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136 Plays5 months ago

Join the sister's today for a tribute to their beautiful mom and her 4 year heavenly birthday today. The sister's are so grateful for their mom who encouraged them to start this podcast and wanted to share her Eulogy with YOU :) 

If you are going through grief, just know you are not alone, and God will meet you right where you are at - you are loved!


Introduction: Three Sisters' Perspectives

Hello and welcome to the Girl I Slept in My Makeup podcast by Three Sisters who live in three different cities, are at three different life stages, and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance, no judgment, because let's face it, we all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan, and Kristen. Hey, Lulu. Hey.
Hi. I'm like, ah deep breath. I know deep

Remembering Mom's Heavenly Anniversary

breath. It is our mom's four year heavenly anniversary.
Yes. So it's a birthday. Yeah. For any new listeners here, we lost our mom in a tragic car accident four years ago today on a super shocking Friday afternoon and Each year on this day, we try to just, you know, remember her and all the good things, just like we do every day. But we just thought that today, it's funny, I was on an airplane and on the flight, I decided to clean out or clean up my notes on my phone, like over 600 of them.

Honoring Mom with a Funeral Reading

so And yeah, and that's when I actually came across the reading that
we read at mom's funeral and I happened to share it with the girls. And so we decided that it might be nice, a nice way to honor her by sharing it with you today. Yes. I can't wait you to read it. It was so beautiful when you sent it. I cried of course. ah And um just, you have a beautiful way with words. And so, yeah, that's it. Share it. Thank you.

Navigating Grief and Emotions

so then Any listeners that have also lost a loved one understands grief, but you know, it's, it's just weird. Like last year on this day, I had no tears. And then this morning I had lots of tears. And so it's just weird how you yeah never, never know what all the days will bring. But I think just allowing yourself to honor and feel whatever comes up.
Yeah, exactly. And it's weird how four years for some reason just feels so long, but so like significant in the amount of time. I don't know

The Significance of the Number Four

how to explain it. It feels like, I guess four is kind of like the complete, like there's four seasons. There's, I don't know. I was trying to like look up if there was significance in the Bible of the number four.
And there is a little bit, but the number four derives its Bible meaning from creation on the fourth day and was creation week. So I just found that to sting. But yeah, so it kind of feels like a spiritual demarcation of some kind, but I don't fully understand it if that makes ah any sense to anyone. Yeah, no, I love that. And I think anybody who has experienced great loss is able, one of the beauties that comes out of it is that we know the cost of loss and the cost of love.

A Heartfelt Tribute from the Funeral

And I think there's so much beautiful, like beauty beauty in that, you know? Yeah, for sure. So, okay. Well, go ahead and read what you wrote, Lulu. Okay. Sit back, relax and enjoy
what we read at our mom's funeral four years ago. I've actually visualized this moment, except I was a granny standing up here. My mom was a star at correcting my English, so in her absence, bear with me. Oh, mom, how I'm going to miss our daily chats about nothing and everything. We will miss your angelic singing voice, your soothing words, and your contagious laughter.
I've always had a goofy sense of humor, but you always seem to understand and would laugh out loud. And even if you were the only one laughing, that's all I needed.

Lessons in Love and Dignity

We will never fully understand this tragedy. You always said you were going to live to be 110 and we believed you because everything that came out of your mouth seemed to always come true. We learned from you how powerful our words and thoughts are.
to only think and speak of what we wanted and to rebuke the rest. You had so much more life to live and love to give. That's what you did so incredibly well. You lived unconditionally. One of the many things we learned from you and can carry into our lives into our daily lives is the reminder to treat others with dignity, which means being worthy of honor and respect.
This is who you were, always treating others with dignity, and it never crossed your mind to be anything but that. We know everyone can love, but your love felt like a true gift. You made anyone, and I mean anyone, whether it was the homeless man that we picked up off the cold Austin streets when it snowed a rare year in Austin and took him with us at Christmas time, or the numerous homeless pregnant women in the maternity home you cared for, or all of your children's friends that came over, but especially your own children and grandchildren. You made anyone and everyone feel seen, feel heard, feel understood, feel accepted, and best of all, feel loved just as they were in that moment. You always said, God is love. You were love. And while you were on earth, now there is no question
I'm sorry, and while you were one on earth, now there is no question you are one with God. We pray you feel how appreciated and loved you were, and we are sorry if we didn't verbalize it enough. For us left behind, the pain is unbearable. But now it's your time, Mom, to finally receive. To fully receive the

