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105 Plays5 months ago

Join the sister's today for a fun sister chat! Don't miss the meditation prayer at the end to find your own Secret Place with God. How do we access God's peace on Earth, well it starts with solitude time with Him!

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Introduction and Life Stages

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup.

Sound Alike and Allergies

Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey, sisters. Hello. Hello. The way you said hello actually sounded just like Lauren. But that was like sin. Yeah, I feel like I sound the most like little girl out of the three.
Well, you are the youngest. Yeah. Well, I know Melissa back. Oh my gosh. I sound so like, hi, hi guys. Like I can't explain it, but like when I talk, I'm like, yeah, it's just annoying. Anyway, I won't go there, but can I just tell you all something that just happened to me? Um, I think I might be, have grown an allergy to cologne. Really?
Yes, because so Michael and I went to a nice dinner the other night randomly because our brother and Brandy randomly came in town. And for the first time in years, he put on cologne and I got this clone for him like 10 years ago. And honestly, obviously I picked it out because I liked it. Right. And he came down and I was like, Oh God, I literally, I made me want to vomit. Like I was like, I don't like that. I was like, I think you're going to have to take a shower. I was like, I can't. I can't take it. And he was like, are you serious? And i I was like, yeah, I was like, something's wrong. Like, I don't know. I don't know bad or what. I was like, I'm going to have to get you a new clone. I was like, I just ah maybe I just hate that clone now. And so I went to the mall today because I had to return a purse. I bought the fell apart. Long story short. and And I stopped by the counter and I was like, well, maybe I should, you know, smell some colognes. I kid you not. I picked up three different ones. Everyone made me want to vomit.
really And I was like, oh my God, something's wrong with me. And then I like felt like I had cologne on me and I started to feel like I was going to faint. What? I'm not kidding. i On the drive home, like I was like ah freaking out because I was like, am I going to faint? um And I was like, I think I might be allergic to cologne or something. Yeah. You know, dad's allergic and I have always said I am. Like when I would be at graham grandma's at mom's house because she used a lot of perfumes, I would feel faint and like I would get a headache every time.
Really? Well perfume doesn't seem to do it because I sometimes will still wear perfume. Oh. Like not a lot, but it's like specifically I feel like with cologne. I don't know if it's just more intense of a scent. You've been working on like going toxic free. So in a way I think now your body's probably more in tune with toxics because fragrance is in general very toxic. Yeah.
So anyway, I got home and I was like, I took off all my clothes and I like showered myself down. I literally ah passed out for like 15 minutes. Weird. Isn't that weird? I wasn't even tired. It was like, my body was like, ah, it was bizarre. and crazy i just I feel like that's what I was going to say too, is what Megan said is it's kind of like whenever you change your diet and are eating clean. And then you have like one not so great thing and your body just is like, ugh, people sick. That's true. And that did happen to me when I did that really intense cleanse, y'all, you know, and we went to Biddings Bachelorette.
And I was scared cause we had this nice meal. I was so sick after I was like throwing up coming out of both ends. Sorry. to Yeah, that is very true. Yes. It's crazy what we put in our on and in our bodies and how much we don't realize it's affecting it. So, yeah, totally.

