculine smells. And so I've been using it and I like it. You would probably like the Franklin smell of the Amber bale. Um, it's a little more masculine. Um, and then we'll want Tennessee back roads is more, um, like almost like not Christmasy, but like you said, like kind of like Cabernet, which I love. Um, but yeah. Yeah. So the, yeah.
All right. Yeah, I actually switched out my I tried a new a laundry detergent, by the way, I haven't told you all about it. And I like it. It's called truly free. I still use branch basics for all like the house cleaning and stuff. I still use that, but I wanted to try a new laundry detergent because I don't really feel like the branch basics laundry detergent. Like, I don't know. It just doesn't seem to clean my laundry. I don't know. Like it,
Do you use the oxy boost with it, Megan? Yeah, you have to use the oxy boost if you're doing branch basics. Yeah, I do. and but he another brand I was going to share this next time, but if we're talking about Molly Suds is another one I like. Yeah, that's one of my neighbors told me about that one. I actually really like their laundry detergent and I like their dish soap as well. Okay. Do they have the little pods for like the The dishwasher, do you know? Um, I haven't checked. I I've been using branch basics pods for the dishwasher, but they do have dish soap. So I'm guessing they do. Okay.
That would be nice because um I didn't think the dishwasher pods for Branch Basics worked. I use an Branch Basics for laundry and all the cleaning of the house. And I like it for the laundry like that, Oxy Boost. I mean, if you have a bad stain, you have to spot treat it, Megan, but yeah it pulls out a lot. Yeah, try Molly said I didn't like you. Well, I I just was telling you I really like this truly free one. You do like it. OK, sorry.
No, you're fine. Yeah. It's called Truly Free. T-R-U-L-Y and then free. Um, so far I really like it, but I actually, I had somebody tell me about Molly's side, so that's really funny. I might try that one too, just to make sure. But what I like about Truly Free more than Branch Basics, I guess, is that it has a scent and it's made from essential oils. So it's, I don't know, maybe that's why I don't like Branch Basics. Cause like, I feel like my clothes don't smell like anything and I kind of want them to. So. Yeah, that's what's hard. and So Molly says has a lavender, you know, which is ah the same thing, which I really like. So yeah. Wait, Megan, that's so funny because I felt the same way. And I don't do this on every load, but for the towels and stuff, I've just been adding lavender essential oil to the liquid compartment on the thing. Oh, yeah, I guess you can do that. Yeah, like with the detergent. Yeah.
And they say to add peppermint to essential oil for things that are like workout clothes, like really stinky. Oh, interesting. That's a good tip. Yeah. Okay. You heard it here, folk. Yeah. Well, I'm excited, Kristen, for you to, well, just that you're, you know, implementing all areas. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's hard, especially with the house stuff. I feel like it's almost easier with the diet. Yeah. I mean, I have to admit like I love, I never noticed the cleaning chemicals affecting me, you know, that I know of, I'm sure it was, but
I will say that, I mean, I do love to walk into a house that smells like fresh Clorox bleach and super clean. So it was, it was hard for me to transition. I feel like in the beginning, but now I'm just used to it. For sure. Yeah. That's awesome. Well, thanks for sharing. I'm proud of you. going and you can do it, just plan ahead for Florida. And that's the crazy part. Like once you get used to eating a certain way, like it doesn't affect you anymore in the ways that used to, you're just going to enjoy your time.
And food is for nourishment and for you to just keep going. Feel good. Yeah. For you to feel good. and One of my favorite we're doing is creating our favorite meals, but within, you know, this cleanse and diet. So like, you know, one of my favorite meals is orange chicken, Chinese, like Chinese food. And I found a recipe where it's gluten, dairy free, and it was delicious, you know? So, that's been my new like motto like okay make my favorite foods but make it to where it's you know not killing my gut. Yes exactly that's why I love the siete brand because that's what their whole family did for the one daughter that had to
to go gluten free and dairy free and all of that. That's so cool. And we leave Friday. We're going to be going to Arkansas for a week. Still can't believe it. I'm excited. And Joe's going to her first overnight camp. So this week is pretty busy. The girls are in like a the DCC cheer camp, which has been the cutest thing ever so far. And they think it's so cool that their aunt Brandy was a Dallas cowboy cheerleader. They're like telling everybody. So cute. love it. Yeah, but listening. I'm telling Lauren like mom, why is everyone in your family famous except for you? like None of us are famous. Yeah. Yeah. He did say that a couple years ago. He's like, wait, mom, you're the only one in the family that hasn't been on TV. What's wrong with you?
Oh, man. Well, and I think that's when I was like, actually, sweetie, I have and so have you. And he was like, what? And so I pulled up some of the old episodes, you know, Brandy show and he was freaking out. Oh, it's so funny. I love it. I know. So cute. Well, really quick. Speaking of Kai, I just thought I'd share tomorrow.

Kai's 13th Birthday Celebration

So by the time the listeners hear this, I will officially have a teen in the house. He's turning 13 tomorrow. Can't believe it. you Yeah. Happy birthday Kai. We love you. hello It's so crazy. It feels like just not that long ago that he was in the NICU 13 ounces and now he's turning 13. That's so crazy. la We're old. Yep. And you never know that he weighed one pound at birth, you know? No, never.
No. but Full blown teenager. It's crazy. I always knew that though. Like I remember even when he was born. And I remember thinking like while I was holding him, like, what's crazy is you're going to be huge in just like a few years. Yeah. I'm excited because he still thinks Michael and I are cool. I think it's because we we make TikTok videos and he thinks they're hilarious. So I still feel pretty cool. um Yeah. He's like, he says that too. He's like, mom, you're like the only person to in the family, not on TikTok.
but so I'm just racking up the real cool points with mom, but I'm okay with it. Yeah. That's so cute. Well, you can just tell him that your younger sisters are a lot younger than you and just way cooler. Yeah, I will. until He already think thinks in anyway, so I don't have to tell him. yeah Oh, so good.

Summer Break Announcement and Return Plans

Love it. Well, listeners we are taking July off just because Lauren's going to be gone for the whole month anyways. wow sorry No, we'll be back in August, but just wanted to give everybody a heads up. I hope you have an amazing fourth of July and the rest of the month. It's a really fun month for us. It's Joe's birthday. She'll be turning nine.
Can't wait, but also can't believe it. It's wild. Yeah. Well, we love you guys. We're going to miss you, but we'll see you in August and and hope y'all have a great summer. Yeah. I'll say a quick prayer for everybody summer. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for every single person that is listening to this. I just pray that you enter the room right now wherever they're at and just meet them, whatever they're going through. And I pray that they seek you and put you first in their life and that through that they experience the overwhelming peace that you provide. You are our healer.
you are a provider, you are a protector, and we're so grateful to know you. It isn't easy in this world, but we have you and we're so just beyond blessed from your sacrifice, Jesus. Thank you so much. And I pray for everybody just to have safe travels and so much fun over the rest of their summer. And we love you in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Bye guys. by love you Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us rate review and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website girl I slept in my
where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.