Mom's Love and Legacy

completeness and wholeness of God's love.
You deserve it all and more. We always admired your outlook on death. We still haven't met anyone who fears death any less than you. You are at last fully content, full of peace, and right where you have always wanted to be, singing, smiling, laughing, dancing, and being held by our sweet Jesus Christ. Jesus, thank you for gifting us for 65 years with mom. She was an angel on earth, a natural born teacher,
who taught us about the greatest and most important lessons in life. Jesus, we want to give thanks in all circumstances. And so while we are not able to understand why, we do thank you because we have to believe there must be good reasons far beyond our understanding. Mom always said, however deeply painful the experience is, the same depth of blessings appear. Well, Mom, our pain is real deep, so we are ready We will open our eyes and hearts to await and receive all those blessings and all glory to God. Brooklyn, Kai, Brinkley, Jojo, Bruin, and Rowan, your Nana had a burning desire to make sure that each of you felt how much she loved you and how loved you are by all. She always wanted more time with you and when she was with you, it fueled her soul. At your ages, you might not know how priceless and special that is, but we have to believe that her love will live through you
and all of us forever. Mom wanted us all together. Nothing made her heart happier than being with all of us children, our spouses, and her grandbabies. She loved each one of us so incredibly well unconditionally, and she was so very proud of all of us. She was our rock. To that, she would say, let Jesus be your rock.
Megan is going to close us with a short list of the abundant life lessons that mom has left us with. We hope you join us in savoring each lesson as we go on living out each day remaining.
I love it. It's so wild because I just, I'm about to read the life lesson. Sorry. But, you know, that time was such a blur when mom passed. So I think I can hear your words so much differently now. And it's so beautiful. And now we have Reelan, Esri, and Kendra that were added to that list of grand babies. So yeah, I was going to say that is there's now nine grand babies in total instead of the six listed there. And so obviously mom does know each of them.
And with Breland, she was in her mother's womb already and mom did know that they were expecting. And so that's really cool that she got to know before she left. Yeah. And Breland is born on mom's birthday. So it's yes wild. That is so wild. So cool. Well, some of the life lessons, I feel like there's even more than in the than this list, but those are the ones I wrote back then. So I'll read them.

Life Lessons on Love and Forgiveness

ah Trust your instincts.
Play with your children. Forgive freely as Jesus has forgiven us. When you are organized, your mind is free. Always be willing to look at yourself in any situation and think what you could have done differently. In marriage, put your husband first. Love others as Jesus loves them. God gave you one body, so treat it well.
After God, family matters most. When you see something in someone else you don't like, point the finger back at you. Tell God what you're grateful for every day. Watch and observe your children. Speak positive affirmations to yourself and your children daily. Speak as if it is already done. Create a place for everything. Do what makes you happy and trust yourself.
And I would say God above all else. I love that. Yeah. It's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. I just feel even with the tears, but the feet, the emotion that I'm feeling is just overwhelming gratitude for God giving her to us and just for who she was as a person. And I'm fully aware that not everybody has that as a mother figure in their life. And so, yeah, I just feel really grateful. And I feel honored to be able to share her with you even four years later and just to keep her legacy alive. Yeah.
I feel the same way. It's like I get so sad and I feel like I'm kind of in like a cloud today, but there's just so much to be grateful for. And when I focus on that, it helps a lot, but it's good to let the tears out so they don't get stuck in your body as much as I hate it. It is interesting that all three of us, like we talked to Kristen, I wonder if Brian did, we should text him. We all had headaches today, I think just from the crying.
Yeah. If you're in grief, no matter what you're grieving, whether it's a loved one, you know, there's so much things we grieve in

Grief, Kindness, and Community

this world. Like just know that you're not alone, that God will always meet you where you're at. And so whatever part of the grief journey you're on, just know that you're loved. And yeah, I'm just so, I have such a heart for people in pain and grieving. So I would love to talk to you too. Like if you need prayers or anything like that, please feel free to reach out to us on our Instagram. Yes, we genuinely love and feel like it's a privilege for us to get to pray for you. And yeah, just to give yourself, that's kind of what our podcast is about is just giving yourself grace. And it's funny, I was thinking this morning, I went to Bible study and sometimes
It's just a good reminder to remember, like we all walk around and I feel like, you know, people are like, how are you? I'm great or I'm good. You know, but it's yeah like, who are we all kidding? We all, we're all walking around with some type of hardness or paint, like, you know, like, like just, it was never a promise to be easy. And, um, so we all have our stuff. And so just a reminder to.
Just be kind to everybody. Well, today's a short

Interview with Mom: A Look Back

episode. We wanted to just come on here and honor our mom on her fourth heavenly anniversary. And if you didn't already know, we did interview our mom in the beginning season of our podcast. So you can go back and listen to that. It's parenting wisdom with Jill Marie. So feel free to check that out. Yes. And listeners, thank you for being here. We know that.
You have many ways to spend your time. And so it's a pleasure to get to spend this time with you. And we truly love you and appreciate you. Yes, we do. Well, do you want me to say a prayer? Sure.
Father God, thank you so much for today. Thank you for the mom that we had. Thank you for her heart and her spirit and just her ability to see past human nature, for her to see someone's soul and just the love that God provides for us that she allowed that to come through her. And then in turn, she built this legacy through all of four of us. And so I just pray that you continue to utilize ah each one of us in whichever way that you want to. We all have our special giftings that you put in us. And I just pray that we allow you to work through us and allow people that you bring in our paths to feel loved and to know that they're not alone. And I just pray for each of us and anyone else grieving that you just
Enter into our hearts and help us to feel that hope and that peace and to know that there is the hope of heaven and that we will get to hug our mom again and we will get to live in that fullness of peace and love that you promise.
Thank you so much for the sunshine today. And thank you for a beautiful month of October. I just pray, you know, so much rest and beauty over this next month for all of us in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. For some reason, I'm going to reset. Thank you for the sunshine. That song always pops in my head where it's the kids singing, you know, where he's like, I thank you for sunshine. Oh yeah. rain and Thank you for joy.
Thank you for paying. It's a beautiful day. a a a a It's a beautiful day. It's so pretty. I loved it. All right. Well, I love you. Love you too. Love you listeners. I hope you all have a fabulous week. Yes. Have a great week. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.