Coffee Enema Experiences

Well, speaking of, so of putting things in our body, I first coffee enema two days ago.
How was it? It was everything. I called her like a month ago and I was like, Warren, have you ever done a coffee enema? Cause I'm seeing it everywhere and I feel like maybe we should all do it together. Well, y'all are both coming to my house at different times. I wish it was together. And so I'll go buy you your own little extension. The one that, you know, the part that actually goes in your butt and y'all can, we can do it together.
Is this something like you could do with your husband or like she should stick with doing with sister? So I could never do it with my husband. In fact, he happened to call me when I was walking into the place to buy the kit. And he was like, Hey, babe, where what do you you doing or whatever? And I was like, Oh, ah Jennifer and I just came to this play, you know, and told him to get coffee in a mess. And he was like, Oh, okay. Well, anyways, he was like, I don't need to hear about that. And he goes, I'm about to head to go do normal things like play golf. So I love you.
And then I had the kit at home and I'm like, you need to stop asking me questions. Cause he, I was in the bathroom preparing everything and he came back there to talk to me and he was like, wait, what are you doing? And I was like, well, you told me that you didn't want to know details. So, and he goes, oh my gosh. And he like went out, but y'all know my husband is not like, he's very private about bathroom stuff. So I could not do it with my husband, but you and Michael could probably do it together.
Except you need two toilets because it'll hit y'all at the same time, probably. Oh, okay. So how long, but okay. Tell us about, what did they call and ema and then yeah, how did it go? Okay. It went fine. It wasn't as intimidating as what.
I had talked it up to be I've wanted to do one for or I've been interested in this for years. A girl I went to high school with has been doing it for, I want to say, like 10 years or something like before it was popular, you know, oh, well, but it's not as intimidating as it sounds, but Supposedly the benefits of it are, okay, well I'll just read this little pamphlet thing. It says the benefits of coffee NMS for health are numerous. NMS are one of the oldest medical treatments known to man. It's a powerful antioxidant that the liver creates as glutathione.
And it is the healing hormone of the body. It aids the body in detoxification and can help fight things like cancer. The liver uses this blue glutathione to bind free radicals so they can leave the body quickly and safely. It also boosts immune function, mental clarity, energy levels, gut levels, and the parasympathetic.
I'm not saying that right. nervous system, our rest and digest response. So anyways, it basically just kind of cleaned you out. And the lady told us in person that it goes about up to like a foot and a half of your colon and cleanses you out. So the actual logistics of it, you brew, it has to be a certain special coffee, by the way, you can't just use any coffee. And so you brew the coffee, let it cool. And then
you just put it in a bucket and then it has these tubes and then you insert the end of it, lube everything up, put it in and then you lay on your left side and then you turn and lay on your right side so it can go to your liver. And then you try to lay there for, I think I did it a total of 20 minutes and then it hits you pretty, pretty quick.
Oh, yeah, just like super intimidating for some reason, probably because I don't know anyone who's ever done one. So like, I don't know what it's actually like. So yes, I felt the same way. And I even had watched a video, the girl didn't actually do it on the video, but she walked through the steps and everything. And even watching that felt a little bit overwhelming to me. But I'm here to say I've done it. like anybody If I can do it, anybody can do it. and Actually, my friend who was with me that did it, she's done it every day. She struck she has a lot of um issues and she struggles with constipation. She has a few autoimmune stuff, chronic migraines. Anyways, she's been doing it once a day, which is safe. and so I think I might just start doing it like once a week or something. but
Yeah. andator I don't know if he'll do it with me, but I'm going to make him do it too. So, but I definitely think we should do it all together and film it. I'm just kidding. Oh my gosh. I was like, Kristen, I'm not that open.
It is kind of funny video, like about to do our enemas. Okay. But yeah, you at least tell us like how long you were on the toilet. Oh, not long at all. So I think that's the thing. Cause a friend, another friend of mine, I was telling about, she has struggled with, uh, I almost said hormones, um, hemorrhoids in the past. And it's not one of those things where, okay. So basically it just like I, for me, my experience, I had my normal bowel movement that I would normally have, but it was just coupled with a lot more liquid that came out. And then.
Once it hit me, I was done and like, it's not like it makes you go to the bathroom all day or anything. For me, that was one and done and I was good to go for the rest of the day. But my friend, she had, she went immediately and then 20 minutes later she went again and then it was done. So it's not like you're on the toilet all day or anything. Okay. Yeah. So I would say it was a good

Real Estate Insights and Challenges

experience overall.
Well, fun fact, I've actually given Megan an enema before, so. Oh my gosh, a different kind of enema. Yeah. Oh man, that was great. I'll never forget that, so. Yeah, speaking of Mama's house, we were at Mama's house. Yes. The core memory, man.
Why did you, I don't remember why you had to do that. You were just stopped up. She had tried a bunch of stuff and it wasn't working. And so, Oh my gosh. I remember having to do that to myself because I had like the throw up virus or something. And it was to make me stop. I couldn't stop throwing up and they prescribed some type of enemy to stick up. I was like, what? Oh my God. Well, sorry if we've grossed y'all out completely. That wasn't our intention.
Oh, yeah. Sorry, listeners. Kind of forgot you were there. No, yeah just a part of life, you know? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. If you're anything like my husband, been sorry, you would be dead right now. Yeah.
ah Oops. Anyways. Well, how has ah life been? And Megan, I know you were gonna maybe walk us through your corner too.
Yeah, I feel like I should do that at the end since it'll kind of be somewhat of a prayer. Okay. Kristen, fill us in on anything real estate related. Yeah, well,
You know, as y'all know, I'm, we are officially moving to Texas November 1st. Finally told majority of our friends. Um, so we're going to have like a first birthday for Kendra early before we go. Cause his birthday is November 6th. So I felt bad like leaving before. So we're going to do like an early celebration and then then we'll do another one with family.
on his actual birthday. So, but yeah, the reason I wanted to bring up real estate is because things are just a little tough right now. And if you're, you know, selling real estate or you're buying real estate, I just wanted to give a little update because, um, it's a unique year in the sense of, you know, interest rates, as y'all know are not great. They've come down quite a bit, especially they're the lowest they've been in like almost, I think two years. We're also getting into that time of year where real estate kind of falls off a little bit. And on top of that, it's an election year. So there's just a lot of things going against, especially if you're trying to sell a home. So I'm telling all my sellers right now, like, Hey guys, we're just going to have to stay patient. The right buyer will come along, but like, if it's a great location.
and there's nothing you can change about the property if it's in great condition. It's all about the price like and that's really the only thing you can change. um So yeah, I think for sellers, it's just like stick it out and maybe like, hey, like if you don't need to sell right away, maybe wait till the spring. um Obviously talk to a professional in your market that knows that specific market more than I would.
um But on the other side of that, I do feel like buyers have a really great opportunity because interest rates have come down. um They're right around 6.1% right now for a 30-year fixed conventional loan, and depending on your credit score, of course. And so buyers have an opportunity to wear they could really find maybe even a great deal depending on where you are. So if you're thinking about buying, honestly, if you can afford the payment, I would do it. So that's my two cents. I love it. I'm so excited for y'all's big, big change of life.

Custom Home Building Journey

Yeah, it's scary. Speaking of, we are going through the process of building. We're going to be doing a custom home and going through the ah construction loan process, which is something I haven't done for myself. I've done it for like development and selling homes before, but not like for myself. So it's kind of fun to go through the process so far. You'll have to let me know because we'll be, we'll be behind y'all, you know? So we close on a lot in November and We will probably wait a while to start building, but I'm glad you're going first so I can learn all the things. but but I know. I feel like with all the things I've learned over the last 10 years, I feel equipped to be able to do it, but it's also weird when it's your own home, you know, like it's like more pressure in a way. I don't know. so Yeah. Have you, when do y'all plan to start building or do you know? We don't know. It depends. We, our next step is we just got approved.
like pre-approved for the loan. So we're just going to go ahead and get the architect and start, you know, working on plans. Actually, I'm going to, I'm going to get quotes from a few different architects and then decide which one to go with. Okay. I don't know why I thought you already had like plans drawn.
or something. No, no plans. I mean, we we have a concept of what we want. Okay. have Official plans yet. Um, and then every state and county is a little different, but it sounds like in Dallas, it takes about three months to get your permits. So once we have plans and then the bank approves those, then we'll apply for permits. So to be honest, we're probably not looking to break ground to like earliest would be spring. Well, and you have to demo the,
Else that's there, right? Yeah. Wow. So they're exciting. Have you had meetings with the builder or anything? Um, not really, no. Cause the next meetings are really more for the architect where we're coming up with the plans and then that's when I'll send those to the builder and then me and the builder will start, you know, we're working together more. Nice. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Exciting. You can be it involved if you want, Megan, for one day if you decide to build a home. Yeah. No. Yeah. I should be a part of it so I can learn. So yeah I love it. I'm so excited for y'all. And I'm just like, honestly, I feel like I've, I can't believe it, like that y'all are actually going to be here. I feel like I haven't even like, I don't know. I feel like for so long, I just,
have like blocked the idea of either one of y'all ever living by me. So like, I'm like, wait, is this, like, I don't even think it's fully hit me. I'm like, so excited. Well, we've signed, we've signed a lease, so there's no turning back. It's happening.
I love it.

Spiritual Growth and Mindfulness

Okay. Well, part of my mindset course that I do is helping people go to their secret place with God. And I learned this from somebody that we have interviewed on our podcast, my mentor Holly, and I took her prayer class at the church. So just to kind of help people understand what the secret place is, I wanted to read Matthew six, um six through seven.
that says when you go, sorry, when you pray, go into your room and when you have shut your door, pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And part of my journey on just personal development and taking these courses where it's like if you change your thoughts, you can change your mind, they would do meditations where you really just like calm your mind and think about the goodness in the world. And so When I took the prayer class, I was like, wow, that's the secret place. like That's going to God. and I think we can spend as much time trying to get that from ourselves, but if we can really meditate in front of Jesus and ask him to be a part of every you know little place in our life, that's where you'll really see true transformation happen. And the Bible talks a lot about too in Romans, like renewing your mind with the Spirit, with the Holy Spirit. And this is such a beautiful place to do that. So the purpose of this secret place is really to know
God to become more acquainted with him so that you can experience abundant life and then to learn to perceive spiritually because we are such physical beings and we're in a physical world. So our five senses are constantly firing off. So if we can learn to kind of quiet our five senses and be still and walk in the spirit, we can advance his kingdom on earth with the Holy Spirit and then come out of the secret place strengthened and filled with just the pleasure of knowing God. It's such a beautiful place to be in if you can find the time. So my initial kind of lesson with mindset on the spirit, the program I created is the homework is to get
really good at going to the secret place. And you have to start by going once a day. And I've noticed some people struggle with really visualizing that. So I thought today I could walk you guys through what I do in my secret place. And um we'll just do like a little prayer meditation, I can turn on some meditation music really quick. So yeah, what do y'all think you want to try it? Yeah, I love it. I feel like to the secret place is It's just a place of complete surrender and trust too. For sure. All right.
That's where, and that's like, if you're curious, if you want to grow in your relationship with God, like that's where you have to start is that question. And you almost have to ask it daily. Do I fully trust God? Am I trusting God in this situation? Am I fully surrendered? That's something I have to like ask myself throughout the day. Like I am, but then, you know, things pop up where I'm like, Oh yeah, I'm fully trying to control this. Aren't I? Yeah, I agree. It's a daily, a daily reflection of asking yourself.
I think I shared this maybe last time, but it's one thing to read his word and know who he is and know all the things, but then it takes it one step further to look at yourself and say, okay, I know these things, but do I actually believe it right now? Yeah. All right. I have someone here that I can play. Y'all ready? Yes. Okay. So I want you to close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
And now I want you to imagine in your mind that you are walking into a room and then you will look to your right and you see a door. So I want you to walk towards that door in your mind and open the door and then shut the door behind you. And you just walked into your secret place with God.
Now your so your secret place can be just that. It's yours and God's. So it will look whatever you imagine it to look like. Maybe with a big tree. Maybe it's the beach, whatever it looks like to you. Just accept what it is for you and just start to look around.
Now I want you to find somewhere to sit. So whether that's a big comfy couch or you go sit under a big oak tree, maybe you sit in the sand, whatever you can kind of imagine for yourself, just go take a seat in your mind and take three deep breaths.
Now just look around you. What do you see? Are there any smells? What does it feel like? And then imagine that Jesus is walking towards you and he just comes and sits next to you.
I believe that God doesn't just want us to view Him as our God. He also wants us to commune with Him as our friend. So just that feeling of when you sit with a friend in silence and you're just with each other, you just are being together. That is such a beautiful purpose of the secret place.
And once you've spent some time really sitting with him, then just imagine all the stressors of the day, everything that's kind of weighing you down. Just imagine that releasing from your body. It's just leaving your body. I like to do an exercise in my secret place where I think about all the little things that are stressing me out and kind of give them a name and write them on a rock.
And then I imagine just kind of handing all of these rocks, putting them at the feet of Jesus. And I just ask Jesus, I can't do this alone. I need your help. I'm trusting you with all of these situations and handing them over to you. Please walk me through any steps I need to take in all of these scenarios and worries and anxieties. But just imagine he's taking them from you.
Take a few more deep breaths.
Just say, Jesus, I want to know your heart. I want to know you. I don't want to just know about you. I want to know you. So reveal yourself to me. And as I come back to the secret place day after So that's kind good. Oh, good. Was it helpful? Yeah. I'm like, wait, I have to come back to real life.
Yeah. I know that's how I feel. That's why I go there a lot now. I'm like, Oh, I want to go back. Yeah. Like, well, especially for a visual learner like me, I think it's good when you can walk someone and through like what it and can look like. Cause I feel like I'm so visual that it's ah almost like I need guidance. Yes.
yeah yeah So, yay. Good. Thank you. You're welcome. And yeah, you can just keep building upon that and whatever comes from it now that you kind of have an image, you can kind of keep going back there. Um, but yeah, I'm glad. Where did y'all go? I went back to my closet that like my guest closet. Oh, really?
um Oh, where did you go Megan? Or what was on the other side of the door? kristen Um, uh, what's in there? A box, a block, a black and yellow box. And I sat there and laid in Jesus's lap. Oh, really cute. Oh, that's so cool.
What Megan, where do you walk into? Mine is like a, I think I've told you all about it. It's like grown over time. It's like a garden and there's like a really big tree and there's a river and there's a bridge. Um, but I usually just sit under the tree in the grass. Yeah, that's so cool. Where did you go? To a rainforest. Oh, that sounds nice. I feel like there's the,
There was a spot when we went to Australia when I was pregnant with Kai. Yeah. And it's similar to that, but it's a little bit more added to it in my brain too, like make believe. Yeah. ah but Yeah. The first time I did it, I went, I was in by the ocean, so I don't know what happened. No, I'm in a closet. and however well I'll have to now I want to analyze that. Well, y'all know when I first did this with Holly, I actually didn't tell people for a while because I was like, Oh, is that weird? The room I went to was like a very blank white room with a chair in the center that almost reminded me of like an insane asylum.
And I was like, uh-oh, that's my great place. And then one day I was in there because I was like, well, I'm just going to keep going back to it. I don't know why that's what I pictured. And then one day I realized God said to me, he was like, Megan, look around. And I looked around and there was another door that I had missed, you know, and I opened that door that led me into the garden.
So he was trying, but he was teaching me something with that. I think I've told y'all about that before where I'm like, I've always been here, but you've been looking this way, just one way. So anyways, yeah. So good. Okay. Well, I gotta go, but love y'all. Love you too. Thank y'all listeners. We love you. Y'all have a great week. Yes. Love you. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Thank you for listening to another week of Girl I Slept in My Makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website,, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. And make it a great week. God bless.